Chapter Twenty-One

Kellan frowned at Eric. The sounds of the party around him filled the space and made it hard to hold a conversation with someone two feet away. When Belle threw a party, she got serious. Now that the common rooms of the house had been painted and furnished, their floors refinished to a gleam, she’d insisted on planning a party for all their friends to show off the house.

But only after he’d assured her he was going to make a full recovery from his bullet wound. At the beginning of his recovery, Belle had proven to be a hard taskmaster when it came to his rehab.

“Are you absolutely sure it wasn’t you?” Kellan asked, searching for Belle across the crowded room.

When he found her, his heart seized up. She looked luminous in a snowy white cocktail gown, the color contrasting with the gorgeous mocha of her skin. It skimmed over her every curve and showed off her truly juicy ass.

“I swear to you I didn’t push you out of the way,” Eric promised. “I had barely gotten up the stairs when that first shot rang out. I was behind Gates. How would I have pushed you? Your memory of that night is probably fuzzy. Are you sure you’re feeling all right? Maybe you’ve done too much too fast.”

Besides the fact that he was becoming more and more certain that he’d been saved by a trio of sweet-faced ghosts, he was feeling positively chipper. Well, his body was in good condition. His head was still fairly messed up, but he was going to deal with that problem tonight.

“I’m fine. I saw my personal physician when I was in Chicago.” He’d only gotten back to New Orleans a few hours before. He’d been surprised to realize just how much he’d missed the place. A week back in the city he’d called home for the last several years had proven to be illuminating. He’d thought he’d easily settle back in, but he’d longed for the sultry heat of New Orleans, for the smell of strong coffee and beignets in the morning. He’d missed so much about the city. He’d especially missed hearing Belle laugh.

Eric’s smile became tight, a sure sign he was annoyed. “How was Chicago?”

His friend likely thought he’d spent his time there working to reestablish himself. Kellan had given that notion some thought. Even after his near-death experience, the need to build walls, to make himself safe had been so strong. He’d awakened in the hospital with Belle asleep at his side, while Tate and Eric paced the floor. They had been steadfast through his recovery, and yet some part of him had still felt the urge to distance himself. He’d been so savaged by Lila and his father that he’d been reluctant to jump into his forever with two feet.

“It was nice. The office was actually in pretty good shape. Sequoia has strewn plants all around the place though,” Kellan said, taking a drink of the rum punch Belle had made. “Says the environment is more organic that way.”

Eric shook his head.

New Orleans jazz played through the living room, but the sweetest sound was Belle’s giggle as she joked with her best friend. Kinley Anthony-Anders said something else, and Belle threw her head back and laughed with unselfconscious joy.

There was a deep part of him that would likely always want to hide and protect himself, to build those walls no one could climb. He wasn’t listening to that bastard anymore. How could he? Forced to choose between that voice and Belle… No contest. He was home now and he was going to stay here. But it was fun to fuck with Eric’s head.

“We need to decide what to do with Sequoia actually. His internship is supposed to last another six months, after all.” There was a little question in Eric’s voice.

Well, if he wanted to know what Kell intended to do with his future, he would have to be more straightforward. “He’s cool. I mean, he’s still fucking weird, but I think I can handle him for another couple of months. I left him with enough to do until I can get back up there.”

Which would be next week. It was past time to start hiring associates who would run the Chicago branch. Sometimes Eric and Tate just didn’t think big enough. They didn’t have to lose their clients. They simply had to grow.

The way he had to grow.

Eric frowned. “Well, I hope you’re here long enough to see all the indictments come down now that we’ve turned the client list over. You know Gates is already behind bars, as is Helena. The judge Gates had been protecting got arrested last night. He was a very frequent customer, from Marie Wright’s days, all the way until just before Karen Ehlers’s murder. They’ve barely scratched this guy’s surface, and already it looks as if the feds will file corruption charges against him. Some other names are being tossed around as clients of Ehlers—senators, athletes, university officials, even a rock star or two.”

“I’d definitely enjoy seeing what happens with the case,” Kell said with a grin.

Tate approached, wearing a big, sloppy grin. Damn. When Kell had first started hanging out with Eric, he’d tolerated Tate because they’d seemed like a package deal. The big dork had grown on him quickly. Now Kell couldn’t imagine living without him.

“Hey, how was Chicago?” The shit-eating grin on Tate’s face let Kellan know the big guy was far more aware of what he’d been doing up north than Eric.

The fucker still had him tagged. At one point, Kell would have regarded it as a horrible invasion of his privacy, but now it just felt like someone gave a damn about him. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

Eric sighed. “You didn’t.”

Tate shrugged. “He’s been in the hospital. He shouldn’t have been traveling. I had to keep tabs on him. Besides, I didn’t need to tag his phone to hear what he was doing. I just had to talk to Jeremy from Petty and Associates.”

Yeah, he was never going to be able to slide much past Tate. “I thought he would be good to head up litigation. He got passed over for partner and he’s hungry.”

Eric’s eyes widened. “You’re taking on new partners?”

Tate grinned. “Nope. We’re taking on new partners because we won’t be in Chicago enough to keep the firm running, but I don’t want to give up the income. Do you?”

A huge grin broke across Eric’s face. “Now that you mention it, Belle has very expensive tastes. Do you know how much this master bedroom renovation will cost? We need the money just to feed her need to make things pretty.”

Eric had accepted him back. Kell was finally coming home. A weight lifted off him and he felt lighter than ever.

From the other side of the room, Belle looked up and her eyes sparkled as she caught sight of him. He could see her relieved sigh. She’d thought he wouldn’t return. He couldn’t blame her for fearing he would walk away for good. He’d started to a hundred times. But the thought of never holding her again had stopped him. He intended to prove to her that he was a changed man. He’d changed for her. Because of her.

After a quick hug, Belle left Kinley and approached him with a wariness in her eyes that saddened him. She slid into his embrace, but didn’t give him her usual full-body cuddle.

Obviously, she had no idea he’d come back to stay.

“Hey, Kellan. I’m so glad you could make it back for the engagement party.” Her smile was gorgeous but didn’t quite reach her eyes. “How was Chicago?”

His whole body went on alert the minute she got near him. Blood thrummed through his system, racing to get to his cock because it had been far too long since he’d been inside her. “Chicago was fine, but DC was a little more interesting.”

Everyone stopped, all three of them staring at him. It was good to know he could still surprise them.

Eric reared back in shock. “What on earth did you do in DC?”

“Shit. Did you kill someone?” Tate looked wide-eyed. “Because you really should have called us, man. We would have helped bury the body.”

It was good to know he could count on Tate if he ever needed to murder someone.

Kell laughed. “I didn’t kill anyone.” Though he had laid a couple of his demons to rest. “I went to see my father.”

Belle had tears in her eyes as she looked up at him. “You wanted to mend the rift between you?”

He hadn’t changed that much. “Hell, no. I looked the asshole in the eye and told him what I thought of him. And then I told him I wanted to be part of the family again—and not because I’m desperate to get in good with dear ol’ dad.”

Belle reached for him. “You want to know your brother.”

His brother. Harrison Kent was a toddling ball of energy being raised by nannies and housekeepers. He would be sent to boarding school in a few years, poor guy. His brother was innocent, and he needed to know that he always had a place with someone who would care no matter what. Kellan intended to give his brother what he’d never had—someone who understood him, someone who loved him for who he was, not what he could accomplish or who he could crush on his rise to the top.

“I do. I don’t know how much contact Dad and Lila will let me have, but I’ll take whatever I can get.”

He’d finally figured something out. He didn’t have to be perfect for the people he loved. He just had to be there. With them. Through everything.

“I’m so glad,” Belle said. She kissed him on the cheek. “Kellan, I’m truly happy for you.”

“How long is this party going to take?” He was anxious to get to the good part.

“It’s winding down now,” Belle explained. “Kinley’s getting tired. The pregnancy is rough on her, but she’s so happy I don’t think she cares.”

Tate leaned over and kissed her. “I’ll have the caterers start wrapping up.”

Eric shook his hand. “Good to have you back. I’ll start gently moving people toward the exits. We have a lot to talk about.”

They did.

And Belle had to answer a question before she spent the night serving her Masters.

All three of them.

* * * *

Belle tried to calm her shaky nerves as she let Sir back inside. The house was quiet, the guests and caterers gone. The place was back into shape for the next day. She was going to start meeting with clients tomorrow and her first ones would likely prove to be fairly easy, since Eric and Tate wanted her to decorate their brand new offices here in New Orleans.

She would miss having them with her all day, but she wouldn’t miss the masses of paperwork and computers underfoot and on her grandmother’s antique surfaces. They were all starting fresh.

How long would Kellan stay with them?

She patted her puppy’s head and settled him into his little dog bed they kept in the kitchen. She would have let him sleep in her room, but Eric had nearly killed the little thing by rolling on top of him because Sir wouldn’t stay off the bed. Despite the fact that their new bed was built big enough for four, Sir always tried to sleep right against someone.

Was Kellan going to take her up on her offer? Was he going to visit her for sex, then go back to his life in Chicago? It had seemed all right when she’d made the offer weeks ago, but now she wasn’t sure she could surrender herself to him all night, then watch him leave the next morning.

After discovering that none of the men were in the living room or the library, Belle started up the stairs. She’d watched them talking together through the end of the party. They’d had their heads together, and their conspiratorial air had given her pause. What were they up to? They’d given every appearance of plotting and planning together. Had they been deciding how to tell her she’d have two husbands, not three?

Belle stopped just short of the third floor. When she closed her eyes, she could still see Kellan lying on her bedroom floor, wounded. Bleeding. That night, she’d been so scared he would die. She’d pressed her hands to his body, as if trying to push her life force into him. She’d refused to let him go then. She wasn’t sure she could do it now.

No matter what he told her tonight, she couldn’t give up on him. He had a second chance. So did she. Belle intended to fight harder than ever.

Resolve settled over her like a warm blanket. Kell was evolving. He’d gone to DC and confronted his father. He’d reached out to start a relationship with his brother. Those two things had been inconceivable a few weeks before. But now, Kellan was accepting his past in a way he never had. She had to believe he’d come around in time. She would wear him down, give him so much love he wouldn’t be able to say no to her in the end.

She opened the door, ready to don something sexy and fight for her reluctant man as she seduced the other two.

But Kellan stood in the middle of the room, looking absolutely perfect in his suit and tie. Eric and Tate flanked him. Someone had transformed the place.

Belle looked around in complete wonder. “How did you do this?”

Everywhere she looked, the room seemed soft and romantic. At least a hundred candles lit the room with gauzy splendor. And dozens of bouquets of her favorite flowers, calla lilies, lay all around the room.

“Haven’t you figured it out yet?” Kellan asked, his voice tight with some unnamed emotion. “This place is magical.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I thought it was haunted.”

“Not anymore,” Eric said with a gentle smile. “Not since we found a real medium to cleanse the place.”

Tate frowned. “I knew I should have researched Helena… Geez.”

Belle laughed. These men were the magical ones, all so different and yet somehow they made each other complete. She couldn’t live without any of them. She hoped like hell she wouldn’t have to.

Her heart nearly stopped when Kellan dropped to one knee.

“Belle, I know you’ve already answered this question for the other two, but will you marry me? Will you be my wife, my sweet submissive, and my partner in life?”

Shock broke through her. Her heart caught. She’d never imagined that she’d hear those words tonight. Tears sprang up and fell to her cheeks.

She bit her lip. “Well, the other two didn’t actually ask me.”

A gorgeous smile lit Tate’s face as he dropped to one knee, too. “Belle, will you marry me? Will you be my wife, my best friend, the person who grounds me and shows me that life is best lived through the heart?”

He really had a way with words when he wanted to.

Eric stepped forward with a velvet jewelry box in hand, though it looked too big for a ring. He lifted the lid and diamonds sparkled in the candlelight. “Belle, will you say yes? We’re a package deal.”

She gasped at the gorgeous diamond choker and three interlocking rings. A wedding ring and a collar. Proof that she belonged to them and they belonged to her.

“Yes, yes, and yes. A million times yes.” She gave them a tearful smile, joy bursting through her. Then she turned to Kellan, looking into his eyes. “You came back for me.”

He closed the distance between them and gripped her shoulders. “You are my home, Belle. I’ll always come back for you. I will always choose you.”

Belle didn’t think she could be any happier. She opened to him as he swooped down and his lips took hers in a kiss that promised he would choose their future over his past.

As she sank into him, he kissed her again, this time sliding his tongue against hers and deepening the contact. He skimmed his hands down her body, lowering the zipper on her dress. The electric current of arousal flooded her system. Cool air hit her skin, but nothing could cut the sizzle from the heat of his fingers on her bare flesh. Her body was suffused with it. Kellan traced the line of her newly bared spine, bringing the dress with it.

She felt someone move in behind her, another body against hers.

“You looked so beautiful tonight, baby,” Tate said. “That dress was gorgeous on you, though everything you wear is amazing. But I like you best with nothing but this dazzling skin. Sometimes I just stare at you and wonder how you got to be so luscious.”

He unclasped her bra and let it drop to the floor. Immediately, he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. They stiffened with pure pleasure, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

As she let her head drift back, Kellan began kissing her neck. His lips caressed her skin, leaving a trail of tingly arousal. Tate turned her head gently, pulling her lips to his. As he covered her mouth, he groaned. His tongue surged inside as he toyed with her nipples, plucking at them with his fingertips, keeping the sensations just shy of pain. Her whole body came to life.

She stood before them in nothing but a tiny thong and her Prada heels, her breathing shallow with excitement and her heart full of love.

Eric moved in at her side. He slid his hand between her and Tate, cupping her rear. “I love this ass. Time to lose these, sweetheart. You won’t need them, not for a long time.”

She shimmied out of her undies, stepping out of the heels at the same time. She lost several inches of height, but that just made her feel more delicate and surrounded by her men. In every direction she turned, a gorgeous chest or broad shoulders filled her vision. She loved the differences between all her men. Tate was so big all over, while Eric had a lean athleticism. Every sinew in Kellan’s well-muscled body screamed dominance. Any one of these men could take her apart if they chose. Instead, they completed her life and offered her the freedom to discover the woman and submissive who lived under her skin. They accepted her with all her flaws, which made it so much easier to accept herself. When she was naked with them, she didn’t think about her faults anymore, just about the pleasure they found in her body. It was a gift she could give to them, one they treasured.

“I love you.” She breathed the words like they were the oxygen she needed to live.

Because she needed these men.

“We love you, too, Belle.” Kellan had the collar in his hand. “You know we love you completely naked, but we want you to wear this collar and the ring we had made for you. We want you to always know that you belong to us.”

She shivered as he placed the collar around her throat. She reached up to touch it and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror above the dresser. She felt beautiful and the woman reflected back at her looked that way. How far she’d come from that young woman who couldn’t find her place in the world. That girl hadn’t thought she was pretty, couldn’t imagine she really deserved this crazy relationship with these three wonderful men. The woman who looked back at her now practically glowed—with love, with confidence, with joy.

She’d found her place in the world, and it was between them.

Tate slipped his section of the ring on her finger, then Kellan eased his into place.

Eric stood in front of her, the last piece of the ring in his hand. He smiled down at her, love shining from his eyes. “You’re everything to me, baby. Thank you for bringing us together.”

He slid the final shining circle onto her finger. Somehow, the three pieces fit together perfectly. The individual pieces were pretty, but together they created something new and utterly unique. Each were stronger together than they were apart—rather like her men.

“This is beautiful. I’m nearly speechless. When did you have this made?”

Tate flushed. “I might have thought about this…oh, a month or two after you came to work for us. I might have talked to the others about it off and on for the past few weeks. Eric might have found a jeweler here to make it. Kell might have picked up the beautiful collar in Chicago. You know, just maybe.”

Belle laughed and rose on her tiptoes to kiss them gently, one after the other. “You three are my whole world.”

And they always would be. No matter what happened.

“Then you should prepare to serve your Masters, love.” Kellan’s voice had shifted from smooth lover to hungry Dom in an instant, and Belle’s whole body tightened.

This was what she’d missed when Kellan was away. Eric spanked and played with her. Tate dabbled. But only Kellan could truly top her from a soul-deep place.

She dropped to her knees because she couldn’t think of any other way she would rather celebrate her engagement than serving the men she loved. It was an easy thing to do since they served her so well in return. They took care of her, saw to her needs and her pleasure, kept her safe.

She bowed her head submissively and spread her knees wide. It no longer felt odd to be in this position. Before, she’d felt vulnerable with her body on display. Now she found her feminine power here. She found the beauty. Being on her knees for them allowed her to focus on her body, the way it felt, moved, loved. She could focus on the pleasure and comfort she took and gave. When she was in this position, she was safe.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?” Kellan asked.

She could see his perfectly polished dress shoes. They were joined by Eric’s loafers and Tate’s sneakers. She let her hair fall forward and cover her smile. Tate would wear sneakers with a tux. She would have to make sure to pick out his footwear for their wedding. He wasn’t going to be allowed to wear high-tops on their big day.

“I know how beautiful you make me feel.” When she was with her men, she really felt like the sexiest woman in the world.

They stepped back, and she could hear them undressing. She wanted to look up so badly, to see their magnificent bodies as they stripped down, but she’d pledged them her obedience here in their bedroom. They had sacrificed so much to be with her, to share her, to teach her that they could last. She didn’t need her eyes to see them. Instead, she waited patiently, allowing memories to fill her mind. Every inch of their bodies was emblazoned in her brain, on her heart.

“Look up, love,” Kellan commanded. “It’s time to get your men hard and ready to fuck.”

She glanced up. They didn’t need any help being ready for sex. Three very erect cocks stared back at her, straining her way. She wasn’t about to argue though. She was their submissive and she couldn’t wait to bend to their will.

Kellan stood in the middle, his strong legs apart as he stroked his cock from base to head. “Suck me, Belle. I want to be so hard I can’t see straight when I finally take your ass.”

Anticipation thrummed through her system. She would finally have them all. They’d been together in bed before, taking turns, but that wasn’t how they wanted it. That wasn’t how she wanted it either. Since she’d met them, she’d dreamed of the night she would finally make love to all of them at once—one each in her mouth, her pussy, and her ass. She would be filled with them. They would fit together like the ring on her finger, nestled and interlocked. Complete.

She leaned forward and licked at the head of Kellan’s cock, reveling in his salty taste. Her tongue spun around the plum-shaped head, licking as if she tasted a sweet lollipop she couldn’t suck deep enough. That wasn’t far from the truth. She loved the way he tasted.

Belle took him in her mouth and drew on him, lightly at first, then in a stronger rhythm as she began to work her way down his stalk. Over and over, she sucked him in long passes, letting her tongue play against his smooth skin.

Kellan’s hands found her hair, pulling gently so she would take more. She wanted to take all of him, to suck him until he couldn’t take another second of her torture and filled her mouth.

“Time for a change, love. I’m not the only one who needs you tonight.”

And then he was gone, and Eric took his place. He stood tall and proud in front of her, his cock in hand. “Suck me, too, baby.”

Belle licked the underside of Eric’s dick with the flat of her tongue, rubbing and laving her affection. Eagerly, she took half his cock on her first try. He rewarded her with a deep groan, tangling his hands in her hair and pulling gently. The little pain lit up her scalp, making her shiver, even as she sucked his cock deep again. They found a sultry rhythm. He pulled and she sucked, every motion of his expressive hands cradling her face or pulling on her scalp, sending signals to her pussy, to soften, to get wet, to make itself ready for what was to come.

He filled her mouth, his cock swelling inside.

“You feel so good. No one but you has ever made me feel this amazing.” Eric pumped his hips, begging her to take more. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

She had no intention of that, but when she glanced up, she noticed Tate had moved to stand beside Eric. He watched as his best friend’s cock sank in and out of her mouth. His hand was on his own dick, stroking himself as he drank her in with his stare. He was so hot, and all that masculine desperation was for her. She sent him a come-hither smile, reveling in playing their vixen.

“You know I love it when you get saucy, baby.” Tate groaned as his thumb worked across the head of his cock, gathering the little bead of moisture and using it to ease his strokes. “But don’t forget about me. I need your attention, too.”

“Now I remember the crappy part about sharing my wife.” Eric moaned as if in pain, but he spoke with a smile on his face. “Come closer and we can share at the same time. I think Belle can handle us both. She’s a hell of a woman.”

As excitement ripped through her, she felt someone moving in behind her. A big hand touched her back.

“Keep sucking Eric and Tate while I get you prepped, love. Don’t falter or we’ll stop the whole process and you’ll get a good, long spanking,” Kellan said, sliding his hand toward her backside. “You don’t want to have to start over again, do you?”

“No, Master. No, I don’t.”

While she kind of loved the idea of a good, long spanking, it would have to wait. She needed them too much. She longed to finally be with them all together. Fate willing, she would have plenty of time to misbehave and earn her “funishment,” but tonight was all about the togetherness they’d all waited so long for.

Eric and Tate moved close, their hips nearly brushing. The position allowed her to touch them both. Belle studied them, still unable to believe these beautiful men were all hers.

She didn’t take her eyes off them as she moved in close and took Tate’s cock firmly in hand. He filled her palm, and she could barely close her fingers around him. With a firm stroke of his dick, she leaned in and took Eric back into her mouth. Multitasking. Someone had told her she was a brilliant multitasker, though she rather thought they’d been discussing her secretarial skills. It came in handy when sexually satisfying three gorgeous men.

She sucked Eric while she stroked Tate. After five lingering, agonizing passes over Eric’s cock, she turned slightly and took Tate’s dick past her lips, licking and sucking and loving. She moved back and forth, lavishing one with the affection of her kiss while she palmed the other, enjoying the strength of the cock in her hand, the taste in her mouth.

It seemed so odd that she’d once been a little wary of this act, hesitant. They’d taught her not to be afraid, not to hold back. There wasn’t any shame in making love, not when emotion and promise flowed between them. This was simply another way to show she cared. Her submission was her gift to them, a sign of her love, a demonstration that she trusted them with her heart, her body, and her pleasure. She gave them everything she had, down to her soul. They rewarded her with thankful groans and tender touches.

Kellan’s fingers moved to the cleft of her backside, splitting her cheeks apart and making her shudder. “Don’t move, love. Stay still. You’ve taken the plug before, but you still need to be carefully prepped. I don’t want to hurt you. You can stop me at any time, but I want you to keep your hips as still as possible.”

She didn’t want to stop him, hadn’t come close to thinking about her safe word. The command to stay still was a different matter. It was so hard because she could already feel the lube he’d been warming against his skin touch her.

He slid the lube along her flesh, making her shiver ever so slightly and awakening nerve endings that still stunned her. As she tried to concentrate on her task, she felt a hard finger pressed against her back entrance. Kell massaged her with his touch, circling the rim of her ass before dipping briefly in only to start the process over again. She couldn’t help clenching. He corrected her with a hard smack.

“Don’t you dare try to keep me out,” Kellan smacked her again.

She didn’t bother to mention that it was sort of an involuntary response. Why bother? She liked the spanking too much. It sent sparks skittering over her skin and waves of sensation rolling down her spine.

Kellan delved between her cheeks again, his finger searching her out once more. She focused on relaxing and letting him in.

Heat and a jangly pressure lit her up. The sensation started where his finger massaged, but it quickly sparked outward, sending heat spiraling throughout her body.

She had to force herself to focus on the task at hand. No matter what Kellan was doing to her, she had to remember her other husbands had needs as well.

Belle ran her tongue along the underside of Eric’s cock before letting it go and sucking Tate’s head deep inside her mouth. When she released him, she could see the way his balls had drawn up, the angry purple hue of his cock. Tate’s eyes looked sleepy with arousal as he stared down at her.

With an urgent grip, Eric found her hair and directed her back to lick him again. She ran her tongue along the underside, licking until she give his balls a kiss.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Eric said with a gasp.

All the while Kellan probed her. He was patient, taking his time and letting her get used to the feeling. He seemed to understand when she was ready to move on.

Belle stayed as still as she could, but it was becoming even more difficult as the sensation turned sharply pleasurable. The instinct was there to press back against him, but she held off.

He delved deeper and deeper with his fingers until she finally felt him breach her, the tension giving way to fullness. She nearly sighed at the exquisite feeling.

Kellan continued to work lube around her flesh. That strong finger massaged her, making it slick and slippery and ready for something bigger. She was opening for him, preparing for him to take her in a way she’d never been taken before.

“Can she handle it?” She heard Tate groan the question.

Kellan added a second finger, stretching her gently. “She’s tight, but she can take it.”

She better be able to. She’d worn anal plugs for a few hours nearly every day preparing herself for her men. It had been an intimate little ritual—one she’d oddly enjoyed—but she didn’t want a plug tonight. They were plastic and cold. Unreal. She needed heat and flesh and their love.

“That’s right, love. You like this. You’re going to like my cock even more. I knew you would love this.” Kellan’s words vibrated along her flesh. “Do you know how full you’re going to be, Belle? When all three of us are deep inside you, you’ll finally know what it means to be our woman. You’ll be surrounded and taken and so fucking loved. You won’t believe how filled you’ll be with our cocks.”

“But first, I want a taste.” Tate pulled away.

As if this was something they had rehearsed, Eric took a step back with Tate, and Kellan slid his fingers from her backside, leaving her feeling lonely and empty and aching.

“I’m going to clean up and get ready,” Kellan said, giving her a wink. “You two make her scream a couple of times because I doubt any of us are going to last long once we get inside her. I wouldn’t want to be accused of not satisfying our woman.”

That wasn’t possible, but before she could voice her opinion, Tate lifted her into his arms. He cradled her to his chest before setting her down on the bed. She loved it when he carried her. She felt petite and delicate and treasured. The softness of the comforter cradled her back. Her skin was alive and singing. Even the air caressed her.

Tate stood at the end of the bed, his stare all over her body. He wore a predatory smile. “I’m hungry, baby.”

Her body tightened in anticipation. “You’re always hungry, Tate.”

“Damn straight,” Tate shot back. “I’m always starving for you. Now spread your legs for me.”

Eric joined him, looming over her like sex on two legs. “Spread them wide, baby. We want to look at our pussy. You’ve got the prettiest pussy in the whole fucking world. I want to look at it all the time.”

Belle spread her legs wide. Eric wasn’t joking. He really did want to look at her pussy all the time. It was yet another kink they somehow made loving and affectionate. At the oddest times, Eric commanded her to spread her legs just so he could look at her. Sometimes that’s all he’d do. He would simply look, sigh contentedly, and leave with promises to come back later. She would shake her head at him, but for hours afterward, she felt as if she was glowing.

But sometimes he would look for a few moments. Then she’d find herself spread wide on her desk, screaming out her pleasure. Belle definitely liked those times best.

“You might be satisfied with looking, but I’m going to devour my dessert. The caterers didn’t feed me anything I really wanted.” Tate dropped to his knees in front of her. “Of course, nothing is sweeter than this.”

Belle sighed because she was in for something sweet herself. Tate could eat her pussy for hours. He’d told her he was a true connoisseur of only one thing—her.

Eric climbed on the bed and palmed her breast, his big hand easily covering her. “Don’t listen to a word he says. I watched him eat five of the mini éclairs and two of the tarts. He just likes to complain.”

Tate’s breath warmed her feminine flesh. “No, I just like to eat a lot. I’m a big guy. I need my sweets. And I intend to eat my fill of this because it’s the sweetest piece I ever had.”

He took her breath away with the first long swipe of his tongue. Pure pleasure made her toes curl. Tate lapped at her pussy in short, teasing swipes before settling in for a dizzying suck of her clitoris.

Eric played with her nipples, sucking and biting them playfully. He enveloped the buds in his mouth. Her whole body pinged with life, waiting for the ecstasy only they could bring her. The past fell away, and all that she was left with was a brilliant future with her men.

Belle clenched the sheets as she forced herself to stay still under their ministrations. They tortured her, bringing her to the edge again and again until she thought she might go mad. Her skin dampened. Her breathing shallowed.

“Please,” she pleaded.

“Please what?” Eric lifted his head, staring down at her with dark eyes. “Kellan isn’t the only one who tops you. He might have been the one to place that collar around your throat, but you belong to all of us, so you’ll call us by our title or you won’t get what you want.”

“Please, Master.” In their bedroom, she was content to submit to their every desire.

Tate’s head snapped up. Her arousal glistened on his sensual lips. He licked them, obviously enjoying her taste. “I like hearing that. Since she begged so sweetly, I think we give her what she needs.”

“Then do your worst, man. Make her scream. I’ll help you out.” Eric slid his hand down her torso until he found her clit, then placed his thumb right on top of the little nub.

“You always back me up.” Tate lowered his head again.

Belle shouted out as he speared her with his tongue. Tate began to fuck deep inside her cunt with long strokes of his tongue while Eric pressed and rotated her clit. He varied the pressure, teasing and torturing her while Tate stroked her deep. She couldn’t help but whimper and squirm as they held her down. Their grips were a sweet restraint she didn’t want to escape. Eric licked at her nipple and finally settled in to suck. Long pulls on her tender buds had her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

They moved in perfect time. It wasn’t long before they had Belle thrashing and crying out, a supernova of an orgasm exploding through her body.

She sagged onto the bed, her body heavy with pleasure as she floated back to earth. Eric kissed her lazily, cuddling her close, their tongues playing sweetly against one another. Tate moved up the bed on her other side, turning her to him as Eric eased back. She could taste herself on his tongue.

“You look like a satisfied woman.” Kellan stood at the end of the bed. He stared down at her, his eyes hot.

“I’m a happy woman,” she replied.

“And you’re going to make us very happy men. You complete us, Belle. We love you. Let us show you just how much.” He nodded toward his partners. “Tate, take her pussy. Eric try her mouth again. I’m going to work my way into that sweet virgin ass.”

She found herself being twisted and turned gently, like she was a precious doll they wanted to share. Beneath her, Tate quickly donned a condom and thrust his cock deep before she was even settled.

Her arousal returned in that one long thrust, despite the orgasm she’d just experienced. Almost immediately, she pulsed around his cock. She would never get used to the way it felt when they thrust inside her. She closed her eyes, letting the sensation take over. Tate’s hands eased her, soothing her even as he held her on his dick.

“God, you feel good.” Tate’s hips flexed up as though he could make his way deeper inside her body.

“She’s going to feel even better when I’m done. You think she’s tight now, just wait until I’m inside.” Kellan put a hand between her shoulder blades, gently guiding her down. “Lie against Tate, love.”

Eric took his place, kneeling close, directing his cock toward her. He teased her lips with it. “Come, baby. Take me inside. I can’t wait to feel your mouth on me again.”

She licked at the head while Tate held her still. Kellan moved in behind her once more. A spark zipped up her spine as he parted her cheeks and dribbled more lube.

Eric’s cock invaded, filling her mouth as she felt something far larger than a finger at the rim of her ass. She couldn’t stop from groaning as Kellan pressed against her opening. His cock was so much bigger than the plugs she’d taken. She knew she’d feel him even more keenly because Tate took up all the space in her pussy. Even the thought of having them both inside her made her moan.

“Fuck, baby. That feels so good.” Eric pushed further into her mouth, obviously loving the vibrations stemming from the sounds she made.

“Stay still, love. Let me in. Don’t fight it. I belong here. This body is fucking ours.” Kellan pressed forward in little thrusts, gaining ground each time. Every move of his body was a mix of pleasure and pain and the anticipation of something to come.

Tate gripped her hips, stroking and calming her. “You’re so gorgeous, Belle. Relax. This is how we were meant to be together.”

He kissed her shoulder, giving her little love nips that countered the pressure in her ass.

She concentrated on pleasuring Eric, rolling her tongue over and over his cock. She laved the head and the underside with her affection, pouring her devotion into every pass of her tongue.

All the while, Tate held her still while Kellan thrust softly, opening her up more every time he inched forward until she finally felt him surge inside deep.

Belle gasped and held her breath. She’d never been so full. Kellan and Tate were deep inside her body, taking up all the space, impaling her on their cocks and holding her still for their pleasure. God, was there anything more perfect? She didn’t think so.

Caught between the two of them, she drowned in pleasure as Eric slid his cock into her mouth, guiding her gently with his fingers tangled in her hair. All three of her men were inside her, and it was an intimacy unlike anything she’d ever known.

“You’re so fucking tight, love.” Kellan seemed to grind the words up in his chest before he spoke them.

She whimpered, and he petted her, holding himself still, allowing her to become accustomed to the feel of a cock invading her ass. She was stretched so tight, and for a moment she wasn’t sure she could stand another second of it.

Then Kellan moved ever so slightly, dragging his cock back, suffusing her with pleasure. Nerves she’d barely imagined and never felt so alive sparked through her body.

“Are you all right?” Kellan asked, his voice guttural with arousal.

She didn’t want to lose Eric, so she just hummed with satisfaction.

“I think she’s fine, man. And you really better get to moving if you want us all to go off together because I don’t know how long I’m going to last. She feels too good.” Eric tightened his grip on her face as he thrust his cock further past her lips, forcing her to take more of him.

Tate thrust up while holding her hips against him. Her clitoris ground on his pelvis, building the heat and fire inside her.

“Then we should show our woman exactly what we can do for her.” Kellan dragged his cock almost all the way out, stopping just at the tight ring of muscle, then thrust ruthlessly back inside.

And they were off, setting a pace that took Belle’s breath away. They worked in perfect harmony. Tate would thrust up while Kellan pulled back. Kellan’s cock would plunge forward while Tate ground up, hitting her clitoris perfectly. Eric caught their rhythm, and his cock stiffened in her mouth. The musk rising up from his skin filled her nostrils.

Belle didn’t fight the sensations. She gave over completely, submitting her body and heart to her men. She rode the wave they created for her, allowing her body to flow between them as the pleasure built and built.

Eric groaned in something close to agony, and she tasted the salt of his essence on her tongue. He pressed in again, his cock shooting off and filling her up. She drank him down, lapping at his cock, ensuring that he not only felt pleasure but her love too.

Tate’s thrusts matched Kellan’s as they picked up the pace. Each moved smoothly in and out of her body. Tate wedged a hand between their bodies, pushing up on her clit and sending her flying over the edge once again, tearing a scream from her body.

“Yes. That’s it. Baby, fuck. Oh, Belle, come all over my cock.” Then Tate shouted, stiffening and arching his back to bury himself even deeper inside her.

Belle’s whole body convulsed in pleasure as the orgasm nearly ripped her from her body and tossed her into a storm of pleasure. She heard Kellan cry out her name, then he lost his perfect rhythm, slamming inside her over and over again, marking her as his. He stiffened behind her, shoving his cock deep until she could feel his balls rub against her. Warm satisfaction flooded her. Heat and pleasure became her world as Kellan shared her moment of release and her devotion to their forever.

They fell together in a pleasant heap on the bed. Belle sighed as she found herself in a happy tangle of arms and limbs. The light from the candles made the whole world soft and sweet. The moment had been nothing short of perfect.

Kellan settled in beside her, his head on her breast. “I missed you every minute I was gone.”

She caressed his cheek. “I missed you, too. Don’t leave again. Not for a long time.”

“Hey, scoot over. I think I should be the one to sleep beside Belle.” Eric stared down at Tate.

Tate merely wrapped an arm around her waist and cuddled close. He didn’t even open his eyes. “You snooze, you lose, man.”

“Come on. I’ll arm wrestle you for it,” Eric offered. “Hey, I’ll walk Sir for the rest of the week. Come on, man.”

Tate and Eric argued like big kids about who got to sleep next to the wife for the night.

Kellan chuckled. “They’re going to be trouble, you know.”

Belle just smiled. Yes, her men were trouble, but she’d realized she couldn’t live without them.

She closed her eyes, sending a silent thanks to her grandmother for bequeathing her a home she and her men could share and eventually raise the children borne of their love in. She slept, her dreams untroubled because her house, like her life, was whole and at peace once more.

* * * *

Read on for excerpts from Shayla Black, Lexi Blake, and M.J. Rose.
