Chapter Seven

Our monsters found solace in each other’s perfect heart, the devil himself couldn’t tear us apart,

You belong, I belong, our twisted souls forever

It was like waking from a nightmare.

Clouds parted, mists dispersed, clarity took hold. But it wasn’t a nightmare. I’d lived it. I’d breathed it. My heart raced, my body had bruises that weren’t there before, and my mind…my mind was…empty.

I was weak and wobbly but beneath the rush and sickness of adrenaline lived a small incandescent ball, lodged in my heart, growing bigger and bigger. Every breath it grew brighter, swallowing the darkness and weakness inside. I no longer ached for the girls I’d hurt. I no longer felt crippled by guilt. I didn’t seethe with rage at what they’d stolen from me. I didn’t fight constant tears at the thought of disappointing Q.

All of that was overtaken by wondrous liberation.

The nucleus of the old me—who’d fought and won and returned to a master who turned out to be my soul-mate—sprang back into power. It was like spreading crumpled wings, learning how to fly again.

The moment Leather Jacket had run, I’d claimed my freedom. Everything seemed less oppressive. The guilt was still there…just liveable. The memories still haunted but they were ignorable.

Leather Jacket had razed my self-confidence to the ground, but by letting me win—he’d given it back.

My hands curled at the thought of running after him. I wished for a gun and a bullet etched with his name. I wanted to chase him. I wanted to kill, but the luminosity inside demanded no more blood. No more tarnish or slime or death.

Serenity. I’m free.

Nothing in the world could make me give it up.

I turned toward the bath, surveying the dark bathroom with the detachment of a dream. Liquid drenched every inch, creating a gloomy water-world. My naked body rivuleted with droplets as I practically paddled toward the huge bath.

Staring into the still rocking waves, I waited for terror. I waited for flashbacks of being held under and choking but…nothing.

No memory came to fill me with horror; all I remembered was Leather Jacket releasing me and running. If his intention had been to kill me and finish the job—he should’ve stayed away, because now—now I remembered the good as well as the bad. I’d been reminded of everything that I’d lost.

Crushing, joyous tears travelled up my spine, blurring everything. I’d never felt so emptily happy. Thoughts echoed with no rebound, my mind could focus on one thing and not be swallowed by the past.

The silence was ten times, no a hundred times better than my tower. This silence had no walls or cages. This silence came with no stigmata or consequences.

I’m free.


My heartbeats danced. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to test my conclusion that I was strong enough for him. Would pain still make me run? Somehow, I didn’t think it would.

Where was Q? It seemed an age since I’d seen him—the longest we’d been apart since he rescued me.

Maybe this time it’s your turn.

My eyes flared. Did Q need rescuing? Had I been so wrapped up in my sad little world that I’d put too much on him. The answer was too loud to ignore.


It was my turn to give him what he wanted. My turn to give him the relief he needed through pain. But…not yet. I wanted to exist in this precious, perfect moment a little longer. I wanted to solidify the truth and realign every piece of me that’d been scattered by Leather Jacket. Puzzle pieces slotted together, building the complete picture. I was back. My self-worth and belief was miraculously returned.

Sweeping a leg over the tub, I sighed as every muscle unlocked and melted, sliding into the hot water.

The heat cushioned me, hissing against the minor burns on my breasts from the wax Q used and flaring the remaining spanks from before, but I didn’t care. I let go of everything, drifting in happiness. I’d won. I’d done it. I’d survived.

Then something cloud-like crept over my mind.

Something warm.

Something soft.

Something sweet.

* * *


That voice. All depth and gravel and sinfully French.

I stretched as the one syllable of my name echoed in my limbs. I’d never felt a word before, but I did now, and I wanted more. I wanted sonnets whispered in my ears. I wanted lullabies murmured in my mouth.

I opened my eyes.

The bathroom was still dark, but something seemed to be wrong with my brain. I no longer saw darkness; I saw fractures of light, sparkles, glitter in the grey.

“Wow,” I whispered.

Something touched my cheek; I shivered instantaneously. It was too much. Too damn delicious. It was as if the sun trickled through my skin, sending rays directly into my heart.

My eyes travelled up and I blinked.

He was stunning.

He was dazzling.

He was poetically spectacular.

Q’s gorgeous lips spread into a gentle smile; his eyes were pale perfection in the gloom. “Tu vas bien?” You okay?

My entire body rippled. I gasped as a rush of lust intoxicated me. All I could focus on was his mouth—his stupefying, scrumptious mouth.

I blinked again. What’s happening to me?

All I wanted was his lips on mine—his tongue licking and desiring.

His jaw held tiny droplets, his naked chest spangling with grey and silver rainbows. I became hypnotised by a teardrop running down his abs.

Those abs!

His tattoo came to life as inked sparrows ruffled their feathers, darting free from the swirling clouds and barbwire.

I couldn’t look away, completely enthralled by the magic Q performed. How did he do that?

Something firm and controlling pinched my chin, guiding my eyes up, up. I locked onto Q’s gaze, sighing heavily. How could one person carry so much?

“Pain and need and love and confusion,” I whispered. His soul reached through his jade eyes, drenching me with everything he lived with.

I bit my lip, jolting at the shock of how smooth my mouth was, how tasty the bathwater was on my tongue.

Desire unfurled faster and faster in my belly.

Q frowned, impossibly making him more roguish and handsome. “Tess…? How do you feel?”

How did I feel? Amazing. Lusty. Powerful. Consumed.

I stretched again, arching my back as water lapped around my body. I wanted to moan with how good I felt. I’d never been so warm or contended or horny.

My eyes snapped to Q’s. Him. I had to have him.

“You’re so beautiful,” I murmured.

Q froze, his eyes searching mine. Slowly, his lips turned up into half a smile.

I pressed my thighs together. I couldn’t stop my body from overheating and needing. I’d been cursed or charmed—some sort of potion lived inside. I had no other explanation for how much I needed him.

I laughed, throwing myself headfirst into whatever spell I was trapped in. My voice fell from my mouth, tinkling and chiming like a bell. Was that truly me? I sounded magical. I sounded like a princess straight from a storybook.

Who was I? Sleeping Beauty who’d been woken by her prince?

My eyes locked onto Q’s. No. I was the one who’d fallen head over heels for a beast who spoke in foreign tongues.


A flush of heat and wetness built between my legs. I would give anything to have his tongue on me. I wanted his head between my thighs. I wanted his fingers clawing at my hips. I wanted to be used, bruised, adored.

Q cocked his head, chuckling under his breath. “I think Franco miscalculated the dose.”

I shook my head. I didn’t understand. All I understood was his voice had the power to make me come. The deep tenor vibrated through my heart, sending tiny orgasms exploding in my veins.

I needed to be touched. I needed to be kissed.

Kiss him. Let him know.

Launching upright, I splashed a wave over the tub. Q jerked back, but wasn’t fast enough. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I dragged him down toward me. His hand slipped on the rim, plunging his arms into the water, landing on either side of my body.

His mouth opened to curse, but I swallowed whatever he said. My lips stole his, and the moment I tasted him, I went a little mad.

My core squeezed with delirium, demanding to be filled. My eyes rolled back at the sheer bliss of kissing.

He tasted like freedom and violence and pain.


A slight hiccup in my magical world before the cloud in my brain smothered it with need. Yes, I wanted pain. I wanted his roughness. I wanted his whips and chains and feral love. I wanted him inside me.

Esclave…wait…” Q tried to speak, but he only gave me the opportunity to slink my tongue into his mouth. Joy bounced and fizzed in my heart, demanding more.

I moaned, dragging him closer. My hands dug into his hair, tugging with sharp-laced desire. His mouth opened, either in shock or passion—I didn’t hesitate. I thrust my tongue deeper into his mouth, willingly drowning myself in all things Q.

I wanted to cry at the deliciousness of the kiss. His lips. His heat. The silky, satiny wetness. The scorching, sizzling heatness.

Oh, God. My core burned; my heart fireworked in my chest.

Q groaned as I bit his bottom lip. I wasn’t gentle, bruising his lips with mine, dropping my hands from his hair to his face, holding his sculptured cheekbones, rasping my fingers on his stubble. I wanted to consume him.

His tongue lashed out, licking, teasing. His body leaned closer, pushing me further into the water. His hands on either side of me fisted, prodding my sensitive sides.

I moaned. My heart no longer existed in my chest. My entire ribcage was full of nymphs and pixies all casting spells, spreading their lustful dust.

“Q…” I needed his touch. I needed his mark. I needed so, so much.

His lips pressed harder, bringing smoothness along with roughness from his five o’ clock shadow. His head tilted to kiss me deeper; my lips burned with a glorious rash from his mouth on mine.

I never wanted the kiss to end.

But Q pulled away.

I wanted to cry. I never wanted to leave this enchantment.

His fingers cupped my jaw, holding me steady. Rockets and gunpowder detonated where he touched. My vision coated with a haze of amethyst and plum. Shades upon shades of purple. My favourite colour.

“You’re high,” he whispered.

If he meant feeling the best I’d ever felt, then I agreed. I was on a kite, soaring high, higher, embracing the sun and making the stars my home.

I shook my head. “High on you.” I craned my neck, seeking his lips. Tears tickled my spine at being denied a kiss. “Kiss me. Q…I want you so much.”

His eyes hooded, filling with lustful smoke. “You do?”

I laughed at the absurd notion that I wouldn’t. I’d ride him for the rest of my life if I could. I’d glue my mouth to his so the only way to survive was to feed off each other.

I shivered in need so painful, even the water was a deadly tease. “So much.” Unlatching his fingers from my jaw, I guided his hand to my breast. I arched, pressing every inch of me into his palm. “You’re holding my heart as well as my flesh. Q—please. I want you inside me.”

His fingers stiffened around my breast, pressing delicate tissue.

God, that felt good. Too good. My blood became a highway, speeding along with sparklers, setting powder-kegs ready to burst.

His teeth clenched; his grip released me, then tightened. He looked torn. Confused. At war.

He can’t deny me. I wouldn’t survive it.

Needing to share the magic, I murmured, “I want you so much I can’t breathe. I hate this water because I wish it was you around me, in me. I’m wet for you. I’m drenched for your fingers and tongue. Love me. Q—please…”

Q squeezed his eyes. “Fuck.” His forehead furrowed as his large body shuddered. He tugged his hand from my breast, fighting me when I tried to keep him close. With an angry twist, he tore his palm away, breathing hard.

His gaze opened. “Vachement tentant.” So fucking tempting.” He shook his head, his lips pursed with restraint. “I can’t. Not when you’re high. I didn’t think it would be this bad. I just wanted something—I wanted you to enjoy it—to teach you how you used to love it.”

His hand suddenly swished through the water, cupping my pussy. His face distorted as he pushed a finger unapologetically into me.

God, yes. I screamed with sublime joy. My muscles clamped around him.

“Goddammit, esclave. You’re so damn wet. And now I won’t know if it’s because of your need for me, or what I’ve made you swallow.”

My hips bucked as he removed his finger. “It’s for you. All for you,” I panted.

His face twisted; fear crept into his eyes. “You do remember what happened before…don’t you?” His touch landed on my jaw again, wrenching my face to meet his. “Tell me—what do you remember?”

I nodded, distracted by the coils of damp hair whispering over my shoulders.

“Tess. Answer me. What happened?”

His voice was so amazing. Just like the rest of him. I sighed in perfect contentedness. “I told Leather Jacket to fuck off.” I giggled. It sounded crude and whiplash sharp, but it filled me with fire. “He tried to drown me again—I know he would’ve taken me back to hurt more women.” I frowned, vaguely remembering every fear and terror tripping over me the moment he shoved me under the water. I’d been so sure I would die.

My fingers curled. “But then I fought back. I fought like I’d forgotten. And—” I spaced out, thinking of the wondrous possibilities my future held, now I remembered who I was.

Q shifted beside me impatiently. “And….Shit, what else?”

I looked up, letting my hands float to the surface, dragging them through the water. “I won.” I shrugged as if he knew already. “I won. I’m free. I’m happy.”

His eyes dropped to my lips, darkening with need.

The urge to kiss him obsessed me, drumming my bloodstream with a war-beat. “Kiss me. Celebrate with me. I want you so, so much.” In a rush, I scrambled upright, trying to grab him. My fingers scratched his neck as he jerked back, keeping just out of reach.

His eyes searched mine, crawling deep inside me until he hammered at my heart. He touched me—right there. He reached inside my chest, cracked open the beating organ, and ripped it right from my body. I was his to devour. I wanted to be bitten, eaten.

Tears welled in my eyes. “Please…kiss me. I need you to kiss me.”

Q’s hands landed on my shoulders. His features contorted as he battled with things I didn’t understand. “If I kiss you, what then?”

“Then I give myself to you.”

His eyes blazed. “If we do this, we do it my way. Tu es à moi.” You’re mine.

“All yours.”

He lost his battle. “Ah, fuck it.”

He went from unyielding to slamming me backward into the water. His lips smashed against mine, forcing me to open wide for his invasive tongue.

My core melted, thrilling with every lick. His sharp teeth caught my bottom lip, pausing, as if to see what I would do.

In answer to his tentative bite, I tore my lip away, capturing his instead. Unsheathing my teeth, I bit down. His throaty growl undid the rest of my control.

I kissed him, fully intending to leap from the bath and force him to take me on the floor.

But Q shoved me away. He stood tall, towering over me.

The glitter from whatever Q gave me made him immortal in my eyes. Made him divine and god-like.

My heart seized as he ripped down his boxer-briefs. Not giving me time to drink in his impressive erection, or the way his muscles bunched and shadowed, he reached behind me and with a possessive shove, pushed me away from the side.

His long legs spread, climbing into the bath. He gripped the edges, lowering himself into the water.

His powerful thighs entrapped my body while strong arms wrapped around me, dragging me against his chest. The water level rose, licking at my shoulders.

I shuddered with how hard and hot he was against my back. It was like lying against living marble.

Q’s voice rumbled in his chest, vibrating through mine. “You say you’re free, esclave. Tell me…free from what?” His hands stroked my stomach, drawing ever widening circles.

He expected me to speak? I’d lost that ability the moment he slipped behind me.

When I didn’t reply, Q raised one hand out of the water. Cupping his palm beneath a dispenser tiled into the wall, his pectoral bounced me as he pressed the plunger, filling his palm with coconut shampoo.

I squirmed, very aware of the hardness digging into my lower back. I didn’t want to speak—I wanted to spin in his embrace and slide onto him.

Oh God, the mental image was too much.

Q brushed aside the wet curtain of my hair, sucking on my ear. “Dis moi.” Tell me.

My breath came fast; I did my best to obey. “I’m free…from everything.”

He tutted under his breath, dropping his mouth to press against the oversensitive brand on my neck. “I want details.”

I suffered a full body convulsion as Q’s hands landed on my head. His long, strong fingers slinked through my wet curls, spreading shampoo with slow, sweeping pressure.

I sank further against him, morphing into liquid. My vision danced with purple shooting stars, lighting up the bathroom.

How was I supposed to think when he touched me that way? Each stroke both relaxed and tensed me.

“Tess…I’ll stop if you don’t tell me.”

My eyes flared wide. I never wanted him to stop. Ever. “I’m not afraid of baths anymore.”

He laughed softly. “I’d hoped that would be the case.” His soapy hands slipped down my neck, trailing over my clavicle, cascading to my breasts. “Not wanting to be in a bath with me would be terrible news.” His teeth nibbled on the top of my ear forcing me to suck in a shaky breath.

Tracing back up, the pads of his fingers massaged my scalp, sending scents of coconut to envelope us in a tropical world. Bubbles and froth trickled down my chest, looking like expensive spun glass and jewels.

“I’ve never washed anyone before you, esclave, but this is the second time I’ve had the pleasure.” His fingers drifted to the back of my neck, rubbing and coaxing with fierce ownership.

I moaned. Loudly.

“Do you remember the first? La première fois que je t’ai lavée de ton passé?” The first time I cleaned you of your past?

I let my eyes flutter. Memories of him holding me in his lap as hot water rained from above, filled my mind. I’d been naked while he wore a soaking cashmere suit. He’d replaced himself with memories of the rape. He’d taken all power of the memory, switching it into something I could survive.

Q grabbed me tighter, murmuring, “You’re mine, esclave. Mine to care for. Mine to fix. I’ll allow you to cry while I wash you, but the moment you’re clean, you’re to stop. Do you understand?”

I blinked through tears, shuddering so badly I couldn’t answer.

“Everything about tonight will be forgotten, and you’ll only remember what I do to you. Is that clear?” He shook me. “Answer me.”

I nodded. There was relief in being ordered to forget and I would obey.

I’d never been able to see love. I knew what it felt like, how it hurt as well as healed, but until that moment, I didn’t know what physical form it took. Now, I did. It was a swirling world inside me, interlocked with the swirling world inside Q. Our two dimensions superseded our bodies and existed not in us but between us.

It was knowledge.

The knowledge I’d be there for him, and he’d be there for me.

It was blissful comprehension of never being alone and always cared for.

“I love you, Q.” I couldn’t hold back the tears this time, completely overwhelmed with gratefulness. “You truly are my master. Not because of the power you have over me, but because of the power you give me.”

Q’s fingers twitched in my hair; his chest rose and fell, sticking to my back. His heartbeat thudded, and I knew I wouldn’t have one lifetime with this man—I would have multiple. I refused to believe death would tear us apart. He was me as I was him. There would be no separating us.

Q dropped his hands from my hair, wrapping his arms around me. So much was promised in that embrace. So much exchanged and acknowledged.

I missed you.

I know.

I’m so sorry.

Don’t be.

We’re not broken anymore.

He hugged me as if I’d float away and only remained locked to him by force.

“I missed your fight, mon coeur.” My heart, he murmured, pressing a delicate kiss on my temple.

“I’m not afraid of fighting back anymore,” I said softly, immersed in his incredible warmth.

“I’m glad.” With a fierce squeeze, he let me go, returning his hands to my head. We stayed silent as he massaged more bubbles through my curls, before pushing my slippery body down his.

Once upon a time, I would’ve fought at the thought of being pushed under water, but now…I didn’t care.

“Do you trust me, esclave?”


I let him push me under, holding my breath while his worshipping fingers washed the suds from my hair. I was aware of every touch, every inch of him. I was nothing but a ball of oversensitive nerve endings.

Once the bubbles were gone, Q hoisted me up his body, dragging me along his very hot, very hard erection.

I want him. Completely. No holding back.

The thought whizzed around my body, spreading eagerness and courage. I wanted Q to take me like he’d always wanted. I was no longer afraid. He wouldn’t go too far because I understood what lurked beneath all his darkness.

Ownership. He wanted to brand me, mark me—all in the name of claiming. But he already owned me completely—he no longer needed to compete for that right.

Shifting, I reached behind and wrapped my fingers around him. He jerked in my touch, blood throbbing beneath the velvety skin. He felt hotter than usual as if he’d bruised himself, aching with injury.

Q sucked in a breath, pressing my hips to collide harder with him. He drove up against my back, rubbing himself in my fist. “Fuck…” His teeth sank into my shoulder.


My heart raced at the sharpness but there was nothing else.

No fear.

No guilt.

No other thoughts than pleasure.

The past was dealt with. Finished. The lost parts of me were fixed and out of the wrapping new. The allure of painful excitement existed once again in my heart, and I wanted nothing more than for Q to deliver.

There was no guilt to wade through. No tears at the memory of Blonde Angel or Hummingbird. My grief for them was as it should be: respectful, mournful, but not life-consuming terrible.

I wanted the taboo.

I craved the forbidden.

I panted for the prohibited.

Q thrust up, dragging me from my thoughts. The purple haze was back along with the consuming need to connect.

I wanted him. No walls or cages or second thoughts. Him. All of him.

“I’m ready,” I whispered. “Don’t hold back.”

Q shook his head, grinding his cock into my tight fingers. “Don’t say things like that. Things you don’t mean.”

I wished he could see into my heart—hear the truth resonating off its walls. “I do mean it. I’m ready and willing and oh so terribly wanting.”

He froze. Sucking in a breath, he didn’t say a word, as if he couldn’t understand what I offered.

Q had healed me. It was time for me to heal him.

Convince him.

While Q stayed immobile and silent, I murmured, “I want your belts and whips. I want your nails and teeth.” Twisting in his arms, I lay on top of him, belly to belly, chest to chest. I locked eyes with his.

He seemed lost, bewildered, completely bewitched. “I mean it, Q. Everything. All of it.”

His face slowly evolved from unreadable to suspicious to hopeful. His eyes tightened, shadowed with apprehension. “Are you sure?” he croaked. Clearing his throat, he added, “I never want to hurt you again. I told you that. Why would you ask for it when I already said you don’t have to give me something you don’t want to give.”

“Because that’s not true.”

He glared. “What’s not true?”

“That I don’t want to give it to you. I do. I need to say thank you—I need—” Bowing my head, I kissed him softly.

He never closed his eyes as if searching for a lie, disbelieving I could want everything he’d always hidden. “Will you take me?”

His Adams apple bobbed, swallowing hard. The scepticism swiftly changed to restlessness. His hips spasmed against mine, searching, seeking. “This is your last chance.” His fingers gripped my ass, pressing me hard against him. “Last chance to back out.”

“I don’t need it.”

Q’s eyes fired with need. “Tess?”

My body melted under his stare. It was all I could do to keep eye contact and not kiss him senseless. “Yes?”

“You let me do this, and I’ll take you so far into my world, you’ll be lost forever—mine for eternity.”

I smiled. The cloudy haze in my brain sent exquisite ripples through my muscles. I had no doubt I would be lost, but I would also be found. I would leave my world permanently. I would be initiated into Q’s completely.

Q suddenly tensed; his lips thinned. “J’ai une demande.”I have one request.

“Name it.”

He kissed me hard, melting my muscles, shattering my mind with purple stars. When he pulled back, his voice was flat and slightly cold. “You ask me to be myself. And I want to. How I fucking want to. But, Tess…I need you to promise. I’m not so fucking heartless to hurt you, make you cry and scream—because believe me I will—without a way out if you need it.”

His eyes pierced mine. “Remember the word you used the night you told me it was over?” His voice sounded bitter, miserable.

I hated I’d hurt him so badly. I had a lot to make up for. “I remember.” My hand left the water, dripping with droplets to cup his cheek. “I’ll say it if it gets too much. I promise. I won’t let you force me back into my tower.”

He nodded, tiny lines appearing around his eyes as he concentrated. “You say the word and it’s over. It ends. You say sparrow, and I stop. Tu as compris?” Understand? His gaze dropped to my lips, waiting to see my oath rather than just hear it.

Wanting to give him my vow in the language he’d been born with, I whispered, “Moineau. Je sais que c’est le mot de sécurité, mais je ne vais pas en avoir besoin.” Sparrow. I know the safe-word, but I won’t have need of it.

“Why not?” Q asked.

“Because I’m always safe with you.”

* * *

Q guided me forward, leading me through the dark.

My damp hair clung to my back while my equally damp body stayed warm, wrapped in a towel. I couldn’t stop looking at Q. Even in the gloom his muscles cast shadows, making him look not of this world. The perfect V, disappearing into the towel, made my mouth water for sinful things.

I didn’t know what lived in my system but the incessant need and sparking excitement completely overshadowed it. I was no longer high on substances—I was high on Q and what he would do to me.

Q’s fingers entwined with mine, leading me to parts unknown. He looked over his shoulder, checking to make sure I hadn’t changed my mind. I hadn’t. I wouldn’t. I wanted this.

“It makes sense. The darkness,” I whispered.

Q chuckled. “I doubt it.”

I frowned. What is his reason? Mine was a guess—but it made sense—to me at least. It made sense because of what he said before kidnapping me. I studied Q’s naked back, thrilling with the knowledge he was all mine. “You want to keep the dark as the first stage of the crescent moon. The eclipse before the dawn.”

Q slammed to a halt looking as if the symbolism knocked him on his ass. “Huh. I hadn’t thought of that. But you’re right. That does make sense.”

Curiosity filled me. “What was your reason?”

His lips twitched, but he shook his head. “We’ll go with your idea. Come.” Pulling me forward, he descended a set of stairs which appeared ominously from the gloom.

It led to nowhere—nothing but pitch black.

My heart rate picked up, spreading the haze of magic around my veins. Visions of sexual discipline and delicious reward swarmed me, instead of terror.

Wrists Bound. Mouth kissed. Q’s tongue between my legs.

I wanted to run headlong into pleasure.

Not speaking, Q tugged me down the stairs, going slower as we both lost our vision to blackness. He moved effortlessly in the dark. Despite his slower footsteps, he seemed to become one with it—absorbing it.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted from black to shadows. Outlines of wall fixtures and large islands of furniture showed a chasmal room. My bare toes sank into thick carpet; I shivered as the silky strands tickled my soles.

Q guided me toward a large shape in the centre of the room. I couldn’t make it out. Yanking his hand forward, the inertia made me trot, swinging like a pendulum on his arm. I gasped as he spun me to face away, crowding me against the hard object.

He pressed his hips against my ass, rolling himself, deliberately taunting me with everything I wanted. My heart exploded with desire; I rocked back into him with no restraint.

He groaned low in his throat, grabbing my hips with bruising fingertips, driving harder against me. Fighting my violence with his—gluing us together in a quick flash of passion.

“Recognise it, esclave?” His voice dropped several decibels, sounding more and more like a luciferian master. His hips never stopped pulsing, scrambling my brain and any hope at conversational skills.

With shaky hands, I reached forward, following the satin of polished wood, dipping my fingers along the ridge to…softness.


“A pool table,” I whispered.

Q fisted my hair, tilting my head to the side. His mouth descended on mine, a tongue opening the seam of my lips effortlessly, despite clamping shut. The moment his tongue entered my mouth, a finger plunged into me, hard and fast.

“Oh, God.” My mouth opened wide; I trembled with the onslaught—the act of ownership. He wasn’t gentle, he wasn’t sweet.

“This is mine. Everything is…”

I knew what he wanted. The word balanced on my tongue but I swallowed. I would never say it.

“Mine,” he growled.

The flashback ended as suddenly as it began. The wetness between my legs increased remembering the power, the need, the desire we both shared. It didn’t matter I’d been sold to him. It didn’t matter I hated him—my traitorous body loved him from the second I saw him at the top of his staircase.

Q followed my train of thought, leaning over me. His naked chest stuck to my shoulders, prickling with overheated need. “You were so wet for me. So eager, even while telling me to fuck off.”

I bit my lip as the swear-word whispered across my neck.

His teeth caught the top of my ear. “You wanted me that night…just like you want me now.”

I’d been so confused. Lusting for things I hadn’t understood—loving his strength and cruelty despite despising it.

“I was so sure you’d take me.”

I moaned as Q planted his hands on the table, trapping me completely. “You had no idea how much I wanted to. After letting you go, I pulled out my cock and came, all over myself.” His hips rolled again, his mouth latching onto my neck. “Fuck, I wanted you. I wanted to string you up and make you beg. I wanted to drive so deep inside you you’d never forget me.”

My knees wobbled; everything inside liquefied.

In a possessive move, Q placed a thigh between my legs. With a kick he opened my stance, driving his thigh to connect with swollen aching hotness. I jolted the second his naked skin touched my pussy, granting something to rub against—something to tame the burning in my core.

Unashamedly I rocked, letting my head fall back. “Q…”

One hand suddenly wrapped in my hair, yanking my head sideways, leaving my jugular exposed. Q breathed hot on my brand, itching it, scorching it. “Everything I did that night is nothing compared to what I’m going to do today.” His thigh pressed harder, forcing me to grind.

My breathing stuttered loving the pressure, riding his leg like some wanton creature. Q placed both hands around my neck.

I froze, very aware of the power he had—the way he held my life in his fingers. An endless second ticked past where he didn’t move, then his hands tightened, squeezing.

“I’ve just had an epiphany, esclave.” His voice sounded far away.

I swallowed, struggling a little with his tight grip. My heart thrummed but it wasn’t panicked. I trusted him—having him dominate only made me wetter.

“You’re truly not scared of what I want to do—and in a way that strips me of the need to hurt you.” His voice ebbed and flowed, quietly sorting through his thoughts. “But at the same time, it gives me the freedom I’ve been looking for all my life.”

His hands slowly dropped, spreading from my neck to my shoulders.

I gasped as his fingertips became nails, marking me with shallow grazes. Every touch hurled me into a hotter fire than the one before.

“And with freedom comes both relief and annoyance.” His hands suddenly dropped to the knot in my towel, tearing it free. The moment my breasts were exposed, he cupped me boldly. Weighing my sensitive flesh in his palms, he rolled my nipples with dexterous fingers.

I bucked in his hold, my eyelids growing heavy.

The cloud I existed in thickened, swirling with intense power. Q’s touch turned from pleasuring to orgasmic. Every twist and tug flamed my sensitivity, sending shockwaves erupting from my chest directly to my core. Every roll of his thumbs echoed in my clit, linking both erogenous zones like I’d never experienced.

“Ah.” I bit my lip, seeking more, chasing the promise of release. “Harder.”

His fingertips pinched my nipples. I thrust backward, spreading moisture on his thigh, rubbing against his erection.

He hissed, squeezing my breasts. “I always thought when I got you like this, I wouldn’t be able to hold on. But what happened in the hotel—it’s strengthened my control. It’s stolen some of the craziness deep inside.”

He removed his thigh from between my legs, giving me nothing to rub against.

I growled under my breath, frustration hot in my blood. “What happened in the hotel was consensual, Q. Just like now—I want you to lose control.” I arched my back, wedging his cock harder into my ass. “Lose it. Give it to me. The pill you gave me makes me crave everything about you. Sweet and safe isn’t what I want.”

He froze. “You’re saying you only want this because I drugged you?”

My eyes fluttered open, real life intruding on our sensual world. “No. I want this because I’m so horny. I want this because I miss you.”

His hand fisted in my hair, holding me still. “Do you remember me saying that—before everything that just happened? I told you I missed your fight—your spirit. Do you forgive me for making you believe? Do you forgive me for giving you substances against your will?”

His voice changed my heartbeat from slow and heavy to fast and light. “What do you want me to say? That I wasn’t terrified at swallowing something I didn’t know? Fine. I was. Petrified. I don’t know what you did to make me see Leather Jacket. I don’t know what happened between us while I was in some other dimension. I have no idea where we are. I don’t know why my entire body feels as if every touch is a tiny orgasm. I have no idea about anything.”

I stayed frozen, still held by Q’s fist. “But I don’t need to know. All I need is to trust you. And I do. Isn’t that enough?”

“No. It isn’t,” Q muttered, tugging on my hair. “You think you trust me—but I’m not so sure.” He bit the sensitive skin behind my ear. “I know what happened between us—I know what I almost did, and I don’t know if it’s a good idea to step into the dark so soon.”

My anger—that had been missing for so long—sprang into being. “Don’t. You can’t.”

“Can’t what, esclave?”

“You can’t deny me. I’m finally giving you the opportunity to bring me into your world and now you’re chickening out.” I stomped my foot, the haze in my brain tinging everything with red. “Take me. I’m not asking; I’m demanding.”

He chuckled. “Is that a threat, Tess?”

His tone shot right through my heart, granting equal measures of hot and cold. Yes. Say yes. Push him. Force him. My pussy clenched, hungry for sex. “Yes, it’s a threat. It’s about time you punished me. I’ve been bad—I deserve everything you can give.”

His heat disappeared as he took a step away, spinning me to face him. My back slammed against the table as the towel fell from my body, puddling on the floor. “Punish you? Why the fuck do I need to punish you?”

My chest fluttered, sucking in shallow breaths. The word ‘punish’ echoed in my brain.



I blinked. Didn’t he realize I knew he’d struggled with me hurting him? For weeks he’d shut down, dealing with whatever issues I’d put between us. I’d shut him out, made him doubt. I’d damaged him. “For that night,” I said, not needing to elaborate.

Q snarled. “You think I’m still hung up on that?” He gripped my hips, digging his fingers painfully. “You let me bring you back to life. I couldn’t be more fucking grateful. And if you knew what I’d done only an hour ago, you’d know it’s not you who needs forgiveness.”

His voice softened, something dark filling his eyes. “I told you never to lie to me, but I lied to you.”

What? My heart lodged in my throat. I frantically searched his eyes. “Why? How?”

He shook his head slowly and with such finality all my pixie dust and lustful haze disappeared, leaving me a block of ice. “Q?”

Looking deep into his gaze, I shrank away at the bleak resolution reflecting there. “It wasn’t what I said—it was what I thought. All this time, I’ve been annoyed at you for not trusting me. And now you do trust me…but I’m not sure I trust you.” Sighing, he pressed the tip of his nose against mine. “I accept everything you’re giving me. I want to let go—not fully, as I don’t have the power to come completely undone—but enough to show you what I need. I want to hurt you. I want to make you cry—I want to punish you, Tess, but I don’t trust you’re doing it for the right reasons. I think you’re doing this entirely for me and not for us.”

Was that true? Am I giving him my pain, with no limitations, purely for his pleasure?

No, I didn’t believe that. I’d been so wary of everything Q had to offer up till now. I’d wanted it but skated around it at the same time. This time…I truly wanted to fling myself head first into his world. And his refusal frustrated the hell out of me.

With gentle fingers, I hooked them into his towel, fumbling to undo it. His eyes darkened as the damp fabric fell away from his hips, leaving him naked, crowding me against the table.

“No more thinking. Put our demons to rest right here, right now. Let me prove you can trust me. I’m done being scared, Q. I’m done being weak. I’m going to love everything you give me. I’m going to scream and come and cry. And then I’m going to fall in love with you even more and demand you marry me the moment the sun rises tomorrow.”

Q shuddered, looking as if he wanted to strike and consume all at once.

I froze, waiting to see if he would kiss me.

He didn’t.

“Do you know what hurt the most?” he muttered.

“No.” I worried he’d slipped into insecurity, talking himself out of whatever was about to happen.

“It was your willingness to hand over your sanity and happiness. And now you’re doing it again and it’s fucking with my head—”

“I’m not doing it again. I really—”

He bared his teeth. “I haven’t finished. Don’t interrupt.”

I dropped my eyes, flushing with heat.

“You’re fucking with my head, but this time…I believe you. I believe you’re doing this for you, too. I believe you do want me to make you scream, and I’m going to fucking love it.” He gave me a half smile looking like the true devil in the darkness. “Does that scare you?”

There was no lie. No half-truth. “No.”

His body shifted; the air filled with promise. In one swift move, Q spun me around, imprisoning me against his front and the table. The edge of the wood dug into my hips as he folded over me, pressing his chest on my back until my breasts squashed against the felt.

With nothing between us, his skin burned mine, intoxicatingly delicious.

“Good answer. This time— Je te crois.” I believe you.

My heart sprouted feathery wings, tickling my chest in hope. “You’re going to give in?”

“I’m going to give in, but not let go.”

Okay, that would have to do for now. “You’re going to trust that I want this as much as you?”

His hands trailed over my sides. “I’m going to trust you, esclave.”

“You’re going to punish me?”

“I’m going to punish you.”

“How?” I whispered.

Q paused. “How?”

How are you going to punish me? I want to hear you say it.” Locking eyes with his over my shoulder, I squirmed against the table, dropping my hand to my front, touching the wet heat between my legs.

Q’s nostrils flared, his gaze riveted on my disappeared hand. “Tess—fuck.”

I’d missed this—taunting, provoking. He may be in control, but I had all the power. I moaned as I stroked downward, loving how slick he’d made me.

Harsh fingers latched around my wrist, yanking my hand away. Anger decorated his face, along with sharp-edged desire. “That’s not yours to play with. That’s mine. And I’ll tell you how I’m going to fucking punish you. I’m going to taste every inch of you. I’m going to steal all your inhibitions. You’re going to come on my fingers, tongue, and cock. You’re going to unravel, Tess, and I’m going to lick up every drop.”

His hand twisted my neck, tilting me sideways to kiss me. His mouth crashed against mine, swallowing my moan, locking his arms around me. I couldn’t do anything but accept his brutal assault. I skipped from reality the moment he caught my tongue, sucking as if every inch of my mouth belonged to him.

I knew what I was letting myself in for. I knew Q wouldn’t take it easy on me. I also knew I never wanted anything more in my life.

Kicking my ankle, Q spread my legs, positioning his cock right in the centre of my ass. Breaking the kiss, he growled, “Time for talking has ended, esclave. Now’s the time for fucking.”

He’d said something similar just before whipping me on the cross. A thrill shot through my blood; I melted.

A hand landed on my ass, bringing with it flames and thunder. I jolted in his arms, biting my lip against the pain. “I’m going to own every inch of you tonight. Including your mind.”

I couldn’t breathe. Even the purple clouds floating in my blood couldn’t stop one question blaring in my head.

Do I still want this?

Did I still want pain or had that been false bravado—making me believe my own lies.

Q’s hand came down again, striking me in the same place, igniting a bonfire. My eyes prickled with tears even as the fire from my skin slowly migrated into my blood, heating me, dissolving every inch of my past.

Yes. Yes, I do.

The knowledge sent my hips rolling, provoking Q as I wiggled.

He struck me again, lower this time, more thigh than ass, but it felt just as good. A stinging good—a pain I’d forgotten how to compute, but my body remembered. I gave myself over to it. I wanted to turn my mind off completely.

“Who fucking hurt you, esclave?” Q demanded, striking me again.

Huh? I blinked, clawing my way back to conscious thought. Looking over my shoulder, I locked with his wild eyes. It took a moment for the question to sink in, but then I knew. I knew what he wanted.

For the first time, I let myself get angry. Terribly, ridiculously angry. At them. I snarled, “They did.”

Q narrowed his eyes, breathing hard. “Who caused you agony?” His hand stroked my burning skin before slapping me again—the hardest one yet.

Uncomfortableness flared, along with a rush of pleasure. I filled with reckless, needy energy. “They did.”

“Who stole you from me?”

“They did.”

“Who taught you to run from pain?”

They did.”

His hand lit up my ass, followed by his fingers tracing my crack. He dipped his touch between my legs, moving tortuously slow.

I panted and writhed, caught in the sparkly web of anticipation. Touch me. Stroke me. A whisper of a caress then Q removed his hand, teasing me to the point of rage.

“Who will make you love pain again?”

I wanted to demand he touch me, but I gave him what he wanted. “You will.”

“Who will grant you freedom with pleasure?” His fingers dipped again, feathering over the delicate skin. This time he granted me one stroke—one mind-blowing stroke across my clit.

His touch was a weapon. An aphrodisiac. I was wet. Slick. Desperate.

Q’s voice thickened to a growl. “Who will make you come while hurting you?”

“You will,” I gasped as his touch went lower, dipping between my folds, driving me insane.

“Who will make your body remember? Who will keep you safe?”

“You, Q. Just you.”

His hand disappeared. I moaned at the lack of stimulation, then cried out as he fisted my hair, wrenching my head upright. His lips found mine, his dark taste invoking a primal urge inside.

He stole my thoughts, my sanity. My hands shot behind me, digging my nails into his firm ass, yanking him forward to thrust against me.

His kiss was a hammer, his fingers a wrecking ball—with each one he smashed the remaining glass prison in my mind, making me his equal, but also keeping me firmly in the position of submissive.

A wash of gratefulness filled my heart. I was unbelievably lucky. So blessed. Q not only gave all of himself, he also made all my black desires come true. We truly were born for each other.

He panted in my mouth, rolling his hips, taunting me with the one thing I wanted most of all. His teeth captured my bottom lip.

And bit.

I cried out as my skin broke. A trickle of metallic fed from my mouth to his. Q seethed, seeming to increase in size until all I knew was him. The moment my blood hit his tongue, it was over.

No going back.

Only going forward into sin.

“God, I want to bite you, drink you. I want to drain you, so you live in me always,” he grunted, picking me up in one arm, hoisting me higher on the table. Only my tiptoes reached the floor while my breasts squashed against the felt.

His nose tickled my spine as he kissed his way down to my tailbone. “Put your hands on the table, and don’t move.”

I trembled but obeyed. I ran my hands along the fuzzy fabric, relishing in the desire sweeping in my blood.

Looking over my shoulder, he smiled. It transformed his face from brooding to boyish until it was gone, replaced with a cocky smirk and possessive glint in his eye.

“Stay exactly like that, with your glowing ass ready for my pleasure.” With another spank, he disappeared into the darkness like a ghost.

I swayed a little, my tiptoes straining to keep still—exactly as Q demanded.

Not having his heady presence close by, the pixies and nymphs in my chest sent more dust through my body, tingling, warming until I shuddered with ideas of what would happen next.

Where is he?

I looked around the room.

I saw nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Nothing else mattered but the pool table, the darkness, and Q—wherever he was.

I loved the anonymity. The unknowing.

A metal clink sounded a few paces away, followed by a footstep.

Then silence.

We could be married for years, and I would never get used to how silently Q moved.

Slowly, goosebumps spread over my arms. It wasn’t nerves dancing on my skin but excitement. I wasn’t cold or terrified. I was weightless and buoyant, waiting for my master to return.

A hand landed on my waist making me leap upright. My heart bucked in surprise.

“Jumpy, Tess? Afraid of what’s coming next?” Q didn’t wait for my answer. He pressed my shoulder blades down, stalking around the pool table to the other side.

His eyes were the only pinpoints of light until he flicked a switch, bathing the apple felt with a golden glow. The chandelier above painted us with golds and burnt oranges from the tinted crystals.

Q no longer looked devilish but royal.

My heart flew free, fluttering to the ceiling.

“Donne-moi tes mains.” Give me your hands. The order whispered through the golden light, quintessentially him. His raspy, melodic voice had a power over me he wasn’t aware of. I instantly locked my wrists together, jutting them toward him.

Q didn’t say a word as he accepted my gift, wrapping soft, black fabric around me. The silk looked like morbid blood, as if I’d slashed my wrists in a fit of insanity.

The moment he’d restrained me, Q tugged the cord, making me stretch even further across the table, securing it somehow. Once tied, he strolled back toward me, setting my heart jumping and body dissolving under his intense stare.

My back was icy cold while my front was toasty warm. The two sensations, coupled with my lack of mobility, made my lungs suck in air as if oxygen was about to go extinct. The closer Q came, the more lightheaded and woozy I was.

I flinched as he cupped my ass.

“What are you going to do?” I didn’t bother testing the binds. I knew Q—he had a way with ropes—there would be no chance of escape.

“Sometimes, the only way to make your dreams come true is to shatter them,” he said, circling me like a predator. “Sometimes, the only way to make your nightmares disappear is by facing them.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. “I won’t have nightmares anymore. I faced those issues today.”

Q stopped behind me. “That may be true, but I’m all for making sure.” He ran a harsh hand down my spine. He stepped to the side; I tensed for a wallop. “But maybe I’m not talking about your nightmares anymore.”

His hand darted to the side, reaching something I couldn’t see. I sucked in a breath as the same hand slinked around my hips, moving toward my pussy. His touch caused me to press my head harder against the table, cursing my trembling legs.

Without a word, Q stroked my folds, smearing my wetness with forceful fingers. My eyes snapped shut as sparks erupted from his touch, then popped wide as something firm and unyielding clamped around my clit.

It throbs. Fuck, it throbs.


“You get one question. After that, I refuse.” His voice thickened with his accent.

I squirmed, trying to figure out what he’d pinched on my clit. For the life of me I had no idea. “What did you use?”

Q rubbed my back and ass as if I were a prized horse he was about to mount. “It’s a clothes peg. And before you ask, everything I use on you tonight is what I’ve found around here. I didn’t come prepared—but I do know pain is pain—regardless of what causes it.”

He dropped his head, dragging his teeth over my hip. “Now shut up, esclave, and let me savage you.”

My eyes watered; my clit burned and thrummed with every heartbeat. The cinch of the peg kept me on edge, compounding the orgasm I desperately wanted.

Having Q touch me gave a small sense of relief. If he stroked me, he wasn’t far enough away to whip or use any other item he may’ve found. But then he stepped away, leaving me cold and totally vulnerable.

Oh, God.

The first strike bit into my skin like a thousand insects.


My legs gave out—the table supported all of my weight.

My mind split into two pieces. Flashbacks swarmed.

“We’ll beat you bloody, pretty girl.”

“I’m going to fuck you, puta. You’re next.”

“Hurt them, or we’ll hurt you.”

The horror of Rio sucked me backward, then other memories came thick and fast.

“How long have you wanted this, Tess? How long have you wanted to be fucked?”

“I’m in love with you. You’ve stolen everything but given me so much in return.”

“Your pain is my pain. You honour me by letting me mark you.”

My body wanted Q’s dark medicine but my mind fought off the lustful haze, running away from pleasure into grief.

No! I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay strong.

“Tess.” Q leaned over me, tapping my cheek. “Reste avec moi.” Stay with me. “Only concentrate on now. Not then. Claim it back.”

I moaned, cursing myself. I thought I was free. I felt as if I had too many layers. Layers upon layers of complications. I’d freed myself from one, only to find another.

The pool table creaked as Q leaned on it, brushing away a curl from my eyes. I looked up, locking onto his gaze. Brandishing whatever he’d used, he trailed it down my back, making me shiver. “I’m going to punish you every time you let your thoughts drift.”

My nipples stiffened against the felt. Seeing Q destroyed all my thoughts, granting me strength to embrace what I needed. I nodded.

“Every time you shy away from pain, I’ll punish you. It’s for your own good. ”

I nodded again, not trusting my voice.

Q gave me a look so full of adoration and togetherness, I knew I wouldn’t have to fight to keep my thoughts in the present. He’d taken me utterly hostage.

“Good girl,” he murmured, leaning off the table. His fingers found my pussy again and I arched my hips into his palm. A single finger pressed inside, conjuring liquid and need, while his knuckles knocked the peg on my clit. Intense stars bolted down my legs.

The next hit came as a total surprise, across the back of my thighs.

More insects filled my mind.




Just like my hallucinations in Rio.

A headache built behind my eyes, trying to ignore the past and focus only on Q.

Q removed his touch, smearing my dampness over my lower back. “Tess....” he growled. “Don’t make me warn you again.” His voice resonated with anger. “Conquer your fear.” He struck. “Rule your pain.” He struck again. “Find pleasure in your terror.” And again. “You’re stronger than this.”

His voice was a spotlight in the never ending void sucking me down. I latched onto it, holding tight.

He hit me again. Different spot. Different pain. The fear came thick and sickly sweet, but I managed to ignore the memories.

Q might hurt me. He might bruise, make me bleed, and completely consume me, but he would never destroy me. He’d protect me to the brink.

Moving away, he struck again, focusing on the left side of my ass where he hadn’t spanked. His breathing grew heavy and hard. “Fuck, Tess.” Q squeezed my ass cheek. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

His voice was the key to completely freeing me—the reverence and wonderment in his tone. Something changed inside. Something swift and fleeting. The last remaining proverbial chains clanked away, smashing into the glass walls, leaving me finally, finally unencumbered.

I sighed as I managed to refocus completely on the present.

The peg between my legs went from torturing to tempting once again. I bucked my hips, wanting more of the throb.

Q dragged his punishment of choice over my burning flesh. “I’ll give you one guess as to what I’m using on you.” He rocked against me, bumping his hot cock on my hip. Another flick of his wrist delivered more intangible pleasure-pain.

My mind raced. What did he have? What caused multiple burning marks on my skin? The sharp sting hinted he probably broke my skin.

“Um, a ruler?” My voice barely made a sound.

Q chuckled. “Wrong guess.”

The pain came again, and euphoria that I’d forgotten blanketed over me. It turned everything gooey and slow and hushed. Only the crack of Q’s strike and the scalding heat remained.

The peg became my best friend, building me higher and higher, pinching me closer to an unbelievable orgasm. Something uncoiled in my core, growing and growing, wetter and wetter.

He hit me again, lost in his world.

Time ceased to have meaning as Q turned me from submissive to slave. With each strike, I welcomed the fire, transmitting right into my belly.

The next hit me hard. The first wave of an orgasm slipped through my control. I didn’t know if Q would let me come, and I was incapable of asking. I wasn’t human anymore, just lust.

Q paused, reaching from behind to push one firm finger inside me.

I cried out, tears running from my eyes at the joy of being touched.

“Do you want to come, mon coeur? Do you want to explode for me?”

His voice sent me closer and closer to the edge of no return. I nodded, creating static electricity with my hair rubbing against the table.

“In that case, viens pour moi.” Come for me. Withdrawing his finger, he shifted closer, bringing his gorgeous hardness against the back of my thighs. It branded me hotter than anything else. I wanted it. I would cry if I didn’t get it.

Fiery stinging spread on my ass, hurtling me down and down into myself where nothing else existed but senses. I couldn’t think. I could barely breathe. My body turned inward, focused only on Q and the peak and pierce of what he did.

Another hit and Q’s fingers crept up between my legs to my pussy. I moaned as the peg kept me wobbling on the very edge of release. With a vicious pull, he tugged it free, releasing the floodgates of blood and ecstasy. I screamed as his fingers slammed inside.

I lost it.

My hips bucked of their own accord, grinding onto Q’s two amazing fingers. My swollen clit required no stimulation—skittering into waves upon waves of pleasure.

Q groaned, stroking my inner walls, forcing my body to shatter into infinity. “Fuck, you’re tight. Keep going. Come, Tess.”

The crest was a tsunami of bliss, crashing with power. Q thrust in perfect rhythm with my contractions, drawing out the orgasm until the last wave smashed into me like a wall of fire.

Once the last ebb rattled my body, Q placed the item he used beside my head, folding his body over mine. His heat made my raw and delicate skin simmer with pain but I loved his weight, his authority. “I told you, you’d come on my fingers. Guess what the next one is, esclave.”

I mumbled something, opening extremely heavy eyelids. The first thing I noticed was the whisk. A whisk?

My eyes shot to Q’s. “You—” My voice was broken from his erotic torture. “You used that on me?” It made sense, the caustic threads of pain—multiple stripes. I hurt everywhere: my cheekbone and hips hurt from the unforgiving table and my shoulders burned from being tied while my ass felt like flames would combust at any moment.

He nodded—his eyes as pale as I’d ever seen. “Yes. You should see your skin. It’s a crisscross of perfection.” He pressed his erection right between my cheeks. “You didn’t answer me. Tell me how I plan to make you come next.” I knew what I wanted, but I had a feeling Q meant to drag this out. Having him inside would be the last thing I’d earn. I had to try, though. “Your cock. Please fill me, maître.

He followed the contour of my shoulder, nibbling gently. “You haven’t earned that yet. I’m having too much fun.”

Climbing off me, taking his heat from my wounded ass, he circled the table and untied the rope holding me down. The instant I was free, he came back around, holding the leash like I would run at any moment. Even if I was terrified of what he had planned, I couldn’t run. My legs weren’t functioning; my pussy still shivered with fading echoes of my release.

Q helped me stand, rubbing my lower back as I hissed with discomfort. When I stood upright, he looped his fingers in the silk around my wrists. Jerking me close, I slammed against his naked body. His mouth brushed against my ear, whispering, “My tongue, esclave. That’s what’s next.” He nuzzled my hair away, scraping his teeth on my brand. “You’ll come so fucking hard. You’ll beg me to lick while I hurt you. Because that’s who you are, Tess.”

I winced as his teeth led a threatening trail down my neck. Who was I? I didn’t even remember my birthday or hair colour—Q’s lips were venom poisoning all my thoughts. “Why? Why will I come while you hurt me?” I honestly wanted to know. Had he made me this way? Had circumstances evolved me? Or had I been born with all these black complexities?

Q kissed me. His lips sealed over mine with domination, spearing his tongue into my mouth. I opened to him, loving the vicious but worshipping affection.

Then I screamed as a harsh hand landed on the sore skin of my backside. Q tore his lips from mine, murmuring, “Because you’re mine. My little monster. And I refuse to let you forget it.”

My knees wobbled.

Pushing me away, he smirked. His fist wrapped the leash around his knuckles before striding forward into the dark.

I had no choice but to follow. Walking through such a gloomy unfamiliar room had my instincts screeching on high alert. I wanted to turn on the lights, but the bold way Q directed me kept me trusting—safe.

We stopped beside a wall, the light from the chandelier over the pool table wasn’t able to spread its feathers of light this far. I squinted, vaguely making out a heavy hanging piece of art in the shape of something unrecognisable. Reaching out, I touched it. It was made from hollowed metal judging by the cool slick surface.

Q stretched upward, reaching for the mooring point. The ceiling slopped, making one end of the room high, while the other was touching height. Looking closer, I noticed the industrial looking hook holding the floating piece.

“What are you doing?” I asked, giving in to the temptation of gawking at Q. Fully stretched, completely naked, his muscles bunched as he unhooked the chain and lowered the sculpture to the ground. His biceps trembled as he dragged the piece away, leaning it against the wall.

Collecting a handful of what looked like fabric ropes, he strolled back.

Coming to stop in front of me, he stood proud and almost narcissistic in his perfection. He’d fully embraced being in control—doing what he wanted.

“Remember what I once told you? How I wanted to eat you for days and there would be nothing you could do to stop me?” His voice held a tone I couldn’t decide if I loved or hated.


“Yes, what?” His eyes flashed.

“Yes, maître.” My belly twisted with anticipation.

Q held up the intricate web of ropes. “Do you know what Shibari is, esclave?”

I couldn’t take my eyes off his hands as he twisted and twirled the rope back and forth. He was a snake charmer, and I’d fallen completely into his conjury.

He took a step closer, ratcheting my heart rate. “It’s the art of rope and bondage. An art I’ve fantasised about using on you for a fucking long time.” His hand lashed out, grabbing my bound wrists. I struggled a little, knowing it was useless but wanting to spar with him anyway.

Denouncing him and toying with him made me wild in the past. I wanted all that he promised. Hell, I would tackle him to the ground to force his tongue to take me now, instead of making me tremble in wait. But I also wanted to make him hot. To give him his fantasy of taking me against my will.

“I won’t let you.”

His jaw twitched; head tilted slightly. “What did you say?”

“I don’t want any more ropes. But I do want your tongue.” Loving the flutter in my heart, I threw my arms around his head, jumping a little to get my bound wrists to clear his height. The moment I held him, I traced my tongue along his bottom lip, whispering, “You don’t need ropes to make me come.” Even though I’m dying to see what you do to me.

Q shuddered, kissing me hard. His tongue dived deep, conjuring a moan from my soul. His slick heat made me melt in his arms.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” he grunted, walking me backward to smash against the wall. “It’s not going to fucking work.” Ending the kiss with a painful nip, he unhooked my arms. “You’re trying to get me to lose control, but for once in my life I’m enjoying straddling the line of right and wrong. I’m loving hurting you but also pleasuring you. And I know you’re loving it, too.”

The hand not tangled in ropes came up, wrapping around my throat. “God, I missed you, Tess.”

My stomach flip-flopped at the ray of truth in the darkness of our games. “I love you,” I murmured, accepting his gentle kiss.

The softness morphed to tension again as Q pulled away. His lips twisted into a grin. “You’re going to look divine.”

Unknotting the rope in his grip, he ordered, “Stand there and don’t move.”

I stood breathing shallowly as he draped one long piece over my shoulders. It tickled my skin, slinking around my waist. His face darkened with concentration and I tried to follow his quick hands.

More twists, more loops. Each rope sent my body thrilling.

Q dropped to his knees, nudging my legs apart. Looking up, he said, “I’m not a master at Shibari, so this isn’t going to be perfect.”

I inspected what he’d done so far—the thicker knots on some points, the looseness of others. Rows upon rows of ropes, leading from my shoulders and back to my hips. “It looks like you know enough.”

He smiled. “I’ve practiced enough to know how to make a harness.”

My heart stuttered at the thought of him doing this to another woman. Fierce hot jealousy filled me. My fingers curled by my sides.

Q noticed. Of course he fucking noticed.

“Something you want to say, Tess?”

I bit my cheek. There were plenty of things I wanted to say, but—oh, screw it. “I hate the thought of your past. You’re mine.”

He chuckled. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” He followed the contours of my body, threading silk around my thighs, knotting them intricately.

The black colour made my white skin come alive, like a canvas covered with lashes of paint, or even handwriting—a contract of ropes.

I hated the churning in my stomach. I had no right to be possessive of his past. We all had them—it was pointless to torture myself with who he might’ve done this with.

Trying to distract myself, I glared at his tattoo, letting the birds fill my vision as Q tied the last knots around my knees.

Standing, he appraised his handiwork. Prodding a finger in one knot, and testing the tightness of another, he finally nodded.

His hand fell to his cock, stroking himself, his eyes drinking me in. “I wish I had a camera. You’ve never looked more beautiful." Pulling me forward, he whispered against my mouth, “And I said I practiced. Not that I practiced on someone. This is a first for me, too.”

A smile tugged my lips. He let me go to gather the chain from the statue he’d removed.

Undoing the carabiner, he smirked. “Turn around.”

Oh, God. Am I ready for this?

My heart thundered as I shuffled in place, facing away. I shivered as Q came close, hooking the carabiner and chain to the rope harness behind me. With strong arms, he suddenly picked me up, cradling me against his front.

“J'ai besoin que tu fasses quelque chose pour moi.” I need you to do something for me, he said, nuzzling my neck.

Having his hot breath on my skin undid all my worries. “Anything.”

“I’m going to flip you upside down. I’ll keep hold of you as your grip will be compromised because your shoulders are fastened, but you need to stay as still as possible.”

My eyes flew upward to the ceiling. He was going to secure me upside down, hanging? What did you think was going to happen? I seriously hadn’t thought this through.

I swallowed my fears, nodding. Q manoeuvred my body first to face him, then sideways. I held my breath as vertigo stole me.

From vertical to horizontal, I clung to his hips as best I could. From horizontal to vertical, his cock brushed my breasts. With undeniable strength he forced me upside down, holding me steady.

I clamped my arms around his thighs, cursing the ropes around my shoulders not letting me hug him.

I jolted as a rush of hot breath brushed against my core. Oh, God.

My eyes squeezed, hyperaware of his mouth so close. I wanted it. I wanted another orgasm. His arms bunched, holding my weight. He jostled me, keeping me pinned with one arm while reaching for the hook with the other. His attention was wholly on stringing me up and not on the part of me screaming for attention.

“Hold on. I’m just securing—” His distraction allowed me time to revel in his hot form against mine.

I clutched him hard, cursing my jitteriness at the newness of what was to come. His body stretched and tightened, straining on his toes to secure the chain back onto its original hook.

The ropes tugged my back, curving around my body, cocooning me in a prison of silk.

“Let go, Tess,” Q ordered. His hands fell to my waist, trying to push me off him.

I only gripped harder. I didn’t trust it. Images of slamming onto my head gave me a phantom headache. Blood rushed to my skull, roaring in my ears.

“Let go, esclave.” Q pinched me, stepping away, forcing me to release. I swung, snapping into place, held by the chain. The ropes took my weight, tightening against my body, but not enough to strangle or cut off my blood supply. The knots Q had created kept it from slicing me.

Everything I knew was different. Up was now down. Down was now up. I felt awkward and uncomfortable and completely strange. My legs were bound loosely together, letting my knees fall downward like an upside down crouch, leaving me blatantly exposed and open.

My arms were tied to my body, giving no hope of escape.

Q disappeared and came back with a stool. With strength I’d always found such a turn on, he hoisted me higher, gradually shortening the chain until my mouth was at the perfect height.

Hip height.

Cock height.

I blinked, fighting a rush of nausea. It was surreal to be hanging upside down, so vulnerable.

Stepping off the stool, Q kicked it away. His hands whispered over my stomach, slowly changing my discomfort to eagerness.

Even upside down, Q painted an incredible sight. His legs were spread, powerful quads tight and covered in a splashing of hair. His cock hung heavy and hard, perfectly straight and begging to fill me. His tattoo only added to his mystique and erotic allure.

Planting himself in front of me, he stroked my dangling hair before caressing my cheek. “I never thought I’d get to see you like this, Tess. I’m ready to fucking blow just thinking about all the delicious things I can do.” His touch turned dangerous as he cupped my breast. “Who’s your master?”

My eyes refused to stay open as he squeezed my nipple. “You.”

“Who do you belong to?”


His touch danced over my sides, pushing me, making me spin slowly. His fingers trailed around my rotating body, never stopping their exploration. I flinched when he touched my burning backside and thighs, the tender skin way too sensitive.

“You’re my every fantasy come to life. I can’t believe you’re real.” His mouth kissed my upper thigh, his five o’clock shadow rasping. “I’m going to worship you.” His breath skated over my pussy.

I moaned; I’d never been so sensitive, so aware of the predicament I was in.

His lips moved to my hipbone, nipping tenderly. “Do you know what I’m going to do first?”

I whimpered, closing my eyes, focused entirely on his words whispering over my skin.

“I’d planned on punishing you. I’d planned on marking you, like I did with the wax on your breast. I’d planned on doing so many things but my self-control won’t let me.” He spun me around, slapping hands on my smarting ass. “Do you know why I can’t?”

I shook my head, feeling heavy and slow with the rush of blood in my ears. “It’s because I need to be inside you. I need to claim you. I’ve marked you enough, and I have plenty of time to mark you after—but right now—I need to fuck you.”

I shivered. Lust replaced heaviness, flowing thick and fast.

Q brought me to face him. His cock filled my vision; my mouth watered.

“However, before I can fill you, I have to do one thing. I promised. And I never break my promises.” His mouth came achingly close to my pussy. His hands landed on very sensitive inner thighs, keeping me spread. I cringed in embarrassment, then cried out as he trailed his nose through my folds. “Goddammit, you smell divine.”

I twisted in the ropes. Lick me. “Q—”

“What was my promise, esclave?” His breath tickled my clit, making me jerk in the ropes.

“You said…” I couldn’t continue—his nose nuzzled me again.

“Go on…” He pulled away, leaving me throbbing for more.

“You said you would make me come on your fingers, tongue, and cock.”

“Good girl. And do you think you deserve my tongue?”

Damn his mental torture. I wanted to scream. I wanted to grab his head and force him to lick. But I hung completely helpless. “Yes…I deserve it. Please—give it to me.”

Q’s fingers bit into my flesh. “Ask nicely, Tess. Do you want me to taste you?”

I bit my lip, humming in acknowledgement.

My mouth popped wide as his tongue licked once—thoroughly and languishingly—over my entrance.

“Say please if you want me to fuck you with my tongue, esclave.”

My core liquefied. “Please. S'il vous plait. I want your tongue, maître.

I groaned as his mouth latched over my pussy. So possessive. So sure. His tongue swirled my clit, using the flat muscle to drench me in saliva before thrusting the tip deep inside.

Oh, my fucking God.

Fire replaced my blood. Gasoline seared my veins. Every heartbeat was a match.

The orgasm from before heightened the sensations, my stomach muscles clenched, my entire body wanted to run from his relentless tongue.

I needed something. I wanted to hold something. I demanded something to distract myself from the incredible, overwhelming pleasure. I was completely at Q’s mercy. The knowledge he could do whatever he damn well pleased turned me into a wobbling mess.

His hands held me firm. His tongue licked with power. Every sweep sent my head pounding with pressure. I wouldn’t last long. Already my toes curled at the onslaught. His rough-smooth cheeks created their own fire against my thighs as I fought to bring my legs together.

“I’m going to make you come. Right now.” His mouth smashed against me, bruising. My entire world detonated—blinked out like a cataclysmic explosion.

He sank inside—deep and strong, giving me nowhere to hide. His tongue did exactly as he said it would—fucked me.

“Oh, God.

I’d never been so devoured, so taken. The firmness of his mouth and dexterity of his tongue unravelled me to the point of insanity. He was serious about making me come—his tongue thrust hard, building a nucleus inside wanting to release.

Needing to do something, anything, before drifting away on a sea of pleasure, I opened my eyes. His cock stood tall and hard, only centimetres away from my mouth.

Two can consume.

Licking my lips, I used my stomach muscles to swing forward. Capturing the tip of him, I wasted no time sucking him into my mouth. A centimetre, then an inch, until his hotness touched the back of my throat.

His tongue spasmed inside me. He sucked in a ragged breath, then surged his hips forward, gliding deeper into me. He gave me everything I wanted in one sure thrust.

I lost myself to his musky taste. The saltiness of his excitement, the silky steel of skin, the throbbing blood in his veins. I couldn’t control anything and Q surged forward again, using my mouth, fucking my mouth just like his tongue fucked me. Every twitch of his hips rewarded me with a tongue sweep, plunging deeper.

My breathing caught and hitched.

My head was too heavy, too full of blood. My toes tingled from being upside down. All basic power had been taken. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t move. I could barely breathe.

I was his.

His to use, lick, punish, fuck.

It was torture. It was heaven. I’d never done anything so untamed and sexual.

Q traced his fingers from my inner thigh to my core. He flicked my clit, driving his tongue deeper inside.

The first tingle of an orgasm had me frantically sucking, licking in return. He groaned—the vibration echoed through my pussy, sending me ever closer to coming.

I cried out, breaking the suction around his cock. It didn’t stop him thrusting into me—treating me like a sex toy. For some reason the callous way he sought my mouth made me lose all inhibitions.

I no longer cared about him being so intimate with every pink part of me. I no longer cared about my freezing legs and pounding head. All I wanted was freedom.

I wanted to come.

Opening my jaw as wide as I could, I accepted his next thrust, swallowing his erection completely. I was so languid, so loose, filled with sparking desire, my gag reflex didn’t engage as he slid down my throat. My nose pressed against his balls, inhaling his masculine scent.

“Fuuuck,” Q growled, his focus on me interrupted.

Power filled me. Even though I couldn’t be any more defenceless, I’d somehow taken charge—if only for a second.

Q’s hips shot forward, filling my mouth with every eager inch he had. “Goddammit, Tess.” A ripple shot from the base and a splash of hotness hit my tongue. Q pulled out, breathing hard. “Fuck. I’m not ready to come. When I do, it’s going to be so far inside you, you’ll know exactly who your master is.”

His mouth collided with my pussy again. And this time—there was no mercy. His tongue drove deep, making me blind with need.

Then he bit me.

His teeth captured my clit in painful surrender. Sharp. Hard. Sweet, sweet pain.

I came.

Ribbons of pleasure unspooled in my belly; I stiffened in the ropes. His hands kept my legs apart, forcing his tongue into me.

I bucked and convulsed as my inner muscles rippled in his mouth.

Each wave squeezed around his tongue, milking him. I’d never been so wet, so turned on. My entire body danced with spangled light.

The moment my orgasm ended, Q detached a rope and undid a few knots. Then I was swinging.

Swinging with no warning until my feet hit the floor. I stumbled, utterly befuddled on how to stand. He’d shattered my mental abilities.

Not that it mattered.

Q grabbed my hips, splaying my shaky legs. Letting the chain hold most of my weight, he jerked me backward, and in one savage thrust, sank his beautiful cock deep, deep inside me.

I screamed at the fullness—the intrusion.

His fingernails broke my skin as he pounded into me, pushing me forward before pulling me back.

I was drenched.


My body offered no resistance, and I stretched with delicious welcome. My cheeks were wet from sucking Q, my limbs tingled with life. But nothing would ever compete with the amazing combination of my burning ass bruising against Q’s hipbones as he drove deep, deep, deeper.

“God, you’re so fucking tight. So tight.” He sounded different—raw, animalistic.

One hand left my hip, making its way to where we joined. I jerked as he found my clit. It physically hurt after two mind-blowing orgasms.

Stealing my moisture, he travelled back up.

I froze as he touched the one place he hadn’t before. The puckered hole that up till now I’d never thought of including in sex. I’d seen videos, read about it, but I hadn’t been tempted.

If I was honest—it petrified me.

I clenched my cheeks, trying to wiggle from his finger. But he forced me still, thrusting his cock harder.

His digit pressed threateningly. His breath heated my ear. “I haven’t gone here yet. I wanted to take my time. But I’m giving you fair warning, esclave. I want it. I want all of you. Nothing is safe from me.”

I shuddered as his touch turned harder, probing. “And I’m going to take it with or without your consent.”

My heart went from beating to screaming. No! I didn’t want it.

Q rocked again, his cock hitting my g-spot in a perfect thrust.

I blanked out for a moment with pleasure, then stiffened as his finger swirled with lubrication, pressing hard. Coaxing, teasing, working my body against me.

“Q—don’t.” My heart flurried with panic not desire. My brain scrambled with the incredibleness of his cock and the terror of his probing finger.

“You said you’d let me do anything.” With another press, he breached the seal of my body.


Bitter pain.

Foreign pain.

Automatically I pushed back, horrified at the unwelcome entry.

I felt violated. Dirty.

I drew blood as my teeth clamped hard on my bottom lip, stopping myself from crying. I didn’t want to give away my fear. I didn’t want to excite Q any more than he was. His breathing rasped over me, drugged with desire.

With another thrust of his cock, he pressed his finger deeper. The overwhelming feeling of being too full—too stretched—made me feel…

I no longer knew.

I couldn’t discern if I hated it or loved it. It wasn’t known, and I wasn’t ready to understand what it meant.

“I can’t wait to fuck you here, Tess. Shit—” His finger hooked inside, stretching my body as his cock drove upward. The combined pressure sent an extra thrill down my spine—my back snapped straight.

“It’s mine. Just like everything else about you.” Withdrawing his digit, he fisted his cock, sliding wetly out of me to nudge against my hole.

I couldn’t help it. My hips rolled forward. I wanted to run. I wasn’t ready. Not ready!

Q slapped my ass, amplifying the punishment from earlier, dragging me backward and sinking inside my pussy.

I exhaled heavily, moaning in relief. I wanted him there. And only there.

His breathing was short and angry. “You won’t get away when I’m ready to take that part of you, esclave.”

The threat hung between us. My fearful question fell from my lips. “But not today?” Please say not today.

It took a never ending minute for Q to reply, but finally he huffed. “I won’t push you to do something you’re not ready.” Running his hands up my spine, he worked to my front, capturing my breasts. “Not today.”

The relief melted the terror in my blood, filling me with quivering need. I thrust backward, causing his cock to strike the top of my womb.

I wanted to say thank you but my brain was jumbled. I wanted to tell him I would be open—maybe, but all I wanted to focus on was him in me—together.

He groaned, using my hips as anchors, driving upward. “God, I want to come—”

I wished I could see him, understand his sudden hesitation. “Then come.”

He thrust again before pulling out. He stepped back, leaving me hanging with my arms pinned to my sides, not knowing what the hell was going on.

Q fumbled with the carabiner behind, untethering me from the chain. My weight shifted from ceiling to being crushed against the earth on lust-laden limbs. The moment I was free, Q spun me around, backing me up against the wall.

My shoulders slammed against the surface. I didn’t have time to breathe as he picked up a knife from a table close by.

My mouth went terribly dry.

His eyes were luminous, burning a path right to my soul. Hooking a fingertip under one of the knots, Q sliced it with a flick of his wrist.

We didn’t say a word as he cut off every loop and fetter. My heart bounced. I was empty without him. My eyes kept drifting to his glistening hard cock, wishing he would enter me again.

When the final rope fell away, we locked gazes.

Time stood still as we stared and stared and made promises and told stories and weaved our souls ever tighter together.

Q broke the spell, dragging a rough thumb over my lips. “Je t'aime.” I love you.

My body went heavy. I knew what he wanted.

Desire. Thick craving desire.

My eyes widened. Holy hell, I want it, too. Badly.

My eyes fell to the faded scar where he’d nicked just below his nipple the night in the carousel room. He’d let me suckle. He’d let me taste everything that he was.

Q smiled softly, keeping eye contact as he positioned the sharp blade over the scar and re-opened it with a shallow slice. The black ooze of blood in the dark sent my soul ricocheting around my body. It wasn’t right. It was so, so wrong.

But fuck, I wanted to taste.

My gaze glued to the trickle of blood. My mouth fell open as Q grabbed my waist, hoisted me up, and slid inside in one effortless move. His hands held me tight while I wrapped my legs around his hips, imprisoning him.

His eyes glazed, thrusting upward, filling me impossibly deep. “Take me,” he whispered, leaning back.

I couldn’t say a word as I curled into him, pressing my mouth against his chest. My tongue came out and ever so gently lapped his wound.

The instant the sharp metallicness of his blood hit my tastebuds, everything rewound, imploded, exploded, detonated—existed no more.

Everything was inconsequential compared to this man. I couldn’t let the past steal my future. I couldn’t let what I’d done fog my happiness. And I couldn’t, under any circumstance, let Leather Jacket and White Man steal my joy of pain.

I would never run again. I would never hide again. I would never fear Q’s delectable punishment.

I was home.

I’d been so caught up in his taste, I didn’t feel Q’s assault on my body. I returned to reality with a slam. Q’s face was tight, his hips pounding into me with rhythmic pulses, driving himself closer and closer to the end.

His teeth were bared. He looked strong and real and entirely dangerous.

My back bowed as he thrust harder, harder. I loved his possession—found ultimate bliss in his arms.

“I have to…Tess. Forgive me.” I cried out as his mouth latched onto my shoulder, the sharp puncture of teeth breaking my skin. He sucked deep, dragging my own essence into him.

It was the most basic of us. The life-force in our veins. The neural highway where our soul swam and gave animation to lifeless bodies. By drinking me, he not only took my body, but also my soul in liquid form.

An orgasm spiralled from nowhere. Spurred not from the exquisite joy of having Q inside me—but from the joy at knowing I belonged.

It wasn’t a body orgasm. It was more than that.

It was a soul orgasm.

Q braced himself, spreading his legs to thrust harder. My back bruised, my breasts jiggled, and I threw myself into the brightest, sharpest release yet. The orgasm started thorny and almost unwilling, but Q relentlessly pursued it.

Another thrust and I came.

It split me in two.

My legs squeezed my master until he grunted with pain. I relished in the power rippling down his back before he followed me into heaven.

The first spurt matched my release perfectly and with pristine synchronicity we found our breathless ending.

We transcended simple life.

We shared absolutely everything.

We slithered down the wall to land in a tangle of sweaty-sated limbs.

With our bodies wrapped together, we lay happily in the dark.
