Chapter Twelve

As Tristan strode through the elevator, ready to tear into her, demanding an explanation, he stopped short. Candlelight? Garlic? Tomatoes? Shit. What did she do? And where the hell was Logan? The anger he’d spent the last three hours building was melted away within seconds as it dawned on him that she’d cooked him dinner. No one, aside from his mother, had cooked him dinner. Sure, many a woman had tried, but he’d always managed to avoid the experience, knowing full well what it represented: commitment, love, marriage. His jaw fell open as he walked toward the heavenly scent. No way. He rubbed his hand across his face in disbelief.

Shock would be the best word Tristan could use to describe the surreal situation he’d walked into. Fully anticipating questioning her until she spilled the truth, he found his mind going haywire, like he’d stuck his finger in an electrical socket. Logically, he knew he should tell her they needed to talk now, force the argument to happen. But the food…the wine…and where did all the candles come from? He owned candles? And what was she dressed in? Boy shorts and a camisole, covered with an apron? What kind of woman cooked in underwear? He smiled, shaking his head at the sheer absurdity of the situation.

Kalli was bent over his stove languidly stirring a boiling pot. And yet again, the globes of her creamy ass beamed at him as the back of her apron rode up her back. The length of him immediately reacted at the sight of her. Of all the things he’d expected tonight, this was the very last thing he’d envisioned.

“Kalli?” He muttered, at a loss for words. “Where’s Logan?”

“Hi there. He left just a minute ago; said he knew you were in the building,” she explained, continuing to stir the pasta.

Tristan growled softly to himself, irritated that Logan had left her alone. He’d talk to him later.

“So, I hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d cook us dinner tonight. Kind of like a thank you for saving my ass from Alexandra. Nothing fancy.”

“Yeah, okay,” he responded, walking toward her as if he was caught in a magnetic ray.

Kalli stopped stirring for a minute to look at Tristan. She’d been thinking all afternoon about how to tell him everything about her past, the formula and most importantly, the stolen CLI. She was terrified of the kind of violence she’d grown up with, never knowing when her old Alpha would strike. Even if Tristan managed to control his anger, she considered the possibility that she’d lose his protection, that he would toss her out to the wolves…literally.

As her gaze fell upon him, she instinctually lowered her eyes, letting them roam down his chest to his feet and up again. She sighed and briefly closed her eyes, as her belly pooled with desire. Tristan looked incredibly sexy in his tight white t-shirt and loose jeans. She looked to his feet, which were clad in black military boots. In his left hand he carried a black motorcycle helmet, and she wondered what kind of bike he rode. Rolling her eyes in an effort to gain her own composure, she reasoned she didn’t care what kind of bike he had. She’d ride him, um, ride with him, any day of the week. She could feel her panties dampen at the thought. Clenching her thighs together, she prayed he wouldn’t know how wet she was from just looking at him. Get it together, Kalli. He’s going to know that instead of this wonderful dinner, you’d rather eat him right here, right now, she thought embarrassedly. He’s Alpha. He’ll know.

Kalli decided changing the subject was in order and looked back to the stove. She struggled to get her composure. “So yeah, I was going a little stir crazy being cooped up in here. Um, I mean not that your home isn’t beautiful. It’s really nice, warm and open feeling. I’ve never actually been to a penthouse before….you know, the kind where the elevator door just opens up into the apartment,” she rambled.

She knew things were about to come to a head and figured that maybe if she tried opening up a little about herself, just crack that steel door on her past, just a tiny bit, maybe he’d soften.

“I actually like to cook, but I’m all by myself, so I don’t ever really get to it. My mom,” her voice became softer at the memory, “she was Greek. She was a wonderful cook. Made all kinds of great stuff. She was really amazing. I wish I’d paid attention.”

“Where is she? Your mom?” Tristan asked, treading carefully, realizing that this was an in to his line of questioning.

“She’s dead. She died when I was only fourteen. It was really hard losing her. Dad’s gone too. Died when I was seventeen. I’ve got no family, well, blood related anyway.”

She stopped stirring the pasta and turned to grab the romaine lettuce that’d been drying on a paper towel. “I really work a lot. And I co-run a no-kill shelter, so whenever I get the time, I’m there. I consider the animals my family. I need them as much as they need me. I’d really love to have my own pets someday, but I spend too many crazy hours away from my apartment. And my apartment isn’t that great for animals anyway. It’s small, doesn’t have a yard, you know. Well, I guess I could do a cat, but it’s not fair to the animal if I’m not there.”

“Do you like horses?” Tristan sidled up to her, watching her chop the lettuce and toss it into a bowl. He wanted to discuss her parents, but he could tell she’d been on the verge of tears when she’d mentioned her mother dying. He figured if she started talking about her life, she’d continue to share with him what happened.

“Oh yeah, I love them. Of course, I never had any growing up, but I did do an equine rotation. By the way, I didn’t say anything at the time, but I’m really impressed that you funded the rehab center. It’s a terrific facility; helps so many horses. We should go there sometime and tour it. It’s funny, I know all about it, but because it’s so far outside the city, I just never get there.” Kalli stopped talking after suggesting plans for the future…a future with Tristan in it.

Tristan smiled, catching her slip. Before there was any kind of a future for them, he needed facts. He could tell she was trying, but he needed more. He needed honesty.

“Yeah, sure, we could go to the center. We could ride, too, if you want. Hit the trails,” he suggested.

“Really? We can ride? Oh my gosh, that would be so great. I did get to do it a few times when I was in school, but never for long, and I wasn’t with a friend,” she exclaimed excitedly.

Tristan smiled broadly this time, gazing into her wide eyes. She was like a child who’d been told she could go to an amusement park. It was almost as if she’d missed out on a lot in life and was getting an opportunity to live, experience. His heart squeezed at the tragic thought.

“Sure thing,” he replied, picking up the salad she’d created. He walked over to the table and set it down.

“Um, so, I also thought we could talk after dinner. I, uh, I have some things I need to tell you. But let’s eat first, okay?” she croaked. She was not looking forward to the conversation.

“Yeah, sounds great,” Tristan struggled to reply, deciding that it could wait thirty minutes so they could eat dinner. He could see that she was getting ready to tell him, and he preferred for her to submit on her own and tell him without a quarrel. But if it was the last thing he did today, he would have verity from her within the hour.

* * *

Somehow, they’d made it through dinner without choking or ripping each other’s clothes off. Both of which seemed possible considering the incendiary tension that threatened to combust the room. After everything was cleaned up, the time of reckoning had arrived. There were no more dishes to wash or food to put away. It was just Tristan and Kalli and the truth waiting to be told.

Tristan walked over to the sliding glass doors, sensing her hesitation. She’d cleaned the countertop and stove from top to bottom, procrastinating in order to avoid the inevitable. He was done waiting. As he was about to call her over, she nervously played with her hair then untied the apron, revealing a hot pink cami and black boy shorts. All the blood rushed to his cock, responding to the sight of the second skin material. Jesus, she was killing him. He prayed their talk would go quickly so he could peel her out of her barely-there excuse for clothing.

He pointed his finger at her and then crooked it, indicating it was time. He knew it. She knew it. He could hear her heartbeat quicken as she closed the space between them. Her breath hitched as she met Tristan’s eyes. His finger beckoned her to join him. Her legs were moving before she thought she’d said yes. By the time she was within a few feet, he slid open the door.

“Come, Kalli. Let’s talk,” he instructed. He held out his hand gesturing for her to go outside.

“I…I can’t go out there,” she stuttered. “I’m not even dressed. Well not really.” She was petrified of heights. The entire time she’d stayed with him she’d avoided the windows as much as possible. The view was lovely but her stomach dropped as soon as she got within a foot of the glass.

“Yes you will, Kalli. Truth. Now. Why don’t you want to go?”

A test?

She looked down to her feet and then met his eyes yet again. She crossed her arms protectively across her chest. “Okay, fine. I hate heights. Satisfied? Let’s just stay in here…please,” she begged.

“No, Kalli. We’re going outside. It’s a beautiful night. Very few people get to see the city like this, alone on a Penthouse balcony. Call it my gift to you.”

“Gift? I don’t understand how…”

“As long as you live in my home, my building, I am your Alpha. You accepted this when you accepted my protection. The wolves, I protect them too. Guide them when necessary. From the youngest pup to the eldest grandwolf, I have their best interests in mind in everything I do. This is your gift. Teaching you to trust your Alpha. Now come to me, Kalli,” he demanded with a smooth sexy voice.

It seemed as if there was nothing she’d consider denying him as she reached for his hand.

“That’s it, chére. Come with me,” he encouraged as he led her outside. He chuckled as she looped her arm within his, clutching him tightly.

She tried concentrating on her breathing in an effort to calm the fear that threatened to take over her sense of reason. As her bare feet touched the warm terracotta tiles, she closed her eyes.

“See how nice it is? There’s nothing better than a warm September night.” He looked down at Kalli to see that her eyes were completely shut tight.

“Cheating are we?” he laughed. “Okay, brave girl. Close your eyes all you want, for now. But I’ve got something I want to show you, and you will open your eyes,” he stated confidently.

As he led her over to the wrought iron fence, he smiled. “All right, come on, turn around for me.”

Extricating his arm from her deathly grip, he gently took her by the waist and slowly turned her toward the skyline. He peeked at her and saw she still wasn’t looking. She was a stubborn little thing, he thought to himself. What fun it was going to be breaking her of that habit. He planned on teaching her a lesson she’d not soon forget.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he rubbed them gently. A small moan escaped her lips. “That’s it baby, relax. I want you to enjoy my gift.” With a final caress, he let his hands roam down her bare arms, never losing contact with her skin. When he reached her hands, he pulled them over to the fence and placed her palms on the cool iron bars. He proceeded to wrap each of her fingers around the metal until she fully grasped it.

Sliding his hands around her waist, he pressed his body against her until the hard bulge of his erection was nestled into the crease of her bottom. She released a small gasp at his delightful intrusion.

“Okay, Kalli. It’s time. You can do this. Your Alpha is with you. And you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you. You must trust me. Ready? One, two, three. Open your eyes. Now,” he demanded.

By the time her eyes flew open, she was so aroused she’d forgotten where she even was. With Tristan holding her waist, and her hands clasped to the bars, she let her fear go and gasped at the incredible sight. The city vista danced with lights to an orchestra of urban music. It was magnificent, like nothing she’d never experienced.

“Tristan, oh my God. It’s beautiful. Thank you,” she breathed, aware that she truly had been given a gift, one that she’d never have experienced if it weren’t for Tristan and the trust she put in him.

“What do you see Kalli?” he asked.

“Lights, buildings, shadows…” she wasn’t sure of what he meant.

“Yes, all that is true. But let me tell you what I see. I see my city, my wolves. I see my responsibility. And whether my wolves are up the mountains or in the city, they know they can trust me to lead them and protect them. And you Kalli, you can trust me too.”

“Yes, I know,” she moaned again. She trusted him. But part of her was done talking; she simply wanted this man. “I have to tell you. Tristan…my apartment. They took something. Something really important.”

“What, chére? What did they take?”

“Pills. My medicine. But I’m afraid… I need…I need…” She took one of her hands off the iron and reached behind her to touch his thigh.

Something in Tristan snapped. He knew he should keep up with her confession, but the feel of her warm hand on his thigh, mere inches from his hard arousal, flared his desire. His fingers slid under her stretchy cotton cami, until his hands were full with her soft breasts. He gently pinched her nipples, enjoying the feel of her tender, excited flesh.

Kalli released a loud breath at Tristan’s touch. The sweet sting sent a rush of desire to her core. Needing more, she wriggled backward, relishing the feel of his cock on her ass.

“Yes, please,” she begged.

“Ma chérie, what do you need? Tell me,” he whispered into her ear. As the word, ‘chérie’ left his lips, he briefly took note of what he’d called her. It was a term he’d reserved only for a girlfriend. Intellectually, he knew that she wasn’t, but his body disagreed.

“Please. Please touch me. I want you.”

She was begging for him to take her. At her admission, Tristan groaned. He swore his dick was going to tear through his zipper as it pulsed in exhilaration. He promised himself he wouldn’t make love to her without knowing everything, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get a small taste. While sprinkling small kisses behind her ear, he slipped his hand into her panties. Stroking his forefinger into her slick folds, he ground into her from behind. Damn, he felt as if was going to come in his pants like a teenager.

“Fuck Kalli, you are so wet for me,” he grunted. He slowly brushed her clit back and forth, loving the feel of her smooth skin.

“Tristan, yes,” she cried. The touch on her bundle of nerves sent chills through her body; she could feel the precipice of her orgasm within reach. She didn’t want to come so quickly but she could no longer control her own body. He was powerful and sexual and Alpha. And she wanted all of him.

He was teasing her, circling her nub then backing off. Reaching down further, he finally plunged two long fingers into her hot sheath, thumbing her clit. “Ah, that’s it, baby. Take my hand. You are so damn tight.”

She was panting hard. The city lights flashed in the sky, horns beeped. As soon as he penetrated her, Kalli’s body exploded as the wave of a release crashed over her. She shook in orgasm, while he supported her body with his arm, clutched her waist.

“Tristan, yes!” She screamed, unable and unwilling to restrain her emotion.

“Ma chérie, you’re so beautiful when you come,” he crooned as he spun her around to face him.

Without giving her a chance to recover, Tristan quickly kissed her. It was a hard, forceful kiss that let Kalli know that he was her Alpha. She responded in kind by hugging her arms around his neck and jumped to wrap her legs around his waist, while he supported her butt. Their lips sucked and bit, tongues dancing with each other. Kalli had officially lost control. Her wolf cried, begging to be released. This man was hers; she’d give up anything to be with him, even being human.

“Tristan.” A male voice called from inside.

“Ignore it,” Tristan growled as Kalli bared her neck to him. His wolf howled at the submission. He gently bit at her throat, alternately licking and kissing it.

“Tristan!” Logan yelled again. He stopped still, watching Tristan and Kalli on the balcony. Was she submitting to him? He wished he didn’t have to interrupt the intimate and very erotic sight of his Alpha at her neck, but he had no choice.

“Tristan,” he repeated softly as he approached them. He knew Tristan was far gone and his wolf would consider attacking him, given the interference.

“Go away, Logan. Not now,” Tristan ordered without turning around.

“Tristan, it’s Toby and Ryan. Something’s happened. We’ve got to go now.”
