Chapter 6

The petite blonde stood silently off to the side of the room watching the interaction between the people that had attended the meeting of The Lone Survivors. They seemed to be from all walks of life, some well educated, some very much the blue collar workers of society and even a few that were trying to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

Gender didn’t seem to matter when it came to trauma. It chose at random from all age groups, well, that was after the age of twenty-five. Before, it was predominately males that were the victims. It was a fact of our society. The young males had a much greater chance to be cut down in the prime of their lives by some traumatic occurrence.

The first meeting of the lone survivors had been nothing more than a get-acquainted social with several of the Department Heads outlining the services that they would provide to the group. Now, as the second meeting was starting, they were about to get down to the business of the group: realization and recovery.

Danni looked over the gathering until she found the person that she was concerned most about, her friend Garrett. The nurse knew how much this endeavor meant to her. It had pained her greatly to learn that the strong surgeon was a lone surviving member of her family.

Aside from helping to write the proposal and organize the gatherings, Danni felt out of place knowing that her family was intact. She had offered to leave, once the meeting had begun, but the strong willed surgeon refused to allow it. The nurse had learned a lot from the woman in the almost seven months that she had come to know her. Danni respected her judgement and therefore agreed to stay. She had noticed by doing just that, Garrett had seemed more at ease than before.

Over the months, Danni had learned to pick up on small habits and speech patterns that denoted special moods about the raven-haired woman. She watched the tall surgeon standing off to the side as the meeting was being called to order. Her hands were hidden in her lab coat pockets, but Danni could tell what they were doing. The surgeon had this habit of fumbling with small items, such as change or paper clips, when she was nervous. Danni smiled as she took a seat at the rear of the room, watching the gentle motion that emulated from those pockets. The nurse knew that Garrett had a calming affect on her when they were airborne; perhaps it was her time to return the favor now.

The man at the podium was motioning for silence. Finally receiving it, he began. "Good evening, my name is Dr. Jaffers and I’ve been asked to moderate tonight’s meeting. I’m sure that you remember me from the last meeting." He looked around, watching for signs of familiarity. "For those of you who may not know, I’m a psychiatric counselor for the Trauma Services workers. Yes, even the rescuers need somebody to talk to sometimes."

Danni’s mind flashed back to several of the scene runs that she and Garrett had made in the hopes of saving someone, only to find an almost lifeless body that they could do nothing to help. It could be so depressing at times. ‘I’ll never understand why the rescuers do it day after day after day, especially the ones who volunteer.’ She was lost in her thoughts until she heard the name of her friend being announced. Focusing back on the here and now, she watched the tall woman walk slowly over to the microphone.

Garrett paused before stepping up to the podium. Once there, she let her eyes sweep the room until she found what she was looking for, blonde hair and pools of deep green. Locking gazes like this had always given her a sense of inner peace that she had never known before. Garrett was thankful that Danni had agreed to stay. The surgeon knew that what she was about to say would come out only once. If anyone was going to be witness to it, it was going to be her friend. The surgeon blinked and let her eyes look up to the heavens. ‘Okay, Luc, don’t let me fall on my face.’ She took in a breath and then began.

"My name is Garrett Trivoli, and before I became a surgeon I was just a normal everyday child growing up in a typical family. That is, until one day when my sense of belonging and my family were shattered. You see, I too, am a lone survivor just like you."

"Dr. Jaffers thought that it might be a good thing to have someone talk about his or her experience tonight and I thought that it would only be right for me to be the first. I’ve asked you to attend these meetings but I wasn’t about to ask one of you to share your experiences with the rest of the group just yet. I know that each one of us has to do that in his or her own time. Some will take longer and some will be willing to share their experiences sooner. I only ask that when you feel ready to do so, you let us know."

Garrett paused as she looked out over the group. Many were nodding in agreement while some others were showing no signs of any emotion at all. She remembered her days of that stoic mask and how she had hidden behind it. But now, she was finding it easier to let the mask only come out every so often, when the situation was just a little to close to home, instead of all the time. The last person the surgeon looked to was her team member and friend. She owed thanks to her for standing by her and now she just hoped that Danni would continue to do so after she heard her story, the full story.

"It was a normal Saturday evening for any seventeen year old. I was out with a group of friends at a movie while my parents and younger brother were together at one of his baseball games. I came home afterward to find the house dark and empty. I didn’t think anything unusual by it, except that I remember being envious that I was not sharing in the victory celebration that always occurred after one of his games. Win or lose, they would always stop for ice cream and discuss the game. On their way back home that night, the car they were in was broadsided and pushed into a telephone pole."

"When the phone rang, I answered it hoping it was my father asking me what flavor ice cream cone I wanted him to bring home for me. It wasn’t. Instead of that familiar voice, there was a monotone female informing me that I needed to come to the hospital. I remember hearing the word accident and the name of the hospital but nothing more than that. I don’t remember leaving the house or even hanging up the phone. The only thing that I remember was the look of terror on our next-door neighbor’s face right before he reached out to hold me in his arms. Within minutes, he and his wife had brought me to the hospital that had requested my presence. It was then that I was told my parents had been killed in the accident."

Danni could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she listened to Garrett talk. It hurt her to think of that young girl being thrust into an adult world with little sympathy by the medical community that she was now a part of. The nurse thought about how concerned her friend was over telling Diana Morgan about the outcome of her family’s accident. She could see now that the surgeon hadn’t wanted to make the same mistakes.

Garrett paused, biting at her lip. ‘Even after all these years, it still hurts.’ She cleared her throat then continued. "If that wasn’t enough, the doctor informed me that my brother was hurt beyond help. I was taken to his room and shown the array of machines and tubes that were connected to him. I was told that there was no way I would be able to care for him now or in the future. They then produced a paper and asked for my signature, explaining that it was a release for the funeral home to remove the bodies." There was a gasp that came from the audience as one woman brought out a tissue to dab at her eyes.

"By the gods!" The words escaped Danni’s mouth in a hushed toned.

"I found out a few years later, when I was in college, that I had signed for my brother to be taken off of life support." ‘I’m sorry, Luc, I didn’t know.’

Danni could see the guilt that the woman in front of the room had been carrying for the first time. Her heart went out to not only the woman that she knew, but also the child that she had been when it happened. ‘She must have felt that his death was of her doing.’ Danni could see the clouded color of Garrett’s eyes turning the blue into a dismal gray.

"I can’t tell you the torment and wondering that I experienced from that knowledge. I second-guessed myself over and over. If I had known, would I have done it?" Garrett paused, looking down to the ground. "I do know that I felt isolated and always wondering what would have happened if I had been with the rest of my family that night. Would that extra few minutes to wait for my ice cream cone make any difference in their outcome? Or was it fate that I live a life without them? I can admit to you now that thoughts of ending the pain did cross my mind. I had no one to really miss me if I were to commit suicide and the memory of my family would all but be wiped out from the face of this earth."

Danni’s eyes grew wide at this revelation. She had often wanted to ask but didn’t want to scare the surgeon off. Friendship was a new and fragile thing when Garrett had first told her of her youth that night at the cabin. Now, she could see first hand the torment that the woman held inside for all those years.

The petite woman fought back the urge to leave her seat and wrap her tall friend in her arms. ‘This…this is why she wanted me to stay.’ The nurse finally realized the strength of the surgeon. ‘She had learned to rely on nobody but herself and demanded more of herself than anybody could.’ Danni struggled to concentrate on what Garrett was saying, letting only a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"So, you see, I’ve been where you are. Desolate…alone…isolated from the rest of the world at times that should be filled with happiness and family. It wasn’t until I came here to Pittsburgh that I found that it did not have to stay that way. There are people out there that can be just as much a family member to you as the ones that are no longer with you physically. It’s up to you whether you open up your eyes and your heart to them or not. I strongly suggest that you do." Garrett’s hand sank down into her pocket as her fingers fumbled with the coins that were there. ‘Okay, Danni, I hope you’re listening.’ "I have and it’s made a world of difference to me."

The sound of polite clapping was heard as Garrett left the podium. She wasn’t sure whether she was more nervous now or before she had begun her talk. The surgeon found herself shaking hands that had been thrust at her only half hearing the words that accompanied the action. Her mind was concerned with only one thing, what Danni thought of her now? The tall woman scanned the crowd that was gathering around her, looking for the blonde hair of her friend.

Several minutes passed until blue eyes meet with green, the draw was like that of a magnet on iron shavings. Garrett found it impossible to remain where she was. Without breaking her gaze for more that a second or two, she excused herself and headed to the rear of the room where Danni was standing.

Danni watched as Garrett pushed through the crowd. She was so glad that her offering of friendship had been taken. Now, to hear what it meant to Garrett was even more heartwarming than she could believe.

"Hey…nice talk." Danni tried to downplay her excitement.

"Well…" Garrett looked back at the gathering as they mingled together, "I hope that they liked it. I’m not sure I could do it again."

"I think it struck a lot of them very close to home."

The surgeon sighed. "I hope so. Danni thanks for helping me…" The tall woman’s lips were met with a finger hushing them.

"Not here, Gar." The blonde took her friend’s hand and led her out of the room and down the hall. They traveled the corridors in silence until they found themselves in front of Garrett’s office. Taking out her keys, the surgeon opened the door.

Danni waited until they were inside and the door was closed. She didn’t see the need for the woman to air her guilt in the witness of others. "There’s no need to thank me. I did what any friend would do. I just wish that I had been able to do more." Danni paused. "Gar…why didn’t you mention…"

"What? That I was so upset about what I had done to my brother that I wanted to end it all. That I had even gone as far as to plan it all out." Garrett looked away.

"Gar, you didn’t know." Danni let her hand lay upon her friend’s arm, trying to get her attention. "Besides, you didn’t go through with it. Your nature is to preserve life, not end it."

"Danni, it took me a long time before I could stop thinking of myself as a murderer." She looked down at the nurse. "Yes, I’m no better than any of those criminals on death row. I killed my own brother. I was the one that let them take him off the machines, not someone else." Her eyes were clouded with the storm that she held inside. An irate tear ran down from her right eye as she fought back the deluge.

"No! Don’t even think that." There was genuine concern in the nurse’s eyes for her friend. "You’ve saved more patients in your lifetime already. I don’t ever want to hear you think like that. Where would all of those patients be today if it weren’t for you? Can you tell me that?" Her small hand traveled up to the taller woman’s face, where it captured the tear that was languidly rolling down over Garrett’s cheek.

The surgeon sniffed back her emotions and thought about her career, with all the saves she had been a part of. "I guess maybe you’re right." Garrett swallowed hard as her eyes fell on the framed photograph of her brother. "Thanks, Danni."

"Gar, I didn’t do those saves. You did. So what are you thanking me for? I’m your friend and I can only point these things out to you."

"Yeah. Well, I’m thanking you for sticking around long enough to be a friend. I know that I’m a pretty arrogant person and demand a lot out of those around me."

"Well, then, I see that half the battle is already won." The nurse laughed. "Come here." She reached out and wrapped her arms around the tall woman’s waist. "Thank you for asking me to stay."

Garrett let her arms embrace the shorter woman. Then leaning down, she whispered, "Thank you for not leaving…and for taking me away from the group just now." The surgeon was feeling a little lackluster by her recent revelation.

"I just wish that I could’ve been there for you then." The words were soft and heartfelt in nature.

The surgeon brushed the golden hair with her lips and let the scent of the person in her arms fill her nose. Garrett wanted everything that she possibly could to help her remember this night. It was the first time that she had ever told anyone of her dark secret, but somehow she knew that Danni would listen no matter how black it was.

* * *

After the meeting of the support group, Danni noticed that the behavior of the tall surgeon seemed to be somewhat unguarded, especially around her. It was as if letting that deeply hidden secret of hers come to light had allowed her to move on with her life. Each time that Garrett told of some hint of adventure that she and her brother had shared, the nurse knew that she was being allowed to see what her friend held dear. It was at these times that Danni wondered if she, too, would be thought of in such a fashion.

The only thing that she knew for sure now was that at times the friendship between them was shrouded in both her and Garrett’s inexperience. Nothing that was planned or contrived, but just a feeling that something more was to happen, only it never did. Friendship was still a concept that the surgeon needed to grasp more fully and Danni was only too eager to help. The nurse, on the other hand, had no idea of how to deal with her own lack of inexperience, advancing relationships to the next level, deepening the emotional tie while bringing it into the realm of the physical. That is what made this friendship so different from the rest, the need to advance.

The young woman thought about all the times that they had shared in their day-to-day lives now that they were a team. They could be anywhere, doing anything and they each felt as though they were at home, as long as the other was there. It didn’t matter how serious or remotely insane the situation was. Just knowing that they were there, together, was enough. Danni knew what it felt like on her part, she wandered if Garrett was feeling the same.

There was a peace that would take over her soul, especially when she found herself locked in a gaze with the raven-haired woman. It could be only a few seconds or lasting much longer with the intent to convey some deep seated knowledge between the two, but nonetheless, it was there.

Danni felt at a loss. Her youth had not been one shared with friends, perhaps that was where this awkwardness was dealt with in relationships. The petite woman looked no more than a child did even though her age was thirty-two. At times like this, she wondered if emotionally she wasn’t still locked into those teenage years where the passions of life and love are learned.

The nurse stared out of the window as she waited for her team member.

Danni’s thoughts turned to Garrett, who at the age of seventeen, was thrust into an adult world. There was such a difference between her life and that of the surgeon’s. Garrett had been forced to delve whole-heartedly into life with little or no help from those around her. Danni questioned in her own mind if she would have had the courage to do it if their roles were reversed. ‘Maybe that is what makes her so sure of herself now? I only wish that I could know my mind like she does hers, then maybe I wouldn’t feel so lost now.’ She sighed and turned to the sound of footsteps coming down the hall toward her. She thought about all her feelings that were rushing to a head, all centering on her emerging emotions of love.

"Hey, Mom!" Her greeting reflected her mood.

"What’s wrong, Danni, no flights today?" The Charge nurse for evening shift was making her customary rounds of the department to assure that everything was as it should be.

"No, just thinking, that’s all."

"If you ask me, it looks like some heavy duty thinking." Karen stopped next to her and reached out her hand to rub across Danni’s back in a comforting manner. "Come on, you can tell me. Can’t be anything that I haven’t heard already with my own brood when they were growing up."

The petite nurse looked up into Karen’s face. The older woman’s eyes were kind and loving in such a way that Danni wondered if her own mother had ever once looked at her in the same manner. Without hesitation, she knew the answer. No! Not once could she ever remember seeing anything but the demanding look that was so characteristic of her mother. Well, to be truthful, there was another look. It was the look of disappointment that she remembered best on her mother’s face. That was what she had always thought of herself as to her mother’s belief in the way things were meant to be. "It’s nothing really, Mom." Danni shrugged her shoulders. ‘How do I tell her that I think I’m gay?’

"Nothing?" Mom looked wide-eyed at the woman next to her. "Must be a pretty important nothing, your back muscles are as tight as a knot."

There was silence for a moment before Danni slowly began to talk. "I’ve been thinking a lot about…relationships." The last word was just more than a whisper. "Why can’t things be simple whenever two people are involved?" ‘Especially if they are the same sex.’

"Hmmm…sounds like you’ve gotten an early hit by one of Cupid’s arrows." Karen’s voice teased.

"I wouldn’t exactly say that I was the one he was aiming for, Mom." Danni hung her head. "I’m not sure that I’m ready for this. Even if I were, I’m sure that this arrow wouldn’t be for me." ‘Hell! I don’t even know what Garrett’s preference is.’

Mom’s eyes showed nothing but concern. "Danni, sometimes we don’t get to choose who it is that we fall in love with. It just happens without any rhyme or reason. There’s nothing scientific or mathematical about it. One day out of the blue, our heart just tells us, this is the one for you."

* * *

‘I can’t believe my heart couldn’t give me an inkling any sooner than now. I’m going to be thirty-two and still don’t know what I like.’ "That’s all well and good, Mom, but what if the other person isn’t feeling the same thing?" Danni looked up to Karen, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Could it…" she bit her lip as she let her gaze drop to the floor. "I mean…what if the other person thought it wasn’t right and walked away?"

"Not right? Danni, love is always right. It’s the most natural thing on this earth. A person would have to be a fool to walk away from love that was honest and pure, especially from someone like you." Karen watched the subdued demeanor of the usually vivacious blonde. Her heart ached for the petite nurse. Danni was at a crossroads in her life and both Mom and she knew it. ‘Do I tell her to forge ahead and let her feelings be known or do I just tell her to sit tight and wait for a sign? God, why does life have to be so hard?’

It was then that the elevator doors at the opposite end of the hallway opened. The tall, dark-haired figure stepped off with confidence and was making her way toward them. Karen noticed the look in Danni’s eye as the young nurse watched her team member advance. It was a mixture of pure love and agony. Mom had often thought they had shared a friendship that was closer then most, but now, she could see what Danni was really referring too.

"Garrett?" The word escaped from Karen’s mouth before she could stop it.

‘I should have known.’

Danni looked up to Karen with deep furrows forming in her brow. The young woman waited to see that same look that she’d expect her real mother to have if she were here. Instead of disappointment, the look on Karen’s face surprised her.

The upturned corners of the Charge Nurse’s mouth were evident as she glanced from Garrett to Danni. "I’d give her some time," Karen whispered, "she’s just learning what it’s like to have a friend." Mom squeezed her pseudo-daughter’s shoulders.

Danni was shocked. There was no repulsion or attempts to correct her statements, just unconditional love. The petite nurse didn’t realize that she was even speaking until she heard her own voice. "Thanks, Mom."

Garrett could feel the lop-sided grin as it began to show. She thought it was funny that the only time she felt like smiling was in the presence of her friend. Long legs carried the surgeon down the last section of the hall to the two women standing side by side. "Hey, Mom, haven’t seen you in a while." Garrett’s eyes initially looked at Karen but drifted down to settle on Danni. "When is the next outing?"

Danni’s back tightened and she could feel the breath escape her as though she was punched in the gut. ‘I’ve never thought of myself as gay…I guess maybe I am.’ Her eyes grew big in the realization. ‘ Well, there’s your answer. I can’t tell her now, I’ll lose her friendship for sure.’

Karen felt the tension overtake Danni, her own head snapping from Garrett to Danni and back again. ‘Surely she couldn’t have heard us.’ "Out…outing?" Her voice was strained and raw.

"Yeah, who’s it going to be…Danni…me…"

"Whoa, whatever you heard, it wasn’t meant like that." Karen felt like she was backpedaling in a plot of quagmire. She’d seen the wrath of the surgeon first hand and wanted no parts of it. "I…we…"

"Hey, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you." Rosie turned the corner in the hall and stood next to Garrett. "Did you to hear about the ski trip?" She looked directly at Danni. "I know how much fun you had on that outing last year with David," she teased.

Whew! Karen breathed a sigh of relief. ‘That’s what she meant by an outing.’

The tall woman noticed the slightly upturned corners to Danni’s mouth as her eyes began to twinkle. Garrett’s mind thought back to the look on Danni’s face when she had walked in on her reading that card the night she made dinner for the two of them. ‘Wasn’t that Christmas card from someone by the same name…David?’

"We’re booking the lodge for the Saturday before Valentine’s Day, February tenth to be exact." Rosie looked hopefully from Danni to Garrett. "You, two will be able to come, won’t you?"

The petite nurse’s face became sullen as she slowly shook her head. "Sorry Rosie, but we’re on call every weekend. I don’t think you’ll see us there."

Rosie turned to the surgeon. The thoughtful look in Garrett’s eye seemed disjointed from her speech. "She’s right, Rosie. I guess you’ll just have to have this outing without us." ‘But maybe there’s something that we can do about that. McMurray, I think you owe us a little R & R.’

* * *

It was back to the usual day-to-day activities for the two women. As they waited to respond to calls for the Flight Surgeon Team, they pushed the Lone Survivor Group along, and kept plugging along at a thing called friendship, each one taking turns at being either teacher or student.

The ride home that evening was uneventful, with each of the women lost in their own worlds of thought. Garrett had stolen glimpses of her friend whenever she could. The young blonde seemed pensive. The only discussion that the two held was a brief decision on what to have for dinner. Once that was made, they each became bastions of their own making.

Garrett thought of how she could approach the Ol’ Cutter to let them join in the much needed fun and socialization that she knew Danni craved. She hated to see the lively woman looking so forlorn and withdrawn. The surgeon’s mind raced with ideas and possibilities until she finally devised a plan of action. As she maneuvered the Blazer to the drive-thru window, a smile came to her face. ‘I’ve got it. He’ll never refuse a good PR run…now would he?’ Her mind was made up. She’d talk to McMurray in the morning, without Danni present.

Garrett quickly ordered and waited for the food to be packaged up. She found it hard to keep from smiling as she turned to face her friend. The surgeon was new at this side of the conversation, but heck, Danni was her friend and she’d try to do what she thought was right. "You…you want to talk about it?" Her heart skipped a beat as the words came out of her mouth. ‘I hope I know what I’m doing here.’ The tall woman gulped hoping that maybe Danni hadn’t heard her.

The green eyes lifted and looked over to her friend, slightly amused. "What?"

"You know, talk about it." Garrett looked out through the windshield trying hard not to lose her nerve. "The ski trip last year, you and David."

"Oh, that!" Danni let her eyes roll, relieved that it was something else that the surgeon wanted to talk about. "David was one of the Chief Residents last year. We just had a good time trying to learn how to ski, that’s all." A pleasant smile crossed her lips as she reminisced. "Neither one of us were any good, seems that we just kept falling into one another."

Garrett tried to imagine the petite nurse on skis that were probably longer than she was tall. Somehow, a long trailing scarf just seemed to fit the blonde along with a wildly designed knit hat, complete with a yarn tassel at the top. ‘I bet she looked cute.’

"Yeah, if you ask Rosie, she’ll tell you that David had more time with me in his arms trying to get ourselves upright than he did holding on the ski poles." She laughed. "All that I know is that after a while, sitting in that snow can sure get cold."

The surgeon didn’t understand why, but suddenly she had this feeling of jealousy when Danni mentioned being held by David. It caught her off guard, just like the food service worker that was holding out the bag and calling her.

"Ma’am…ma’am your food?"

"Ah…oh, thanks." Garrett took the bags and handed them over to Danni.

The blonde woman had noticed the abrupt change in her friend’s attitude. She wasn’t quite sure what exactly had set it off but she knew that something had changed. The surgeon had resumed her role as chief stoic and chauffeur as the Blazer once again pulled out into traffic. Each one was once again immersed in their own thoughts.

Garrett considered her own skiing ability and how she might be able to teach the woman in the passenger seat how to stay on her feet and out of the cold. It was all a matter of balance and timing. Once that was learned, there was little more to do than enjoy the scenery. It was just like anything else in life, it would take time and a good teacher to get through it. The surgeon stole a glance at Danni. ‘Boy, am I glad that I have a good teacher.’

* * *

The services of Cowboy were enlisted as Garrett plotted her appeal to McMurray. Being in the business for fifteen years, Cowboy had connections in just about every hospital and clinic that the medivac helicopters flew in and out of in the tri-state area. Once the surgeon had mentioned her plan, the pilot took care of the rest. It was easy to get McMurray to allow a PR flight up to Seven Springs under the guise that the Resort itself had requested it to coincide with the big holiday weekend. Besides, if anything were to happen, they were just a short flight away. Now, all that Garrett and Cowboy had to do was to sit back and wait until the pieces were in place.

Through Cowboy’s connections, the two soon learned that the educational PR trip was granted and would be scheduled for early in the afternoon on Saturday, February 10. Each one of them beamed with the excitement of their scheme, and hiding it from the petite blonde was becoming something of a chore.

The blonde had a way of sneaking up on them when they were talking, causing them to suddenly abort their conversation and go off on some military past life that one of them had lived through. Their tight-lipped grimaces seemed to be the only thing that didn’t let them burst right out, telling her of the plan.

* * *

It was Friday afternoon, February ninth when they got the page from McMurray. They had been summoned to his office for a special meeting. Nothing more was said by the secretary, just that they needed to be seen. Once they arrived, Garrett and Danni were ushered into the office and offered a seat. The older woman left without saying another word.

The team members looked at one another and shrugged in response to the questioning look that each one was wearing. Garrett had thought that she knew what the meeting was going to be about, but right now, she wasn’t so sure.

"Gar, did we do anything wrong lately?"

The surgeon racked her mind for a moment, "No, can’t think of anything."

There again was silence as they waited to find out why their presence had been requested. Each one studying another aspect of the room, letting themselves become absorbed into a photograph of the Ol’ Cutter. Danni had always been partial to the one on his desk that he often reached out and touched when talking about his wife. Today, Garrett’s interest had fallen on the one behind his desk, on the wall. It wasn’t big or flashy and by no means impressive. Instead it was just a simple photograph of the McMurray’s standing outside of the hospital, dressed in regular clothing, his arm around her waist and a smile beaming on both of their faces. Garrett wondered what significance the photograph had in the milestones of his life. She made a mental note to ask him one day.

It wasn’t long after that thought that McMurray bustled into the room, striding briskly until he was positioned behind his desk.

"Good, I’m glad that you’re here." He was shuffling two envelopes in his hand. "Seems that these are for the two of you." He handed them over to the person whose name was typed on the front.

Garrett accepted it and looked at the return address in the upper left-hand corner. The name and address was unfamiliar to her. She looked over to Danni’s, only to find it a carbon copy of hers, but with the nurse’s name on the front. ‘What’s this about?"

Danni commenced opening her own and taking out the enclosed paper, unfolding it to read. "Gar, these are summons."


"We’ve been subpoenaed for material witnesses to a court in Fayette County."

The surgeon quickly ripped open her envelope and read through the verbiage, stopping at the name. "I don’t remember treating any Leza McCoy." Her eyebrow shot up as she looked directly at her mentor. "Somebody has to be mistaken here."

The Chief of Trauma Services picked up a folder and flipped it open. "Do you remember working on a…Sunshine Doe?"

Danni’s head popped up from her own letter. "Gar, that was the woman that was assaulted and raped. The one that Jam…er…Dr. Potter had to intubate on the helipad."

Garrett thought back for a moment, that night had seemed like a million years ago.

"Let me help you, Dr. Trivoli. It was the night you chose to banish a medical student and throw Nurse Bossard out of your trauma rooms. Does that help you any better?"

‘Damn, I’ve tried to put that night out of my mind. I was such a fool then.’ "Yes, Dr. McMurray, I remember it now." She hung her head in disgrace. She’d learned a lot from that night, and by the looks of things, she was going to learn even more.

"You’ll have to be present at the Fayette County court house next month, starting on that date, March 6, a Tuesday. Seems that they’ve subpoenaed the whole lot of you that gathered evidence that night for the rape kit."

"You mean Rosie and Karen, too?" Danni eyes darted back and forth from surgeon to surgeon.

"Yeah, can’t see the reason for it but they want the whole bunch." He sighed deeply. "Keep me posted on what happens so we know whether or not you both will be available for flights."

"Yes, sir." Garrett turned to leave but was stopped by the burly man’s laughter.

"I almost forgot. I’ve got a special request for you two to do a little PR show up at Seven Springs Ski Resort tomorrow. I thought that it was rather funny coming on the exact same day as the E.R.’s outing but who am I to question coincidence." The Ol’ Cutter looked from one crewmember to the other, deciding who it was that pulled the strings. It didn’t matter; they had done a good job so far, and as far as he was concerned, needed a little reward.

Garrett blushed slightly at his insistent stare while Danni’s face beamed with a knowing smile as she eyed her tall friend.

"If I where you two, I’d pack a small bag and take it with you." He winked. "You never know what storms sweep through this time of year and ground your helicopter for the night. I mean…just to be on the safe side."

"Yes, sir!" Danni was exuberant, her eyes flashing wildly at the opportunity to spend some time with her old friends. "We’ll do that."

"Thanks, sir." Garrett remained reserved and professional. Her plan had worked even better than she had hoped for. Then the thought hit her, ‘I wonder if Cowboy had anything to do with this? Somehow, she knew it was a good possibility.’

"Now, go on. You got things to do and bags to pack." He waved them out of his office and watched until they hit the door. "Just remember, don’t come back with any broken bones on either one of you."

With that thought, they shook their heads and went out the door.

* * *

Garrett sat watching the television, her eyes glued to the screen. She’d been waiting now for the local forecast of the weather channel. She trusted Cowboy’s judgment but somehow she just needed to see that advancing cloud pattern for herself. She wasn’t even cognizant of Danni as she breezed through the room with her small overnight bag in hand.

"Hey, aren’t you going to pack anything?" The nurse wasn’t used to seeing the tall woman so engrossed in television programming of any sort. "Garrett…you listening?" Danni shrugged at the undisturbed woman and went back to her packing.

The surgeon waited patiently until the commercial was over and the catchy jingle started to alert the viewers that their forecast was next. The screen swiftly changed to a map of the Northeastern United States. The voice of the announcer read off the weather patterns as they crossed the area. There, outside of Detroit was a storm front that was guaranteed to come across the Lake Michigan and Lake Erie as it swooped down into the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was promising to bring snow in lake effect squalls with winds that could create a near whiteout effect in some areas.

The tall surgeon smirked as she turned off the television. She’d seen enough. ‘Well, Cowboy, looks like we’re spending the night tomorrow. I’ve got to remember to thank him for the heads up, otherwise, we’d be in our flight suits all day and sleeping… in our undies.’ Garrett got up and started for the stairs. The surgeon thought Danni in her normal flannel sleeping attire complete with woolen socks. ‘No wonder he wanted us there at 0900.’

Garrett peeked in Danni’s open door as she passed by. There, on the bed sat the blonde woman, her hands filled with bras and underwear. The surgeon watched for a moment as the petite nurse took turns tossing out a bra or bikini bottom on to a pile at the end of the bed, before she shook her head and continued on to her own room. ‘You would think she was packing to meet someone special.’

Danni had mixed emotions at this point on whether to be practical or not as to packing. On one hand she knew for a fact that sitting in snow was darn cold. She’d learned that fact last year. But on the other hand, the nurse figured that she’d end up sharing a room with Garrett, and that brought all kinds of possibilities through her mind. Some of which, were causing her to blush just thinking about them.

Danni could feel the heat rising up her neck and across her cheeks to the tip of her ears. She’d never gotten this way around anyone before. That fact alone made her stop and wonder about what exactly was causing her reaction. ‘Is it the idea for being able to be with the rest of my friends for the weekend or is it the idea of being alone with Garrett in the same bedroom that has me all in a tizzy?’ Her mind kept adding more favorable conditions to the scenario with every second that ticked by. ‘And grounded for the night…in a snow storm…in a ski lodge…’ Then her eyebrows wiggled with delight. ‘Or maybe even a cabin with a fireplace.’

Danni’s hand brushed across the delicate lace on a pair of thongs that she had added to her collection when she came across them last summer right before her customary end of June vacation. She had no idea then why she wanted them but now it seemed to be just the right thing to throw into her bag. ‘They’re small enough, they won’t take up that much room. Besides, didn’t Gar say that I should pack light?’

The woman could feel her face once again turn into a blazing showcase for her emotions when the voice of her friend came lilting across the hall.

"Hey, Danni, don’t forget to take something to keep you warm at night."

The petite woman’s eyes bugged out as images of a tall, raven-haired woman with her arms wrapped tightly around her danced across her mind. It was too late. The fire had been turned up another ten degrees and beads of perspiration were building on her forehead. Silently she fell back upon her bed, her mind screaming at the top of its imaginary lungs, ‘Auurrggghhh!!’

* * *

Cowboy sat in the cockpit waiting for the arrival of the rest of his team. He watched the seconds tick by on his wristwatch until they would get there. He’d learned it early on, when there was an appointed time to be met; Garrett Trivoli was one punctual lady. The minute clicked over to 0859 and the seconds began ticking away. When exactly 30 seconds had gone by, the pilot let his eyes gaze over to the door at the rear of the emergency room that lead directly to the Trauma Rooms. Within the blink of his eye, there emerged the tall surgeon and her petite nurse, each sporting their flight gear and carrying a small bag with their necessary clothing for the night. A smile came to his lips with the sound of the rear door opening. Cowboy glanced down at his watch. ‘Yep, right on time.’ It was 0900.

"Morning, ladies. I trust you had a good night’s sleep."

Danni became self-conscious now of her appearance. ‘Was it that noticeable that she had trouble sleeping?’ The poor girl’s mind had been full of thoughts of an anticipated night sharing a room with the tall surgeon, reeking havoc with her sleep. The nurse sighed and climbed on board. She could feel the beginnings of the flush that slowly crept up from her chest into the base of her neck and struggled to keep them at bay.

"Thanks for the tip about spending the night." Garrett reached out and cupped Cowboy’s shoulder.

"Huh?" He turned to look back at the woman, puzzlement written on his face. "I didn’t…we’re staying over night?"

"Yeah, I figured that it was you that suggested it to McMurray."

"Sorry, Doc, it wasn’t me. All that I suggested was that we move the departure time up so that we could get back before the storm front was anywhere close."

Now the pieces of the puzzle were fitting together. "I guess it’s his way of rewarding us."

"Doesn’t matter where we are, Doc, once that storm hits we’ll be grounded. I guess he figured why have you stuck at home when all of your friends are going to be up there."

Garrett began to feel bad that Cowboy was not warned in advance of the overnight stay. "I’d feel better if he’d have warned you, too."

"Hey, don’t worry about it, Doc. The women will go wild for the uniform." He tugged at the material of his flight suit. "Besides, I’m an old ‘Nam vet, we always have an extra pair of socks with us." He winked and patted her arm. "Now get on board so we can take off, will you?"

The woman nodded and complied with his request.

Danni could hear the muffled voices of the surgeon and pilot, but she had things on her mind that was distracting enough. Now, she tried to busy herself with the routine of checking their equipment before the flight. She looked over to see Garrett entering the door and then closing it making sure that the lock was engaged. ‘Okay, Danni, you’re a professional…try to act like one. There’s a whole day to get through before you have to worry about the sleeping arrangements.’

The surgeon buckled herself into her seat and donned her helmet, adjusting the strap to keep it on. "What’s left to check?"

Danni focused her mind. "Just the items that are in the drug bag and the intubation kit." ‘There, you can do it. Just like any other day.’

Garrett nodded and quickly began the drill of checking the bags. When it was over, she looked up to see Danni watching her intently. "Something wrong, Danni?"

"Ah…no…ah I was just…waiting for you to get done." Then as if to cover her motives she hastily flashed the "thumbs up" sign and spoke to the pilot. "All accounted for and ready for lift off, Cowboy." To which the surgeon agreed giving her "thumbs up."

The pilot returned the signal then started his routine for flight departure and within moments they were up in the air.

* * *

The progression of the landscape below them had changed drastically, long gone were the tall building of the metropolis that had stretched out into the areas of suburban homes. Now, underneath them could be seen the sparsely placed farms with their rolled hay randomly strewn about the fields like dots on a page and churches, where pointed steeples reached upward towards the heavens. It seemed so peaceful out here in the country where distance was measured as the crow flies instead of city blocks.

Garrett settled back in her seat, her gaze still lingering on the passing countryside. ‘One thing that I can say about this job, I’d never have this view in a windowless operating theater.’ Her head turned, taking in first the pilot and then the form of her team member. ‘Or even good friends to share them with.’ The surgeon watched the petite woman for a moment before she turned her vision back towards her own window. ‘I’m glad that we’re going to have a little down time. Danni’s sure been acting funny here lately.’ The tall woman found herself shrugging her shoulders. "I guess she needs more than just me around…I don’t know why."

There was silence for a few moments before the soft sound of Danni’s voice came across the headphones. "Gar, do you know how to ski?"

The surgeon smiled as memories of weekend skiing trips with her family flooded her mind. "Ski?" Garrett nodded her head. "I’m not any Olympic caliber skier but yeah, I can ski." She looked over to the petite nurse. "I haven’t been on a pair of skis in years. Why do you ask?"

The young woman squinted, wrinkling up her nose in the process. "I was hoping that maybe…well, I’m not very good…"

"You want a few lessons?"

The nurse nodded. "Even if you could just teach me how to stay on my feet, that would help." ‘Just hold me and don’t let go, that would be sufficient.’

Garrett’s grin widened. "Sure, no problem. It’ll help me get back in the groove of things, anyway."

Danni struggled with her emotions. She could feel the temperature rising. ‘Thank the gods, its cold out there.’ The young woman’s mind was endlessly adrift in a sea of nameless faces, all with outstretched arms and resembling the tall, raven-haired woman seated next to her.

* * *

The threat of bad weather did nothing to keep the avid skiers away. Danni shook her head at the amount of people that were waiting in line for the chair lifts to the top of the ski runs. The young nurse stood waiting patiently for her private instructor outside of the rustic ski lodge as she watched the snowflakes glistening in the air around her. Casting a wayward eye to the heavens, she noted the heavy gray storm clouds in the northwestern sky. The heavier snow would be coming and soon.

Danni’s always-empty stomach sensed the smells of the outside grill. The wafted aromas that were so inviting to her nose, that she fought to resist the temptation for a taste of their wares. Trying to get her mind off the food, she started looking at the people around her. Danni felt a little out of place still in her leather jacket and flight suit. It seemed the populace of the resort opted for the more fashionable and colorful trends in nylon and down. ‘Well, there’s only just so much room when packing for a helicopter.’

The petite nurse turned back to the ski lodge, watching the door for any sign of her tall friend. ‘Can’t say that I’ll miss her. She looks just about as out of place as I do.’ Danni chuckled to herself, as she thought of them in their matched set of Flight suits and jackets. As the chuckling trailed off, the corners of Danni’s mouth edged ever upward. Coming through the doorway, her arms filled with skis, poles, and boots was Garrett. The nurse waved her arms in an attempt to be seen. It didn’t take long before the women locked eyes as they closed the distance between them. It was like a homing beacon that cut through both time and distance, welcoming the other into safe harbor.

"So, you ready for this?" Garrett tossed her head from side to side, motioning to the array of equipment in her arms.

Danni nodded her head while her voice trembled out a weak, "No," after which she found herself giggling as a wave of nervousness came over her.

She hid her face from Garrett as she peaked out her open fingers. ‘I can’t believe I’m this nervous.’

Garrett shook her head. "Come on, there’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m not that tough of an instructor that you need to hide." Shifting the equipment in her arms, she used her right index finger to cross her heart and then held the hand up in a mock oath. "Honest, I swear. I don’t bite, not even a little."

"Gee, and I was hoping for some nips here and there." The words were barely above a whisper as they came from the blonde’s mouth.

"What’s that you said?" There was the gentle sound of laughter on her voice as her eyebrow slowly crept upward. The woman felt like a kid again, free and laughing easily with the friend standing before her.

Danni was caught dumbfounded. ‘Ah…what can I say…’ Her eyes rolled around as they grew bigger. "Tips, I was hoping you could give me some tips…about skiing." The lone bead of perspiration started to roll down her forehead. ‘Why do I even try to whisper around her?’

* * *

It was almost 1100 hours when the first sign of any E.R. personnel, other than those who arrived by helicopter, were seen. The small troop of nylon garbed caregivers slowly made their way out of the lodge. The bustle of their pent up excitement was evident by the rapid banter and cackling that emitted from the group. Rosie, of course, being the loudest and in the lead while Mom dawdled along at the rear.

"Come on, Mom, it will be dark before we get a run or two in at the pace that you’re at." Rosie’s sharp comment was meant to hasten, not degrade the older woman.

"Yeah, well, just remember if I fall it’ll be you that’s gonna pick me up." Karen shuffled her feet a little faster in response. "I don’t see why we can’t put the darn skis on now instead of up on the top. It would give me a lot more stabilization in this crushed down snow. Go ahead and laugh, young lady. I want to see you when you’re my age."

"Come on, Granny, you want me to hold your hand?" Rosie stopped and took several steps in Karen’s direction only to be shooed off with the older woman’s gesturing hands.

"All right then, but don’t say that I didn’t offer." The sassy nurse did an about face and headed back to the group who had now paused trying to decide on which ski run to challenge first.

The sound of skis cutting across the packed snow was what first came to the attention of Karen. Lifting her head to make sure that she was not in anybody’s way, she spotted the tandem figures slowly coming towards her. With the utmost grace, the taller skier shifted her feet as her body turned slightly to the right, her weight now leaning to that side as she came to a stop, the snow spraying in her wake. The tall woman smiled, "Hi, Mom!" then digging her poles into the packed snow, Garrett turned to watch the progress her young protégé was making.

Only a few yards behind was a miniature figure clad in the same outfit, the skis and poles proportional in size to her body. The closer she came to them, the easier it was to see her tensed lips and slightly rigid body looking uncomfortable in the slightly seated, flexed knee position.

The surgeon watched with great concern, mumbling encouragements under her breath until she knew that her friend was within earshot. "Okay, now shift! Lean back with your weight." Garrett held her breath. "You can do it." Danni was only a few feet away now and sliding into a stop right in front of her tall friend.

The beaming smile on the petite nurse’s face was priceless as she realized that she was finally getting the hang of stopping. It had been an elusive adventure up until now. She was usually too fast or making her turn too sharp to be able to get everything to happen at the same time without ending up headed off in some new direction that was not of her choosing. In fact, Danni was so excited, she almost forgot to shift her body weight back into a standing position to keep from falling. Trying to correct it at the very last moment, the nurse could feel the strong grasp of her team member on the arm of her leather jacket helping to bring her up to the needed position.

"I did it…I stopped." The over exuberant woman was laughing as she spoke. "Mom, did you see? I didn’t fall down."

"Yes, seems like you have a better teacher this year." Karen looked over to the surgeon. "Great job, Doc."

"Hmmm…I don’t know, she’s not a Jean Claude Kyle by any means." Garrett chuckled. "But I guess she’ll pass." The tall woman pulled down her wraparound sunglasses and winked.

"Hey, Danni, where’d you learn to ski?" Rosie called over to her. "Is that part of being on the Flight Surgeon’s team?" She smirked, "I guess you got to be able to use all sorts of ways get to where you want to be," then wiggled her eyebrows.

Danni’s eyes shot over to Mom’s, only to see the older woman looking back at her seriously and shaking her head. ‘Mom, you didn’t? Then how does she know?’

Garrett noticed the concern in Danni’s face. "Come on, Dan, she’s just jealous." She waited a moment until the nurse’s face showed signs of relief. "What do you say we get out of the cold for a while…maybe go inside by the fire and get something to eat before we have to do our presentation for the ski patrol?" The surgeon began to get out of her skis and picked them up, holding them tightly under her one arm while she grabbed at the poles with the other.

"Yeah, I’m getting a little cold out here now." The nurse rubbed her arms with her gloved hands. "Maybe some hot chocolate would help defrost my frozen bones."" Danni bent over to release her bindings and shoulder her skis, the tiny poles dangling from her wrists by the straps attached to them.

"Hey, Danni, you might want to keep an eye out for some of the others who are coming up. I think you might enjoy seeing one in particular." Rosie was being coy as she taunted her fellow nurse. She knew whom it was that she had invited explicitly for the purpose of giving Danni something to think about. The sassy nurse waved, and together with her group, headed for the chairlifts.

"Mom?" The word was drawn out as Danni looked sternly at the woman.

Shaking her head, Karen feigned all knowledge of anything that Rosie had arranged. "I have no idea, Danni, honest." She shrugged and started off after the rest of the group calling out to them as she walked. "Hey, wait up for the old lady."

* * *

The snow had been coming down more heavily by the time the presentation was over. It had been a good one with many of the ski patrol interested in exactly when the use of the Flight Surgeon Team would be warranted.

Danni turned in search of their pilot when she was met by a cold biting wind as it swept down off the mountain. The leather jacket kept her upper torso and arms from the stinging cold but the Gore-Tex material of the flight suit was no match for it. "Brrrrrrr!" She quickly turned with her back to the wind. The nurse grabbed for the door of the helicopter, opened it and climbed inside. "Jeez! Is it cold!" She was thankful for the shelter out of the wind.

Looking around as she tried to warm her body by rubbing it, she saw the drawn look of the pilot as he was studying his charts. "Hey, Cowboy! We going to be able to go home or what?" Her eyes were hopeful as she waited for his reply.

Cowboy rubbed his chin with his right hand as he thought for a moment. "Don’t rightly think that would be a good thing to do now. The wind’s a little more than I would like to be flying in. Talk about some turbulence now," he chuckled, "we’d be like a dandelion seed cast out on the warm summer air."

"Guess we’re spending the night then, aren’t we?"

"Yep, looks that way."

A chill swept through the inside of the helicopter as the door opened and a tall form climbed in. "Whew! That’s a little cold out there." The surgeon settled into her customary seat. "Stuck for the night, aren’t we?" She posed her question to her teammates.

The nurse and the pilot slowly nodded their heads while their faces turned into beaming smiles at the prospective of being down for the night. Within seconds the giggling started as Danni reached for her small bag of clothing and Garrett grabbed her duffel. They looked up to the pilot.

"Hey, I told you I always have extra socks. What do you think I carry in that flight case?" He laughed as he pointed to the large bag that was to carry all of his maps and navigational tools. "I don’t need much room for a map of the Tri-state area. Got to keep them from bouncing around somehow. You ever try reading off of a dog-eared page?"

Garrett shook her head at the antics of the pilot. "Only you, Cowboy, only you."

"Well, I for one vote that we get out of these Flight suits and relax a little, what do you say?" The young nurse was feeling excited. "I wonder if any of the people from work are staying over. I know that some of them did last year."

"Speaking of staying over, I think we better go and see about getting some rooms." The surgeon patted her zippered pocket holding her wallet. "Never leave home without one." She unzipped the pocket and pulled out her ever-present credit card. "I’ll take care of the rooms." Garrett winked and threw open the door, heading for the main lodge.

"Hey! Wait up for me." Danni was scrambling out the door.

* * *

The late hour and the weather conditions on the mountain had sealed their fate, just like most of the skiers there. The best that Garrett was able to muster even with the corporate clout of the hospital and the medivac company behind her, was a single room for the night. The harried desk clerk had apologized but there was nothing more that he could offer to them, aside from sleeping in the halls or lounges warmed by the ever-glowing wood stacked fireplaces of the resort.

The surgeon looked down at the single set of keys that she held in her hand. ‘Well, at least we got a room.’ She turned away from the desk and looked over to her crew. ‘I’ve shared less space with guys on the submarine. Besides, it’s only for a night.’ Garrett took in a breath and shrugged her shoulders as she walked over to her team.

"So what did you get us? What floor are we on? Oh…." Danni looked up at Garrett her eyes twinkling like a child’s on Christmas morning. "Or did you get us a cabin, instead?"

"Hmm…." Garrett thought for a moment, "A room, the second and sorry, no." She watched the twinkle slowly fading from Danni’s gaze as the petite woman slowly associated the words to her earlier questions.

Then the green eyes flashed with a new brilliance as her eagerness bubbled over into her speech; "You got us a suite!"

"No, sorry, just a room. It’s all that they had left." Garrett felt bad that she had to burst the child-like excitement of her friend.

"Hey, at least we won’t have to sleep in the helicopter." Danni, the eternal optimist, tried to make light of the situation at hand. "What do you say we get rid of our bags and get changed while we’re at it."

Cowboy looked around. "You ladies go on. I’m going to get me a cup of java and warm up a bit first over there by the fire."

Garrett handed him one of the room keys. "Then take this, you’ll need it to get into the room."

"Thanks, Doc. I’ll see you a little later at dinner."

* * *

The sound of metal interacting with metal could faintly be heard as Garrett turned the key, unlocking the door to their room. Standing at the threshold, both women stood peering into the blackness, each one conjuring up in their own mind what they hoped the room would hold.

Danni’s head swam with thoughts of soft candlelight and gentle sounds of intimate mirth brought on by the shared revelations of emotions long held in. She closed her eyes tightly, offering a prayer that they would not be met with rejection as she took that first step into the unknown. Her right hand slowly inched along the wall on the left side of the doorframe in search of the switch as she leaned further into the room. The nurse’s mind thought about how much time she had spent in the dark to her own feelings. Now, could she illuminate the room and possibly what was to become of this newfound life of hers all at the same time. One, hopefully, that would include the dark-haired woman next to her as well.

Danni’s fingers felt the switch as she accidentally turned it on. The glaring brilliance of the light caused her to squint in an effort to shield her eyes, just like her mind had shielded her growing up. Never once had she thought of a woman as she did now. Why all of a sudden was there a change? Was it her or was it fate that had finally taken the nurse’s blinders off? It was like seeing a marvelous jewel for the first time, dazzling the eye and tempting the senses.

Slowly the radiance dulled, revealing a typically set up hotel room, complete with a large king-sized bed and a small love seat off to one side. Danni thought about her own queen-sized bed at home and how she made use of all of its abundant space. ‘Hmmm…guess it will be big enough for the two of us…well, maybe if we get real close.’ She giggled to herself at that thought. Her head turned enough to take the tall woman next to her into her view. Out of the corner of Danni’s eye, she could see the thoughtful expression etched on the surgeon’s face. ‘I guess I’d feel the same way if I liked having my own space all the time. Maybe I could…’

"Mind if I take the bathroom first?" Garrett threw her duffel bag down on the desk along the wall.

The voice startled Danni out of her thoughts. "No, go ahead. I’ll just get my things ready."

The tall woman nodded then moved into the bathroom and closed the door.

The nurse sighed deeply and ambled over to the other side of the bed. "Now, let’s see what’s in store for the night." She plunked her bag down on the huge bed, removed her leather jacket, and started to assemble her clothing to change into.

Garrett stood looking into the mirror, her face showing signs of disappointment. "Well, at least we have a room." Her voice was not very enthusiastic. "I’ve shared before." ‘Space, Gar, that’s all you’ve ever shared with anyone,’ the little voice crept into her brain. She let her hand wash over her face trying to rub away the guilt of never really being able to let another human get close to her. It had been so simple before, why wasn’t it now? What had changed to make her even feel guilty now? "Maybe if I freshen up I’ll feel better." The surgeon lingered, trying to make herself feel more at ease with her own reflection until she finally gave up with a shake of her head. ‘I’ll just get my toiletry bag.’ She reached for the doorknob and slipped out into the next room.

The surgeon grasped her duffel and quickly untied the flap. Grabbing the small bag that she used for her call nights, Garrett turned and caught an eyeful as she stopped abruptly. A few seconds was all that it took for the tall woman to become embarrassed that she was seeing her friend in the act of dressing. Slack jawed and mesmerized she stood there, unable to move, her hand holding tightly onto the toiletry bag.

The petite nurse hadn’t heard the door open as she started to slide her jeans on over her sock-covered feet. Tugging at the waistband of the jeans, she extended her left leg allowing the denim to slide up along the curve of her calf. The strong musculature of her legs was becoming evident in her actions as she shifted from side to side, the soft faded material inching over them easily. The higher up the material rose, the more it clung to the underlying form that held it in place.

Danni straightened up, letting her gaze sweep upward from the bed that she was facing. There, across the room, she locked gazes with blue eyes that were transfixed on her. The exchange of information was inevitable from one to the other as longing haunted each of them in the recesses of their minds. Within seconds, Danni realized that she was standing there, practically nude and facing the woman that was gnawing at her very soul.

The blush of embarrassment started as Danni thought about the lace trimmed underwear that she had brought along, hoping that Garrett would see her in. She’d changed into them and now her wishes had come true. Her presence of mind was coming back to her as she quickly turned her back to the tall woman.

Garrett could sense the embarrassment as she watched the woman suddenly turn in an attempt of modesty. Or was it? Now, the surgeon could clearly see the full contour of the nurse's buttocks as revealed by the almost non-existent thong. The blue eyes watched as the rear portion of the waistband snuggled just under the smooth looking skin of the petite woman’s derriere.

It was at that exact moment that Danni realized she was now giving more of a show than she was before. ‘By the gods!’ Danni paused only momentarily before she hurriedly shifted the material, allowing it to slink smoothly over the posterior portion of her body falling into place at her waist. She sighed at her own thoughtlessness as she fumbled with the button. ‘What’s she going to think of me now? I must look like some floozy to her.’ Danni grabbed for her sweater and held it up to her chest as she turned to look back at her stunned friend. Her eyes opened to see no one. Darting from corner to corner she searched for the tall familiar form only to find it gone. The sound of bathroom door closing stopped her from hunting any further.

"Damn!" The nurse spun around and crumpled down on the edge of the bed. "I wonder what she’s thinking about me now?" Danni slowly pulled the sweater over her head, then sat there with her elbows resting on her knees, her head in her hands.

Garrett stared at the wall opposite the door. Her left hand held tightly onto the doorknob for fear the wave of emotions that had met her out there would demand entrance to continue their barrage of her soul. Her breathing was somewhat labored as she fought to calm her racing heart. She looked to her left at the reflection in the mirror. The clothing was the same as before, but for some reason, the woman seemed different. Her mind searched for the correct word to describe her feelings. Then it came to her. The word was…scared. The surgeon’s pallor was far from her normal golden-hued skin. It was as if she had seen a glimpse of some long forgotten treasure that had been hers in a previous life, the ghost of which still haunted her soul.

Jumbled thoughts ran rapid. The cool level head of the surgeon was nowhere to be found. She released the doorknob and turned to face her image in the mirror. Leaning forward, her shoulders slumped as she locked her elbows and caught herself on the counter top of the vanity, her hands wrapping around the edge for support. Blue eyes gazed blankly at her likeness trying to find something that would clear her mind and bring it back to the world that she knew well, the world of self control.

‘You’re an accomplished surgeon, not some medical student. You’ve seen hundreds…no…thousands of human bodies in all forms of disrobe.’ Garrett peered deep into her own eyes, the windows to her soul. ‘What makes this one any different than the rest?’ She watched, breathlessly, then it came to her. ‘Danni…it was Danni.’

The petite blonde was in a quandary. ‘Do I say something to Gar, perhaps I should tell her of my feelings for her or just let it go and make like it was no big deal?’ Danni closed her eyes and slowly shook her head. ‘This sure wasn’t how I imagined the night to be.’ She thought for a moment, then decide her course of action. Nothing! She’d just pretend that it was no big deal. With that thought in her mind, the young woman got up and walked to the bathroom, pausing only for a moment to look at the closed door that separated them. ‘Jeez, Gar, I didn’t mean to scare you.’ Danni bit at her lip, then nodded and went out the door. She was now resigned to accept whatever treatment she received from Garrett. Hopefully they would still be friends.

* * *

Garrett stood at the bottom of the stairs surveying the crowd of stranded skiers. The ski lodge was busy with patrons that were letting the weather outside give them reason to eat, drink and be merry. After all, what else was there left to do in the near whiteout condition?

Stepping around to the other side of the stairway, the tall surgeon looked, desperately trying to find the petite blonde. Not seeing her, Garrett began to worry. ‘ I wonder if I embarrassed her more than I thought? Maybe I should get Cowboy and…’ That’s when she heard the laughter and jeers. She knew that voice and turned a little more just in time to see Rosie teasing everyone around her as she readied to chug a glass of beer. Garrett rolled her eyes and in doing so, noticed the name of the area that she was entering into, the Foggy Goggle.

Making her way over to the group, Garrett saw Danni seated between Rosie and a young man that looked vaguely familiar to her. For a moment, the surgeon thought that she knew him but then decided she didn’t.

Trying not to stare, the surgeon let her gaze take in the whole area. This part of the ski lodge was arranged with small, round, green tables, each one with seating for four. The normal array of neon beer logos hung from the rafters, each one lighting the way to the large fancy ‘U’ shaped unstained pine bar complete with stools. It was obvious which beers were the ones of choice in this establishment, Coors, Bud, Miller’s, and of course, the hometown favorite, I.C. Lite hung directly over the table that the D.J. was sitting at.

The lighting was dim at best without the bright sun coming in the large expanse of windows that lined the walls, all giving excellent views of the slopes on the Front Face of the mountain. The night gave way to the more moodily lit tiffany-styled shades with their low wattage bulbs. This wing of the lodge was now ready for the soft whispers and the tingle of emotions that the consumed alcohol would bring. It was by rights, your typical bar or meeting spot of the young and single crowd.

Danni picked up her glass to take a sip of the rum and coke that had been so graciously ordered for her. ‘I can’t believe David remembered what I had last year.’ She smiled at him and sipped once more before setting the glass down on the table. Looking up, she saw the tall form of Garrett approaching the group. "Hey," her eyes softened with a friendly glow, "Gar, over here." The petite woman waved her hand to signal her friend. Once Danni made sure that the surgeon was coming towards her, she hastily looked for somewhere to set her at the group of tables. Seeing that there were two empty chairs across the tables and down a few spaces from her, Danni motioned for Garrett to have a seat.

The surgeon took her time getting to it, not knowing quite how to act toward Danni. ‘I better play this one by ear. However she treats me…that’s what I’ll return.’ Garrett eyed the chair as she pulled it out from under the table and sat down. Looking around the collection of tables, the surgeon picked out several people that she didn’t know. Studying the close proximity that they had with a staff member next to them, Garrett reasoned that they were either mates or dates of the people she knew. Her eyes wondered over to Danni and the young man sidled up to the nurse’s side. ‘I wonder who he is…and what he is to Danni?’

The group from the E.R. was all talking at pretty much the same time. The constant chattering seemed to be about the events of the day on the slopes outside. Garrett sat and listened to the stories until she felt as though someone was staring at her. Turning slowly to her left, the surgeon looked to the empty chair that had been next to her. There, to her surprise, was Ian McCormick sitting back in the chair with his hands resting on a tall glass of beer and a smile leering at his lips.

"I’ve had enough skiing for one day," Rosie announced, "It’s time to dance." She jumped up and headed toward the D.J. and the small open area for dancing. "Who’s coming with me?" She yelled at the group, "Mom, Danni, come on. David, pull that nurse up and bring her out here."

Not wanting to have anymore attention drawn to herself, Danni obligingly got up from her seat and followed David to the dance floor where the fast beat music was playing.

"I see you saved a seat for me, Dr. Trivoli. Could it mean that you’ve decided to thank me for the little weekend that I’ve arranged for your team?" Ian began to let his gaze move up and down her body as his head motioned to Danni. "I thought that maybe you girls were working a little too hard lately and needed…shall we say…a little fun." His eyebrows wiggled causing the lines in his forehead to follow suit, rippling nearly up to the top of his baldhead.

The words caught Garrett off guard. Now, things were coming to light. Ian had arranged this rendezvous with a little down time to make a little time himself. The coy smile of the surgeon was hidden from the man. She needed to see how far she could go without tipping her hand. ‘Two can play this game, Ian and I’d say that you’ve met your match, if not better.’

The tall woman pulled her chair just a tad closer to the physician, hoping he would see it as an attempt of letting her intentions to be known. Garrett glanced at him, then out onto the dance floor where Danni filled her view.

The surgeon sat there for a while watching the smooth movements of her young friend as the music beat a rhythm that made you want to move right along with it. Danni looked happy and carefree as she moved in conjunction with the man that seemed to know every step she was about to take.

"So, tell me, Dr. McCormick, how easy was it to get McMurray to agree to this." Garrett used her hand to motion to the group and the lodge. "I’m sure you just didn’t tell him what your agenda was, now did you?"

Ian chuckled. "That old man has no idea what’s really going on. He’s set in his ways, doesn’t know what us young people are all about."

Garrett raised her eyebrow at that idea. ‘Remember how the saying goes, Ian. It’s the young and beautiful people.’ She eyed his baldhead, swearing that she could see the reflection of the tiffany shade above them in it. She looked casually out to the dance floor once again, her eyes quickly finding Danni. She watched the movement of the nurse’s torso, finally allowing herself to concentrate on the derriere as it was now facing her. The memory of cream colored lace was still fresh in her mind.

"So, you think you know what it is that the younger bunch is looking for, eh?" Garrett let her eyes drift off to him without moving her head. "Tell me, what is it that we need right about now."

"Say, why don’t you let me get you a drink?" He winked at her as he began to rise. "Beer, or would you like a drink with a little more kick? I’m going to get myself another shot and a beer." Ian leaned over her shoulder to whisper in her ear. "You know, you are down for the night, why not just let yourself go and enjoy."

Garrett fought hard not to get angered at this last statement. Putting on a sickening smile, the surgeon turned her head to whisper right back at him. "Humor me. I can be just as relaxed drinking coffee. Besides, you wouldn’t want me to not be able to remember it later, now would you?"

Ian’s face lit up. "Coffee, anything special in it?" His eyes were aglow with licentious thoughts.

Garrett smirked as she thought about her young friend on the dance floor. "Yeah, I’ll have a little cream with that."

It felt good to be dancing. It was the one thing that Danni ever enjoyed that her mother had thought of as a necessary requirement for all young girls. The long hours spent practicing paid off in situations like this one. The teasing was a lot less if you only took a little bit of coaxing to get up and dance than it did if they had to drag you out of your chair.

The entire time that Danni was up there dancing, she tried to position herself in such a manner that she would be able to keep an eye on the tall surgeon still seated at the table. At one point when the music stopped, Rosie drew Danni’s attention toward the more than civil appearing conversation happening between Garrett and Ian.

"What’s with those two anyway?" It actually looked like they were getting along for once and Rosie just had to comment on it.

Danni immediately spun around to see what she was missing. That’s when she saw Ian lean over, whispering into Garrett’s ear. Danni held her breath, waiting to see the sparks fly but they never did. Instead, Garrett reciprocated the whisper with one of her own, which sent McCormick scurrying off to the bar. ‘Huh?’ " Maybe she’s just being nice in front of everyone."

"I don’t know. They always say that the ones that protest too much end up being strange bedfellows. You think maybe her and McCormick…" Rosie wiggled her eyebrows, "will you know…do the tango under the sheets tonight?"

Danni looked at Rosie then at the dark-haired surgeon and shook her head. ‘Great, that’s all I need. I finally fall in love with someone and lose her to the likes of Ian McCormick.’ "I’d be surprised."

"Yeah, well rumor has it that’s why you got grounded up here today. Ian arranged for his girls to have some "fun" time. He’s the one who told me to invite David up."

Danni stopped and turned in the direction that her hand was being tugged. David had her and was leading her back towards the dance floor. "May I have this next dance?" As if it had been cued to start at that exact moment, the slow and mellow music filtered across the air. Danni obliged him as she stepped up and laid her hands on his body just like she’d been taught so many years ago. With her head resting on his shoulder, the nurse kept a wary eye on her tall friend, praying that Rosie was wrong.

David let the music set his pace for conversation. Slowly he talked of little things to bring Danni’s mind back on to him and the times that they had shared in the E.R. He wanted her to know that he valued her friendship above all else. It was with that in mind that he ventured into the discussion of having a room all to himself for the night. Then without warning the words took Danni by surprise. "Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you stay in my room tonight? We’re friends aren’t we? We could just talk about old times and get reacquainted. What do you say?"

Danni let him spin her around as she thought about what he was saying, but her mind only could see what was going on back at the tables with Garrett and Ian.

The two nemeses had gotten physically closer, the baldhead of the physician contrasting with the shoulder length raven-hair of the surgeon. Each one waiting for just the right time to spring their trap on the other. Ian lifted his shotglass, draining it once more then quickly followed it with the chaser of beer. He wanted to build up his courage before he would tangle with the demanding surgeon. He reached into his pocket and dangled the key in front of Garrett.

The surgeon’s eyes twinkled with the dangling key dancing in front of her face. She snatched the key with her hand and held onto it. Ian’s eyes bugged out in shock. It was as if the tall woman was actually eager about sharing the night with him.

The physician began to rise from his chair, only to be pulled down by Garrett’s strong hand on his arm. Garrett leaned in closer to whisper as she juggled the key so that the soft metal on metal sound could be heard. The surgeon wink as she released his arm. Ian slowly nodded. He looked around making sure that no one was in earshot of their plans, then went back to his glass of beer.

Danni stood in disbelief as she watched her friend get up and slowly walk away from the table and Ian McCormick. ‘What is she doing? Danni girl, she’s doing what Rosie said she would, playing with the big fish, not some little minnow like you.’

* * *

Still dressed in his Flight suit, Cowboy was lounging in the main lodge by one of the open fireplaces, sipping on a cup of java. The man was relaxing as he listened to the world revolving around him, lost in a trance of days gone by. The surgeon watched him for a minute or two before approaching.

"Guess you didn’t make it to the room yet, eh?" Garrett pointed to his clothing.

A slow toothy grin spread across his face. "Nah, figured I’d give you two enough time to do whatever it is that women do when they change clothes."

He chuckled then winked. "So what’s the sleeping arrangements, Doc, shifts or floor?"

"Hey, I can’t have my pilot sleeping on the floor. Seems that Dr. McCormick arranged this little free time for us and he’s so graciously given me his room key." Garrett withdrew it from her jean’s pocket and dangled it in front of her face. "He didn’t think that he should be sharing it with a nurse and his implication was that he was more interested in someone of a higher capability." She tossed the key in his direction. "I figured since you were flying all the time, he meant you." She winked. "I told him that the door would be open for him and he could get into the room in about an hour."

Cowboy rolled his eyes and laughed. "You expect me to sleep with that idiot instead of you?"

"No, more like in my place." Garrett shook her head. "He thinks this little girl can’t wait to be with him. I’d get there first and take the bed, if I were you, that’ll leave him to the love seat in the other room."

The pilot did a half salute and started to get up. "Gotcha, Doc. Here, I won’t be needing this then." He handed her his room key. "You and the lil’ one get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning."

"Night, Cowboy." ‘Okay, McCormick, let’s see how you feel about sharing your bed with someone now.’ The tall woman chuckled and sat down in the place that the pilot had vacated, waiting to see Ian get the elevators up to his suite. ‘Hmmm…I sure hope he don’t bust in calling Cowboy his little girl.’

* * *

It wasn’t long before Garrett had seen what she was waiting for. Apparently Ian had bolstered his courage more than he needed with a few more rounds of drinks. The telltale unsteadiness of his gait and the time spent in making a decision on which button to push for the elevator was a dead give away to the trained eye. ‘Yep, that will do you. With all that alcohol on board he’ll be lucky to make it to the room let alone try to do anything to disrupt Cowboy’s sleep.’ The surgeon chuckled to herself. "Say nighty-night, Dr. McCormick."

Now, it was imperative that she found Danni and get to the room, far away from the wrath of McCormick when he found Cowboy in her place. The woman made her way back down to the Foggy Goggle. The numbers of people were dwindling as the hour grew later. Several of the hospital staff had already headed to their rooms when Garrett saw Danni sitting at the table without David at her side. The young nurse looked pensive as she played with her half empty glass.

"Penny for your thoughts."

Danni was startled by the familiar voice. "Huh?" She turned to see who it was. ‘Gar, what are you doing here. I thought you and Ian…’

"Hey, you coming to bed or are you going to party all night?" Garrett motioned toward the nurse’s drink.

"I…ah…" Danni’s heart skipped a beat. ‘Could she really be asking me that question?’ "Why don’t you go ahead and enjoy the bed. I’ll just stay up and talk to David."

Garrett studied her friend. "David? How do you know David? I mean, I don’t remember seeing him around the hospital."

"You’ve seen him before, Gar. He was the Chief that handed off to you on your first day at the hospital. Remember?"

"Oh, guess that’s why I thought he looked a little familiar."

"Gar, I know how you like your space, and one less in that room will help."

"What are you saying, Danni?"

"David offered to let me share his room tonight. I just figured that you and…"

"Whoa, wait a minute." Garrett’s face turned serious. "The only one I’m sharing a room with tonight is you. Cowboy’s sharing a suite with Ian." She glanced down at her watch. "Although McCormick doesn’t know that yet." Blue eyes looked deep into green as she conveyed her sentiment.

"I thought you and Ian…"

"Yeah, well, so did he. Let me tell you, you’re both mistaken." The surgeon smiled. "Now what do you say we go sack out. Never know when we might be called upon with that storm out there."

The nurse pushed her drink away and rose from her chair. "Yeah, well, I hope you got a dog sled and a team of dogs, cause their ain’t nothing else getting through out there tonight."

"Ah…sorry, they’re in my other duffel bag." Garrett teased. "You want to let David know where you’re going?"

Danni looked over to the bar where David was conversing to someone he knew as he waited on another drink. "I guess, maybe I should."

"What are you going to tell him?"

Danni thought for a moment then let the one side of her mouth edge upward into a smile. "I’ll tell him the truth." She shrugged her shoulders. "You go home with the one that brought you." She teased.

* * *

Ian tiptoed into the dimly lit room. There, over the back of a chair was laid the Flight suit. It’s reflective tape showing in the dark. The long form in the bed caused the physician’s mind to race with anticipation. ‘Hmm…she’s resting up for the long night ahead.’ He eased himself down on the bed, being just a tad unsteady from an evening of drinking and started to take off his shoes when the sound of snoring became quit evident. ‘I guess she’s a snorer.’ He shrugged his shoulders, ‘I wonder if she’s as vocal in the heat of passion?’ Then continued with his disrobing.

Ian could feel the perspiration building up on his brow and took the shirt that he had just removed and wiped his forehead, stretching up onto his head. ‘Maybe I should catch a little sleep first before we get down to business. I think that alcohol is getting to me.’ And with that thought, the physician slipped under the covers and fell fast asleep, adding his own harmony to the music of the night.

* * *

The elevator door opened and the two women stepped off in mid conversation.

"Gar, I said that I could sleep on the love seat."

"Nope, you’re small but not that small. You’ll never be able to stretch out and relax."

"Well, I’ll sleep on the floor then. You can have the bed."

Garrett slid the key into the lock and turned it. "Danni, there’s more than enough room in a king size bed for the two of us. End of discussion." She opened the door and stepped inside, waiting for her friend to follow her.

Danni knew that she had nothing left to argue with. "Okay, but you pick which side you want then." She walked over to her overnight bag and started to rummage through it for her bedclothes.

The surgeon closed the door and locked it, making sure the security latch was in place. ‘I wonder if McCormick’s figured out that I’m not in bed with him yet?’ "Danni, why don’t you take the bathroom first."

"Okay." The nurse gathered up her things and headed into the small room. "Don’t worry, it won’t take me long." She turned on the light and pulled the door closed.

The tall woman looked at the bed. ‘Does it really matter what side?’ Her eyes traveled to the far side of the bed where all of Danni’s things were laid out. "I guess that’s her favorite side." The lopsided smile shone brightly as she went to the left side of the bed and pulled down the covers. ‘And this is my favorite side. What a team.’

With the precision of the Navy behind her, not to mention many nights on call, Garrett efficiently stripped off her jeans and sweater, laying them out for quick access. She reached into her duffel bag and pulled out her clothing for the night, one pair of silk boxers and a thin strapped tank top and proceeded to dress for bed.

The nurse emerged from the bathroom with her jeans and sweater tucked neatly under her arm. As she turned the corner into the larger part of the room she caught a glimpse of long legs slipping under the covers. Trying to steady her mind, Danni clutched at her clothing a little harder as her head turned to see the rest of the body that was attached to the legs. The large expanses of flesh caught her eyes immediately and stuck in her head.

It took her a minute, but finally she was able to get the words out. "I’m…I’m…" she stuttered, "ah…done. Yeah, I’m…ah…done in the bathroom, if you need it." ‘Great, Danni, you sound like an idiot.’ The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, but I won’t need it." Garrett snuggled down under the covers then looked back over to Danni. "You’d better get some rest, who knows what could happen during the night."

"Yeah, who knows?" Danni shook her head in disbelief. ‘Does she realize what this is doing to me or is she just teasing me, unmercifully?’ The nurse made her way to the other side of the large bed, then put her clothing away before she sat down on the turned down covers for a restful night. She sat there for a moment before she proceeded to remove her shoes and got in under the covers, clinging desperately to the very edge of her allotted side of the bed. ‘Rest? How can I rest with her just a few feet away from me and under the same covers, too?’

Garrett reached out from the covers and turned off the light next to her side of the bed. "Night, Danni." She nestled down into the pillow, waiting for sleep to overcome her.

Sighing, Danni picked up her feet and carefully pulled the covers over them as she lay back on the bed. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling for a moment until it registered with her brain that she needed to turn off the light. Rolling over, she stretched out just enough to flip the lever on the light switch and then the room was black. Sinking down into the bed, Danni rolled up on her side and grabbed onto the edge of the mattress like a ship moored at a dock. It wasn’t long before the events of the day had brought her sleep with a welcoming grin.

* * *

The dream was becoming more and more real with each minute that went by. The young woman was trying desperately to free herself of the burden that had been placed upon her. It was as though she was in a small box with the walls closing in on her. Given a chance, Danni swore that they had arms and legs that reached out and grabbed on to her in a vice-like grip.

Gradually the walls of the box cleared and she was able to call out, but no one was listening to her pleas for help. Each passer-by only took whatever he wanted from around her and continued on without a single word. They acted as though it wasn’t her time yet to be noticed.

Danni struggled to wake up and as she did, her imagination gave way to reality. She was, indeed, being held down by arms and legs cast over and around her body. At one point in her foggy mind, she imagined herself with more than her allotted amount of appendages. Cold sweat broke out on the young woman’s forehead. She was working hard to rid herself of the weighty problem when she finally realized that her dream had been brought on by the tall surgeon who was sharing the bed with her. Only then did her wild and strained movements stop for fear of waking the woman wrapped around her.

Not wanting to embarrass her friend, Danni slowly and methodically eased herself out from under the death grip. Once back on her side of the bed, she sat looking at the woman next to her, still asleep and unaware of what was going on. Thankful for that small favor, the petite nurse grabbed on to the edge of the mattress, vowing to stay to her side. As she drifted back to sleep, Danni committed the dream to her memory, not wanting to awaken her team member by turning on the light to find paper and a pen to write it down. It was definitely one that needed to be logged in her journal at home.

* * *

Garrett struggled to breathe. The world seemed to be pressing down on her, keeping her in place for some odd reason. It was as if she needed to be here in this space and time for her destiny to come to her.

The keen mind of the surgeon tried to grasp at her surroundings with all of her senses, using each and every one of them to help her. Her body could feel the warmth exuding from the force that held her down, its moist heat coming off like the settling warmth of a cup of hot tea. Inhaling as deeply as she was able to, Garrett tried to savor the unique scent of softness reaching out to her in the night with such an essence of purity that it kept her fear from surfacing.

Garrett was able to breathe now, as the weight on her began to shift and new sensations brought her body closer to being fully awakened. The rhythmic feel of heat gently encompassing her left breast acting like a lover’s tender caress, both stimulating and relaxing at the same time. The surgeon found her body wanting to sink into that realm where everything is an elusion to the perversity of what was real. Letting her mind savor those sensations, Garrett turned to her keen sense of hearing for more information. There, in the dead silence of the lumbering night, the almost nonexistent sound of childlike snoring could be heard. It was then that she knew she was not alone.

The gentle exploration of her right hand as it swept from its resting-place at her side touched warm, soft and supple flesh. The kind that would bring a smile to your face as images of newborn babies flashed across your mind. She wasn’t quite awake yet but knew that what she was feeling could change her outlook on life as she knew it. Like a new beginning, it beckoned her.

The dark-haired woman fought through the last remnants of her dream-like state, she needed to know what it was that was having such a pleasant effect on her night. Her eyes struggled to open, then focus on the form intertwined with her own. The dim light of the very early morning only cast enough brightness that she could barely make out the silhouetted form next to her, hints of gold casting about its head.

Slowly, looking from side to side, she realized that she had not invaded the young woman’s area, but rather met in the middle, each one acting as a bridge to the other’s side. Thoughts of staying there, in that world of comfort soon drifted by as Garrett dutifully slipped out from under the young blonde’s leg. Sliding out from under the covers, Garrett wiped her face with her hand as she got out of bed to answer the needs of her body.

* * *

The first real rays of light drifted in around the drawn window coverings, as Cowboy got rolled up on one elbow and looked over to the lump of human flesh that was on the far side of the huge bed. Smiling to himself, the pilot had to give the Doc credit for her idea. ‘He’s never going to realize that he slept with me instead of her. Hmmm…that gives me an idea of my own.’ The skivvies-clad man crawled out of bed, put on his boots and headed into the bathroom with his shave kit in hand.

It wasn’t long after the door closed that Ian’s sleepy form rolled over to face the now empty half of the bed. Feeling for the warmth of a long sensuous body, his hand came up empty. His blood-shot eye opened, revealing the thrown back covers and rumpled sheeting where the warm body had been only moments before.

The sound of water running in the shower now trickled through Ian McCormick’s mind. He imagined himself a drop of water rolling over the soft skin and ample curves of Garrett Trivoli. His eyes darted to the chair that he remembered the Flight Suit had been on. Seeing it still there, Ian sighed. Yes, she’d have to come out to get dressed and he’d be able to view what he dreamt of often. Ah! Life was good.

The physician rolled on to his back, the thought of nights to remember flirting with his mind, and drifted off into a world of dreams.

Cowboy emerged from the bathroom, quickly dressed and grabbed his flight case from under the desk in the sitting room of the suite. Setting the case down on the chair, he pulled open the drawer and removed a piece of the complimentary stationary and penned a brief note. Folding the paper in half, the pilot scribbled ‘McDoc’ on the front and left it there with the room key for Ian to find. Being careful not to make too much noise, Cowboy picked up his case and exited, pulling the door shut as he left.

* * *

The dream came to her only seconds before she woke. Its snippet of vision was not a vision at all but rather a feeling that her world was as it should be…or was that as it used to be? The strong arms that held her tightly in her dream were like vigilant sentinels standing guard over her heart while the lush green of the forest that surrounded, cradled them both with its moss covered ground, acting like a velvet blanket for them to lay on. Her world seemed complete with the soft refrain of the birds’ overhead and the antics of the small creatures that watched over them. They were alone with each other, sheltered from any that would do them harm.

Her thoughts were a jumble of confusion as she fought to stay with the dream for as long as she could, never wanting it to end. Perhaps that is why Danni couldn’t believe she was lying there awake. The same feeling that she had in the dream, she was feeling now. It was like all the love in the world was being self-contained in her very own soul. ‘By the Gods, what I would give to have this all the time. I’ve got to remember this one.’ She sighed, thinking that it had been quite a while since that last journal entry of hers. The nurse could picture the worn book, still on her nightstand next to her bed at home. ‘Who would have thought that I’d have a dream after all this time.’

The lone blue orb peered out into the morning’s dim light. The soft blurring of blonde hair was in front of her face. Slowly Garrett began taking stock of the wonderfully restful sensation that she was a part of, her body spooned up against the petite woman lying next to her. Each body seemingly fit like a piece of a puzzle, one to the other with no areas left untouched.

The surgeon could feel the gentle stirring of Danni as she came out of her world of dreams. Garrett’s hazed state made her slow to react, knowing that her arm now encircled the nurse and held her tightly, denying any thought of letting her go.

Each woman laid there, basking in the warmth of human contact, not wanting to draw the other’s attention to the fact that they were enjoying the moment. The seconds grew to a minute, then lingered even longer letting time be a measure unto itself.

The sound of the ringing phone in the room had startled both into a frenzied separation of their bodies. Their eyes avoided each other for fear of their friend’s embarrassment. Danni, rolling off to her edge of the mattress while Garrett moved to put a stop to the ringing of the phone.

"Hello!" The surgeon voice was crisp and clear, meaning nothing but business.

Danni sat on the bed, her heart racing like a wild animal. ‘She’s going to know for sure now.’ The nurse stole a glance over her shoulder. ‘I can’t believe that I…she…’ Her eyes got bigger. ‘That we were laying there like that.’

The nurse could hear words but nothing was making sense to her. Just the thoughts running through her mind and the pressing need to write down her dreams that seemed to be grasped by her mind. Danni’s eyes roamed the room in search of something, anything that she could use. ‘The desk! There has to be something there.’ The petite woman got up and went to it.

Within the time it took Garrett to complete her phone call, Danni had finished recording her dreams. ‘One day, I know these will make sense to somebody.’ Danni kept her back turned when she heard Garrett hanging up the phone. She wasn’t ready to see the look on Garrett’s face.

"That was Cowboy!"

The nurse kept her pen going in a mock writing motion while she answered. "Hmmm?"

"He wants us to get ready to leave. Seems like there is going to be a brief window of opportunity to fly in about 30 minutes."

"Okay, I’ll take the bathroom first." Danni rose from the chair and grabbed her Flight Suit off of the hanger. "I’ll be done in just a few." She entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Garrett got out of the bed and paced the room briefly, not knowing whether to be the first to say something or not. She could see that Danni was obviously upset by the situation. "Damn, I don’t want to lose this friendship," she muttered under her breath and she knew what she had to do.

Danni vacated the bathroom to see Garrett’s duffel bag packed except for her toiletry bag, and the woman herself already dressed in her Flight Suit. The surgeon brushed past her as she grabbed her small bag and entered the empty room. The sound of the door locking behind her made the nurse feel as though she was having an important part of her life taken away. She felt herself being closed off, her lungs crying out for air, her heart ripping in two. ‘If only she would have left me sleep on the love seat or floor. I’d be sore but at least I wouldn’t hurt like this.’ Danni hung her head and slowly packed her bag, her eyes stealing glances at the king-size bed that they had shared.

The tall woman had been silent in her entry to the room. She stood there, watching the sullen nurse finish her packing. Stuffing her toiletry bag into the duffel and tying it shut, Garrett spoke softly. "Danni, I’m sorry for what happened earlier." She paused but the petite woman did not turn around or slow her efforts in packing. "I must have been dreaming. Honest, I didn’t mean anything by it."

The words echoed in Danni’s head, ‘Didn’t mean anything by it.’ It felt like a stake going through her heart each time it repeated itself. She closed her eyes and held onto the overnight bag, fighting the tears back. "Don’t worry about it." She picked up her bag and turned around to face her team member. The eye contact was only for a second but it hurt more than she thought. Hurriedly casting her eyes to the floor, she started for the door, "I’ll meet you at the helicopter," and was gone.

Garrett picked up her bag and followed the nurse, pausing at the open door to turn and gaze one last time at the rumpled blanket covered bed, then stepped out, closing the door behind her.

* * *

Ian McCormick walked out into the setting room when he spied the folded over paper on the desk. Picking it up, he studied the handwriting. "Gosh, you’d think for as well educated as we are, doctors would be able to write more legibly." The only word on the front was a strange one at that. "McDoc," he muttered then let the corners of his mouth edge into a smile. "Must be her pet name for me." He opened the sheet and began to read aloud, wanting to hear the words as if she were saying them. "Thanks for letting me rest before taking off to new heights." That was all there was, nothing more.

The sound of blades spinning in the thin mountain air as the helicopter readied for take off drew him to the window. Ian stood with the note still in his hand, watching the lift off begin. The slow motion of his waving hand was like a metronome to the song of the rotors as the ship flew out of sight.

* * *

Danni sat, buckled into her seat. Her close proximity to the surgeon was not an easy one to maintain but in the cramped quarters of the helicopter it was as far as she could get. The nurse could tell by the quietness of her team member that her time up in the air was going to be filled with lots of thought about what had happened between the two friends.

She closed her eyes, and tried to remember the feeling of her dream. Each time her mind brought the same image to her. Garrett…was all she could think about.
