Chapter Ten

We were nothing before, now we’re completely sure. Each other’s possession, obsession, we’re free just you and me

What the fuck was I doing?

Agreeing to play a juvenile game? It wasn’t just a game—it came with disastrous consequences. There was no way I would have any luck playing it. I didn’t mean to keep Tess in the dark—but there was a lot of my past I would never talk about. Things I refused to even remember or contemplate. Things I’d forced so far inside, I could almost pretend they never happened. I didn’t want to show vulnerability by drinking, even if I refused to answer.

And I definitely didn’t want to let her know just how nervous I was. Something about tonight…it was…off. I couldn’t be sure if it was lack of sleep and the strain from yesterday, or if I had a right to be concerned. Either way, I didn’t need Tess panicking over nothing. It was my job to carry the burden of safety and I’d finally fixed her—I refused to believe my time was almost up.

Damn motherfucking time.

But you’ll get into her head. Free access.

Even if she refused a question, I would know what topics to chase; I’d understand her better by her avoidance, as much as her acquiescence.

But that would work both ways. Tess would know—even when I refused to tell her.

Was I in denial? Possibly. But it made me a happier person not having to deal with the shit coating my soul. Or the evilness encroaching on our future.

A pair of green eyes filled my mind.


It’d been so long since I let myself think about her. Forcing her far away—pretending she never existed. It was easier that way. Liveable that way.

I dragged a hand through my hair, desperate for more whiskey. I wanted to be seriously drunk for this—but then my mouth would be loose—my reactions compromised. Tapping my ankle against the chair leg, I let the small scabbard and knife strapped to my calf comfort me.

I can’t be drunk.

My tongue would forget to lie; the truth would spill free—Tess would know exactly what I wanted to keep hidden.

The only way to get through this was to stay stone-cold sober.

Looking at Tess, I forced my heart from tripping like I’d taken a vial full of cocaine. Tonight was all about tripping her up. She wanted to play? Fan-fucking-tastic. I’d use it to my advantage, then I’d fuck her like I’d been dying to do since I’d strapped her to the cross in my bedroom.

Tess took a hearty drink, hesitation clouding her face. She caught my eye, only to look away with a flicker of a smile. Great—she was nervous. As she should be, because I was about to rip into her past, learn all her secrets, and ruin any idea of privacy.

The waiter appeared with more drinks; I waved him away once he’d delivered. I’d eyed him thoroughly when we first arrived—wondering, suspecting. But he seemed harmless enough.

Taking a deep breath, I glared at Tess, tasting all the questions I had for her—wondering which one to start with. I’d wanted so many times to get inside her head—now that opportunity was all mine.

What’s your secret fantasy?

If you could change a part of me—what would it be?

How many men have kissed you?

I knew how many sexual partners she’d had. Goddammit, I did not want to go down that line of questioning. Already, anger scalded my veins at the memory of walking in on that rutting motherfucking bastard Lefebvre raping her.

My hands curled. Shooting him had been too kind—no sense of justice for what he’d done. He’d gone after Tess because of my fucking father and his empire of trading women. My own flesh and blood used them worse than possessions—carelessly killing them when they were no longer tradable, fuckable. Goddammit, don’t think about him either.


I knew nothing about Tess’s family. That might be a good line of questioning.

Why have you never mentioned your parents?

The pain in my heart made me physically wince.

Nope, couldn’t go that way either. The moment I pried in that area of her life, she’d turn it around and ask me. Family was strictly out of bounds.

Christ, what else was there?

I’m exhausted, and we haven’t even begun.

Would Tess really want to know I lost my virginity to a slave who I’d saved before sending her home to her father? Did she really want to know the sick and awful thoughts plaguing me on a daily basis?

Shit, I should stop this right now, before any harm could be done. It was ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous.

Tess took a large gulp of her drink.

I paused. The panic in my system faded a little; I narrowed my eyes. Tess’s cheeks were flushed, her body not as effortlessly poised.

A smile spread over my lips. I had to stay sober, but this entire game would play right into my hands if I got her drunk. If she lost all inhibitions any question was answerable, and anything I wanted to do to her when we got back to the hotel would be welcome. If she wasn’t sober my anxiety of being in public and the horrible feeling of dread would go unnoticed.

If I got her drunk—I was free.

I grabbed my tumbler of whiskey, saluting her. “Cheers. Here’s to Truth or Dare.”

She smiled, clinked glasses, then took a large sip. False courage already. I wanted to laugh. This would work. Then I frowned—why was she so nervous? What the hell was she so afraid to tell me?

A plate smashed in the kitchen, ratcheting my heartbeat as every muscle prepared to wrench my knife free and kill. Kill them before they could kill me.

Because that’s what they wanted. That’s what I refused to think about and never wanted Tess to guess.

Silence stretched between us; I threw a large mouthful of the fiery liquid down my throat. Curling my hand around my glass, I muttered, “I’ll go first.”

Tess looked up, her eyes popping wide. “Oh…okay.” Her fingers played with the stem of the martini glass, trying to hide her apprehension. She couldn’t hide it—not from me.

“I know you have an older brother. Why don’t you ever mention him?”

Go hard or fucking go home. I wanted to know about her family—hopefully she’d be too drunk to remember to repay the question to me.

She gasped, leaning forward. “How do you know I have a brother? I never mentioned him.”

Silly girl. I’d sent her back to Australia. But I never stopped watching. How could I when I knew I’d fallen head over fucking heels that night she gave me everything? I’d taken her pain virginity—I’d welcomed her into my clutches, then released her—knowing I’d ruined her but unable to keep her against her will any longer.

I raised my eyebrow. “I’ve put a tracker in your wedding ring—did you honestly think I wouldn’t check on you from time to time in Melbourne?” Time to time—meaning every fucking minute. I’d been an obsessed creep.

“You spied on me?” she whispered.

I shrugged. “Spied…kept you safe. Same difference.”

She laughed. “Hardly. But okay—if that’s your first question. I’ll answer it.” Taking a deep breath, she said, “Yes, I have an older brother. His name is Samuel, and he’s twenty years older than me. He wanted a younger sister about as much as my parents wanted another child.”

My heart pummelled against my chest at the thought of Tess growing up in a household with no love, company, or connection. Assholes. Maybe they deserved payback. My mind ran wild with ways to make them suffer.

Her family would never see a cent from me. Ever.

“Why get pregnant then? If they only made your life a misery—what was the point?”

My brutal question didn’t faze Tess. Her fingers turned white around her glass, but she answered bravely. “I was a mistake. My father had a vasectomy but it failed. They never forgot to tell me that every year.” She dropped her hand, playing with the tablecloth. “When I turned twelve, they pretty much stopped pretending to raise me. I was self-sufficient in their eyes. They embraced retirement. It worked well for them—having a younger daughter craving attention, I did almost everything they asked me to do. They had a live-in maid, and a terrible cook, for free.”

My heart wanted to claw its way out of my chest. She’d been a slave to her own family. Fuck me.

Then she’d become mine. No wonder she took to housework with Suzette so easily. It was normal for her—a regression to the past she’d tried to escape.

Shit, this game sucked. Even though it was me asking the questions—her answers were fucking me up. I vibrated with anger, frustration, and a need to deliver vengeance.

I wanted some asshole to come charging through the door intending to kill me, so I could stab him over and over and trade my anxiety for revenge.

“Why didn’t they adopt you out? That would’ve been the right thing to do if they had no intention of raising you right.”

Tess pursed her lips. “They’re very old-fashioned. The same reason why they didn’t get an abortion. They gave me life and made the ‘sacrifice’ to raise me.” Clearing her throat, she waved her finger. “No more questions. You’re breaking the rules. You only get one question and now it’s my turn.”

Oh, shit.

Straightening my back, I clutched my glass, ready to drink before she even asked her question. My lips were sealed. If I was going to ever admit parts of my life prior to Tess, I wouldn’t do it in a restaurant. However, as far as privacy went, we had tons of the fucking stuff. No one paid attention to us. No one sent my hackles rising. And Franco sat behind us in a separate booth only metres away for protection.

Nibbling on her bottom lip, Tess took her sweet time formulating a question. “You never mention your childhood. Did you have a happy upbringing? Tell me about your mum.”

Ah, fuck. Definitely not drunk enough for that question. Out of all my family, my mother was the least shrouded in lies and monstrosity. So answer it. I gritted my teeth, keeping an eye on the door as a man in a black suit strolled in.

Fine, I would answer that one.

“She died when I was young.”

“Oh, that’s awful. How?”

My mind drifted, bringing to life a woman who I vaguely remembered.


I popped my head into her boudoir. I wasn’t allowed in there unless she summoned me. I’d just turned twelve and would be leaving for boarding school soon in London. I couldn’t wait. “Oui, mère?” Yes, mother?

“Come here. It’s like I haven’t seen you in months.” It wasn’t quite months, but it was definitely a week or two. I tended to avoid her—avoided the lisping, tearful woman who I’d never been close to.

She gathered me in a hug, clogging my throat with peach schnapps and lavender oil. “You stay away from your father, you hear me? Just stay away.” She burst into tears; I unwillingly hugged her back.

I knew why she wanted me to stay away from him.

I knew his darkest secret.

“Q? Are you going to drink, answer, or dare?”

I shook my head, dispelling the memory. This game successfully stirred old thoughts I wished would remain buried. I wouldn’t put myself through it again. I wouldn’t be able to stop her from entering my mind if I pursued that line of recollection.

I drank.

The easiest of my family members to talk about—yet, I couldn’t. Fucking didn’t have the strength.

The man in the suit moved to sit in a booth. On his own. My leg twitched, brushing my knife against the chair leg. Why doesn’t he have a date? The beast inside broke its hibernation, sniffing for a threat.

Tess frowned but let it go. Silence fell between us. What question could I ask that wouldn’t spin around and bite me on my ass?

Tess rushed, “You said you share your father’s name. If you hate it so much, why didn’t you legally change it?”

My fist curled around the glass as dark rage seethed in my gut. He was definitely not up for discussion—in any form.

“Let it go, Tess. Family is not permitted in this stupid game.” I looked into my glass, swirling the amber alcohol. I was tempted to swig again, but…she already knew the answer. It wouldn’t make a difference as I’d already admitted to it more than once.

Dragging a hand through my hair, I said, “I kept it because it’s a daily punishment. A reminder that no matter the temptation, I will never become him. The man named Quincy was a fucking monster—those genes live in me. I can never forget that.”

Tess reached across the table, grazing the back of my hand with cool fingertips. I recoiled from her touch, nursing my drink. I didn’t like this fucking game, and I couldn’t stop the anger swirling inside.

My eyes fell on the man again. He seemed innocent but the hair on the back of my neck stood up. The beast inside sharpened its claws, ready to attack.

Were we being stalked or were my senses overrun with suspicion?

“Q…you’re many things but you will never be him.”

You sure about that, Tess? I didn’t have the urge to go dark yesterday because I’d been high on love—intoxicated on doing the right thing and healing her—but what about next time? Would I still be tamed, or would I eventually want more than she could give me?

I laughed coldly, brushing the subject away. She wanted to pry—fine…I had just the question. “My turn.” Glaring, I asked, “You told me you fucked your old boyfriend when you went back to—”

Tess’s cheeks flared with temper. “I didn’t go back. You sent me away. Don’t confuse the difference.” Her annoyance shimmered around her like heat waves, matching my anger, feeding, weaving…thickening the air between us.

This is getting dangerous.

Alcohol, prying into each other’s past—it was a recipe for a screaming match or worse, me losing control.

“Fine!” I glowered. “I sent you back. Not that that’s the issue right now. What I want to know is, why the fuck did you tell me that? Hadn’t I scared you enough? Why did you deliberately provoke me when you knew what I battled with?”

Tess lifted her glass. The alcohol brushed her lips. Her eyes locked with mine, refusing to answer.

I balled my hands.

But then she lowered the glass without drinking. “Because I sensed you needed to be pushed. I sensed your unhappiness. I know you’re only truly happy when you let go.”

Goddammit, I’d been afraid of that. She was way too reckless—always giving me things she wasn’t strong enough to give.

“So you tied a bow around your pretty fucking neck and threw yourself into a life where I could do anything I wanted?”

She glanced quickly around the restaurant, eyes burning with heat. “Yes. And you know why? Because I need pain like you need to inflict—you taught me—”

“Taught you or made you?”

She planted her hands on the table, trembling with temper. “You didn’t make me anything, so get off your ego trip and listen for once. I learned about my dark desires way before you. I stayed with a boyfriend who I loved as a brother because I was too damn afraid of being alone again—but I always knew I wanted more. Needed certain things. If anyone used each other in this scenario, it was me using you.”

She slouched back in her booth, taking a gulp of alcohol.

Franco pulled the curtain aside, revealing his table and his cocky smug-ass face. His eyes darted between us, mirth glowing in his green gaze. “Not that I mind listening to this, but keep your voices down.” He winked at Tess. “For the record—you’re doing a damn good job getting answers I’ve been wondering about, too. Keep it up.”

Pointing a finger at me, he said, “Don’t make me hit you for swearing at your fiancée.”

I snarled, reaching to smash his face, but he jerked the curtain back into position, chuckling at my fucking expense. Bastard. Absolute bastard.

Needing to do something with my hands, so I didn’t sucker-punch my head of security, I drank. The swallow was small—I’d finished my second whiskey.

Exchanging the empty for a full one, I nursed it. Looking at the man alone in his booth, I tried to calm myself, noticing he’d ordered and nibbled on a breadstick. See? Nothing to worry about.

I risked a glance at Tess.

Her eyes were down; her glass also empty. She looked up, catching my eye. Giving me a tentative smile, she whispered, “I don’t think I want to play anymore.”

But I didn’t learn anything new. I hadn’t got nearly enough out of her. She started this—I’d say when we finished.

Pushing the new martini toward her, I muttered, “It’s not over until I say it is.”

She shifted in her seat, picking at the grey netting on her dress. “I don’t think this game is meant for people like us.”

My eyes narrowed. “Des gens comme nous ?” People like us?

“People with too much darkness—too much to hide.”

My skin bristled. My mind filled with images of every dark thing I wanted to do. How could I want to do such god-awful things to her, when I was madly fucking in love? How could I sit there and argue when every protective instinct was focused on threats I couldn’t see but knew were coming?

I sighed. “You wanted to play, Tess. So play.”

Her blue-grey eyes met mine. “Fine. I can’t remember whose turn it is.”

“Mine.” Was it? Who cared—it was now. “Do you have a middle name?”

Tess paused, stunned at my seemingly innocent question. “Um, Olivia.”

My heart thawed, letting go of the lacing anger. “Olivia. Tess Olivia Mercer.”

Her eyelashes fluttered. “Not yet…but I hope—soon.”

I let a tight smile spread my lips. “Sooner than you think, esclave.” Two days to be exact. Two days before I could relax, knowing she would be cared for for the rest of her life if anything happened to me.

For some reason, I liked her not knowing—creating the surprise. Fuck, I still had to call Suzette. I’d shoot her and bury her in a shallow grave behind my garage if she so much as invited one person I didn’t know. And Franco’s entire team of bodyguards would have to restrain me if she’d invited camera crews. This was private, and I wouldn’t share my life for no amount of money, company promotion, or sick human curiosity.

“Do you have a middle name?” Tess asked. Ah, so her ploy was to parrot all my questions. I’d have to stick to basic rapid fire, lulling her into a sense of normalcy before sneaking in what I really wanted to know.

“No. What was your favourite movie as a child?”

Her eyes filled with innocent happiness. She laughed. “It’s a little ironic—but Beauty and the Beast.”

I had no idea why that was ironic, but I let it go. She asked, “Who’s your favourite band? I know you like music—you played enough when I first arrived.”

The question was more loaded than she thought. I had a favourite singer—who happened to be a good friend and Tess would meet her soon. “Yes. Most of the songs I played were originals by her.” Taking a sip, I mulled over another question. “What are you most afraid of?”

Tess blushed. “You’re going to think I’m an idiot.” Twirling her glass, she admitted, “Crickets.”

My eyebrow rose. “Crickets. Out of every single venomous, eight-legged, sharp-toothed ferocious carnivore, you’ve decided to be terrified of a bug that doesn’t have fangs or a lust for human flesh?”

She squirmed, flushing redder. “Yes. Don’t mock me.” Her eyes flashed. “Do you have any siblings?”

My world screeched to a halt. The beast inside tucked its tail between its legs, howling at the crack in my carefully fortified cage.

The one question I would never answer—even on my death bed. No one knew. Not even Frederick, who knew most of it. This game was over. I was done.

I drank the entire glass. The whiskey hit the back of my throat with a hot knife, licking my stomach with sickening heat. The alcoholic fumes shot up my nose, making me a menace to anyone who came too close.

Tess’s eyes shot wide, very aware what my answer meant. Denied a response but ultimately given one at the same time. “Oh, my God. You have a sister or brother?”


And I’d refused to think about her for so many fucking years. But the pain hadn’t lessened—the nausea hadn’t faded.

My voice dripped darkness and warning. “Don’t, esclave. That one is completely off limits.”

My sister’s green eyes consumed my thoughts, begging me, streaming with tears.

I was five when I first saw her—she was my earliest memory. I didn’t even know her name. But she was my sister. I would’ve known even if he hadn’t told me. We looked the same—matching jade eyes, identical dark hair. I found out later she was fifteen when I was five.

Taken and demoted from daughter to whore by the man who’d given her life.

The memory took me by the balls, hurling me back into filth.

“You little shit, what are you doing in here again? I’ll fucking chain you to your bed if I catch you lurking where you don’t belong.”

I turned to run, but he grabbed the cuff of my collar, hauling me backward. “Where do you think you’re going?”

My eyes spilled with useless tears as he pulled me backward. Back toward the girl I was fascinated with, hanging from the ceiling. Something caught my attention; I whipped my neck around, horror making me freeze. A man slouched against the wall, a lewd sneer on his lips. He was huge, hulking, evil.

“I think you need to see what happens to members of this household who don’t fucking obey their father.” My tyrannical père threw me to the floor, kicking me firmly in the ribs. Before I could scream, he caught my chin, angling my face toward the beautiful, crying girl.

She shook her head, jangling the chains around her throat, sending saliva dribbling on either side of the ball-gag in her mouth.

She was an angel. So pretty. So gentle. So endlessly sad.

“This is your sister, Quincy. And it’ll be the first and last time you’ll see her.”

I squeezed my eyes against the horror of what came next. I was young but not young enough. Her image haunted me for the rest of my life.

The nameless sister who died two months later by my father’s hand.

He was right. I never saw her again.

I growled under my breath, desperate to hurt, throbbing with the need to tear men like my father apart. I’d only found out her name when I inherited the Mercer estate. Birth records at the local hospital claimed she’d died when she was ten, due to pneumonia. Her name was Marquisa Mercer. And she no longer existed. Thanks to him. The fucker.

“Q—Q—” Tess leaned across the table, shattering my black-riddled world, slamming me back to the present. “Are you—”

I was done before. Now, I was completely and utterly ruined. Hurling myself to my feet, I grabbed her wrist, yanking her from the booth. “We’re leaving.”

Franco scrambled out from his table. Taking one look at me, he gritted his teeth and went to settle the bill.

The man in the suit didn’t look up. My worries about him were unnecessary. It didn’t mean I felt any safer. Especially now. I couldn’t stay in public when I felt this way—this sick and twisted way.

“I’m sorry, Q. I’m truly sorry if I upset you.”

Swallowing back the rage, I locked away the memories where they belonged. Acting my fucking ass off, I jerked her against me, murmuring, “You didn’t upset me, esclave. I’ve just had enough of Truth. It’s time to Dare.”

* * *

Pushing Tess roughly into the bedroom, I slammed the door.

The security of a lock and walls did little to calm me. I couldn’t deny the icy warning growing more and more prevalent in my blood. I wanted to ignore it but it lived on the edge of my brain—taunting me with…when.

Franco had dropped us off at the hotel, and I’d barely waited for him to pull to a stop before yanking Tess from the BMW and into the foyer. I needed to use her. I wanted to pour the darkness out of me and into her light. I needed something to get rid of the disease inside—the disease of wanting to hurt.

Balling my hands, I advanced on Tess. My cock, sensing prey, leapt to attention, punching against my belt with lust. “I need to take you fast, dirty, fucking hard, esclave. I’ll hurt you—if that isn’t okay— tu dois fuir.” You need to run. My voice thickened as my vision clouded. The beast stretched, sensing violence in its future.

Her spread over the bed.

One droplet of crimson on the white carpet.

Her with my belt around her neck.

Her screams as I drove relentlessly into her.

Her tears as I licked her cheeks.

Tess spun to face me, her body quivering in the grey dress. My teeth ground, hating the material for hiding what was mine. I wanted to tear it into pieces. I wanted to destroy it.

Tess’s face paled, her feet propelling her backward. “Q—I.” She held a hand to her chest, drawing my attention to the swell of her breasts, the soft fragility of the woman I wanted to ravage. “What—what are you going to do?”

I laughed darkly. “Don’t ask me that. I won’t fucking bullet-point it.” I need to give you painjust like you gave me by reminding me of Marquisa.

Her lips parted as a rush of terror painted her cheeks. “Wait—what happened to dare? Dare me, Q. Don’t just take, give me an option to say no.”

I shook my head, hunting her toward the bed. “Don’t tell me to wait. You don’t tell me what to do. That game was utterly ridiculous. I don’t want to play anymore.” My neck ached from the overloading of tension; the back of my eyes sprang with a headache—all warning signs I was losing control of the monster living inside.

“Get on your knees.” I sidestepped, blocking her dash for the bathroom. I gave her the option to run. But running would only make it worse. She pirouetted, heading toward the thick curtains hiding us from downtown Rome.

Her hair was wild while the skirts of her dress kicked up with her panicked steps. My heart changed from thundering nastiness to fracturing with a small smidgen of restraint. She was mine. I couldn’t destroy what was mine.

Shaking my head, I pinched my brow, forcing the headache to simmer.

A gentle thud made me look up. Tess bowed forward on her knees, her curls mixing with the grey of her dress.

Ah, fuck me. Seeing her so submissive—ready for me—made the headache roar along with a howl from my soul.

The huge curtains behind her looked like a silver waterfall, constantly shimmering with the illusion of liquid thanks to the lamps around the room.

My earlier threat of taking her in full view pressed against the glass filled my mind. She’d be fucking perfect, splayed and on display. My cock twitched at the thought of driving into her while people watched. The knowledge they’d want what I had would twist my mind until I rode the fine boundary of sanity and monster.

Inching forward, the darkness oozing in my blood took full rein. I wouldn’t deny myself tonight. I didn’t think I could. The whiskey wasn’t helping—blurring barriers that had no right to be blurred, erasing the cage inside my mind.

Stopping in front of Tess, I rested my hand on the top of her head. Fisting her hair, I forced her neck upward. “Rapide et violent.” Fast and hard.

Tess sucked in a breath; her eyes darkened. “I don’t want it. Let me go.”

I froze as a delicious ripple of pleasure fed me from her non-consent. My head cocked, letting the blackness billow. But I paused.

I knew this woman. I loved this fucking woman and that one sentence shone a spotlight in the otherwise dimness of my soul.

Je t'aime, Tess.” I leaned forward, crashing my mouth on hers, dragging her upright. Her hands landed on my chest, shoving me with feeble strength.

Her tongue entered my mouth, sharp and sleek, completely at war with her earlier conviction of not wanting it. To prove my theory of her goading me—just like so many times before—I stopped kissing her.

A little kitten growl sounded in her throat as I let her go, waiting to see what she’d do. Pulling back, her eyes burned. Then she threw herself into my arms, knocking me backward, gluing her lips to mine.

Damn this woman. This insanely incredible woman.

I groaned as her tongue re-entered my mouth, tasting sweet, fruity, entirely Tess. Her hands went to my belt. Kissing and fumbling and tearing, she clawed her way past the beast, letting me choose this—letting me let go in a healthier way.

I wasn’t the only one with the need for brutality.

Time to use my woman like a master. Time to let the inner monster free just a little, all while keeping him on a fucking leash—proving once again I was better than him. I could control it. I had the power.

I’m stronger than I think.

The clink of my belt coming undone and her violent little hand latching onto my length hurtled me into thick desire. Grabbing her throat in a possessive chokehold, I smiled coldly.

Time to play.

“Dare, Tess,” I whispered, layering my voice with lust and smoke.

Her eyes flared wide; her fingers twitched against the bare skin above my cock. The rustle of the netting over the silk of her dress sounded loud as we remained frozen together. Pinching the material, I knew what I would do first. It had to go. All of it. In the way I preferred.

Reaching to my back pocket, I pulled out the one item I always carried. Some people stored a lucky stone, a trinket, or nothing at all in their pockets—I carried a bit of the past in mine.

Tess frowned at the glint in my palm. “That’s the dare?”

I chuckled. “Nope. That’s the foreplay.”

She bit her lip. Her hands fell into the fountain of grey around her body. “Not this, Q. It’s too beautiful.”

The room was kissed by gentle light, making shadows come alive, morphing into creatures of the night scurrying over the white carpet, darting behind the curtains. I tilted my head, purring, “It will look even more beautiful in pieces.” I wanted the floor to emulate the gravesite of destroyed clothing just like the day I’d caught her cutting up the items I’d given when she first arrived.

Tess spread her legs a little, balancing in her sexy strappy heels. My eyes dropped to her delicate toes peeking, her calf muscles taut. “I want you in nothing else but those heels wrapped around my shoulders when I lick you.”

Tess swallowed hard, her eyes glazing with need.

“I can do whatever I want to you, your dress….Why is that, Tess?”

“Parce que, je suis à toi.” Because, I’m yours.

A rumble crept up my chest. “You have no idea how much I love you speaking French. It makes me so hard. So fucking hard.”

My unbuttoned trousers didn’t give any relief to the throbbing in my cock. I wanted to skip foreplay and sink deep inside her. I wanted her screaming as I raced to the orgasm coiling in my blood. But first…I wanted to torment.

Looping my fingers through the scissor handles, I asked softly, “Do you remember what I did with these?”

Tess’s eyes locked onto the silver scissors, her cheeks flushing with memories.

“Do you remember me cutting you? Slicing off your clothes that night before I took you over the bed? I hit you hard but you came harder. That was the moment I knew. The moment I knew you craved pain like I needed to inflict it.”

“Yes. I remember,” she panted. Her chest pinked, casting her white skin with the tempting shade. Her gaze shot to mine, bright and feverish. Was it the fear of where I would fuck her tonight or the martinis?

I hoped it was the fear.

“Are you drunk, esclave?”

She shook her head, hypnotising me with her blonde tresses rippling over her shoulders. “No. I was tipsy before, but now…now I’m drunk on other things.”

My cock thickened. Snipping the metal blades, I pressed the cool bite against Tess’s neck where the dress tied at the back. Her breathing quickened. She swayed, but made no move to stop me.

Holding eye contact, I cut the halter. I shuddered with longing as the material freed, drooping down her front. The swell of her breasts made my mouth water. I wanted to bite her. I wanted to see my teeth marks in her pale tender flesh.

“Dare, Tess.”

She wobbled on her feet as I trailed the tips of the scissors over the tops of her breasts, dipping possessively into her cleavage. She moaned, flinching from the prick of the blade.

“You dare me to let you cut off my clothes?” She shrugged, shivering as I did another cut. “You clearly don’t need my permission, maître.”

I smiled, deliberately dragging the sharp tips up from her cleavage, transfixed by the red welt I left behind—I didn’t break the skin, but Tess was so sensitive, flushed with blood. “That’s not the dare,” I murmured.

Her gaze swirled with confusion. “What is then?”

“How many times you’ll let me cut you.” A full body shiver rippled through my muscles at the sick sentence. I should be repulsed, embarrassed by my need to mark her—especially because she let me brand her—but I wasn’t. I’d told her the ‘Q’ sigil stopped those urges.

I lied.

I still needed the power over her mortal body. I needed to see her bleed for me, cry for me.

Her eyelashes flared wide as her pupils dilated—half with panic, half with lust. “How many times?” Rocking back, trying to avoid the ever steady snip down the centre of her dress, she hesitated. “Cut my dress as much as you want—leave me skin alone.”

I shook my head. “That’s not the dare.” Slicing again, the tightness of the bodice started to loosen, revealing the purple lace cupping Tess’s beautiful fucking breasts.

Her hands opened and closed, trying unsuccessfully to hide her nerves. “You’re not playing the game correctly.”

I snipped hard, deliberately catching the soft sensitive skin just below her bra line. “Oh no…how terrible of me.”


It was my way of cutting into her shell, carving an entry into her heart. I pushed the sharp tip into her bra, circling her nipple.

Her stomach rose and fell with every millimetre.

My cock literally burned to be inside her. Every tiny movement made my balls tighten and snarl against the prison of my trousers. Was it the alcohol coaxing me to reckless sensitivity or the knowledge of where I’d be filling Tess tonight?

I didn’t really care if it was the whiskey. Tonight she was mine. All of her.

“You don’t ask me how many times. You dare me.” Her eyes smouldered. “So, master…how many times do you dare me to bleed for you?”

Fuck. Me.

The beast instead howled at the delicious fucking question. So brutal. So unpretentious. Grabbing the back of her neck, I kissed her like a savage animal intent on drinking her soul.

Her hands came up, pushing against my chest as I plunged my tongue past her lips, giving her no choice but to open wide and receive.

Her touch seared my skin beneath my shirt; her roaming fingertips crept up my chest, running hot along my collarbone.

Then she ripped the material, sending buttons pinging and air rushing against my tattooed torso.

Her teeth captured my bottom lip, somehow taking control of the kiss for a second before I lost my cool and slammed her backward, upward, and onto the bed.

The air flew from her lungs into mine. I pinned her down with my fingers around her throat. “Three. I dare you to do three.”

Her lips were swollen and red and so, so wet from our kiss.

She arched up, forcing her vulnerable neck into my fingers. Her breathing turned ragged. “Four. I dare you to do four.”

Oh, my fucking God, what was she doing? Now was not the night to fight back—now was definitely not the time to make me lose the rest of my fractured control.

Something skittered in her eyes before hiding in their grey depths. I reared onto my elbows, releasing her neck. “Why?” Suspicion chased hot through my veins.

She looked away, but I grabbed her chin. “What do you dare in return?”

Her body stiffened, but her gaze locked with mine. “I dare you not to take my anal virginity tonight. Give me more time.”

My stomach gnashed with livid teeth. “That’s your dare? You’re so damn afraid of something I guarantee will bring you pleasure.”

My imagination stole reality giving me a snuff movie of erotic torture.

Her crying as I slid into her for the first time.

Her thighs and cheeks glowing from my spanks.

Taking her ass with my cock, while filling her pussy with a quivering vibrator.

My hands curled at that vision. I ached to fill her with my cock and a vibrator all at once. I wanted her stretched and overly full. I wanted her to know exactly who she belonged to.

Flipping her onto her stomach, I hoisted up her skirts and snipped with silver scissors at her knickers. They fell away, leaving her ass perfectly bare, the glisten of arousal slick between her legs.

She jolted as I pressed a finger against her clit, dragging the tip through her wet folds and up to the one place she denied me.

My cock pulsed with the first wave of pre-cum as she rolled her hips, trying to dislodge my touch. She was so tight, so shy, so fucking amazing.

Maître, please…I’m not saying no…just not now.”

“What scares you so much, esclave?” I pressed against her hole, loving the tight muscle, the blatant refusal to allow entry—so different to her pussy which beckoned with its wet, dark heat.

I’d never stop loving her taste or tightness, but I wanted this, too. A lot.

Gathering more of her damp desire, I swirled it around the puckered muscle digging fingernails into her hip when she tried to squirm away. “Tell me. In detail. And maybe I’ll accept your dare.”

Her head hung down, a curtain of blonde hiding her eyes. “I don’t know. It’s just foreign. Something I never thought I wanted. It’s not…sexy.”

Not fucking sexy? She obviously didn’t see what I did. Didn’t she know her shyness was a heady aphrodisiac? Knowing it was the one place no one else had gone. It drove me to breaking point.

I laughed, never stopping my stroking, dying to use force to break the seal of her body and take her anyway. “It’s not sexy? Fuck, esclave. Seeing you like this, wanting you that way…it’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

Lowering my head, I bit the feminine curve of her hip, sinking my teeth hard. Keeping her locked in my hold, I spread her cheeks and ran my tongue down her seam.

She jolted as I pressed harder with my finger, breaching her body with digit and tongue.

She reared upright, a moan echoing around the room. I slapped a hand between her shoulder blades pressing her back on the bed, keeping her ass high and open.

It was a good thing my cock was still in my pants because the ache between my eyes was excruciating. The need to fuck building. Foreplay was almost over. Hard and fast was quickly approaching, and I wanted it. I wanted to slam inside her and come like a volcano.

Tess’s face thrashed on the bed as I wiggled my finger a little deeper. A trail of wetness shone on her cheeks.

My mouth watered to lick her tears; her delicious salty sadness.

“Tell me how that feels.” I didn’t want to admit the chase turned me the fuck on. Knowing she was genuinely scared only made it more of a prize.

She shook her head, breathing hard. A hitch of tears broke her pant. “I don’t know. I don’t know.”

Thrusting my finger, I toyed with her ass, drawing yet more wetness from both her pussy and her eyes. As much as she denied it—it turned her on.

“I’ll help make up your mind.” Curving my back, I licked her again, dropping my mouth to latch onto her pussy. My cock felt as if I broke it in two, crushing it between my fucking legs.

Her cunt clenched as I pushed my tongue inside her.

Her face pressed against the mattress, hiding her tiny scream. “Dammit, Q. Damn you.” Her hips rocked back, surprising me as she forced my finger a fraction deeper.

I almost came.

Removing my finger, I slapped her ass.

She flinched. My eyes tightened at the red handprint painting her white cheek. I struck again, obsessed with turning her flawless skin into a riot of violence. I wanted to grant her pain. Endless pain. A dynasty of pain.

“How does that make you feel?” I growled, smacking her again. The whiskey took hold, speeding me toward a conclusion. I couldn’t drag it out any longer.

“Like I’m on fire. I’m burning for you, Q.”

I dropped my hand to slap her pussy.

Her legs tried to close, but I kept her on display. Her folds were swollen, wet, so fucking ready for me to fill. “And this. How does it make you feel?” I slapped her again, twisting her clit in punishment.

She arched, fighting my hold on her. “It makes me feel like a whore. Your whore. I want you so bad.”

My eyes snapped closed. If this woman didn’t own my soul already now she did. She was perfect. A miracle. Mine. Her body didn’t recoil from my merciless love. She allowed me the freedom I craved.

She’d given me so much. I couldn’t take from her what she still feared—no matter the turn on. “Four,” I growled, breathing rough and ragged. “Four cuts in return for giving you another night of freedom.”

She moaned loud as I hit her again—the hardest one yet. A five finger shape decorated her ass, stamping firm ownership on the woman I would marry in forty-eight hours. She may be my wife soon but she would always be my whore.

“Tell me where I can cut you, esclave.” I yanked her back, rubbing her pussy against my trouser-clad cock. “Tell me!” The scissors lay beside my knee, digging into me as I thrust against her.

“Anywhere!” Her face flushed, her lips baring her teeth. “Anywhere you want.”


A slow smile spread my lips. “Où je veux…” Anywhere I want…

Tess nodded. “My legs, my breasts, my throat—it’s all yours to mark. Do it!”

She’d given me a smorgasbord of places to mark her. But I had a better idea.

Snatching the scissors from the bedspread, I scrambled off the mattress. Grabbing her ankle, I pulled her to the edge, loving how the material gathered upward, bunching around her waist.

Her eyes popped wide as I collected her in a bouquet of torn dress and netting. Arms around her waist, I carted her to the window.

Tess froze as I placed her on her feet in front of the curtain. “Q…” Understanding flashed across her face. “You wouldn’t—”

I gave her a harsh smile. “I warned you.” Tearing back the curtain, I welcomed in the night sky. Stars flickered then dulled as wisps of clouds drifted across the dark like graffiti spray. The clear night was a perfect backdrop to the twinkling lights of the street below. Passer-by’s linked arms, strolling in the chilly but romantic evening.

Only three stories. High enough to possibly avoid people watching or the perfect height for an exclusive glimpse.

“I would and I am,” I muttered. “I’m adding to my dare. You said I could cut you anywhere. I want to cut you right here, against the window, while I make you come and give the world a show.”

Swivelling her in place, I pushed her forward until her chest met the glass. Her hands came up, splaying on the cold surface. With unforgiving fingers, I tore the remaining bodice from her, fully exposing her heavy breasts.

She jumped as I cut off her bra and slammed her torso against the glass, forcing her nipples to meet the icy reflection.

Tess hissed as I forced her harder against the barrier—the only thing stopping us from falling three stories. A shiver ran down her spine.

Fitting my body behind her, I nuzzled her ear. “I think you want people to see. I think you want people to watch as I finger you, fuck you, make you scream.”

I dragged my hands over her sides to her hips, forcing her to accept a thrust as I looked directly into my own eyes.

The reflection of the lights behind us showed Tess flushed and glowing like a fucking goddess while I lurked in the shadows. Only my pale gaze was visible.

Stroking her quivering back, I cupped the back of her neck. Unable to help myself, I unsheathed my teeth, sinking into her shoulder.

Tess cried out, wiggling against the imprisonment of my body and the window. “Q—”

Grabbing one of her hands, I guided it to my stiff cock. “Free me, Tess. Then I’m going to take you so fucking hard.”

I groaned as her fingers immediately obeyed, ripping the zipper down, fumbling into the tight elastic of my boxer-briefs.

She had no fear. No terror. I’d cured her. I’d brought her back to life. I was making her live in that very moment.

The second her eager touch found my raging hardness, she shuddered, pressing her ass against me. “Take me. Give it to me,” she moaned. She sounded drunk, loose, horny. I’d never seen her look so pliant or erotic.

I groaned as she fisted me, pumping my cock hard and harsh. “Goddammit. You’re going to make me come before I’ve even climbed inside you.”

Dropping my hand, I gathered the bushels of material, exposing her just to me. I’d show the world her tits, but her pussy was mine. Kicking her ankle to spread her legs, I shoved down my boxers and trousers to my quads, leaving me fully dressed in a torn gaping shirt, blazer, and trousers. My cock was free—that was all I needed.

I plunged my hand between Tess’s legs, clamping hard on my bottom lip when I discovered how drenched she was. My little whore was an exhibitionist. I couldn’t wait to fill her, to make her lose complete control in full view of the public.

Angling the tip of my cock, I found her entrance.

Tess stiffened. “No. Wait—”

I growled under my breath, rubbing the throbbing head of my cock through her folds. “If you’re having second thoughts too fucking bad, esclave. J'ai besoin de jouir en toi.” I need to come in you.

“I’m not saying no. Just—just hide my face.” She looked over her shoulder, locking eyes. “Please. That’s all I ask.”

I wanted to argue but rationality made its way into my sex-addled brain. She was soon to be the face of Feathers of Hope. What the fuck was I doing putting her in such a compromising position? I had to protect her identity.

“Shit, I’m an idiot.”

The netting of her dress dug into my naked hips; an idea sprang to mind. With the scissors, I cut the detailing off the dress.

Holding it up, I murmured, “This will stop them from seeing your face, but you’ll be able to see out.”

She nodded, sucking in a breath as I gently placed the black netting over her face, gathering the excess in my fist behind her head.

“Can you see?”

She nodded again.

“Anonymity,” I whispered. “Feel free to let go. Give them a show, Tess.” With one hand, I spread her dress, making sure both breasts were squashed firmly against the glass. Positioning myself at the delicious epicentre of heat, I bit her ear. “Scream for me.”

A cry tore from her lips as I drove up hard, fast, savage. She bumped hard against the window as her slick wetness welcomed me. I thrust upward, sheathing myself fully. Balls deep. Exactly where I belonged.

“Oh, God. Q. Yes.” Her fingers slipped on the glass, her hands growing sweaty with need.

My eyes fuzzed as her heat fisted around me, sending a ripple of pleasure down my legs.

The reflection bounced back to us—my eyes were dark and wild, my jaw tight and angry. No one could see me behind Tess but there would be no mistaking what was happening to her if they happened to look up.

Look up. See me ravishing this stunning creature. Be jealous.

I pulled the netting tighter across her face, using it as leverage to drive up again. She moaned, thrusting backward, meeting my cock.

The knowledge anyone could look up and watch filled my blood with fire. My belt jangled as I fucked her—I grew hot still fully dressed but I’d never been so sexually angry—so needful for a release.

She panted, loose and receiving against the window, her mouth parting with every pound. Her gathered dress protected her hipbones from slamming into the glass as I ruthlessly took her.

There was no finesse. No rhythm. It was a straight claiming. Fast and hard.

Fast and fucking hard.

The first spiral of pleasure erupted from my balls. I threw my head back, driving deeper. Tess would have bruises on top of bruises tomorrow. Her face contorted with pleasure-pain as I used her. But every single thrust, she met me. Every grunt she echoed.

Then someone looked up.

A stranger’s eyes locked onto Tess’s naked breasts, flat against the glass. I growled, pounding so hard her heels left the floor. She cried out, her fingers scrabbling for purchase.

“Oh, God. There’s someone. They’re—”

Another spiral of bliss shot up my spine. The man frowned, trying to work out what he saw, then took a shocked step when realization hit.

That’s right. I’m balls deep in this woman you can only fantasise about.

Something clicked in Tess and her need turned wild. Her pussy clenched around me, locking my teeth from the vicious orgasm building in my blood.

Fisting the scissors, I struggled to keep my eyes open from the overwhelming pleasure.

I made my first cut.

Right on her shoulder blade. A shallow, single line welled with black blood, infecting me with power and lust and need.

“Fuck, oh…” Tess cried. Her back arched but she didn’t twist the wound away.

“That’s it. Remember pain, mon coeur. Remember how fucking delicious it is.”

Another man stopped, gawking at Tess pressed hard against the window. He leaned to speak to the other voyeur who hadn’t taken his eyes off my wondrous woman.

I rode Tess like my orgasm rode me. Hard, brittle, existing in the taboo of intensity.

I didn’t have much time.


I have to finish before I blow.

The second cut was directly beside the first. A long slightly irregular line where a bead of blood rose but didn’t trickle. I didn’t taste, just let the blood glow with sin, intoxicating me more than any whiskey.

A couple stopped below.

Tess moaned loudly as they pointed upward, mouths hanging open. Her pussy rippled as I planted my feet further apart, pounding upward, chasing my final goal.

Holding the netting harder around her face, I gulped in air, driving harder and harder. Sweat ran down my temples; my heart jackhammered against my ribs, smashing them into dust.

“Q…yes. God, yes. Fuck.” The first band of Tess’s orgasm wrenched a groan from my lips.

“Don’t come. Wait,” I hissed between my teeth. The moment she started coming, I wouldn’t be able to hold back.

I cut her again, clenching my jaw against the unrelenting orgasm gripping my spine. Sparks and tingles and a pain so bright I could barely see held my body hostage.

Tess’s hand suddenly disappeared between her front and the glass. A rustle of silk as she dove into the fabric of her tattered dress, finding her clit. Her spine bowed as she stroked.

“Fuck me, Tess.” I wanted to be down there. I wanted to project my soul to the audience below and watch Tess finger herself to heaven.

I pressed the scissors against her shoulder but Tess let out a scream. Her entire body seized as an orgasm ripped her in two.

I never made the final cut as I fell forward, burying my head in her throat as I let go—allowing the magic to explode out of me and into her, spurt after spurt, mixing our bodies as well as our fucking souls.

Then a soft snick sounded in my ear, cutting my release into pieces. The heat in my blood turned to ice and snow and sleet. A blizzard whistled in my chest, stabbing me with icicles and sub-zero temperatures.

I had to stop. Danger. Stop!

But Tess continued coming, dragging me along with her.

“Fuuuck!” I collapsed forward, slamming a hand against the glass to stop from suffocating her. I. Couldn’t. Stop. My hips were demonic, delivering every drop of come I had to give. My fingers dug at the smooth reflection as the final wave drained my balls, stopping my heart with a horrible mixture of panic and relief.

A masculine chuckle entered the sex-hazed world Tess and I existed in, smashing it to smithereens, bringing death and destruction.

A slow clap sounded. “Well, that made me fucking hard, congratulations.”

Double motherfucking shit.

I should’ve stayed on high alert. I should’ve known something was wrong. I should never have let my guard down.

Tess froze. Not breathing. Not living. Shutting down completely.

Terror filled my limbs at the thought of losing her again. But I didn’t have time to worry. I had a murder to commit. Unclamping my fist from holding the netting around her face, I threw it away. Not once looking behind me.

Who the fuck were they? The man from the restaurant? Some other cocksucker who I’d suspected following us back to the hotel?

I knew what they wanted. I wasn’t naïve to know this wouldn’t happen. Hell, I’d been tense for weeks, just waiting for their move. But planning for a future and facing it head on were two entirely different things.

Gritting my teeth, I pulled out from Tess. My body moved stiff, full of ferocious anger as I forced my still hard cock back into my trousers and buckled up. With infinite gentleness, I pulled Tess’s dress down and reached in front of her, bringing the ruined bodice together as much as possible to keep her hidden.

“Q? What’s going on?” Tess’s voice wobbled.

I kissed her temple. Spinning her around, I looked deep into her eyes. Is this the last time I’ll see her? I’d planned so much—just in case the worst happened. I’d signed my fortune to her—so I’d always know she had money. I’d wanted to marry her to give her the power of my name.

That might not be possible now.

Frederick was right—ever since I’d seen the first article on TV, I’d been fighting against time. Time needed to fix Tess. Time needed to fight her demons before I wasn’t able to anymore. Everything that’d happened to Tess was my fault and I’d wanted to undo my wrongs before it was too late.

The news saved my business but marked me for death.

Fuck, stop those pessimistic thoughts. I would bathe in blood before I let them kill me.

Brushing damp curls from Tess’s cheeks, I murmured, “Trust me. Everything will be okay.” It has to be. I wanted to die as an old married man after living a lifetime with my perfect other. Not here. Not today.

I refused. I fucking refused.

“Mercer!” Franco’s voice cut through my worry just before a fist collided with my cheekbone.

Pain. Hot spreading, throbbing pain.

Tess screamed as I fell to my knee. I shook my head, scattering the stars from taking over my vision.

Blind rage released an injection of adrenaline and I tore upward. My time may be up but it didn’t mean I would give in to the heinous bitch. I had a personal vendetta and fully intended to win.

Another punch landed on my jaw, sending me stumbling into Tess.

She yelled, “Don’t you fucking touch him!”

The ringing in my ears amplified as another man grabbed Tess by the hair, dragging her away. Hurling her to the floor, he kicked her.

I saw red.

I saw blood.

I saw hell.

Launching myself at him, I swung low and hard. My knuckles bellowed as his head cracked backward, eyes rolling with the uppercut. As he fell, I brought his limp carcass forward, smashing my knee hard into his ribcage and dropped every barrier inside.

I lost all sensation of what I did. What parts I tore, what agony I inflicted.

His scream bounced off the walls as I shed all humanity and went rogue.

I’ll kill him.

No one. Absolutely fucking no one would touch Tess again and survive. I would tear their motherfucking heads off.


I ignored Tess, delivering wrath like a devil-filled tornado. Punch. Wallop. Kick. I wanted to turn his body into a lake of blood.

A silenced gunshot went off.

Time stuttered.


Lancing horrendous pain sliced into my thigh.

Sickness raced up my back, coating my tongue with bile.

Motherfucker shot me.

I roared with agony, feeding off the hot lick of fire radiating in my leg. Stumbling away from my unconscious victim, I bent over. Pushing a fingertip into the torn flap of my trousers, I found the bloody mess below.

My breath came hard and deep as another flash of pain consumed my system. My finger was torture but I found the exit hole. No broken bones. No severed arteries. A flesh wound.

A wound sending my anger ratcheting from uncontrollable to psychopathic.

“No! Oh, my God. You shot him!” Tess attacked the asshole who’d lodged a bullet in my limb, bringing a rain of tiny fists onto his torso.

Tess, don’t!

The man batted her arms away, his face contorting with rage. Tess kicked him, screaming.

He slapped her hard, wrenching her neck sideways with force. She went instantly limp, falling into his arms.

No! Fuck no. Not again.

I hurtled toward him, intending to rip his throat out but another man captured Tess, dragging her disorientated body against him. She shook her head, trying to clear the dazed fog, fighting meekly as he grabbed her breast with horrible fingers.

Glowering at me, he yelled, “Stop! Everyone! Behave or we’ll take turns with your little slave before cutting her throat. Got it?”

The threat worked.

I slammed to a halt, breathing hard. Rage siphoned around my body, making me tremble, but I embraced cold calculation.

Glancing around the room, I catalogued everything.

Five men.

A pentagon of doom caged me against the window with Franco in a bloody pile a few metres away. One of his eyes was swollen shut, blood covered his shirt, and he sat painfully, nursing his right side.

Five men.

Three with black hair and smooth blank faces, two with brownish hair and sick satisfaction wrinkling their eyes.

I didn’t recognise any of them.

Red Wolverine?

No, I did enough damage to his operation to risk coming after me so soon.

Emerald Dragon?

No, they were based in Singapore, or was it Hong Kong—either way, I doubted they’d have the resources to come to Rome—not with the heat surrounding their names after I handed over my address book of fuckwit traffickers.

So who are they?

It didn’t matter. Tonight would be the last night they’d be alive. I didn’t need to know any more than that.

I looked at Tess. Her eyes were clear, blazing with anger. Her fierceness gave me strength. No matter what I’d done with my life—healing her and giving her back her fire was enough to land me, maybe not in heaven, but hopefully not in hell.

I’d fixed her in time. Barely.

I would’ve been happy about that—if it wasn’t for the entirely unwinnable situation I faced. Five men against one. Franco was no use to me and I wouldn’t do anything to put Tess’s life in peril again.

“Give her to me and I’ll obey,” I growled.

The room shimmered with violence. A standoff. My knuckles hurt, needing to be lodged in his teeth. My thigh throbbed but shock worked wonders on deleting most of the distraction.

Ten seconds of waiting.

Finally the man nodded, shoving Tess toward me. Striding forward, I wrenched her behind my back. The second her form touched mine, huddling my back in a fierce embrace I sighed, gathering my wits for the next fight.

“Q, I’m sorry—I tried,” Tess cried.

Ignoring her, I kept my body between her and the unwelcome bastards. I concentrated on the best plan available for keeping her unharmed.

You have to get them to leave.

That was my only option. And I didn’t like what I’d have to do to make it come true.

“Who the fuck are you? What do you want?” I hissed.

Tess trembled, her rapid, shallow breaths hitting the back of my neck. Something snapped inside her, turning her silent tears into terror-filled gasps. Pressing hard against me, her teeth chattered. “They can’t—Q…I can’t do it again.” The edge of lunacy in Tess’s voice made my anger reach a whole new boiling point. “I’m bankrupt. I can’t afford another toll! Please. I have nothing left.”

Don’t revert, Tess. Please don’t undo all my fucking hard work.

“Get the fuck out!” I roared. “Get out before I fucking murder you!” Ignoring their guns and soulless eyes, I reached behind, crushing Tess’s front against my spine. I hated how wobbly and cold she was. “I won’t let them take you, esclave. I promise.” On my sister’s grave, I promise. “Stay with me.”

The gunshot in my leg turned from a fire to a cataclysmic inferno.

A silenced semi-automatic was pointed in my face. The man wielding it, sneered; his teeth perfect pegs of white. “We’re not here for her.”

My heart bucked. Spanish accent.


Everything clicked into place.


He had midway houses in Rome to traffic the overwhelming number of women he traded in Spain. The complications I’d told Tess about all revolved around that cocksucker. Young, ambitious, with no fucking remorse. Lynx had been a personal enemy ever since he killed a girl I’d agreed to trade for—just because he didn’t like the shirt I wore to the meeting.

Asswipe. Fucking juvenile sadistic delinquent.

Tess stifled a sob, sucking back her downfall into crazy, latching once again onto reality. She twisted in my arms, trying to get free. Glaring at the men, she yelled, “Just leave. Go back to the hole you crawled out of. Don’t do this!”

A man with black hair laughed. “Do what? This?” Closing the distance between us, he swung the gun at my temple.

I didn’t think. Just reacted. Ducking, I launched. Lowering my shoulder, I plowed into his chest, crunching him to the floor in a heap of body parts.

I didn’t care about my leg. All I cared about was ripping out his fucking heart. He gasped for breath punching anywhere he could. He managed to knock the air out of my lungs, bruise a rib, kick my knee.

He was strong, but he didn’t have psychotic rage thrumming in my veins.


Above all I had to keep her safe.

I landed a square punch, sending his fighting body into a loose pile of bones. My fingers latched around his gun, wrenching it from his hold. Limping to my feet, I aimed at the ringleader who’d royally fucked up my night.

“Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

I swung around. My stomach splattered to my feet. One of the brown-haired men had Tess in a vice-like grip, his gun bruising her temple.


Instantly, I threw my newly acquired weapon away.

If it was just me, I could’ve taken them on. I might not have won—but I would’ve done some serious damage before they killed me.

But I was handcuffed by my love for Tess. I couldn’t put her in any more harm than I’d already caused. How much more did that poor woman have to go through because of me?

I’d brought nothing but death and horror into her life. I’d brought her back from the edge once. I’d paid my debts and I refused to layer her with more.

My eyes locked with Tess: I’m so fucking sorry. So unbelievably sorry for everything that I’ve caused.

Tess exploded into action. Shoving the guy off her, she sprinted the distance between us, colliding with my chest. “Don’t you dare look at me like that Quincy Mercer. Don’t you dare say goodbye.” Her voice cracked as tears gushed from her eyes.

I wanted to hug her forever but another man punched me in the jaw, dragging Tess out of my embrace.

“No!” I spun in the assholes hold, ready to tear off his ears. My heartbeat relocated to my thigh, thundering a fucking gong of agony.

“Enough!” The man struck my temple, crashing me into Franco. I tripped over his body. He groaned in pain, but his eyes were fierce and ready to fight. “Je couvre tes arrières, Mercer. Nous pouvons les prendre. Ensemble. ” I’ve got your back, Mercer. We can take them. Together.

His shoulder looked dislocated, and he bled out of his ears—concussion. His left hand was hidden in his bloody blazer. He’d put up a good fight but no matter how good, the odds were against us.

My eyes flickered between the Spanish men, waiting to see if they understood.

One man stalked toward Tess, shoving a gun against her head. Looking at me, he ordered, “Get up, asshole.” He didn’t seem to know what Franco said—just working on precaution. Obviously the dumb fucks couldn’t speak French.

“Tu es blessé. Ne leur donne pas une raison de nous tuer. Tu connais le plan. Il faut s’y tenir.” You’re hurt. Don’t give them a reason to kill us. You know the plan. Stick to it. I glared at Franco, willing him to stay down and not be fucking stupid. I needed him for the next stage. And if the next stage failed, I needed him to look after Tess.

Franco’s face blackened. “Je vais la garder en sécurité.” I’ll keep her safe.

My heart stuttered in relief. I trusted Franco as much as I trusted Frederick. As long as Tess was with them, I could keep my mind sharp and find a way to survive—away from her—away from the distraction of trying to keep her from being hurt.

I have to get them to leave.

“Stop speaking in French if you don’t want your little girlfriend’s brains splattered all over the glass you fucked her against.”

Goddammit, I needed to kill these bastards. And I would, one way or another. In this life or the next. My teeth ached to tear into them. My hands already steamed with phantom blood—their blood. I fucking hated to think of Tess seeing this—especially after everything I’d done to save her.

Stumbling upright, I glowered at the man holding my woman. “Leave her alone.”

There was no denying I deserved this. After all, I’d put more traffickers down while searching for Tess than the worldwide Interpol had in three years, but it didn’t mean I was prepared to pay their price.

What did they expect?

Money? My life? Torture?

If I knew their end goal, I might be better prepared. I’d know which weapon to use. The only positive thing was they’d come for me. Not her.

The man planted a kiss against Tess’s cheek. She jerked away, only to careen back into his arms as he yanked her back. My spine stiffened, every urge inside saying attack. Fucking attack.

The muzzle of another gun bruised the base of my skull. “You’re no longer in the position of control, Mercer.”

My heart cannonballed but I kept my face blank. “Let’s sort this out here and now. You want cash—fine. Take it.”

He laughed, dragging the gun through my hair till he held it in the middle of my forehead. “We don’t want your fucking money. We want something more than that.”

Tess sobbed, fighting her captor. “Leave him alone!”

Tearing my eyes from her, I steeled myself. “And what is that?”

“Your fucking life of course. You’ve been costly to a lot of associates. Your debts are being called. Time to meet the unemployment line.”

Tess screamed, going nuts. She managed to get free, only to slam into another man’s arms. Her face was white, fear taking her limbs hostage in a jittery dance.

Fucking hell. My heart clawed its way out of my chest to go to her. To tell her it would all be okay. At least they hadn’t killed me in front of her. If they meant to take my life, I wanted it as far away from Tess as possible. I didn’t want her to see that. I didn’t want to haunt her for the rest of her days.

“Fine! Let’s go.” Shoving the asshole away, I strode toward the door—cursing the burn in my leg, doing my best not to limp like a dog about to be put down.

“Where the fuck are you going?” the man yelled.

Stopping, I crossed my arms. Hoping my cocky nonchalant attitude would piss them off. I was still in fucking control. As much as they thought otherwise. “You want me. Fine. I’ll come with you. But not here. Not like this. You leave her alone, and I won’t fight. You can have your fucking vengeance.”

Tess screamed, “No! Q—don’t. You can’t! Don’t leave me.”

My heart hurt worse than the bullet in my leg. Walking away from her would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But I wouldn’t put her through anymore. I wouldn’t ruin her mind any more than I already had. I’d done what I needed. She would be okay. In time.

Franco shouted in a ream of French, but I tuned them out. I didn’t need to hear their pleas—this was the only way. Three lives instead of one.

It was a good trade.

My eyes locked with hers. My lungs stopped working at the horror pinching her face. “Pardonne-moi, Tess. Sache que je t'aime jusqu'à la fin des temps et je te retrouverai si ce n’est pas dans cette vie ce sera dans la prochaine.” Forgive me, Tess. Know that I love you till the end of time, and I’ll find you again, if not in this life, then in the next.

Tess’s eyes dried from tears, burning with terrible anger. Her face flushed as she shoved the man away. “Non! Je ne te laisse pas partir. Pas maintenant. Pas après tout!” No! I won’t let you go. Not now. Not after everything!

I wondered if she knew she spoke in French. She was so fierce, her tongue lilting over the language as if she was born to it.

The leader seemed lost for words but the moment I tore my eyes from Tess and opened the door, he leapt into action. Stalking toward me, he pointed at the unconscious man I’d attacked, ordering his troops, “Pick him up. We’re leaving.”

I paused for one last moment before I was shoved out the door—carted away from any happiness I might’ve found.

Please let me see her again.

Tess stood frozen on a sea of white carpet looking part-angel, part-goddess, totally lost and heartbroken.

She shook her head, disbelief bright. “Q—please!”

My heart stayed behind with her—I didn’t need it where I was going.

Au revoir. Goodbye.

The door swung closed.

I might have given in to protect Tess, but I wouldn’t die for nothing.

I would take as many down with me as possible.

I would die with their blood on my tongue.
