Chapter 6

WHY HUNTER HAD JUMPED TO THE CONCLUSION HE had concerning Tessa, he didn't know. Well, yeah, he did. She had really gotten under his skin and one thing he didn't like was being lied to. When he had found her panties on top of a shelf of some old paint cans, an unreasonable rage had filled him. But seeing her expression made him realize he had gotten the scenario all wrong, and he wished to hell his wolf instincts had played more of a role in his handling of the situation.

He meant what he said. He would make it up to her. Hopefully, she was being honest when she seemed to understand his anger and didn't hold a grudge against him for it. But maybe if she stewed about it for a while, she would be mad at him all over again. He wouldn't blame her. Why he had brought up the matter in front of Rourke was another thing.

What had gotten into him? Damn it.

He'd fallen hard for the woman--that's why. For some inexplicable reason, he wanted her for his own, despite the fact she was human, which went against all that he stood for. He took a deep ragged breath, trying to focus on the business at hand. He had every intention of locating the gray tonight, assuming he would be in his wolf form. Hunter figured that as badly as the gray had the hots for Tessa, there was no persuading him to cease his stalking. The lupus garou wanted her for a mate, and if Hunter didn't kill him, he was sure the gray would try to change her. If she didn't go with him willingly, he would murder her.

Hunter's blood heated even more. The gray wouldn't get the chance.

Movement in the woods caught his attention. He peered into the dark and saw a rifle poised in his direction and the bastard holding it. But as soon as Ashton Wellington realized Hunter had spied him, he raised the gun in surrender. Hunter charged toward him, his temper red hot.

He reminded himself the reason he had to get rid of Ashton was to ensure he could tangle with the gray, wolf to wolf, without witnesses. But as angry as he was with Ashton concerning Tessa, he couldn't control the urge to put the sheriff's son out of his misery, quickly.

Ashton stood his ground, although his face had turned as pale as the snow now falling.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from here?" Hunter growled, using his most lethal voice and glower.

Ashton shivered, and Hunter figured it was due in part to the cold, in part because of his threatening posture.

"I promised Michael I would watch out for his sister, damn it. I already told you that."

Hunter balled up his fist and punched Ashton in the jaw. Pain streaked through his knuckles. Ashton fell back against a pine tree with a grunt.

"That's for attempting to rape Tessa." Hunter readied his fist again.

Ashton dropped his rifle in the accumulating snow and held up his hands in submission. "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I was drunk. Angry. I know it doesn't excuse my behavior. Michael has been the only friend I've ever had and when his sister told me to get lost and leave her brother alone because I was a bad influence, something inside me snapped."

Hunter grabbed the rifle, intending to send it over the cliff, but Ashton yelled, "Wait! Hear me out. You wouldn't listen to me last night you were so riled, but someone's stalking Tessa. I thought it was you. Dad gave me hell about being here late last night, but I told him Michael wanted me to promise I would look after Tessa. And I'm going to do it, damn it. I owe her for the way I behaved, and I owe Michael."

He sounded sincere enough, but the guy was always in trouble, according to Tessa. Why couldn't he be lying?

"What about your seeing Michael's girlfriend, Bethany Wade? If you're such a good friend of Michael's, why would you do that?"

Ashton's face darkened. "You don't know the half of it, Hunter. Why did you have to bring that up to my dad? He gave me hell for that, too."

"Maybe you ought to come clean with me, before I throw your worthless carcass off this cliff."

Ashton looked like he was ready to pee his pants. Despite trying to put on a tough guy act, the smell of fear cloaked him. "I didn't kill Bethany. I went to see her that night. The one when I was so drunk. I'd been feeling sorry for myself because Michael had a talent I didn't have, and he was so successful. His painting had nothing to do with me, and I felt left out. While he was getting all his accolades during the showing, I drank too much. After Tessa beaned me with the shovel, I finally came to my senses, somewhat."

He took a deep breath. "I went to see Bethany, although I halfway suspected she would be at the art gallery with Michael. Hell, Tessa was supposed to be, too, but she had stayed home because she had a bout of the flu. Which she gave me also! Anyway, Bethany had been drinking, too. She felt like I did. Michael had a new circle of friends, and we didn't fit into his new lifestyle. She hated all the women who threw themselves at the great artist. His works were beginning to appear all over the states at museums and in books. We knew before long, he wouldn't have time for either of us."

"So you screwed his girlfriend and--"

Ashton's shoulders slumped. "At first, it was because we were mad at Michael. A sneaky form of revenge, I'll admit. But we became really fond of each other. I think we were falling in love. Michael was spending more time with his artwork and exhibits and less time with us, so what difference did it make?"

Hunter growled, "He was your best friend! You could have had the balls to square it with him first."

"Yeah, and lose his friendship?" Ashton shoved his gloved hands in his pockets. "After Bethany died--"

"You're trying to tell me you didn't kill her over a lover's spat and frame Michael for it?"

"Shit, Hunter. I didn't kill Bethany. I figured Michael had done it. Sure, I had been seeing Bethany behind his back just like he said, only he didn't know who it was. We'd been supercautious so no one could ever prove it. I figured he murdered her because he knew she was seeing someone else. Who else would have killed Bethany?"

Hunter shoved the rifle into Ashton's chest. "I don't want you coming around here any longer. I told you that last night. I won't warn you again."

Ashton rubbed his jaw, his blue eyes piercing Hunter with a frigid glower. "I promised Michael. Someone's stalking Tessa. I'm not breaking my promise."

"I'm looking out for her."

"As much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad. But you'd better let me in on this. My dad's contacted two ex-cons, extortionists, murderers, although they weren't convicted on the last count since the DA's office couldn't locate enough evidence. Believe me, they wouldn't hesitate to eliminate you. I told my dad you're good for Tessa's protection. But he was so mad about the rifle and everything else, he wouldn't listen. I'll help you."

"If you didn't kill Bethany, I'd say you don't really have it in you."

"Maybe, maybe not. You've solicited that idiot Rourke's help, and he definitely won't be able to protect her."

Hunter glanced back in the direction of the house. "All right, but make sure your dad is agreeable. Let him know we're in on this together. You get yourself killed, I don't want your dad thinking I'm the one who did it."

Ashton bobbed his head up and down. "Okay. You got it. Are you sure you don't want me to stick around a little longer? What if the guy's out here?"

"He probably is. But I don't want your ass out here until your dad agrees. All right?" Hell, when had Hunter become such a damned softy? He ought to have thrown the rotten cuss over the cliff with his new rifle.

"Yeah, agreed." But Ashton looked like he wanted to stay.

"Now, Ashton. You don't want to see me when I'm really pissed. Your dad might have mentioned I'm an ex-Navy SEAL."

"Yeah, yeah, he did."

"Well, we're trained to eliminate any threat no matter how small, so just remember that. Got it?"

"Yes, sir. I'll be back."

"Not before tomorrow. And come to the front door of the house, only if you get your dad's okay."

Ashton vigorously nodded and waited for Hunter to move out of his way since he had his back wedged up against the pine tree.

"Be back tomorrow," Ashton promised.

Hunter shook his head and stalked off in the direction he smelled the gray's scent. The stalker was back and had probably listened to their whole blasted conversation. Hunter should have thrown Ashton over the cliff, if for nothing better than to prove to the gray he wasn't a damn pushover.

The doorbell rang and Tessa looked at Rourke, both of them standing in front of the fire, rubbing their hands, trying to stay warm. Tessa didn't think the stalker would come to the front door. Maybe the sheriff had returned? Or perhaps he had sent some of his minions to rough Hunter up a little. But in front of witnesses? Probably not.

She headed for the front door, but Rourke bolted in front of her and grabbed her arms, his gray eyes wild. "What if it's him--the stalker?"

"What if it isn't?"

"I'll check." Rourke released her, hurried to the door, and peeked out through the peephole. "No one there."

Before she could tell him not to open the door, he unlocked it and swung it wide. "Holy crap!"

Rourke jumped away and tried to shut the door, but something knocked him flat on his back. Tessa stared at the large, pale gray wolf as he stood next to Rourke lying unresponsive on the floor. The wolf turned his attention from Rourke to Tessa, his amber eyes feral. In disbelief, she stood frozen in place. He... he was the same one who lunged for her in California?

Couldn't be.

Heart racing, she dashed for the fireplace and grabbed the cast-iron tongs. The wolf leapt halfway across the living room, barely missing the coffee table, and landed only feet from her. She swung the tongs at the animal's head, connecting with his nose in a loud whap, and the tongs flew from her grasp. He yelped and shook his muzzle.

She dove down the hall and reached her brother's room, the blood pounding so hard in her ears she couldn't hear the wolf following. But as soon as she grabbed the door and tried to slam it shut, the wolf lunged. Like a replay from the incident in the woods in California, the animal snarled and snapped, only this time he blocked her from shutting the door.

"Tessa!" Hunter yelled from the living room.

"I'm in here, Hunter! Watch out for the wolf!" Except she was the one still fighting with the wild beast, his paws against the door, his teeth snapping at her.

"I'll take care of it."

The wolf turned its head and she knew he would attack Hunter next.

"Stay there. Don't come out until I holler it's all clear," he shouted.

She slammed the door closed. "Hunter, be careful! The wolf's probably rabid."

What if it bit Hunter? And what about poor Rourke?

Furniture crashed. Her heart jumped. Growls sounded. She raced through Michael's room, searching for a weapon.

More crashing noises. More growling.


Hunter tore off the field jacket and then kicked off the sneakers as the wolf slinked around the sofa, snarling at him. Thinking to kill Hunter as a human? It would be easier for him. Hunter jerked off the sweats and hurried to shapeshift. The gray was dead meat. Rourke was out cold, thankfully, and Tessa couldn't see Hunter's new look, standing as a wolf, waiting for the stalker's approach. He just hoped to god she stayed put, but he didn't trust her one bit.

The lupus garou skirted around the overturned table, the brass lamp on the floor, the bulb shattered. He inched forward, slowly, cautiously, his tail straightened, his eyes focused on every movement Hunter made, from the twitch in Hunter's ears to the tautness of his tail. The gray's nose was bleeding and Hunter made the connection with the bloodied fireplace tongs. Tessa. He was certain Rourke hadn't used the tongs on the gray and then fallen by the door.

Had the stalker listened to Hunter's conversation with Ashton before he approached the house? Attempting to judge Hunter's strengths and weaknesses? Hunter hadn't thought he'd had much in the line of weaknesses when it came to human dealings. Then again, maybe he didn't usually come into contact with them. He couldn't recall.

Hunter surveyed the furniture in the way, hampering their ability to fight well. He needed to get the wolf out of doors, away from the humans.

The wolf snarled and then charged. Hunter swiftly retaliated. Both growled fiercely and struck with such force, neither made any headway. They dropped back to their pads and separated.

Hunter hoped Tessa didn't hear all the noise they were making, or she would be trying to figure out why there were now two wolves, but the instinct was so inborn, he couldn't stop it. Growling was like a war yell for a fighter in battle--a need to frighten the enemy into submission or inaction, and he would use every means necessary to eliminate the threat.

The gray was an equal match in size and agility. In his wolf way of thinking, Hunter was glad he had a worthy advisory, which would make it that much sweeter when he destroyed him. The two clashed again, their powerful jaws snapping, their teeth connecting. Hunter tasted both his blood and the gray's.

They landed on their paws, their chests heaving. They truly were matched. But Hunter couldn't work him toward the door. The lupus garou probably wanted to stay near the woman he intended to claim.

The gray dove in again, biting at Hunter's neck.

Hunter tore the gray's cheek, exposing the muscle. He yelped, retreated, waited. Hunter charged him, grabbed for his throat, but the lupus garou turned, and Hunter bit him in the flank instead. Another yelp.

Rourke groaned.

The distraction caught Hunter off guard, and the wolf went for Hunter's throat again. Hunter shifted the weight of his body to avoid the wolf's bite and ran into the damned leather footstool. The stalker's teeth sank into his shoulder. Pain radiated through the wound. Hunter growled.

Rourke moaned.

The wolf glanced at him as he began to stir, and then the stalker leapt toward the door. With another bound, he was outside.

His shoulder bleeding and hurting like hell, Hunter bolted after him. This ended, tonight.

Rourke weakly hollered, "Tessa? Tessa?"

Her nerves wired, she opened Michael's bedroom door and peeked out. No more growling. "Hunter?"

No reply.

Irritated she couldn't find a weapon in Michael's bedroom for protection, she called out, "Rourke, are you all right?"

No answer.

Her spine tingling with apprehension and feeling vulnerable without a weapon in hand, she crept down the hall toward the living room.

The place was deadly quiet except for the wind blowing through the open door. She feared the worst-- Hunter was dead or unconscious and the wolf was waiting for her. The adrenaline in her system was running high, her heart pounding hard. If she could get to the fireplace tongs or the poker...

She peered into the living room. No sign of the wolf. Both brass lamps had crashed to the floor. Blood was spattered throughout. Tan, pale, and darker gray fur clung to the edges of the couches and love seat. Rourke had again passed out by the front door. The clothes Hunter had been wearing were strewn all over the place.

She gasped, her hand to her mouth, her eyes tearing up. The wolf must have killed Hunter and dragged his body off. But what if he hadn't? Then again, what if the wolf came back? She grabbed the fireplace poker and rushed to the door. Except for drops of fresh blood on the porch, she didn't see anything in the blowing snow.

"Hunter!" she screamed. If she'd had a gun, she would have gone after the wolf and shot it.

Rourke groaned, and she quickly closed and locked the front door. "Rourke, Rourke, wake up. I... I think the wolf killed Hunter. But if it didn't..." She wiped tears from her cheeks. "Rourke! Wake up! We need to save Hunter."

The gray was racing through the woods as fast as he could while Hunter kept track of him in the blowing snow. Where the hell was he fleeing to? Maybe a getaway vehicle. He had the tenacity of an alpha. Yet some of his posturing, like escaping through the forest, indicated he was more of a beta. It didn't matter what he was because the gray served as a threat to Tessa either way.

For three miles, Hunter chased the lupus garou, the icy air whipping across his open wound, making it burn like the devil. Stop and fight like a wolf, damn you!

Another two miles after that. At least Tessa and Rourke were safe now that Hunter had the gray on the run. Hopefully, Rourke had only suffered a bump on the head and nothing more serious.

The wolf suddenly slowed. Tiring? Weak? He was bleeding, too, leaving a trail of blood in the fresh snow. But he didn't smell like he was afraid, which confused the issue. Maybe he was mad. Some lupus garou were crazy, just like their human counterparts.

Another smell--another wolf. No two. Damn it, Hunter was in a pack's territory. Something seemed familiar. He glanced at the cliffs. One blackened pine stood naked in the snow at the edge of the outcropping of rocks. Oh hell. Here's where he was thrown from the cliff.

He smelled the air. They were the three who'd fought him. That's how they had gotten the best of him the last time. But why had they attacked him?

Which made him wonder if he had tried to take over the pack, or had targeted one of their females as his own. Yet since this one wanted Tessa, had they thought Hunter would discover her and want her also? No matter how he tried, he couldn't remember.

One of the males moved around to his right flank, the other behind him, while the one he had already fought stayed where he was, panting, dog tired. Hunter almost felt the same way, but fresh adrenaline surged through his veins again, preparing him for the fight. He imagined the injured wolf was feeling complacent now that his buddies were here to bail him out.

He had a whiter mask on the underside, except for the blood caked on his nose and cheek. The one to Hunter's right was a darker gray. The one behind him was a little heavier, but they all had a similar scent, way of moving, overall look. He guessed they were brothers, triplets. Packs protected their members, but family could be even more ferocious in taking care of their own.

His tail stiff like a flag of warning, Hunter kept his eye on the stalker, but listened with regard to the other two. This time someone else, preferably three someone elses if he could manage, would be taking a dive into the ocean, over the cliff side. And then he would make sure Tessa didn't return to her beach for a good while afterward. No sense in her dragging home any more wounded, naked lupus garou males. Or finding their remains if they didn't survive.

The wolf behind him moved forward, his pads crunching on the upper crust of snow. The one on the right stepped toward Hunter, trying to box him in. Hunter didn't budge. He might as well put some of that supposed Navy SEAL training to use. At least if nothing else, he wouldn't be pushed toward the edge of the rocks. And he knew just who to target this time. The weakest link. He dove after the stalker.

For an instant, the wolf's ears flattened. Hunter smiled inwardly. The stalker was afraid of him. That's why he brought Hunter here. To get his brothers to back him up. He probably thought he could take Hunter down initially because of the way he was so "humanized."

The wolf fled. Hunter whipped around so suddenly, he caught the wolf chasing him off-guard. Hunter immediately lunged at him and bit the gray's snout. He yelped and dove away. The remaining wolf attacked. Hunter aimed low at his front right leg. With a snap, he brought the wolf down. The wolf howled. Hunter again turned, prepared to take on the other, but he and the stalker had disappeared into the blinding snow like a couple of gray wraiths. Calling for reinforcements? Hunter knew his limits. He couldn't fight a whole pack of grays.

The wolf with the broken leg lay panting on his side. Hunter knew he should kill him. But he still couldn't remember why they had thrown him from the cliff. Maybe he had been the one in the wrong. Not concerning Tessa though. No matter what, the stalker had no right to claim a human, and Hunter wasn't going to allow it.

He growled at the injured wolf. The gray closed his eyes in submission. Probably readying himself for the killing blow. Hunter glanced back in the direction of Tessa's house. What if the other two wolves went back for her?

Hell. He dashed back the way he had come, mile after mile. A quarter of a mile from the house, he heard Tessa calling, "Hunter!" Her voice was filled with tears.

Crap. Was Rourke with her? She wasn't supposed to leave the house. Somehow, he had to return to the place, get dressed, and... No, he couldn't risk her being out here in the event the other lupus garous were coming for her.

With the pine trees still shielding him, Hunter shape-shifted into his human form. He'd suffer frostbite for sure. If Tessa and Rourke had just stayed in the house, he could have gotten much closer before he'd had to change.

Racing into their line of view, he found Rourke wielding the fireplace poker and Tessa ready to swing the bloody fireplace tongs.

"Ohmigod, Hunter." Tessa's gaze shifted from his face to his bloody shoulder as she rushed forward. "Ohmigod."

He dashed toward her and grabbed her hand, pulling her back toward the house. "You shouldn't be out here. I told you to keep her in the house, Rourke. Didn't I?" The threat in his voice was real, but Rourke was smiling. Probably because of Hunter's state of undress.

So much for his ferocious image.

"I kept telling Tessa we would find you in pretty good shape." Rourke threw his parka over Hunter's shoulders. "I told you he'd have wrung the wolves' necks and would bring their tails home as souvenirs."

Now that was a barbaric notion. Tessa wrapped her arm around Hunter's waist as they hurried to the back porch. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she didn't say anything more.

Rourke wouldn't shut up and handed Hunter Tessa's ski cap. "Sorry. We didn't think of bringing any of your clothes. We should have thought of it, but all we had in mind was attacking the wolves that had dragged you off, and the best weapons for the job. But I kept telling Tessa you would be all right. That we'd find you alive."

"None of this is to be reported to the newspaper," Hunter warned.

"We have an obligation to warn folks that wild wolves have taken up residence in the woods here. We can't allow them to kill people."

Tessa was shaking so hard when they reached the back porch, she dropped the keys. Rourke retrieved them and unlocked the door.

"No reporting any of this." Hunter used his most threatening voice as they walked into the living room, his arm tight around Tessa.

Rourke stared at him. Tessa finally pulled away from Hunter and hurried down the hall.

He handed Rourke his parka and slipped the sweat-pants back on.

"You can't mean it, Hunter. What if one attacked Tessa? It would have, too, if you hadn't come and saved us."

"It wasn't a wolf. All right, Rourke? Just drop it."

Tessa returned to the living room with rubbing alcohol and bandages. "It was too a wolf." Her voice was shaky and her body slightly trembled.

When she applied the alcohol to the wound, Hunter clenched his teeth. Hell, he hadn't hurt this much since the time he was wounded in the Mekong Delta. Again, a distant memory, but nothing else came to mind except the excruciating agony he was in.

Her gaze caught his. "I'm sorry." Her skin was as white as the gauze in her hands and her eyes glistened with tears.

"It's no big deal," he said between gritted teeth. He sure as hell didn't want her to worry that he was dying when he would heal within a few days and be as good as new.

She set the bottle of alcohol down and applied the gauze to his shoulder. "I saw it, Hunter. If it wasn't a wolf, what was it?"

"A wild dog that looked like a wolf."

"We still have to report it. A wild animal that attacks humans has to be destroyed," Rourke said.

Tessa taped the gauze to Hunter's shoulder and shook her head. "It was a wolf. I have a photo of one that looks exactly like him. And not only that, but he had almond-shaped eyes. Dogs have rounded eyes."

He stared at her for a minute, then recalled all the books she had on wolves. Hell, now what? Hunter collapsed on the sofa, the adrenaline fading and weariness settling in. He wanted to tell them he had destroyed the animal, but he couldn't because the stalker would undoubtedly return, maybe this time with his two buddies once everyone had healed sufficiently. Hunter didn't want Tessa and Rourke believing they were perfectly safe. But he didn't want to create a mad scene of hunters shooting every wolf throughout Oregon either. And they probably would, even though wolves were a protected species. They couldn't kill the lupus garou that way, but they could kill the real wolves, and for wolves and lupus garous it would be one long nightmare.

"Can I see the picture?"

She nodded and headed back down the hall.

Hunter ran his hand through his damp hair. "Listen, Rourke, I'm going to ask you for a big favor on this. I know what I'm doing. Believe me. I'll destroy the wolf--"

"I thought I heard two of them fighting in the house," Tessa said, returning with the printout of the photo.

"Two fought one another. So you see if we announce this, hunters from every crack and crevice in the state will be here shooting everything that moves. Everything. You know how it goes. Then even Tessa wouldn't be safe getting a load of firewood from the beach."

"She's got you and me for that now," Rourke said, as if he were staying for the long haul.

Actually, it probably was a good idea--for the time being.

Hunter considered the photo while Tessa hurried back down the hall. It was the gray all right. But the trees weren't correct. A hint of memory eluded him. He recognized the forest. Not here, but where?

Rourke whispered, "Did you kill it already? I could see you didn't want to say in front of Tessa."

Before Hunter could reply, she returned and frowned at them. He figured she heard Rourke's loud whisper.

She carried a man's flannel shirt and a pair of big fuzzy sock slippers. Kneeling at Hunter's feet, she pulled on one of the slippers, and then the other. He hadn't realized how icy his feet were until she warmed them. But what heated him even more were her tender ministrations and thoughts of returning to bed with her and snuggling.

He considered the picture of the lupus garou again. "Where did you get this photo?"

"I took it in California. Right before he lunged at me."

"When you were on that photo shoot for the magazine?" Rourke asked. "Hell, Tessa, I told you not to take the job, but--"

"He looks just like the one that knocked Rourke out,"

Tessa continued, ignoring Rourke's scolding. "But he couldn't be."

Hunter lied, "They can all look the same." Well, to an untrained eye, they could. He and his kind easily distinguished the differences. A change in the colors of the masks, or the patterns of coloration on the body and head. Sometimes subtle between wolf siblings, but still anyone who observed them closely enough could see the difference. Personality-wise, they'd be totally dissimilar.

"That's what I thought." Yet something in the way Tessa looked at him and her tone of voice, indicated she wasn't being totally honest with him either.

He wanted to know what made her suspect he wasn't speaking the truth, or that he at least didn't understand the truth. She couldn't know this wolf was the same as the one she'd seen in California.

But that he had followed her from California showed how determined he was to have her.

"Have you seen the wolf that attacked us here before?" he asked.

"In La Grande. I'm pretty sure. I took a photo of him, but he was turned sideways, and I didn't get a good shot of his face."

"Has to be another wolf," Rourke said. "Don't you think, Hunter? That's a long ways for one to travel."

"Yeah." Hunter knew better. When looking for mates, they'd travel for miles. "Do you have the photo?"

She sighed. "Sure, but we need to take you to the doctor to see about your wound. The animal was probably rabid." She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering like emeralds awash in tears.

Her upset cut straight into his soul. He didn't think a human had ever touched him the way she did. Although if he had much to do with them, he probably wasn't usually this beat up around them. He touched her face and would have leaned down to kiss her as she crouched in front of him, but his shoulder hurt so much, he couldn't bend if his life depended on it. She stood and helped him into the flannel shirt.

Then she kissed his lips, her touch velvety soft, heating his chilled blood. "I'll find some blankets for you, but we need to make plans to get you to the clinic."

He grasped her hand and squeezed tight. "I won't deny I'm bone weary, Tessa, but the animal didn't have a case of rabies. I'll be fine in a day or two."

She glanced at Rourke as if looking for his support.

"She's right, Hunter. That wound's pretty nasty. It's going to need some sutures."

Hunter released Tessa's hand. "No." He closed his eyes and groaned as he tried to get comfortable. She hurried to help him stretch out on the sofa in front of the blazing fire. "Just make sure everything's locked up," he said. "If we drove in this icy snowstorm, we could run off a cliff."

"We have to get to a doctor," Tessa whispered to Rourke.

Hunter opened his eyes and scowled. Since when did his word not mean the law? "No! I'll be fine. I heal fast. Just let me sleep."

Tessa brushed away tears and then rushed back down the hallway. He only realized then she had been fighting them all along. He hadn't meant to sound so harsh, but he didn't need doctors messing with him. Not that they would discover what he was. Thank heavens the lupus garou genetics precluded that. As a wolf, they had only wolf genes and as a human, human genetics. But he still didn't want anyone seeing how fast he healed. Although as bad as the bite was, it would be a couple of days, maybe more, before it healed properly.

Rourke tried his phone, but shook his head. "Still no reception."

Tessa returned with an armload of blankets, a pillow, and the other wolf photo.

Hunter studied the two photos. Hell, it was the same lupus garou. "How long ago was this taken?"

"A month ago."

"Have you seen any wolves around here since then?"

"I thought I'd... I've heard howling up north."


"About a month ago. Well, the first time. I've heard it on and off since then."

The bastard must have seen her at La Grande and tracked her here. Had he caught a whiff of her? Her special scent that ignited his own cravings?

Or had he taken objection to her photographing him? The fact he was rolling in her sheets meant he wanted her. He was taking her scent back to his wolf mates, declaring she was his and no one else's.

"I thought maybe he'd been owned before." She pulled the soft blue blanket up to Hunter's chin.

"Owned before?"

"Yeah. He doesn't act like a normal wolf. Well, I mean he does, with the snarling and chasing and all. But--he stares me down like he's trying to remember a past life, like maybe he was once someone's pet and I look like the owner, or something." She gave Hunter a couple of pills.

Rourke shook his head. "No way was that wild animal someone's pet, unless he already ate his owners."

Hunter gave him an annoyed look. He wasn't helping his cause. His shoulder feeling like it was on fire, Hunter offered Tessa a pained smile. "Why would I need a doctor when I've got Miss Nightingale?"

Her lips lifted a little, but he could tell her heart wasn't in it.

He closed his eyes and listened to Rourke and Tessa move to the kitchen where they discussed him and how they would get him to the clinic in town despite what he wanted. He let out an exasperated sigh.

Tessa was not normally a wimp, but she'd fought collapsing when she first saw Hunter's muscle torn to the bone. He had to have medical attention and soon. But he was right about the driving conditions. She would never normally chance driving in this kind of weather. Anyone with an ounce of sense wouldn't either. But infection could set in and he couldn't heal properly without getting some stitches no matter what Hunter said about it. Yet she wondered if he practiced some kind of mind-over-body meditation that helped him heal faster because all the injuries he'd suffered from his swim in the Pacific had healed.

How he could have survived the cold for so long before they reached him, she couldn't imagine. It was almost as if he'd holed up in a nice warm cabin for a while. Except there were none close by, and he had been too injured to have gone very far.

Rourke let out his breath. "I don't know what to do, Tessa. He needs a doctor for sure. My phone still isn't getting a signal or I'd call for an emergency crew to come get us."

Tessa looked out at the accumulating snow--already drifts had piled up half a foot around the back of the house. "I'm afraid we wouldn't make the six-mile trip into town. If we ran the truck off into the woods down one of those steep embankments--if we survived--we could all be injured so badly we might not be able to crawl back to the road. Then what? And if we just got stuck, we'd have to walk in these freezing conditions the rest of the way into town. I don't think Hunter can take any more of the cold as badly injured as he is. But I'm also worried about infection and continued bleeding. And although he says the wolf wasn't rabid, how does he know? What if it was? The way the animal came into the house and headed for me, he acted more like a rabid wolf than not."

"Agreed." Rourke glanced at his watch. "It's already midnight. One of us will need to keep a vigil on him all night. If he begins to run a fever or gets violently ill, either we can attempt a run into town, or we can wait out the storm and try then. The alternative is I can go by myself and try to get help."

Tessa shook her head. "I'd worry about your safety. What if you didn't make it? And then, too, the stalker could still be out there. Oh, hell, I hadn't thought about it since it happened, but remember, someone rang the doorbell and then disappeared? Do you think the wolf killed the person and dragged him away?"

Rourke collapsed on the dining chair. "Hell. We've got to report this as soon as we can. It's our civic duty, despite what Hunter says."

Rourke was right, but what kept running through her mind was the strange way Hunter had considered the photographs. The concern etched in his face and actions, the questions he'd asked--all led her to believe he thought the same as her, despite his words to the contrary and how insane the notion could be. The wolf was the same one she'd seen on the three separate occasions, and he was stalking her.
