Chapter Fourteen

The fever that was upon the Rev. Jubstone was a light one, albeit that it brought many strange fancies and fantasies into his mind. He had heard that Miss Markham had visited briefly, which had evidently been in order to relay a message that Mrs. Smith was poorly and could not attend upon him.

It might be-pondered he-that his housekeeper had fallen foul of the same sickness as he. On the other hand, a faint suspicion entered his mind that the hand of Vanessa was intrusive in this matter, though to what purpose he knew not.

Fever attends upon men differently, and in Percival's case it caused him to erect even more frequently than he was normally wont to do. He hoped that Mildred had not noticed it tenting up the bedclothes on her frequent visits to his room, bearing a hot-toddy or the like.

On the other hand, however, he equally hoped that she might, for he was curious as to what her reaction might be. Four years younger than himself, Mildred was a widow of considerably firm and protuberant charms over which he had not seldom cast a wandering eye. Now that he was abed, she had cause to lean over him often, and it was frequently with great difficulty that he prevented himself from fondling her mammalian beauties as they hovered close to his face or shoulder.

On the occasion of such further circlings in his mind as those of which we have spoken, he failed to control his errant hand and, in receiving a cup of tea from Mildred, allowed his knuckles to brush the nipple which was concealed firstly by her brown dress and, beneath that, by her chemise.

At the touch-accidental as she conceived it to be Mildred flushed and said that she had left the kettle on the hob, this causing her to retreat with a distinct tingling in her bosom and while leaving Percival in fear that she might be offended.

To the contrary, however, Mildred was strangely disturbed and blamed herself muchly for being so. Her brother she conceived to be the most upright of men and feared that latterly the nudgings of the devil were ever at her elbow. Modest and quiet in all her ways, there were yet stirrings in her loins that occasionally brought a sheen of frustration and self-reproach into her eyes. Reaching the kitchen and standing alone upon the cool, stoneflagged floor, Mildred leaned against the door and fretted mournfully at her wicked thoughts. She must remarry, she told herself, but just as quickly cast the thought away, for such unions frequently brought complications such as she did not wish to entangle her life with.

That single touch on her breast was the first such she had received in years, and so sensitive was her bosom that she had even felt a slight tingling in her belly as well.

'Oh, Percy!' she made to call out in desperation, there being no one else to whom she could appeal for aid and comfort-someone to solace and guide her into the paths of righteous thought, as she put it to herself. Her weight being heavy against the door, Mildred did not at first feel the light push upon it, but then started at the mention of her name and stepped forward-much flushed with guilt and anxiety-as her brother entered.

What instinct caused him to appear at that point is unknown. Perhaps it was but a passing motion of thought through his mind, or mayhaps that the single, furtive caress he had afforded Mildred had produced emotions that were stronger than his fever.

At his entrance, Mildred turned to the table and there leaned against it, so hastily producing a small handkerchief from within her bodice that the Vicar could not fail to see her state of distress, asking, 'What ails you, my dear?'

'Percy, oh Percy, I am in a state of sin! And why are you not abed? You should be abed'.

'It may be that we both should be, my dear', replied he solemnly and not without hope, for such signal as he was giving showed rigidly through his nightgown. Though being utterly concerned with her own thoughts, Mildred curiously failed to observe the projection and only heard him asking in return, 'What state of sin are you in, my dear? Confess to me, for surely I have the right to hear you first'.

'But it is so terrible! Oh, Percy, if only you knew!'

'It is of the mind or of the body, Mildred?'

'My thoughts, my thoughts!' she uttered hysterically.

'Tush, Mildred. What are thoughts save passing fancies through the mind? You are overwrought and tired withal, perhaps. I have been a burden to you, that I know'.

'No, Percy, you have not-never!'

Unthinkingly, Mildred then cast herself a few feet forward and embraced him, thus bringing her belly to touch against the stave that burned beneath the cotton covering. And, fearful that at its discovery she might draw away, Percy cast his arms about her waist and held her closer into him, savouring the thrusting of her large breasts to his chest.

'I, too, have sinned, Mildred, both in mind and body. Are we not kin? May we not speak freely in four walls of such? Even now-isolated and lonely as I am-the veritable beauty of your form pressed against mine…'

'No, Percy, stop! We know not what we say!' uttered Mildred whose consciousness of the throbbing of his erect tool against her could no longer be concealed even from herself. 'Let me go! Pray let me go!' she sobbed, and with that tore herself from his arms and fled, leaving the kitchen door to bang upon its latch.

Many had been the tearful rebuffs that the Vicar had received during his lusty lifetime, but none worried him more than did this present one, for to offend his sister in such wise seemed even to him rather more awesome than it would have done with any proud lady of Society who might otherwise have yielded to his whims.

With Mildred's flight up the stairs, a heavy silence hung upon the Vicarage, this producing from him a huge sigh and the need to reach for his whisky bottle. His fever was passing, he assured himself, though that in his rigid pego had not abated. The devil of it-if only Mrs. Smith were here and some nubile nymph waiting to be brought in for anointing of her cunny or her bottomhole with his fond juice.

Seating himself at his desk, Percival pondered many things, though mainly the pleasures he had lent himself to in that very room. Thus half an hour passed-and then another- and still the silence prevailed, so that finally he betook himself upstairs and knocked gently upon Mildred's door.

'Go away, Percy', came the broken reply, though not larded with anger but with self-reproach, he was glad to note.

'I will fetch you tea, my dear, or a hot-toddy, or whatever you may wish'.

'No, my dear, for none can help me now, and least of all you'.

For a moment or two this doleful conversation ensued before Percy uttered a deep sigh which he devotedly hoped could be heard through the door, wherewith he betook himself to his room and his ruffled bed and gazed moodily out of the window, preventing himself from humming as he was often wont to do.

Some time passed during which Mildred sighed and turned and turned again upon her bed. Faint sounds coming to Percy's ears, he waited impatiently and nervously as to what might be about to be said. Finally he heard the quiet opening of Mildred's door, followed by her footsteps down the stairs again. Undecided as to how to put himself about, but having grown exceedingly tired of staying in his bedroom, he cast off his nightshirt and donned only a shirt, trousers and a pair of socks.

The silence had fallen again. There was an air of waiting about it-ominous, perhaps, but he could not tell. Mildred would be wearing her outdoor clothes, ready to depart, her valise packed. He increasingly felt sure of it upon his own descent. Soft-footed as he was, he entered the drawing room soundlessly and halted in surprise at what he saw.

Mildred sat attired in a purple retiring robe of silk. Slippers hung from her feet as if they were not sure whether they were to be on or off Where the lower part of the front folds of the robe almost covered her thighs, he caught a glimpse of a stocking top and the creamy surface of a lustrous thigh. There, a betraying glimpse of white lace showed that she might be wearing a petticoat, yet heart-beatingly Percy realised from the close sheathing of the rest of her outer garment that she could be wearing little else beneath.

Bowed forward and with her face cupped in her hands, her hair unpinned, Mildred remained motionless upon her brother's entry and did not seem to be aware of his passage across the room where he took a seat facing her. Only the creaking of his chair disturbed the quiet and an air of solemnity was all about.

'It is a pleasant evening, my dear', he began, clearing his throat, 'Are you… that is to say, retiring early?'

For a moment he thought that no reply was forthcoming from her. Then Mildred slowly raised her face and he saw to his dismay that tears had streaked her cheeks. Her legs shifted slightly, making her robe to draw apart and reveal-ingly, thrillingly and disturbingly to his eyes the junction of her thighs where the drooping loop of a petticoat-as he more clearly saw it now to be-just covered her bushy thatch.

Seemingly careless of what she was displaying, her eyes dimmed as if by her thoughts, Mildred asked in a dull tone, 'Percy, pray tell me, for my mind goes all about the matter. What is sin?'

His penis having regained its bold posture of uprightness, the Vicar uncrossed his legs slowly, giving no hindrance to her own view of the massive projection in his trousers, his armchair being but a few feet from her own.

'It is that, my dear, which most curiously gives the greatest pleasure. Therefore we should not always avoid it, for to do so would be to lack experience of all that is about us', he replied unctuously.

A flush invaded Mildred's cheeks at that. She appeared breathless, her bulbous breasts rising and falling under their thin covering which betrayed the peaking of her nipples to his ever more blatantly seeking eyes. Their glances meeting, they appeared for a moment as if bemused and neither knowing what to say.

'It is so quiet here-so nicely quiet', Mildred murmured as if aimlessly.

'There is no one to disturb, my dear-no ears to hear, no eyes to see', ventured her brother in lulling tones.

'No one to see, no'.

Mildred's head hung back. A ripple of nervousness seemed to pass through her thighs, making them assume a posture of greater laxness. His penis thrumming, Percy watched the loop of petticoat slip a little to one side. The edge of it glided and hung between her lovelips, one rolled, pouting side of it he clearly saw. Temples pulsing, he rose, feeling a curious trembling that had never invaded him with his young novices, nor even with Vanessa.

'Desire is not sin, Mildred', he offered thickly while her gaze appeared to fix itself on his knob which so clearly outlined itself through the cloth of his black trousers.

'Oh, Percy! Oh Percy, you must cane me first-cane me!' Mildred uttered with a sob, covering her face again.

So astonishing was her cry that her brother halted in midstep. Then, with unaccustomed tenderness he placed his hand upon the top of her bowed head.

'I shall cane you first, Mildred. Yes, of course. Of course I shall. Remove your robe, my dearest, while I fetch the instrument'.


Her cry, nigh unto one of despair, followed the Vicar as he swiftly ascended to his study where, strangely sick with excitement, he fumbled out his whippiest cane, slender as a woman's little finger and with a slight bend to it. He had last used it, he recalled, on Arabella Smythson-Hyde who, at twenty-two, had submitted upon the tenth stroke to the first burrowing of a prick between her marbled bottom cheeks.

Mildred was standing on his re-entry, hands to her mouth, her robe floating apart to reveal the slumbrous, voluptuous curves he had so long wished to see. A woman of just above medium height, Mildred possessed still a fine pair of legs that were neither too thin nor fat. And he could see her garters now, the purple of the ruffled silk around the pale beige of her stocking tops-could see the valley in-between her luscious tits which the top of her petticoat but half concealed, could see her nipples sprouting through the white batiste.

'Percy, I cannot!' came her whimper while her fingers clenched and unclenched and her gaze was fixed upon the rather threadbare carpet in the room.

'I am here but to exorcise your sins, my love-to rid your mind of vagrant wanderings. You know-I know-that I must scorch your bottom first. Remove your robe and place yourself in readiness over the sofa back. I will attend to you. If there is to be sin between us, let it not be cloaked in that hypocrisy which smears the minds of others. We are not as they. Present your arse to me, my love-your fine and bulbous arse my hands have often longed to touch. Come to the cane now, Mildred-come!

'Haaar!' Mildred gasped as with those words her brother grasped her wrist and in several floundering steps on her part took her to the waiting sofa back and pressed her over it. Then, throwing up her robe and petticoat, he tucked them briskly underneath her arms to let her tits hang free, and then stepped back.

'If we two are in sin, Mildred, then let our words evoke that which we mean to do. Straighten your legs and hold them well apart. Present your bottom, well thrust out- present it to me as a sister should'.

'Per-cy!' Her shoulders and head being then hid from him, her hair flowing out upon the cushions of the seat, Mildred made as if to rise again, but the rippling movement in her back was sufficient warning for her brother who had so frequently encountered such recalcitrance before.

Swooo-issssh! the cane sang, biting deep across both bottom cheeks and leaving there a thin pink streak that brought a howl from Mildred and a wailing cry of 'No!' such as the Vicar was well accustomed to. Giving her no respite, he brought another up beneath her magnificently bulging bum that made her lift clear up on to her toes and more clearly display the rolled lips of her cunt to him.

'Har! Percy, stop! I cannot, cannot bear it, no!'

Hooo-witt! A third, much deeper streak that bit into those plump, full cheeks and caused her hips to roll and writhe.

'It is needful, my dear, to bring you to the cock. I know that now. Three more, my pet, and then my entry will be made. A good creaming of your cunt is long overdue, I think. Is that not so?'

'No, Percy! Oh, do not speak so! How can you? Ah, no! Aaaaargh!'

And indeed the cry that rang from Mildred's throat was by far her shrillest, for Percy had afforded her a sharp, swift double, coursing the cane from left to right across her quivering, cleft globe and then reversing its passage, causing Mildred's bumcheeks to contract visibly as her screech reached its thinnest, highest note.

'Hooo-waaah!' sobbed Mildred but a few seconds later. Omitting the final stroke in a paroxysm of excitement and casting down the cane, Percy had seized her swelling hips and nosed the crest of his charger up between the oiled lips of her slit. Frequently in this posture he would first hold himself half in until the most frantic wrigglings had been conquered and the throbbing of his tool conveyed the message to the supplicant.

In this instance, however, he burrowed fully in with one sleek stroke and brought Mildred's scorched bumcheeks to rear into his belly while, bending full over her, he took purchase of her jutting tits with both his palms and wallowed in the succulence of her close-gripping slit.

'Percy-hee-heee!' Mildred blathered, rolling her bottom wildly for a moment while he nested powerfully within her.

'What an arse you have, what tits, what glorious thighs! Come, my sweet, keep your legs well straddled-let us be in sin and fuck!'

'Oh, Percy, hooo! Oh, it's in-it's in!'

'Be quiet, my dear!', thundered Percy, straining his strong legs blissfully as the spongy walls of her nest enclosed him grippingly, but at the same time recovering himself. For, as had been seen with Vanessa, it was in his nature to evoke total obedience from a new female, and in the present sense his mewing sister was undoubtedly new to him.

'Oh-wow!' Mildred whimpered, but to his relief subsided into gasps and uttered no more words the while that his thick, long pestle began to work her.

Never before, perhaps, had the Vicar had a more vi-gourous fuck, for he sensed it was needful to so 'service' Mildred thoroughly in this first incestuous bout to which both had been slowly and hesitantly drawn. The sensation of her ripe bottom cheeks slapping into him with every inward stroke was glorious. Levering himself up anew, he stood with straddled legs and back upright while his loins impelled his pulsing pego back and forth in her foaming slit. Indeed, several times he glanced down to see with excited wonder its self-renewing entries and to watch as well as to feel the bumpings of her fine arse into him.

Both grunted, both breathed heavily-both emitted little moans. A soft sluicing sound was to be heard in the otherwise quiet drawing room, together with a slight creaking of the sofa-back at every throbbing thrust. And such small sounds-devoid of intervening voices-were as music to the Vicar's ears.

Even so, after several minutes of this lubricious exercise, and upon feeling himself about to explode his spermaceous offering, the Vicar asked pantingly, 'Have you come, Mildred?'

'Hoooo, Percy!'

'Have you, Mildred-have you?'


'Good, my sweet, then let us see if we can come, and come rejoicingly together, for I am about to fill your cunt at last.'

'P… P… P!' came stutteringly from Mildred who was in truth shamefully lost to all but desire.

'Work your arse, for I shall fuck you frequently hereafter, Mildred'.

A low cry broke from Mildred, for the very crudity of his utterance stirred her to an even madder excitement. Sprinkling ardently, she at the same time felt the first inward rush of a long, thick stream of sperm from her brother's prick inundating the clinging interior of her cunt. Her bottom squirmed wildly in delighted response.

'Oh, Percy, yes-more! More!'

'What a superb fuck you are, Mildred. We should long ago have done this. My heavens, how much I am shooting up you… aaaaah!'

With that heartfelt cry, the Vicar spurted and jetted on, laving her sleek, interior walls with his juices until with flaring nostrils and quivering legs he uttered up his last and remained with his pulsing shaft buried full in her, gritting his teeth in delight as Mildred remained now passively responsive to his will.
