Chapter Fourteen

Arms hooked around Tate’s neck, Belle looked into his face, her heart softening even as she told herself this was an absolutely terrible idea. He climbed up the stairs two at a time, her weight seemingly not a burden to him at all.

“Tate,” she called softly. “We really should talk. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

He didn’t break stride, didn’t acknowledge that she’d spoken. He just stared straight ahead, his strong face closed off. “Tell me whether or not you want this. That’s the only conversation we need to have.”

Belle bit her lip. She’d done a number on him. She hadn’t realized it at the time, but now she understood that he’d misinterpreted everything she’d said through his own filter. Unwittingly, she’d pushed his buttons. “I don’t even know what this is anymore, Tate.”

“Sex. That’s it.”

No, it wasn’t. He might be angry, but he couldn’t stop caring for her in the blink of an eye any more than she could stop caring for him. He was simply hurt, and she’d have to help him understand that she wasn’t pushing him aside for Eric or Kell.

That realization helped her find an inner well of calm, even as he kicked open the bedroom door. The knob bounced off the wall, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care, just strode into the room and headed for the bed. Given his predatory mien, she should probably be trying to escape or at least balking, but Tate would never hurt her, even if she had wounded him deeply.

She palmed his nape and tried to catch his remote dark stare. He looked past her, and that made Belle ache. He was a little too good at shutting her out. Then again, growing up he had probably learned from the best.

What had his childhood been like, raised in a cold household by unfeeling parents who had valued only his intellect while repressing his big heart? Eric had been his first—and for years, his only—friend. They balanced one another.

How would she feel if she’d constantly been told that she was the inadequate half of a whole? Belle kind of understood how crappy that must be. Kinley had always been far more outgoing, the fun, bubbly blonde people gravitated to. If she and Kinley had shared the sort of life Eric and Tate did, she would have been the one on the outside looking in. She’d tasted how bitter that was over the years. Those memories made her ache for Tate even more.

“Those women were wrong to reject you in favor of Eric. You’re so wonderful, Tate. For so many things besides sex.”

He settled her onto the bed where they’d made love the night before. He could call it sex, but they both knew better. They’d made love. She wished she knew how to open herself, embrace the experience, and trust that it could last.

As Tate followed her to the mattress and pinned her under him, she lay in his arms, offering her acceptance. Even when he was mad at her, he treated her with such care. She blinked up into his dark eyes, hoping he could see her welcome.

“It doesn’t matter, Belle. Are you saying yes or no? If you say yes, then you should prepare to submit. If you say no, understand that I won’t ask you again. I’ll leave you to Kellan and Eric. No matter how you answer, I’ll make sure you’re safe. But I will keep my distance.”

Belle hated ultimatums, but she understood. If she said no, Tate would put a wall between them. Not to punish her, but to protect himself. He’d done a remarkable job of making her feel safe with him, but she hadn’t tried to do the same for him. Remorse stung her.

What did she want, to risk her heart for something that probably wouldn’t last or to open herself up and surrender to the men she loved for whatever time they shared?

Eric entered the room. Kellan hovered in the doorway. All eyes fastened on her. Expectation hung in the air.

These men really would put their lives on hold until she was safe. After that, they would return to their homes and their careers. They’d leave her. If by some miracle they didn’t, their little quartet wouldn’t work if Kellan wasn’t even willing to try.

Of course, could she really expect complete security in the relationship? No one had that. She especially couldn’t expect it if she wasn’t ready to commit herself. And she didn’t need a commitment to have sex.

Belle’s thoughts raced. Did she want to go back to simply sharing a roof with them? Most likely, they only had a few days left together. Hell, even if they’d promised her a lifetime, that didn’t always work out. Her father had vowed to love her mother forever and he’d died. When her mom had given birth, she’d committed to being a parent, but after her dad’s death, she hadn’t lived up to that obligation. Her mother’s detachment had hurt and confused Belle. She’d shut everyone out after that. With the exception of Kinley, she still did.

But now, these three men tempted her. Not just sexually. She could really be herself with them—a rarity for her. They set her at ease. Why shouldn’t she experience what they shared to the fullest while they were here? Find pleasure and joy? Her skin heated at just the thought of feeling them deep inside her again. Her heart warmed at the thought of being close to them. Even if it didn’t last, she’d have these days to hold close to her heart.

“Yes.” There was nothing else to say.

“Do you understand what you’re saying yes to, love?” Kellan stepped into the room. His whole body hardened, his previous calm gone. Before her stood a Dom.

Her Dom.

“Yes. I’m agreeing to submit to you in the bedroom.” Elsewhere, she would insist on being an equal partner for as long as it lasted or she’d be unable to live with herself.

Eric let out a sexy growl. “In the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom—whatever room we want. We’re not going to always carry you to the comfort of a bed, Belle. We’ll have you in every room of this house. We’ll take you wherever we want you. I’ll flip up your skirt or pull down your pants, and you’ll take my cock. Do you understand?”

She would be theirs to play with at their whim—whenever they wanted. The thought more than excited her.

“I understand,” she murmured.

“Good. I want you now, Belle.” Tate pulled his shirt over his head with an impatient yank. “Strip and present yourself to us.”

She sat up and unbuttoned her blouse with shaking hands. “How?”

She’d read descriptions of it in erotic romances, but being this close to the guys made her feel too jumbled and hot to remember the details.

Kellan dipped into her personal space. “First of all, look at your Dom when you ask him a question. No more hiding. We’ve let you slide by on that for too long.”

She bit her bottom lip and stared at his chest, finding it difficult to meet his stare. “I’m not hiding.”

Gently, he cupped her chin and forced it up. His stare bored into her. “You are right now. Look at me, not away, when you should connect. There will be no more dodging us. When we speak, unless you’re told otherwise, look directly at us. Do you understand?”

She hadn’t realized she’d been avoiding eye contact. But somehow, when they flipped her submissive switch, that backbone she’d relied on since her mother had withdrawn in grief after her father’s passing just seemed to go on hiatus.

Belle sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to nod, their gazes still connected. “Yes.”

“Yes, Sir,” Eric corrected. “When we’re playing, you’re to call each one of us Sir or we’ll punish you.”

“Yes, Sir.” She could remember that. It would be harder to constantly make eye contact. The visual connection could be so squirm-worthy, so intimate.

Kellan released her chin. “Now ask Tate your question.”

They were going to make this difficult for her. She could tell because Tate didn’t come to her rescue the way he normally would by volunteering the information. Instead of telling her how to present herself, he simply stood over her, arms crossed, watching and waiting. Standing on shaking legs, she tangled her gaze with his and studied him.

Little lines feathered around his eyes, along with a few others that had formed around his normally big smile. Now, his expression looked somber, lacking his usual spark. Already, she missed the Tate she’d come to know and love. Funny, gentle, considerate and earnest. God, she wanted that man back. She didn’t know this one at all. The fact that she’d helped create him killed her.

Belle edged closer to say something—anything. She watched him closely, heard his breath hitch slightly the instant she drew near.

“How do I present myself, Sir?”

His jaw firmed, forming a straight, stubborn line. She had the sudden desire to run her hand across it, to brush her fingertips there. To reassure him. She stopped herself. He was too angry and hurt to want her softness now. She would have to be patient and find other ways to prove that, even if she couldn’t commit to forever, he still mattered.

“Take your clothes off. Get on your knees and spread them wide. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up. Remember this position. You’ll greet your Doms like this to show us you’re ready to submit.” Every word came in the same staccato grind he used when explaining a point of law or lecturing a client.

She never looked away, focusing solely on his instruction and his dark stare. Their deeper visual bond made her aware that, without uttering a sound, he said so much. Words could lie, but his eyes didn’t. Tate might try to put forth a cold façade, but the sweetheart she knew was still in there. Belle’s heart melted.

Now that he’d been hurt by women, including her, sex seemed like the only way he could connect with her and retain his pride. Surrendering to him might not fix everything wrong between them, but she could give him her body, her warmth, her comfort, and hope that would help him find a better place.

Belle shrugged out of her shirt and turned to toss her clothes on the bed. Instead, Kellan held out his hand. Without a word, she draped her blouse across his palm and looked his way for confirmation.

“Yes, love.” He snagged her stare and fused them together. “This is what we want and what you need. Give me everything else you’re wearing.”

She didn’t try to look away.

Pride gleamed in his eyes. The knowledge that she pleased him calmed her. Eric’s expression was a mirror of Kell’s. Even Tate looked grudgingly satisfied with her progress.

Making eye contact helped Belle to understand them so much more clearly. How had she not known it would? Because she’d avoided a lot of connection and closeness for most of her life. She’d let that tragic autumn when she’d been eleven change her. But all her questions about her lovers’ feelings seemed to have answers when she really looked into their eyes. The adoration she saw there took her breath away.

Belle realized now that they didn’t just watch her because they thought she was pretty, but because they cared for her and wanted to make her happy. They might not know it, but those desires went both ways.

Kinley had explained the power exchange. She submitted. They supported, protected, and cherished. They gave her what she needed. Right now, she wanted that so badly.

“Start with the bra, Belle.” Eric stepped closer, caressing her with just a look.

He was the glue holding them all together. She hadn’t realized that until just now, but she could see that Tate and Kellan were the real opposites, while Eric provided the middle ground. He bent, compromising his own wishes to suit the needs of the group. He would always put his family first. Belle admired him so much.

She worked the clasp of her bra, allowing her breasts to spring free. As the cool air brushed her skin, she breathed deeply, feeling the weight of her breasts against her body and the nipples peak under their stares. They made it so hard not to want something with them beyond the here and now. They made it hard not to love them.

She shoved her pants off her hips, along with her underwear, before handing everything to Kellan. Two days before, she couldn’t have imagined being so comfortable naked, but now she liked how natural she felt. The appreciation on their faces and the satisfaction her submission seemed to give them filled her with a confidence she’d never had. In this moment, she wasn’t worried that her imperfections made her unattractive. Instead, she just breathed into her body, concentrated on the beating of her heart, the tightening of her nipples, the clench of her aroused pussy.

She felt perfectly at peace as she found the center of the room and sank to her knees. It felt awkward at first, but she spread her knees and placed her hands on top, palms up. She glanced up at them for approval.

“Eyes down,” Tate said, his voice hard. “Kellan said to look at us when we’re talking, but when you’re presenting yourself, you look down until your Dom chooses to acknowledge and accept you.”

The minute she lowered her gaze, a blanket of vulnerability fell over her. Tate’s sneakers came into view as he stood over her. Belle knew his stare roamed all over her, but she had no idea what he was thinking. That connection she’d had with him earlier seemed to have vanished and she wanted it back.

“Spread your knees wider so I can see your pussy.” Without seeing the softness on his face, he seemed harsh.

Still, she dredged up her courage and spread herself open further because, deep down, she suspected that pleasing him would please her, too.

“Straighten your spine,” Tate continued. “Let your head fall forward.”

She did as he asked, her whole being now centered on his voice. He sounded rougher, less collected.

Then again, so was she.

With every breath and every command, they opened her up—not just to them, but to the deepest parts of herself she’d kept closed for so long.

She felt poised on the edge of something amazing—life-altering—as she submitted her body to their pleasure.

“That’s it.” Tate’s big hand covered her head. “You look beautiful like this.”

Even when he was angry with her, he still made her feel special. She wanted to take back everything she’d said to him, but she couldn’t do that unless she was absolutely certain she could keep whatever promises she made. Instead, Belle swore she’d take whatever time they shared and give as much of herself as she could. “Thank you, Sir.”

“It’s a simple truth.” His sneakers exited her line of sight. “If we’re going to continue this sexual relationship, we need to prepare you. In the past, we’ve always taken a lover together. That means using more than just your mouth and your pussy. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Tate clipped every word with a distinctly academic tone, as though he were discussing some intellectual problem, not explaining that he wanted to have anal intercourse with her.

Maybe it was time to show him she was learning. She didn’t normally curse, but the night before had been dirty and glorious, and there was nothing wrong with the truth. She wasn’t the same reserved girl whose virginity they’d taken. These men had changed her for the better. “You want to fuck my ass, Sir.”

The whole room went still, as though not a single one of them could believe she’d uttered those words. At their shock, Belle had to stop herself from giggling.

“That’s correct.” Tate’s voice was a little higher than before. It was nice to know she could get to him with a few well-chosen words.

“Belle, what Tate is trying to explain is that we’ll first prepare you by inserting a plug in your ass that will stretch you to take a cock there.” Eric circled around her until his feet came into view. He wasn’t wearing shoes. How could his bare feet seem so masculine, so sexy? No clue, but they were.

She felt his hand sink into her hair, then he gently tugged until she was looking up at him. “When Kellan went out for beignets, he bought you a set of training plugs. This city has a surprisingly large amount of sex shops. And voodoo shops. Sometimes I couldn’t tell the difference.”

Belle would have to hope that no one had placed a curse on her anal plug. “I understand, Sir. I want to be able to take all of you. I’m ready.”

He tipped her chin up and stared into her eyes as though he could see her down to her soul. “You’re ready for sex with all of us, but not commitment?”

“I can’t promise more now, Eric. You’ve had a year to think about this. I’ve had a few days. I need time to figure us out.”

“I should probably step back until you do, but I won’t. Instead, I’m going to show you absolutely everything we can give you. I’m going to show you what it means to belong to us. You won’t be able to send us away.”

Belle was already afraid of that. She didn’t want to find herself swept back to Chicago and giving up her design dreams. She couldn’t run their lives again and not have one of her own. Even if they did help her find an office close to theirs so she could go into business for herself, as Tate suggested, it wouldn’t be what she needed. Fate, her grandmother—something—had called her to this place. She had to make them see that. Besides, even if she was ready to jump into the relationship…well, Kell still wasn’t. These three men wouldn’t be right without one another. She didn’t want to be the reason they were no longer a unit.

“I can’t do this.” Kellan shook his head.

Couldn’t what, even sleep with her anymore? Now that he’d had her, did he not want her again?

Panic encroached. She studied Kell’s face, wishing he would look at her. She couldn’t read him beyond agitation. His jaw firmed. He paced, shaking his head. Her stomach knotted, and she barely held in a sob.

She’d thought she would have more time with him, that she could build up memories with him before he left her. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly?

“If you want to bail, there’s the door.” Tate’s face had gone harder, his eyes downright stony as he glared Kellan’s way.

Kell rolled his eyes. “Stop being a drama queen. I wasn’t talking about leaving. We’re going to shove a plug up her ass. Don’t you think I’m staying around for that? I was talking about this whole ‘Sir’ thing. She ruined it for me.” He pointed at her. “Now when the word comes out of her mouth, it’s like she’s addressing that little rat-thing that hikes its leg and pees on my shoes.”

A great well of laughter burst from Belle. She tried to press it down, but couldn’t. Her reaction might annoy him, but she couldn’t stop it, especially not when he looked so righteous.

Even Tate cracked a smile. “How about Master? Except we haven’t earned it.”

“I can call you Master,” she interjected quickly.

It felt right, like a formal admission of their sexual relationship. They would be her Masters…for now.

“I like the way that sounds. Hands and knees, baby. Let’s get the rough part over.” Eric moved to the dresser where someone had lain a plastic bag. He retreated to the bathroom, and Belle heard the water begin to run.

Rough part? They were really going to impale her backside with a foreign object. She wasn’t entirely sure how she should feel about that, but she’d seen Kinley blush and stutter when the subject of anal anything came up. Belle didn’t have any hang-ups about it being “weird.” It was simply new, but she wanted to know what it meant to be in between them, to have them love her all over. If she had to allow them to plug her before that could happen, she’d manage.

Belle leaned forward, placing her palms on the carpet. It was plush against her skin, between her fingers.

“She needs a safe word.” Kellan sank into the chair opposite her, obviously preparing for a show.

“Belle, select one,” Tate commanded. “Make it something you wouldn’t typically say during sex.”

“Aquamarine.” It was the color of Kell’s eyes as he stared into hers now.

Tate nodded, his face still grim. He’d shrugged out of his shirt, but his sweats were still on. The night before he’d been so eager, he’d tossed off his clothes with abandon. This morning, she felt distance between them—and she hated it. Her eager lover had been replaced with a wary man, and she wished she’d had more time with the fun-loving Tate before they’d confronted the issue of forever. Last night, he’d been all over her, caressing her body as if he couldn’t stand not to touch her. Today, they’d barely shared any contact since reaching the bedroom.

“Fine. Everything stops if you say that word,” Tate explained.

The water shut off, and Eric returned with a piece of pink plastic in one hand and a tube of lube in the other. “Exactly. At that point, we talk about what made you uncomfortable and how to rectify that. In exploring your submission, we should find your boundaries and push them. We’ll discover what works for you sexually. So if you don’t like something or find it uncomfortable, we hash it out until you’re ready. For now, I’m going to work the plug inside you. You’re going to keep it there until we take it out. You’ll wear it a few hours each day until we decide you’re ready to handle a cock.”

She wouldn’t say that she wasn’t a little nervous, but she didn’t shy away. “Yes, Master.”

Eric held out his hand. “Suck Tate’s cock, Belle. He’s had too much stimulation for one day. He’ll be cranky for his one o’clock phone conference with these new clients about their multimillion dollar case if he doesn’t release this tension.”

Belle slanted a glance in Tate’s direction. His eyes lit up briefly before he seemed to remember he was crabby. Instead, he pulled up a chair and plopped in front of her, then settled in to work his sweatpants down.

Eric edged behind her, his warm hand on the small of her back. “Spread your legs a little wider, baby.”

She did as he asked, moving her knees further apart. At the same time, Tate pushed his boxers down and released his cock. He was so beautiful—big, strong, stalwart. She couldn’t help but lick her lips. She hadn’t really gotten to explore his body yet. The previous night, he’d taken her with his mouth and driven her to insanity before spending half of the night inside her. Belle looked forward to paying him back.

He stroked himself, staring down at her. “Suck me until I come.”

A drop of fluid already pearled on the head of his cock. More than ready to taste him, she began leaning closer when she felt Eric pull her cheeks apart.

Surprise and more than a little embarrassment made her clench down instinctively to keep him out.

A loud smack cracked through the room, then pain flared across her ass.

“Don’t fight me,” Eric growled. “Arch your back and push down.”

“Seriously?” She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. “I thought you would just push it in.”

Kellan chuckled. “Push it in? Love, it’s not just going to fall into your backside. Eric will have to coax that pretty little hole into opening for him. He’ll spread you wide and use his fingers to distribute the lube. He’ll rim and stretch you. You’ll shudder and gasp a little, but eventually you will let him in.”

Maybe it shouldn’t, but the demand in his speech made her squirm. “But does he have to look at it?”

Her question might annoy them, but Kinley had always stressed communication in BDSM.

“Fuck, yeah, I’m going to look at it,” Eric said, his hand heavy on the curve of her hip. “Every single part of you is gorgeous, Belle. Watching you take our plug will be sexy as hell. Do you know how long I’ve dreamed about getting my cock up there?”

When he talked that way, her heart rate zoomed. Her skin felt too tight.

Tate tangled his fingers in her hair. “You pay attention to me, Belle. Let Eric do what he needs or we’ll give you a nice long spanking and you’ll still take the plug.”

Put that way, she leaned forward and raised her ass in the air, trying to relax. Vulnerability washed through her, but as she took his cock in one hand, she smelled the musk of his arousal blending with the clean smell of the soap he’d used during his morning shower. She found Tate’s scent a comfort.

Belle licked him, using the flat of her tongue to rub along the V on the back of his cock. She settled there briefly, rubbing that little indention, learning its depth and feel. She laved the thick head, then sucked, enjoying the way he fidgeted, then tried to force himself to still.

Behind her, Eric parted her cheeks. Belle resisted her instinct to flinch away.

Something cool coated her opening. Lubricant. It wouldn’t be long now before Eric breached her with that plug. She fought a shiver. She needed to pay attention to Tate, take her mind off Eric’s inevitable penetration.

Belle bathed the head of his cock, lovingly saturating it, before bobbing her head to take more of him in her mouth. Rolling her tongue around him as she sucked, she forced herself to remain still even when she felt Eric’s fingers circle the rim of her back passage.

She immersed herself in Tate’s scent, texture, and flavor as Eric’s fingers explored where no one had touched. Repeatedly, he worked his fingers around that spot, feeling her flesh part as he began to push his fingers inside.

As he deepened the penetration, it became an odd pressure—not unpleasant. In fact, it soon had her gasping at the shockwave of sensation. That caused her to swallow more of Tate’s cock into her mouth.

“Fuck, baby.” He pulled on her hair, drawing her closer, forcing his cock deeper. “Suck me hard, until I can’t hold back another second. Oh, yeah. That’s what I want.”

And he tasted so good. She lapped at him some more, then drew him all the way to her throat, forcing herself to breathe through her nose. The slight tang of his salty essence coated his cock and teased her tongue. She stroked him with her tongue in passion, trying to give him all the devotion she couldn’t promise with words.

As she sank into the experience, something hard pressed against her ass, then began to pierce her. Oh god, he was breaching her with the head of the plug. Belle held her breath.

“Open up.” Eric pressed his hand into the small of her back, forcing her to arch for him. “Breathe out and let me in. You’ll not only be full, but satisfied. Don’t be afraid. Let it happen.”

She concentrated on the task at hand, sticking her butt even higher in the air and sliding her tongue around Tate’s thickening dick. He groaned low as he pulled at her hair.

Then the plug began to breach her, sending a new and dazzling pressure deep inside her. She whimpered as the sensation snaked to her quivering belly, warmed, then settled into her clit. Slowly, Eric fucked her with the plug, little thrusts, each time deeper, that made her moan against the cock in her mouth.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Tate said.

“It’s so pretty.” Eric pressed in again.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kellan stand and disappear behind her. “Damn, that’s a pretty sight.”

“She’s taking the plug beautifully.” Eric made another pass with the plastic device, penetrating her more deeply. As it slid out again, she clenched down to keep it inside. When he pushed in once more, she relaxed and let the protrusion slide home.

“It’s in. Damn that’s hot,” Eric groaned. “You keep that plug in place or there will be punishment.”

Belle barely had time to bob her head before Tate tugged on her hair again. “Deeper. Take me to your throat.”

Eric twisted the base of the gadget impaling her. She felt it even deeper. It ignited nerve endings she’d never known existed and revved her arousal in a way she’d never imagined. The plastic wedge held her open, not allowing her to hide from Eric and Tate. Nor did it give her any respite from the constant barrage of tingles and the delicious feeling of fullness. The penetration was so primal, she could only imagine how taken she would feel once real flesh filled her.

Frantically, she worked Tate’s cock over and over, taking him a bit deeper and harder each time. She wanted to please him so badly, especially after their terrible argument earlier. Being on her knees, having her ass filled, gave her a completely new sense of her body and of the sensual power she had right now. It also made her deeply aware of how thoroughly they controlled her orgasms. She’d happily do just about anything for one soon.

With fingers thrust in her hair, Tate guided her, his hips moving in short thrusts. She finally worked her lips all the way to the base of his cock. He filled her mouth completely, and Belle held her breath as he prodded her throat. Her body conformed to the plug, hugging it, craving more. What would it be like when one of them replaced the plug and one filled her pussy? Already, she felt so tightly packed. Would she be able to truly take two of them at once? Belle doubted she would be able to breathe or think or move—and she didn’t care. She couldn’t wait to feel them deep inside, connecting her to them in a whole new way.

She dragged her mouth back up the length of Tate’s cock until only the head remained cradled by her lips. With a little sigh, she swiped her tongue across the head.

“Oh, wow. Damn.” Tate let out a harsh breath. “Belle… Baby, you’re killing me. I can’t hold—”

One more pass was all it took. The minute she sucked him back in and swallowed around his cock, his entire length stiffened and pulsed. Hot splatters filled her mouth. He tasted rich and salty as she drank him down while he groaned low, long, and loud.

The minute Tate sagged back into the chair in a spent heap, Eric held a hand out to her and helped her to her feet. He led her to the bed.

“You’re too sore to fuck this morning.”

She wanted to feel them inside her so badly. The urge to meld with them once more surged like a craving. “But—”

“No, we won’t let our impatience cause you more pain, Belle. Soon, when you’re less tender, we’ll fill that pretty pussy again. Now, we’re going to try something else. Lie back. Don’t lose the plug. I don’t want to have to start your training all over again. I’m serious about fucking your ass—and soon.” Eric eased her down on the bed, looking her body over. Kellan was suddenly beside him, both men appraising her with their hungry stares.

“You’re such a beautiful sight.” Kellan reached down and gripped a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He twisted slightly, the sensation zinging straight to her pussy.

“Please. I’m not really all that sore.” She was, but surely it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for long. She wanted them, needed them. After all the emotion of the morning, she needed to be close to them, feel that they were still with her.

Eric tweaked her other nipple. “I said no. Tomorrow will be soon enough, but there are plenty of other ways for you to please your Masters. Tate, can you get me the clamps? I think it’s time for a little nipple torture. These jewels are so sensitive. I think we’ll have her squirming and begging in no time.”

Her eyes widened. She already felt as if she was begging. Then Kellan eased beside her, his mouth hovering over her nipple. She gasped as he ran his tongue over the little nubbin, making it stand at attention.

“These are tweezer clamps.” Eric took the small metallic thing Tate handed him. A chain connected the two silver objects to one another. “Kell bought them for you, along with that plug in your ass. You still feel it?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“We have a huge kit back home, all brand new and waiting just for you, Belle. We began buying the items months ago. Every time I shopped for you and added more goodies to the pile, I just got harder and harder imagining all we could do to you.”

“Why would you have bought things like that for me back then? We weren’t… It wasn’t like that. I just worked for you.” She fought to concentrate while Kellan nipped at her breasts, every pass of his mouth and teeth shooting arousal through her system.

“Because we’re optimists,” Eric explained. “Whenever I went to the club and trained, I did it because I believed I would be your Master. Even before I met you, I knew there was a you out there. I knew I would find the one submissive who truly belonged to me. I never imagined she wouldn’t see the truth. So listen up, Belle. I intend to make you realize that you belong to us. You’re ours, and no amount of success in business will make you as happy as we can. Although you might curse my name in a minute before you admit I’m right.”

He handed the first clamp to Kellan, who slid it onto her nipple and let go.

Pain flared through her, biting at her and making her gasp. “Damn it.”

Eric held up a hand when Tate moved toward her. “No. We didn’t tell her she couldn’t curse, and I kind of like knowing I can make her say all those dirty words. Does the clamp hurt, baby?”

It did and it didn’t. The erotic pain sent a sweet ache twinging through her pussy. Like everything they did, that little vise on her nipple forced her awareness. Her very skin felt alive and awake. Her blood hummed.

“A little, but I can handle it.” And the more moments that slid past, the more she actually liked it.

The minute the words slipped from her mouth, Eric dropped to his knees and suckled her free nipple. His teeth lightly bit at her, gently preparing the other bud to take the pain of the second clamp. He clipped it on. With rapt eyes, he watched the chain stretch from one nipple to the other, the cool silver snaking across her chest. The clamps bit. One individually tested her pain tolerance. Two at once somehow magnified the sensation. But the pain morphed, dropping from the intense bite at her nipples to a lip-biting pressure that joined up with the fullness in her ass to send a shocking jolt straight to her clit.

Kellan reached down and gently tugged on the chain. “Are you ready for more? This little work of art isn’t finished by a long shot.”

Tate passed him another clamp, this one a single pair of tweezers on a longer chain. Kellan carefully attached the silver length to the middle of the chain running between her breasts and laid it in a cool, thin line down her torso. She shivered, feeling them everywhere, touching her, arousing her, filling her.

She watched as Kellan tugged on the chain over her belly just enough to make the pleasure-pain surge to life again as he rested the final clamp just above her pussy.

“Where does that go?” She had a suspicion. It made her both worry and ache. He couldn’t clamp her there, could he?

“You have another sweet jewel for us to adorn, Belle.” Kellan moved between her legs. “While I work on this, I think you should take care of Eric.”

She turned her head to find that Eric had shed his clothes. He stood beside the bed, beautifully naked. She stared at the slab of ridged and notched muscle covering his powerful torso. It was easy to see he was a former athlete who hadn’t let himself lose any of his form or prowess.

“Touch me, Belle.” He grasped her hand, bringing it to his abdomen and pushing it low.

She allowed her fingers to run down his magnificent six pack. So much muscle, steel covered in the softness of warm flesh. She loved how he felt, could spend days just touching him, but Kellan was right. He needed more.

His cock strained, almost reaching his navel. She let her hand slide down, brushing against him. His cock jumped as though electrified by her touch.

“Suck me, Belle. I need to feel your mouth on me.”

Kellan had moved between her legs, but she didn’t feel anything except his heat near her pussy. The waiting for more made her eager, jumpy. She glanced down, noticing that he’d placed the clamp just above her clitoris, but he made no move to slip it on. Instead, he just stared at her pussy, settling on his stomach and rubbing his nose along her labia.

“Fuck, I love the way you smell, Belle. But you taste even better.” He ran his tongue the full length of her pussy, sending a flare of desire through her.

She cried out his name.

Someone tugged on the chain between her breasts. Tate. He’d moved on to the bed, sliding into the spot Kellan had vacated. Pain flared, snapping her attention back up. “Kellan is readying your clit to be clamped. He’ll stop if you don’t behave. Would you rather have a spanking? Do you think you could hold that plug inside for that? I think it would be very difficult. And you won’t get an orgasm until your Masters are pleased with your progress. Do you understand?”

She understood that there was no way she would be able to keep that damn plug in if she was suddenly tossed over one of their knees and had her backside smacked. “Yes, Master.”

Though she really wanted to watch what Kellan was doing, she looked away. The three of them were keeping her on edge, forcing her to focus on Eric so she wouldn’t know what Kell or Tate intended next. They were forcing her to trust them, to give herself over.

Eric held his cock in hand, sidling closer so she could easily lick and suck him. Slowly, he stroked his length, and she couldn’t help but watch in fascination at the way his fingers traveled over the ridge and his thumb traced his veins. She wanted him in her mouth.

Drawing in a deep breath, Belle relaxed, giving herself over to all of them and the sensations wracking her body. She closed her eyes and leaned in.

“That’s right, baby,” Eric groaned. “All you have to do is obey and feel.” Eric put his cock to her lips. “Relax and let me fuck your mouth. I want your lips around me so badly.”

Kellan chose that moment to lick her, his tongue painting her flesh with pleasure. He sucked her clit, niggling and prodding it, drawing her closer and closer to climax. Belle tried to keep her attention on Eric, sucking and swirling her tongue all over him, and to ignore the dazzling pleasure Kell heaped on her.

Suddenly, something hard and metallic cut into her needy little bud. The clamp. She shuddered as it bit into her tenderest flesh. The pain burned and sizzled and then sank into her skin until she buzzed with need. She arched and writhed, trying to breathe through the pain.

“Hold still so I can look at you.” Kellan waited impatiently while Belle whimpered and tried to still her body. “So pretty.” He touched the aching point with just the tip of his tongue. “I agree that your pussy is too sore to take a cock, but I think you can ride my tongue nicely, love.”

He closed his mouth over her and speared her just as Eric began feeding her his length again. She curled her tongue to conform around the underside of his cock. When he began to withdraw, she pulled on him furiously, sucking until her cheeks hollowed, trying to keep him inside. Tate alternately plucked at the chain between her breasts and caressed the bare flesh surrounding it.

This was what she wanted. All three of them, touching her, connecting with her. She let all of her worries go. For this moment, she was theirs and they were hers. Tomorrow didn’t exist.

Eric fucked her mouth, thrusting in and out, gently forcing her to take him to the root. Kellan kept up his tender assault on her pussy, owning her with his mouth while Tate showed his continued fascination with her breasts. She held her breath, on the edge, never sure if she would get pure pleasure or the burning erotic pain that only seemed to take her higher.

Eric groaned above her, his thrusts losing their smooth rhythm as his cock pulsed in her mouth. “I’m going to come, baby. Your mouth is too sweet. Take me. Take all of me.”

She sucked hard as he began to coat her tongue. Lovingly, she laved the head and worried the little ridge just underneath that made him shudder. He held her hair in his grip and groaned, spilling even more. Knowing she could affect him so deeply sent a thrill through her.

Just as she swallowed down the last of his release, Kellan rewarded her with a long kiss of her clit and she went soaring over the edge. Her body twisted, bucked. The ecstasy mixed with that sensual torture ate through her, grinding her resistance and chewing up her composure. Pure pleasure screamed through her system. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. She existed only in that moment.

Finally as the wracking pulses began to trail off, she lay back, panting, her body surfeit with sensation.

“Don’t scream, baby,” Tate said.

Just as Belle wondered what he meant, he released the first clamp.

The blood flowed back to her nipple, and she slammed back against the bed with a yelp. As he sucked her nipple into his mouth, her cry turned to a scream. Then tapered off to a gentle lick, his tongue easing her pain.

Eric dropped to his knees and worked the other nipple, laving her with affection. Sensations churned, meshed, growing exponentially. Then Kellan released the final clamp.

Her whole body clenched. His mouth covered her clit, drawing it in with a soft suckling. After a sharp spike of tingles and another high racing through her blood, Belle sank into the comforter, all of her men surrounding her, wishing this could last forever.
