Turn It Up Turner Twins - 2 by Vivian Arend


Turn It Up is book number ten for me with Samhain Publishing. Not sure if this is considered a dedication, or just a heartfelt thank you.

Hurrah to Laurie, for giving me a chance in the first place. Cheers to Crissy, who runs a damn fine show. Lindsey, Amanda, Marty, Tina, Jacob and Jimmy, who keep the behind-the-scenes action flowing smoothly, you are all gold.

But most of all, to Anne Scott, who doesn’t let me take it easy and puts up with more missing commas than any editor should have to. I’m so glad I get to work with you. Here’s looking forward to the next ten…or more.

(Note the casual way I slipped a set of ellipses into that last sentence, for remembrance.)
