“You don’t like him,” Mia said.

Grandma Tessa slammed the side of her knife against several cloves of garlic. “Liking or not liking isn’t an issue. If he’s Danny’s father, then he’s part of the family.”

“There’s no ‘if,’” she told her grandmother. “The DNA test will prove that.”

Mia half expected the older woman to reach for her rosary. It usually took a lot less than this to get her to take a trip around the beads. But her small hands continued to chop the garlic.

“I know you’re disappointed,” Mia said, feeling young and awkward. “That we…That I…About Danny.” Which was a polite way of saying she was sure her grandmother was disappointed that Mia had not only had sex with a man she wasn’t married to, but that she’d gotten pregnant.

Tessa glanced at her. “Why are you saying that now? You never cared what I thought when you brought your boyfriends around before.”

Mia winced. “Things are different,” she admitted. “I’m not that wild child anymore. I’m Danny’s mother.” She no longer brought home boyfriends to share her room. Shocking her family had ceased to be entertaining, even if she couldn’t seem to stop doing it.

Her grandmother smiled. “You’re a good girl, Mia. You’re smart and independent and sometimes you act before you think. At least you used to. Since you had Danny, you’ve settled down.”

“Become boring,” she muttered. Her life was her son, her family, and law school. Or it had been. “Of course now I know a prince. That’s going to change things.”

Tessa’s smile faded. “I don’t like him.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

Her grandmother narrowed her gaze. “You’re not to be taking that tone with me, young lady.”

Mia leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You don’t scare me.”

A floorboard creaked overhead. Mia glanced up. “I guess Rafael is settling in.”

“I’m not sure his highness will like living in a real home with regular people. This isn’t a palace, and if he thinks he’s going to have us at his beck and call, he can think again.”

Mia found herself torn between defending Rafael, who, technically, had not been unreasonable, and siding with Grandma Tessa.

“The bodyguards are in the guest house,” she said. “That’s something.”

Tessa scooped the garlic into the heated pan and stirred the garlic and olive oil mixture. Mia had no idea what she was making. Practically every Italian dish began with garlic and olive oil.

“That was Joe,” Tessa said curtly. “He’s looking out for his family. Imagine those gorillas wanting to stay in this house with a little boy around. What if one of us got up in the night? They’d think we were after their precious prince and shoot us all in our sleep.”

Mia thought about pointing out that anyone walking around was unlikely to be sleeping, but she liked that Grandma Tessa was on her side.

“Why don’t you like him?” Mia asked.

Her grandmother went to work on a bowl of tomatoes, chopping them quickly and efficiently. “I don’t know the man. It’s for the Lord to judge him. That’s not to say I’m willing to ignore my good sense just because he has a title, like some people I could name.”

Mia knew the dig was aimed at Grammy M, who seemed happy to accept Rafael at face value.

Tessa nodded at the refrigerator. “There’s corn in there. It won’t be shucking itself.”

Mia collected the bag and went to work. “I don’t know what to think about all this,” she admitted. “I know who he was, but I don’t know who he is.” She brushed corn silk into the trash can, then put the clean ear on the counter.

“Have you called Marco and Colleen?”

“No. I will. I want to tell them; it’s just they’ve been looking forward to this trip for years and it took so long to arrange.” Her parents, in charge of the overseas sales of Marcelli Wines, had just left for China three days ago. They were supposed to be gone two months. “I’m going to wait until they’re in Beijing, then phone them at the hotel. I don’t want them to come home early just for me. It’s not as if Rafael is going anywhere.”

Nor did she know if she wanted him to. While it would make her life easier, what about Danny? She wanted him to know his father.

“What about the girls?” Tessa asked, referring to Mia’s sisters.

“I left a message for each of them already.” There would be plenty of shrieking when they found out. “Brenna’s out of town until tomorrow night, so Francesca and Katie will come over with her.”

“They’ll want to be with you,” Tessa said. “They’ll understand.”

“I know.” Sometimes her family made her crazy, but in situations like this, she appreciated the support. She wouldn’t want to be going through this on her own.

Not that she even knew what “this” was.

The back door opened and Danny raced inside. Grammy M followed a bit more slowly.

“We picked berries,” Danny said proudly as he showed off his red and purple fingers. “For dessert. Grammy M said I could help make it.”

“I thought a berry shortcake would be nice for tonight,” Grammy M said as she carried a basket to the sink. “I’m sure Rafael will appreciate some fine home cooking.”

Tessa snorted. “I’m sure he’s been longing for a little homemade dessert to chase away the flavor of all those five-star meals he’s been forced to eat.”

The two old women glared at each other. Mia took Danny by the hand. “Let’s get you washed up,” she said, more than willing to let them fight it out themselves.

“Is that man really my daddy?” Danny asked as they climbed the stairs.

“Yes, he is.”

Her son looked at her, his eyes large and filled with questions. “Does he like me?”

Mia stopped and dropped to her knees. She took Danny’s hands in hers and smiled. “Of course he does. You’re a wonderful boy. Smart and funny and kind. You always help the Grands in the kitchen and you know your letters.”

“I can write my name,” he reminded her.

“Yes, you can. But even if you couldn’t do all those things your daddy would like you because of who you are inside. Because you’re his son.”

At least she hoped that was the case. Honestly, how much did she really know about Rafael? Diego’s background had been carefully spelled out during her briefings, but the crown prince had only been mentioned in passing. Who was the man inside?

After washing Danny’s hands in the hall bathroom, Mia debated whether to return to the relative safety of the kitchen or to face Rafael. While the former had more appeal, the latter somehow felt right, so she smiled at her son and asked, “Want to go see your daddy?”

Danny nodded eagerly, but as they left the bathroom, he clutched her hand tightly.

They walked the few steps to the main guest room, the one with its own bathroom. The door stood open. She reached up to knock anyway when she saw Rafael placing what looked like socks in a dresser drawer.

He might be a prince now, but when she first knew him he was a big, bad thief with a reputation for killing the competition. She couldn’t imagine either man putting away his own socks.

“I guess this is really different from living in a palace,” she said.

He smiled. “In some ways, but if you are curious, I assure you I will survive without my butler.”

“Good to know.” The man had a butler? Sure. It probably came with the prince thing. Someone had to be responsible for his formal wear.

“I’m sure you have dry cleaning nearby,” he said.

“Yes. I can show you. Or will the bodyguards take care of that?”

“They will. And my laundry.”

“How nice. Proficiency with handguns and knowledge of the delicate cycle. They truly are the contemporary version of the Renaissance man.”

Rafael raised his right eyebrow in a gesture that was so familiar, her breath caught. In that moment she was transported back to her days with Diego after they had become lovers. She remembered sitting through a long planning meeting, barely able to stay awake because they’d been up all night making love. He’d caught her yawning and had raised his right eyebrow. The gesture, so unlikely in a dark and dangerous man, had caused her to giggle. Then he had smiled. The meeting had ended suddenly and he had ushered her back to his room.

She shook off the memory and her body’s visceral reaction to it. Ignoring Rafael, she glanced at Danny.

“What do you think?” she asked.

The boy didn’t speak.

His father crouched down in front of him. “This is a very unusual situation. It isn’t every day that a man finds out that he’s a father. We’re going to have to take some time and get to know each other.”

Danny’s eyes widened slightly, but again he didn’t speak.

“I am very fortunate,” Rafael continued. “Some fathers never find their children. I’m glad that didn’t happen to us.”

“Do I look like you?” Danny asked.

Mia wanted to answer but sensed this was a moment when it was better to keep quiet.

Rafael looked Danny over, then smiled. “I think you do.”

“Charlie looks like his daddy. So does Brandon. Billy looks like his mom.” He glanced at Mia, as if wondering if she understood why that was a bad thing.

She smiled. “You have the same eyes and smile. The hair color could have come from either of us.”

“You are my son,” Rafael told the boy. “You are a prince and one day you will rule Calandria.”

Mia didn’t want to think of things in those terms. Right now she would be thrilled to get Danny to eat more vegetables.

“A prince?” Danny laughed.

“It’s true,” his father told him.

From the moment Mia had found out she was pregnant, she’d thought of her child as a Marcelli. But he wasn’t anymore.

Danny lunged at his father, arms open, body quivering. Rafael pulled him close and they hugged.

She stood a little distance away, watching the moment, equally happy and sad. Of course she wanted her son to have a father, but at the same time, she realized that nothing would ever be the same again. It was no longer just the two of them against the world. They were no longer a pair-in a matter of seconds, they had become a family.

“It is very beautiful here,” Rafael said later that afternoon as he and Mia walked through the vineyards by the house.

”Things are about to get crazy,” Mia told him. “The grapes are ripening and soon Brenna will begin compulsively checking to see which are ready to harvest. From that moment on, it’s a rush to get everything picked and pressed and put into barrels.”

She forced herself to stop talking. It was one thing to be nervous around Rafael, it was another to let him know. But jeez, Rafael here? Nothing felt real.

“We don’t make wine in Calandria. There is not enough land. That which is used for agriculture is used to grow our olives.”

“Ah, yes. The famous Calandrian olives. Worth their weight in gold.”

He smiled at her. “Almost. If the price of gold is down that week.” He stopped and looked at her. “How are you-what is the phrase?-holding up?”

“I’m good. A little shell-shocked but recovering.” Give her six or eight weeks and she’d be an old pro at dealing with him.

“Me too,” he admitted with a shrug. “A short time ago, I was a carefree bachelor.”

“You’re still that.”

“Not so much. I have a family.”

Exactly how she’d thought of them earlier. Why did it make her uncomfortable coming from him? “We have Danny in common,” she told him. “But nothing else.”

His mouth curved into a smile. “Once you would not have said that.”

“It’s been a long time. We’re different people now. You more than me.”

“Because I am not the dark and dangerous Diego?”

“That’s part of it.”

He reached for her hand. “Perhaps we should get to know each other again. We have a child together, Mia. That is a bond that will never be broken.”

She was as mesmerized by his low, seductive voice as by the gentle pressure of his hand holding hers. He laced their fingers together.

There was Danny to think about, she reminded herself. Parents who got along were better than parents who didn’t. Did she want that? To get to know him? Did she have a choice? She was drawn to Rafael but couldn’t figure out how much of it was him as he was today and how much was the past.

“I agree that becoming friends is a good idea,” she said carefully.

“Excellent. Then let us begin. Tell me about your family.”

“Did you find out about them before you came here?”

“I have some basic information, but I want to hear about them from you. One can read a guidebook about a city, but until one has talked to a native, one cannot understand the flavor.”

Interesting point. “Okay. This land has belonged to the Marcellis for nearly ninety years. Not impressive by European standards, but it’s a big deal for us. My father is the third generation, and Danny the fifth. Obviously we’re Marcelli Wines. Our neighbors are Wild Sea. That’s the Giovanni family. Brenna, one of my sisters, married Nic Giovanni. The businesses are kept separate, but Brenna’s the wine queen and pretty bossy, so things are changing at Wild Sea.”

Rafael kept hold of her hand and began walking again. “Wild Sea is a much bigger company.”

“They’re huge. Brenna complains Nic is more into volume than quality, while he complains she’s morally opposed to making a profit. Neither is totally true. But it’s their passion and they argue all the time. They have five-year-old twins, Amy and Parker. Brenna’s a twin herself. The other half of that is Francesca, who’s married to Sam.”

She paused to draw in a breath. “You really want to know all this?”

“Absolutely. Brenna and Francesca are twins. Go on.”

“Okay. Francesca’s a psychologist. Sam’s a security expert. He has a daughter from a previous marriage-Kelly. She’s a dancer and I adore her. They also have twins. Eric and Haley are seven. Then there’s Katie, who’s my oldest sister. She’s a party planner in Los Angeles and is married to Zach. He has a son from a previous marriage, David, and they have two kids of their own. Valerie’s six and Liana is three.”

Rafael laughed. “Four girls. Your brother Joe was either very much in charge or tormented.”

Mia wrinkled her nose. “You’d think, but Joe didn’t grow up with us. It’s complicated, but my mom got pregnant while still in high school and she gave up the baby. Then she and my dad got married and had us and finally realized they had to find their son. But he’s a Marcelli now. He works in the winery. Darcy, his wife, is the president’s daughter, which is how I was in that picture and you saw me.”

“What if I hadn’t?” he asked, sounding as if the thought distressed him. “I could have missed finding you.”

There was an intensity that both drew her in and made her uncomfortable. In truth, she liked being with Rafael more than she should. But Grandma Tessa was right-what did she really know about the man? Still, there was enough of Diego in him to weaken her defenses. She couldn’t be with him and not remember how much she had once loved him. Or at least the man he had pretended to be. Strong, intelligent, difficult.

“Where are your parents?” he asked. “Still alive?”

“Very much so. They’ve just left for China. It’s a special trip for them and I hate to call them back. I’m sure you’ll meet them, though.”

“I want to.” He looked around the vineyard. “I like this place. It is quiet and peaceful.”

“Not much nightlife, though.”

“Do you like that sort of thing?”

“Sometimes. The past few years, I haven’t had the time or the energy. Even with all the help I have, Danny keeps me busy. And I’ve been going to law school. I have one year left.”

“A lawyer. I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

“The spy business turned out not to be for me.”

He squeezed her hand. “Mia…”

“I don’t want to talk about what happened, Rafael. Not yet.”

“As you wish. Then we will change the subject. What would you like to know about me?”

She had a thousand questions, but at that moment, she could only think of one. “Are you married?”

He stopped and faced her. “Mia, you do not have to ask me that. I would not have joined you in your bed if I had been.”

“Oh. Right. That would have been tacky, huh?”

He smiled and touched her face. “You are different, and yet so much the same. I remember the first time I saw you in the plaza. You wore a very short dress and you were laughing. That is what I remember most, the sound of your laughter.”

She felt herself getting lost in his eyes. Blue, she thought hazily. How could they be blue? She remembered how dark they had been. Contacts, of course. She’d never guessed.

He moved closer. She had a fleeting thought that he was going to kiss her, which immediately inspired panic. Getting along with Diego in bed had never been a problem. She doubted she would have a difficult transition with Rafael. But she wasn’t the same impulsive young woman she’d been back then. Now she had responsibilities.

“Tell me about your family,” she said as she took a step back. Her body trembled slightly as heat filled her. Why was doing the right thing always such a bitch?

“I am an only child. My mother died when I was three and my father never remarried.”

“How horrible.”

He shrugged. “It is the world I know. I was raised with my two cousins. Diego and Quentin.”

Like Chanel and Versace, Quentin didn’t need a second name. “We all love his clothes,” she admitted. “I can’t afford them, but I love them.”

“I will be sure to let him know.”

“Absolutely. And if he ever has any couture overstocks, he should feel free to send them my way.”

Rafael laughed. “As you wish.”

They turned back toward the house.

“You have made a good life for Danny here,” he said.

“I can’t take all the credit. My family has been great. My mom and the Grands helped with everything from midnight feedings to babysitting. Now he’s in preschool, which he loves. In fact, he insisted I sign him up for the summer program so he wouldn’t miss anything. Not that he lacked for company before. With so many cousins around his age, he’s had plenty of kids to play with.”

“Do you enjoy law school?”

“It’s interesting. I’m looking at international corporate law. My ability with languages could really be a plus.”

“That’s right. You are the language expert. How many do you speak now?”

“I’m fluent in about eight and I can get by in another five or six. I don’t have the time to study new languages the way I used to.”

“When we met you were studying Russian. I was most impressed.”

“The language was nothing. It was that damn alphabet that really did me in.”

As they approached the house, Mia saw a red BMW 3 series pull up. Instantly Umberto and Oliver appeared, guns drawn and shouting at the driver to show his hands.

Mia rolled her eyes. “Those guys desperately need a hobby,” she said as she hurried forward.

“Relax, guys,” she yelled. “He’s family.”

A rush of longing filled her. Another familiar face. Why did she suddenly feel the need to surround herself with people she could trust?

Rafael instructed the men to step back. They moved away from the car but kept their guns in plain sight. The driver’s door opened and David Stryker stepped out.

“It’s never boring here,” he said, glancing from the guns to Mia. “I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation.”

“There is,” she said as she flew into his arms and clung to him.

“Hey, you’re happy to see me.” He hugged her back, then stared into her face. “Everything okay?”


He looked from her to the bodyguards, then at Rafael. “Why don’t I believe that?”

“Not a clue.” Mia bent down and waved at the slender blonde sitting in the passenger seat. “Hi, Amber.”

David’s fiancée gave a halfhearted wave back.

“It’s the guns,” David murmured in Mia’s ear.

“Sure. They’d put anyone off.” She turned to Rafael. “Want to call off the goon squad?”

Rafael winced. “They do not like to be called that,” he said in English, followed by instructions in Italian. Umberto and Oliver reluctantly complied.

Rafael waited while Mia helped the blond woman from the car, then nodded politely as they were introduced. There was something about the younger man…a familiarity he had with Mia that Rafael did not like.

“Complications,” Mia said brightly.

“You said they were family.” His gaze narrowed. “Family by blood?”

“Not exactly. David is my sister Katie’s stepson. In fact, David and I are responsible for bringing Zach and Katie together.”

Rafael had a feeling that David sensed his mild annoyance. The other man slipped an arm around Mia and grinned.

“We were engaged. My dad thought we were too young and vowed to break us up. Katie took the other side of the argument. It was love at first sight for the two of them.”

Mia shook her head. “If love means a lot of arguing. Although the sex was hot. At least that’s what she implied.”

David took a big step back. “No details, Mia. We have a deal. Parental unit sex is an unacceptable topic for discussion.”

“Sorry. I keep forgetting. Katie’s just a sister, so I don’t have the same ick factor.” Mia smiled at Amber. “Are we scaring you again?”

The pretty blonde smiled. “Of course not. I love all of David’s family.”

Rafael would not have been willing to bet on that fact.

Mia turned to him. “Rafael, this is Amber. She and David are going to be married in a couple of months. The Grands are going crazy, wanting to plan everything. Actually, they get along great with Amber’s mom, which helps a lot.”

“The wedding is to be held here?” he asked.

“David thought it would be beautiful and, of course, I agree,” Amber said.

Rafael wondered if her concerns ended with Mia or did Amber dislike all the Marcellis?

“The Grands made two different kinds of cake for you to sample,” Mia said. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Before Amber could protest, Mia led her inside. David chose not to follow. Rafael turned to the younger man and held out his hand.

“I’m Crown Prince Rafael of Calandria.”

David raised his eyebrows. “That’s a mouthful. It also explains the guys with guns. Interesting. You know Mia?”

“I am Daniel’s father.”

“Since when?”

“Since the night he was conceived.”

David didn’t look surprised or intimidated, which annoyed Rafael.

“You’ve been away a long time,” David said.

“I was not aware that Mia or the child lived.”

“Interesting story. I’ll get the details later.” David’s gaze was steady. “You and Mia getting back together?”

“That is the plan.”

“Does she know?”

Rafael resented the implication that Mia was not delighted to be once again in his presence.

“Is it your concern?” Rafael asked.

“Only as a brother. Mia and I are still close.”

“A fact that must delight your fiancée.”

David stiffened. “Met Joe yet? He’s a pretty tough guy.” He glanced at Umberto and Oliver. “If it came down to a fight, I’d bet on Joe.”

With that, David turned and walked into the house. Rafael stared after him, then reached in his pocket for his cell phone. He dialed a number by heart, then walked away from the house as the call was answered.

“My father, please.”

Seconds later, the king came on the line. “Do you have the boy?”

“Not yet,” he said. “The situation is more complicated than we had realized.”

“But you are there.”

“Yes. I’ve seen the child. He is mine.”

“An heir. You must bring him home at once.”

“I will, Father. However, buying off the family is out of the question. They are wealthy in their own right, and they are not the kind to let the boy go easily.”

“That is unacceptable. The heir to Calandria must be raised here. He must understand his duties.”

Rafael knew all about those duties. He’d been raised with them as ever-present ghosts.

“They are a powerful family with close ties to the president. But do not concern yourself. I have a plan.”

“Which is?”

“I will marry Mia.”
