Chapter Eleven

Max had a difficult time remembering to keep it light. From the moment he’d picked up Tasha from his sister’s where she’d been getting ready for the ceremony, he’d been fighting to hold back the sweet words that wanted to escape.

It was much more than she made him dizzy with lust. The fact she trusted him enough to tie her life to his without loving him—that appealed to him more than she could possibly know. He knew what he felt, and how it motivated him to want to give everything to her. She on the other hand, was going into this based strictly on logic, and somehow that impressed him more than if she had confessed her undying love.

Although he really wanted that as well.

Now she stood across from him, repeating the simple words they’d written together. Promises to be there for each other, and for their family when one came along. He grinned harder, remembering how smug Tasha had seemed that she’d managed to successfully avoid using the word love in their vows.

What was love, but a commitment? He hoped he’d be able to rub that in sometime during their first anniversary.

Having his sister there was sweet, and bitter, considering Lila had refused to reconsider and continued to give Tasha the cold shoulder. He couldn’t see how his cousin could be so self-centered and stubborn, especially after he’d called her to try and talk sense into her.

They finished the simple ceremony, kissed Maxine and his parents farewell, and ducked into his car.

“Are you finally going to tell me where we’re going?” Tasha undid her sandals, leaned back in the car seat and propped her feet up on the dash. He swallowed hard at the sight of her legs extending from under the pale purple of her dress. “I assume it’s not back to the apartment, since you insisted I pack an overnight bag. You know, we didn’t need a weekend away.”

Max pulled onto the highway, hoping he hadn’t pushed it too far, but there was no way he was going to let their honeymoon weekend be back at her apartment, doing ordinary everyday things. He was intent on making memories, secret though it be for now. He gave her the explanation he’d prepped.

“My parents wanted to give us something.”

“That’s sweet, but they didn’t need to.”

He nodded. “I know, and I told them that. But since we already have all the house stuff we need, and we said we didn’t want them to host a luncheon or anything, they insisted. The only other thing I could come up with that worked was a booking at an oceanfront cabin. It made them happy, and I thought it would suit our plans. We can talk about some of those habits we want to get into, and the beach is a great place for long walks and workouts. And, there’s no junk food there.”

Natasha didn’t say anything for a bit, and he thought he heard the gears spinning in her brain. “That sounds…great.”

“I’m also planning on having lots of uninterrupted sex.”

She laughed. “No ulterior motive on your part to hide us away, was there?”

“Just because we’re now officially a couple doesn’t mean the Turner clan will cease to exercise their uncanny ability to interrupt us. In fact, over the next while we’ll probably have to run the gamut, with every one of the individual families inviting us over for celebratory coffee and cake, and what have you. Rejoice in your final moments of relative freedom from the excesses of relatives.”

Tasha’s smile faded. “Not everyone is celebrating.”

She turned to look out the window, and he sighed. Damn Lila. He reached over and grabbed Tasha’s fingers, ignoring her surprised response. He nudged up the music volume, discouraging talk and letting the miles pass as they sat in silence. He wasn’t going to try to fight the hurt her friend’s disapproval had caused, and unless Tasha decided to get mad and tell Lila to grow up, he was trapped. At least until he had a little more time on his hands.

His best offense at the moment was to ignore Lila and hope she came around soon.

It was only an hour’s drive to the cabin, and he smiled in anticipation. He’d come here a few times before, once with the guys for a Turner Boys Weekend out, and once by himself when he was trying to figure out what he wanted to do before his final year of college concluded. He’d never imagined that he’d be returning with a wife.

Tasha stretched, her arms pressing against the roof, sending her breasts tighter against the scooped neckline of her dress. His cock stirred and he adjusted himself.

She laughed. “You’re certainly not shy.”

For a second he couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. A quick glance and her pointed stare at his groin cleared up that mystery. “Anytime you want to help me, I’m game. You have no idea what it’s doing to me, seeing you in that frilly dress and longing to see if you actually wore the garter I sent you.”

“Your sister is extraordinarily bossy for a sweet and quiet girl. Of course I’m wearing it.”

Hot damn. “Show me.”

She jerked in her seat. “Now?”

He forced his eyes back on the road. “I’m curious, that’s all.”

Tasha sat motionless for a minute, before pushing her seat back as far as possible. She shimmied her hips lower, then slowly inched the hemline toward her hips. In his peripheral vision, the details blurred together, the only thing clear the decreasing amount of purple and the increasing expanse of bare skin. The warning for their off-ramp passed, and he gratefully took the curve, turning onto the side road toward the cottage a touch too fast. His tires squealed and Tasha tsked.

“If you can’t pay attention to the road, I’m going to have to stop.”

Oh my God, no. “Totally in control here, honestly. That’s a very tight corner.”

“Hmm, I see.” Her cool fingers reached over and grasped his right hand, pulling it off the wheel and lowering it carefully to her thigh. Under his palm, her flesh was warm and soft, and he swore lightly. When she tugged his hand closer to her crotch, letting him find the garter, he knew he was in for a world of pain before he got any relief.

“If I can mention, you’ve made my cock hard.”

“I noticed. That’s not a bad thing.”

He slipped a finger under the elastic, trailing back and forth along the lacey edge. The smooth swell of her inner thigh teased him, and he snuck farther toward her center.

When he met nothing but smooth, bare skin, the steering wheel jerked before he got the car under control. He whipped his hand back and carefully resumed hanging on to the ten and two position with a death grip. That was as far as his control could go. He couldn’t change his harsh breathing that sounded as if he’d just finished running a marathon. And he certainly couldn’t stop his arousal from pressing against the front of his slacks.

“Umm, that was supposed to be a surprise for… later.”

The images flashing through his mind were far too vivid. “Please tell me you mean five-minutes-from-now later, not five hours from now.”

“Where’s the cottage?” Lust painted her tones and his anticipation rose.

The pavement ended as he turned into the entrance, the car bouncing a little too hard over the rough driveway before he slammed to a stop in the rustic single parking space. They were at the far end of a row of tiny cabins, tight up against the rocky precipice of the cliffs. He had the car turned off and was at her door in record time, but she still beat him. Tasha stretched again, arms reaching overhead as she dragged a deep breath of salty sea air into her lungs. Her bare feet dug into the sand, the filmy layers of the skirt of her dress fluttering around her knees in the light breeze off the ocean.

He caught her by the back of the neck and hauled her lips against his, bodies instantly in full contact. She joined in willingly, wrapping her arms around him and opening her mouth to his assault. He couldn’t slow down, not this time. All the tension that she’d built unwittingly since he’d first spotted her in that pixie-like dress—damn it, he wanted relief, and he wanted it now.

Luckily, it seemed she had the same idea. As they kissed, lips hard against each other, she tugged him with her as she backed up until she’d trapped herself between the hood of the car and his aching groin. A quick hop put her on the surface, her thighs spread wide to allow him to stay in intimate contact with her. His hands came down on the hood to check the temperature, but the surface was warm, not boiling hot. The hottest thing was her, the way she rubbed against him, the way she participated in the steamy kiss.

When he finally dragged his lips away he was shaking. “Tasha, I can wait two more minutes—”

“I can’t.”

She undid the buttons of her dress top faster than he thought possible, revealing another purplish article of lingerie. The fabric was so sheer her nipples showed through, the darker circles poking the fabric like tiny mountain peaks in the middle of rosy plains. She dropped a hand between her breasts, twisted her fingers, and the cups popped apart leaving the heavy globes bare to the sunshine and his adoring gaze.

He doubted his cock could get any harder. Except—it did. When she grabbed his head and pulled him to her, lining up a nipple with his lips, all bets were off. There could be an audience watching and he really didn’t give a shit. He lapped once in a circle then enveloped the tip, sucking hard. Tasha cried out and adjusted her position, arching her back to press her breast farther into his mouth. He switched sides, letting the moisture from his mouth leave one tip glistening in the sunshine before changing back to the other.

Tasha propped her left foot up on the hood beside her hip, leaned forward and reached for his belt. Even as their mouths reconnected she managed to open his pants and slip her hand in, grab his erection and pull it free. She stroked him, and it felt so damn good. Not that she needed to prime him anymore, but with every pass she trailed her thumb over the head, smearing the precome over the tip. He let it go on until he felt his balls drawing up. Too fast. Too out of control. He was seventeen again and jerking off to the thought of her touch, and now she was touching him and he had no more control than back then. He pulled away and dragged his gaze up off her magnificent tits to stare into her eyes.

Sheer mischief reflected back as she leered at him. “Do I make you hot?”


He rearranged her slightly, shifting her to the side, allowing enough room for him to place her right foot up on the hood as well. The scoop of her dress fell to hide her sex. She leaned back on her arms, forcing the open buttons on top to spread wide around her breasts like some kind of erotic postcard. He placed both palms against the sides of her full rounds, pressing and lifting them together, admiring her as she shook her head and let her dark hair fall around her shoulders.

He placed his hands on her knees, slipping upward, over her thighs, dragging the fabric away to reveal her bare mound. His cock jerked where it stuck out from his pants. Liquid glistened on her labia and he traced a finger slowly through her folds and she shuddered.

He pressed in, never looking away as she enclosed him in her moist heat. Tasha purred, wiggling her hips closer to the edge of the car hood, pressing against him. He pulled out slowly, the moisture painting his finger drawing him like a magnet. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked away the cream, groaning as the taste of her hit his tongue.

“That’s so wicked.” Tasha whispered the words and he smiled at her.

“We’re about to have sex outdoors and you think that’s wicked? Watch. Watch every fucking second.”

He stepped forward, opening her with one hand, running his thumb over her labia gently. One movement lined up the ready head of his shaft and he slowly let her surround him, the sight making the sensations that much more powerful. Tasha moaned softly, bringing down a hand to touch where they connected.

Her finger running along the seam between his cock and her opening nearly undid him.

“I can’t last longer than thirty seconds around you.” Max ground the words out through gritted teeth.

“I can’t either. Damn, that looks incredible. Now fuck me.”

He did.

Max grabbed her hips and pounded into her, his cock disappearing between her folds to reappear, shining in the sunlight. Erotic as all get-out. She’d been primed on the ride out, hell she’d been hot since she’d gotten herself waxed and lady-scaped. A full Brazilian had never been in her plans before, but she’d thought he’d like it. Seeing him join with her, out of doors, where anyone going by could watch?

If she got any more turned on she’d spontaneously combust. She’d never known she had a streak of exhibitionism.

Then he ducked his head between them and latched onto one of her nipples, biting lightly, and she came. Pulses of pleasure shook her core, surprising her silly since she fully expected to need clitoral stimulation to climax. He didn’t stop when she called out her pleasure, driving in repetitively until she felt a renewed electric tingle.

“Oh God, again.” She grabbed his shoulders, pressing her knees wider to the side. He leaned over her, plunging downward more. The change in angle dragged his shaft along her clit on each move, and she couldn’t help groaning. The sunshine, the gentle touch of the wind against her skin, the wordless grunts from his lips as he thrust. All of it combined together into one exquisite blend of sound and sensation and when she came this time, he joined her, his forehead resting against her shoulder as he shook with his release.

They sat like that for a full minute—an obscenely erotic figurine perched on the hood of his car. Then his shoulders shook again, and she leaned back to catch a glimpse of his face. He wore a grin that lit up his face and made her smile as well.

“You look pleased with yourself.”

Max kissed her gently before slowly detaching himself. A rush of semen followed and he jerked off his shirt to wipe her clean, managing to keep her pretty dress from being stained. She was surrounded and petted, his hands smoothing everything back into place, lowering her gently to the ground. Holding her against his bare chest. Her fingers found their way to him, touching him slowly as he swept her up and carried her into the cabin.

She’d been very happy to take the step of the actual wedding and put it behind her. And although the idea of a honeymoon made something inside her cringe, what he’d offered was just fine. A chance to enjoy each other’s company, away from the Turner love/hate relationship she was developing. As a background for raising a child? Fabulous. For the rest of it? Well, they’d be setting up some firm boundaries regarding the Turners and their personal relationship, if she had any say. Not only had it been tough to get together in the first place, she wasn’t sure she could handle any more responses like Lila’s. Maybe if they got some space for a bit—and then the damn guilt hit her again and she knew she’d never try to come between Max and his family.

She couldn’t. Wouldn’t do that.

The rest of the weekend passed in a pleasant blur as they walked the beach, ate simple meals and planned for the future. The sex they shared was frequent enough to please her pregnancy plans, and to keep Maxwell grinning most of the time.

They had already dealt with all the legal implications of joining their households. Health insurance, a combined account to deal with family expenses. The rest of their finances and investments were still in their own names. Tasha’d been floored to find out exactly how much Max was worth. It didn’t seem right that someone in their twenties had more stashed away than she did, and she’d been living frugally.

He’d laughed when she teasingly complained he must have found a gold mine.

“You didn’t get into the computer stuff I did at the right time. Plus, I fooled around with a few projects while I was in college that made me a bit of cash.” Max leaned back in his Adirondack chair, the full light of sunset shining on them as they relaxed on the porch.

She sipped her ice tea and admired the view. “You amaze me. All those years when we met at various Turner events it never registered that you were actually done with high school, then you were done with college and working for yourself.”

He laughed. “That was deliberate. It was bad enough I was fourteen when I finished high school. When Mom and Dad let me challenge the college entrance exams, they didn’t expect me to get in. Then I don’t think they expected me to survive the rest of the semester when my classmates were all so much older.”

“Wasn’t that weird? Being the youngest all the time?”

He shrugged lightly. “When we were in class, there were no troubles. My lab partners didn’t care about my age, as long I knew how to calculate formulas. Outside of college time? I hit my growth spurt early enough I was simply a tall, skinny guy. I didn’t try to fit in with the crowd that was dating and fooling around at the bars, since I couldn’t get in anyway.”

He raised his glass mockingly and she laughed. “Oh God, I’d forgotten that part. No wild Spring Break parties then?”

“Didn’t miss it. I found enough other people who were interested in games, and that was pretty much how I passed what spare time I did have when I wasn’t goofing off on the computer. I wasn’t mature enough back then to try and act like an adult all the time, but games created a level playing field. I tried to save most of the teenage angst for when I came home, much to my mother’s dismay.”

“The legendary Turner gaming addiction. Even while at college.”

“It’s bred true.” He turned his face toward the sun and Tasha realigned a few of her early conceptions. He may have been advanced mentally, but he’d still dealt with the same stuff she had at that age.

“Still, it must have been tough.”

Max shook his head. “I don’t know that it was any tougher than being back in high school. It just was. I dealt with it. For the most part, I had a blast. And when I finished college, it was time to move on and be a grown-up, even if it didn’t seem like I was old enough to most people.”

Something suddenly stuck her. “When you asked me out that first time…?”

“Yup, I may have been seventeen, but I already thought you were more than simply a hot girl in a short skirt.”

Tasha threw a pillow at him. “I didn’t wear short skirts.”

“Of course you did. There was this one especially that got me going. A Daisy Duke cut-off kind of thing. I nearly wore my cock out picturing you in it.” Tasha sat speechless, her mouth hanging open. “You’re not planning on arguing with me, are you? Perfect recall, remember?”

She choked out an answer. “It’s not that, it’s the blunt sexual comments out of your mouth that tie me up in knots. I’m still trying to remember you’re not off limits anymore.”

He leaned forward and raked his gaze over her. Sexual intent flared, and suddenly the quiet evening of sharing was done and it was time to move to other more intimate matters. “Definitely not off limits. Are you done your drink?”

She sipped slowly, to tease him. She’d discovered she enjoyed teasing him. “You’re too efficient.”

He put down his glass, stood and held out his hand. The heat in his eyes let her know exactly what he had planned. “I do my best.”

And when their weekend was over, and they got back to reality to officially start their time together, it was soon clear that his best meant all-out concerted effort.
