Growth is an inevitable by-product of being an author, but we do not get there alone. At least not as easily or with our sanity intact!
Trailblazing authors in the Jane Austen genre who boldly declared that writing characters created by another are a valid form of literature and worthy to be published are on the top of my list for thanks. They faced the ridicule first, forged ahead with the help of equally brave publishers, and made it possible. Now the number of published Austen fiction writers is expanding daily. So much so that a bunch of us formed a blog to share our love of Jane Austen and our pride in delving uniquely into her world—Austen Authors at
A special thank you to Carrie Flores, Regional Director of the Central Valley California JASNA. Carrie reached out to me and welcomed me with an open heart. Her kindness combined with the friendliness of others within our group has allowed me to be a part of the Austen community in a way I did not previously think was possible.
Huge thanks go to the Romance Writers of America, the Beau Monde Regency chapter, and the Yosemite Romance Writers for their amazing support, feedback, resources, education, and friendship. I am so proud to be a part of this fine organization.
Hugs to each one of my Casablanca sisters! I love these ladies and honestly cannot imagine where I would be right not without their insights and encouragement. CasaBabes rule! And if you don’t believe me, come to and I’ll prove it to you.
To my fans: I wish more than anything I could personally meet each of you, sign your books, and have lunch! I can’t express the depth of my appreciation for the emails, positive comments, participation on the blogs, interactions on Facebook, and so on. You inspire me to continue and to try even harder.
Deb Werksman, my fabulous editor—warmest thanks imaginable flying your way! You push me each time, finding new ways for me to improve my skills as a writer, yet always with love, respect, trust, and latitude. The blend is phenomenal and I know how blessed I am to have you.
Above all, to my family who suffer through this craziness with me! Your love and encouragement bolsters me. Somehow you have survived the insanity, probably better than me, and keep me focused and strong. Steve, my love, Emily and Kyle, my sweet babies: I owe it all to you.
Finally, I give all credit to the Lord. None of the rest would matter without Him. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Amen.