Chapter 7

In the darkness, Rebekah rolled onto her back and stared at the bunk overhead. Trey slept up there. She could hear his soft snores.

He hadn’t spoken a word to her all evening. She’d had fun with the other guys, but Trey was obviously avoiding her. She rolled onto her side, restless and horny. She regretted making Trey and Eric stop their combined seduction more and more with each passing minute.

Maybe they wouldn’t notice that her body was weird. It had been almost two years since her surgery. Maybe things were better now.

How could she know if she didn’t try?

Feeling claustrophobic in her little curtained bunk, she tugged the curtain back. Across the way, the light in Eric’s bunk was on. He looked up from the book he was reading. When she tried to see the title on the spine, he shifted it so she couldn’t read it. The tease. Like her. Did Trey really think she was a cock tease? She hadn’t meant to be. It had just sort of happened that way.

Thinking about what had almost transpired in the garage made her skin hot. And being on a bus with five virile men all evening didn’t do much to cool her off. She kicked off her covers and rolled onto her back again. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned her head enough to catch Eric watching her. She followed his piercing gaze to her cleavage. The way he looked at her made her want to feed his desire. Maybe she should try sex with Eric.

He’d probably be less critical of her body than Trey would be. She wasn’t sure what compelled her to tug her loose tank top down until one bare nipple appeared above the neckline. Eric’s excited gasp made that nipple bud into a hardened point.

Jeez, why did her nipples get hard every time that guy looked at them? Annoyed, she rubbed a hand over her breast, trying to get her reaction under control. It only managed to make her nipple harder.

Probably because it felt so good. Damn, she was horny. Her sex drive had been nonexistent for almost two years. This was a welcome, though unexpected, change.

Eric’s book tumbled to the floor, and she looked down at it.

Shakespeare? Really? She glanced at him and found him watching her with a look of unquenchable desire on his ruggedly handsome face. Did he like watching her rub her own breast that much?

She plucked at her nipple with her fingertips to see how Eric would react. He shifted in his bunk and took a deep, shuddering breath. If she kept going, would he get excited enough to touch himself? She licked her lips. Their eyes met. She wanted him to become so aroused that he couldn’t help but touch himself.

She used her toes to yank her curtain open farther. She then pulled her top down in front until both breasts were fully exposed.

Pretending she wasn’t putting on a little show for Eric, she pressed her breasts together, rubbed them with her palms, and plucked at her nipples until they were both standing at rigid attention. She licked her fingers and slid the wetness over her pebbled flesh. She wondered what Eric’s strong fingers would feel like against her nipples.

The memory of his thumb against her lower back and the instep of her foot had her attempting to copy his technique. She cupped one breast in each hand and rubbed her thumbs over both nipples in firm, repetitive circles. While no substitute for the real thing, it did feel good. Knowing he was watching her made it feel a thousand times better. Her eyes drifted closed, head tilted back, mouth dropped open. “Oh, yes,” she whispered.

Across the aisle, Eric gasped brokenly.

Did he think she was sexy? Or just pathetic?

“Eric.” She hadn’t meant to say his name. She bit her lip and peeked at him through one half-closed eye.

His blue eyes were glazed with desire. For her? She slid a finger into her mouth and sucked. He pressed his tongue against his upper lip then eased his curtain open, revealing a hard-muscled, long, and lean torso. He had perfectly sculpted arms, shoulders, and chest. A drummer’s body. She could see the hint of his washboard abs. A small ring pierced one nipple. Unfortunately, the curtain obscured his lower body. Was he entirely naked? She wished he would open his curtain and let her see the rest of his body. His cock. She wanted to see it. Was he hard?

She slid her finger into her mouth to wet it. She then rubbed it over her aching nipple and down the center of her belly. Eric’s chest rose and fell with excited breaths. He shifted and fumbled with something behind the curtain below his waist. He sucked a breath between his teeth, and his eyes drifted closed in bliss. Oh God, was he touching himself now? She couldn’t see what he was doing below the waist, but his arm was moving rhythmically.

His eyes opened and he rubbed his face against his pillow, his mouth open. Wow, he looked sexy. Did she look that sexy to him? She lowered her hand and cupped her mound through her pajama bottoms. She was hot. And getting wet. It took a lot to get her wet, but that look on his face had her fluids flowing freely. She wanted to touch herself while Eric touched himself. And she wanted him to see her do it.

She glanced at the bunk above Eric’s where Jace slept to make sure his curtain was closed completely. Heart thudding with excitement, Rebekah pushed her curtain open farther. She glanced across the aisle, waiting for Eric to reciprocate. He watched her, his head tilted back slightly, his arm still moving with the same rhythm, but he didn’t open his curtain, didn’t show her what she wanted to see.

She could tease too.

Rebekah removed her tank top and matching pajama bottoms, leaving her in nothing but her panties. She rolled onto her side, presenting her back to Eric. She played with her breasts, not sure which excited her more: knowing he was watching, or the actual attention she paid to her flesh. Okay, who was she kidding? Knowing he was watching was all the appeal.

She heard his curtain slide. She looked over her shoulder wondering if he’d shut her out. No, he’d opened it farther. She could see Eric’s navel now and his forearm moving against his belly as he stroked his cock, but she still couldn’t see what she really wanted to see.

Her back still to Eric, she ran one hand over her ass. Eric sucked a breath through his teeth. He liked that, did he? Would he like to see more?

She rolled to face him and thrust her breasts forward, rubbing her hands over her belly, sides, and hips with a featherlight touch.

When she covered her mound with one hand and squeezed, Eric’s entire body jerked with excitement. She wanted to show him more.

Show him everything.

Rebekah eased her panties down her thighs, removed them, and tossed them across the aisle into Eric’s bunk. His breath caught. He picked up her panties with his free hand and pressed them to his nose. He inhaled deeply and then shuddered.

“Oh dear God,” he groaned.

Trembling, Rebekah spread her thighs and tested her excitement. Her pussy was delightfully wet. Her lips swollen and achy. She brushed two fingers against her clit and jerked with excitement. She hadn’t been this worked up since before her surgery. The doctor had said she’d never get her sex drive back. Heh, wrong, Doctor Dumbass.

Rebekah rubbed her breast with one hand, the excited flesh between her thighs with the other. Her pleasure built until she was writhing with excitement in her bunk. Oh. Oh? Was she going to come? She couldn’t do that anymore, could she? She hadn’t been able to with Isaac after her hysterectomy. Don’t think about him, she chastised herself.

Rebekah rolled onto her back and ran her hands down over her belly and between her thighs. She opened her legs and slid two fingers inside her pussy. She was so wet. Couldn’t remember ever being this turned on. She wanted Eric to see. To see her plunging her fingers into her own body. She turned around in her bed so that her head was at the foot and rolled onto her stomach, trying to find a position where he would be able to see the most. She moved her bent legs up under her belly, her knees just under her ribs, and spread her legs wide.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

She moved her arm beneath her body, down its center, between her legs. She stroked at her throbbing clit, undulating her hips in excitement. Could he see what she was doing? She plunged two fingers into her pussy, and Eric cursed under his breath. Oh yeah, he could see everything. She turned her head, her left cheek pressed against her mattress so she could watch his face. Her excitement built as she stroked her clit and drove her fingers deep into her slick passage. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as her body convulsed with release.

She felt the clenching of her pussy around her fingers as the ripples of pleasure pulsed through her. Rebekah collapsed and stretched out on her side, still trembling with the aftereffects of her orgasm. The first she’d had in a long time. Way too fucking long.

Eric pushed his curtain back, revealing his long cock. She watched him stroke himself for several minutes, his fingers wrapped around his flesh, drawing up and down its length with gentle, fast strokes. She strained her ears to hear the sounds of flesh on flesh and the excited hitch in his breath. She had the sudden urge to want to come with him. She opened her legs again and stroked her clit with the same rhythm he used. She decided watching the look on his face was almost as sexy as watching his hand slide over his cock, almost as sexy as thinking about it between her lips. She sucked on the fingers of her free hand, wanting him in her mouth, wondering what his cum would taste like. She slid the fingers of her other hand in and out of her pussy, imagining him thrusting into her, longing to have his slim hips between her quaking thighs. The involuntary arch in Eric’s back told her he was close to release. She stroked her clit more vigorously, afraid she’d miss her chance to come with him. Watching the fluids erupt from his body, watching him catch his cum in his free hand, watching him rub it over his cock from tip to base while he stared at her through half-lowered lids sent her over the edge. She cried out as a second orgasm pulsed through her body.

The curtain above her opened, and Trey’s face appeared upside down over the edge of his bunk. “What are you doing down there?”

His eyes drifted over her nude body, to the fingers she still had buried in her pussy. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” He flipped himself out of his bunk and onto the floor. Still senseless with spent desire, she watched Trey reach in his bunk. She couldn’t figure out why he was inserting a metal stud through his tongue and securing it in place with a metallic ball. Couldn’t figure it out until he leaned over her body and buried his face between her thighs. He rubbed the bit of metal over her clit, and she cried out in surprise.

She grabbed two fistfuls of his longish hair, intending to push him away, but within seconds she was too busy writhing in pleasure to consider stopping him.

Trey’s tongue flicked against her with such perfectly timed precision, she became delirious. Rebekah shook her head side to side, knowing this much pleasure must be wrong. Trey’s hands glided up her body, hands skimming over her heated flesh. Goose bumps rose along his gentle paths. Her panting became gasping and then moaning. She had no sense of place.

Trey’s thumbs brushed over both nipples, and she cried out.

“Will you two take it to the bedroom and shut the fucking door?” Sed yelled from his bunk.

Trey lifted his head and Rebekah cried out again, this time in protest. He placed a kiss along the inner ridge of her hip bone.

“Come on,” he murmured, his voice husky with desire. For her. Trey Mills wanted her. She couldn’t quite grasp the concept.

Trey climbed to his feet, and her eyes fell on the tent in his shorts. Trey was hard. Excited by her body. A surge of lust flooded the apex of her thighs, and she shuddered. He offered her a hand and helped her to her feet.

“You coming, Eric?” Trey asked, catching Eric’s eye and nodding toward the bedroom.

Rebekah’s heart lurched. “What?”

“He likes to watch. You want him to, don’t you?”

She stared at Eric, who was still lounging in his bunk. She couldn’t read his expression. Bewilderment? Frustration? “Yeah. I want him.”

Trey tugged Rebekah toward the bedroom at the back of the bus.
