Chapter 12: A Whole New Year


In the interest of getting everyone from our two families together for at least a little while, the Evanses and my family decided to do things a little differently this year. Rather than split up at camp, we would caravan together to the Bay Area and stop at the Evans house. Dayna, Dawn, and Brandi would meet up with us, and we’d all spend an extra night together before my family continued on down to Orange County on Sunday afternoon.

And with my family carting around five kids and the Evanses only one, it just made sense to let me and Brooke ride down with DJ’s family. The Evanses had a big van, just like us. So Brooke got to stretch out in a bucket seat without fighting for position with her older siblings. And as long as we kept things down and promised not to actually have sex or anything, DJ and I could make out on the bench seat in the back.

Not that DJ and I spent the entire time making out. After all, there were a lot of hours and there’s only so much kissing two people can do, no matter how in love they feel. So DJ spent most of her time in the other bucket seat, chatting with her best friend, while I dozed in the back.

After a few hours, our two families rendezvoused at a McDonald’s for lunch and everyone intermingled. Brooke and I felt bad for leaving Adrienne with the twins and Brooke even offered to trade; but Adrienne said she was happy to listen to Eden and Emma chattering about all the things they’d done at camp, and she’d slept for a couple of hours as well. The younger ones were getting taller and having the extra leg room was worth the separation. And then it was back to the vans to continue our journey.

When we got back into position and got back on the highway, I found that my traveling companions had, for the most part, exhausted their topics of discussion. And since I was both awake and NOT preoccupied with kissing her daughter, Deanna Evans piped up and asked, “So, Ben? How are you and DJ going to continue this relationship over the next few months?”

I blushed and looked over to DJ, who was similarly embarrassed to hear such a direct question from her mother. Brooke glanced over at me and explained, “She already asked DJ, who told her you guys were just working it out as things came.”

I nodded and looked up the van’s interior to Mrs. Evans, answering, “Pretty much.” I didn’t have anything to say beyond that. DJ and I had agreed that we would continue being boyfriend and girlfriend, enduring the three-week separation before classes began for me at Berkeley. Once I returned to the Bay Area, we were less than an hour’s drive away from each other, and we would make the effort to meet up as often as possible.

And of course, we’d discussed the limits of our fidelity. DJ point-blank wanted to give me the freedom to fuck anything I wanted as part of her “best girlfriend ever” plan. But I told her I would keep things between our two families. After all, with Dayna, Brandi, Adrienne, Brooke, and the twins as my willing partners, I had more than enough to keep me entertained. For her part, DJ swore that mine would be the only dick she ever touched. But I wasn’t about to tell Deanna Evans all that.

Mrs. Evans ultimately just accepted my short answer, perhaps not expecting much more from a teenaged boy. But she did arch her eyebrow and glance at DJ and me before asking, “And have you two figured out what you’re going to tell Dawn when we get home?”

DJ immediately stiffened and even I grimaced with worry. Even though I still considered Dawn my best friend, I hadn’t thought much of her the past few weeks and I had failed to really consider her reaction to me dating her little sister. I mean, when I called her on her birthday, she had been quite upset to know that I’d been going with her little sister to our special clearing, considering it a form of trespassing. But despite how possessive she felt over that particular bit of nostalgic real estate, Dawn had been remarkably accepting of me and DJ fucking like bunnies throughout the summer, so I had some hope that Dawn would be okay with all this.

But DJ and I had not yet agreed to be together when I’d had that phone call. I’d had yet to realize that I loved the younger girl. And I had NO idea how Dawn would react to THAT. From the look on DJ’s face, she looked pretty freaked out as well.

Thankfully, the girls’ mom knew something and took pity on us. “Relax. She already knows.”

“She does?” DJ squeaked, looking scared.

Mrs. Evans nodded and gave us a soft smile. She exhaled and looked sweetly at her youngest daughter. “We’ve all known for years about your crush on Ben, dear.”

“You have?” DJ looked even more terrified.

Deanna nodded. DJ glanced over at Brooke and even my little sister shrugged and nodded as well. “It was pretty obvious,” Brooke stated.

I darted my eyes around at the three women. Even Mr. Evans, his eyes on the road, was nodding. How the hell did I not know?

“Anyways,” Mrs. Evans continued. “Jack and I called Dawn to wish her a happy birthday after dinner, and we found out that you had called her as well, Ben. Dawn was somewhat upset and started grilling me about what you and DJ were doing together.”

Then her eyes moved back to DJ. “We all assumed you would pursue Ben, dear,” she said gently. “But we were a little surprised to find him reciprocating your feelings.”

Her eyes came back to me. “We wound up speaking with Adrienne about it and I think we all had some concerns over your motives. Your recent breakup was an emotional variable we couldn’t ignore.”

“Then why didn’t you say something?” DJ interrupted. “I was SO expecting you to sit me down and interrogate the crap out of me.”

Mrs. Evans’ eyes softened. “About what? You’re in love, DJ. There aren’t any questions we could ask that we don’t already know the answers to. And we know Ben. It’s not like he’s a boy we’re unfamiliar with. So we spoke with Ben’s parents and collectively agreed to let things play out. If your feelings weren’t true, Ben, the people around you would have seen it: me, Adrienne, Brooke.”

She turned back to her daughter. “And if the real Ben turned out not to match the fantasy you’d built in your head, you would figure that out as well. At the worst, you two have had an enjoyable summer. I don’t think any of us was really worried you’d destroy the family relationships or anything.”

DJ and I had to grin at that.

“So,” Mrs. Evans continued. “The point is that we’ve been aware and observant of your developing relationship. And it’s only fair to the both of you to know that we’ve been keeping Dawn up to date on you two, as well. Ben, as we know, is very important to her and she deserves to know what he and her little sister are doing together. Now that may seem a little invasive, but we’re parents. That’s what we do.”

I blinked a few times and DJ and I looked at each other, weighing what had just been said. I mean, it’s not like we thought nobody knew about our developing relationship. But we’d been so engrossed in each other that we hadn’t stopped to think about how the people around us were reacting to it. After all, the universe used to have me and Dawn paired up and Brooke and DJ. Now we were changing the inter-family dynamics.

Mrs. Evans reached out from her spot and patted DJ’s knee. “This doesn’t change anything, dear. Your relationship will not always be smooth sailing. And the real world out there will be very different from the paradise of being at camp together. Not to put too fine a point on it, but look at what happened with Ben’s and Dawn’s dating relationship.”

I winced at that. Mrs. Evans rubbed DJ’s knee a little more firmly. “Just know that you have family around you that loves you and supports you. And we’re all here to do whatever we can to make you happy.”

Brooke reached over and patted DJ’s leg as well.

And then the beautiful blonde girl turned back to smile at me. “Uh, Mom? If you guys are still okay with it. I’m going to crawl back there with my boyfriend and remind him that my feelings are real.”

Mrs. Evans chuckled. “Go right on ahead. Just keep things down, will you? I don’t want to get your father worked up until we’re a little closer to home.”

We both giggled, but Deanna wasn’t done. “And I do want my grandkids, but not just yet.”

* * *

Less than fifteen minutes from the Evans house, we needed to make a stop for gas. Jack Evans had believed we had enough to make it, and therefore didn’t fill up the tank when we’d stopped for lunch. But after running on vapors for long enough, Deanna Evans got nervous and made her husband stop and fill up the damn tank.

That pretty much made sure no one had to worry about Jack being all sexually worked up by the time we arrived at the house, and it also meant we got to the house about five minutes after my family’s van.

So everyone else was already there by the time we arrived. Jack parked the van in the driveway to make it easier to unload everything, and by the time I followed DJ and Brooke out of the van, everyone had already come outside to greet us.

I ended up going straight to Brandi and enveloping my big sister in a warm hug, lifting her off her feet for a few seconds before gently setting her back down. It was strange; after years of living together, I’d felt almost nothing when she’d first departed for college. After all, that made me the big kid in the house, and got me out from under her reign of bossy terror. Even when we’d started developing the naughty side of our relationship, we were still accustomed to being apart throughout most of the year. But now that we’d lived together for a year as adults, and in the same house, I now found that I’d really missed my big sister for the months we’d been apart.

“How’ve you been?” I asked her.

“Okay. Things are always tough when Matt goes home to Hawaii,” she replied before putting her lips right next to my ear and muttering, “I’m hornier than a billy goat. And I wish this house wouldn’t be so crowded that you couldn’t do something about it before you guys head home.”

I chuckled and whispered back, “If there’s an opportunity, I’ll be happy to take care of that for you. But I think you’ve got to clear it with my new ball and chain.”

Brandi giggled and stepped back, smiling wryly. “Yeah, you’re a real piece of work, little brother. Dawn’s not available so you swipe her baby sister? Doesn’t that violate some rule in your Bro Code?”

I shook my head. “Heck, no. That would only be if DJ was the baby sister of one of my Bros. I actually get bonus points for this one.”

She just laughed and smacked my arm before moving on to embrace Brooke.

I saw Dayna next and hugged the eldest Evans daughter, copping a feel of her ass at the same time. Rather than jerk away, she rubbed her ass right back at my hand and hummed happily. “Robbing the cradle now, are we?” she joked and then patted my ass in return before moving on.

And then I saw Dawn.

Unlike the others, she’d stayed in the doorway to the house. I was half-expecting her to glare at me with undisguised loathing. After all, I had taken up with her baby sister, and just because her parents had kept her informed didn’t necessarily mean she approved. But instead, she bit her lip and looked both scared and nervous at the same time. Our eyes met, and I felt the wash of uncertainty flood through her emotions to mine. Ignoring everything else, I stepped past Dayna and headed for my best friend.

Her arms opened up immediately and I stepped into them for a hug. Neither of us said anything. Neither of us needed to. Time stopped and the world ceased to spin while Dawn and I simply enjoyed the pleasantness of holding each other once again.

But eventually we pulled apart and looked at each other. I stared into her blue eyes, stormy and mottled instead of crystal clear, and I stated knowingly, “I guess we need to talk.”

She nodded wordlessly, took my hand, and led me inside the house.

* * *

Dawn and I ended up in her bedroom. She moved ahead of me, then turned and sat down on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. I tucked my left leg under me and sat on the side, my right foot still on the floor. “You okay? You don’t look so good.”

“’Very well’,” she corrected my grammar. “I don’t look very well.”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. And just like that, a smile spread across Dawn’s face. “It’s good to see you,” I said warmly.

“You too,” Dawn replied in the same tone. “Things weren’t so great the last time we saw each other.”

I smiled, thinking of how she’d embraced me from behind and kissed the back of my neck just before I drove home from Berkeley. “Things were pretty good the last-last time. They just weren’t so great right before that.”

She blushed and nodded while I winced at the memory. I’d been pretty torn up from getting dumped by Adrienne, and I’d made a jerk out of myself by declaring that I was free to take Dawn back, as if she were a convenient piece of ass I’d been saving on the shelf at my leisure. She’d declared she wasn’t just my fallback and we’d parted in a huff.

But that was then. This was now. “What’s bothering you, Dawn? Are you upset that I started dating DJ?”

Her mouth was a flat line as she looked up at me. The vibe I got immediately indicated there was something else bothering her, but she still arched an eyebrow and asked, “What’s up with that? Are you rebounding, Ben?”

I shook my head. “If I’d hooked up with any other girl, I’d have said yes. Even with DJ, I’ll admit there was a desire to fill the void inside me. But she’s more than that.”


I shrugged. “She’s DJ. She just is.”

It wasn’t really an answer, but Dawn let it go. She just looked down and exhaled. “I can’t say I’m thrilled with it. After all, there’s a part of me that wishes you would just sit around with your hand on your dick, pining away for me.” She smiled mischievously at that. “But I can’t blame either of you. I knew the way DJ felt about you. I knew she was going to go after you. And ... well ... DJ’s a very pretty girl. You and she are quite compatible and magical things happen at camp.”

I leaned forward and touched her hand. “It doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you. You’re still my Dawn.”

She returned a small smile. “And you’re still my Ben.” Dawn then tilted her head back and sighed. “But it would be SO weird if you end up my brother-in-law.”

We both chuckled at that, and I shook my head, saying, “We’ve been together for three weeks, and DJ is barely seventeen. I don’t think marriage is in either of our plans just yet.”

Dawn smiled wider at that pronouncement, relaxing noticeably. But there was still something else bothering her.

I took a deep breath. “So if it’s not my thing with DJ, then what’s wrong? Why do you look like you’re about to tell me you decided to transfer to Alaska State and leave me forever or something?”

Dawn’s lower lip quivered and she looked like she was about to break into tears. She looked away from me, and for a second I thought she really WAS going to transfer to Alaska. Something I’d said struck a true chord; and on impulse, I asked, “Are you really leaving me?”

“Not exactly,” she said hurriedly.

“’Not exactly’? What does that mean?”

Dawn whimpered and croaked, not saying anything intelligible. And then she immediately buried her face in her hands and started crying for real.

“Whoa, whoa.” I quickly leaned in and wrapped up my best friend in a hug. A part of me wanted to freak out at whatever Dawn was scared to tell me; but at present, getting her to stop crying was the priority. “Hey ... hey ... It’s alright. You can talk to me. It’s alright.”

“I’m sorry, Ben!” she wailed and picked her head up, her mascara streaking while she tried to thumb away the moisture.

“Hey, slow down ... slow down...” I worked to calm Dawn and after another few seconds of deep breathing, she got herself under control. I held her hands in my own and looked into her eyes, seeing the dark storms in her irises. And reigning in my own fears, I said gently, “Talk to me.”

“Ryan’s getting an apartment off-campus. He asked me to move in with him. And I accepted.”

Now I felt like crying.

* * *

It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought. Dawn’s crying and whimpering had made me start to fear the worst; and her pronouncement at the end had come with such a disheartening tone that at first, I thought she’d told me she was marrying the guy and never seeing me again.

But really, it wasn’t so bad. The apartment was just two blocks away from the Berkeley house, and this WOULD solve our housing dilemma. Dayna and Brandi still had the two rooms upstairs. And now that I was no longer dating Adrienne, it didn’t make sense for us to continue sharing a room.

Besides, in theory this would only change Dawn’s sleeping arrangements. After all, we still would have a lot of the same classes and would hang out together. It wasn’t like she was moving out of my life. Since we’d managed to stay best friends with her in the Bay Area and me in Orange County, I was sure we could handle a couple of blocks. And so we promised we would still meet up together and spent the next half-hour working out the details.

When we finally emerged from the bedroom, I found that DJ was waiting for us with an anxious expression on her face. I immediately went to my girlfriend and hugged her in greeting. And I couldn’t help but notice when DJ rather obviously began sniffing my neck and otherwise inspecting me.

Frowning, I pulled back and gave her a look. “What?”

“Just checking,” DJ replied quite seriously.

I smirked and shook my head. “You know, Dawn never got worried when I spent a little time alone with you.”

“That’s because she never had to worry that you’d leave her for me.”

I arched an eyebrow and pointed back and forth between us. “All evidence to the contrary.”

DJ furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me in confusion, before finally realizing that I WAS with her instead of Dawn. She blushed and smiled before pulling me into a tighter hug. “I just barely got you and you’re about to leave for three weeks. I saw how close you are to Adrienne and I know how close you are to Dawn. They never had to worry, but you and I aren’t there yet. So gimme a break if I’m a little paranoid for now.”

“Relax, kiddo.” I pulled her face to mine and pecked her forehead. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

* * *

It was a crowded house with twelve people milling about. But it almost felt even more comfortable than being at camp, now that every member of both families was in one place at the same time. Adrienne spent a lot of the evening catching up with Dayna. Brandi was playing around with the twins and gushing about how big they were getting. And Dawn, DJ, Brooke, and I got in a circle to chat the night away.

Well, Dawn, DJ, and Brooke were in a triangle of girl-talk. DJ was sitting in my lap, and I wasn’t doing much to participate in the conversation. And then one by one we started drifting off to bed. My parents took the guest room. Brandi, as usual, would bunk in with Dayna. Brooke was already in DJ’s bedroom. And the twins were perfectly happy to sleep on the couches in the living room.

But rather than go up with Dawn, like I had for the previous eighteen years of my life, I found myself heading in a different direction when DJ coyly took me by the hand and brought me to her room instead. Dawn’s was a place of familiarity and comfort, but it was no longer my place to be. And in my stead, Adrienne headed that way to spend the night. Adrienne might even be taking my place in giving Dawn physical pleasure in the night. After all, we collectively were family and we “didn’t count”. It had been a long, long time since two of the most important girls in my life had been with each other, and I felt a bit disappointed I wouldn’t be there in between them.

I ruminated on this for only a brief moment, lost to my nostalgia. Then DJ tugged on my hand a little more firmly and my mood picked right back up. Brooke was on the bed, already removing her top in that crossover move that all girls know how to do. My little sister then reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra, pulling the cups away to show me those perky C-cup tits I hadn’t gotten to play with nearly enough over the summer. And then she leaned back to go to work on her shorts.

After closing the door, DJ came up behind me to start kissing my neck and shoulders. Her hands wrapped around me, first to hug, then to tug my shirt upwards. But for the moment, my gaze was entirely on Brooke.

Whenever Brooke and I crossed this line between “normal” sibling interaction and naughty incest, a lustful gleam would always come into her brown eyes. The first time I ever saw it had been when Brooke was only fourteen and had just caught Brandi and me fucking on the couch. Back then, she was a skinny little girl, less developed even that the twins currently were. And oh what a gorgeous young woman she had grown up to be.

Her dark hair was currently in a high ponytail, her bangs cut evenly in a line across her forehead. In the past three years, her face had elongated from girlish cuteness to womanly beauty. And at the moment, she was wearing a lip gloss that made her slightly open mouth seem sooo unbelievably sexy. My not-so-little sister reclined on DJ’s bed, fully naked, leaning on her hands behind her. This propped up her slightly bony shoulders and showed me her delicate collarbone. But my eyes quickly drifted down her torso to her full, firm breasts that simply defied gravity. Below was a flat tummy and nicely tapered hips. And further below was her pretty little pussy, devoid of any hair, and put fully on display as she spread her legs for me. And then it was back up to her face to see the cool, confident, and seductive edge in my sister’s eyes.

It had been over a year since that sunset on the ridge at camp when I whined about not being around to protect her anymore. She hadn’t grown up much more physically since then, but I could see in her eyes that she’d matured a TON emotionally.

She hadn’t told me exactly what trouble she’d gotten into during the past year. A part of me didn’t want to know, and I knew Brooke took great pride in that she’d managed to survive it all without my help. I knew she’d gone through some boyfriend dramas, dabbled in drugs and alcohol, and probably done a hundred things she wasn’t proud of. But she’d never let herself get too out of control, not letting herself go so far that she’d disappoint our mother ... or me. She was being a teenager. She was learning. And she still had another year of High School to go.

DJ may not have shared the intimate, unspoken connection I had with Dawn and Adrienne, but she recognized the little moment I was having with Brooke as brother and sister stared at each other. Somehow, she’d gotten me completely naked, and after kissing my shoulder softly, she pushed me forward to go to her best friend.

Words weren’t spoken. None were needed. Brooke just spread her legs a bit wider as I crawled onto the mattress. I first ducked my head to being raining little kisses along her thighs, working my way upward until I reached her pussy and took a long, languorous swipe from bottom to top. My sister groaned and gripped the sheets a little tighter, but she didn’t change her position. And I continued kissing my way up the rest of her torso, moving from belly button to breasts to neck and eventually locking lips with the beautiful young brunette.

Brooke and I simply cradled each other’s head as we kissed. We had been making love with our lips for a few minutes when she suddenly stiffened and squeaked into my mouth. I glanced down to see that DJ had settled between my sister’s still-spread legs and was busy munching on her crotch. I looked back up to see the glassy-eyed expression on Brooke’s face, a little smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as the pleasurable sensations fired off the pleasure centers in her brain. We returned to passionately kissing and I dropped my hands to start playing with her breasts.

But that didn’t last very long. Brooke pulled away from my mouth, her eyes aflame as she rubbed at my chest and pleaded, “I need you IN me, Ben!” Her hand slipped down to grab my cock, jerking it and testing it for hardness.

DJ quickly got the hint and moved out of the way. I slid down the bed to aim my prick, and with a single thrust, I lunged forward and skewered my sister’s cunt.

“Unghhh!” Brooke arched her back and grunted at the penetration. I was apparently bigger than Andrew, because she was exquisitely tight and I only managed to sink halfway in on the first thrust.

“UNGHHH!” she repeated as I thrust again, getting all but the last inch inside.

“UNGHHH!!!” she grunted as with one more thrust I was all the way in, and Brooke looked down between our bodies to see my crotch pressed up tight against her pelvis.

“FUCK I forgot how big you are!” she exclaimed and then clapped her hands over her mouth. I was sure all the parents knew what we kids were up to in these closed bedrooms, but that didn’t mean they wanted to hear about it.

DJ chuckled. “We did this two weeks ago.”

“He was fucking big then, too!” Brooke gasped and gripped my shoulders as I started pumping in and out of her. She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering as I pistoned my way through her tight tunnel. “Fuck ... fuck ... fuck...”

“Brooke, language,” I warned in a joking tone.

She actually reached up with one hand and flipped me the bird, her eyes still shut. And after another few seconds, she opened her eyes and stared at me. “I wanna eat out your girlfriend, bro.”

I thrust extra hard when she said that, but after catching my breath, I pulled out and nodded.

Brooke wasted no time flipping herself over and onto all fours. DJ was naked herself and she quickly scooted around to sit up against the headboard, spreading her legs and holding her pussy lips open with two fingers while staring at the both of us lustfully. “Come eat me, Brooke. We’ve never shared any of our boyfriends before. And I’m getting so hot at the idea of sandwiching you in between us.”

Brooke moaned into DJ’s crotch as her mouth and tongue went to work pleasuring her best friend. But she still wanted me inside her and she wiggled her butt at me while I knelt in position.

“Such a great ass, sis,” I mused. “Have I ever told you how awesome your ass is?”

“Mmm-hmm...” Brooke mumbled and shook her ass at me again.

“Kenny used to love staring at your ass. I told him to stop perving on my little sister, but in truth I was staring as well. It’s so perky. It’s so bubbly. It’s so firm.” And with that, I notched myself into her pussy folds and thrust forward, sinking into her slowly while spreading her peach-like asscheeks to the sides in my hands. It was no hyperbole: all my sisters had world-class asses.

And I loved fucking them from behind.

“Fuuuck, Brooke,” I groaned. “You feel so fucking good...”

My sister giggled. “Language, Ben.”

“Fuck the language. I’ll fucking curse as much as I fucking want as long as I get to fucking fuck you.”

“Fuck yeah...” Brooke groaned, hanging her head down as she just absorbed my thrusts without regard for DJ. And a second later, she moaned out her climax and clenched her pussy muscles tightly around me.

“Fuck me now, honey,” DJ whined, rubbing her own honeypot now that Brooke was too out of it to continue. But then her crystal blue eyes twinkled as she got a naughty idea. And she proceeded to line herself up side-by-side with my sister, getting onto all fours before turning her head back to me and correcting, “Fuck us BOTH!”

I was only too happy to oblige. I gripped my girlfriend’s hips and quickly rammed myself home, going from zero to sixty in half a second as I pounded her without mercy while she chanted her rhythmic, “Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck.” I pushed her rapidly up the proverbial wall and then left her hanging without an orgasm when I quickly shifted back to Brooke, pushing myself into my sister’s saturated cunt and hammering her just as hard.

“Ohhh ... Ohhh...” both girls were moaning as I swapped back and forth between them for the next fifteen minutes, giving both of them lots of pleasure but giving neither of them an orgasm. The girls took it upon themselves to help reach climax, using one hand to reach to the other’s clit, diddling their best friend while laying their faces down on the mattress so that they could trade wet kisses.

But I kept their hips in the air and paid careful attention to their physical cues, swapping in and out as quickly as necessary to make sure neither one of them came.

“Fuck you!” Brooke started cursing. “Let me get off, Ben!”

I just grinned sadistically and switched back to my girlfriend. Brooke looked like she was about to cum, so I even knocked away DJ’s hand to make sure my little sister didn’t quite reach her zenith.

And then it was DJ’s turn to be denied orgasm. “I’m so close!” she whimpered when I slowed down my thrusting. “Please, Ben? If you really love me?”

I laughed and switched back to Brooke, much to my girlfriend’s chagrin.

By now, their legs were starting to shake as they both were almost getting too tired to cum. It was an extreme turn-on for me to hear them both panting in each other’s face, gasping for oxygen and caught in that limbo between orgasming and giving up. I started spanking the asscheeks of whatever girl I wasn’t fucking, sometimes giving them enough pain to bring them away from climax. And I knew I had them right where I wanted when DJ’s knees buckled and she finally collapsed.

I was pumping Brooke at the time and quickly switched back to my girlfriend. She grunted as I yanked her back up to her knees and physically held her there while I pounded her pussy with every ounce of force I had.

“Cum, kiddo... Cum,” I ordered.

“FUUUCK!” she screamed, no longer caring if anyone outside heard her. “FUUUCK!” And this time, I reached my hand around to diddle her clit and send her over the edge, causing my young girlfriend to go into a seizure as her whole body spasmed and an explosion of pleasure detonated inside her body.

Quickly, I yanked myself out and dropped DJ flat on her face, letting her twitch and shudder erratically while I slammed back into Brooke. She quickly went into convulsions of her own when I pressed my cock against her G-spot and tickled the sensitive nerves on her hips that I personally knew would help trigger her orgasm. And this time I let myself go, my cock bursting like a fire house as I sent wave after wave of incestuous sperm into my little sister’s spastically clenching pussy.

“FUUUUCK!” I bellowed, joined in chorus by Brooke’s orgasmic shrieking. “FUUUUCK!” I yelled again while I evacuated the contents of my nuts into her willing body.

And then it was over. Brooke and DJ lay side-by-side, dripping with sweat, both of them passed out cold. I surveyed the two 17-year-olds, smirking at the way DJ’s blonde hair was actually tangled together with Brooke’s darker locks. And I very much enjoyed the sight of their two red-raw pussies side-by-side, my little sister’s now oozing out my creamy white jizz.

It had been a great summer.


“Are you even going to come inside?” Adrienne bent over to look back into the car, the front of her shirt sagging and giving me an incredible view of her tits.

I yo-yoed down to them briefly; I couldn’t even imagine a day when I wouldn’t. But my eyes quickly went back up to Adrienne’s face and I replied, “Would YOU delay any more than you had to?”

The gorgeous blonde smiled and shook her head. “No. I’m just going to throw my bag down and immediately go find Grace. We haven’t talked nearly enough this summer and I’m sooo eager to see her again.”

I nodded and Adrienne shut the door, hurrying inside and dragging her roller suitcase with her. I shifted the Mustang into gear and pulled away from the curb, wondering just how fast I could blitz down to the Evans house. I was sooo eager to see DJ, too.

Not that I’d been going without. For the past three weeks, killing time by screwing around quite literally meant “screwing around” for me. After all, I was living with four very pretty, very willing girls.

DJ and I were taking a page out of Dawn’s and my long-distance relationship by spending a lot of time instant messaging and using our free mobile-to-mobile cell phones. Quite often, our talk turned sexual and I found myself looking for some direct-stimulation relief. Fortunately, Adrienne was going through the exact same thing with Grace, and about three or four times a week we would get together to burn off some of our excess sexual tension. We knew each other’s bodies so well, and ecstasy was abundant.

But you know me. Three or four times a week won’t cut it, even if each session usually ended with multiple orgasms for each of us. And I had other outlets as well.

For example, the twins certainly wanted to continue their sexual education. Not a single day went by without both girls getting their cute little mouths around my cock. And not a single day went by without me getting my tongue into their juicing wet snatches. Adrienne even started joining us, having come to accept her place in our family, as well as making the moral rationalization that we, her family, didn’t constitute cheating on Grace. But she would always be slightly skittish about the twins’ extreme youth, and so her infrequent visits were more about instruction than simple pleasure.

Still, this man does not live by blowjobs alone, and my only other source of pussy was also pretty infrequent. Brooke returned home to find her boyfriend Kenta had fallen off the wagon and been seduced by Jennifer Vo, and she was NOT happy about it. The guy swore he loved Brooke and wanted to choose her over Jennifer, and so my little sister spent the majority of her time either working on her relationship with her boyfriend or fretting over it. I was careful to give her the space she needed; but just like she used to do for me, it was also my turn to fuck her happy every now and again when she really needed it.

So with Adrienne being a sister, not a girlfriend, and the twins too young, and Brooke dealing with Kenta-issues, I didn’t get laid nearly enough to make me satisfied. I missed my girlfriend. I missed her unrestrained desire to please me.

And yeah, I missed her love.

Adrienne loved me. Brooke and the twins loved me. But DJ was IN love with me, and I got warm fuzzy feelings when I thought about being in love with her as well. It feels good to be in love; and I’d missed that these past few weeks.

DJ had apparently missed me, too. The instant she heard the Mustang’s engine outside her house she burst through the front door, and actually made it to the car before I could turn off the engine and get out of my seat belt. Our lips were plastered against each other the instant I opened the door, and for a second, I thought we just might end up fucking right there on the street.

But DJ dropped her legs down from around my waist and started tugging me toward the house. “C’mon. Hurry up! I won’t let another minute go by before I can get you naked.”

“But your parents...”

“Won’t care. Any other boy? Hell, no. But you? You’re the golden child to my parents, Ben. Now hurry up!”

Despite DJ’s insistence, I at least had to stop and say hello to Jack and Deanna Evans. They greeted me in return and started to ask if I’d had a good trip. But when DJ began tugging on my arm like an impatient 5-year-old, Jack just chuckled and waved me on. “Go ahead. Dinner’s at 6:30.”

DJ and I managed to have sex twice before then.

* * *

“Some best friend you turned out to be,” Dawn drawled as I caught up to her and Ryan just as they were leaving their apartment. But she still opened up her arms to me and embraced me in a hug.

I quickly pecked Dawn’s cheek and then pulled back, turning to shake Ryan’s hand. “Good to see you again, Ry.”

“Ben,” Ryan nodded back warmly.

And then Dawn was scolding me again. “You got back last night and couldn’t even be bothered to visit? Not even a phone call?”

I blushed sheepishly. “I, uh, was kinda busy.”

Dawn snorted. “I know. Can’t walk two blocks to see me but you’ll drive all the way to my house to visit my little sister.”

I grinned. “She puts out.”

Dawn rolled her eyes and giggled. The three of us walked up and across Bancroft to reach the campus. And then Dawn turned to her boyfriend to kiss him goodbye before he went his separate way.

I had to admit, I turned to look away; not to give them any privacy, but because given the choice, I’d rather not watch Dawn kissing anyone but me. I wasn’t jealous ... I’d just rather not, you know?

Anyways, I was nothing but smiles as Dawn came back to me and looped her arm through mine. Squeezing my arm tightly, she leaned over and kissed my cheek before pulling back and humming happily. And together we headed off for our first class.

* * *

It was a little strange to walk into the house in the afternoon and NOT find anyone from my crew scattered around the living room. No Bert or Robin. No Gwen. No Paige. In their place, Dayna’s and Brandi’s friends had taken over the couches and dining table instead.

“Heyyy, Ben.” Kerri Trainor immediately put her book down and leaned back into the couch while pulling her heels up to put them on the edge of her seat. The copper red-haired Senior raised a pale hand to brush back her bangs while fixing her sparkling green eyes on me and giving me a flirtatious smile.

But before I could answer, a chorus of “Hey Bens” rang out from Julie Carpenter, Angela Chan, Monique St. Claire, and two others. I hadn’t even been with Erica Jackson or Ashley Tran, but both girls joined in on the flirtatious greetings.

Only Brandi and Dayna didn’t go out of their way to say hello to me. After all, they saw me every day. I simply waved back to the general crowd and replied, “Hello, ladies.” Then I went into my bedroom (Dawn’s old bedroom) to drop off my bag.

When I came back out, Brandi looked over and got my attention. “You sticking around for dinner?”

I grinned and my eyes lit up. I patted my belly and replied, “That’s why I’m here.”

My sister chuckled and shook her head. “Wasn’t sure you were coming back today. The Mustang’s gone.”

“Adrienne’s off with Grace tonight. Some sorority recruitment thing.” I smirked and arched an eyebrow. “It’s her car.”

Brandi smirked. “I wouldn’t have put it past you to go visit DJ. Even on a weekday.”

I grinned. “I’ll manage.” I bit down on a further naughty comment about Brandi keeping me occupied tonight, knowing her friends were within earshot. Then I waved around. “So you guys finally moved down and took over the living room?”

She shrugged. “Seems like you guys aren’t using it anymore.”

I nodded. My crew had more or less made Ryan’s and Dawn’s apartment their new hangout point. Gwen and Robin were their friends more than mine and Adrienne’s. Bert followed Robin. And no one had really talked to Paige since returning to campus. Plus, things between Gwen and I were still a little awkward after everything that had happened at the end of last year. We were still friendly with each other, but she’d scaled way back on the flirting. And at times, she seemed a little frightened of me, as if I could drag her into a room and fuck her unconscious at any moment, whether she liked it or not.

I still met up with Dawn at the apartment and hung out with them as a group, but to be perfectly honest, I felt a bit like an outsider to their core of 5 people. And tonight, when they’d decided on Mexican fast food for dinner against my objections, I just decided to come back home and see what Dayna and Brandi were cooking up.

Without me asking, Brandi informed me that we would be having teriyaki chicken and vegetables today. Then she turned and went back into the kitchen. I hoisted my book and binder and went to join the crowd in the living room.

“Ooh, Microecon,” Angela commented, pointing at my textbook while I sat down at the dining room table. “Who’d you get?”


“Oooh!” “Ouch!” Angela and Erica quickly gasped at the same time. Then Angela added a, “Sorry.”


“You got Professor Ice,” Angela explained. “Rumor has it she hasn’t given an ‘A’ in five years.”

“Not true,” Erica corrected. “Brian Ogilvie got an ‘A’ our year.”

Angela’s eyes went up. “Well ... you know the rumors on that one...” Her eyebrows waggled, Erica giggled, and then the two girls started looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

Mildly alarmed, I looked back at them. “What?”

Angela giggled this time and then reached out, putting her hand on top of mine. “What do you think of Professor Ice? Do you find her attractive?”

I arched an eyebrow, not ready to answer what felt like a loaded question. But yeah, I did find her attractive. Professor Isakova was a tall Eastern European beauty with chestnut brown hair and piercing dark blue eyes. I had no idea of her age, guessing mid-30s. Her face had almost no wrinkles or lines and she was in very good shape, with a elegant neck, great skin, and delicate limbs. It’s not like I lusted for her or anything. But like any guy, I noticed pretty girls; and older or not, Professor Isakova was a beautiful woman.

Angela then leaned in a little closer, an impish smile on her face. “What I mean is: Would you turn her down if she came on to you?”

“What? A professor?” I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. “You’re not serious.”

“No. Not really.” Erica laughed. “Isakova really IS an Ice Queen to everyone; everyone except Brian, that is. He was her star student and I think people just made up the rumors that he was sleeping with her to explain why she was so nice to him. The guy really IS smart.”

“Still...” Angela mused. “If you find yourself needing a little extra-credit to boost your grade...”

I arched an eyebrow again and the two girls burst into another giggle fit.

Yeah, I knew better than to take advice from someone laughing like a hyena while giving it to me.


“I miss you...” DJ swooned into the phone.

“I miss you, too.”

“I can’t believe you were just here yesterday. It feels like forever.”

“An eternity...” I moaned in the same tone. Today was Tuesday. I’d driven down to visit DJ yesterday since it was the Labor Day holiday, and we’d spent almost every moment with our hands and mouths on each other’s body, even when we weren’t fucking up a storm. “I want to be with you again so bad.”

“Mmm, I know what you mean. My pussy aches to feel you inside me, honey,” DJ hummed in a seductively sweet voice, only making the boner in my shorts worse. Absentmindedly, I let my hand drift over it and rub gently.

“I don’t know if I can wait four more days to see you again,” I groaned.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have to.”

“You really think I should come down?”

“No, no,” DJ sighed. “I mean, I’d love for you to, but you know you shouldn’t. You’ve got homework and classes and all that.”

“You’re worth it.”

I’ve got homework, now that classes have started.” DJ exhaled slowly. “I sort of cut a deal with my parents. College applications are due soon and this is the most important semester for me. I’ve really got to get my grades up to make sure I get into Cal; I will NOT be the only family member not to get accepted. So they promised me they’d give us all the time and freedom we wanted on weekends as long as I focused on my schoolwork during the week.”


“Yeah. And I can’t break the deal before it’s even really started. I’m sorry.”

I sighed, moving my hand away from my bulge and feeling a little dejected.

DJ heard my tone. She sighed and then said, “You know, you really shouldn’t have to go completely without until Saturday. I’ve already told you straight up that you have my permission to fuck anyone you want up there. I love you. And I know you’ll still love me.”

“I do. That’s why I’ll wait for you.”

“I don’t want you to wait. I want you to be happy,” my girlfriend insisted. “It’s just sex. And it’s not like you weren’t boinking Adrienne and Brooke when you were back home.”

I exhaled. “You’re really okay with it?”

“Of course I am.”

The confidence in her tone reassured me, and I let my hand drift back up and over my bulge. “Okay. But I’m still gonna keep it in the family, alright?”

“Whatever. You don’t have to,” DJ said sweetly. “I just love you so much. And I’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy.”

“I love you, too,” I replied warmly.

“Good. Now why don’t you start with my big sister? You can fuck her brains out and tell her it’s a gift from me.” DJ giggled happily at the idea.

It sounded like a plan.

* * *


I had literally just emerged from my bedroom, erection bulging in my shorts, when the scream echoed through the house. And it wasn’t a scream of pleasure.

“BENNN!!!” The shriek went off again. “SPIDER!!!”

I chuckled. I’d done a pretty good job of extermination over the last year, including spraying all the baseboards and cracks with a perimeter spray. So spider sightings were down to about one a month when I left. The girls had even become brave enough to take down anything smaller than a thumbnail on their own. But if I was home, they were more than happy to concede the duty to me.

Now even with DJ’s encouragement to “gift” Dayna with a pleasant screw, I wasn’t entirely sure how to approach Dayna and ask for sex. After all, SHE had been the one to initiate most of our previous encounters. And even though she’d once told me I was free to just grab her, throw her down, and have my way with her whenever I wanted, those couplings had been few and far between. Now, an opportunity was presenting itself.

I turned and jogged up the stairs. I was sure Dayna could hear my feet pounding the wooden steps, and as I approached her room, I could hear her go from screaming to hyperventilating pants. Moving quickly, but not rushing, I opened her bedroom door and entered with a paper towel in hand. “Where is it?”

“There! There! There!” Dayna hopped up and down, distracting me for a moment as her tits bounced quite nicely in a red lace bra. The blonde bombshell was clad only in her lingerie, complete with garter and stockings, as she jumped up and down on top of her bed in a panic, clearly frightened out of her wits.

I couldn’t help but ogle her jiggling melons for a second before she covered herself with one arm and emphasized her pointing. I finally tracked her finger and saw a BIG black spider parked just outside her closet. While I was staring at it, the damn thing started skittering toward the bed, causing Dayna to begin shrieking once again. “AAAAHHH!!”

Step-step. [SWAT-squish] Damn that thing was juicy.

“Got it,” I told her confidently.

“Ohhh, gawwwd...” Dayna sighed, still backing up and sitting down at the furthest edge of her bed, pulling her stocking-clad knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

I wadded up the paper towel around the black behemoth, stood up, and then carried the entire mess down to the trash container outside. I then came back into the house, washed my hands, and returned upstairs to Dayna’s bedroom. Just part of the routine. Smaller ones they’d let me flush down a toilet. But anything remotely that size had to be exorcised out of the house. “All done.” I waved my hands as proof of completion.

“Oh, THANK YOU!” Dayna flung herself at me, literally jumping off the bed and into my arms, causing me to stagger backward lest I drop her. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her crotch rubbed against my belly, causing some of the blood to flow back into my cock.

I pulled my head up and gave the busty blonde a lopsided grin. “Feel like thanking me a little more thoroughly?” My voice was laced with innuendo.

Dayna immediately smiled back. We hadn’t fucked since sometime last semester, probably five months ago, and I could see the lust flare in her eyes.

But just as quickly, she snuffed it out. Wincing apologetically, the half-naked beauty dropped her feet to the floor and stepped back, almost ashamed of her state of dress. “Ben...” she began ominously. “I knew this would come up, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you before.”

My eyebrows furrowed in concern. Yeah, big black spiders aren’t exactly a turn-on, but this was the very first time ever Dayna had not responded favorably when I brought up the idea of sex.

“We can’t keep fucking anymore,” she apologized. “I want to. Really, I do. But ... ah...” Her voice trailed off as she observed the disappointment on my face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Ben.” Dayna stepped up to me and clutched my shirt. “It’s not you. Really, you’ve been nothing but wonderful. It’s just that Kevin and I have been getting pretty serious over the last few months. I know this sounds totally crazy, but I think I’m in love. And I told him I’d stop sleeping around.”

My eyebrows arched in surprise at the idea of Miss I’m-a-slut-and-proud-of-it settling down with her primary beck and call. Dayna herself cracked up. “Can you believe it?” she asked with a smile. “Me? Committing to a guy?”

I blinked rapidly and shook my head, not quite believing it. But Dayna’s happiness was infectious and there was a smile on my face. “Really?”

She nodded, her crystal blue eyes bright. “Really. He makes me happy. And he makes me believe I can do this. I WANT to do this.”

I exhaled slowly, moving my hands along her sides, tantalizingly close to grabbing her ass and yet holding myself back. “Well, I’m happy for you, Dayna. I can’t say I’m not disappointed. I’m horny as fuck right now. But I’m happy for you.”

Dayna beamed back at me and pulled me into a hug, crushing those fabulous tits into my chest.

“Whoa, whoa.” I held my hands up and away from her as I felt the surge of adrenaline and the shifting of blood to my cock. “You probably shouldn’t do that right now, Dayna. I’m liable to go off.”

She giggled and pulled away, taking a step back before twisting her hips and putting a fingernail coyly between her teeth. “Aww, I’m sorry. Do I still turn you on?”

I let my eyes obviously rove up and down her curvy, sexy body just scantily clad in the eye-popping red lingerie. “Always,” I sighed. “I don’t suppose Brandi’s home tonight.”

Dayna shook her head. “Working on a project. What about Adrienne?”

I shook my head. “Grace. Sorority thing. Guess it’s just me and my hand tonight.”

Dayna frowned apologetically. “Well, you know Monique and Angela got an apartment not too far away. And of course Kerri and Julie are just around the corner. One — or more — of them might be up for some fun tonight.”

I sighed. “They all have boyfriends now. I’m trying not mess with that.”

“Monique doesn’t. She’s having too much fun playing the field.”

I smirked. “That’s beside the point. I told DJ I wouldn’t go outside ‘the family’. Of course, I didn’t know you were gonna take yourself off the market. You’re something special and that might’ve changed my decision a bit.”

Dayna smiled, “That’s sweet.”

I sighed and nodded, then looked down at my cock and ordered, “Down boy.”

The busty blonde stepped forward and lightly patted my bulge. “I’ll miss you.”

We both cracked up at that and then with a last hug, I left the room.

Time to make use of Internet porn.

* * *

“You okay?” Dawn looked at me with concern. “You’re looking kinda twitchy this morning.”

‘Twitchy’ was right. I tried to give my best friend a reassuring smile, but my cheeks weren’t doing a very good job of holding steady. Even the black bags under my eyes weren’t staying still. “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

“You sure?” She stopped walking and put her hand on my forehead, checking to see if it was hot. But I was fine.

“I’m not sick,” I sighed and removed her hand.

“Then what’s wrong? I’ve been watching you all week, and you’ve been looking worse and worse every day.”

“It’s nothing,” I said gruffly.

“It’s NOT ‘nothing’. C’mon, Ben. It’s me.” Dawn smirked. “You can tell me what’s bugging you.”

“It’s kind of embarrassing.” I blushed.

“What? More embarrassing than when Cat Cartwright pulled your pants down in the middle of the playground in third grade and you had skid marks in your tighty-whities?”

I rolled my eyes. “Did you have to bring THAT up?”

“Hey, it was funny,” she sniggered.

I sighed and shook my head. “No. Nothing like that.” Then I shrugged and gave Dawn a what-the-hell look. “I’m horny.”

Dawn chuckled. “Well, of course you are.”

“No, I mean it. I haven’t had a good orgasm since Monday.” I was REALLY backed up.

Dawn laughed, a barking laugh that immediately felt like ridicule. “It’s Friday. You haven’t had a good orgasm in four days and THAT’S what’s bothering you?”

“It’s not funny,” I growled and started stomping away. “THIS is why I didn’t want to tell you.”

“Hey, hey.” Dawn quickly ran to catch up to me. “I’m sorry. It’s just ... there’re thousands of guys on this campus alone who wish they’d gotten laid within the last four days.”

“Yeah, well me too. Seriously, I’m not sleeping,” I complained.

Dawn frowned. “I thought DJ gave you permission to play around. Surely you don’t have any problems finding a willing pussy.”

I shrugged. “Maybe. But I told her I’d limit myself to our sisters. They don’t count, right?”

Dawn furrowed her eyebrows. “So that’s ... Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne?”

I nodded, and then smirked. “Well, and you.”

Dawn rolled her eyes while I stopped and made a big production out of checking her out. Then I stood up straight and said, “But Dayna’s going monogamous with Kevin.”

“Well, ‘mono-dick’,” Dawn corrected with a shit-eating grin. “Kevin’s totally cool with her screwing other girls. And she, Brandi, Kerri, and Julie had a private party on Tuesday night. Dayna had this new red lingerie set and...”

“Aww...” I groaned, thinking back to Spider-Tuesday when Dayna had turned me down while wearing that red lingerie set. My dick, on a hair-trigger already, rose up quickly at the merest prospect of getting to spurt. “Don’t tell me that.”

Dawn flinched and frowned. “Oops. Sorry.” Then she arched an eyebrow. “But I thought you and Adrienne had worked things out...”

I shrugged. “She probably would. But she hasn’t been home much. It’s Sorority Recruitment Week.”

“Oh, right. She picked the Tri-Delts.” Dawn shrugged, referring to the Delta Delta Delta sorority. “And Brandi?”

“Bad timing. Besides, I’d feel weird about just walking up to her and begging for a pity fuck.”

“Even if she wasn’t horny, you know she’d blow you just to take the edge off,” Dawn pointed out.

I shook my head. “Maybe. But the one time I nearly asked yesterday, Matt called her cell phone. The cosmos doesn’t want me getting laid.”

Dawn sighed and wrapped herself around my arm. “It’s okay, Ben. You know what you should do? Drive down to my house tonight. Don’t wait for the weekend. It’s a Friday night and you deserve to be with your girlfriend. Maybe even ask if you can spend the night.”

My eyes lit up at the idea. Why hadn’t I thought of that? I started whacking the side of my head in frustration and groaning while Dawn laughed and tried to grab my hand to stop me.

“Ugh,” I groaned, feeling the tension in my balls, which had now swollen up to the size of oranges. “You think I can get away with skipping class?”

“With Professor Ice? Not a chance in hell,” Dawn warned. “C’mon. Just tough it out for another couple of hours. And then I’m sure my baby sister will give you all you can handle.”

* * *

“Good morning, Ben.”

“Ah, good morning, Mrs. Evans,” I said politely while taking the empty spot at the breakfast table on Saturday morning. DJ was already there and she giggled while reaching over and covering my hand with her own. I glanced at Jack Evans nervously. Public displays of affection were one thing; but doing it at the breakfast table right in front of my girlfriend’s parents was something else.

I needn’t have worried. Jack Evans just winked at me and I blushed. Deanna Evans was quick to say, “No need to blush, Ben. Everyone here knows exactly what you two were doing last night.”

I just blushed harder and DJ moaned, “Mooom.”

Deanna giggled, not sounding so different from her daughters. “You should visit more often, Ben. You seem to have quite the positive influence on my husband here.”

Now it was Jack’s turn to blush. And DJ moaned again, “Mooom.”

“Anyways, I’m just glad to see you make my daughter happy,” Deanna continued. “I’ll admit, it’s not the daughter I thought you’d end up with, but I’m no less happy about it.”

I kept blushing and kept my mouth shut, not sure how to respond to that.

“And I’m glad you two decided to keep things at a measured pace,” Deanna added. “DJ has been extra focused this last week on her studies.”

“I was focused before,” DJ protested.

“You spent all your time talking about and with boys before,” her mom pointed out. “Now that you’re finally in a stable relationship, you have the luxury of extra time to work on your grades. I don’t have to tell you how important this semester is to all of us.”

“I KNOW, Mom,” DJ groaned and frowned. She really was under quite a bit of pressure to get accepted to Cal.

Then Deanna turned to me and smiled sweetly as she poured me a glass of orange juice. “So really, Ben. No need to be embarrassed about your feelings or desires. I remember what it was like to be a teenager, and we certainly wouldn’t have let you two get this far if it bothered us. As long as DJ’s grades keep up, you’re welcome to come here and stay throughout every weekend if you like.”

“Really?” DJ perked up. “He can spend the night?”

“He just did, didn’t he?” Jack Evans said warmly.

DJ slipped her hand down onto my leg and smiled, finally warming up to her newfound freedom. And while staring straight into my eyes, the horny young blonde told her mother, “Keep the juice coming, Mom. My boyfriend’s gonna need all the fluids he can get.”

* * *

DJ had been in the same boat I was for the entire week, having not experienced a good orgasm since the last time we were together. She certainly seemed on board with the plan to study like crazy every school night and screw every waking moment on the weekends. So the sexy young blonde with the big rack and skinny waist fucked the shit out of me until I was seeing stars and lying limp on the floor of her bedroom, so completely drained that I couldn’t even drool.

After dinner on Sunday, informing me that she needed to study for her Monday classes, my cute girlfriend manhandled me into the car and sent me on my way back to Berkeley. I just managed to drag myself back to the house late on Sunday night, too tired to even undress before falling asleep in bed.

Of course, by the next morning I was horny and ready for more. And I forlornly looked across the calendar to Friday night when I would be allowed to visit my 17-year-old nymphomaniac again.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait that long to get laid. Dawn had taken it upon herself to talk with both Brandi and Adrienne about my predicament over the weekend. And when I got back to the house on Monday after my last class, I found two gorgeous young women only too happy to please me.

The three of us ended up in Adrienne’s bedroom, the site of a lot of pleasant memories for me from Freshman year. Brandi went down on me first, having not tasted my naughty, incestuous brother-cum in a long, long time while I proved to Adrienne that a man could still eat a pussy just as well as girls. Then the three of us crawled all over each other in every possible combination, fucking and sucking away to our hearts’ content.

We didn’t have an encore for the rest of the week due to the girls’ busy schedules, although Adrienne did give me a blowjob on Thursday afternoon just to give me a little relief.

By Friday, I made sure to thank Dawn for talking to the girls. She had been a true best friend, arranging for me to get laid by two such gorgeous creatures. I thanked Brandi for always being a caring big sister. And I thanked Adrienne not only for her own attentiveness to me, but also for the car. I was swiping her Mustang for three days at a time to visit DJ on weekends.

Adrienne had just laughed and told me it was no problem. The inheritance had finally gone through and if she really needed, she could always buy another one.

“Whaddaya think, Tiger?” she’d giggled. “Should I buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini?”

Life was good. My classes were going well. Absent a steady girlfriend at school, I was able to spend a lot of time with my friends. And my friendship with Dawn had never been more comfortable. Plus, I was still getting laid on a regular basis: occasional screws with Brandi and Adrienne during the week to keep me from going crazy, followed by whirlwinds of parentally-approved marathon sex sessions with DJ on the weekends.

I even met some of DJ’s High School friends, including a couple of very hot 17-year-old babes that DJ admitted she’d “experimented” with in the past. DJ later told me that her friends thought I was sooo cute and how it was so cool that she was dating a college guy. And if I played my cards right, DJ might even have one or two of them spend the weekend with us.

Life was going great ... for a little while, at least.


“Oh, gawd ... You feel so fucking BIG, little brother...”

Brandi and I were holed up in her room, the both of us blowing off some steam on a random Tuesday night. It was after midnight, and all of her friends had left the house already. Dayna was spending the night with Kevin. And Adrienne was spending the night with Grace.

Brandi probably would have spent the night with her boyfriend Matt, or perhaps invited him over here, except that he had a paper to work on and needed to turn in a draft in the morning. I certainly didn’t mind. I would keep his girlfriend company tonight.

Matt’s girlfriend was buck naked and riding me cowgirl-style. I was comfortably situated on Brandi’s bed, my head and neck propped up by two pillows. The beautiful brunette undulated slowly to the beat of a downtempo electronica CD she had, perfect for the kind of slow-burn fuck that we both wanted. If I had my way, I’d fall asleep after cumming deep into my sister’s womb, and we’d drift away to the dreamland with our loins still enjoined to the melodies of quiet trip-hop.

My hands were gliding up and down Brandi’s sides while she rode me. I’d started the night by giving her a sensual, full-body massage, complete with a coconut oil-based lotion. Her tan skin glowed in the dim light of the room, glistening with warmth and moisture while I smoothly stroked her naked skin.

After a little while, Brandi’s dark eyes locked onto mine as she took hold of my hands and directed them up her chest, pulling my palms over her firm, wonderfully-shaped breasts. I reflexively squeezed her mammary flesh and then began rotating my hands in a wax-on/wax-off movement to titillate her nipples.

With my hands still on her tits, the luscious 21-year-old bent forward to capture my lips. And right when we met in a passionately incestuous kiss, Morcheeba’s “The Sea” kicked into its melody and seemed to cosmically send Brandi’s hips into a big roll, driving an extra few inches of my cock into her welcoming body.

The lyrics didn’t really have anything to do with love or hope or anything mushy. They weren’t even about sex. But listening to Skye Edwards wax poetic about losing control and living free to a seductive rhythm had Brandi and me rocking and rolling on her bed. And sometime after the song ended and we’d moved on to two more, my sister popped off me, her legs still shaking from her most recent orgasm, and she got her mouth around me just in time to swallow my load.

So wrong ... yet so right.

But we weren’t done yet. Brandi stayed hunched over, nursing my prick with her wet mouth, suctioning carefully until she felt me re-harden. She bobbed her head up and down, keeping her lips tightly wrapped around my girth, and I watched her bobbing movements go higher and higher as my cock elongated inside her mouth.

At last, she was moving her head up and down the full seven-and-three-quarter inches, taking me deep into her throat with each slow movement and pressing her hips against my base. And after one final suck, she pulled away and gasped for breath, grinning at me saucily. “I want to feel you in my ass, little brother.”

Her eyes were unfocused, as if she were drugged; but I knew she was high on nothing but lust. Her mouth was open in an easy grin and I smiled right along with her as I nodded and started repositioning us. She bent over on all fours, proudly thrusting that dynamite ass back at me, such a perfect peach. Briefly, I thought of the last time I nailed Brooke, and how similar my two sisters were starting to look (from behind, at least). And I couldn’t help but duck down to grab her cheeks and take a long lick of her crack from base to top.

Brandi shivered when she felt my tongue briefly run over her crinkled anus. She seemed freshly scrubbed and I picked my head up in surprise. “You planned this, didn’t you?” I accused in a humored voice.

My sister giggled. “Fuck yeah. As soon as Matt told me he had the paper, I got sooo wet fantasizing about you shoving that big dick up my ass, little brother. Now stop talking and start fucking.”

I got to work. I found the Astroglide in Brandi’s nightstand, relatively full. After all, she’d told me I might be the only man who would ever sodomize her when I’d first popped her anal cherry two years ago, and so far I still was. I was sure she used it for other reasons with Matt and Dayna and the rest, but I still got a little thrill seeing the near-full tube as a reminder of this special thing Brandi had held just for me.

So I prepped her and prepped myself. Brandi lay her cheek down on the bed, with a pillow beneath her chest for support. And with one hand on her own pussy, she reached back to grab my shaft and put me into position.

Once she felt the pressure against her backdoor, Brandi folded her arms beneath her head and sighed. And after taking a deep breath, she groaned at me, “Do it, little brother. Fuck your naughty sister in her asshole.”

I held her hips, leaned forward with mine, and after brief resistance, her anus opened up and let me in. “Oh, gawd...” she groaned. “You feel so fucking BIG, little brother...”

As always, I stopped and waited for her to get adjusted, only the mushroom head past her sphincter. In the past two years, I’d probably butt-fucked Brandi less than a dozen times; and each time felt like it was the first. She breathed heavily, needing a while to get used to the sensation. But when I felt the tell-tale sensation of her anal muscles relaxing, I slowly glided forward the rest of the way.

“So fucking full!” Brandi groaned.

“So tight,” I moaned in response. “I’m in your asshole, big sister. Your little brother is fucking you up the ass.”

“Oh, shit,” she grunted. “So wrong ... so wrong...” Her blissful moans belied her words. Unlike Dayna or Adrienne, Brandi didn’t enjoy anal sex purely on physical pleasure. If she had, she probably would have been doing it with Matt. No, it was the idea that I, her brother, was sodomizing her that got her off. And she moaned rapturously as I pumped slowly back and forth, extracting and reinserting my prick deep into most private cavity.

“You’ve got such an awesome ass, big sister...” I groaned, knowing the phrases ‘big sister’ and ‘little brother’ were part of the appeal.

“And you’re the only man who’ll ever fuck it, little brother,” she moaned in response. “Fuck me ... Fuck my ass ... Violate your sister’s asshole, and fill me with your incestuous sperm!”

“Oh, fuck!” I grunted while I really started getting into the thrusting. Her anal passage was still extremely tight, but had loosened up just enough to allow smooth pumping. “So fucking good!”

“Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd...” she chanted back.

I looked down, narrowing my focus until all I could see was Brandi’s perfect peach of an ass being split by my cock. And as I sawed in and out of my sister’s butt, I felt my ab muscles go slack. “I’m gonna cum, big sister. Your little brother is gonna fill you up with sperm. You’re gonna be shitting brother-jizz for days when I’m done creaming you. And the next time you fuck your boyfriend, he’s gonna wonder why your asshole is dripping wet!”

“Oh, FUCK!” Brandi grunted beneath me. “Fuck me, little brother! Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!”

“Uggghhh!” I grunted as my white-knuckled hands squeezed her hips hard enough to bruise. My pelvis slammed up tightly against her asscheeks. And I bellowed in exultation, feeling gallons of cum rushing through my cock to blast out of me and into the darkest recesses of my sister’s anal cavity.

“Nnnngh!” Brandi grunted when she felt the first jets splashing inside of her. My orgasm was the catalyst for hers, setting her off as she rubbed at her own clit in a fury, and screamed at the top of her lungs, “I CAN FEEL IT! I CAN FEEL IT! CUM IN MY ASS LITTLE BROTHER!!!”


The male voice cracked in the air like a gunshot, startling both me and Brandi. Her legs suddenly gave out, causing her body to compress flat onto the bed with only the pillow beneath her chest propping her up. I fell with her, my cock almost painfully trapped inside her bowels when her ass muscles clamped down. And I wound up right on top of my sister’s naked body as we turned in absolute panic to the source of the voice.

Matt Kanemura, Brandi’s boyfriend, stood in the doorway with an expression of shock, outrage, and pure disgust on his face. “Holy FUCK! Brandi? Your brother? Really?”

“Matt, I can explain,” Brandi stammered.

“And holy SHIT! Is he in your ass? He’s in your fucking ASS!”

“Matt, please—” Brandi was frantically slapping at my hips, trying to get me off her.

FUCK!” He turned his head away in dismay. I was flailing around, trying to dislodge myself. But Brandi’s ass was somehow still clamped down on my prick, preventing me from easily pulling out. She must have been stiff in terror.

But eventually, I managed to work myself out, just in time for Matt to turn back and see my cock exiting his girlfriend’s stretched asshole. A bit of cum even bubbled out in my wake. Matt just groaned with furrowed eyebrows, one hand squeezing his forehead. “I asked you several times, Brandi. But you NEVER let me do that!”

“This has nothing to do with you, Matt. It’s—”

“Nothing to do with me? You were my girlfriend! Emphasis on the ’were’. Oh, my GOD! I can’t BELIEVE this! You’re fucking your own fucking brother!” And Matt turned like a zombie, heading out the door. He looked too much in shock to even be that angry.

“Matt! Wait!” Brandi scrambled off the bed stark naked, darting over to the stairs. I heard their footsteps, but eventually the front door opened and ten seconds later, Brandi ran back into the room. Not looking at me, she hurriedly threw on some pants and a sweater, not bothering with any underwear. And then a moment later she was gone again.

This was NOT good.

* * *

I had re-dressed and sat in Brandi’s room, prepared to stay there all night if she never came back. It probably wasn’t the best idea. If, somehow, Brandi managed to talk Matt into coming back to the house with her, he probably wouldn’t be too happy to see me. But fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Brandi, things didn’t turn out that way. Twenty minutes later, she returned home alone.

I immediately stood up and opened my arms for a hug when she opened the door. No matter what else happened in our lives, she was my sister and I would support her to the ends of the earth. But she made no move to approach me, coming to a dead stop, her face ashen. She practically sagged against the door knob and looked ready to burst into tears.

“Brandi...” I began softly.

“Go away, Ben,” she said curtly, not looking me in the eye.

“Brandi, I’m here for you.”

“I don’t want to see you right now, Ben.”

“I’m your brother.”

“Don’t remind me! Just go away!”


“PLEASE.” She cracked then, twin waterfalls streaking down her cheeks as she turned and pushed her forehead into the door. And she sobbed uncontrollably for a good fifteen seconds.

Not sure what to do, but ready to accept her desire to be alone, I stood up and started heading for the door. Even though she wasn’t looking back at me, I looked at her, ready to give her my best expression of support, love, and willingness to do whatever I had to do. All she had to do was ask.

She never looked at me. Even when I had to brush by her to get out the door, she turned her head away, grimacing as if her world had come to an end. I knew how she felt. I had the same look on my face when Adrienne first found out about me and Brooke.

And then I was out in the hall. Behind me, Brandi closed the door. She didn’t slam it, she merely closed it slowly, as if the deliberate act could somehow erase all the naughty, incestuous acts we’d ever committed. And then all was quiet.

Well, not totally quiet. I could hear her still sobbing, just on the other side of the door, apparently lacking the energy to even move away.

I decided then that I wouldn’t wait for her to ask something of me. I wouldn’t stop and let the world just keep spinning around me. I wouldn’t let life happen TO me. I had to do SOMETHING.

Brandi didn’t want to talk to me ... fine.

My cell phone in hand, I quickly thumbed down to Dayna’s number. She might not be happy with me for interrupting her night, but as I went down the stairs, I swore to myself I wouldn’t stop trying until I’d reached Brandi’s best friend in the whole world.

Turned out, I didn’t need to work that hard. Dayna picked up on the third ring and immediately asked, “Ben? This is weird. What’s up?”

“Matt caught me and Brandi.”

“Oh, shit.” Dayna inhaled sharply. There was a rustling sound on the line, whether from clothes or bedsheets, I didn’t know. It made sense, since she was spending the night with Kevin. “Where is she?”

“In her room.”

“I’ll be right there. Thanks for calling me.”

* * *

My big sister, who I loved dearly, wasn’t talking to me. We lived in the same house, so it was impossible not to run into each other. But for the past several days she’d refused to look at me or acknowledge my presence. She seemed to blame me for what was happening, and as bad as she felt, I didn’t feel like arguing the point. She was miserable, and I DID feel responsible.

Of course, I talked things over with DJ. My girlfriend was moderate on the topic at hand, explaining that both Brandi and I had made decisions that led to the ultimate outcome. But personally, she was very supportive and reassured me that time would heal things and that Brandi would always be my sister. Eventually she would come around.

But I didn’t want to just wait. At first, I tried to actively fix things with Brandi. But after getting repeated cold shoulders for two days straight, I accepted that my sister needed space and took to finding my meals elsewhere, spending as much time as possible with my friends at Dawn’s and Ryan’s apartment. At the time, I’d thought I couldn’t feel any worse than I did in the aftermath of that incident.

I was wrong. Not much changed on the Brandi front. But shit started raining on me out of the sky.

It started with Paige Jacobsen. I hadn’t seen much of the petite redhead this school year. Even though we’d had something of a bad breakup, there were enough positive signs that I’d believed we could work out a friendship. But once the new year started, she’d found a different group of friends and shown a distinct lack of interest in reconnecting. I still had lingering “big brother-ish” feelings for her, but I’d been too preoccupied with my own dramas, and with DJ, to take any action to get in touch with her.

Then I found out what she was up to, and I wished to hell that I’d made the earlier effort.

Even on a campus of some 35,000 people, you’d be surprised how often you can randomly run into someone. After all, there’s only one Main Library, smack in the middle of campus. There’s only one Sproul Plaza. And only one BART station. You just meet people.

It was by Sather Gate when Dawn and I bumped into Paige ... and her new boyfriend.

I recognized her right away. After all, the campus only had so many 5’2” dark auburn redheads. And there were even fewer 5’2” dark auburn redheads who might walk outside wearing the sluttiest Catholic schoolgirl outfit imaginable. Such was how Paige was attired this cool late-October morning. The black saddle shoes were normal, but instead of standard white socks, she was wearing white lace stockings that seemed to have come out of the Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog. The stockings ended just above her knees, well short of her skirt, and were attached to garter straps than ran up her thighs to disappear beneath the hem of her skirt. The red and green plaid skirt itself wasn’t quite long enough to cover her crotch, revealing the bottom of her plain white cotton panties, both front and back, not to mention quite a bit of creamy leg. And speaking of exposed skin, the white dress shirt was tied off below her bra-less breasts, as well as completely unbuttoned, showing off both a flat belly and quite a bit of cleavage. Her nipples were even hard and poking through in the cold air. And twin ponytails with red ribbons topped off the look.

Dawn beat me to the punch. “Paige?”

The redhead pulled her lips off the dirty-looking skater boy’s mouth and smiled when she recognized us. “Dawn! Hey!”

She then looked at me and in a somewhat less pleased tone, said, “Oh, hi Ben.”

I was too surprised to reply, staring at the dark-haired punk with the big black discs in his earlobes. The damn things looked like backgammon checkers. The guy wore a ratty heavy-metal T-shirt with a gray, long-sleeved thermal undershirt beneath. His jeans were torn and had enough chrome chains attached to the belt loops to tow a tractor-trailer. And then there was the heavy mascara around his eyes, more even than Paige was wearing.

I try not to judge people by their appearances, but this guy just screamed “punkass” to me. And having him physically groping Paige’s tits right in front of me did NOT help improve my assessment. “’Sup,” he grunted.

“How are you doing?” Dawn asked politely. “We haven’t seen you in a long while.”

“Oh, I’ve been busy having lots of sex with my new boyfriend here,” Paige said flippantly while patting the guy’s play-doh chest. “Jerry, this is my ex-boyfriend, Ben. And this is his ‘non-girlfriend’, Dawn.” Paige cracked up like she’d just told the funniest joke imaginable.

I frowned and looked a little closer at the petite redhead. Beneath the heavy makeup, her eyes were rather unfocused. And when I breathed in, I recognized the faint, but noticeable scent. “Paige...” I began in a warning tone. “Are you high?”

She giggled uproariously. “Totally baked...”

“Paige,” I huffed in annoyance, feeling my old protective instincts coming back to me. “Do you really think you should be doing that shit?”

“Who’re you, her father?” Jerry the Punkass scoffed.

“Shit makes me feel good,” Paige giggled. “Besides, there’s nothing about marijuana in the Bible.”

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t know much about the Bible, but I was pretty sure it was written before teenagers started getting baked. “Paige...”

“What?” She rolled her eyes. “You gonna tell me you never smoked a little pot, Ben?”

I grimaced. “Look, Paige—”

She waved me off and started tugging on her boyfriend’s arm. “I’m bored of talking to you, Ben. C’mon, Jerry. Let’s go have sex before my buzz wears off. I’ll even let you cum in my pussy today.”

“Paige...” I groaned and reached out to her, but the girl was already walking away. And just for good measure, she flipped me the bird as she left.


* * *

“It’s not your fault, Ben.”

“If I hadn’t broken her heart, she wouldn’t BE with him.”

Dawn sighed and squeezed my hand. “That part was unavoidable. You tried to tell her you didn’t have those feelings for her, but she let herself fall in love with you anyways. A broken heart was inevitable.”

“But I made it worse by dating her.”

“Adrienne arranged that,” Dawn soothed.

“So what? This is all Adrienne’s fault?”

Dawn frowned, shaking her head. “It’s nobody’s fault. Paige is just doing her own thing. You can’t control her. You never could. Yeah, you kept her in check a bit, but that girl’s been looking for trouble since well before you showed up on the scene.”

“No she hasn’t.”

“Of course she has. Look at how you met. She got smacked on the street because she’d been teasing some scruffy locals at a house party. At every party of ours, she was doing her best to get falling-down drunk, and would have succeeded much more often if you weren’t there to stop her. She’s a stupid girl and whatever shit happens to Paige happens because of her own stupid decisions!”

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked startled at the vehemence in Dawn’s voice. “You were her friend. How can you say that about her?”

“I can say it because it’s the truth,” Dawn sighed. “She’s a sheltered, naïve little girl who’s running wild with no one to restrain her.”

I’m supposed to be the one to restrain her.”

“That’s not your job, Ben.”

“I made it my job. I still care about her.”

“Clearly, she doesn’t feel the same way. Or did you not notice her doing her best to rub her sex life and drug use right in your face?”

“I’ve got to do something.”

“Like what? Tell her not to have sex with her boyfriend? Tell her not to smoke weed?”


“And you think she’ll listen?”


“Why? You already told her you don’t love her. It looks like she’s moved on from you. She’s not your problem anymore.”

“How can you be so cold?”

“Because she’s a fucking BITCH!” Dawn barked, and then immediately stopped walking.

I’d stopped walking, too. And I turned to take Dawn’s other hand into mine. “Whoa, whoa. Dawn, you okay?”

She looked away from me, grinding her teeth and working to calm herself. I’d been so caught up in my own shock over the encounter with Paige and Jerry the Punk, that I hadn’t noticed how Dawn was reacting to everything. Clearly, she was reacting with some anger. “She doesn’t deserve you, Ben.”


“Look,” Dawn turned to me, a soulful intensity in her crystal blue eyes made even brighter by the moisture in them. “I know it’s not my place to be jealous. We’re not together anymore. But I can still want what’s best for you, and that little tramp is NOT worth your time.”

“What?” I still wasn’t yet following.

Dawn sighed. “I was happy that you found Adrienne. She’s got a checkered past, but she’s a special, special girl. I know how dearly she loves you and most important to me, she wants what’s best for YOU. THAT was a good relationship. If the two of you somehow lasted and got married and all that, I would have been able to accept you being with her. She is good enough for you.”

I blinked twice, unable to react to the emotion in Dawn’s voice.

“And of course I’m happy for DJ. I love my baby sister and if you and she are meant to be together, then I can be happy for the both of you.”

I just blinked again.

“And there are a lot of nice girls around you. Some of them are only in it for the sex, and that’s fine. You make them happy, they make you happy, and everybody wins. But Paige always wanted more, and frankly I was never happy about you dating her.”


“That relationship was all one-way, Ben. She leeched off of you at every turn. Even before you two hooked up, she followed you around. You were her world, and even if you didn’t love her, you devoted so much of your energy into protecting her and caring about her. She didn’t deserve it. She didn’t deserve you. And what did she do when it was over? She told you she’d be your friend and then the first chance she got, she ran away to some... punkass ... For fuck’s sake, Ben, she was making cracks right AT you about fucking him. It proves that she never really loved you. She never really cared about you, or wanted what’s best for YOU the way Adrienne did. She just obsessed about you like a fucking stalker until you finally got rid of her.”


“She wasn’t good enough for you,” Dawn stated indignantly. “And I won’t let her suck up any more of you than she already has!”

I frowned. “So what? You’re the arbiter of who’s good enough to be with me?”

“Yes!” Dawn huffed. “You’re MY Ben!” And then the tears started rolling down her face.

I rubbed my temples for a moment, wondering how in the world things had gotten to the point where Dawn was crying. I REALLY didn’t understand women.

But I understood that my Dawn was upset, and I stepped forward to hug my beautiful, blonde best friend. “Dawn ... Dawn...” I soothed in a quiet voice.

“I’m sorry,” she replied just as quietly. She picked her head up, looking at me face-to-face from just an inch away. Her eyes were so big, so blue ... so perfect. And in a melodious voice, she said, “I know I don’t have any right to be — not anymore — but I’m jealous. Even though you’re not my boyfriend, I want to spend so much time with you. You’re my best friend. You’ve always been my best friend. And if some tramp isn’t good enough for you, I don’t want her taking you away from me.”


“I love you, Ben. I always have. And I always will.” Her voice was rich with emotion.

“I know. I love you, too,” I replied in the same tone. And then I bent to kiss her.

It wasn’t a kiss of passion. It wasn’t a kiss of lust. It was just a kiss of love, the timeless love that had bonded Dawn and me since we were first born. The touch of her lips filled me with a joy I hadn’t felt in a long time, and gave me a total sense of completion. And we stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for a long, long time.

“Ahem,” a new voice cut in, and Dawn jerked away from me. We turned to see Ryan standing not five feet away, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

“Oh, hey babe,” Dawn sighed tiredly. She pulled away from me and looked up at her boyfriend with red-rimmed eyes. She reached a hand up to wipe away her own tears and quickly pressed herself against his broad chest, whimpering softly.

Slightly surprised, Ryan just hugged his girlfriend back as if she hadn’t just had her lips pressed against someone else.

But even if he was going to give Dawn a chance to explain, the guy wasn’t about to give me the same leeway. His eyes hardened and he simply glared at me, as if to telepathically bark, ‘What the FUCK were you doing with my girlfriend?’

I simply held my hands up and backed away, my face answering, ‘It was nothing. Really, it was nothing.’

Ryan clenched his jaw, clearly not yet buying it. But he didn’t make any aggressive moves. Eventually, Dawn pulled her head up and told her boyfriend, “I’m sorry about that, babe. I’ll explain on the way home.”

Ryan nodded and held Dawn’s cheeks. Then the two of them waved goodbye to me and headed off.

I stared at them, wondering what ELSE could go wrong today. And even after all that, I thought about Paige. Whether Dawn thought the girl was worth my concern or not, I swore to myself that I would do something. And then I turned to take a side-street and head back to the house.

Little did I know that the shit storm would continue there as well.

* * *

My head was a mess as I made the final turn toward the house. I simply had too many problems going on at the same time to wrap my brain around them all.

I thought about Dawn, hoping that our little moment of weakness hadn’t ruined her relationship with Ryan. Yeah, the selfish part of me might hope that she would break up with him and come running back to me; but I was happy with DJ and I very much wanted Dawn to be happy as well.

I thought about Paige, wondering what was going on in her head to have her hook up with such a loser. Was she just being needy and latching onto the first guy who seemed to give her the attention she craved? Was it a rebellious compulsion to date a tattooed, pierced, dreg of the earth after a lifetime of Catholic restraint? Had she become a slave to a drug addiction?

What could I do to help? Should I even bother trying? Or should I simply let a 19-year-old college girl live her own life the way she wanted to? Paige had certainly seemed comfortable with the direction her life was taking. Who was I to say she wasn’t allowed?

And I thought about Brandi. It was almost November and she still was avoiding me. Her attempts to reconcile with Matt, her boyfriend of more than two years, had gone nowhere. And while she hadn’t said anything to specifically blame me, she clearly associated me with the breakup and as such, could barely stand to see my face.

At least Matt hadn’t gone around announcing the incestuous nature of Brandi’s and my relationship. He hadn’t even announced that he’d caught her cheating, knowing that such a declaration would inevitably lead to widespread speculation on who Brandi was cheating on him with. All he’d said was that Brandi had hurt him deeper than he thought possible, and left it at that. The reasons didn’t matter. The end results were that Matt was miserable, Brandi was miserable, and so was I.

This was the problem with bedding girls who had boyfriends. Brandi had once told me that one of these indiscretions would end up biting me in the ass. I just hadn’t realized it would be her. And I hadn’t realized she would be the one to come out worse for it.

If nothing else, I swore to keep my dick out of Brandi’s and Dayna’s other friends who had boyfriends, no matter how much a girl like Kerri Trainor wanted me. Such a resolution wouldn’t save Brandi, but it just might save me from further anguish.

I was so caught up in my ruminations that I never saw the three guys standing by our mailbox.

I never saw them shrug at each other when I walked past them, lost in my own oblivion.

But I did see them when one of them tapped on my shoulder and caused me to turn around. I saw them just in time to see a meaty fist fly right into my face, cold cocking me so that I ended up flat on my ass on the pavement.

Dazed, my vision swam as I looked around, trying to figure out what bus had just run me over when Henryk “Rick” Rusedski knelt over my supine form. “I owed you that from last year.”

I blinked in a daze, my head still spinning. Rick had certainly cleaned my clock, but I had enough mental function left to remember how I’d literally yanked his girlfriend Gwen off the dance floor right in front of his nose and fucked her brains out in my bedroom.

Yeah, he owed me that. In fact, he probably owed me a few more.

But the single punch complete, he reached a hand down to me. Groggily, I picked the middle of the three I could see and reached for it. Our hands clasped and he helped pull me to my feet. The guy even grabbed my shoulders to help steady me when I wobbled a bit, trying to maintain my balance.

“Wow, you really nailed him, Rick,” one of the other guys chuckled.

He smirked and then looked back at me, making sure I could stand on my own before releasing me. “I wished I didn’t have to do that, Ben. But I had to.”

“Okay, okay...” I mumbled, still a bit out of it.

“So no hard feelings?”

Well, I felt like something pretty hard had hit me. But I knew I didn’t have a moral leg to stand on and didn’t want any further punishment. I mumbled, “Sure.”

“Okay then.” Rick smiled. But despite his now friendly actions, his face turned back to quite unpleasant. “Look, here’s the deal. I’m getting back together with Gwen. She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to do everything I can to win her back. And for that to happen, you can’t be in the way. Do you understand me?”

My eyes were still swimming, and I apparently didn’t answer fast enough for him. Rick grabbed my shoulders and leaned in close enough that I could taste the french fries on his breath. “Do you understand me?”

“Yeah ... I got it,” I answered.

He slapped my shoulder, almost hard enough to knock me down again. “Great. You just stay the fuck away from her.” And then he turned and walked away, collecting his boys in tow.

What else could happen to me?

* * *

One positive side effect of getting knocked half-unconscious by Rick Rusedski was that it got Brandi to talk to me again. I kept the little incident to myself for the rest of the day, only telling DJ my whole story and then swearing my girlfriend to keep it to herself. But when a purple shiner showed up just below my right cheek, my roommates noticed.

The next morning, Adrienne was the first to see it when we bumped into each other in the bathroom. She had a habit of walking in whether I was on the can or not. First, she said that it was nothing she’d hadn’t seen before as a girlfriend. Second, she said that as a sister that all family members should be pretty comfortable around each other. I didn’t disagree as the stacked blonde still had a habit of fixing her hair while topless, letting me ogle away.

This morning, I was brushing my teeth when the door opened and Adrienne immediately squeaked. I don’t know what she was coming into the bathroom for. Whatever it was, she forgot about it as she started fussing over me and grilling me to extract out exactly what had happened.

Brandi was in the kitchen at the time and came over to see what the commotion was about. And when she also saw the purple bruise, her ‘big sister’ instinct kicked in and she immediately dragged me out to park me on the couch while ordering Adrienne to get the first aid kit.

“Ben. What happened?” Brandi barked.

She’d perfected Mom’s don’t-fuck-with-me tone. And automatically I found myself shaking my head in a negative to her question before answering, “Rick Rusedski wanted payback for Gwen.”

“What?” Adrienne exclaimed as she returned with the first aid kit. “That was months ago!”

I sighed, now that the cat was out of the bag, and explained what Rick had said about wanting Gwen back and everything. I also explained how it all wasn’t a big deal and that Rick had even picked me up and dusted me off once he got in his one revenge punch.

I’d nailed his girlfriend. He clocked me. All wasn’t square, but at least the act declared a truce. The Bro Code had been honored.

Brandi and Adrienne looked at each other and almost simultaneously muttered in disgust, “Men...”

Then Brandi started putting some cream onto my bruise, causing me to wince at the minor contact pain. She shook her head in resignation and sighed, “I wonder if Matt will show up one day to punch your lights out.”

I grimaced even further, my eyes apologizing to Brandi once again. At that point, she put the cream down, looked at Adrienne, and then came back to me with a sigh. “I don’t blame you, Ben. It’s my fault more than yours anyways.”

“No, it’s not,” I replied quickly. “It’s all my fault. You had a perfectly good relationship with a guy you cared about. I was feeling horny without DJ here and it’s my fault we were fucking that night.”

Brandi shook her head. “We were fucking because I wanted to fuck. We were fucking because I WANTED you. I was already fantasizing about having you up my ass even before Matt left for the night, and then I planned everything down to the details of getting myself extra-clean back there and making sure the lube was easily accessible.”

My sister and I looked at each other for a few moments, our faces tight as we stared right at each other. But a second later, I could feel the tension between us melting away, and I canted my head to the side. “Really? You don’t blame me?”

Brandi blinked rapidly and sighed. “No, of course not. I’m the big sister here. I’m supposed to be the responsible one. And we would not have been doing it if I hadn’t chosen to do so.”

I fought not to cry at the sudden upwelling of emotion. It had really hurt, having that rift between us for the past couple of weeks. I’d willed myself not to notice it, but I now felt all the pain that had been building inside me. Choking back tears, I managed to gurgle, “I thought you hated me. I thought we could never be the same again.”

Brandi touched my cheek tenderly. “I could never hate you; you’re my little brother. We’ll always love each other, no matter what. I just...” she trailed off and took a deep breath. “I just needed to come to terms with what happened. I asked myself what I would have done differently, had I known what was coming. And the fact is: the only thing I’ve got is that I would have made damn sure the front door was locked.”

Adrienne giggled at that, reminding us that she was there.

We both turned to smile at her and then Brandi’s looked into my eyes once again. “I love you, Ben. And I made a conscious decision a long time ago that our relationship would be more than platonic. I don’t think it’s evil. Yeah, I think it’s a little naughty and I love throwing around the term ‘wrong’; but I don’t really think what we do is wrong, and I won’t apologize for the nature of our relationship. It makes us both happy, and we’re both old enough to understand what we’re getting ourselves into.”

“Even that this kind of result was possible?” I ventured.

Brandi sighed, thinking of Matt. “Yeah. I always knew this could happen. I hoped it wouldn’t, the way someone driving fast on the freeway knows there’s a chance of getting into a wreck but hopes they won’t. What we do is a little dangerous, Ben. That’s part of the thrill.”

“And you still want to keep doing it?”

Brandi smiled and squeezed my hand. “Actually, I want to do it right now.”

My eyebrows popped up and Brandi grinned, standing up and tugging me off the couch. After everything that had happened, I was half in disbelief as my older sister, who had just lost her boyfriend over her desire to sleep with me, wanted to commit incest again. But I still let her lead me away from the couch and over to the stairs.

Halfway across the living room, Brandi stopped and turned to Adrienne, who was still standing next to the couch. “A.D., can you make sure the front door is locked for us?”

Adrienne laughed and nodded, turning to head for the door.

“And then, I’d love it if you came and joined us,” Brandi added.

Adrienne’s eyes popped open, a little smile crawling across her face. “Are you sure? This seems like it should be a moment for just the two of you.”

Brandi shrugged. “The world says I shouldn’t have sex with my brother. The world says I shouldn’t have sex with another girl. I say FUCK the world.” And then my sister giggled and practically dragged me up the stairs.

* * *

I’ve never been able to put a descriptor to the sensation of kissing my biological sisters. Adrienne’s kisses can create a slow-burn fire inside me or set off a nuclear explosion. Dawn lights me up with a volcanic fury. And DJ is even more intense, what I’ve been calling supervolcanic.

Brandi, Brooke, and even the twins just feel ... sweeter. There’s an undercurrent of affectionate love in our kisses, and less passionate lust. With them, kissing is simply an extension of our familial love, without any romance or hope or expectation of the future.

So in that sense, kissing Brandi didn’t make me feel like we were going to fall in love or anything. Kissing her just felt good...

... AND sweet. She DID still taste like strawberries.

I’m not sure how long Brandi and I stood in the middle of her bedroom, just holding each other and kissing softly. There was no sense of urgency, no desperate need to get to the fucking. If we never did anything more than stand there and kiss, it would be okay. We were just expressing how much we cared about each other.

But then we noticed that Adrienne had arrived after making sure the front door was locked. The bedroom door was locked as well. And once we felt safely cocooned in our own little world, the lust started to creep into our kisses. I pushed my face forward with a little more pressure, getting the same back from Brandi. Her lips parted and accepted the entrance of my tongue, letting me swirl around to tickle her taste buds while she moaned in pleasure.

Brandi was the first to reach out to our adopted sister. A moment later, Adrienne’s face moved alongside ours, her tongue extending forward between our lips and then suddenly, I was a part of my very first three-way kiss.

It was kind of a surprise to me, given that I’d had multiple girls on so many other different occasions, that this was really my first three-way kiss. But those threesomes and moresomes were usually about sex. Any physical contortions were arranged so that my dick and tongue, or one of the girls’ pussies and tongue, could get used at the same time. This encounter wasn’t about sex ... not yet, at least. This kiss was about the three of us bonding together as a family, albeit a family with rather unusual benefits.

The touch of both Adrienne’s and Brandi’s tongues at the same time excited me. And for a few seconds, we reveled in the mashing of mouths as we all came together. But a three-way kiss just isn’t very practical, and I soon found myself twisting my head left and right to kiss each girl in turn to avoid the crushed nose and awkwardness of trying to kiss them at the same time. I even paused to breathe and watch the two of them making out, lips smacking wetly and erotically.

Eventually, Adrienne pulled away to let Brandi and I resume. I think we all sensed that while Brandi and I were quite happy with Adrienne’s presence and truly wanted her with us, the moment WAS about Brandi and me reconnecting after the Matt-incident. But Adrienne was not idle. While I locked lips with my older sister, the gorgeous blonde moved behind me to begin removing my clothing.

My memory drifted back to just a few months ago when another beautiful blonde had undressed me so that I might make love to my precious sister. Then, it was my sweet girlfriend DJ stripping me for Brooke. And while Adrienne was no longer my girlfriend, I chuckled to myself at just how lucky I was to have these amazing girls around me.

Adrienne didn’t stop when I was fully naked. She paused to kiss my asscheeks, planting wet raspberries on each of them and then giggling musically. Then she stood up and circled around to undress Brandi for me.

I cracked up when I heard Adrienne blowing raspberries on Brandi’s butt, too.

And so Brandi and I were naked and ready to take this physical encounter to the next level. Brandi seemed ready to mount me, and the copious fluids leaking against my thigh confirmed it. But I didn’t consider us done just yet. I turned my sister around and led her to continue kissing Adrienne, tilting her head up to the slightly taller blonde. And once the gorgeous girls were engaged, I moved behind Adrienne and began to strip her as well.

And yeah, I blew raspberries on Adrienne’s ass as well.

After the long buildup of making out and caressing each other’s bodies, we were all naked and primed to go. I could feel the fine sheens of sweat on both girls’ bodies, as well as the heat radiating off their skin. The room already smelled of feminine arousal, their pheromones filling the small, enclosed space. And the sounds of soft panting and lip-smacking echoed all around us.

I slid up behind my Brandi, pushing my chest against her naked back and rubbing my erection against her perky buttcheeks. For a second, I just watched the two of them moaning, rubbing noses, and lightly brushing their lips against each other. They weren’t even kissing now so much as grinding their chests and faces together with their eyes closed, both of them clearly in heat. After a few moments, I tilted my face down to nibble at Brandi’s neck and shoulders, causing her to loll her head back and moan rapturously. I then reached down and raised her right leg, manually wrapping it around Adrienne’s hip. And a moment later I felt Adrienne herself grab beneath Brandi’s knee, the gorgeous blonde sensing my intentions perfectly.

Even though Adrienne had figured it out, Brandi was still surprised when she felt my cock pushing into her from below. With her right leg elevated and supported by Adrienne, her pussy was spread wide for me as I stood up and quite literally lifted Brandi off her feet, suspending my sister in the air supported mostly by my cock buried all the way into her pussy. And the beautiful brunette tilted her head back and groaned at the suddenly full sensation. “Oh, fuck...” Brandi grunted.

Adrienne took the opportunity to kiss her wetly, still holding her right leg with one hand and reaching the other into her crotch. My arms were around Brandi’s waist, supporting her weight to keep her feet off the floor. And Brandi groaned non-stop as Adrienne’s hand went to work against her love button and she felt herself sink another quarter of an inch lower onto my prod.

“Too much, Ben! Too much!” Brandi whimpered, shaking her head as she felt her body stretching against gravity.

I nodded to Adrienne, and the blonde didn’t need any verbal communication as she released Brandi’s leg and pulled her hand out while I literally backed my way across the room with my sister still impaled on my cock.

Brandi groaned gutturally again as she was skewered even further, her weight almost entirely supported by her cunt wrapped around my dick. But then my calves hit the bed and I sat down quickly, dropping my sister into my lap as I fell flat on my back across the mattress.

“Oh, FUCK!” Brandi screamed and came, the impact causing my cock to momentarily stretch a part of her vagina that had never been stretched before. Somehow, she managed to remain vertical in a reverse cowgirl-position, arching her back and howling at the ceiling while the rush of sensations overwhelmed her.

Here we were again, at the scene of the crime where Matt had caught us red-handed and red-faced. Brandi once again had her little brother’s dick embedded inside her, giving her pleasure, giving her an orgasm. And her mind spun in circles while her body quivered in ecstasy.

And the pleasure only escalated. Adrienne quickly moved to kneel at the foot of the bed and parked herself between our spread legs. I’m sure the blonde had an excellent view of my cock embedded in my sister’s cunt, and Adrienne also had easy access to dive forward and begin tonguing at our joining.

“Oh, gawd ... Adrienne...” Brandi whimpered, already being pushed to the limits of pleasure overload. “You’re so good ... so good...”

And Adrienne wasn’t the only one stimulating her. I’d recovered from the momentary shock of falling onto the bed, and with my hands on Brandi’s hips, I was using the springiness of the mattress to drive my cock upwards, pushing myself in and out of my sister’s sopping wet snatch.

“Fuck me, little brother,” Brandi moaned.

“I’m fucking you, big sister,” I replied in kind. “I’m fucking you, and you’ve got another sister eating you out at the same time. Isn’t that so naughty? You’re sandwiched between two family members, both of them attacking your pretty little cunt simultaneously. Can you feel it? Can you feel my thick cock stretching your tight tunnel? Can you feel Adrienne’s tongue lapping at your clit? Can you even feel it when Adrienne’s tongue swipes along the underside of her brother’s dick, forcing me to shove myself into you a little harder? Can you?”

“Fuuuck, yes!” Brandi crooned. “I can feel it! I can feel it! You’re gonna make me cum again! You both are gonna make me cum again!”

And she was going to make ME cum, too. Brandi’s pussy was going into uncontrollable spasms, clenching and unclenching rhythmically like the greatest masturbatory device ever. I squeezed my eyes shut and grunted while my hips sped up to the short rows, pistoning up to my redline as I prepared to blow my load.

Brandi got there first. She threw her head back and screamed, “Aaaaahhhh!” Her body shuddered, and then she lost the ability to keep herself upright, toppling backwards and falling almost onto me. I just managed to catch her against my left side, not quite arresting her fall but able to shift her enough so that she landed on the bed beside me. This motion also lifted her crotch up the length of my cock, her tightly-clamped mid-orgasmic pussy lips dragging from the very base of my prick all the way up the shaft in one long pull. And just as she came off me, I felt my ejaculation surge forward.

Once again, Adrienne was there just in time. The stunningly gorgeous blonde dove forward, silky golden blonde locks falling across her face as she inhaled my prick just as I began spitting out great wads of semen. And her hazel eyes burned brightly as her cheeks bulged out to contain the onslaught of cum.

I watched Adrienne sucking me, my own mind spinning by now. And then too exhausted to hold my neck up, I let my head drop against the bed while feeling Adrienne’s hands pumping the rest of my jizz out of me.

But Adrienne didn’t swallow it. Instead, a few seconds after I finally went limp, she moved above us with still-bulging cheeks, one hand beneath her mouth just in case she lost it.

Brandi’s eyes lit up beside me as she realized what was happening. She groaned as she gaped her own mouth open. And then I groaned as I watched the hot blonde part her lips from about a foot above my sister, letting the creamy goo dribble out of her own mouth to splatter down into the pretty brunette’s waiting receptacle.

It took longer than I would have expected. Perhaps I just had a bigger load than I thought, and I found myself amazed that Adrienne had managed to hold it all in. But eventually, the stunningly gorgeous blonde managed to let out all of her adoptive brother’s cum into her adoptive sister’s mouth. And then she followed it up by diving down for another wet, lip-smacking kiss.

For her part, Brandi was buzzing happily at the sensation of her brother’s cum in her mouth, by way of Adrienne. I was sure she still wasn’t fond of the taste, but the psychological thrill of knowing my jizz went out of my dick into Adrienne’s mouth and then finally back to hers almost gave Brandi another orgasm.

And she wanted more...

“I want to watch him fuck you now,” Brandi gushed while holding Adrienne’s head in her hands. “I want to watch him fuck your brains out, grabbing onto your big tits, riding you hard, and giving you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. And just when he’s finally exhausted, I want him to cum deep inside you. And THEN I’ll get to have both brother and sister flavors together.”
