
It was questionable who let whom win that after-noon with their skills so evenly matched. In their new harmonious accord, however, they compromised, going hand in hand to ask what had to be asked, embarrassing not only themselves in the process, but Bessie and Rose as well.

After a constrained and stumbling interchange between the two parties, the duke and duchess were given a “proceed with reservations” answer that they observed with diligent caution and consider-able bliss in the months that followed.

In the fall, to the delight of the young couple, a healthy, robust heir was born at Monkshood. He was plump and pink, had all his fingers and toes in perfect order, sparkling green eyes like his mother, a charming smile like his father, and the sweetest of dispositions.

And any latent fears the parents may have had concerning the health of their child were instantly dispelled.

With the birth of their son, the lives of a young boy and girl who had been first, the best of friends; in time, lovers; and now as man and wife, the most celebrated and captivating love-match in the ton, were brought full circle.

And life was again as it had been in their youth.

Carefree and bright with hope.
