Chapter 5

HUNTER GLOWERED EVERY BIT AS FEROCIOUSLY AT THE sheriff as he did back, but he couldn't quit thinking about Tessa and her interview with that jackass reporter. How could Rourke have printed her threat? What an imbecile.

Rourke was pretty rattled--he'd used her interview and now someone had broken into her house. Too late for regrets. The damage was done.

"I'm Sheriff Wellington," the man said, who looked like an older version of Ashton, same blond hair, only his was graying at the temples, and the same blue eyes. "You're the one who destroyed my son's rifle?"

"Ashton must have been mistaken, Sheriff. After he shot me, he was so shaken that he might have killed me, he dropped the rifle over the cliff side. It's probably still there, if anyone wants to chance climbing down to get it." Although Hunter had thrown it far enough, the rifle butt cracked on the rocks, and then the weapon flipped into the briny sea.

The sheriff glanced at Tessa with murder in his eyes. Hunter steeled his back, fighting the urge to show the sheriff how much he didn't like his posturing. But then the sheriff caught sight of Rourke. His gaze quickly shifted to the truck parked out front. Recognition dawning? Yep, reporter here looking for another story.

"He didn't shoot you." The sheriff's voice was so harsh, he sounded like a lupus garou trying to persuade another of his mistake.

Hunter couldn't help but admire that aspect of him. Definitely alpha material. Hunter reached for his sweatshirt sleeve and intended to yank it up, but the sheriff raised his hand and stopped him.

"All right, let's say it happened like you said. What were you doing wandering around in the dark?"

Like that was a crime? He wanted to tell the sheriff it was none of his business and would have if he'd been on his own property. But since he didn't know where his own property was located, he acquiesced.

"Gathering firewood." Hunter motioned to the fireplace. "That's our only source of heat for the moment. Hadn't planned on letting us freeze to death. And I didn't expect to get shot in Tessa's backyard." He raised a brow.

"Ashton said you charged him."

Hunter smiled inwardly. Yeah, he had. Like a wolf with a mission. Hunter lifted a shoulder. "He shot at me twice. I got closer so he could see I wasn't game."

Tessa raised her ski cap off the coffee table and poked her finger in the hole. Seeing the way she did it, made him think of things he shouldn't be thinking.

"I'd say Hunter could press charges against Ashton for attempted murder," Tessa said, her expression indignant. "If he'd managed to hit Hunter in the head, it would have been murder. With the lines down and my Escort unable to navigate in the icy conditions, we would never have been able to get help for him."

The sheriff's eyes bulged. He rubbed his chin and looked like he'd finally been put in his place. "Who the hell are you?"

"Hunter Grey, Tessa's boyfriend. Tell Ashton to hunt somewhere else from now on."

The sheriff narrowed his eyes and looked like he could shoot Hunter himself for telling him what to do, especially concerning his son. "If you're Tessa's boyfriend, why weren't you at the trial, giving her moral support?"

"He's been away," Tessa said. "Just got in late yesterday afternoon."

He glanced back at Rourke, then warned Hunter, "Watch yourself. The community's had enough bad publicity over Michael's criminal activities. Don't let me hear that you're causing any more trouble."

Hunter wanted to retort that as long as he didn't keep Ashton's company, he would be fine, but he kept his mouth shut.

"Hunter's a celebrity," Rourke proudly exclaimed, his chest puffed up twice its size.

All eyes turned toward him.

He raised his brows and smiled like he had the greatest news of the century. "He's an ex-Navy SEAL. You probably noticed the great shape he's in."

The sheriff's narrowed eyes grew rounder.

Rourke nodded. "Yep, a real celebrity in our sleepy little community."

Her expression still fierce, Tessa motioned to the sheriff. "Tell him about the intruder."

Hunter hadn't planned to mention the gray. He would take care of the lupus garou. But he didn't have much choice now. "The guy broke into Tessa's place twice and knocked out Michael's window the one time."

"You're not suggesting--"

Hunter shook his head. "No, Sheriff. A man broke in, but it wasn't Ashton."

Tessa folded her arms. "The guy stole my gun."

"File a report at the office when you have time." The sheriff gave Hunter a warning look. "Heed what I say, Mr. Grey. Watch your step. I keep a safe district."

Right. That's why Michael is in jail, the killer is on the loose, your son is shooting innocent people in the middle of the night, and someone's stalking Tessa.

"Did you know Bethany Wade was your son's lover behind Michael's back?" Hunter asked casually, watching to see the effect the news had on him. Did the sheriff already know? Or was he as clueless as everyone else?

Rourke's skin turned colorless. Tessa appeared just as pale. The sheriff's expression grew crimson, and he looked like his head was ready to explode. Hunter wasn't sure if that meant the sheriff knew or not. To his credit, the sheriff didn't say anything, whipped around, stalked off down the walk toward the patrol car, slipped on the ice, landed spread eagle, and swore a few choice words. Hunter smiled and closed the door only to face Rourke and Tessa's angry expressions.

"What? It's true, isn't it? He needs to be aware his son isn't the angel he appears to be. If he even appears to be that."

Tessa groaned. "You just made an enemy of the only man in the county who can make your stay--and mine--a living hell."

Rourke ran his hands through his hair and collapsed on the sofa. "You've really done it now."

"Good thing you were here, Rourke. I'm sure the sheriff would have made more of a scene otherwise," Tessa said.

"Thanks. I think. You should've told the sheriff you were a Navy SEAL, Hunter." Rourke gave him a devious smile. "He listens to that kind of talk. Set him back a peg or two. If he thought he could bully you, he lost his nerve."

"Yeah, but according to the rumor mill, the sheriff's known to hire ex-cons to get his point across," Tessa warned.

"Maybe we should hang a sign out that says ex-Navy SEAL lives here." Hunter feigned annoyance as he headed into the kitchen.

"Hey, I imagine you're used to keeping your former occupation secret, but for now, I'd say it could save your ass." Rourke followed him into the kitchen and cast him a warm grin, as if he was honored to be on Hunter's good side.

"Can't hurt. The sheriff will tell Ashton for sure. He won't want his only son getting hurt if Ashton thought to mess with you again," Tessa agreed.

Hunter opened one of the cans of tuna fish on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, for heaven's sakes, let me do that. I can at least make lunch." She pulled a jar of mayonnaise out of the fridge.

"At least if he calls in heavy muscle, they won't want to mess with an ex-Navy SEAL either." Rourke grabbed the jug of milk from the fridge.

"Unless they have something to prove. Badge of honor, best one of the government's finest," Tessa warned.

Hunter leaned against the counter and watched Tessa poke a butter knife into the mayonnaise jar. Her hips wiggled slightly as she worked on the sandwiches, which made his body tighten with need.

Attempting to get his mind off her sweet ass, he thought about his supposed Navy SEAL training. He had learned a few maneuvers over the centuries that could help him deal with just about any scenario, which he could pass off as Navy SEAL expertise. Some martial arts training, taught by some of the best, too. At least he thought that's where he learned all his lethal moves as a human. And why he remembered that but not his last name, he hadn't a clue.

Tessa finished making sandwiches and they sat down to eat, but all Hunter could think of was retiring to bed with her. The way she pushed her hair out of her face, licked her lips, smiled, raised her brows at him in question, made him want her all the more. Not that his wanting to go to bed with her only had to do with the craving he had for her--to get along in a human's world, lupus garous adjusted to daytime activities and slept part of the night, since they still participated in nighttime activities. Which meant naps during the day were often a necessity. But napping with her was even a greater necessity.

After they ate lunch, Hunter snagged Tessa's hand, the heat from her touch making him wish he knew whether he had a mate or not all over again. "Why don't you clean up, Rourke, while Tessa and I take a nap? We didn't sleep very well last evening. You can pull guard duty for now. I'll be staying up some of the night to watch for this guy's return. I figure he'll be lurking in the woods nearby."

Initially, Rourke looked annoyed that Hunter was taking Tessa to bed. But when Hunter mentioned guard duty, recognition reflected in Rourke's gray eyes and his expression turned to concern.

"All right?"

"Yeah, of course. I don't have all the training you do, but I'll think of something."

Hunter was pretty sure no one would mess with them during the day. "Just holler if anyone intrudes. I'll come running."

"Sure. I can do that."

Hunter stalked toward Tessa's bedroom, hauling her with him. Her hand tightened on his as she rushed to keep up with him.

"Are you in a hurry?" she asked, her words laced with amusement.

"I feel like a tired old dog. Don't you?"

"Speak for yourself. A sleepy cat maybe, but a tired old dog?" She smiled up at him, her sparkling green eyes and shiny red hair a tantalizing combination. "Never."

"A cat?" He chuckled, slipping his fingers through her silky strands. "Sounds like we could get into quite a tangle."

"Yeah, and I'd come out on top."

"On top? Not underneath?"

She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks turned crimson. "I meant as in winning."

When they walked into the bedroom, she stared at her floral sheets thrown in a bundle on the floor. "He did this?" she whispered.

Hunter had forgotten he had removed the sheets. "No. I did. I'm sorry, Tessa. I didn't want to mention it, but the bed smells like him."

Her eyes grew huge. "He got into my bed?"

"Do you have any other sheets?"

"Yeah. But he really got into my bed?"

"Yep, he did." The bastard.

She pulled out a fresh set of blue and white striped sheets from the linen cabinet, and Hunter helped her remake the bed. "Why would he do that?" she asked, her voice threaded with worry.

"He's a sick bastard."

She paused as they were pulling the blue velvet comforter back in place. "It's someone I know, isn't it?"

"Probably. But maybe not anyone you know well. He might be someone you met just once, but I believe he's fixated on you."

"A stalker?"

Worse. "Something like that."


"I'll take care of him tonight." He yanked off the sweatshirt, and Tessa's eyes shifted to his bandaged arm.

The wound felt like it had nearly healed, but the bandage sported dried blood so it looked worse than it was.

"I'd better change that bandage." She reached out to touch his arm.

He wrapped his hand around hers. "Come, sleep. I can't function properly tonight without getting more rest."

"How much do you remember about yourself?"

She looked so hopeful, he hated to disappoint her. "Just bits and pieces."

"You don't really remember your last name, do you?"

He shook his head and began pulling her turtleneck up, his desire to see more of her wreaking havoc with his need to keep his distance. Her smile was contagious and although he thought she might try to stop him, considering the way she'd been dressed the night before, she didn't.

"You don't remember if you're married or have a significant other?"

"No, sorry, Tessa. I wish I did, but those memories still elude me." However, he hoped that the fact he couldn't recall, meant he didn't have a mate.

Tessa's brows raised. Yeah, she was wondering where he was going with this. Not that he didn't wonder himself enough for the both of them. He stared at her white lace bra, her nipples darkened against the fabric, mesmerizing him.

She unbuckled her belt and slid her jeans down. Teasingly tiny, white lace bikini panties showed off a wealth of silky skin. Every inch kissable.

He wanted to take her right then and there. But he couldn't. Not until he knew for certain whether he was mated. Until that time, he was free to pleasure human women. But once he was mated with a lupus garou, the bond was for a lifetime. No divorce. No ending the mating unless one of them died.

He pulled Tessa into bed, determined to bury his lustful intentions until he knew for certain whether he was attached or not. Covering them with her comforter, he held Tessa tight, her back against his chest, breathed in the smell of the wind in her hair, the fragrant scent of her skin, her soft heat captivating him. Although he only planned to sleep, her titillating touch aroused a throbbing need he couldn't fulfill.

Tessa saw the longing in Hunter's gaze, knew he wanted her. And she wanted him also. But she loved the way he was reluctant to take the relationship further until he knew for sure if he had someone. Maybe he wasn't attached, and with the way his memory was returning, it might not be long before he knew the truth.

She melted in his heated embrace, snuggling closer. She swore he let out a muffled groan against the back of her head as he tightened his hold on her, his hard and aroused body fitting snuggly against hers. She had never felt so protected in her life, and she didn't want the sensation to stop.

"Rourke really respects you," she said under her breath. "He doesn't have many friends, mostly because he always sees a story in anything anyone does and it either irritates people or makes them nervous, which causes them to shy away from him. But he really likes you."

"He's all right."

"Hmm, well, I can tell you like him, too. He might not be of the same caliber as your rough and tumble Navy SEAL friends but he's not so bad."


"Not for me--as a boyfriend. But as a friend for you. That's why you invited him to stay."

Hunter grunted. "To watch over you while I look for the intruder. I couldn't leave you alone unprotected, worried he'd sneak into the house while I was searching for him outside."

That's what she thought, but she wanted to hear him say it. She kissed his arm. "Night." Even if it was midday.

"I wasn't a Navy SEAL."

"Maybe not, but you are now. And the way you react to situations, cook like you're used to living out of doors, have such an uncanny awareness of danger and how to deal with it, you must have trained in military or police operations. So you might as well be a Navy SEAL. It fits with the beach scene anyway. Maybe you're really an Army Ranger or Special Forces or a member of a specialized Swat Team." She shrugged. "Doesn't matter."

"Would to me if I were trained in one of the other fields."

She turned her head, his lips curved, and she gave him a small smile. "But it doesn't suit our first meeting half as well."

He ran his hand over her hair, then combed the strands with a silky touch. "Do you think a Navy SEAL would have ended up where I did? Flat on my back, half dead?"

"You were flat on your stomach, half dead." She sighed, loving the feel of his fingers sweeping through her hair and wished they could take the relationship further. "Only a Navy SEAL or some other highly trained professional in survival tactics would probably have endured the ordeal."

His hand drifted to her breast, his touch blazing a trail of heat across her skin.

Her nipple tightened, begging for release from the lacy bra. She'd never known anyone as sexy as Hunter, so sure of himself, but sensitive, too.

"I wish I knew for certain if I had a significant other, Tessa." He wrapped his arms around her and growled. "You're way too intriguing."

"Hmm, I hope you're unattached, Hunter." She closed her eyes and breathed in his masculine scent, coveting his heated embrace. And I hope you plan to stick around for a long, long time. But she feared the way her luck was going lately, there wasn't much chance at that. Even now she envisioned a wife and a couple of small kids sitting by a fire, waiting for Hunter to return home. She groaned inwardly.

No way did she ever want to be a home breaker like her father had been.

After he'd been sleeping for a couple of hours, Hunter's fingers swept across Tessa's breast. Just a whisper of the most tantalizing touch. Was he asleep? Oblivious to the way he was sending her heart into overdrive? Making her wet in anticipation? Her nipple tingled, but she didn't move a muscle, listening, trying to discern if he was awake and had felt her up on purpose, or was asleep and it was just an accident.

His hand rested on her breast this time, the palm in contact with her taut nipple, his caress tormenting her. He was awake, the cad. Then he moved his hand lower, rubbing his thumb across the sensitive nub in a slow, sensual caress.

Lulled into sweet ecstasy, she didn't respond, afraid he'd stop if he knew she was awake. He stroked her breast, and then as if the sensation couldn't have been more erotic, he slid the lacy cup down, exposing her. She took in a sharp breath. His hand molded to her breast, and she wanted to scream, "Take me, oh godly one!" She didn't even know him! He didn't even know himself, for heaven's sakes.

Did he remember he wasn't attached to another woman? Please, make it so. She took his roaming hand and kissed it.

"I knew you were pretending to be asleep," he said, the timbre of his voice dark and seductive.

Her body heated with chagrin. Caught in the act. She smiled to herself. "I thought you were asleep, at first."

She was dying to ask if there was someone special in his life, but was afraid to learn the truth--that maybe he still didn't know, but he was too horny to care, or he did have someone, but he was still too horny to care.

"I can't promise anything," Hunter warned, pressing a kiss against her hair with a feather-light touch.

His action sent a shiver of expectation down her spine. "Are you free?"

"There's no one."

She let out a heavy sigh.

"I still can't promise you anything long term."

"I'll take whatever I can get," she teased, but she was afraid he might have heard the regret in her voice. She tried again. "Really slim pickings around here."

"You haven't been with a man in a long time," Hunter said, as if he knew her whole blamed, pathetic lifestyle.

But she couldn't lie to him. She figured he would see right through her.

"I'll try to be gentle. It's been a good long while for me, too," he admitted, his voice already husky, his fingers encircling her breast in a slow caress.

As much of a hunk as he was, she didn't believe it for a minute. But forget gentle. She wanted him to devour her whole.

His hand shifted to her shoulder, and he rubbed her with a tender motion, as if he was waiting for her to make up her mind.

"I'll try to be gentle, too," she said.

His lusty chuckle heated her blood. Boy, had she found a pile of treasure when she went to gather wood on the beach yesterday afternoon.

Hunter unfastened her bra, and then slid the straps down her arms, every move he made deliciously sensual. No man had ever undressed her before, and the sensation sent a delectable heat skittering through her. He brushed aside her hair, exposing her neck, then licked the super-sensitive skin, his warm breath fanning her. He turned her around, his gaze hot with wanting. And then he bent his head, pressed his mouth lightly against hers, his fingers tracing her arms downward, the skin tingling with his action.

She placed her hands against his naked chest, noting the tension in his hard, lean muscles, his skin tan, no longer bruised or cut, the smattering of dark, curly hair trailing to the waistband of the sweats-- enticingly provocative.

Although the room was icy cold, his touch heated an internal flame so white hot, she wanted to ditch the covers and expose every delectable inch of him for her viewing pleasure. But he made no move to pull the covers aside, instead dipping his fingers underneath the top edge of her panties, teasing her skin, back and forth.

He brushed his lips against her mouth, making her want more, and drew his fingers upward across her stomach, blazing a trail to her breast. All her bones dissolved as she melted to his touch, his fingers kneading her swollen breast. A wet ache between her legs commenced, and she tugged at the drawstrings on his sweats. Not waiting for his reaction, she jerked the pants down to his thighs.

His arousal sprang free and he half-groaned or growled. And lost control of his slow and measured seduction, as if she'd finally given her mountain man permission to ravish her like a woman in need and not treat her like she was a delicate flower.

He kicked off the sweats and slid her panties down her hips and lower, his tongue penetrating her mouth, conquering, decisive, as if the invisible bars of the cage holding him back had vanished. Pressing his knee between her thighs, he opened her to him, his fingers slipping downward through her short curly hairs, all the way to her womanly folds. His smoldering expression changed subtly, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

Yeah, she was ready for him. Had been ever since he'd pinned her to the beach.

His mouth moved to her throat, and he licked a trail to her breast. Then his warm lips latched onto her nipple, suckling, his fingers dipping deep inside her folds. A shiver of need streaked through her, and she arched her pelvis against him, never having wanted sex this bad, or for it to feel so damned good.

His wet fingers stroked her swollen nub, and she grabbed handfuls of his dark hair, his heated breath on her neck as he kissed her there. Every touch felt more erotic than the last and her nerve endings drew in the sensations.

She wanted him inside her, stoking her needs while fulfilling his own, but she didn't want him to stop what he was doing either. Oh, what the hell. If he didn't like that she wanted more, that was his problem. "I want you inside of me, now."

He pressed his leg between hers again, raising up until he connected with her mound and rubbed. She was ready to burst into flames. She groaned, well, kind of whimpered.

Which seemed to spur him on. His fingers worked faster, stroking her, drawing her to the peak, while his mouth did sweet things to one breast and then the other, her fingers digging into his shoulders, then releasing and sweeping down his firm sides. His hot tongue tasted, teased, his teeth grazed her reverently, sending delicious chills exploding across her skin.

"You smell of peaches and cream, and an enticing scent that's all you," he murmured heavily against her cheek.

Before she could respond, his fingers brought her to the edge of the world and she came, shattered into a million sparks of wonderment, the first time she had ever felt such a sensation, her insides quaking with ripples of orgasm.

Her heart thumped rapidly, her breath shallow as he took her in his arms, his eyes smoldering with hunger.

"You still want me?" he asked, his voice raspy and tight.

"Hmm," was all she could manage. If he quit now, she'd strangle him.

He laughed under his breath and pulled her onto her back. "I don't mean to brag, but you're pretty small, and I'm pretty--"

"Huge," she finished for him.

His amber eyes and delicious mouth smiled. "Just thought I'd warn you."

"Appreciate the warning, but you're wasting time." She still couldn't shake the feeling that any second now, he would just vanish in a puff of mist, like a genie recalled to his bottle.

He captured her mouth with his, not slowly, or sweetly, but like he hadn't had a woman in a very long time, and he couldn't wait a second longer. He smelled of the wind in the pines, and hot-blooded male, his gaze clouded with lust. His hands captured her hair and squeezed.

Her heart couldn't beat any faster as he centered himself between her legs. She might have found her treasure on the beach in the form of the hunky naked guy, but Hunter was about to plunder his own treasure as he eased inside of her.

No matter how much Hunter had tried to deny his craving for the woman, he knew it would come to this. Thankfully, he had been able to control his wolf's desires long enough to remember he didn't have a mate. Still, hooking up with Tessa was not a good idea. She was too damned needy and should have had a decent guy who would care for her, one who wanted to stick it out for the long run. Someone who wouldn't hunt on moon-filled nights in a wolf's coat.

He eased deeper into her tight sheath and began massaging her breasts to loosen her up. He could tell she hadn't been with a man in a very long time and the notion pleased him. He was even more convinced than before--if she had been a gray lupus garou, he would never let her go.

Her sweet, musky scent had all but undone him when he first stroked her breast, triggering her arousal. And thinking of the way she had touched him--rubbed his muscles with such finesse, cleaned the salt from his skin with tenderness, covered his injuries with the faintest of touches--every sensation was permanently etched into his brain.

He embedded himself inside her to the hilt and slowly began to withdraw. She smiled in a way that would heat any man's blood. What was worse, he already wanted her to smile at only him like that. The problem? Not enough lupus garou females to satisfy the male population.

He meant to draw out the lovemaking, take it slow and easy the first time with her. But she combed her fingers through his hair in such a sensual way, and then her fingers drew higher and began to massage his scalp, he felt he would lose his seed before he could make it very much farther.

He plunged in deeper, harder, fulfilling his raw need to conquer, to possess her. And she was worthy of being his, but he would not go there.

He watched her expression as he pumped deep inside of her, her sparkling eyes observing him, challenging him to give her everything he had. He felt the end coming and with one last hard thrust, he filled her with his seed. Sweet heaven, she was a gift from the gods.

Sexually satiated, he kissed her upturned lips, and then rolled onto his back, pulling her into his arms, loving the way her soft body molded against his hardness. "I wasn't too rough, was I?" he asked, his voice raspy against her ear, although it was a little too late for asking.

She shivered and touched his extended nipple. "Just perfect. I've never taken a nap that's been so--stimulatingly satisfying."

He chuckled. "Health experts say a nap a day can add years to your life."

"I believe it. Well, especially while napping with you."

He could have snuggled with her until nightfall, although they managed to sleep for an hour, but Rourke began stirring in the living room. More than stirring. He was banging around, probably tired of Tessa and Hunter "sleeping" together.

Hunter gave a ragged sigh and kissed the top of Tessa's head. "Let's get up. I need to gather more firewood and start that roast if it's going to be ready by dinnertime."

"You'll be careful tonight when you go looking for the thief, won't you?"

"Yeah, but you and Rourke stay together and don't leave the house this time."

"Do you remember everything about your life? Where you're from, where you were born?"

"No. It's coming back in annoying fragments." But he hoped he would soon remember what had happened to him before he ended up in the Pacific. Then he would take care of that little matter, too.

The tension ran high the rest of the evening. Rourke seemed perturbed Hunter had slept with Tessa earlier in the day and would again for part of the night. And she couldn't quit worrying about Hunter's safety tonight. Something seemed to be bothering him also. Another recollection? Maybe concern that they shouldn't have made love this afternoon. If he left tomorrow, she would have no regrets about what they had done. Well, no. She wasn't being honest with herself. She doubted she would ever find a man who was quite like Hunter. No one would ever measure up to him.

But something was going on with him. He kept watching her, his look so dark she couldn't fathom what was the matter. If Rourke hadn't been there, she would have asked. But she didn't want to in front of him.

Rourke noticed Hunter's ominous mood, too. Even though he was pissed about her and Hunter's relationship, he wasn't saying a word about it. But she bet he would if Hunter hadn't looked so lethal.

"You didn't make that list of names for me," Hunter finally said to Tessa, fixing her with a piercing gaze as he shoved his empty plate at Rourke.

Although Rourke was supposed to do the dishes, he wasn't finished eating, and he cast Hunter an irritated look.

Tessa had forgotten all about the list of suspects. "I'll do it after I finish dinner."

She realized then, the change had come over Hunter after he'd left to gather firewood earlier. She frowned. Although she knew she shouldn't bring it up, she wasn't used to burying problems. "Did you discover anything when you went down to the beach to get firewood?"

Rourke glanced up from his roast.

"You said Ashton wasn't anything to you. You said he only saw you as Michael's annoying sister. What the hell's going on between the two of you? Is he your lover? Former lover? Is that why he shot me?"

A sickening flood of fear washed over her. He watched the emotions playing across her face, his hard look instantly changing to a hint of compassion. How did he come up with the conclusion that she and Ashton were lovers?

The... the incident in the shed out back? How could he know about that?

"Don't lie to me, Tessa."

His voice was so stern she might have cowered if she had done something wrong.

But she hadn't, damn it. She hadn't even known Hunter back then. What right did he have bullying her?

No longer hungry, she rose from the table. "You want a list of possible suspects, I'll give you a list. But beyond that, go to hell."

She swore his lips turned up a fraction before he stood like one pissed-off giant grizzly.

He tossed a pair of her shredded silk panties on the table. "Want to talk about it?"

"Where... where did you get those?"

"In the shed."

Rourke looked anxious, like he wished he hadn't agreed to stay the night. Some hero he would make. On the other hand, he looked like he wanted to know what the panties had to do with Ashton Wellington. Good news for the morning paper?

"It was my fault," she said, gathering her composure. Once she told Hunter the truth, she figured he would want to kill Ashton, so somehow, she had to minimize the seriousness of what had happened.

"So tell me. Did you seduce him in the shed, Tessa?" He advanced on her. "Did you? Or did something else go down?"

She fought fleeing to her bedroom to avoid the topic.

She had never told anyone about it. How could she? No one would ever have believed her. But Hunter had instincts that were more attuned than anyone she had ever met. She didn't think she could get away with outright lying.

"What business did you have in the shed?" She tilted her chin up and glowered right back at him, but wondered again where the panties had been that she hadn't found them.

"The intruder had been there. I was looking for clues when I found those." Hunter motioned to the incriminating evidence.

Oh, hell, the stalker.

"Ashton had been drinking, okay?"

Hunter's face turned even more hot-tempered. "He forced you? Damn it, he raped you?"

"No! He tried to get me to do it with him, but I... I knocked him out with a shovel and when he came to, we never discussed the incident. All right?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why? No one would ever have believed me! Ashton can do no wrong! I tried to tell my brother, but he wouldn't hear of it. I'd seen Ashton smoking out by the shed. Michael was still at the art gallery at one of his special exhibits. I thought it was a good opportunity to tell Ashton to go to hell."

"Like you did me?"

"Yeah, well, you deserved it. I told Ashton I didn't want him seeing my brother any longer. He was a bad influence, but it was my fault for confronting him. I shouldn't have interfered. Not when I saw that Ashton was drunk. He left before Michael came home, and we didn't see him for a couple of weeks. He wasn't pleasant to me after that, but he kept his distance."

Rourke whistled. "Hell, a shovel, eh? Good thing you didn't crack that worthless skull of his in half. Not that he wouldn't deserve it, but you wouldn't have deserved the consequences either."

Hunter took Tessa's hand, but she jerked free and folded her arms. "Next time you want to ask me a question, do it in a nicer way, and not with a reporter in audience, all right?"

Rourke shook his head. "I swear, Tessa, on my mother's grave, I wouldn't breathe a word of this to anyone. I swear it. Although that worthless piece of shit deserves the bad publicity."

Hunter took Tessa's arms and unfolded them. Holding onto her hands, he scowled, "I don't often apologize for my actions, but finding the evidence in the shed made me a little crazy."

She wanted to say for someone who didn't want to make a commitment, what was the big deal? But she bit her tongue, because somewhere deep in this mountain man's psyche, he seemed to be fighting with himself over wanting to be with her longer.

She gave him a wry smile. "Apology accepted. But don't you dare kill that tapeworm."

"I can't make any promises." He cast Rourke a look like he better not print a word of any of this.

Rourke threw his hands up in capitulation. "Secret's safe with me. But you can't bind me to any oath either if that bastard gets in my way after what he's pulled."

She wanted to laugh. As if Rourke would ever get more violent with a body than shoving a recorder in his face to do an interview. Hunter smiled, as if he were thinking along the same line.

"You're making up to me tonight for this," Tessa warned Hunter, poking her finger against his solid chest.

He learned over and cupped her face, gliding his lips over hers, then captured her mouth and gave her a searing kiss that promised much more. He bowed his head slightly, touching his forehead against hers. "I'll do my best to apologize more, later."

Her lips tingled with heat and pleasure, and she wished Rourke hadn't been here. "Hmm, you'd better."

He grabbed her hat and Michael's jacket and gloves. "Got to take a look around now that it's getting dark. Keep her inside the house no matter what, Rourke. Even if you hear gunfire, don't let her out of your sight."

"Be careful," she said, her heart in her throat, because no matter how capable he seemed, someone had already nearly killed Hunter, and she was having awful feelings about this. Just like before.
