
Thanks, as always, to the usual crew of fantastic Novitiates who assist in the development of these books, including my editor, Jessica Wade, my agent, Lucienne Diver, and my continuity editor and assistant, Krista McNamara.

Very special thanks to Jesse Feldman, who offered valuable editing advice, and to Penguin’s fantastic publicity and marketing staff, including Jessica Butler and Jodi Rosoff, without whom no one would know these books existed.

Keely Buesing and Debi Murray provided very helpful advice on medical matters, and Nicole Peeler taught me an outlining trick that kept this book miraculously on track.

To the other fantastic romance and fantasy authors I’ve had the good fortune to meet at conferences over the last year, it has been an absolute pleasure, and I look forward to future shenanigans.

The heartiest of thanks to SHB, who has the unfortunate job of putting up with me when I’m days away from a deadline or sweating the small stuff. You’re the best.
