Chapter 20

Rebekah had never been more exhausted in her life. Tonight was their last show before a six-week break centered around Thanksgiving and Christmas. She was pretty sure she would need every day of those six weeks just to recover from their grueling tour schedule.

Carefully winding a power cord so the soundboard could be put on the truck, she paused when she felt someone’s presence behind her.

“Uh, Rebekah?”

Rebekah spun around to look at Marcus, her eyes wide in question.

“I sort of owe you an apology,” he murmured, his eyes downcast.

“I found this a few weeks ago and forgot to return it.”

He pulled a spiral-bound notebook from under his sweatshirt and held it out to her. It was Dave’s collection of notes that she’d misplaced her first night on the job.

“That would have come in handy when I had no idea what I was doing,” she said, “but I don’t need it now.”

“Dave’s a genius,” Marcus said, still not meeting her eyes. “I thought I would be the best choice to take his place, but…”

She waited for him to continue. He looked up, and his pug-like eyes met hers steadily. “But…” he said, “you’re good at what you do.

The band sounds awesome. I’m not sure if Dave could have done any better.”

Rebekah couldn’t hide her smile. “You really think so?” she said eagerly.

Marcus chuckled and got a sappy look on his face. “Yeah. You’ve proven yourself over and over. I’m sorry I misjudged you. It’s just really hard to take someone as fucking adorable as you are seriously.”

Rebekah’s smile faltered.

“Uh, uh, uhnnnn,” Eric said as he moved to stand between them. “You will not be teaching Marcus any lessons for mistaking you as adorable.”

Marcus flushed and did an about-face. “Later.”

Eric wrapped an arm around Rebekah’s waist. “Are you about finished?”

“Not even close. We have to get this stuff put away properly tonight so everything is easy to find when we go back on the road in January. Did you talk to Jon yet?”


“Eric, you promised!”

“I told him we wouldn’t need him when we went back on tour in January.”

“You did?”


“How did he respond?”

“Made me feel as if I betrayed him. Told me to go fuck myself.

Took off in his Jeep.”

“Do you think he’s gone for good?”

Eric shook his head. “I have no doubt he’ll try to manipulate me again. I’m not going to cave next time though.”

“I’ll make sure of it. This has been eating you alive for weeks.

You need to stop being his martyr.”

He rubbed the spot between his eyebrows with one finger. “I know…

I just… He was the first real friend I ever had. Turned out he wasn’t my friend after all.” He grinned unexpectedly. “I got you something.”

There he went again, changing the subject without warning.

“Eric, we discussed this. No more expensive gifts.”

“It wasn’t expensive.” He pulled a little white teddy bear out of his vest. It was wearing a tiny blue T-shirt that read I ♥ Sinners.

“It reminded me of you because…” He leaned closer to her ear.

“It’s adorable.”

“Eric Sticks, I’m not adorable!” She tossed the teddy bear at him, and he caught it in one hand.

“Prove it,” he teased and jogged backward. He cuddled the bear against his chest. “Oh, look at adorable little Rebekah,” he said, squeezing the stuffed toy until its head threatened to pop off.

“Cutest girl in the world.”

She knew he just wanted to play, and she was tempted to chase him around the stadium, corner him, and tickle him into submission, but sometimes work had to come first. “I’ll deal with you later.”

His eyebrows lifted, and his smile of anticipation almost convinced her to forgo work. “Promise?”

If he wanted to act like a naughty boy, she was going to treat him like a naughty boy. “I do not tolerate that kind of misbehavior in my class, Mr. Sticks.”

The excited little huff he produced was almost more than she could bear.

“As your first punishment, you will write an essay that describes all the ways you plan to repent for your disobedience,” she added.

He scowled. “Essay? I’m not writing a fucking essay.”

Rebekah yanked a blank piece of paper out of the notebook Marcus had returned. She took a pen from a cup sitting next to her soundboard and handed it to Eric.


“Write: I am sorry I upset Ms. Blake.”

He stared at her for a minute, trying to figure out her game.

When he put the paper on the edge of the soundboard and started to write, she smiled.

Looking over his shoulder to check his progress, she said, “Now write: To make it up to her, I will suck on her clit until she comes.”

His head snapped up, and he pinned her with a look that made her toes curl in her sneakers. She knew how Eric’s mind worked.

Half of his excitement, maybe more, came from thinking about sex, and this would definitely make him think about it.

“I expect you to write down a lot of ways you plan to make this up to me, Eric. A lot. You’ve been a very naughty boy.” She turned her body to block the view of her cupping the crotch of his jeans. She knew he’d be hard, and he didn’t disappoint her. Stroking the length of his cock, she looked up at him with a teasing smile. “The second part of your essay will describe all the things you think Ms. Blake does to naughty boys. When you’re finished, turn in your paper to me, and then go wait on the bus until I come to punish you. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said breathlessly.

“It will be a couple hours before I can get to you, so you might as well take your time on that essay.” She released his cock, took the teddy bear out of his hand, and set her new mascot on her soundboard.

“Ms. Blake?” he said.

“Get to work,” she said harshly.

“I think I’m going to need more paper.”

She grinned and ripped out several additional sheets. The kiss he planted behind her ear as he snatched the papers was all the motivation she needed to finish her work as quickly as possible.

Eric handed his seven-page essay to Ms. Blake as respectfully as a guy with a raging hard-on could manage. He wasn’t sure what excited him more, writing it, or knowing she would read it. Maybe it was knowing she might do the things he’d written on the page. And let him do things to her.

Ms. Blake glanced at the top sheet. The sternness in her expression did strange things to him. He wanted her approval. Her praise. “This looks acceptable,” she said.

Acceptable? He’d poured himself into that essay. Admitted fantasies he’d never admitted to anyone. He tried to snatch the papers back, but she held them out of reach behind her back.

“I’m almost finished here,” she said. Her gaze locked with his, and he knew he’d do anything she asked. “Go wait in my office, and don’t touch anything. Especially not your cock. I see how hard it is.

That is very naughty, Mr. Sticks.”

“Where’s your office?”

She lifted an eyebrow at him. “Where do you think it is?”

“The bedroom on the tour bus.”

She shrugged. “That will do. Go now.” She continued with her work, organizing color-coded cords in a large case.

He backed away slowly, wondering if he could wait without dying. He could see the headline now. Rock Drummer Killed By Lack of Blood Flow to Brain. And it would all be Rebekah’s fault for making him so damned hard. Then how would she feel about tormenting him ceaselessly? She’d feel really guilty for sending him to an early grave by keeping all his blood sequestered in his cock, instead of serving his vital organs. Not that he actually minded the torment. He loved every minute of it.

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Are you still here?”

He turned and tried to walk casually to the back of the stadium where the bus was parked. It wasn’t easy in his condition. Especially when some fangirl spotted him and hurdled a barrier fence to hug him excitedly.

“Oh Eric, I’ve been waiting forever to see you,” she crooned. “I didn’t think you’d ever come outside.”

“Um, okay, sorry,” he said, trying to untangle her arms from around his neck. He remembered a time when the occasional lustcrazed fan made his entire week. Now he just wanted to get the fuck away from her before she discovered his arousal. She rubbed up against him and chuckled. Too late. Now he’d never convince her to leave him alone.

“Is that for me?” she asked, her hand sliding down his belly to his crotch.

“No, actually, it’s not. Could you—” He grabbed her wrist to move her hand.

“Let me suck you off,” she said huskily. “I want a picture of me with your cock down my throat.” She handed him her camera phone and reached for the top button of his jeans.

“Whoa, no!” he gasped and jerked away. “Here.” He shoved her phone into her hand and pounded on the side of the bus so they’d open the door and let him in. Besides, it was fucking cold outside, and he didn’t have his jacket.

“Don’t be shy,” the girl said, plastering herself to his back and rubbing his cock through his pants. “You’re super hard, baby. I know you want me.”

“Stop touching me like that,” he demanded, grateful when the bus door finally opened. He climbed onboard and found the entire band was already inside. When the girl tried to follow, Sed came to stand at the head of the stairs. The girl took one look at him, went white as a sheet, and ran off. Eric didn’t bother to ask why. He was glad to be rid of her.

“Where’ve you been, Sticks?” Sed asked. “We’ve been waiting for you so we can leave.”

“Rebekah’s not ready yet. She’s still packing up equipment.”

“She can ride on the pigsty bus with the other roadies,” Sed said.

“We need to get home. I know you get laid every two hours, but I’m about to explode.”

Brian nodded in agreement. Jace was blushing and texting on his cell phone feverishly, which meant he and Aggie were sexting each other again.

“I’m good,” Trey said around his lollipop. Undoubtedly, he’d gotten a little action after the show.

“I’ll go tell her to hurry,” Eric said and sprinted off the bus. No way in hell was he riding on a bus for fourteen hours without her.

He didn’t know how the other guys handled being away from their respective ladies for days and weeks at a time.

He almost bumped into Rebekah as she hurried out of the building carrying a case. He scooped it out of her hands. “Let me get that.”

“You are supposed to be wait—”

“Eric, come on or we’re leaving without you!” Sed yelled from the tour bus.

“Are you almost finished?” he asked her. “If you don’t hurry, we’ll be forced to ride on the pigsty bus.”

“The guys are going to load all the stuff. I was on my way to deliver your punishment and thought I could drop off that case on my way.”

He slid the case into the back of the moving van, lifted her onto his shoulder, and headed for the bus.

“Eric, this is no way to treat your teacher. You are in big trouble.”

He heard the laughter in her voice and couldn’t wait to see how much trouble he could get into before they made it to the bus.

He paddled her rump playfully. “I’m guessing the naughtier I behave, the more I’m going to enjoy this.”

“I don’t know about that. Maybe I’ll make you wait for it.”

“You wouldn’t! You make me write all that kinky stuff, get me all worked up, and then you’re going to let me suffer?”

“I haven’t gotten the chance to read it all yet.”

He set her down on the bottom step. “Can I have a kiss before you start abusing me?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s cold out here,” she said, staring into his eyes. For once he wasn’t looking down at her; they were eye to eye. And despite the chill in the air, he felt himself melting under her heated gaze. “I love you.”

He wondered if she’d like a new wristwatch or perfume or a yacht or a private island in the Caribbean or something. She kissed him before he could say he loved her back, but she knew how he felt. How could she not? Their tender kiss quickly turned heated.

He was tugging on her clothes.

She was tugging on his hair.

He pressed her against him so he could feel her soft breasts against his chest. His hands slid down to her luscious little ass. He found his paper in her back pocket. Maybe he should take it back before she got the chance to read it. Somewhere in that essay, he’d admitted some pretty embarrassing desires he had for a certain bandmate’s college professor wife. Rebekah had pushed that button by bringing up the naughty schoolboy scenario. Myrna Sinclair always made Eric feel like a naughty schoolboy. He just hadn’t recognized how much he’d wanted her to exert her authority over him until he’d started writing his essay to Rebekah. He no longer had an interest in Myrna fulfilling that fantasy. Not when he had Rebekah. She didn’t fulfill one of his fantasies. She fulfilled them all.

Someone cleared his throat somewhere above them. Eric forced his lips from Rebekah’s and glanced at Sed, who looked ready to strangle him. “Are you saying good-bye or what?” Sed asked gruffly.

“Nope, we were making out,” Rebekah said. “His sexiness overwhelms me sometimes, and I have to kiss him.” Eric would have thought she was joking, but she maintained a completely straight face. Rebekah turned and trotted up the steps. Eric followed, knowing he was a slave to his desire for this woman, but not much caring at the moment.

He followed her to the bedroom. When they reached the door, she turned to look at him. “Wait here,” she said sternly. “I’ll come get you after I read your essay.”

She let herself in the bedroom and closed the door in his face.

She was totally going to leave him hanging. He just knew it. He sighed resolutely and went to sit at the dining table across from Jace, preparing for a horrible case of blue balls.

“You texting Aggie?” Eric asked and shifted uncomfortably on the bench.

Jace jumped as if he’d shot him. And the guy knew what that felt like from experience. Jace flushed and then tucked his cell phone under the table. “She misses me.” He grinned.

Eric reached across the table and slugged him in the shoulder.

“We should hang out over the break.”

Jace grinned even more widely. “Yeah, sure.” He glanced over his shoulder at the closed bedroom door. “Shouldn’t you be in there?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe she wants me to burst in there, throw her on the bed, rip her clothes off, and fuck her. Or maybe she really does want me to obey her and wait out here until my balls explode.”

They stared at each other in complete befuddlement. Trey hopped up to sit on the kitchen counter across from the dining table. He pulled his sucker out of his mouth. “What signals was she giving off?”

“Signals?” Was Trey speaking a foreign language? Eric had no idea what he was talking about.

“Yeah, signals. Women talk more with their bodies than their mouths.”

“Damn. That’s a whole lot of body yapping,” Sed said with a wide grin.

“You don’t listen to their bodies either. That’s why it took you so long to understand Jessica,” Trey said.

Sed scowled. “I listen to her body just fine.”

“But only during sex,” Brian interjected.

“How did she look at you? Like this?” Trey produced a comehither look that made Eric decidedly uncomfortable.

“Uh… no.” Eric would have remembered Rebekah looking at him like that. He wanted to forever wipe the memory of Trey looking at him like that, however. It was bad enough that he’d kissed the guy one lust-fueled night.

“Then you better wait,” Trey advised.

“Maybe I’m tired of waiting.” He grabbed the edge of the table to heft himself to his feet. He paused when the bedroom door opened.

Rebekah emerged in an outfit he’d never seen. His jaw dropped.

Rebekah strode confidently in his direction. She wore her hair in a severe twist, the blond strands arranged to cover most of the blue.

A pair of thick-rimmed glasses sat perched on the end of her nose.

Her propriety stopped there. Her tweed suit could only be described as revealing. The jacket had elbow-length, tight sleeves and buttoned under her breasts, drawing attention to her cleavage, and the plain white blouse unbuttoned low enough to reveal the edge of her lacy, white bra. A couple inches of her midriff showed above her tiny skirt, which was so short he could see her garters and the skin of her thighs above her flesh-toned stockings. Her wide-heeled, three-inch shoes made her legs look hot as hell. Damn. Eric stared. He couldn’t think well enough to do anything else. Not even the most basic things like breathing and blinking.

She stopped in front of him, her expression tight with displeasure, and touched the center of his chest with a ruler. “Mr. Sticks, I need to see you in my office.” The ruler caught him under the chin, encouraging his eyes to settle on hers. “Now, Mr. Sticks.”

She spun around and strode back to the bedroom. He got a flash of her bare ass before her flippy little skirt settled in place.

“Oh God,” Trey said, slamming his head against the upper bank of kitchen cabinets. “I practically gave her to you.”

Eric tripped over his feet as he raced after Rebekah. Heart hammering, he entered the bedroom and closed the door, leaning against it for support. She was pacing the room, his essay in one hand, the ruler in the other. Was she going to hit him with that ruler? God, he hoped so. He wished he could take his paper away and add that new fantasy to his list: spank me with ruler. His heart thudded harder and harder as he watched her read his essay, using the end of her ruler to keep her place as she paced back and forth near the foot of the bed. He couldn’t read her expression. He’d written pretty kinky stuff on those pages. Did it freak her out?

“This, Mr. Sticks, is a monstrosity,” she said.

Oh shit.

She read his words from the page. “I want your fingers up my ass while you suck my cock, rubbing some spot in there like that one time when Myrna sucked off Brian in the hotel bathroom.”

Eric was simultaneously appalled and excited to hear her read it aloud.

“That is a run-on sentence, Eric. It will never do.”

She was grading his sentence structure? Seriously?

“I’ve never seen a guy come so hard,” she read. She shook her head. “Pathetic grammar.”

“I never saw a guy come so hard?” he attempted to correct himself.

She smiled at him. “That’s better. Unbutton your pants. Show me what you want me to suck.”

He couldn’t get his cock out of his pants fast enough. She ran her ruler gently down his sensitive length, and he shuddered.

“Why are you so hard, Eric?” she asked.

He gasped excitedly and closed his eyes so he could concentrate well enough to speak. “Because you’re so hot, Rebekah.” He opened his eyes and reached for her, but she stopped him by poking him in the chest with her ruler.

“Ms. Blake,” she corrected. “Take off all your clothes. I want to see if the rest of you is as fine-looking as that long, hard cock.”

She watched him appraisingly as he stripped. When he stood before her naked, she ran her palm over his flesh, as if inspecting him for flaws. His belly quivered beneath her touch.

“Yes,” she purred. “Perfect. Looking at your body makes my pussy sopping wet, Mr. Sticks. How naughty of you. You should try to be less sexy. It’s not proper to make your teacher want to fuck you.”

She’d probably read about how much he liked her to talk dirty.

She leaned over, her face inches from his straining cock. “Is this for me?” Her tongue slid out between her soft pink lips and collected the bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip of his cock.

His abs contracted involuntarily.

“Yes,” he gasped. “For you. It’s hard for you.”

Her tongue slid around the rim of his cock head, causing thousands of pleasurable sensations to ripple up his spine. She squatted and tilted her head back so he could watch his cock sink into her sweet little mouth. She sucked him deep until she couldn’t swallow any more of his length and then drew back until he popped free of her lips. She rose and sauntered toward the bed. When he moved to follow her, she held a hand in his direction.

“Stay where you are,” she said. “I’m not finished with you yet, naughty boy.”

He froze and leaned against the surface of the closed door.

“You want my fingers up your ass?” she asked.

He bit his lip and nodded.

“While I do what?”

“Suck my cock.”

She collected a pillow from the bed, bending unnecessarily across the mattress as she reached for it. She somehow managed to flip up her skirt to give him a glimpse of her rounded bottom and the white string of her thong. He clutched his hands into tight fists to keep himself put. She hugged the pillow to her chest and opened the drawer next to the bed. She retrieved a tube of lubricant. Was that for him? Was she going to shove her fingers up his ass like he’d mentioned? By the time she tossed the pillow at his feet and knelt on it before him, he was a tangle of nerves and anticipation.

“I’ve never done this before,” she said, looking so beautiful on her knees that he was tempted to take a picture, blow it up to poster

-size, and hang it on the underside of the bunk above his. “You’ll have to let me know if I find the spot or if I hurt you.”

He closed his eyes and nodded. Oh God, she was really going to do it. He’d fantasized about it for months. It probably wouldn’t live up to his expectations, but he was eager to find out.

His cock entered the warmth of her mouth. The gentle tug of her suction as she bobbed her head made his balls tighten. Her hand touched the inside of his thigh, and he almost leapt out of his skin.

His entire body taut, he breathed heavily to calm himself. Maybe the fantasy was better than reality. Maybe he should stop her now.

She cupped his balls and gently massaged the loose skin, driving him insane with desire. When he relaxed again, her hand moved from his balls, and he heard her squirt lubricant onto her fingers. She urged him to spread his legs wider by pressing on the inside of his thigh with the back of her wrist. He loosened his stance, but tensed when her cool, slippery fingers pressed against his ass.

“Wait,” he gasped. Too late. She pressed upward and slid a finger inside him. It felt weird. And somehow satisfying. He relaxed after he became accustomed to the sexy invasion. He grunted in protest when she pulled her finger free. Was she finished?

“I liked it,” he admitted, getting caught up in the tug of her lips on his cock as she sucked him. He looked down and found her applying more lube. So she wasn’t done.

She slid two fingers inside him this time, filling him in a way he’d never been filled before. When she slid her fingers in and out of him—driving deeper, deeper—he began to tremble uncontrollably.

“Oh God, Rebekah,” he groaned.

Her fingers moved inside him. Seeking. Pressing forward. He shuddered hard when she found it. “Right there,” he sputtered.

She sucked him hard then, rubbing against something inside him that made him come so hard he could scarcely stay on his feet. His vision blurred as she bobbed her head faster, sucked harder, rubbed and rubbed against a perfect little place she’d discovered. He couldn’t stop coming. Excited beyond comprehension, he grabbed the back of her head to hold her still while he spurt into her throat. After his fluids were spent, the pleasurable waves pulsated through the base of his cock, up his ass, and deep inside.

“You have to stop,” he panted. “Oh please, oh please.” With one hard shudder, he found he was coming again. Not ejaculating, but coming. “Rebekah?” His fingers tightened in her hair, and his back arched until the back of his head slammed into the door. And she kept him there, suspended in ecstasy for so long he thought he’d pass out. When his body stilled, she pulled her fingers free, leaving a strange, wet, inside-out feeling in their wake.

She released his cock from her mouth, and he forced his eyes open to look at her.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

His response in the affirmative was no more than the flutter of his lashes as his eyes tried to roll into the back of his head.

“Did I do it right?”

He slid down the door, his feet sliding out from under him, and collected her in a tight hug when she came within reach. “Mmmm,” he murmured, his thoughts languid and body exhausted. “Love you,” he managed and landed a kiss somewhere on her head.

“Love you too. Are you finished for the night?”

He shook his head. “Give me a minute. That was fucking incredible.”

He held her as he caught his breath. After a long while, she pulled away and climbed to her feet. Looking at her in that hot little outfit, with those geeky glasses and her hair coming loose from its knot, had his cock stirring with renewed interest.

“Get up, stand at the end of the bed, and don’t move,” she said.

“I’m going to wash my hands, and then I’m going to show you how hot and wet my pussy is for you right now. You are going to watch me make myself come as punishment for making me want you.”

Oh, hell yeah. She really had read his essay. Eric climbed to his feet and stood facing the end of the bed to wait. He squirmed. Still wet with lubricant, his ass felt really weird. That anal probe had totally lived up to his expectations though. Wow. No wonder Brian had married Myrna.

Rebekah left the room. It felt like an eternity before she finally returned. Jace was with her. Eric’s heart skipped a beat. He’d participated in threesomes with Aggie and Jace. He’d mentioned them in his essay. Described how good it felt to have Jace’s cock sliding against his while they’d both been buried inside Aggie. Shit. He wished he hadn’t mentioned that. Eric hoped Rebekah didn’t plan on hooking up with Jace. Eric didn’t care how hot threesomes were or how much pleasure a woman might receive when stuffed with two cocks. Eric was not sharing Rebekah with anyone. Not even his best friend.

Jace crouched at Eric’s feet and fastened a thick leather cuff around his ankle. Jace secured the cuff to the leg of the bed with a chain.

Eric scowled. “What are you—” Rebekah cracked him on the ass with her ruler. “Quiet,” she demanded. “He’s helping me make sure you don’t participate while I pleasure myself.”

After both of Eric’s ankles were secured to opposite legs of the bed, Jace bound Eric’s wrists together behind his back. He secured Eric’s ankles together with a short chain and then fastened another chain behind Eric’s back to connect his wrists to the chain between his ankles.

“He won’t be able to bend forward,” Jace said.

Eric tried it. Just an inch of bending, and Eric’s shoulders and hamstrings protested in pain. “He’s right.”

“If he tries to squat, he’ll lose his balance and fall,” Jace said.

“His knees and ankles will hurt like a son of a bitch.”

Eric would take his word on that one.

“And if he stands there like a good boy?” Rebekah asked.

Jace grinned, his typical cuteness overshadowed by the wicked gleam in his eyes. “He doesn’t have a choice.” He handed something to Rebekah. “Use these if you really want to drive him insane.”

Eric tried to see what they were doing behind him.

“How does this work?” she asked.

Jace leaned close to whisper into her ear. Eric could see him demonstrating something, but he couldn’t turn his head far enough to see much.

“Thanks, Jace,” she said.

Jace shook his head as he inspected his handiwork. “Damn, I miss Aggie.” He let himself out of the room.

Eric glanced behind his back at Rebekah. “What did he give you?”

She moved to stand beside him and leaned against his side.

“Things for punishing naughty boys.”

He felt something against his ass. “What?”

With one motion, she filled his ass with something hard and cold and just thick enough to keep him aware of its possession.

She massaged the plug she’d inserted in his ass until he squirmed, and his cock was as hard as granite.

“You like that, don’t you? Admit it. It feels good to have that inside.”

“Yeah. I like it.”

She stepped behind him, her skirt brushing against his restrained hands. She slid a cock ring in place, moving it all the way to the base of his erection and then fastened some leather harness around his balls and connected it to the cock ring.

She stroked his cock until it was so swollen it ached. The butt plug, the harness around his nuts, and the cock ring took him to that instant right before climax and held him there. He groaned in torment.

Rebekah crawled onto the bed in front of him. She stretched out on her back and spread her legs. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see under her skirt, and when he bent slightly to catch a glimpse, his restraints had him straightening in an instant. Still fully clothed, if you considered her revealing outfit clothes, Rebekah massaged both breasts.

Her hand slid down her belly and under her skirt. She rubbed her clit through her panties. The sound of her juicy pussy begging to be filled made Eric’s cock throb painfully. Her hand disappeared into her panties, and he knew she was sliding her fingers into her body, but his view was obstructed.

“Show me, Rebekah,” he pleaded. “I want to see.”

“Do you want to see my fingers sliding in and out of my slick pussy?”


“They feel good in there,” she whispered, her panties moving with the movement of her hand. “I’m so turned on by my naughty boy that I think I might come soon.”

“I wanna see when you come.”

“Oh, I’m so wet and swollen and hot, Eric. You make me that way.”

“Take your panties off,” he requested. This was driving him crazy.

“I’m gonna come,” she gasped. “Oh. Oh.”

She shuddered hard, her body writhing across the mattress, and he couldn’t see a damned thing. “Rebekah,” he gasped. He understood now why she’d restrained him. She wanted to torture him until he died from lack of gratification.

“I want your cock inside me,” she said. She moved to her hands and knees and backed up to the end of the bed where he stood. She tugged her panties to one side and rocked backward, seeking his cock. He watched in torturous bliss as she missed continually. The fact that he couldn’t do anything but watch and wait for her to find him drove him to distraction. She didn’t seem to improve her aim at all. She kept bumping her hot slit against his oversensitized cock head, not letting him sink into her body.

“I can’t take much more of this,” he growled.

He slid into her an inch. He gasped, his head dropping back in bliss. She rocked back and forth, taking him shallow. He wanted to plunge forward, but couldn’t without risking injury, so he had to stand still and let her have her way. His balance was already compromised by the restraints, and the movement of the bus as it climbed a hill put him in further jeopardy of falling.

She crawled forward after a moment and turned around. “I bet I taste good,” she said. “What do you think?”

“I know you taste good.”

She sucked her cum off the head of his cock. He could feel the beginning pulsations of orgasm at the base of his dick, but he couldn’t attain the release he so desperately needed.

“You’re right. I do taste good,” she said. “Would you like to watch me eat out another girl?”

He thought about his answer carefully, because he, like most any guy, had fantasized about watching two sexy girls get it on. But he, unlike most guys, had witnessed it more times than he could count. He’d loved the experience every time but had no desire to see Rebekah’s sweet mouth on anyone but him. Not even another girl.

“No,” he said after a moment.

She seemed surprised by his answer. “I thought that would be your ultimate fantasy.”

“You and me alone. That’s my ultimate fantasy.”

She smiled. “Oh, naughty boy, when you say things like that, I want to fuck you even more.”

“Have I been punished enough?” he asked breathlessly.


She peeled her panties off and spread out before him on her back again.

This time he could watch her fingers rub her clit and disappear inside her silky pussy over and over and over again. It took her forever to come, and when she finally did, he figured she’d let him off the hook. Nope. She kept right on pleasing herself as if he didn’t exist, and his needs didn’t matter.


She lifted her head. “What?”

“Can I come now?”

She glanced at his cock and licked her lips. “Damn, you’re swollen,” she said, “but no, not yet.”

She retrieved one of her vibrators from the side table drawer.

When she plunged it inside her pussy, Eric’s entire body went taut.

“This is too cruel,” he muttered.

“You didn’t think punishment would be fun, did you?”

“Yeah, actually.”

“So this isn’t turning you on? I thought you liked to watch.”

“Yes, it does, and I do, but I’d rather participate.”

“I don’t remember reading that in your essay.”

“I don’t remember writing anything about restraints and butt plugs and cock rings either.”

“That’s true. Okay, I’ll remove one thing. You choose.”

“Arm restraints. My shoulders are starting to ache.”

He breathed a sigh of relief when she climbed from the bed and started unfastening the restraint on his left arm. His shoulders weren’t really aching, but if his arms were free, he could put an end to this ceaseless torment. When his arm came free, he resisted the urge to grab her. She surprised him by removing his other wrist cuff and then squatting down to free his ankles too.

“Why are you releasing me?” he asked as the last restraint fell free.

“Because your naughty teacher can’t wait any longer. She wants you to fuck her now.”

He picked her up and tossed her in the center of the bed. She laughed until she saw the intense expression on his face. He climbed on top of her and plunged deep with one hard thrust. Her pussy had never felt hotter or tighter. He thrust into her hard and deep, finding that if he ground his hips, it moved that plug in his ass in ways that made him quiver inside.

“Oh God,” he groaned, having never experienced this level of pleasure. It felt like he was coming, but the feeling never abated.

Instead, each gyrating thrust intensified it. Made him feel like he was coming harder. And harder. How?

Still thrusting, Eric unbuttoned Rebekah’s sexy little suit jacket and shoved it open. Finding his progress impeded by a white blouse, he ripped it open and grabbed her breasts. Pushing them together, he tried to fit them both in his seeking mouth, bra and all. Rebekah arched her back and reached behind to unclasp the garment. She fought with her clothes, trying to get naked. Watching her thrash around impatiently fueled him to thrust faster.

“Oh God, Eric. Your cock is so huge.” She managed to get one arm out of her suit jacket and blouse. She grabbed his hair and pulled.

He winced in pain. Fucked her harder.

“Pull my hair, Eric.”

When he complied, her body buckled, and she came. He shuddered as he tried to come with her, but the cock ring held his release back. His vision blurred as pleasure coursed through him and then receded enough to let him keep going. “Oh dear God, thank you for inventing the orgasm.”

Rebekah chuckled. “I second that.”

“And the cock ring.”


He continued to plunge into Rebekah’s spent body until his next orgasm gripped him. This one was hard enough to make him spurt despite the tight ring around the base of his cock. He almost passed out, it was so intense. He clung to his woman, crying out in bliss, and then collapsed on top of her, breathing hard from his exertions.

She trailed a lazy hand up and down the sweat-drenched skin of his back. “Has my naughty boy been sufficiently punished?” she asked, kissing his shoulder tenderly.

“Ask me that again in an hour.” He snuggled his face against her neck. “Right now, I can’t even move.”

Luckily, she didn’t seem to mind that he was squashing her beneath him. “Eric?”


“We’re going to keep seeing each other even when we’re not on tour, right?”

“Of course.”

“Do you live in LA?”

“I’m kind of out in the country actually.”

“Really? Can I come visit you?”

He was almost asleep, so he spoke without thinking, “I’d prefer if you just stayed with me the entire six weeks.”

“Okay,” she agreed immediately.

“Okay?” He lifted his head to look at her. He figured she’d protest. At least a little.

She smiled and nodded. “Make sure you bring all our costumes.

I plan on working through your entire essay and then giving you some new things to fantasize about.”
