Chapter Eighteen

'What am I to teach?'

In so asking Vanessa, Margaret twisted her fingers nervously and rather wished that she had not permitted their first conversation to occur.

'Here in your bedroom is surely the best place, my dear', replied her companion obliquely. 'Do you not think the greater part of education dull? I do. How badly I was birched for not attending to my sums and my spelling!'

'Were you?' Margaret asked with curiosity. From being seated on the small sofa under her bow-fronted window, she had moved to the bed, sat for a while, and then returned restlessly to her original place.

'Oh yes. My governess delighted in it and would frequently permit my cousin Alex to watch the raising of my skirts and the lambasting of my poor bottom which was kept so upraised that naught was hid from his view. He then being fifteen to my seventeen years, even so there was an evident arousal in him that did not fail to be observed. My governess would then attend to him in turn while I lay sobbing and with my reddened derriere exposed. Once his trousers had been removed, I could not help but observe how the applications of the twigs across his buttocks caused his pego to stiffen and rise. Boys of that age or thereabouts have such lovely cocks, I think, don't you?'

'My dear, really', Margaret gulped.

'Hence I feel that you should teach anatomy, Margaret- both the female and the male, I mean. Otherwise, what crude things the boys learn for themselves, and not always from the best of friends. You, my dear, can nurture them and encourage them. In a word, Margaret, you will assist in producing their emissions while revealing such delectable parts of your voluptuous figure as may receive such'.

'I would… I would not know how to begin such! Oh, you will surely lead me into paths of sin', gasped Margaret

with considerable untruth.

'The paths of sin are frequently the paths of pleasure, Margaret. Gird yourself for the latter, or rather ungird yourself to your corset and stockings for you and they will then best be prepared. Come, let me assist you-let me unhook your dress'.

'No, please, I cannot!'

'We do not always have a choice in such matters, my dear', was the dry reply from Vanessa who had not forgotten her first encounters with the Vicar. Drawing Margaret to her feet, she observed her flushed face with pleasure. The cheeks were slightly puffy, which betrayed her thoughts far better than her words. 'Quickly, Margaret, please. I have other duties to attend to. I alone can ensure your privacy henceforth by diverting the attentions of others. There- you see-what little trouble it is to disrobe, and what a saucy corsellette you are wearing! Why, it displays your bush to perfection. Such sleek thighs-how plump and rich! Sit up, though, on the bed, and lean your back against the pillowed rails. Draw one knee up but keep your thighs together for you look most tempting so. A peep of cunny is all that they will need at first, my dear'.

'I cannot! You know I cannot!' flustered Margaret, finding herself handled and positioned so with her nipples peeping above the lace of her corsellette whose hem coursed across the lower part of her belly and left her dark thatch uncovered.

'Your nephews are waiting in attendance upon you, Margaret. I have despatched your sons on an errand into the town. Alice is closeted in her room. Mabel I will deal with. Tomorrow Bertie and Hugh will receive their first lessons in your agile fingers'.

'They? No, oh no! Ah!' gasped Margaret of a sudden as Vanessa's hand smacked whippingly across her cheek.

'Obedience, Margaret, is a requisite of education. Upon my sending your nephews in to you, I shall lock the door from without. You have an hour to indulge yourself. Use your time wisely and cause their fine young cocks to bubble and spurt out their uttermost'.


But the young woman was already sweeping out and Margaret's cry died upon the abrupt opening of the door. It closed again and she felt her cheek which burned still from the impact of Vanessa's stinging blow. Scrambling up and with her magnificent titties swinging out all but free from the confines of her waist-tight corsellette, she bent to gaze in her dressing table mirror at where a red flush still remained upon her left cheek.

She hit me, Margaret thought in wonderment, and yet at the same time her belly swam with desire. She was being forced now to do that which she had but surreptitiously done before, and yet was at the same time under protection, guarded, watched by this strange young woman who seemingly permitted all provided that she did obey.

Soothing her cheek, Margaret decided that she had moments to spare and seated herself on the padded stool before her mirror, thus causing her bottom to project alluring over the back edge of it where her nether cheeks spread slightly. Taking a hairbrush, she commenced tidying her locks when the door opened again of a sudden and Freddy and George, naked and with erect cocks, were urged within by a hidden Vanessa.

Seeing them in her looking glass, Margaret momentarily froze. The two boys approached her hesitantly, their stiff cocks bobbing, coming one on each side of her.

The turning of a key from outside sounded then.

'The lady said…', George began hesitantly.

'She is naughty', Margaret uttered softly. Her eyes closed, her head hung back. Dropping her hands and turning her palms, she ran her fingers up between their smooth young legs and grasped their stiff penises in her warm palms.

'She said-she said she would keep the door locked while we do it to you, Aunty', Freddy said.

It was a dream, Margaret decided. Freddy had already begun tentatively to caress her bulging tits. Roughly and excitedly, George pulled her head back more and mashed his mouth over hers. Their tongues met, touched, coiled, were wet. The stool was slipping from under her, but between them they managed to prevent her from bumping on the floor as all three went down and the stool subsided with a thump.

'On the floor, Aunty, do it on the floor', George husked, and then he was on her belly first and the carpet rubbed her back, and as the helmet of his eager prick slid up between her cuntlips, Margaret knew that he would come too soon, and yet it didn't matter. They had time, had time, had time…

As also did Vanessa now. The audience-for such it proved to be under the spell of her discourse-consisted of a surprised, disturbed but not unexcited and intrigued Eric Partridge together with Mabel.

Of the two, Mabel was the more disturbed and with many a fluttering of butterflies in her silky tummy. Utterly unprepared for such a triple encounter, she had donned but one of her misty robes beneath which she wore a pair of white drawers with red silk ties, white stockings with pink garters that secured their tops tightly and sleekly halfway up her thighs, and a pretty pair of slippers encrusted with imitation pearls.

Rather aghast that her Papa should see her so flimsily attired, she held the robe around her with one clutching hand, the which merely caused her milky breasts to appear even more protuberant where the material gathered.

'Mabel is progressing so well, Mr. Partridge. I thought I should make you cognizant with this. Her absorption of knowledge is excellent. Is that not so, Mabel?'

'I-er-yes, I don't know. I mean…', Mabel choked, for as much as she tried to hold together the lower folds of her robe, so they slipped apart to reveal the creamy columns of her thighs and the puckered legs of her drawers.

'Modesty, you see, becomes her. Oh, forgive me for standing, but I occasionally love to', Vanessa said languidly, leaning against the mantelpiece in her room while the two faced her in chairs which she had arranged of a purpose, Mr. Partridge being constrained occasionally to seemingly need to scratch one side of his neck which thus caused him to require to turn his head and glimpse again and again the fetching lines of Mabel's legs and the profiles of her milky tits.

'As I was saying before-for is it not pleasant to be discursive sometimes? — these new servants I have are utterly amusing. I feel almost medieval, you know, for in a sense they are willing vassals-and with such animality! One is reminded occasionally of farmyard behavior-and yet there is a certain charm to it-an innocence of desire, a veritable bubbling of the springs of passion.

'I told you-did? Yes. I told you just now that it was needful for Elsie to be caned. She is about your age, Mabel, and so fetching of form'.

'Miss-er-Markham, I wonder…', began Eric whose head was slightly spinning at the frank manner of her words. He was about to suggest they might have a word in private, for he felt awed by the possibilities that might arise from such a conversation, yet at the same time his lips frequently twitched with nervous excitement,

'Yes? To have a small glass of sherry, perhaps. Oh, delightful! May I pour? Shall I be hostess? Mabel, you would like some surely. Yes, you would, I know', Vanessa said brightly and-while the two sat breathing in a rather forced manner-filled three glasses and handed them theirs with a flourish of pleasure.

'Ah, how pleasant it is to relax and to be undisturbed', Vanessa continued, 'What was I saying? I forget'.

'About your servants-Elsie', preferred Eric hesitantly while a flush spread into Mabel's cheeks.

'Thus it was, yes. Her caning. The girl whimpered and squealed of course, having-and pray forgive the term- her bottom uncovered completely. A quite lovely derriere she has-the like of yours, Mabel. Oh, you blush, I see, but you need not. We are in close and confidential company. I admit that I wondered much about the effect and outcome of my swishing the cane across her delightful cheeks, for I had put her father to work on erecting some shelves in the neighbouring room. Rough in his manner, but discreet and dutiful as he is, he did not enquire of her squeals and I asked myself hence what might happen were I to leave Elsie abruptly in the naked and wriggling state I had left her. Really, it was thoroughly amusing, though. The final outcome I mean'.

'Ah!' uttered Mr. Partridge at that and stole another glance at Mabel's stockinged legs.

Mabel seemed to wish to speak. Her mouth worked, her Adam's apple rose and fell. Arching her eyebrows enquiringly, Vanessa asked of her what she wished to say.

'I s'pose… I was wondering… About my lessons, Miss', Mabel uttered at last with a touch of desperation in her tone.

'Oh, but lessons are absorbed in so many ways, my dear. Do you not concur, Mr. Partridge? But alas, I have forgotten the thread of my discourse again'.

'You had-er… You had, er, left the girl unclothed and caned, Miss Markham'.

'Oh why, of course-so I had! My departure being heard in the neighbouring room, I retired to a closet. No sooner had I done so than… Oh, Mabel, I trust I will not offend your ears, but you DO remember what I have told you about Nature Studies? Well, DO You?'

A gurgle came from Mabel which Vanessa evidently interpreted as a positive reply, for she nodded as if pleased with her pupil's response.

'As the cock to the hen, as the bull to the cow, thus it was. Had I made such an invitation too explicit, do you think? It is so difficult to tell. In any event, there was an almost immediate and comforting attendance upon her. In such circumstances, girls may be surprised, but are not too reluctant. Elsie uttered a single squeal and then was quiet. With quite primitive and yet divine understanding of her immediate needs, the plunger was inserted between the very cheeks I had heated. A rumbustious smacking of her bottom cheeks to him was heard. Their grunts and moans were quite of the lewdest nature, yet divine to hear. The smacking

ounds of flesh grew faster. Such of their class, I fear, show little finesse at such times and yet flourish fruitfully in their pleasures. Why, to some it would appear frightfully naughty, I suppose, and yet I felt their deep, desiring pleasure-felt it in my very veins. It was as though I were part of the act and yet removed from it. Nor could I find it in my heart to remonstrate with them, permitting myself only to tiptoe from the closet and, by peeping around the door, to view the final moments of their orgasmic ecstasy. Really, Mabel, you should finish your drink'.

'B… b… b…', stammered Mabel, now a bright red.

'Tut-tut, my pet, it is all part of the pageantry of life. We overlook it at our peril, do we not? A pretence of ignorance is something I find utterly annoying-distasteful even. With the slow removal of his doughty penis, I observed the rim of her sweet rose frothing with such delight as he had injected into her. Thus it was and thus it often is, my sweet. Do you wish me to hide the facts of life from you?'

'I want… I want to go to the water closet!' Mabel wailed in desperation.

'Now? At such a moment? There is a potty beneath the bed, you silly. Rise and use it', uttered Vanessa to the vast but excited amazement of Eric.

'Ah, no! I must go!'

'You have indeed said so, Mabel. Up with you now- UP! Are my private lessons to have been in vain?'

So speaking, Vanessa went forward and, taking Mabel's wrists, brought her sharply to her feet and so quickly that Mabel's glass tilted, causing three quarters of her sherry to spill down over the front of her gown.

'I say!' ejaculated Eric, jumping up and retrieving the fallen glass, this movement bringing him into such a posture and closer to Mabel that he was vouchsafed a heavenly glimpse of the crotch of her drawers where he could see the wadding of her pubic hairs.

A cry, though of a different tone, escaped Mabel too in that moment, for as swiftly as her hands could move so Vanessa denuded her of her thin robe to the waist, imprisoning her arms by virtue of the falling of the back of the garment and the tightening of the sleeves.

'Ah no! Papa, pray do not look! Let me escape!'

'Escape? Is that your will and your philosophy? Very well-go. There is the key. You may unlock the door', Vanessa said coldly.

As she spoke, so she released Mabel and, drawing the key from her bosom, cast it down across the room upon the floor while Eric-rigid by then in all respects-stood motionless.

Her only desire in that moment being to escape, and with her full titties bobbing their appealing brown nipples freely, Mabel burned with a wobbling 'Oh!' and in several steps succeeded in bending to retrieve the key. Such however being the moment that Vanessa desired, she moved far more swiftly than the girl whose bottom was pointing up to both. Seizing Mabel's waist and ringing it tightly, she afforded the girl's noble young orb three stinging smacks that so made themselves felt-so tingled and burned into her luscious halfmoons-that Mabel squealed and wriggled like a schoolgirl, finally falling forward onto her face and squirming her rump all about as though she were endeavouring to swim.

'You have the key. Get up, Mabel-UP!' intoned Vanessa.

Drawing herself back onto her knees and then shamefacedly scrambling to her feet with the freed globes of her marbled breasts jiggling, Mabel uttered a cry of seeming despair and staggered to the door, endeavouring to fumble the key into the lock even as Vanessa's voice caught her again like a whiplash.

'Mabel! You realise that I shall have to cane you later, do you not? Answer me, girl!'

Awestruck and gulping, Mabel swung her head to meet Vanessa's eyes.

'Well?' came the stern demand.

Sobbing, choking and stammering, there came from Mabel a drawn-out sound that much resembled 'Yes'.

'And you will know why, Mabel? Do not pass though that door until you have answered me correctly'.

Spellbound in that extraordinary moment as she appeared to be, and with her fingers trembling on the doorhandle, Mabel appeared to hold her breath for a long moment, her head hung. The whispered word that was finally emitted from her lips scarcely reached the ears of her two listeners and brought Vanessa to demand that she repeat it.

'I said… I said, yes…oh!' Mabel choked and, turning the key, fled.

'My goodness!' Eric exclaimed.

'Your goodness, if such you can call it-and well it may be if put to a proper purpose-is displaying itself remarkably well', observed Vanessa, looking pointedly down at the erection that was thrusting up his trouser-front and which Mabel, too, could not have failed to see.

'You really mean to cane her? When?'

'Impatience?' Vanessa laughed, 'There is no other way now, my dear, and well she knows it. Her lovely bottom cheeks will ripple and tighten all day at the thought of what is to be. She will wriggle hotly enough for you when you put your poker up'.

'You believe that to be possible? Tonight?'

'Possible?' riposted Vanessa, floating to the door. 'Keep your cock stiff for her, my dear, for I ordain it!'
