Chapter Seven

“Caitlyn Chase is leaving. Derrick Packard is driving her back,” Simon reported to central command.

“Good. Keep an eye on the house. I want to know the minute Malloy is vulnerable. Our Circ is standing by.” Command disconnected.

Some days it paid to be a normal human. Simon grinned, feeling superior once more.

For all that those dickhead Circs strutted around Pearson Labs, there were many instances where only a human could perform.

Take this cushy assignment. He had to watch the woman’s house. Due to the house’s isolated location, Simon remained a quarter mile away near a neighboring housing development, where he could better blend in. He’d planted surveillance equipment several nights ago, keeping watch on the woman he’d once seen with Caitlyn Chase -- the one that got away.

Malloy wasn’t bad. Big breasts, a nice ass, and dark red hair he could easily imagine digging his hands into. She didn’t have that same animal magnetism Caitlyn had, but then, from what he understood, she hadn’t changed yet.

That was what the surveillance was for. According to Pearl, the woman neared her time. She’d turn into an animal, one who wanted nothing more than to be fucked by her own kind. Able to sniff out any rogue Circs in the area, she’d alert the assholes with her of the PPA’s presence. Hence the need for a human operative. He blended in with the rest of her neighbors.

Simon sighed. So far, so good. English and Two Bears remained inside the house. Two Bears had recovered nicely, and English hadn’t taken enough damage the last time he’d seen him. Not enough to seriously mess up his sexual performance, at any rate.

Simon still wanted to know how Pearl received so much information on Circe’s Recruits, but the scientist remained closemouthed. No doubt he relished knowing what his original Circs were up to every second of the day. Then too, there was a rumor floating about that the PPA had a mole within its own ranks. Several subjects in the subbasement had expired sooner than anticipated, and computer files vanished, or so Simon had overheard Pearl tell McKinley in a moment of panic. Pearl suspected a traitor, as did Simon.

For that reason, Pearl kept his secrets hidden and had revised step two of the new Project Dawn’s timetable. The original plan had been to seduce Kelly Malloy and manipulate her away from Circe’s Recruits and Doc -- Dr. Evan Dennis. With worry of a traitor in their midst, Pearl had taken Simon under his wing and confided a few things.

Kelly Malloy was changing sooner than anticipated. Thanks to the rogue Circ attack in upstate New York, Ace Two Bears had been infected with a drug that, when passed to Malloy, would hasten her change. Apparently, Two Bears had fucked her well, because Malloy was in serious heat. The little slut had taken on Two Bears and English and was due to change any minute.

The cameras around her property would detect heat signatures and rises in pheromone levels. All Simon had to do was sit and wait, report back to his boss, and follow new orders.

Easier said than done. He frowned. It had been a week since he’d gotten laid. One thing he could say for the freaks in the basement, they craved sex. He could fuck as many of the females as he liked. So long as he kept them tied down and drugged so they wouldn’t change, he suffered no injuries, just mind-blowing orgasms. Or at least he had, until that bitch took over the test subjects and took away his clearance for the sublevels.

Sabrina Torrence. Talk about frigid. The only woman he’d met that had the nerve to deny him. As pretty as she was, she’d more likely freeze a man’s dick off than suck him dry when she opened those ripe lips of hers. Even McKinley had waited her out as she’d ripped Simon a new one. As if Simon should consider violating those things in the basement rape.

They were less than human. Who cared what he did with them? Or had done with them.

He glared at the monitor in front of him. It showed nothing more than the heat signatures of the people inside the house. All three occupants remained in separate rooms.

No sex there, and no sex in here. Simon knew he couldn’t let Torrence get away with her superior act. She was no better than him, just another peon in Elliot Pearl’s rise to greatness.

Except she didn’t yet know her place.

On her damned knees.

He knew how Pearl felt about her. He’d heard the man complain to McKinley on more than one occasion. Simon made up his mind. As soon as he finished this job, he planned to show Torrence just where she belonged in the new order at Pearson Labs. Under him. He hadn’t worked his ass off for the last four years to submit to her like some fucking dog. Simon had plans of his own. And he’d be damned if he’d let some geek with glasses, no matter how fine her tits were, get in his way.

The equipment in the van beeped, alerting him to the rise in temperature of the individuals in the house. Pheromone levels spiked. Finally. Simon called in his status and sat patiently. He’d wait it out and then make his move. He had his own secrets and his own agendas, ones that didn’t include Elliot Pearl, Circe’s Recruits, or Sabrina Torrence.

* * *

Ace stared at the bedroom door separating him from Zack, who had finally ventured into the hall bathroom for a shower. While Kelly and Caitlyn chatted, he’d wanted nothing more than to confront Zack about his bullshit attitude. But he didn’t. The feelings he had for Zack were too new. He didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing, like it appeared he already had. So he sat on the bed, his head in his hands, wondering where the hell it had all gone wrong.

He’d finally made his move on Zack. Both times, the man had come hard. Now nothing should have stood in their way when it came to claiming Kelly for their own. Unless Zack had changed his mind about sharing her? Ace’s beast rose in anger. Had Zack pretended to agree to share her in an attempt to lower Ace’s guard?

If so, Ace had foolishly compromised himself. He’d acted on the burgeoning feelings for his best friend, when he should have kept that part of himself secret. He’d never opened up to anyone before. Why had he thought now might be the time to try it?

A knock on the door shook him from his thoughts. He opened it to find Zack standing on the threshold. His hair was wet, and droplets slid down his firm, bare chest, snaking under the band of his shorts. Immediately, Ace’s anger receded. The beast within purred its acceptance, wanting his mate closer. Ace forced himself to shake free of his stupid desire. He didn’t read appreciation on Zack’s face. The man remained expressionless.

“What?” he asked more harshly than he’d intended. Zack didn’t flinch.

“Kelly’s going through her change right now. Let’s keep this calm and together, for her,” he emphasized, as if Ace wasn’t worth the trouble. “I’m not going to fight you. And you’re not going to fight me,” Zack said quietly, steel reinforcing his words. He shifted into his beast in seconds, ripping through his shorts with his claws when he could have easily slid them off.

Not as in control as you’d like to be. Ace found Zack’s lack of restraint comforting. So much for the stoic warrior making demands. Zack English wanted Kelly. And if Ace wasn’t mistaken, the gleam in Zack’s gaze as it ran over Ace suggested he wanted Ace as well.

“She needs us. Change,” Zack ordered in a low growl.

Ace kicked off his shorts and flowed into his second, stronger skin with ease. The feel of his muscles stretching and his bones rejoining no longer hurt. Instead, the transformation brought him closer to himself, to the heart that beat in his true breast.

He scented Kelly on the air, as well as Zack’s overpowering sexual desire.

“Don’t fuck around,” Zack warned and pulled Ace close. Zack sniffed him and focused on the faint bite mark at the crook of his neck, the mark Zack had given him the very first time they’d felt the mating heat. “Good.”

Ace didn’t have to wonder about Zack’s sudden acceptance. No matter how their human halves dealt with one another, Zack’s beast had already staked its claim. As had Ace’s.

Giving back, Ace grabbed Zack’s dick and rubbed a finger over the beading tip.

Bringing the fluid to his lips, he savored his mate’s taste. “Mine.” He nodded to the door, his nostrils flaring at Kelly’s wild, alluring scent. “And ours.”

Zack grunted, his eyes as dark as night. Turning on his heel, he stalked to Kelly’s bedroom and shoved open the door, Ace on his heels.

What they saw stopped them in their tracks. Kelly Malloy had changed. Over six feet of glorious feminine Circ stared back at them with challenge in her eyes. Her blue irises gleamed against the hardened honey skin over her face. Her red hair looked almost black and had lengthened, coming to rest over the curves of her hips.

She stood naked, her body arousing both men into a full lust. Ace could smell it in the air.

Kelly cocked her head. “Come.” She motioned them closer. “Give me what I need.” She sniffed, and her pupils dilated. She rubbed her tight nipples, pinching them and sighing at the pleasure.

Ace wanted to tackle her to the floor and mount her. Her breasts had enlarged in perfect proportion to the rest of her frame. He had an urge to suck those nipples until she came. His cock throbbed, wanting to feel her heat all around him. A glance to his left showed Zack similarly fixated. Which posed an interesting question. Who would sink inside her first?

Zack met his look and nodded to Kelly. “Follow my lead,” he murmured and stepped closer.

More willing to follow Zack when changed, Ace ceded to the larger male and stepped closer to Kelly. He was fully aware of the danger she presented. His beast sensed her need to control, to select what was hers by right. Just as he and Zack had come to an agreement those many years ago, now they had to allow for Kelly’s need to fight for her right to take her mates.

Kelly growled when they’d come close enough. Ace licked his lips, taken with her white fangs and long nails that gleamed purple at the tips. A hint of amusement lingered, the thought that not too long ago, she’d been painting her nails. So feminine, so soft --

She ripped a claw down his belly, and he roared.

Zack stopped him with a broad hand on his chest. “Not yet.”

Kelly opened her mouth to taste his scent in the air. A thin trail of blood trickled down his belly.

“Mine.” She stepped closer and cautiously knelt between his feet.

Ace’s cock grew harder, as stiff as iron. With Zack beside him and Kelly on her knees in front of him, he wanted nothing more than to ride his mates until he came.

Kelly pressed her mouth to the start of his injury and slid up his body to lick the blood away. The scratch had already healed, but the press of her lips against his flesh caused him to arch into her.

A soft hand gripped his balls in warning, and he stayed as still as he was able, his breath overly loud in the sudden silence.

“Mine.” Kelly’s tongue trailed back down his abdomen, her mouth resting above his pubic bone. She released his sac to cup him, then ran her hand over his taut shaft.

“Yes,” Ace hissed, grabbing the hand Zack used to steady him.

Kelly lifted her head to study his cock. She leaned closer to the fluid beading at his slit and licked it away. “Good.”

Ace groaned, unable to keep still.

Turning to Zack just a step away, Kelly lifted a hand, her claws at the ready.

“No,” he growled. “You want to taste me, you take what I offer.” He gripped his cock and held it out for her. “Lick it off.”

Zack’s dominance had a predictable effect on Ace. His balls drew tight, and he shivered, taken with the need to submit to his more powerful mate.

Kelly’s eyes flashed, but she didn’t disobey. She leaned close and stuck out a pretty pink tongue. With a soft stroke, she licked away the cream glistening on Zack’s cock.

“That’s it.” Zack suddenly grabbed the back of her head and held tight, but he didn’t pull her closer. “Now suck it.” Kelly balked, and Ace saw Zack’s hands tighten. “Obey me, mate. The way he does.” Zack nodded to Ace.

Ace understood exactly what Zack wanted. He stepped behind Kelly and caught her head, holding her in place. Zack released her and ran a hand up Ace’s arm to his chest. He pinched Ace’s nipples, and Ace pushed Kelly’s head forward.

She hissed at him as she opened her mouth over Zack’s shaft.

“That’s it. Good girl.” Zack remained still as Kelly worked him, but his gaze remained on Ace. “She’s sucking my cock,” he said, as if Ace couldn’t see it with his own eyes. “And after I come, she’s going to suck yours.”

Ace nodded, caught in the lust swirling around the room.

“That’s it, Kelly. Let me mark you.” Zack panted. As if he too were involved, Ace caught Kelly’s rhythm and continued to push her head over Zack, but only because she allowed it. Her scent drenched the air, and Ace had a hard time not coming as he rubbed his shaft against her back.

“Swallow it,” Zack roared as he spewed. Before he was even done, he pulled away, still coming. “Now him.”

Kelly turned around and took Ace into her mouth. Her nails scored his thighs as she swallowed him whole. Such bliss, such heat in her mouth. Her fangs lightly grazed his shaft, and Ace knew she’d retracted them, accepting both him and Zack as she touched them.

“That’s it, Kelly. So good, mate,” Ace rasped as he fucked her mouth. “I’m coming hard.” He couldn’t wait any longer.

“Not yet.” Zack forced her to back away, meeting her shouts and slashing claws with ease. “Bend over the bed, Kelly.”

“Fuck you. I’m not done.” Kelly’s snarl gave Ace a rush. Her aggressiveness was as arousing as her scent. A female Circ in her prime, and she was his to share. She wanted him.

Ace willed his orgasm away, wanting to last. God, watching Zack manhandle Kelly was so incredibly hot. His beast roared its approval, infatuated with Zack’s raw power, so at odds with the laid-back man he normally was.

“You’re done when I say you’re done,” Zack snarled back. “Now bend over the fucking bed.” He didn’t give her another chance to argue as he shoved her down and spread her legs.

“Ace, come take what’s yours. Ram her hard. Share your seed. She needs it.”

Kelly thrashed beneath them, but she lifted her ass when Ace mounted her from behind.

“Oh, yeah,” he rumbled as he slid deep inside her. “Such a hot pussy. So tight.” Ace began fucking her, thrusting in and out with deliberate roughness.

Kelly mewed and pleaded, wanting more.

Zack gave it to her. He rounded Ace and shoved his hand beneath her waist. “Feel that little clit. So hard, so moist.” He kissed her shoulder, nipping her when she turned her face away from him. “Watch me, mate. See me while Ace fucks what’s his.”

Breathless as he watched Zack kiss Kelly while he played with her, Ace started at the viselike clamping of Kelly’s channel.

His body reacted before he could think. He shot hard inside her, his climax obliterating his ability to feel anything but the drugging pleasure from Kelly’s body.

It was a moment before he realized Zack had mounted him as well.

“Lean over her,” Zack ordered, his tone gritty.

Ace didn’t have a chance to obey, because Zack forced his legs apart and slammed deep, his natural lubricant easing the way. His cock surged against Ace’s prostate, pushing Ace into another powerful orgasm as Zack continued to ride him.

Kelly moaned and contracted around him, caught in the heavy pheromones layering over the room. Sex invaded the small space, heaving bodies and the perfume of arousal drugging them all.

Zack shouted as he came, spurting inside Ace as Ace continued to come inside Kelly.

The three of them were caught in an orgasmic frenzy as scents and sound magnified. And then, as the crescendo of lust faded, their individual scents merged.

Ace sucked in his breath as the sweetness of their joining became clear.

Zack pulled out, and Ace did as well. He caught Kelly in his arms and laid her tenderly on the bed.

“Mine, both of you, mine,” Kelly breathed as she stared up at them in shock. Her breathing gradually calmed, and she blinked up at both of them in awe.

“Your beast is so damned pretty,” was all Ace could say and think as he stared down at her. He finally felt at peace, claimed by Zack, claiming Kelly. Right in the middle, where he belonged.

He sensed Zack behind him and tilted his head to the side. While Kelly watched, Zack pierced his skin with sharp fangs, right where he’d left his last bite. Ecstasy rushed through Ace in a riot of intensity.

Then Zack left him and knelt on the bed by Kelly. She stared at him for a moment before tilting her head to the side. Zack smiled down at her before marking her the same way. His mouth covered the area where her neck and shoulder met. He sucked hard before withdrawing gently.

“Mine. All mine.” Zack included Ace in his comments.

After cleaning up, the three of them lay down together, taking up Kelly’s bed so that they all had to sleep on their sides to fit.

“I hope the bed holds us,” Kelly murmured in a low, husky voice.

“If it doesn’t, no matter.” Ace nuzzled her neck. “I’ll hold you, and Zack will hold the both of us.” Ace nestled his groin against her ass, hugging her tight. He couldn’t help toying with her breasts, so full and plump. He wanted very badly to bite her there, to make his own lingering mark. But he didn’t want to overwhelm her so soon. It was enough he and Zack had finally claimed her as their own.

Zack was kissing her, and Ace couldn’t help himself. He reached over her hip to take Zack’s cock in his hand. Not surprised to find his friend hard and wet, Ace played with him while Zack continued to kiss Kelly.

His own body wanted more of her as well. The change ensured not only enhanced senses, but a sexual stamina that strengthened between mates. God knew he and Zack had fucked like rabbits many times before. But with Kelly between them, Ace didn’t think he could wait for her to catch up to them. And then he didn’t have to as she reached behind her to take him in hand.

Kelly could only feel as she lay between the two men she loved. Her beast had finally found freedom, and with it, Kelly opened up to a whole new world. Sights, sounds, and scents were magnified. She could literally taste the desire in the air, the sweetness of the seed she’d swallowed that already lay buried in her womb. The essence of her mates wrapped around her as well. Whereas before they’d been three, now they were one. And she wanted more.

Zack kissed her with skill, with need, and with pleasure. His cock pressed into her belly, still stiff and needing ease. She wanted to provide him that pleasure. But more than that, she needed to give it to him. Rocking back, she felt Ace’s desire as well. He slid between her ass cheeks, prodding at that virgin hole that needed something more.

Kelly groaned into Zack’s mouth, trying to tell him with her body what she needed.

“That’s it. That’s good, Kel.” Zack broke away, and she stared into his dark eyes. The pupils expanded so wide, his eyes looked entirely black. So inhuman. So sexy. And so hers.

“I want more,” she shocked herself by growling. Before she could demand they give her what she wanted, Ace and Zack took her ability to command her body from her.

So strong, her mates. Her beast purred with affection, thrilled when Ace pulled her over him. His form was massive, his muscles solid and large against her back. Zack loomed over them, spreading their thighs as he watched. His gaze fixated on her crotch, and he played with her pussy, pushing his fingers through the darkened red hair over her mound.

Then she felt Ace shudder beneath her and realized Zack had grabbed Ace’s cock.

“Sit up,” Zack told her. “Ace is wet, almost wetter than you. Our dicks produce a natural oil when needed. And Ace needs this as much as you do.”

Instinctively knowing what he meant, she braced herself on his chest as he lowered her onto Ace’s cock. Instead of reaching for her slick channel, Ace penetrated her anus in slow increments.

She panted, thrilled and alarmed to accept him in a place she’d never taken anyone before.

“That’s so fucking good,” Ace growled and held her hips tight.

“And so sexy,” Zack murmured, watching Ace work his way inside her.

So thick and large, Ace still had little problem sinking deep as Kelly settled over him.

Her body knew what to do, and she felt a small give before he stopped, fully seated within her.

She glanced up to see Zack’s cock in front of her nose. He crouched before her on the bed.

“Take it in your mouth, baby. Suck me, get me ready for that pussy again.”

Kelly wanted them both inside her. As she shifted over Ace and heard him groan, she took Zack inside her mouth. He tasted right, the perfect mixture of salt and sweetness that she wanted to experience once more. As she worked him with her tongue, she let Ace guide her up and down his cock, stretching her ass and pleasuring the sensitive receptors along that once-forbidden passage.

She’d never imagined anal sex could be so good and wondered if in her normal state she’d like it as much. She discovered that her body acclimated itself to sexual variety much faster when changed. Already she accepted Ace with little pain, only magnified pleasure.

Sucking harder on Zack, she rubbed his tightened sac and licked at the precum filling her mouth, wanting to set him off.

“Enough.” Zack pulled out and moved so quickly, she had no idea what he meant to do before he did it.

He latched onto her clit and sucked with voracious need. The pulls on her tender flesh, in addition to Ace’s ecstatic pumping, pushed her toward a climax she wasn’t ready to feel.

Not yet.

“No, wait.” She tried to stop him, but Zack only growled and sucked harder. He nipped with his teeth and licked. Over and over, filling her empty pussy with his long tongue.

Kelly climaxed with a scream, not conscious of much until she felt Zack over her, pushing her against Ace’s chest as he entered her pussy. He thrust with speed, and Ace whispered praises in her ear as she continued to come.

“So fucking tight.” He hissed. “Zack, I feel you inside her. Rubbing against her, against my cock. Oh, shit. Yes, yes, now!”

He groaned and trembled, spilling into her as Zack thrust once more and stilled. Zack groaned her name as he came, filling her to the brim. His seed slid down her crack and onto Ace, the scent of the three of them sweeter than anything she’d ever smelled before.

Zack took a moment before withdrawing. He helped her to disengage from Ace and laid her on the bed. He left and returned with several damp washcloths, then tenderly cleaned them all, providing for his mates before he joined them in bed once more.

Kelly could barely keep her eyes open. She yawned and stretched, suddenly aware she felt smaller. She glanced at her arms and saw normal flesh once more.

“How did I…?”

“It’ll become second nature,” Ace said as he nuzzled her cheek with softer, human skin.

“God, Kel, that was incredible. You’re ours now.”

Ours. Not mine. She liked the sound of that.

Zack chuckled on the other side of her, the bed dipping to accommodate his normal frame as well. “She’s still purring. A well-fed little cat.”

“Make that a tiger,” Ace murmured. “She sliced the hell out of my belly. Man, I love aggressive women.” He ran a hand over her shoulder. “You’re going to stay?” he asked Zack.

His voice was casual, but Kelly heard the tension he tried to hide.

Her beast suddenly sat up and took notice.

Zack sighed, and she relaxed. “I’ll stay. For now.”

But that was enough. Kelly fell asleep with her mates surrounding her, finally where she needed to be. Surrounded by the two men she loved. She’d found peace at last.
