Chapter Eight

As they turned onto the familiar street leading to Doc and the others, Kelly felt nervous. Though she’d spent the past week with her new mates -- not mates, boyfriends, she told herself -- she couldn’t get past the thought that everyone at the compound knew what she’d been doing with not one, but two men. She fiddled with the door handle in the front seat of her car, annoyed by the reminder that Zack’s vehicle was out of commission.

Apparently, he’d been in an accident the night he went “barhopping.” He had yet to explain what had really happened, and anytime she or Ace asked about it, he clammed up.

“She’s blushing again,” Ace teased, leaning forward from the backseat to kiss her cheek.

“Leave her alone.” Zack’s reprimand was soft, but the tension between him and Ace blazed as bright as the evening sunset.

Kelly had thought that by coming together as they had, in honest-to-God rapture, that the ill feeling between Zack and Ace would have disappeared. She’d watched Zack fuck Ace.

Had been there when Ace sucked him off before giving her similar oral bliss. There were no problems when the three of them were changed, which, come to think of it, was the only time they were all in one place at the same time anymore.

When in their normal states, Ace and Zack took turns being intimate with her. And the lack of one of her partners during sex bothered the hell out of her. As often as they’d been together, she knew there was no way Ace and Zack had problems with her. On the contrary.

They bought her groceries. Sent her flowers -- not carnations, but pink roses. Gave her small gifts, thoughtful things that told her how well they knew her. Sea horse figurines to add to her collection. Soft cotton clothing in various shades of blue, not to mention a naughty silk negligee that made both of them wild in bed. They each did everything she asked when she asked, so long as it didn’t involve the other. If she could ignore the tension between them, all was right with the world.

Then, inevitably, they’d have to deal with each other. Unspoken hostility seethed between them, which made matters worse. Zack avoided Ace. Ace then avoided Zack. Hell, she almost wished they’d pound each other and let out whatever festered between them.

But she didn’t want them to come to harm. They were so gentle with her. Zack and Ace had no problems working with her to teach her about the change, to control it at will.

Apart, they were wonderful teachers, patient and forgiving of mistakes. But together, the two were getting on her last nerve. The beast inside her demanded she take charge and make things right.

“I want you two to drop me off at the compound.”

“Uh, Kelly? That’s where we’re headed.” Ace glanced out the window. Caitlyn waved wildly from the front door as they approached.

“I don’t think you understand. I don’t want you coming in with me.”

“Why the hell not?” Ace growled.

Zack said nothing. He gripped the steering wheel in silence and stopped the car.

Kelly turned in her seat so she could see both of them. “I’m tired of the way you two are acting with each other. In case it’s escaped your notice, I love you both.” It was the first time she’d said it out loud, and it felt good.

“Kelly.” Ace smiled wide.

Zack’s gaze warmed with satisfaction.

“But I can’t handle you two at odds with each other. I’ve racked my brain to find a way to fix it, but I’m out of ideas. And don’t try to tell me nothing’s wrong,” she barked at Ace when he started that lame excuse. “I’m not an idiot. I know you two, and I know there’s a problem. Bottom line: you two are banished from the compound until you work this out. I don’t care what Doc wants from you or how many missions come up in the meantime. This is more important than any of that.” Dammit, she was talking about their family, their small trio.

“Kelly, I don’t think you understand.” Zack spoke quietly.

“No, I don’t. Zack, do you love me?”

Silence filled the truck. Kelly had never meant to ask such a question in a car, for God’s sake. But these two had pushed her past her limits. Even her beast had had enough.

“Yes.” His simple answer thrilled her.

“You don’t have to ask me,” Ace added. “I’ve been in love with you from day one.”

“And I love you too.” She smiled at Ace before turning her frown on the both of them.

“But I’m tired of the way you two are treating each other. You were friends long before I came into the picture. So if I’m not the problem --”

“You’re not,” they both assured her at the same time.

“Then you need to get your heads out of your asses and fix this. My beast is going nuts.

I can’t handle any more worrying. I have a bad feeling if you can’t solve this problem between you, the next time you’re called to handle a problem in the field, your attention won’t be at its best, either. You’ll be a danger to your teammates and yourselves until you settle this.”

“Kelly --” Zack began.

“No, she’s right.” Ace shocked her and Zack by agreeing with her. “Have a nice night with the gang. Make sure you sit next to Caitlyn or Doc. Not any of the others,” Ace warned, his eyes glinting with menace. “I’ll fix this, baby. Go have a good time, and we’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Zack scowled.

“Okay.” Kelly kissed Ace, a reward for stepping forward to do the right thing. She glared at Zack. “Don’t screw this up. You’re messing with our family.”

His frown softened, and he sighed. “Go have fun,” he said gruffly. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

They waited until she met Caitlyn by the door. Ace exited the car to move into the front seat, and they left.

“What was that about?” Caitlyn asked as she met Kelly.

An emotional tug-of-war churned inside Kelly. She’d just declared her love, had it returned, and then sent the loves of her life away. She burst into tears.

“Kelly! Come on, what’s wrong?”

“Those two have me pulling my hair out already. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when I’m pregnant.”

“You’re pregnant?” Caitlyn stared, shell-shocked.

“Not now.” Though the way she and her mates had been going at it, anything was possible. She’d never once thought of using protection, when by rights, she’d always demanded it of her partners. What did that mean? Satisfaction dwelled deep inside her, and she knew to blame her beast for such disregard.

“Oh.” Caitlyn sounded disappointed. “I’d like to be an aunt. Not a mother, not yet. But an aunt would be nice.”

Kelly laughed and dried her eyes, her emotions vacillating with the drop of a hat.

“Sorry for being so weepy. It’s just that Zack and Ace have been at odds for too long. I love them both, and it’s killing me that there’s so much tension in the house.”

“Speaking of houses…” Caitlyn wound an arm around Kelly’s shoulders. “Come on in.

Doc is dying to talk to you. And I’d like you to see some of the changes we’re making.”

“Changes?” It was then Kelly noted the large commercial trash bin on the side of the house.

“Yep.” Caitlyn glanced at the bin. “We’re expanding the grounds. While I don’t mind living in the house, I think too many of us mated chicks around the others without girlfriends is going to make them crazy. We’re building a few houses on the compound. With thirty-some acres, Doc has room to spare. I can’t wait to do some real decorating! Because honestly, Roane’s room is less than a challenge.”

Kelly couldn’t help sharing in her friend’s enthusiasm, when a sudden shiver chased its way up her spine. She stopped at the doorway to the house, unnerved.


“Never mind.” She shrugged it off. “Just my imagination.” That something’s out there isn’t friendly. As if anything could avoid detection on Doc’s property, with all the security around the place. “Now, tell me what Diego has for dinner and about these plans to decorate.

I’m all ears.”

As Zack drove them back to Kelly’s, he felt a surge of relief. It had taken a stubborn woman to do it, but she’d finally broken through Ace’s hard head. Maybe now the jackass would admit the problem. He’d been avoiding Zack for days. Why not just tell the truth?

Zack would have, but he hadn’t wanted to put Kelly in the middle of their squabble. With her gone, it was best to get it out in the open. He wasn’t surprised she’d felt the stress.

He couldn’t sleep, didn’t have much of an appetite, and felt as if something inside him was dying. Ace, from what he could tell, didn’t feel the same way. He still laughed and flirted outrageously with Kelly. And he had no trouble taking her aside to fuck her brains out at every available opportunity, as if by doing so, he could escape what his beast forced him to accept when changed.

They arrived at the house in silence. Ace preceded Zack inside. Zack locked the door behind him and turned around…into Ace’s fist.

The blow shocked him.

Ace took advantage of the fact and knocked him down with two more punches and a knee to the balls that had him groaning in agony. Trying to catch his breath, Zack curled into a ball, cognizant of little around him but the excruciating ache between his thighs.

Before he could catch his breath, Ace changed and cradled him in his arms.

“Sorry about that, but you’ve been asking for it for days.”

Zack was going to beat the shit out of him as soon as he could breathe again.

Ace carried him into his bedroom and tossed him onto the bed. He ripped Zack’s clothes off, then shoved Zack’s arms and legs apart, staring down at him with hunger in his eyes. “You’re acting like a shit, and I’m tired of it.”

“You’re tired of it?” Zack managed to say, lacking the strength to transform. For once, his inner beast remained quiet, shocking him as much as Ace’s attack had. Thank God the pain between his legs finally faded.

“Tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll fix it. But no more moping around. You’re acting like a goddamn girl. And don’t tell Kelly I said that.”

Zack only heard the accusation that he was like a woman, a statement too close to the hurtful teasing he’d imagined before crashing his car. Ace grabbed his wrists on either side of his head and held him easily in place. Fury pulsed, but still, Zack’s beast refused to emerge.

He belatedly caught the scent of lust in the air, his senses not as keen in his normal state as they were when changed.

“Let me take care of you. Then you can ream me for assault.” Ace chuckled and leaned forward, pressing his rough chest against Zack’s. He effectively pinned Zack in place with his massive body.

Having never dealt with a changed Ace when not in the same form, Zack didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t budge the strength of the hands that dwarfed his, nor could he move Ace off him.

To his further shock, he watched as Ace licked a trail from his collarbone down his belly to his cock. Hard at the first touch of Ace’s mouth, Zack squirmed to get closer or get loose -- he wasn’t sure of which at this point. “No. Don’t let your beast rule you now.” He tried warning Ace. “I know how much you hate this.” Which made it so unbearable for Zack to express his love with his mate time and time again, only to know how much Ace despised their sharing of physical affection.

Ace murmured something Zack couldn’t understand. Then he waited, for what, Zack wasn’t sure. Ace’s large hand between his legs clued him in quickly. The intense pain he’d felt faded under the pleasure soon stealing his breath. Ace knew just how to touch him, and the power abundant in his huge frame made this exchange an erotically charged challenge.

Zack was the one who gave the orders when it came to sex, not Ace. Yet his breath left him again as Ace took his erection deep inside his hot mouth. The light press of fangs slid over him before a thick, raspy tongue licked him from the head of his cock to his balls.

“Fuck.” He arched into Ace’s mouth, aware of the differences between their bodies. He couldn’t help wanting to touch his mate, but Ace wouldn’t let him.

“No. Just lay there and accept my apology.” Ace grinned at him, the sight of that beastlike face wearing a smile enough to plunge Zack hopelessly deeper into love.

Ace took Zack’s cock between his lips again. With a powerful tongue, he licked and sucked Zack to orgasm within moments.

Zack panted as he came hard, shuddering as Ace sucked him dry before licking and teasing his balls.

“You taste sweet,” Ace murmured, his scent growing darker, spicier with need. “Now I need to finish this, don’t I?” He laughed, a deep boom coming from a creature more animal than man.

He pulled Zack to the edge of the bed and nudged his thighs wide. Zack blinked to clear the haze from his mind. He saw the moisture surrounding Ace’s cock, the natural lubricant over his massive shaft signifying his desire. God, he’d split in half around that thing.

Ace changed back and released him, and Zack didn’t know what to think.

“It’s not my beast that wants this,” Ace said quietly as he penetrated Zack’s ass. He gripped Zack’s thighs as he eased through a passage long neglected. “It’s the man who loves you that wants more. I need this, Zack.” He panted as he pushed deeper. “I need you.”

Hearing what he’d been waiting for for so many years, Zack was helpless to stop his eyes from filling as Ace seated himself inside his ass. He blinked hard but felt a drop leak regardless.

“Don’t cry, babe. Then you’ll be a woman for sure,” Ace teased, his voice thick with desire. “God, I’ve been dreaming about this for so long. But you always have to be dominant, don’t you?”

He pulled out, the painful friction reminding Zack how long it had been since he’d been on the receiving end of a male relationship. Ever since he’d bonded with Ace during the mating heat, he’d foregone sex with other men. And even then, he’d rarely let another take him. He lost track of the time as Ace thrust in and out of him, fucking him so tenderly, like a man in love.

“You’re so tight.” Ace smiled with satisfaction and gripped Zack’s growing erection.

“It’s been a long time,” Zack rasped, caught in a new kind of heat.

“Waiting for me?” Ace asked as he took his time slamming back inside, grazing that pleasure spot within Zack.

Moaning, Zack fought to answer. “Always waiting for you. So long…”

Hearing that, Ace stopped being gentle and fucked him hard, mixing the pain with pleasure as he jerked Zack off. Zack couldn’t hold off his orgasm as Ace continued to nudge his prostate. As he shot over Ace’s hands, Ace swore and came, jerking as he spilled inside Zack.

“Yes, yes,” he breathed, clutching Zack in a tight grip. “Give me your cum, mate. All of it.”

He milked Zack, rubbing the fluid all over Zack’s balls, shaft, and belly. A caress that restored Ace’s hard-on. “Now ride this out while I take more of what’s mine,” Ace warned, fucking him all over again.

Zack lay there and took it as he allowed his inner beast to overtake his sexual response, as Ace must have. While in his normal state, he could respond sexually like his beast, insatiable and responsive in mere minutes, but he’d only tried it once before. The woman he’d been with at the time couldn’t handle it, so he’d turned it off. But now, with Ace…

Ace ramped up and came again, getting Zack hard in the process. He withdrew, still spurting cum, and dropped to his knees. He took Zack in his mouth and licked away his seed.

Soon enough, he had Zack coming yet again, purging himself of the frustrated need he had for his lover.

“Enough,” Zack pleaded, thoroughly sated yet still confused.

“It’ll never be enough,” Ace murmured. He left Zack to clean up and returned with a warm, wet towel. “Let me take care of you.”

Zack lay still, not used to this role reversal.

“What happened, Zack? What made you pull away from me?” Ace asked quietly. “I thought… I’d hoped after that massage and that time in the bathroom that you wanted me.”

“I did. I do.”

“Then why did you distance yourself? You’ve been hurting, and I sensed it. So did Kelly. It was tearing me up that you wouldn’t let me in to fix things. What did I do?”

Zack leaned up on his elbows, surprised at the intensity in Ace’s voice. “You really do love me, don’t you?” he asked in wonder.

“Hell, yes. You’re dense, you know that?” Ace ran an unsteady hand through his hair and flopped onto the bed beside him. “I know I haven’t been the easiest guy to get along with. I haven’t been as nice to you as I should have been for a long time. I apologize for that.

But tell me how to fix things, and I will.” He sought Zack’s hand and held it tight.

Amazed, Zack squeezed him back. “I love you, Ace. I have for a very long time. I knew you were uncomfortable with my bisexuality. I never pushed, never wanted more than you could give. Then the mating heat changed that.”

“It sure the hell did,” Ace mumbled.

“Our beasts knew each other, and I could love you the way I’d wanted to. But I knew you didn’t like it.”

“No, on that you’re wrong.” Ace sighed. “I liked it too much. I was afraid it would make me gay. It sounds really stupid now, but I couldn’t help thinking it then.”


“My dad was a homophobe, and I’m ashamed to say some of it must have rubbed off on me. I never realized it, but I’ve had so many problems with my feelings for you because of him. Man, I really hate that fucker.” Ace shook his head. “I love you, Zack. At first, we were brothers-in-arms. Then we were Circe’s Recruits together. You’ve always been my best friend, even when I didn’t deserve it.” Ace cleared his throat. “When the mating heat first started, it was like a nightmare for me. I had to fuck other guys, but more, I needed to fuck other guys. Don’t get me wrong. I like Hale, Derrick, and Roane. But I never wanted them the way I wanted you.”

“Really?” Zack couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Man, you have no idea how much I looked forward to the heat, when I’d feel you ramming that cock up my ass. It felt so good. You always made me come so hard, and your mouth…”

“Stop.” Zack groaned on a laugh. “I’m too tired to get hard again.”

“Yeah.” Ace exhaled heavily. “I felt weird about loving the mating heat when everybody else hated it. You never said anything, but I knew you didn’t mind it as much.”

Ace paused. “I saw you once kiss a guy.”

“I know.”

“And then we met Kelly, and I fell hard in love. But I still had feelings for you, and it confused the shit out of me. It took a long time, but after this last fiasco, I realized I could have died without ever experiencing us. I love you, man.” Ace sounded emotional, and Zack knew just what to say.

“Now who’s the girl?” he teased.

Ace rolled over on top of him and grinned, wiping away a tear. “You are, you pussy.”

He kissed Zack hard and hugged him tight. “God, the guys are going to ride me for this, I know it.”

“No one’s riding you but me,” Zack said gruffly and shoved Ace over onto the bed. He turned on his side and caressed him, unable to stop touching his best friend, his lover, his mate.

They lay peacefully for a moment before Ace spoke again. “So what did I do to fuck things up? Tell me, because I honestly don’t know.”

Zack felt like an idiot. “Ah, well, I might have been overly sensitive. If you call me a girl again, I’m going to knee you in the balls.”

“Sorry about that.” Ace had the grace to wince.

“Yeah, well, it’s okay now. Just don’t do it again. It hurt like hell.”


“Remember last week when we first took Kelly together? You were in some postorgasmic bliss when you told her how you thought of her during the mating heat. I don’t know. It just hit me wrong. I mean, whenever we went through it together, my only thought was of you. That you saw her instead of me while I was fucking you hurt.”

Ace blushed. “I, uh, well, it was true, Zack. I just didn’t tell the whole truth. The very first time we went into the mating heat, I did think of Kelly. I wished I could have been fucking a woman instead of going down on a dude. Sue me, but it’s still hard for me to acknowledge to others that I’m in love with a man. And that’s after years of animal sex.

You’d think I’d be used to it by now.”

“Oh.” Disappointed but not surprised, Zack tried to ignore the mixed signals and focus on the fact that Ace loved him.

“No, hear me out.” Ace took Zack’s cheeks in his palms to force eye contact. “I love you, Zachary English. The very first time we fucked, I tried to think about Kelly. I admit it.

But it was you who took me. You who showed me how right we could be together. We both love Kelly. I know you want her as much as I do. But this thing between us, it’s real. And it’s not going away.”

Zack warmed, falling in love with Ace all over again. “So you’re saying you love me, but you don’t want me giving you a handjob in front of the guys, right?”

Horror shone in Ace’s eyes. “Hell, no.” He narrowed his gaze. “Asshole. I’ll show you a handjob.”

Zack groaned. “Not now. Give me a break before my dick falls off. I didn’t know I could still harness that kind of sexual energy when not changed.” He sucked in a breath as Ace masturbated him. “Only you and Kelly can get to me like this.”

Ace smirked. “I know.”

“But remember, my beast won’t forget it. I’m still the dominant one in our relationship.” Zack tried to sound forceful, but he knew the moan that left him hurt his authority.

“That’s right, Z. Tell yourself you’re in charge while you come all over my hand.” Ace leaned in to nip Zack’s ear as he whispered, “Do you know how good you taste? How great you feel with that fat cock rammed up my ass?”

Zack strove for control but could only promise payback.

“I’m looking forward to it, lover.” Ace licked his lips. “I can’t get enough of that mouth of yours. Now come over my hands and let me taste you again.”

“I love you.”

“Back at you, control freak. Now, come hard.” Ace winked as Zack lost it. “Wait until I tell Kelly what she missed.”
