
“I love you, little one. Do you understand? Your daddy loves you with all his heart.”

Tears blurred Shannon’s vision. Despite muscles that trembled as a result of the hours of labor and delivery, she eased onto her side so she could study the interplay between Cord and the infant in his arms. Looking totally relaxed, one-hour-old Autumn Navarro yawned and stared wide-eyed at her father’s face.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “So precious. So innocent and helpless. I’m here for you. I will always be here for you, I promise you that.”

Shannon touched Cord’s wrist. Smiling, his eyes misted, he eased his chair closer so she could run her fingers over the silky black hair curling over their daughter’s head-hair as dark and rich as Cord’s. “We were right. We did have a girl.” Like her husband, she could barely form words.

Cord glanced at her, then returned his attention to the pink wrapped bundle snuggled against his strong body. “Do you understand what we’re saying, little one? Your mommy and daddy knew everything about you long before you were born. We didn’t need an ultrasound, didn’t need to pick out a boy’s name just in case. From the moment we realized you were on the way, we had your name waiting for you.”

Autumn had been named for the season of her birth, just as Summer had been. When she was old enough, Autumn would be told that she had a sister who lived with the angels, a fragile, beautiful girl who still held a place in her parents’ hearts.

“She looks so small in your arms,” Shannon said. “So right there. I hoped her hair would be black like yours.”

“There’s so much of it.” Cord caught a curl between his thumb and forefinger and studied it for a long minute. Releasing it, he laid his little finger against his daughter’s hand. Autumn reached out and clamped her fist around it.

“What a grip you have there, young lady.” He laughed, the sound rich and full. “I bet you think you’re stronger than your father. You probably are. Even if I wanted to, there’s no way I could free my heart from your hold on it. Do you have any idea of the power you have? How totally and completely I love you?”

Cord spoke in a sing-song whisper that touched her heart. He’d been there for Autumn’s birth, breathing with her, encouraging, cooling her with damp cloths, giving her courage and strength and will to bring their daughter into the world. They hadn’t talked about it much during her pregnancy, but as they were leaving for the hospital last night, he’d confessed that he was thinking about Summer’s birth. Although they’d been assured that this child was healthy, he couldn’t quite make himself believe it until he held her in his arms.

Now with the morning sun streaming in the window behind him, he had his wish. And she had everything she wanted in life.

“I’ve been thinking,” he said. For the first time since the nurse handed Autumn to him, he looked at her fully, his dark eyes alive with love. “You got to hold her for nine months. Now it’s my turn.”

“I’ll remind you of that at 2:00 a.m. Cord?”


“I-I hope I never forget the way the two of you look right now.”

Shifting Autumn so she now rested in the crook of his arm, he leaned forward, his mouth inches from hers. “I love you, Shannon. I never stopped loving you. I know I’ve told you that, but I want to say it again.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “You mean everything to me. Everything.” Then their lips met, joined, sealed and words were no longer necessary. She locked her arms around his neck and caught their daughter between them. She felt Autumn squirm and give a little yelp of sound that made them both chuckle.

Her parents would be here in a few minutes with Matt, but although she was looking forward to seeing their son’s reaction to his baby sister, she could wait.

For now there was only her and Cord and the new life they’d created; a healthy, giving marriage; love. So much love expressed fully and openly.
