Chapter 19: Dawn’s Story


My heart was already racing well before I saw the house. It felt like ages since I’d last seen Ben and Adrienne and Brooke and everyone else, even though this was actually the shortest wait to see them after a summer camp since they’d moved to Orange County.

Then my heart nearly stopped when I saw the family van parked in the three-car driveway behind a cherry red Mustang and Dayna’s Impala. They were already here.

Ben was already here.

There was so much I wanted to tell him. There were so many feelings I wanted to share with him. I loved him beyond anything I’d ever felt or would ever feel for anyone else. He was my destiny, and I knew deep in my heart that we would be together when it mattered most.

I loved him so much that I was willing to wait for him. I wanted him to be happy, and that meant not interfering in his relationship with Adrienne. It hurt. It really, really hurt to not be with him. But I had faith that we would find each other again.

Dad parked our van on the street since the driveway was full. DJ popped the door even before we came to a complete stop, and she made a beeline into the house. I took a moment to calm myself, then more sedately stepped out, walked down the sidewalk, and headed up the steps onto the front porch. My luggage could wait for later. Right now, I HAD to see him.

I froze when I saw him. I mean, I was expecting to see him, but it was still a shock when I finally did. Every time I saw him again, I was amazed at how much he’d grown up in the past few years. Ben had always been a cute kid. Good bone structure, kind eyes, strong jaw. But he’d been short, even shorter than me, up until he showed up that summer camp when I turned sixteen. Now he was a 6’0” tall hunk of man meat, handsome and well-built. The boy attracted girls like he was made of chocolate. And he had a casual confidence that oozed out of his pores every time he moved.

And there he was. Ben was coming out of a bedroom, dusting off his hands and chuckling about something he and Adrienne were talking about. I wanted to run up and tell him that he meant the world to me. I wanted to tell him to leave Adrienne because only I could ever make him truly happy. I wanted to tell him that we belonged together.

But I couldn’t do that to him. I wouldn’t. Someday; but not right now.

Giving myself something else to focus on, I turned to Ben’s right. “Adrienne, hey!” I stepped forward with open arms.

Slightly surprised, the blonde bombshell nevertheless welcomed me with a hug. “Dawn! How was your summer?”

“August has been kind of a drag, actually. After the incredible highs of camp, it’s always ... I dunno ... kind of a letdown, you know?”

Adrienne smiled. “Yeah. I won’t miss the bugs, but I missed hanging out with you, DJ, and Felicia.”

I rolled my eyes, thinking of all the wonderful things Ben and Adrienne must have been doing without me. “Missed ... You can’t have been too bored having Ben all to yourself for a few weeks.”

Adrienne snorted. “To myself? Yeah, right. Brooke was always around, for one. And then a bunch of Ben’s girls all had to have one last farewell before going away: Heather, Candy, Allie, Helene. Believe me, we’ve been busy,” she laughed.

I arched an eyebrow. If Ben were mine, I’d want to keep him by my side as much as possible, not have him running around with other girls and leaving me alone to pine after him. “You don’t mind all that? I dunno. If I was still his girlfriend, I don’t think I could let him out quite that much.”

Adrienne shrugged and then grinned evilly. “Nah. As long as I get to join in. Think you had fun with Felicia?” Adrienne chuckled. “This one girl, Helene? We played her like a piano. Seriously, do-re-mi and the girl goes unconscious from too much pleasure. She wasn’t even into girls until we got a hold of her. But up until two days ago she practically had her face in my crotch 24/7.”

Ahhh ... That made more sense. Sharing Ben was completely different from letting him go off alone. And I started giggling at the thought of sharing him with Adrienne. She really was stunningly gorgeous. “Speaking of faces in your crotch...”

The gorgeous girl in question grinned, running her eyes up and down my body with obvious interest. “Later. I promise,” she replied with an extra husk in her voice.

I nodded and then finally turned to Ben. The little interlude with Adrienne had calmed me down, but the nerves came back to me as I stopped a foot away and tried to smile. A month after parting at camp, my feelings for him hadn’t changed one bit. I was madly in love with him. I wanted us to be together ... forever. And I wanted to marry him. But I couldn’t have him; not right now. I wouldn’t do that to Adrienne. “Hey...” I began.

“Hey, you.” I could feel the war going on behind Ben’s eyes. He loved me. He really and truly loved me. But he was also IN love with Adrienne and wouldn’t abandon her.

My mind was racing again with all the jumbled thoughts and emotions that had paralyzed me before. But thankfully, Ben decided for the both of us what to do as he stepped forward, wrapping me up in the warmest hug imaginable. I sagged into his embrace and smiled, patting his back while he stroked my spine. And in a warm voice that sent tingles all over my body, he softly murmured, “It’s good to see you.”

“You, too,” I sighed before pulling myself back, an arm’s length away with my hands still on his shoulders. Our eyes met and our very souls reconnected. And with that knowledge, a sense of peace fell over me. I smiled and said, “We’re finally here. And now we’ll never have to be apart again.”

* * *

The new house had to have walls that were made of tissue paper. I was used to home, which while not 100% soundproofed, still muffled things well enough that you couldn’t hear someone fucking in another room unless you were listening very hard for the sounds. When I’d wanted to rub myself listening to Dayna or DJ entertaining a guest, I could. But when I’d wanted to do something else, any stray noises just faded into the background.

This Berkeley house was NOT like that at all. Ben and Adrienne were fucking up a storm and every moan, whimper, and passionate groan filtered out of their bedroom and through what seemed to be a hollow door. If the whole house was like this, either the five of us would have to confine our lovemaking to the late hours when no one was around, or we’d just have to accept that we were being broadcast to our friends and whoever else happened to be visiting. Knowing how horny we all got, I was expecting the latter.

I wanted to join them. Adrienne had certainly made reference to faces in crotches. And of course, I was simply DYING to feel Ben ... MY Ben ... deep inside me, filling me in ways that only he could ever do.

But I couldn’t. Ben and I couldn’t have sex anymore. I had a boyfriend now, and I’d promised Ryan that I wouldn’t. No sex. No intimate touches. Not even kissing. And besides ... it would HURT too much. I would be intimate with Ben, and yet, not WITH him. I just wouldn’t be able to handle it.

And so ... aching deep inside ... I leaned against the wall and listened to them.

A few minutes later, Adrienne screamed in orgasm. I also heard what sounded like open-palmed spanks to her asscheeks along with the accelerated pounding of the mattress on the bed frame. And then I heard Ben’s grunt of relief as he was no doubt spewing gob after gob of cock cream deep into Adrienne’s body.

I gave them a minute, trying to calm my own rapid heart rate. And then I opened the door and slipped inside. The still-naked couple glanced over at me and smiled while I turned to them with a smile of my own.

“I knew you’d come,” Adrienne beamed. Then she spread her legs, planting her feet on top of the mattress. “Come get your Ben fix!”

We’d agreed on this back at camp. I wouldn’t be able to do anything directly to Ben, but I could still do this. He was my drug; I was addicted to him. And I already knew there would be many more days like this when I could suck his cum out of Adrienne’s pussy, tasting his unique flavor and fantasizing about getting it directly from the source. I quickly crossed the room and sank to my knees between Adrienne’s spread legs. Without the slightest delay, I rammed my tongue into the gorgeous blonde’s slit and began slurping noisily, tasting the mingled orgasmic cream of the both of them. And I moaned happily, feeling like I was tasting the most heavenly dessert imaginable.

“No, Ben. Don’t.” Adrienne’s voice rang out above me.

Though I couldn’t see him, I felt Ben’s presence behind me. I arched my back and thrust out my ass, beckoning him to undress me just enough to shove that beautiful cock into my welcoming body. I wanted him. I WANTED to fuck him.

“You can’t, remember?” Adrienne said softly. I wasn’t sure if she was talking to him or me.

The tears started rolling down my eyes as I realized that I could quite literally taste my Ben, but nothing more. I couldn’t be with him, no matter how much we might want it. Not right now at least. I clung to the “not now” part, dreaming of “later”.

And then I felt Ben’s lips against the back of my neck as he brushed my hair to the side. He kissed me with a tenderness that melted my insides. These kisses were our most intimate of platonic gestures, and the touch of his lips felt so pure and wonderful.

But I wanted more. Right here, right now, I was willing to throw all my rationalizations away. They made sense when Ben and I were 500 miles apart; but here, in the same bedroom, it just couldn’t work. I couldn’t be this close to him and NOT want to be with him.

I didn’t love Ryan. I loved BEN. I didn’t care if I fucked up his relationship with Adrienne, as much as I liked her as a friend. I wanted MY BEN. And as I felt him pull his lips away from my neck, I pulled my head out of Adrienne’s crotch and turned around, getting to my feet.

“Ben!” I reached for him, my jaw covered in honey and spunk. My eyes pleaded for him to seize me, ravish me, and never let me go.

“It’s okay,” Ben gestured for me to stop with both hands. He smiled at his girlfriend adoringly, clearly in love with her. In love with HER. Not ME. And I felt my heart cracking as I saw the expression on his face.

“Go ahead and get reacquainted with each other,” Ben continued. “I’ll be outside.”

I blinked several times, feeling sadder than I had in my whole life. How could he reject me?

But a few seconds later my rational brain caught up with me. Ben was right. This was what we had decided on. This was best for the both of us. There would be time for us later, when we both grew up. We would be together again, when BEN became the man I knew he could be. It wasn’t our time just yet, and I didn’t want to ruin our future for a few fleeting moments of lust today. It hurt, but I could wait for him. So I nodded in understanding.

“But Ben,” Adrienne sat up, a frown on her face. “Don’t you want to watch?”

Ben sighed and bit his lip. I saw the same pain I felt reflected in his eyes. “I would”, he said. “You know I would. But I can’t; it would just be too hard.” And then with all the same anguish I felt inside etched across his face, he grabbed a pair of shorts and left.

I looked at the closed bedroom door for a few seconds before I felt Adrienne’s fingers softly caressing my cheek. “He loves you. You know he does.”

I nodded.

Adrienne smiled beautifully before sighing and saying, “I’ll give him back to you someday; I promise.”

I turned to look at her, arching an eyebrow.

“I love him,” she continued. “I love him with all my heart. But I’m not the kind of girl to marry him and give him kids and all that jazz. I need him, Dawn. I love him and I need him. I know it’s not fair that I’m keeping the two of you apart, but God help me, I need him.”

I bit my lower lip, remembering the pain of that first week at summer camp and not sure how to feel right now about this girl who had stolen my soulmate. I didn’t blame her. A lot of things, including my own decisions, had led all three of us to this point. But it still hurt.

Adrienne stroked my cheek again, giving me a hopeful smile. “Still ... Maybe when I’m a stronger person, maybe when I don’t NEED him so much, I’ll give him back to you.”

Still biting my lip, I looked at the gorgeous girl with a simultaneously hopeful and scared expression.

She just cupped my cheek, her hazel eyes twinkling, and stated, “You’re destined to be together. And someday, all your dreams will come true. I’ll just keep him out of trouble until that day comes, okay?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. Then Adrienne pulled my face to hers and planted the softest, sweetest kiss on my lips. Our tongues intertwined for a few moments and then a little sigh of pleasure escaped my mouth.

Adrienne smiled and stroked my back lovingly. “Come on. Let’s get reacquainted and celebrate our friendship in a sea of bliss.”


There was an awkward moment at breakfast. I’d made pancakes and eggs for everyone, but the eggs were all eaten by the time Ben and Adrienne made it to the table. It was their fault they were late. I’d heard Ben grunting from what sounded like a morning blowjob.

In any case, I was perfectly happy to make more eggs. I was already cooking and I knew just how to make them the way Ben liked. But Adrienne had insisted that she take over, giving me a ‘Hey, I’m his girlfriend’ look. We’d shared a moment yesterday, coming to the understanding that she’d give him back to me eventually. But for now, Adrienne was still the outsider to our group and a little protective of her position.

Throughout breakfast, Ben looked like he wanted to talk to me. And when the time came to head out and give Adrienne a tour of the campus, Ben changed the plans and had Dayna and Brandi escort Adrienne so that he and I could talk. I felt myself starting to get tense the very second he suggested it.

And so Ben and I ended up on the couch together, leaning sideways against the backrest while looking at each other nervously. Ben actually looked more nervous than me, which made me smile as I watched him trying to organize his thoughts. At the same time, he looked like he wanted to just seize my head and shove his tongue down my throat.

I wanted him to. And I was contemplating starting a volcanic kiss myself, damn the consequences, when he abruptly asked, “How was your date with Ryan last night?”

I blinked a few times, surprised by his question. It had been my first date with Ryan since seeing Ben again, and the whole evening had been a little awkward. Ryan had gone so far as to ask if I’d fucked Ben already, and he didn’t believe me when I told him I hadn’t. It took a half-hour to convince him otherwise, and even then he seemed skeptical throughout the rest of the night. We didn’t even have sex, and I came back to Berkeley unfucked and unsure that I ever really wanted to again with Ryan. My whole relationship with my boyfriend felt different now that Ben was here, and I just couldn’t relax.

But I didn’t tell Ben all that. How do you talk to an ex-boyfriend about your problems with a current boyfriend? I just replied some stuff about Ryan dealing with a new school, just like us. Ben asked about some of my other friends as well and I reminded him that Gwen and Robin were attending Cal as well.

Still, eventually the conversation worked back to me and Ryan, and I finally told him, “When it came right down to it, I just couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

We edged around the issue until I finally admitted, “Because ... I knew you were here.”

“Dawn...” Ben looked sad for me.

“I just couldn’t. Not while you’re in the same zip code, Ben.”

“He’s your boyfriend,” Ben said gently.

“YOU should be my boyfriend,” I whimpered, looking at him sadly. “That’s the way things were supposed to be.”

“So what do you want?” Ben sighed helplessly. “You break up with Ryan and I break up with Adrienne and we fall in love and get married and pop out a few kids?”

YES, ‘ I wanted to exclaim, but didn’t. I wanted it desperately, but it would never happen. I turned and pushed my forehead into my palm. “Doesn’t matter. You’re not going to break up with Adrienne.”

“No, I’m not,” he stated firmly, staying loyal to his girlfriend.

Seeing his devotion, I sighed and thought about my boyfriend as well. As much as I loved Ben, I appreciated Ryan. He’d been a great boyfriend, always attentive and caring. And he’d been HERE for me when Ben wasn’t. I guess my expression changed because Ben looked at me sharply and breathed, “And you don’t want to break up with Ryan, either.”

He was right. I didn’t. I wanted them both. I wanted the love of my life, my destiny. But I wanted the big, strong man who’d held me in his arms so many times, who had comforted me and loved me and been around for me this past year. Why couldn’t I have both? “Am I a bad person?” I whimpered. “When you’re around, I want you so badly. And when you’re not around and it’s just Ryan, I feel so much for him.”

I shuddered in agony. Ben reached forward and bear-hugged me, surrounding me with strength and warmth. “It’s okay, Dawn. You’re not a bad person. That’s just being human.”

My breath came in heaving gasps. I was shaking and sobbing in Ben’s arms, wracked with guilt. “I’m sorry, Ben. I know I should only want you! I’m sorry...”

“No, shhh ... You have nothing to be ashamed about. I understand.”

“But I’m supposed to be with you.”

“Life doesn’t always happen the way it’s ‘supposed’ to.”

I sobbed, not understanding my life and the way things were unfolding. Wasn’t it supposed to be easier than this? Wasn’t everything supposed to magically make sense when Ben and I could be together in one place again?

My breathing eventually slowed, and then without moving my face away from Ben’s chest, I exhaled forlornly. “I knew it. I always knew it. At camp, I even said things would be this way. But I guess it didn’t really hit me until just now.”

He just patted my back.

“Here we are, at Cal, the way we always said we would be,” I sighed. “Only you and I aren’t the way I’d thought we would be.”

“I never thought things would turn out this way either, if it’s any consolation,” he replied softly.

I pulled away and looked up into Ben’s handsome face, searching his eyes. He would have the answers. He would think clearly for us and tell me what to do. He was my Ben. I had faith in him. “What do I have to do?”

He brushed my hair back against my scalp. I LOVED it when he did that. Looking strong and serious, he asked, “Dawn, are you my friend?”

“Yes, Ben. Forever.”

“Can you be just my friend? Not my girlfriend?”

My eyes tightened but I set my lips in a determined line. “I’ll be whatever I have to be.”

“But can you really just be my friend?”

“I have to. I need you in my life, Ben. It physically hurts when you’re nearby but I can’t be around you. I was in absolute AGONY that first week of camp.”

“But I’m in love with Adrienne.”

I thought about what Adrienne had told me before, about loving him and keeping him busy until our time had come. I smiled, relieved at knowing she would give him back to me someday. “Then I’ll wait for you.”

He puckered his lips and I quivered at the thought of him kissing me. My heart raced for a second, then calmed when he kissed my forehead tenderly. “I’ll always love you, Dawn. Never forget that.”

“I won’t.”

“You have to do something for me, Dawn.”

“Anything, Ben.” Anything, anytime, anywhere. I LOVED him.

Ben took a deep breath. “You have to not be IN love with me.”

I sighed, a long, long exhalation filled with mourning and resignation. “I know.”

But knowing was one thing. DOING, on the other hand, would be a lot tougher.


The introductions went well. Ben looked surprisingly relaxed, smug even. I wondered if Adrienne had given him a little therapy to calm him down for this. However he managed it, his sense of calm did wonders to settle Ryan down a bit as well. My boyfriend was still edgy, but at least he was under control.

So Ben introduced Adrienne and I introduced Ryan. We chatted about personal history and the usual over a couple of beers. I had to admit I was quite proud that Ryan kept his eyes on Adrienne’s face for the entire time. Even I had a hard time not ogling her fantastic tits every time I saw them.

Things got a little tense when the boys hashed out me having sex with Ben at camp, and then me having sex with Ryan last Thanksgiving. But Ben started calming things down as he explained that we would now just be friends.

“She still loves you,” Ryan said stiffly.

“And I’ll always love her,” Ben replied. “But Dawn’s my best friend, not my lover anymore. That’s a boundary we won’t cross, I promise you. I’m IN love with Adrienne, here.”

Ryan was skeptical. So Ben finally put everything up front and in the open. “You once told me that if I let her go, you wouldn’t give her back,” Ben said. “Here we are. The choice is yours.”

My eyebrows shot up. I didn’t remember them having THAT conversation before.

Ryan took a deep breath and replied, “No. It’s not.”

The room went silent and you could cut the tension in the air with a dull spoon it was so thick. Ryan took a deep breath, then turned and held both of my hands in his while staring me dead in the eyes. I felt instantly nervous and under a very, very powerful microscope. “Dawn, the choice is yours,” my boyfriend stated. “I love you. I know you’re not in love with me, but I know you care about me and I still see the potential in ‘us’. But I don’t want to be trapped in a relationship if you don’t really want to be with me.”

My chest suddenly felt constricted, as if I couldn’t breathe. My jaw was tense and my eyes clicked back and forth staring into Ryan’s penetrating gaze.

“So Ben’s right there, Dawn,” Ryan said softly. “For the first time in a long while, you’re looking at the both of us at the same time. It’s no longer a choice between a live me and a phantom soul mate 500-miles away. I need to know: Do you want to be with me?”

I didn’t look at Ben. We’d made our own choices together, and I was afraid that if I looked at him now I would change my mind. I had to do this quickly, before I second-guessed myself, so I took one deep breath, squeezed Ryan’s hands, and said firmly, “Yes. I do.”

I watched my boyfriend’s eyes light up at my words. Hurriedly, he jerked on my hands and grabbed my head, planting his lips on mine and sealing us together in a passionate kiss. All of Ryan’s desperate love and fear poured out at the same time as he lost himself in me. It felt good.

It felt REALLY good.

He wasn’t my Ben; but it felt really good to be loved by someone. And now all my old arousal was back.

I hadn’t gotten laid in a LONG time. Yeah, I’d had sex with Adrienne a couple of days ago, but I hadn’t had anything nice and hard and throbbing deep inside me in far too long. Ben and I wouldn’t work out just yet, but I had a big, strong boyfriend who loved me and made me feel so good. I wasn’t IN love just yet, but Ryan made me happy and I knew I cared a great deal about him. Plus, he was damn good in bed.

My skin was flushed as I stared at this gorgeous hunk of a man: 6’2”, muscles on top of muscles, square-jawed, and with beautiful, crystal clear blue eyes. He was my boyfriend. He was all MINE. There were no doubts about that. There were no other girls to compete with. Ryan adored me and only me. And I felt a pleasurable tingle racing up my spine as I fondly remembered all the wonderful times we’d already spent together.

I was gonna get FUCKED. No more hesitations. Ben and I had made our choices. So panting with arousal, I turned to Ben and Adrienne. “Uh, I think I’m going to go drive Ryan home now, okay?”

Ben chuckled and nodded. Adrienne chirped, “Have fun you two.”

I stood up and pulled my boyfriend with me. Ryan at least had the sense of politeness to stop and turn back, saying, “It was nice to meet you, Adrienne. Ben, see you later.”

And then I couldn’t wait any longer. Giggling, I practically dragged Ryan out the door.


Mmm ... I loved my life. My boyfriend had fucked my brains out every which way every day since Monday, and I still had a house full of gorgeous women to play with. Don’t get me wrong, I love men and I love cock; but there’s something so sensual about another woman’s touch, especially a woman who knows me so well.

I had two such women already working with me. Brandi was fully naked and lying flat on her back. An equally naked Dayna was straddling her best friend’s face and oriented to lean down and fondle Brandi’s upright tits. And I was happily tonguing away at Brandi’s bare-shaven pussy. Not only was Brandi a dear friend and an excellent lover, but I got an extra naughty thrill knowing she was Ben’s big sister. Somehow, that knowledge made her taste even sweeter.

“Ohhh, eat me, Dawn,” Brandi cooed, pulling her mouth away from her best friend’s snatch for a few seconds. “Dayna, I think that girl’s even better than you!”

“Ha!” Dayna giggled and then shoved her cunt back into Brandi’s face. I looked up to see my big sister winking at me while she tweaked the brunette’s nipples. “Well, we’ll have to do a comparison, won’t we? After Dawn’s finished with you, I’ll take a turn and we’ll see which Evans girl is the best rug-muncher in the family.”

I picked my head up, my jaw coated with feminine nectar, and added, “Then we’ll have to drive you down to get reacquainted with DJ, just to make sure.”

“Hey, for all you know, our mom could be the best pussy-licker,” Dayna drawled.

“Eww! Dayna!” I squealed.

And then they arrived. Ben and Adrienne finally came in to their bedroom, where the three of us roommates were already having sex. Adrienne giggled something about a plan and then raced toward us, already stripping out of her own clothes. The busty blonde bombshell practically tackled Dayna off of Brandi’s face and rolled her over to do their own thing. Any further discussion of an Evans-family competition was forgotten.

Now, all my attention was on where Ben was and what he was doing.

Freed of her oral obligations, Brandi set to guiding my head between her thighs. I heard Ben moving around behind me and for a moment, fantasized about him thrusting his cock into my dripping wet snatch. Already, I was feeling even more turned on knowing he could see my naked body, glistening with sweat. I even wondered if my pussy lips were flowering open for him, giving him quite the view from my back side.

And then I felt him kiss the back of my neck. Ben kissed me with a soft tenderness that let me know he was there, and that while he might have wanted to plunge himself inside me, he wouldn’t. We were still intimately connected, but ... platonic.

Instead, he moved around the bed next to Brandi’s head. The beautiful Junior with dark hair and blonde highlights turned her face to eagerly suck her brother’s dick. I moaned and felt a fresh surge of arousal watching the siblings’ incestuous blowjob, and I smiled at Ben before resuming my cunnilingus on his sister. Our eyes stayed locked together, though, sharing a quiet moment as we double-teamed Brandi between us.

That set the tone for the rest of the night. Ben and I never touched each other again. But in a way, we still made love through the girls between us.

We started with me sitting back against the headboard, Brandi on all fours eating me out while Ben shafted his sister’s cunt from behind. I felt like I was on fire, staring intensely at Ben, cramming Brandi’s face a little harder against my crotch while I imagined it was MY cunt Ben was slamming into over and over and over again. “Fuck me...” I mouthed. “Fuck me...”

Harder and harder Ben pounded Brandi, his ab muscles clenching and his pelvis jarring his sister’s body with each rhythmic impact. “Oh, fuck,” Ben grunted, nearing his orgasm. And then with a final lunge he slammed forward and began spewing his load into... me...

I closed my eyes as I lolled my head back and moaned in orgasm. “Fuuuuuuck...” I imagined I could feel each spurt of cum ... Ben’s cum ... jetting into my body. Perhaps Ben was imagining it too.

But the reality was: I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t even taste it. Part of our new agreement to keep things platonic was that I wouldn’t even seek out his cum, not out of Adrienne’s pussy or anyone else’s. To taste his cum would be “sexual contact”; and if I was really going to commit to my relationship with Ryan, I couldn’t let myself do that anymore.

Instead, it was Adrienne who returned, promptly rolled Brandi over, and then dived her face between Brandi’s legs to slurp out all of Ben’s jism. That left Ben and I just staring at each other, recovering from our orgasms, thinking of what could have been.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

But then Dayna rolled Ben onto his back, knocking him away from looking at me. My own big sister slurped his dick into her mouth, sucking like a vacuum and bobbing her head up and down to rapidly bring him back to hardness. The process was made much faster when my big-titted sister sandwiched his cock in her double-D tits, wrapping him up in warm titflesh and fucking him with her chest. And soon Ben was recharged and ready to go.

Ben then grabbed Dayna and rolled her onto her back. He grabbed her ankles, lifted them up, and wrapped her legs around his waist before gripping her hips and ramming his dick into her juicing cunt in a single thrust.

Dayna had just barely stopped her first scream when I climbed aboard, straddling my sister’s face to continue getting orally serviced. I couldn’t have Ben, but I could play with whoever he WAS allowed to fuck.

This also put Ben’s face just inches away from my own, as I rode my sister’s lips and Ben leaned forward to continue pumping her pussy. It would be so ... easy ... to kiss him. And it was certainly tempting. But this was our test. This was our first chance to prove we could handle the boundaries of our relationship, and I wasn’t going to fail him now.

So Ben and I stared at each other from just inches away, watching the contortions of ecstasy crossing each other’s faces. And I stared into his eyes while feeling the sucking lips and nubile tongue swishing around my pleasure centers. Dayna was always sooo good at munching pussy.

“Eat me...” I groaned. “Eat me...” And then my eyes half-closed and I grimaced as a fresh orgasm swept through me. Ben’s eyes went wide and he seemed energized watching me cumming. And he started drooling a bit while fucking Dayna even harder, staring at me and my big, wobbling tits all the while.

Eventually, I came down from my high and urged, “Switch with me, Ben.”

Ben arched an eyebrow, not totally understanding. But he obeyed and gingerly slid out of Dayna’s sopping wet pussy while I dismounted my sister’s face. Below us, Dayna was gasping for oxygen and trembling from the latest orgasm Ben had given her. Then I moved around to take over tonguing my sister’s snatch while Dayna frantically beckoned for Ben to come around to her other end.

“Fuck my tits, Ben,” my slutty sister urged. “Fuck these big puppies and cum all over them. Cum on my face and spray on my tits!”

I pretty much heard more than saw the rest. Ben wound up straddling Dayna’s chest for the titfuck. That put his gorgeously tight ass right in my face, egging me on while I nibbled on my sister’s clit. Ben really had a NICE ass: tight and muscular, without a trace of flab. I’d lovingly caressed it more than once in my time.

I brought my sister to an orgasm, making her scream somewhere above me. Her thighs clamped around my head while my tongue wrapped around her clit. But then her focus was back to the big dick in front of her face. I didn’t blame her. I would have been focused on it myself. “Do it! Cum on my face,” Dayna urged. “Hose me down, Ben!”

“Arrghh!” Ben grunted, about to blow. I picked my head out of Dayna’s crotch and crawled up the bed to watch the money shot. Ben was gripping her breasts tightly and thrusting uncontrollably through her mammaries. His whole body jerked as if he’d been electrocuted, and he gasped, “Fuck!” at the moment of climax.

One ropy string of jism shot out and splattered against Dayna’s forehead, painting down the eyelid and onto her right cheek. Ben jerked again and a second shot ran from her chin down her throat as she angled her head away to scream in ecstasy. And then he lifted his dick from her cleavage and aimed the big thing downward as he emptied out the rest of his cum all over her chest, coating Dayna’s big tits with creamy globs that splattered pretty much everywhere.

“Cumming!” Dayna screamed. “I’m cumming! Ben’s cumming! On meeee!!!”

I returned back to Dayna’s crotch, shoving my tongue into her twat and vibrating my entire head to prolong her orgasm. She kept going for what seemed like five minutes. But eventually the gorgeous older babe went limp on the mattress beneath me. And then I picked my head up and called to Brandi and Adrienne, “Come clean her up!”

Ben and I then moved out the way, sharing knowing smiles as Ben’s sister and his girlfriend promptly pounced onto Dayna and began slurping jism off her tits with their tongues.

I watched them jealously for a moment before coming to my own resolution: This was the way things had to be. This was the choice we’d made ... together ... Ben and I hadn’t lost each other. We were friends — best friends — forever. As friends, we could be eternal. And as friends, we would always have the possibility of becoming more.

Impulsively, I raised my hand up to Ben in salute, palm outward and fingers extended up like I was giving him a Native American greeting. I wasn’t sure how he would react, but a second later Ben smiled and raised his hand to match mine, lining them up together. Our hands didn’t quite touch; the palms never got closer than half an inch apart. It was a symbol of our relationship, and both of us smiled as we realized that no matter what else we were going through, we were still on the same wavelength together.

Still with our hands just a fraction of an inch apart, I beamed at Ben while he beamed right back at me with a happy grin. “Come on,” I told my best friend. “There’s one more girl to go. Let’s figure out how we can double-team Adrienne.”


“Pick your jaw up off the floor, Bert.” I chuckled and nudged the tall but skinny Korean-American guy standing next to me. He was a decent-looking man, and with a little bit of work and a few extra pounds, I thought he could be considered quite the hunk. But he seemed to really get flustered around beautiful girls.

Right now, Felicia had just walked through the door, the gorgeous 22-year-old fashion model looking like a walking wet-dream in some slinky sleeveless dress that hugged her willowy body and ended just a scant inch below her ass. She exchanged greetings with Ben and then turned to his girlfriend, who was right beside him. “Hi, Adrienne. Thanks for the invite.”

Adrienne blushed. “No problem. You should actually thank Dawn. It was her idea.”

Hearing my name, I stepped forward next and exchanged hugs with Felicia. And then almost deferentially Felicia cast her eyes downward. “Thank you, Dawn,” the brunette said quietly.

I fell right back into a pattern from summer camp, when Felicia was my slave and I her mistress. I didn’t think either of us took it too seriously now that we weren’t at camp anymore; but playing along, I condescending patted the model’s shoulder and intoned, “You’re welcome.”

Then Adrienne collected Felicia and dragged her off to the kitchen. They definitely made for the better pair of friends. And Dayna meandered by, bumping her hip into mine. “Hey sis. I know you told me, but I never really believed it,” she said while nodding toward Felicia.

I giggled. “Oh it was easy. Once Ben fucked her brains out, it was a simple matter to go in and re-wire her new brains to my liking.”

Dayna and I exchanged grins and then we went off to enjoy the rest of the party. And it was a great party ... well, maybe more of a “social gathering” than “dance party”. But it was early in the year and everyone was still happily in getting-to-know-you mode. Younger freshman mingled with older upperclassmen. Guys mingled with girls. And people weren’t shy about meeting new strangers or asking them probing questions. Others were just looking to hook up.

Some people were a little more aggressive about it than others.

It wasn’t a huge party. There were about twenty-five people in attendance, the five of us roommates plus a smattering of Dayna’s and Brandi’s friends. Little Paige Jacobsen, the petite redhead that Ben and Ryan had rescued earlier in the week, was also in attendance, chattering so fast it was hard to keep up. I didn’t really like the girl. She had glommed onto Ben right from the beginning, following him around like a lost puppy and clearly appearing to have the mother of all crushes on him, despite the presence of his girlfriend Adrienne.

But I figured Paige would grow out of her crush eventually and besides, Ben was being Ben: wandering around on his own flirting with every pretty girl in sight. Given that most people were Dayna’s and Brandi’s friends, there were a LOT of pretty girls around.

There were also quite a few cute guys. The boys had to be pretty handsome or charming or something to keep up with Dayna’s crew. And while I was always cognizant of Ryan’s presence beside me, I did some mild flirting of my own.

Most of my time was spent with Dayna’s friends. They all knew me as Dayna’s little sister and the girls were eager to take me under their wing and give me advice about boys, school, and everything else under the sun. They also enjoyed flirting with my handsome stud of a boyfriend, and Ryan seemed to be enjoying the attention himself.

The problem came because the male friends ALSO knew me as Dayna’s little sister. Dayna was a wild one, with a corresponding reputation for being a wild one. And unfortunately, one of the guys in particular assumed I was just like her.

At some point, the girls had brought their boys together for an organized meet and greet. Well, the boys didn’t know we’d organized it, but we girls liked doing things like that to them. So Ben, Ryan, Brandi’s boyfriend Matt Kanemura, and Dayna’s boy toys Aaron Collins and Kevin Weiss came together for a couple of drinks and a chat. Then we girls slipped away, giggling to ourselves and speculating on what our men would end up talking about.

A few minutes later, I ended up back in my bedroom with Gwen and Robin. My friends didn’t know many people and while they’d been mingling some, they felt more comfortable with me. But we’d all been drinking and nature called, so I stepped outside to use the bathroom.

I had to wait a minute, since Marian Liu was using it first. We exchanged hellos when she got out and I went in to do my thing. Afterwards, I checked my appearance in the mirror. And then I opened the door with my left hand and started out.

“Dawn! Heyyy, sugar!” a male voice called out.

I’d still been looking at the mirror and turned my head to see Aaron Collins waltzing up to me with arms outstretched as if he wanted to hug me or something. There was a goofy grin on his face and a half-empty beer bottle in his left hand. “Uh, hey, Aaron,” I replied casually and then started heading back to my bedroom.


A meaty hand came out of nowhere and plowed into the wall next to my head. Aaron had thrust his arm out to block my passage, and I jumped a little in surprise when I found him leaning over me, his breath stinking of alcohol. “Hey, I wanted to ashk you a queshtion,” he slurred.

I blinked rapidly, feeling uncomfortable, but not yet threatened. Aaron was one of my big sister’s boy toys. He would know better than to mess with me. I figured he was just drunk.

“Maybe later,” I said and took his wrist, pulling his hand off the wall to let me pass in that direction.

“No. Now!” Aaron grunted and slammed his hand into the wall in front of me again. Then he leaned forward, putting his face just inches away from mine even though I backed up against the wall myself, having nowhere further to retreat. His left hand, beer bottle and all, came up and pushed against the wall on the other side of my head.

I was effectively trapped, and NOW I was feeling threatened. My breath sped up and my heart started racing as he leered down at my boobs. I saw a trickle of drool leak out of the corner of his mouth and start dribbling down his chin. At this angle, it would actually drop right onto upper slopes of my breasts in another few seconds. “Aaron...” I pleaded quietly.

“I jusht want to know if you’ve ever given your boyfriend the sishtersh-fantasy,” he slurred. “’Cuz if you and Dayna have, I jusht wanted to know when it’sh MY turn!” His right hand dropped down my side, grabbing my ass and giving it a harsh squeeze.

“Hey!” Ben’s voice rang out, clear as a bell. I closed my eyes and sighed with relief. He was here to rescue me. How he knew I was in trouble, I didn’t know. But I just knew he’d felt my panic from wherever he was.

Aaron was suddenly yanked off me, Ben jerking his shoulder around and pushing him back a couple of feet. I’d never seen Ben so angry; it was almost scary. But if HE looked scary, Ryan looked downright terrifying. And a second later, Ryan pushed past Ben to grab Aaron by his shirt, bodily yanked the guy away, and slammed him into the opposite wall.

The commotion alerted everyone around. Some girls poked their heads out from the archway to the living room. Gwen and Robin appeared in my bedroom doorway. Ben’s and Adrienne’s door opened as well, with their friends looking out. And after thirty seconds of Ryan growling something unintelligible at Aaron, Dayna and some of her other friends came around as well. It felt like everyone at the party was suddenly around us.

“What’s going on?” Dayna stared at Ryan and Aaron.

Ryan just physically pulled Aaron off the wall and shoved the guy towards Dayna. “Tell your boy-toy to keep his hands off my girlfriend.”

Dayna’s eyes went wide open in shock and anger. “Did you touch Dawn?”

“Dayna, please,” Aaron mumbled.

“Did you touch her?” Dayna’s voice got even louder.

“Well, I—”

“Get out,” Dayna barked coldly.


“Go home, Aaron.”

“Fucking bitch,” the guy grunted and suddenly Dayna rushed forward, slapping the guy’s face loud enough for the sound to carry through the whole house.

“Go HOME, Aaron!” Dayna’s voice was the definition of ‘Hell Hath No Fury’.

The guy wizened up and left. After that, most all the upperclassmen cleared out, leaving just my friends in one doorway and Ben’s in the other, along with me, Ryan, Ben, and Dayna in the hallway. Ryan was protectively cuddling me beneath his arm.

“How’d you know?” Ryan asked Ben.

“Huh?” Ben looked surprised.

“How’d you know she was in trouble?” Ryan nodded down to me.

I looked over and my eyes met Ben’s. Time slowed down for a moment as his eyes sparkled, while I communicated all my gratitude to him in my eyes. He smiled. I smiled. And the world once again made sense.

Ben looked back to Ryan, shrugging and saying, “I just knew.”

And then Ben and I were smiling at each other again.


“You look a little frazzled today,” I bumped my hip into Ben’s, momentarily knocking him off balance while we trudged up the hill. He looked handsome in a short-sleeved polo shirt Adrienne had picked out for him at some boutique shop, with jeans that showed off his great ass without being too tight.

“Don’t wanna talk about it.”

“What? Big Ben goes a night without sex and he wakes up all cranky?” I teased. He and Adrienne had been going through roommate conflicts ever since they moved in together. Once, it was about laundry and the hamper. Yesterday, it was about grabbing the wrong Comparative Lit books. I was almost HAPPY I wasn’t Ben’s girlfriend. I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to deal with those kinds of nitpicky problems.

“I said I don’t want to talk about it, Dawn,” Ben grumped.

“Hey, what good is it being your best friend if I can’t tease you every now and again,” I giggled.

“Dawn...” he growled.

“What? You gonna get mad at me? Come on, I’d like to see that. You’re NEVER mad at me,” I laughed mockingly.

“Grr!” Ben turned and dipped his shoulder, pushing it into my midsection and lifting me up. I squealed in surprise and then started laughing as Ben stood up straight with me flopped over his shoulder like a rag doll.

“Ben! Ben!” I shrieked and giggled at the same time.

“I’ll show you mad!” he laughed and spanked my butt.

“Ben!” I exclaimed in surprise, feeling the warmth of sensation crawling up my ass ... and maybe a different kind of sensation in a slightly different spot as well.

Ben spanked me again. “Naughty girl!” [spank]. “This’ll teach you to tease me!” [spank]

“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry!” I laughed and immediately he set me back down onto my feet.

“Whew...” I sighed, slightly out of breath from the excitement. I put my hands on my hips. “Sometimes I forget how strong you are.”

Ben shrugged. “Fucking improves muscle tone.”

“Maybe...” I grinned mischievously. I just couldn’t resist teasing him some more. “But unfortunately you missed your regular workout last night.”

Ben rolled his eyes and then darted forward. My eyes went wide and I turned and ran away, cackling gleefully.

Ben gave chase, and I ran at only half-speed. I kind of wanted him to catch me. I wanted him to hold me close, bend me over, spank my ass, kiss my throat, squeeze my breast, pull down my panties, and ... ohhh...

But Ben deliberately didn’t quite catch me. So I kept on bobbing and weaving and giggling excitedly. I hadn’t had this much fun in WEEKS as I ran in circles around a tree or a bench or up a little hill, my wonderful best friend chasing me the whole time.

And then finally, I stopped and turned right in front of Ben. He couldn’t help but run into me, grab me around my waist and lift me into the air. We spun around together, laughing gaily and smiling radiantly at each other.

But at last our breaths started giving out, and I felt the strain in his arms from holding me up. I patted his shoulders and Ben looked at me longingly for the briefest of seconds. I’m not sure he even realized he was doing it. Then he set me back down, the both of us pausing to replenish our lungs with oxygen.

Smiling sweetly, I then wrapped myself around his arm and squeezed it warmly. And hand-in-hand, we set off to get to class.


Great, now I’m actively HELPING Ben maintain his relationship with his girlfriend.

I sighed inwardly and forced myself to focus. The most important thing was for Ben to be happy. And right now, if his relationship with Adrienne fell apart over something as stupid as video games, he would end up miserable.

Yeah, the selfish part of me hoped he and Adrienne would just break up naturally, and then I could be there to pick up the pieces. But then I didn’t want to be Ben’s rebound. I wanted him to really WANT to get back together with me. I wanted him to actively choose me.

Plus, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to be with Ben just yet. Ryan was being a great boyfriend. Yesterday, I’d barely noticed my feet were hurting; but Ryan noticed and without being asked, walked up and started giving me a foot-massage while I was studying. He still brought me drinks whenever he was up, knowing I was thirsty before I did. And then he’d been so sweet about not even mentioning the word ‘sex’ around me when my last period left me cramping and miserable.

Maybe Ben and I worked better as best friends. There were no fights. We saw each other every day. And without all the sex stuff getting in the way, I was truly getting to know him as a grown-up person. Yeah, I fell in love with his soul when we were like 4-years-old. But as friends, he’d been learning all my little foibles like my strange fixation on country music (not a common thing in the Berkeley-Oakland metro area), the fact that I was a pretty bad driver (“You’re scary when you think and drive,” he’d commented), and my nervous habit of picking at my cuticles.

These were all the little things we hadn’t learned seeing each other only one month out of the year since we were ten; and there was a lot of catching up to do. We were becoming best friends in practice, not just in name. And I had to admit it was easier to do not having the pressures of a romantic relationship.

So I took a deep breath and focused on fixing my best friend’s relationship with his girlfriend instead of thinking about getting him to re-start ours. “Ben, you’ve heard of the three S’s?”

He shrugged. “Sure. Study, Socialize, Sleep.” Ben grinned. “Pick two.”

“Picking only two is for slackers. C’mon, Ben, you’re smart enough and balanced enough to do all three. I am. Adrienne is. But you seem to be skipping Sleep. And for what?”

“I’m doing okay,” he said defensively.

“On sleep? That’s just for now; it’s only been a few weeks. But if you keep this up, those lost hours will catch up to you.”

Ben frowned.

“But even the sleep isn’t the point. Cuddle time with your girlfriend is really important to her. There’s a fourth ‘S’, especially for you two: Sex.” Great, now I’m telling Ben he needs to improve his sex life with another girl.

Ben grinned, “The most important ‘S’.”

“Not for you, apparently. Adrienne says you’ve turned down sex a few times lately. Now THAT is not the Ben I know.” I shook my head.

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying you need to stop and think about what your priorities are. And I’m saying that every relationship is built on communication. You need to talk to your girlfriend about this gaming addiction, not me.”


“No ‘buts’. Talk to her.”

Ben rolled his eyes. “You sound like Brandi.”

“Good,” I grinned. And then I put my hand on his. “We all love you, Ben. We’re all looking out for you. And we won’t LET you screw this up.”

Ben smiled. I smiled. And I realized that I really did like this new relationship between us.


Hot and sweaty, our boys returned home from the gym as victorious champions. Well, not champions, but they’d won their basketball game.

“So Ryan had his man biting on head fakes all day, and just when it was game point and we really needed a play, Ryan goes all Kobe Bryant, taking the ball at the top of the key with an eye on the basket.” Bert said excitedly, waving his hands around to illustrate the positioning. “He dribbles left and then head fakes right, and—”

Robin rolled her eyes, looking at Ben. “Does he ALWAYS talk this much?” she asked in her classic Robin-esque deadpan.

Ben snorted and looked into his Coke. “You tell me. YOU started dating him.”

Robin sighed and smiled at her boyfriend, who just looked hurt for a moment. Fortunately, Ryan spoke up to save the day. “Relax, Robin. Bert’s just getting to the best part.”

I smiled proudly at my boyfriend. He was always such a good friend to the others: polite, supportive, and loyal. He’d never throw one of them under the bus for any reason. He’d even become pretty good friends with Ben, as far as I could tell. Yeah, they didn’t exactly hang out together. Fact was: Ben was my ex-boyfriend, which would be awkward enough for any guy. But since Ben and I had gone out of our way to make clear that ours was now a platonic relationship, Ryan was becoming friendlier. And basketball had been bonding them lately.

Robin looked to Ben, who nodded in confirmation, leaning in. “Bert just wants to tell you about how he made the game-winning shot. Your boyfriend’s quite the athlete.”

Gwen snorted. “Really?” She shook her dirty-blonde head doubtfully.

“Really,” Ryan chimed in sincerely. “Game MVP. Couldn’t have won it without him.”

Ben nodded seriously and Robin actually cracked a smile. “Really, baby?”

“Really,” Bert was beaming now. And he was even happier when Robin pulled his head to hers and pressed her lips to his.

“Aww...” I smiled and kissed Ryan’s cheek. Adrienne was doing the same to Ben. And that just left Gwen and Paige to quietly simmer in jealousy.

Robin then pulled back, smiling at Bert before fixing her boyfriend with a dead-serious expression on her face. “Okay now really. How many points did you score?”

Bert blushed. “Uh, just the three.”

“And how many did Ryan score?”

Bert chuckled. “Twelve. Ben had six. Matt had the other four.”

“And you just played the one game?”

“Uh, no. Three.”

“And how many points did you score in the other two games combined?”

“Uh, I think five.”

“So you scored the least on your team?” Robin smiled.

Bert steeled his spine, picked his head up, and looked at Robin confidently. “Yeah. But they were the most important three points in the game.”

We all grinned at that.

Fifteen minutes later, we were all separating to get cleaned up. Robin was taking Bert back to her place since the two of them were going out for dinner. Ben was going to take a shower. And we were sending Ryan upstairs to Dayna’s and Brandi’s bathroom at the same time.

Ryan had stashed his backpack in my bedroom while the boys had gone to the gym, and he went in to retrieve a change of clothes and his towel. When we came out, the door to Ben’s and Adrienne’s bedroom opened up and the pair of them came out wearing nothing but their towels, arms around each other and giggling.

This time, Ryan couldn’t resist ogling Adrienne’s spectacular body. The towel wasn’t nearly big enough for her 5’10” frame, the top barely high enough to cover her nipples while letting those massive tits bulge out the top. The bottom didn’t quite cover her asscheeks, the last inch or so of her globes curving downward in the naked air.

If Adrienne noticed Ryan’s stare, she didn’t react. Her eyes were all on Ben as they went into the bathroom together, giggling the whole time.

My own eyes were on the half-naked pair as well. I could already imagine what they’d be up to in the shower together, and I could imagine what WE’D be up to in the shower. So moving up alongside my boyfriend, rubbing his bulging bicep, I murmured in a husky voice, “That looks like a good idea. Gimme a second to grab a towel.”

I started moving away but Ryan grabbed my arm. “Wait. No!” he hissed and looked around nervously as if we weren’t the only ones around. The house was completely deserted except for the four of us, and Ben and Adrienne were already in the bathroom.

“Why not?” I frowned. “Don’t you want me to wash your back?”

“No, not really.”

I pouted. “C’mon. Don’t you remember when I gave you a blowjob in your shower back home?”

“That was back home,” Ryan stammered, still looking around nervously. “This is... here. I’m just not comfortable.”

“Ryan-Ryan-Ryan,” I sighed. “There’s nobody around.”

“People could still hear us. This place has paper-thin walls.”

“So? The only ones who might hear us are Ben and Adrienne. I assure you that they don’t care.”

“Well, I care,” he said defensively, clutching his bag over his body like he was ashamed to show me his body.

I rolled my eyes in sudden annoyance and pushed him away. “FINE. Go. Don’t want to keep you waiting.”

He realized he’d upset me. Ryan was DEATHLY afraid of ever upsetting me. “Dawn ... please...”

“No, no,” I waved him off. “Go take your shower. I’ll be right here.” I shrugged and turned back into the living room.

Ryan watched me go for a second. And then I heard his footsteps going up the stairs.

I flopped onto the couch while Adrienne’s giggles and then moaning started to waft out of the bathroom. Ben’s grunting soon followed.

Rubbing my temples with my fingertips, I cursed my prudish boyfriend and sighed, trying not to imagine what Ben and Adrienne looked like beneath the shower’s spray.


“Wait, WHAT?” Ben blinked several times, not quite believing what Adrienne had just told us.

“Come ON, Tiger. It’ll be fun!” Adrienne said gleefully. “And I want to watch!”

“So do I!” Ben protested.

I chuckled to myself, imagining a blindfolded Ben frantically darting his head left and right, wondering what the hell was going on.

“Pssht. That would defeat the whole purpose.” Adrienne shook her head. “And it’s not like you aren’t used to me blindfolding you.”

“C’mon, Ben,” Dayna drawled. “Isn’t a blindfold a small price to pay for fucking a bunch of hot girls?”

Ben rolled his eyes. “It’s no fun if I don’t know WHO it is. I figured that out last time,” he glared at Adrienne. “It was interesting, yeah. But I’m not just a living dildo to be used by a faceless stranger. I like some emotional connections with a girl, you know?”

Dayna sighed but shrugged. “It’s your call. You don’t have to be there. But we’re gonna kick you out of the house on Saturday.”

I decided to pipe up. “If you’re uncomfortable, Ben, I’ll hang out with you. We’ll go visit the others somewhere. Maybe even drive out and spend the day in San Francisco or something.” I had been thinking to ask Ryan to do this for me, but if Ben wasn’t going to be there, then a double date with Ryan and Adrienne might be fun instead.

But then Ben barked in alarm, “Wait, are YOU staying, Adrienne?”

Adrienne sighed. “If you’re not there, no. I wanted to play with some of the girls and watch you...” She exhaled. “But, if you don’t want to do this, I’ll hang out with you guys, too.”

The disappointment in Adrienne’s voice was obvious. Ben’s face fell as he heard it, and I watched the gears turning in his brain. Clearly, his girlfriend wanted to do this, not for the guys but for the other girls, oddly enough. That warranted its own conversation until Dayna started commenting about how girls got just as horny as boys.

“People look at us as sluts if we act on our feelings like boys would,” Dayna said. “This is a chance for the girls to cut loose and enjoy themselves without fear of how a guy will look at them afterwards or give them any negative reputations. Plus ... yeah, you’re living dildos; but you’re also gonna get to fuck a dozen hot chicks. Everybody wins.”

Adrienne added, “And it’s just a blindfold. You’ll have free use of your hands and everything else. You can feel and touch and everything. Just keep your mouth shut if you figure out who any of them are.”

Brandi chimed in. “Look at the bright side. We’re actually asking you and giving you the option of agreeing or disagreeing instead of just dragging you into this. It’s really your call.”

Ben took a deep breath and looked at Adrienne, who had such a hopeful expression on her face. And after another moment’s thought, he started nodding. “Okay. I’m in.”

Brandi snorted. “Don’t seem so depressed about it.”

Ben chuckled and then furrowed his eyebrows. Then he looked straight at me. “Ryan in on this?”

I blushed. The girls had told me their plan yesterday, and I was thinking it would be pretty fun. The simple fact was that I had not had any male lovers except for Ben and Ryan (Mark had ceased to exist in my mind). And Dayna was right on point about the desire to cut loose a little bit without being labeled a slut. I took a deep breath and answered, “Not yet. But if you’re in, I will be asking him.” Then a little sadly I added, “Our relationship has needed a little spice in it anyways.”

Ben nodded thoughtfully, watching me intently. I was sure he could see right through to my heart, sure that he would recognize the horny bitch inside me that wanted to go wild and crazy, even if just once in my life. Ben didn’t judge me. I already knew he accepted me and accepted this curiosity of mine. Of course, I’d only had two lovers and he more than I could count. He had no place to judge.

And I sighed at the rut my relationship with Ryan had fallen into. He was a sweet, generous, wonderful boyfriend. It’s just that he could get ... boring ... sometimes. There was just no spontaneity in our relationship anymore.

Maybe this would shake him up a bit.

* * *

I was nervous as hell when I walked into that room, wearing a simple bra and panties. At first, I’d thought of wearing something slinky or sexy; but then Dayna reminded me that all the boys would be blindfolded and couldn’t see a damn thing.

Still, I wore something nice. There would still be nine other girls who COULD see me, and I wanted to look good for them, too.

At first it was just me, Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne. The six boys were spread around the living room, either on couches or comfy chairs pushed against the wall. Dayna marched to the middle of the room with an imperious tilt of her head, and she laid down the rules. “Rule 1: You do NOT remove your blindfold. You do and there will be a LOT of pissed off girls who will make sure you never get laid in this town again. Rule 2: The girls are in charge. You stop if they tell you to stop. Rule 3: You only exist as living dildos for us. If you get too worn out to continue, we will escort you out. No sense in spending more time risking you learning the girls’ identities. Rule 4: No names. Even if you manage to identify a girl, don’t say her name out loud. And the girls won’t say your names, either. And Rule 5: You all swallow these.”

I put a water bottle and two pills into Ryan’s hand. He turned his face toward me when the bottle touched him, and I instinctively shrank away from the blindfolded man, even though he was my boyfriend. Unable to see me, he then slowly panned left and right, trying to relocate me as I realized I’d pulled the bottle and pills away from him. Nervously, I put them back. One was a tablet of ecstasy to loosen the boys up and make them susceptible to our touches. Some of the girls had taken them, too. The other was Cialis to keep the boys hard.

After checking to make sure all six boys had dutifully swallowed their pills, Brandi went to the stairs and called up, “Ready!”

Angela Chan, Monique St. Claire, Kerri Trainor, Julie Carpenter, Marian Liu, and Tracy McMillan all trooped down wearing nothing but lingerie. Then we girls fanned out, and the party began.

For comfort, I started next to my boyfriend. I wasn’t yet sure how to approach another man, not even sure I wanted to go through with this. Dayna was right: even girls get horny and want to fuck. But we like a little personal connection to go along with it, and my instincts were resisting this plan to experiment around.

Julie Carpenter also came over by me. I knew the pretty brunette girl had a thing for my boyfriend, and she was grinning almost over-excitedly as she approached. The older girl reached for my hand, squeezing it gently while her eyes questioned whether or not I was really okay with this.

Could I watch my boyfriend fuck another girl? Yeah. I’d seen Ben do it enough times, with my own sisters, Gwen, and Felicia. It was just sex. Ryan didn’t even know who the girls were, so I really wasn’t concerned with him losing his attachment or affection for me.

I was more worried about me fucking another guy.

But that was for later. Right now, Julie had put her hands on Ryan’s thighs, stroking them firmly. Ryan was panting softly, looking nervous as all hell. He clearly could tell that it wasn’t my touch, and he tensed up when Julie reached for his shorts.

“Relax, babe,” I soothed into his ear. “I’m right here. And I’m totally okay with this.”

Ryan relaxed enough, and he turned his face to me. Impulsively, I leaned down to kiss him, and he welcomed me eagerly. We kissed with the familiarity of old lovers, his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. But just when I started to relax, Ryan tensed up again and pulled his head back, grunting urgently.

I looked down to see that Julie had completely swallowed Ryan’s cock, fully seven-and-a-half inches of turgid man meat right down her throat with her lips sealed around the base. “Oh, shit!” I gasped in surprise.

This was it. I was watching my boyfriend getting sucked. And I had to admit ... It turned me on.

I found that my hand was absent-mindedly rubbing my own crotch through my panties, and I leaned in to whisper into Ryan’s ear. “Feel good, babe? You’ve got a pretty girl with her mouth wrapped around your dick. And it isn’t me.”

“Unnghhh...” Ryan groaned. He did very well at professing his love for me, keeping his eyes from straying and being steadfast in his loyalty. But he was still a male, with a male’s instincts to spread his seed. And whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was more turned on right now than he’d been with me in over a month, just knowing he was getting sucked off by someone else.

I kinda wondered just who he was fantasizing about though...

Meanwhile, I looked over to see Tracy McMillan going down on Ben while Adrienne egged her on. I realized that there was even less jealousy in me than I would feel over Ryan. Ben was just a sexual creature, and monogamy wasn’t in his DNA. Even if we did get married someday, I knew that I would never be his only lover. I might put him on a tighter leash, but he would always roam.

Elsewhere, the boys were getting into action a little faster. Brandi’s boyfriend Matt was already flat on his back on one of the mattresses while Dayna was straddling his waist, obviously bouncing up and down his cock. Marian Liu was sitting on his face at the same time, and Dayna was presently leaning forward to tweak the much smaller girl’s perky titties.

On another mattress, Alan Kwok was leaning over Angela Chan, plowing her good. Kevin Weiss was with Monique St. Claire. And Brett Benson was with Brandi. Heck, Adrienne had left Ben and was dyking it out with Kerri Trainor nearby. It seemed that I was the only one not doing something.

I rather nervously looked around the room. Just what did I want to do? More to point, WHO did I want to do? Ryan was the obvious choice. But then, I could fuck him any time and did I really want to deny him a chance with another girl? This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for the both of us. Ben ... Ben was off limits. Ben was off limits.

Ben was off limits.

I sighed ... Ben was off limits. Don’t even GO there, Dawn.

But Ryan will never know.

But YOU will.

I sighed. Ben was off limits.

Matt Kanemura was pretty hunky. I really liked his features and Dayna was certainly enjoying herself right now. While I’d never be quite so ... slutty ... as my older sister, I could appreciate her taste in men. And for that matter, Kevin would likely be a wonderful partner because of Dayna.

Alan was pretty cute. And Brett was certainly well-built. Oh, what to do...

“FUCK! FUUUUCK! FUUUUCK!!!” Tracy started yelling. Every other girl had kept words out of her mouth, only moaning or whimpering. Even Julie had started humping up and down my boyfriend’s pole, her bra-clad tits rubbing against his chin as his thick cock spread its first pussy that wasn’t mine. But she only moaned quietly while absorbing the sensations.

I smirked. Leave it to Ben to drive a girl so completely up the wall that she forgot herself. And then my hunky best friend slumped on top of the athletic blonde, grunting into her ear as they chatted quietly, clearly both enjoying the aftermath of their orgasms.

Okay, fuck this indecision. I’m going to get laid.

* * *

I decided to start slowly, working myself up to my comfort level. From what I gathered, everyone in the room had done some wild and crazy sexual shenanigans at some point in their lives except me. While they might never have done something quite this outrageous, the closest to an orgy I’d ever gotten was that Thanksgiving when Ben gave me to Ryan for the first time.

So I approached Julie Carpenter after my boyfriend had nutted a load into her. She was dizzy from her own orgasm, panting softly, and I pulled her away from him before brushing her hair back and looking deep into her eyes.

Clearly aroused, she invited me in before I kissed her. And with that little icebreaker out of the way, I worked my lips down her body, unclasping her bra and then nursing on her swollen nipples.

“Mmm, you’ve done this before,” she murmured.

I looked up at her and smiled. “I’ve got a little bit of Dayna in me,” I whispered so that only she could hear.

Julie grinned and then started working my lingerie off as well. She quickly pulled us into a sixty-nine on our sides, but I rolled her on top of me and parked my lips in her shaven crotch so I could begin to lap out my boyfriend’s spending from her stretched pussy lips.

My tongue feathered in and around Julie’s labia. She had a very pretty pussy, if I had to say so myself. She was very clean and neat and her juices tasted quite sweet whenever I wasn’t sucking down a creamy glob of Ryan’s cum. The aromas and sounds of fucking all around me soon took over, and I closed my eyes and lost myself to the bliss.

I didn’t even realize I’d given Julie an orgasm until I blinked and found my face soaked with a fresh layer of girlcum. Her thighs were squeezing my head and a few seconds later, I was moaning into her crotch as I released a flood of my own. And when we were done, I turned my head out to look at her and grinned, “You’ve done THAT before.”

Julie giggled. “Many times ... Sometimes I think I love fucking girls more than guys. Sometimes...”

I just grinned and then looked around. Time to get laid. But even now, my mind was working. Purely on physical attraction, I probably would have picked Matt. I liked his exotic look, but at the same time, I knew he was Brandi’s boyfriend. The other girls might be able to fuck him and never think twice about it, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it and then still be “normal” around him the next day. Even if he never knew it was me, I would know. Most likely, I’d be seeing a lot of Matt as he visited the house to see his girlfriend, and I would just feel WAY too weird about it. The same went for Kevin. How could I be around my sister’s boyfriend after this?

So that left only Alan Kwok and Brett Benson. Both were Seniors and would be graduating next Spring. Both were handsome, virile men. And I wouldn’t have to be around them nearly as much as the others.

Two guys were plenty; that would double my experience. Two guys, near-strangers, I could handle. And at the moment, Brett looked like he was available as Brandi had left him gasping after their fuck.

So gathering up my courage, I patted Julie’s ass and then got up, moving over to the slightly panting, well-built older man. Brett had cum recently and was just enjoying the afterglow of anonymous sex, not even bothering to try looking out through his blindfold as he just sagged against the overstuffed armchair and panted slowly.

But when I purred in his ear and started walking my fingers up his leg, he turned and blindly smiled in my direction. I wrapped my hand around his semi-hard cock, stroking experimentally, and a tingle of power went down my spine as the cute guy groaned in pleasure.

This could be fun.

* * *

“I’d like to wait for ... uh ... you know,” Ryan muttered softly. Clearly, my boyfriend wanted to wait for me.

I felt a pang of guilt hearing him say that. Even though he’d just fucked three or four or however many girls who weren’t me, even in the middle of a crazy blindfolded orgy like this, he was still loyal to me. Ryan loved me with all his heart, and I felt like I’d betrayed him.

True, I hadn’t let either Brett or Alan cum inside me. It was a mental thing I’d told myself not to let them do, saving that as sacred for my boyfriend. I’d swallowed Brett and let Alan spray my tits. That part had been extra fun since Angela Chan had come over and licked me clean. Then of course I had to lick her clean. And ... well, you get where I’m going. I think I spent more time with the girls than with the guys.

Still, I felt a little guilty. My body was supposed to belong to my boyfriend. But then again, what was good for the goose was good for the gander, and Ryan’s body certainly hadn’t belonged to me for the past couple of hours. Besides, I was still red hot and horny and flushed from some of the most amazing orgasms I’d ever experienced since ... well ... since Ben.

Speaking of Ben, he was in the middle of a threesome, still plugging away. Leave it to Ben to keep going and going and going like an Energizer Bunny. Hell, I figured he’d outlast ALL the girls, even if all ten of them ganged up on him. As it was, Brandi, Julie, and Angela had all called it a night by now. Only Matt, Kevin, and Ben were still functional from the guys.

My eyes glazed over slightly as I watched Ben’s muscular body thrusting down into Tracy’s sodden snatch. Unlike Ryan, Ben had more of a wiry strength, not really bulky at all. But his muscles were well-defined, built for endurance more than raw power.

Tracy was built very much the same. The athletically-built girl had her strong legs wrapped around Ben’s waist, tugging him into her with each thrust. She actually had six-pack abs that flexed as she hunched her hips to meet him each time. And the other Energizer Bunny of the group, Marian, was sitting on Tracy’s face, wriggling and making cute little “Eep!” noises like she could continue on for another 24-hours.

I was drawn to the fucking threesome. Even blindfolded, Ben stared down at the girls beneath him purposefully, almost as if he could see the way Tracy’s big, firm tits wobbled with each thrust. I thought back to the times he stared at me the same way, such raw intensity in his eyes. No one had ever looked at me the way Ben could do sometimes. His brown eyes were just so expressive, communicating his love and lust and passion for me all at once. It was a shame — for Tracy — that she was deprived of the chance to see him looking at her that way.

And it was so unbelievably arousing to watch Ben fucking the pretty blonde into the floor. Watching their two muscular bodies humping away, plus the added eroticism of Marian “eeping” and humping Tracy’s face, was such a turn-on. And I found myself absentmindedly rubbing my own tits and snaking a hand down to my crotch as I heatedly watched them going at it.

“Mmmm...” I moaned softly.

A hand beat me to my own crotch, though. Kerri was beside me, leaning in to rub her own well-formed tits against my arm while she snaked her right hand down to diddle my clit. I moaned and turned my face into the crook of her neck, gasping with pleasure while keeping my eyes on Ben fucking Tracy’s brains out. Kerri then wrapped her left arm around my body to cup my breast from the other side, the both of us moaning now as we watched the fucking threesome come to their climaxes.

Marian was first. Tracy popped a finger up the petite Chinese girl’s ass, and she screamed at such a high-pitch we actually stopped hearing it. I’m sure a dog started wailing somewhere down the block. And then Marian toppled off, flat on her back as Angela moved forward to help her friend.

Tracy was next. Her ab muscles rippled as her entire lower body jerked and then trembled with her climax. She gritted her teeth and then let out a keening wail of completion. At the same time, her legs clamped around Ben, trapping his cock at full depth inside of her. And Ben jerked as well as his mouth dropped open and a guttural grunt escaped his mouth. From the tension in his neck, I was sure he was flooding her pussy with his latest load of spunk.

“Aaaaagh!” Tracy gasped.

“Urggghh!” Ben grunted. And then their two bodies slowly came to a halt.

When he finished busting his nut, Ben rolled onto his back, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. But my eyes weren’t on him anymore. I picked my face out of Kerri’s neck and stared, enraptured by the sight of a creamy trickle oozing out between Tracy’s thighs.

It was cum. It was Ben’s cum. He was my drug. He was my addiction. “Please,” I said hungrily before my brain caught up to what I was saying. “I want it.” And then I was crawling forward to put myself between Tracy’s legs.

Just then, my brain DID catch up and my eyes flew wide open. Ben had HEARD that! And I clapped my hands over my mouth.

Marian shifted to the side and sat up, looking back and forth between me and Ben. “Relax,” she said. “He can’t see you.”

I blinked twice and then without pausing another second to think about it, I ducked my head down. CUM. Ben’s cum. I wanted it. I needed it. And as I tasted the familiar flavor against my tongue, I hummed happily and immediately started hoovering out every droplet I could find.

I could feel a part of Ben’s soul touching mine. This was heaven. So good. So FUCKING good...

And then I tasted MORE.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt the thick cock stretching my lips wide. I hummed happily again as more and more of his semi-hard cock — Ben’s cock — pushed into my mouth. I didn’t know how I’d gotten over here and I didn’t really care. I let the bliss carry me away into la la land as I luxuriated in the ecstasy of sucking on my Ben’s cock.

A gasp of surprise shook me from my reverie. I blinked and glanced around to see Adrienne, Ben’s girlfriend, with a look of shock on her face. She’d clapped both hands over her mouth and her hazel eyes were open wide as she stared at me. And only then did I realize just what it was I was doing.

Oh, SHIT. I couldn’t believe I’d sucked on Ben’s cock. Actually, I was STILL sucking on his cock. It was still in my mouth and I was loathe to pull off him. Yeah, this was a swinging party, and other girls had done much more than I had to Ben. But Adrienne knew and I knew that I shouldn’t be doing this. We’d agreed that I wouldn’t be doing this. But I WANTED to do this. And I pleaded with Adrienne for understanding while apologizing with my eyes.

Then I felt Ben’s hands running through my hair, simultaneously keeping my mouth around his dick and subtly encouraging me to continue. All he knew was that there was a girl’s warm mouth sucking his dick and he wanted her to continue. I wanted to continue. And then Kerri was next to me, husking softly, “Go on. Fuck him. You know you want to.”

I moaned, sucking a little harder on Ben’s prick, which was rock hard and ready for copulation.

“I’ll sit on his face,” Kerri whispered. Then her voice dropped and I could barely make out the rest. “Just keep yourself quiet and he won’t know it’s you.”

I moaned once more, squeezing my eyes shut as my jaw trembled around Ben’s thick shaft. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t do this. I wanted to. GAWD DAMMIT I wanted to! But Ben was my friend. Ryan was my boyfriend. My conscience couldn’t take this anymore. Abruptly, I pulled away and turned my head to Kerri. In a panic, I whimpered, “I can’t. I can’t do this to Ryan.”

“We’ll never tell,” Kerri said quietly.

I shook my head, glancing one last time at Ben. The weight of the wrongs I’d already committed weighed down on me. Quieting down so that Ben couldn’t hear me, I moaned forlornly, “I probably shouldn’t have even sucked him.”

“But ... You love him,” Kerri said simply.

My heart cracked. The tears flooded my eyes. And without another word, I got up and ran away.


“I think we need to talk about that night,” Ryan said out of the blue. We were sitting in his car, parked on that frontage road off 101 with a nice view of the San Mateo Bridge across the bay. It had been another quiet evening. Nothing was particularly wrong about it, but we’d been far less talkative with each other for the past week.

I already knew exactly which night he was talking about. Neither of us had even mentioned Dayna’s blindfold party since it ended. I didn’t ask if he enjoyed it. He didn’t ask if I enjoyed it. I didn’t ask how many girls he was with. He didn’t ask me how many guys I was with. Maybe he thought I already knew exactly what he’d done, since I hadn’t been blindfolded. Maybe he just didn’t want to think about me with any other guys.

One thing was for certain. The party hadn’t added any spice to our relationship. If anything, it had just made the whole thing far less stable. We weren’t fighting over it or anything...

... But we weren’t talking. Period.

I exhaled slowly and nodded. “Yeah. We do.”

“Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked me warily, afraid of my answer.

I thought of my Sapphic caresses with Julie, Angela, and Kerri. I thought of fucking Alan and Brett. And I thought of Ben. I had been so thrilled while I had those moments to touch him, to feel him throbbing deep inside my mouth. But the mental anguish over it all wasn’t worth that momentary happiness. I grimaced and looked down. And instead of answering him, I asked, “Did you?”

“I asked you first,” he hedged.

I sighed and collected myself. “It had its moments. But if I could go back in time and make the choice again, I don’t think I would have done it.”

“Why not?”

Because it’s torture to be this close to Ben and yet not truly be WITH him, I thought to myself. That was the whole point of our agreement not to make any sexual contact with each other. The temptation wouldn’t be fair to either of us. It wasn’t Ben’s fault. I’d broken the rules. And I’d gotten hurt while he was probably oblivious to the whole thing.

But I couldn’t tell Ryan that. I just winced and said, “It wasn’t what I thought it would be.”

Ryan nodded in agreement and looked forward, squeezing his hands a little tighter around the steering wheel.

“You?” I asked.

“Same. Wasn’t what I thought it would be.” He took a deep breath. “I admitted I was curious. When you first proposed this crazy thing, my conscience immediately said that we didn’t need this. I love you Dawn, and only you.”

“I know,” I replied softly, closing my eyes in shame.

“But ... I was intrigued. It’s not every day a guy gets asked by his girlfriend to fuck a bunch of other girls. I was horny. I admit that I wanted it. And while it was happening, I was thrilled.”

“I know,” I said softly again. I remembered the groans of pleasure and the expressions on his face, even through the blindfold. “You looked more turned on than you’d been with me since October, Ryan.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I shook my head. “That was the point. It was just sex.”

“I’m so sorry...”

I grumped, “Ryan, seriously. Stop with the apologizing. You were allowed to enjoy yourself.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I did. I did,” I waved. “There were parts that I enjoyed. I was certainly horny and turned on. And I had lots of nice orgasms. But it wasn’t worth it. I’m not saying I totally regret going to that party. It was an experience I’ll never forget, that’s for sure. But it all just amounted to throwaway sex. It was meaningless. It was ... soulless fucking. And there’s a limit to how much I could enjoy myself knowing that.”

“Exactly!” Ryan sat up eagerly, excited for the moment. “Dawn, I love you. And as physically pleasurable as it all was, it didn’t MEAN anything to me. It was an experience, sure. But it’s not one that I’d ever want to repeat. With the blindfold and everything, I just felt kind of ... used, you know? I mean, I’m not a girl, but I do know what it feels like to be ogled as a piece of meat. And getting fucked while I don’t even know who I’m with just felt, yeah, soulless.”

I reached over and squeezed his hand. “Are you upset with me for talking you into going?”

“Dawn, no.” Ryan looked at me softly. “I understood why you did. And I don’t regret it. If anything, that night made me remember just how special you are to me.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Then why have you been so tense around me?” I exhaled. “I thought I’d ruined our relationship!”

“Ruined? No!” Ryan squeezed my hand back. “I’m sorry, Dawn. I thought YOU were mad at me. I definitely could tell you were a little unnerved after the whole thing. I was convinced you didn’t enjoy yourself at all. And that made me feel sooo guilty for enjoying even a little bit. I didn’t want you to get the impression I was all excited and happy and wanted to do it again right away.”

I barked a short laugh of relief. “Is THAT it? You’ve been so cold and distant because you were worried I was mad at you?”

Ryan stammered nervously, “Uh, well, yeah.”

I chuckled and quickly scooted across the bench seat, wrapping my man up in my arms. “Oh, Ryan. I thought you were mad at ME!”

He chuckled and squeezed me tight. “Oh, Dawn. I love you. I could never be truly mad at you.”

I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips. “I’m gonna remember you said that.”

He gave me a lopsided grin and said, “Sure thing. Just do me a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“The next time you’re worried our relationship is getting stale, let’s just talk about it and figure out how we can spice things up ourselves. Okay?”

I shook my head in disbelief. 6’2”, handsome, muscular, gorgeous blue eyes, and the softness of a teddy bear. I had the perfect man.

“Okay, Ryan. Okay.”


I was floating on air as I walked with Ben up to our first class of the new semester. And for perhaps the first time, it had absolutely nothing to do with Ben himself.

I was falling in love.

I mean, I had always cared for Ryan. He’d been my boyfriend for over a year, and I’d grown to be quite attached to him. I had HATED feeling so lonely for those months when I was Ben’s girlfriend but we were 500 miles apart. I’d been horny and even the best efforts of Brandi and my sisters hadn’t been enough to keep me satisfied. And Ryan’s arrival in my life had been so amazingly wonderful. He was kind and considerate and passionate. I’d gotten very used to his presence in my life, so much so that when he worked his ass off to get into Berkeley, JUST to be with me, I couldn’t help but feel flattered and a little obligated. He’d given me so much and expected so little in return.

I’d stayed with Ryan so far because I needed him. I couldn’t have Ben, and I would have gone crazy without having someone with me. The fact was: it felt really good to be loved. Yeah, I felt a little guilty for using him, stringing him along until Ben was ready for me. But I was weak. I was lonely. And Ryan gave me his entire world without pressure. He knew I didn’t love him, but he kept trying anyways.

And this winter, he’d started to make me see that he really could make me happy. He visited my family for Christmas and brought me to his as well. Mom and Dad really took a shine to him, Ryan being polite and helpful and having excellent manners. He wasn’t Ben, but then no one but Ben ever would be; my parents knew that.

For the first time, I started to think about a future with Ryan. He was hard-working, even if he wasn’t the most apt student. He was graduating in another year and a half, on track to get a good job with a good career. And I didn’t have to worry about him being a bum or financially being a burden to me. He didn’t drink much and stayed away from drugs. He was an All-American Ken doll, and I couldn’t find a major flaw in him. Thousands of girls would kill to land a prize like him for a husband.

We certainly looked good together, and I had a tingle of hope that we’d make beautiful blonde, blue-eyed babies someday. I even tossed around a few boy’s names that started with ‘R’. Nothing serious, but I was considering them.

And most importantly of all, Ryan made me feel good. Physically, he was a kind and considerate lover. He gave me wonderful orgasms and I felt so warm and protected in his strong embrace. He was a skillful masseuse too, and enjoyed giving me massages almost as much as I enjoyed getting them.

Emotionally, he was a wonderful listener without being a pest about it. He was available to me anytime I needed. He did a good job keeping his anger in check and we rarely had fights. We had compatible temperaments and enjoyed each other’s company.

He had been perfect in every way but one: he wasn’t Ben.

But Ben had Adrienne. Ben had a dozen other girls in his orbit. And Ben was still my best friend even though we were with different people. Maybe that’s how things should be between us. Not having romantic complications certainly had made our relationship easier in many ways. And sometimes I wondered just why I was so obsessed with him. Was it because I was used to being in love with Ben? Or was I really in love with the IDEA of Ben? He was my destiny, right? At least, that what my parents had always told me.

Maybe it was time I opened my eyes and really took a hard look around me. Maybe it was time I really evaluated what I wanted to do with my life and with my future? The past was past. Nothing was going to go back and change that. But moving forward, WHO could really make me the happiest?

Ben understood me and loved me like we were already family. But he would forever have girls pulling at him and he would always be fighting his own temptations to stray. On the other hand, Ryan was ever-loyal and committed. Ten years down the road, which kind of guy would I prefer?

I hadn’t ruled Ben out. I hadn’t decided I would be with Ryan forever.

But ... I started to think about it. And the more I thought about it, the more I let Ryan into my heart.

And the more I let Ryan in, the more attentive he became, if that was even possible. For almost an entire month of Winter Break, it was just Ryan and me. No Ben. No school. No outside distractions. Just me and my boyfriend.

And I was falling in love.

That and I’d had such a wonderful orgasm this morning. It was the first Monday of the new semester, and I’d spent the last night of our Winter Break at Ryan’s place in Hayward, taking the BART to school with him. I’d woken up early to find him grinding his big cock against my ass in his sleep, and feeling warm and cozy in his strong arms, I’d reached back to start stroking him with my hand.

Well, he woke up pretty fast. And a few minutes later my big, strong boyfriend was pinning me to the mattress with his turgid cock buried to the hilt inside me, filling me up so nicely. Missionary had always been my favorite position. I’d simply loved to feel my man’s weight crushing me down, his bare chest against my big tits. And I came so beautifully when I felt Ryan’s hot jism splashing down inside me.

I still had his spunk swimming around inside me right now, actually. And I giggled to myself as Ben and I headed up to class.

“You’re in a good mood,” Ben grumped, not quite awake.

“Yeah, I am,” I smiled radiantly. But I tamped down on the smile. If I continued, Ben would ask me WHY I was in such a good mood, and I really didn’t want to tell him it was because I’d gotten so wonderfully laid that morning. I just figured Ben wouldn’t want to hear about that sort of thing.

I didn’t have to worry. Ben was so out of it that he barely noticed. For all I knew, HE was so sleepy because he’d been up all night fucking Adrienne’s brains out as well. Or Brandi’s ... Or Dayna’s ... Or all three of them ... That was just Ben being Ben.

In fact, Ben fell asleep in the middle of class. I rolled my eyes when he started drooling, and a naughty idea popped into my head. I knew I’d promised him I wouldn’t do it anymore, but I was in such a goofy mood that I simply couldn’t resist.

I moved my ball point pen over to his right hand ... centered it into position ... and DOWN!

“HRRRK!” Ben gritted his teeth just in time to prevent himself from screaming in the filled auditorium. His eyes flew wide open and he looked down at his hand as if he expected blood to be spurting out of it like a fountain.

Then he turned and glared at me.

I just grinned and turned forward to face the doddering, old professor as he wrapped up and dismissed the first class of the new semester.

Ben was still annoyed with me after we exited the building. Once we got some distance between us and anyone else, he grabbed my hand and jerked me to a stop. “Dawn, you promised you wouldn’t do that anymore!” Ben hissed.

I smiled impishly at my best friend. “You should know better than to think I’ll never poke you with my pen for the rest of our lives; I only keep real promises.”

Real promises?” He rubbed his sore hand while scowling in annoyance. “What, you mean how you kept your promise to Ryan not to stick my dick in your mouth?”

Holy SHIT! Ben KNEW? My eyes flew WIDE open and I gasped in absolute shock and terror, cupping a hand over my mouth.

Ben winced and grabbed my hand, instantly looking apologetic. “Oh. Dawn. I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have said anything, but—”

“You knew?” I cut him off.

Ben sighed. “At Dayna’s blindfold orgy? Yeah. I’m sorry. I wasn’t intending to say anything.”

I paled and asked, “How?”

“It’s ... it’s you, Dawn. Of course I knew.” He looked away from me in shame.

I was still freaking out. Ohmigod-ohmigod-ohmigod. If Ben knew, who else knew? Well, DUH, all the girls who SAW you. Oh, SHIT! What if Ryan found out? “You won’t tell Ryan, will you?” I whimpered.

Ben snapped his head around. “What? No! Of course not.”

I saw the honest concern in Ben’s eyes and relaxed, realizing that he would NEVER do anything like that if he knew it would hurt me. He probably would never have told me he’d figured it out if he hadn’t been seething in pain and anger over the pen-thing. Looking apologetic, I gripped both of his hands and stepped in closely to my best friend. “I’m so sorry, Ben.”

He snorted, his eyes rolling away as he seemed to be thinking of that night. “No need to apologize to me. I just kinda wish you’d finished me off.”

“But it’s not fair to you,” I whimpered. “I don’t know what I was thinking, but I shouldn’t have done it. I cut you off from doing anything sexual with me and I can’t be just ... taking from you when you’re helpless like that and then cutting you off again.”

“Dawn, Dawn. Relax. I’m fine.” He looked me firmly in the eyes and then sighed. “Yeah, that whole night made me want you again, I’ll admit. But that’s just hormones and sex. You’re still my best friend. You’re still my Dawn.”

“You’re still my Ben,” I said sweetly, blinking rapidly. He would ALWAYS be my Ben, my best friend. Even if I ultimately wound up with Ryan.

Then Ben grinned a little shit-eating grin. “And I have to admit, it’s kinda nice knowing you still want me like that.”

The smile vanished off my face. I was falling in love with Ryan. I didn’t want to lead Ben on because really, I was starting to think that Ryan was my future, and I didn’t want Ben to think that I wanted him like that anymore. “But we can’t be together like that Ben, remember?”

He sighed and nodded. “I know, I know.” Then he reached his hands up to my shoulders, twisting me in the direction of our next class while simultaneously sliding himself behind me. And then holding onto my hips gently, I felt him lean in and tenderly kiss the back of my neck.

“You’re my Dawn ... forever.”

Forever. The word ping-ponged around my brain. Forever is a looong time.


Good morning, beautiful. How was your night?

Mine was wonderful with you by my side

And when I open my eyes and see your sweet face

It’s a good morning beautiful day.

I hummed along with Steve Holy, unable to contain a happy smile. Ryan had burned this CD for me, filled with sweet love songs.

I didn’t see the light.

I didn’t know day from night

I had no reason to care

But since you came along I can face the dawn

Cause I know you’ll be there.

Still with that happy smile, I managed to finish putting on my makeup. I was pretty happy with it. Rosy cheeks. Dark eyeliner. Blue eyeshadow to make my irises pop. My hair was piled high on my head and clipped in place with bobby pins that had little diamonds attached to them. And for once I was wearing a stylish cocktail dress that really pushed my big tits up and together, drawing one’s attention to them and then down to my thin waist. I was fucking HOT and I knew it.

Ben confirmed it for me when I stepped out of the room and he immediately let out a long whistle. “Wow...” he drawled, then lay back across the couch and folded his arms behind his head as he admired me. I always knew Ben liked the way that I looked, but it had been a while since he expressed his appreciation so obviously.

“Dawn, you look amazing,” he breathed.

I giggled and pirouetted for him, letting my dress hem twirl up to expose a little more leg while I smiled coyly at him. Yeah, it was good to be beautiful.

Adrienne also whistled. “I agree. What’s the special occasion?”

“I don’t know,” I said breathlessly, still excited and still humming “Good Morning Beautiful” in my head. Maybe I could get Ryan to sing it to me in the morning... “Ryan just told me to dress up for tonight’s date. Sometimes he can be sooo romantic.”

Just then, the doorbell rang and I tittered excitedly. Adrienne just grinned and gave me another once over, clearly showing her lust for me with her eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she enjoyed checking me out more than she checked Ryan out. But I quickly forgot about Adrienne as I started for the door.

“Wait,” Ben interrupted me. “Go into your room. I’ll get the door and make him wait for your grand entrance.”

I arched an eyebrow at my best friend but grinned. That was a GREAT idea. Smiling excitedly, I ducked back into my bedroom and did a quick little happy dance all by myself.

When I heard the Ben welcome Ryan inside, I pressed my ear to my bedroom door to listen in.

“Dude,” Ben moaned. “You’re gonna make the rest of us guys look bad.”

“She’s worth it.” Ryan’s response made my heart flutter and impossibly, I started smiling even wider.

“I know it,” Ben answered with just the slightest hitch in his voice. “Just give her a minute. She’s making sure she looks absolutely perfect.”

“Dawn looks perfect every day of her life,” Ryan sighed.

I started doing my happy dance again, but then I heard footsteps approaching and I stepped away from the door. Ben soon knocked, saying, “He’s here. And yes, he’s in a very romantic mood.”

Out of sight of Ryan, I opened my door. I was so unbelievably happy and feeling so amazingly good that I impulsively reached out for Ben, taking his hand and pulling him toward me. Then I held his face and pecked his cheek with love and thanks and general good feelings.

Ben blushed, then stood up straight and smiled happily for me. “Have fun tonight.”

I beamed. “I will.”

I then exited the room and went into the living room to watch Ryan’s jaw suitably drop to the floor. My boyfriend was positively studly in dark slacks and a blue button-down shirt that went really well with my dress. And I sizzled happily knowing that we’d somehow managed to coordinate our outfits without even trying.

Ryan then handed me a bouquet of pink roses, and I took them happily and pressed my nose into them, inhaling their sweet scent. Over the top of the flowers, I leveled my gaze at my boyfriend, my eyes hungrily saying, “You are SOOO getting lucky tonight.”

He just smiled and moved up alongside me for a welcoming kiss. And then Adrienne was helpfully beside me to take the flowers out of my hands and put them into a vase for when I came back.

Arm-in-arm, my handsome boyfriend escorted me out of the house, wrapping my coat around me. And I stared adoringly at his face the entire way out to his car.

I was falling in love.


“Good lord, girl. Are you even wearing panties?” Ben looked me up and down, his eyes lustfully roving across my body and settling on my ass. I purposefully posed, showing off a bit and feeling a little thrill at getting such a reaction out of him.

And I SHOULD be getting a reaction out of him. After all, I wasn’t wearing panties. The ultra-tight miniskirt molded to my body so well that I couldn’t even get away with a thong, let alone full panties. No matter, I wouldn’t be wearing them for long tonight as it was. I was in a mood. And Ryan was going to have to stock up on fluids to keep up with me.

“Why? Wanna find out?” I teased Ben as I turned and wiggled my panty-less ass in his direction.

“It’s pretty cold out there, isn’t it?” he said skeptically.

I shrugged. “I’m bringing a jacket on our date.”

Ben rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. “Well? You freeballing it or what?”

“I don’t have balls. You should know that.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I’m naked and bare underneath...” I crooned seductively before giggling. “I’m just trying to be a good girlfriend for my boyfriend.”

“Don’t remember you going out without underwear when we were dating,” he grumped.

“We barely dated outside of summer camp. And getting me naked was never difficult.” I smirked. I was very, very tempted to flash him right then and there, to see how he reacted. Like I said, I was in a mood. I’d also freshly shaven my pussy, and I tingled every time I felt the slightest puff of air against my bare labia. But before I could do something that reckless, Ben shook his head and walked into the living room. I gathered myself back up and headed into my room to double-check my appearance.

Ryan had better hurry. I was horny enough to fuck him in the car.


“Almost home. It’s been such a LONG day...” I bumped my hip into Ben’s, knocking him off balance while we went around the final turn towards the house.

“Whatever,” he sighed.

“Come ON, Ben.” I patted my best friend’s arm. “You used to be so excited to head back!”

Ben snorted. “That’s when I had a loving girlfriend waiting for me at home.”

I frowned. “Today’s Tuesday. Adrienne’s usually home because Grace has that late class or something, right?”

Ben furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before perking up and smiling. “It’s Tuesday? I totally thought today was Wednesday.”

“You wish.” I giggled and shook my head. “You must have had an even longer day than me.”

“Don’t ask,” he said wearily.

I was concerned for Ben. Just as my relationship seemed to be taking off, I’d slowly been seeing his crumble ever since we got back to school. I tightened my arm around his, pulling him closely and rubbing my shoulder against his. “Still, it does seem like Adrienne’s never home anymore. And if it bugs you that much, why haven’t you talked to her about it?”

Ben shrugged. “I’m not the smothering-type. Adrienne’s entitled to hang out with her friends.”

“’Hang out’ is one thing. But you’re her boyfriend. You deserve some quality time, too.”

He looked at me defensively. “She comes home every night. And it’s not like I’m not getting laid often enough.”

I sighed. “There’s more to a relationship than sex. You two used to spend every available minute together. Last semester, I know you spent the whole day with me because your schedule and hers didn’t line up at all. But once you got home, you couldn’t get enough of each other. But lately?”

Ben sighed. “I know ... And I miss her...”

“You should. It reminds you that you still love her. With how much time the two of you spend apart, start worrying the minute you don’t miss her.”

He smiled and patted my hand that was still wrapped around his arm. “You’re right. I need to talk to her. Communication, right?”

I nodded and Ben went into the house. Ryan, Adrienne, Paige, and Gwen were already present and waved to us as we entered. Almost immediately, Paige got off the couch and ran over to Ben, jumping into his arms for a hug. “Hiya, Ben!”

I rolled my eyes as Ben greeted the little redhead, and scowled beneath my breath. I liked Paige enough as a friend, but her obsessive crush with Ben had not gone away in the past six months or so. He was still her white knight, and she a doting little sister to make him feel big brother-ish. But something about her made me uncomfortable. Paige was the lost puppy constantly following Ben around, clearly in love with him. But it was just as clear that he didn’t love her in that way; and I didn’t like that she wouldn’t take the hint and back off. Something about her just screamed “unstable stalker” to me, and I was worried that somehow Ben was going to get hurt by her.

I could see it. Why couldn’t he? But I didn’t have anything concrete, just a feeling. And it wasn’t my place to shut Paige out of our lives. After all, Ben clearly liked her.

Still, right now, I needed Ben to take my advice and talk to Adrienne. Now was a time to work on his relationship, to keep HIM happy, which was all that really mattered to me.

“Hey, wanna go on a nugget run with me?” Ben asked Adrienne.

“Ooh! Can I come?” Paige wormed her way in.

Adrienne looked up and shrugged, replying, “Let Paige go with you. I just want to finish this up before I go anywhere.”

I scowled again, thinking of a way to intervene on Ben’s and Adrienne’s behalf. But Ben beat me to it. “Really, A.D. I wanted to take a walk with you,” he said seriously. “Sorry, Red.”

Good for you, Ben. Good for you.


“Oh, hey guys.” I stood in the entryway, blinking in obvious surprise at the scene before me. Ben was eating a bowl of cereal. No problem. The bathroom shower was running, likely Adrienne.

But Paige was sitting at the table with Ben, dressed in nothing but one of Ben’s button-down shirts with a well-satisfied and well-fucked expression on her face, and her hair mussed up from bed. THAT part of the scene, I wasn’t quite expecting.

Paige stared right at me, a smug expression on her face. And matter-of-factly, as if she wanted to rub it in, she stated, “Yes, I spent the night with Ben. And yes, he popped my cherry. Any questions?”

Ooh, Paige could be cuttingly evil when she wanted to be. It made me wonder what other devilish impulses she was hiding beneath her innocent schoolgirl façade. My jaw just waggled up and down a couple of times with no sounds coming out. But I recovered as quickly as I could. “Uh, okay.” I focused on moving into the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator.

At first, I grabbed the box of eggs. But with a shaky hand, I let go of it and realized I was in too much shock to actually cook something. So I grabbed the milk and set about making my own bowl of cereal. Damn that smug look on Paige’s face. It was as if she KNEW I wasn’t her biggest fan when it came to Ben, and she was showing off like an insolent brat.

I sat down at the table and took two bites before I found my voice again. I sat up straight, darting my eyes back and forth between Ben and Paige before finally turning to him with a stern expression. Without actually speaking, I told my best friend under no uncertain terms: ‘You and me need to talk.’

Ben blanched at first, but then nodded. He knew I was dead serious. But in the meantime, I would have to play nice with Paige. She was Ben’s lover now, and that meant I’d have to learn to co-exist with her until I could show him that this was a BAD idea. At the same time, I wanted to dig for details. So smiling sweetly, I put a happy expression on my face and asked, “Did I ever tell you Ben took my virginity, too?”

“No. Really?” Paige was instantly perky and into gossip mode. But there was a tightness to her eyes that betrayed her wariness about me. Our words sounded happy but there was an underlying tension between us. Sitting right next to Paige, Ben was completely oblivious. Men. I’m sure he had NO clue right now that I was NOT happy.

But I played the game. Smiling, I nodded to Paige. “Back when we were sixteen. It was beautiful. How about you? How’d it go?”

“Perrrfect!” Paige exclaimed brightly, that smug expression back. “It was even better than I imagined!”

Feeling uncomfortable, Ben just stood up and shook his head, abandoning his bowl of cereal. I knew this discussion of lost virginities would scare him away.

Once Ben was gone, I half-thought of dropping the pretense and warning the little shit to stay the FUCK away from my best friend. She was a leech who wouldn’t give him anything but headaches. She didn’t have the maturity to deal with a relationship like this, and somehow, someway, I knew she’d get into shit WAY over her head and need Ben to rescue her again. Only the next time, he might not be able to do it without getting hurt himself. Shit, was the girl even protected? The last thing I wanted was a knocked up Paige, carrying MY Ben’s baby. THAT would royally fuck up our futures.

But I couldn’t drop the pretense yet. I didn’t have enough information, and I needed to know just what was going through Paige’s little head. And fuck? Was I even supposed to have a future with Ben anymore? My relationship with Ryan was going so well!

I sighed, looking at the smug grin on Paige’s face. I was dying inside.


“So how does it work?” I hooked my thumbs through the shoulder straps of my backpack. It was the first day of class since Valentine’s, and therefore the first time Ben and I could spend a protracted amount of time alone together. He’d spent all weekend holed up in his bedroom with his newly de-virginized girlfriend. But on school days, he was all mine, walking to classes and sharing lunch and spending all his time with me.

I had every intention of grilling Ben about this new development with Paige. But I wouldn’t actually grill him. That would put him on the defensive and it would be harder to find out what I wanted to know. So I’d have to do it a little more sneakily.

“I don’t know yet,” he replied. “This is all so new.”

“You’ve dated two girls before. With ... ah ... Megan and Cassidy, right?”

“But this is completely different.”


And we were off. Ben talked about different personalities and the difference of being in a triple versus two separate relationships. I gritted my teeth, seeing as how Ben wasn’t carrying on a cohesive three-way relationship. This two “separate” relationships just screamed disaster to me. When one relationship pulled in a different direction from the other, which would Ben choose? This was exactly why I couldn’t be in a three-way relationship with Ben and Adrienne. I liked Adrienne, but we weren’t in love with each other. We would HAVE to share Ben in two different directions, and I knew eventually Adrienne and I would tear each other apart, whether we liked it or not.

I tried to ask if Paige would be okay with Ben’s extra-curricular sex life. I knew that would be a big deal-breaker to most. But Paige was totally accepting of it. Hell, she even accepted Brandi. I’d have thought the incest thing would be totally against her religion, but according to Ben, she quoted some obscure Bible history to explain it away.

“Huh?” I looked at Ben like he’d just spoken Chinese. Something about Moabites and ammonia ... I think.

Ben smiled and shook his head. “Nevermind. The point is: Paige is fine with it.”

I whistled. “How do you find these girls, Ben?”

“I have no idea. They always seem to find me.”

* * *

Later that evening, Ben and I returned to the house, expecting to see Brandi or Dayna in the kitchen and Adrienne waiting eagerly for her boyfriend.

Not today.

The place seemed absolutely deserted. Ryan had a group project tonight and he would be heading straight home when it was done, so I wouldn’t be meeting MY boyfriend. Bert had made plans to “study” at Robin’s dorm room. And Gwen had been spending more and more time with her new boyfriend Rick and his group of friends. And of course, if Adrienne wasn’t here, she was probably with Grace.

I’d seen Adrienne drifting away from Ben for the past several weeks. I scowled, thinking of how Adrienne was just foisting Paige on Ben to keep him distracted, and he probably didn’t even realize it. This whole 2-girlfriend thing was NOT going to work out. And the fact that Ben couldn’t see it made me so mad that a part of me wanted to deliberately NOT help him pick up the pieces when it fell apart, just so he might learn from his mistakes.

Ben looked at me and arched an eyebrow. It took me a second to realize he was referring to the empty house. “Weird, huh?”

I nodded. Well, more time to grill Ben. “So much has changed since last semester,” I commented. “That’s cool. I’ll make us something for dinner.”

With that, we headed to our respective bedrooms to drop off our bags, but when we got outside the doors, a low, feminine moan quite obviously wafted out from Ben’s bedroom.

Ben and I froze, and then I arched an eyebrow in surprise. “Did Adrienne bring Grace by again?”

Ben shook his head in the negative. “That was Paige.”

Another moan flittered through. I gasped and rolled my eyes. “And THAT was Dayna.”

Ben immediately twisted the knob and pushed the door open. A chorus of musical giggles started up and then both he and I poked our heads in. My jaw dropped immediately.

“Hi, Ben!” Paige chirped happily. The little redhead was completely naked and perched on all fours. Lying beside her was an equally naked Brandi, flat on her back and panting at the ceiling with Paige’s left hand still rubbing her breast. And between Brandi’s legs was Dayna while my naked, busty blonde sister slowly pumped a glass dildo in and out of her best friend’s snatch.

The three girls all turned to look at us, and Paige continued, “Dayna’s showing me how to eat pussy. I’ve done it before, but she’s teaching me things I never even imagined!”

“Don’t let her fool you,” Dayna laughed to Ben. “Your little redhead is a natural.”

My jaw dropped. Was the little rat worming her way through the rest of my family? Paige sat upright on her knees, opening her arms to her boyfriend invitingly. “Come play with us, Ben! The girls were just telling me about creampies. I’ve never done it before. And wouldn’t it just be so... sinful ... for me to suck your semen out of your big sister?”

“But don’t swallow it. Keep it in your mouth and then feed it back to me on your tongue. That’s ‘snowballing’,” Brandi added in a husky voice.

I could see the way Ben’s erection was tenting his shorts. Already I knew he was going to dive in, dick first. And I sighed in resignation. Nothing I could do from here on out.

But Ben stopped and turned to me, a hopeful smile on his face. “Come join us?”

I shook my head, unable to totally conceal my frustration. “Nah. You go ahead. Your girls are waiting,” I replied dispiritedly.

Ben pouted as his eyes roamed up and down my body. We hadn’t even been naked around each other since Dayna’s blindfold party. And he didn’t even get to see me that time. “C’mon ... It’ll be fun. Aren’t you the least bit curious about Paige?”

“Yeah! C’mon!” Paige encouraged eagerly, a wicked smile on her face.

My eyes flashed at the petite redhead, uncontrollable hatred pouring out of me. If looks could kill, I would have executed her on the spot. She hadn’t done anything to me, but my gut instinct told me that her very presence was a bad idea. She looked like an innocent little Catholic girl, but I was convinced she was really the Antichrist.

Still, I couldn’t keep Ben from his pussy. So I turned and hugged my best friend, my lips moving around to tenderly peck the back of his neck. “Go have fun. I’ll have dinner ready when you guys are done.”

And then I turned and headed into my own bedroom, trying not to think of the orgy to come.


“Don’t let it bother you, babe. Ben’s a big boy,” Ryan said soothingly as his strong hands stroked up and down my naked back. I was topless and facedown on my bed, my arms folded underneath my chin. I tried to focus on the sensations Ryan was giving me, but I couldn’t quiet my mind down.

“Paige is a poison. She’s not good for him, but he won’t listen to me. And because of her, he’s losing Adrienne. She’s falling in love with GRACE, of all people.”

“Well, you did say she decided she was lesbian.”

“’Mostly lesbian’. She still loves Ben.”

“Whatever. It’s her call. And it’s THEIR relationship. It’s not your place to interfere.”

“He’s my best friend. Of course it’s my place to interfere,” I sighed.

“And I’m your boyfriend. How come I don’t warrant this kind of concern?”

I frowned and rolled onto my back. Ryan’s eyes yo-yoed down to my naked breasts, which jiggled and stayed pretty upright despite me lying flat on my back. And when his eyes tracked up to mine, he could see that I was looking at him adoringly. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that just when I think you’re starting to love me—”

“Ryan...” I was close. I was SO close to telling him those three little words. But I held back, not entirely sure why.

He sighed. “Sometimes I just think you spend so much effort worrying about Ben’s relationships and not enough on ours.”

“What do you want from me? I spend a LOT of time on us. We do everything together as often as we can together. Ben and I just talk when going from point A to point B. Nothing more.”

He sighed. “How do I know that?”

“Ryan!” I put on a hurt expression. “After everything we’ve been through. And after me finally opening up and letting you into my heart, you doubt me?”

He bit his lip nervously, looking away. “No, of course not.”

He was lying. There was still a niggling of doubt in him and I knew there would ALWAYS be a niggling of doubt, as long as Ben was my best friend. Ryan was just too threatened by Ben to ever completely relax. Shaking my head, I rolled onto my stomach again, resting my cheek against my arms.

“You know, I wasn’t going to bring this up, but I found something the other day,” he said wearily.

I arched an eyebrow. “Found what?”

Ryan sighed and stroked my naked spine. “I didn’t mean to snoop. Honestly, I wasn’t. But you’d left your jewelry box open and a silver bracelet caught my attention.”

I pursed my lips and put my head down. I knew exactly which silver bracelet he was talking about: the one with “Ben Forever” stenciled on it. Not looking at my boyfriend, I asked innocently, “Oh?”

“I thought you threw it out.”

“I never said that.”

“I thought you would.”

“He’s my friend; nothing more.”

“Then you can throw it out.”

“I won’t do that, Ryan.” I kept my gaze straight ahead, not looking at him. I had gotten tense all over, but there was no question about this one. I was NOT throwing away that bracelet.

Ryan sighed and went quiet. He wasn’t the type of guy to get all petty about it, whining ‘If you really love me’ or some bullshit like that. But I could still feel the sentiment coming back from him. He was hurt, and I didn’t know how to make him feel better about it.

I turned onto my side, letting my naked breasts spill out in front of him again. Looking my boyfriend dead in the eye, I told him sincerely, “Ben is a dear friend, but I chose YOU to be my boyfriend. I care a great deal about you. And you have to believe that you mean a lot to me.”

Ryan sat on his heels, pushing himself upright. His bare chest tightened as he tensed his whole body. His crystal clear blue eyes burned brightly, and they bored right down into the depths of my soul. “I more than just care about you, Dawn,” he rasped, his volume rising. “You don’t mean a lot to me. You mean everything to me. You’re more than my world; you’re my universe. You are every season of the year. You are the warmth of Summer, basking me with the brilliance of your beauty. You are the melancholy of Autumn, causing me worry as if every falling leaf is a part of you I’m losing. And you are the starkness of Winter, leaving me cold and lonely in your absences. But you are also the hope of Spring, filling my senses with the bloom of love, so that I might hope for the brilliant warmth of Summer again. You are my sunrise and sunset; and at night I eagerly await the new coming of the Dawn.”

I just blinked in astonishment at what he’d just said. Ryan could be romantic, but he’d never come up with anything like that. Especially off the cuff. “Wow...” I gasped.

He panted as if out of breath, and then a goofy grin spread across his face as he blushed in embarrassment. That little speech had been TOTALLY out of character for my usually macho man who didn’t talk about his feelings.

Ryan wasn’t known for his sense of humor, but he looked rather cute right now. “Guess my Modern Poetry class rubbed off on me,” he said sheepishly. “Sorry it wasn’t very good.”

“No, no,” I breathed. “I loved it.” And then smiling broadly, I lay back and stretched my arms out to my boyfriend, beckoning him to me with my hands, eyes, and tits. “Come here.”

He hesitated, but a quick glance at my erect nipples made his decision for him. Ryan crawled over me until I grabbed behind his shoulders and pulled him down, crushing his bare chest against my bare boobs. I sought his mouth with my own and let my tongue come out to run along his upper lip. “C’mon, babe. Why don’t we get these shorts off you and I’ll show you just how much I want to be with you, and only you.”

Ryan pulled his mouth away and he looked at me intently. “Only me?”

He already knew the answer. I’d not only given up Ben or any other men, but I’d also given up other women. I hadn’t had sex with Dayna or Brandi or Adrienne or ANYONE else this semester. Except for a few small little romps with Dayna and DJ over Winter Break (that of course, Ryan didn’t know about), neither of us had done anything sexual with anyone but each other since Dayna’s blindfold party. And that’s the way we intended it to be for the foreseeable future. It was the way Ryan wanted it. One man. One woman. Dedicated, monogamous, and committed.

So I kissed my boyfriend again, looked him in the eyes, and said confidently, “Only you.”

Ryan flowed into my arms then, his muscular biceps pushing like steel into the backs of my arms as he squeezed me in his grasp. He nibbled on my lower lip while I licked my tongue across his upper. Then he sucked my tongue inside as I moaned and pressed my face a little harder against his. I’d already started to get wet just hearing him talk about how I was his everything. But now I was soaking my panties as I felt my strong, masculine boyfriend passionately consuming me.

My fingers slid through his hair as I pulled my head away and back so that he could nibble down my neck. He couldn’t help himself as he almost sloppily slathered his lips, teeth, and tongue along my skin. I kinda liked it when Ryan lost his finer skills of lovemaking. The physical pleasure might not be quite as good, but the mental thrill of knowing he loved me SO much that he was losing control more than made up for any deficiencies.

A hand came up and roughly grabbed at my boob. My own hand reached into the back of his jeans, gripping that rock hard ass. Many a girl on campus had ogled my boyfriend’s fabulous ass. But I was the one gripping a bare buttcheek in my palm.

Soon, Ryan kissed his way down my chest to swirl his tongue around one of my rock-hard nipples. He suckled several inches of titflesh into his mouth while his hands went to the button on my skirt, fumbling a few times before he got it open and then pulled the zipper down. I lifted my hips to help him as he dragged the skirt and my soaked thong panties away, leaving me gloriously naked before his heated gaze.

I loved these moments, lying naked beneath my lover. I felt so vulnerable and yet so adored at the same time, watching his eyes rove all over my body. My skin tingled and goosebumps formed wherever his gaze fell. And when his eyes finally tracked up to mine, I pointedly looked at his crotch and Ryan grinned as he started to work off his own jeans and underwear.

I sat up and my hands went to Ryan’s cock as soon as he freed it. “Beautiful,” I groaned as I caressed it’s length, feeling the juxtaposition between hard rigidity and baby-soft smoothness. He throbbed and twitched against my fingers’ caress. I just HAD to feel him in my mouth.

There are few things more satisfying for a girl than hearing her man moan in mixed agony and ecstasy. A thrill shot up and down my spine as Ryan made that moan, his fingers raking through my hair as his hands gripped my head with urgent need. I felt like I could feel his heartbeat pulsing against my tongue as I surrounded him with my hot warmth.

But as much as I loved this feeling, I craved even more. I pulled my head away and lay back across the bed, once again beckoning my man to me. “Come to me,” I urged.

Ryan blinked and hesitated for a brief second. He started to duck down between my thighs, intent on returning the favor. Bless his heart, Ryan went down on me almost every single time we had sex, the only exceptions being our unplanned quickies. But as his head descended, I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up my body. “I’m already soaked for you, babe,” I groaned. “You can do it to me later.”

He smiled and nodded. One thing that made Ryan unique among all the other guys I’d known or even heard about, he’d still eat me out even if he came in my pussy. Not even Ben would willingly do that. Sure, Ben really got off watching another girl eat a creampie out of me, but he’d only reluctantly do it himself.

But this evening wasn’t about Ben. It was about ME. And it was about Ryan, the man who loved me with every fiber of his being. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel it in his touch. And I could REALLY feel his love as that big weapon of his started pushing into my body.

“Ohhh...” I groaned as he began filling me up. Ryan wasn’t lunging into me this time, skewering me with a single powerful thrust. He eased himself in, keeping up a steady and constant pressure as I felt each successive inch of his cock stretch the walls of my vaginal tunnel. And with every passing second, I felt the heavenly fullness becoming better and better and better.

“Oh, gawd, Dawn,” Ryan grunted into my ear, sounding as if he were dying of pleasure.

“Oh, Ryan...” I moaned in return. I hooked my arms around the back of his shoulders and tugged his chest back down onto me, so that my tits and his pecs were as pressed together as they would ever be. I raised my legs and crossed my ankles behind his waist, digging my heels into his ass to drive him even deeper.

When we were fully enjoined, he turned his face to mine and we met in another sloppy kiss. And halfway through it, he retracted his hips, pulling almost all the way out of me before reversing course and gently, but insistently, pushing his way back in.

“Oh, Ryan...” I moaned again, knowing he loved it when I called him by name.

“Oh, Dawn...” he whimpered, settling into a steady rhythm. He pushed himself off my chest, supporting his weight on his elbows so that he wouldn’t crush me. I inhaled sharply, taking full breaths for the first time since before he entered me. But I could still feel his chest rubbing against my sensitive nipples and I’m sure he could feel them scraping against him as well.

I loved this. I loved this feeling. Sex with Ben had been special, and I’d never felt orgasms as intense or even a connection as deep with Ryan as I had with Ben. But I still loved this. Ryan was fully and completely devoted to me. He loved me, and it felt good to be loved.

“Love me, babe,” I groaned. And I was rewarded with Ryan’s next powerful thrust.

“Love me,” I repeated, arching my back and driving my hips up to capture his entire cock. I clenched my pussy muscles around his shaft and pulled him back down to the mattress with me, so that when I settled flat again he was all the way inside me once more.

Somehow, his skin beneath my hands flushed and felt even hotter than before. We’d both heated up as we’d exerted our bodies for this fuck, but his temperature was even greater than that. My body felt warmer as well, as if the love I was unleashing from my heart was also flooding my body with extra heat. And suddenly every square inch of my skin was tingling.

“Ohmigod,” I gasped, feeling the surge of energy through my body. THIS was the difference in the pleasure between what I’d done with Ben and what I’d been doing with Ryan up until now. It wasn’t necessarily that Ben was doing things to me that Ryan couldn’t match. It was that I’d never completely opened up to Ryan like I had with Ben. It was more than physical sensation; it was the connection I felt to my lover. And right now, in this very moment, I could feel Ryan ALMOST getting me to the same point.

“Fuck me, Ryan,” I urged, desperately, yearning for that incredible peak to come. “FUCK ME.”

He moved immediately, pulling back and then ramming his big dick deep into my body.

“FUCK ME,” I grunted again, my voice asking him to thrust even harder. And he did.

“Oh, Dawn,” Ryan groaned, his face tensing up as the pleasure started to overtake his body. We’d been going for little more than five minutes, but despite my man’s usual control, he was losing it and fast.

I didn’t care. I was groaning and gasping and Ryan’s wonderful cock was throbbing while he stabbed into me over and over and over again. My hips were kicking off the bed and my legs clenching while my lover pounded me with every ounce of energy he had, hammering his hips as he desperately tried to cram even more of himself into me with every thrust.

“FUCK ME!” I screamed. “FUCK ME!”

“I LOVE YOU, DAWN!” he yelled.

“FUUUCK!” I yelled right back.

“I LOVE YOU!” he repeated.

“FUCK ME!!!”

His whole body jerked as his hips slammed into me one final time. And a victorious growl burned up from his throat. “HRRRRGHHHH!!!”

Sooo close. It was wonderful. It was great.

But it wasn’t quite the same. Not yet.

Still, the pleasure overtook my body and sent me into orgasm. I threw my head back as I felt the explosion deep inside my body. His liquid expression of love poured out of him like a fire hose to fill me up even more than I believed possible. The sensations were too intense, too overwhelming to keep controlled, and I shrieked in my own expression of mixed agony and ecstasy as my climax roared out to meet his. “RYYAAAANNNN!!!”

His body bucked, firing another blast inside me. I felt each pulse of his cock expanding in time with the impacts against my inner walls. They hit me with little starbursts of pleasure that exploded in my brain. I wanted the feelings to continue forever. I wanted this moment to never end.

And then Ryan fell on top of me. He’d collapsed, crushing me beneath him so wonderfully. We both gasped for oxygen, me having to struggle a bit with more than 200 pounds of man crushing my chest. But I got what air I needed and my heart rate gradually slowed.

Ryan turned his head and kissed my forehead while I nuzzled my nose against his neck. I hummed happily and squeezed all four limbs around his body, holding his comforting weight on top of me for just a little longer.

This was great.

But he still wasn’t my Ben.


Ben looked mighty pleased with himself when I met up with him for lunch. While most of our classes were the same, they ALL weren’t, and he’d had a morning final while I’d slept in.

Ben had always been an excellent student. He had an eidetic memory or something, being able to recall pretty much anything he ever read. It was unfair sometimes, but I couldn’t hold his gift against him. And I assumed the self-satisfied expression on his face had something to do with that morning’s exam.

“You’re looking good,” I drawled from the bar stool where I was waiting for him. “Ace your final?”

Ben shook his head, still grinning goofily.

I knew the look. It was the ‘I got laid’ look. And then I remembered where Ben was last night. “Ah. Something to do with your little anniversary date with Adrienne?”

Ben nodded. “I gave her a promise ring last night.”

What? I nearly choked on my soda. “Excuse me?” I sputtered.

Ben laughed, patting my back to help with the choking. “A promise ring. Remember those?”

It took a few seconds for me to regain my composure. When I did, I took a deep breath and gave my best friend a serious look. “Are you sure Adrienne’s that kind of girl?”

“I’m sure she’s my kind of girl.”

Oh, this was BAD. Ben wasn’t ready for this kind of commitment. “But a promise ring is pretty serious, Ben. You’re still nineteen.”

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Relax. It’s not like we got engaged or anything. But with Adrienne dating Grace and me dating Paige at the same time, it seemed the perfect opportunity to remind Adrienne just how special she is to me. We’ve been through a lot.”

I looked at him skeptically. “I know. But a promise ring? Adrienne? Seriously?”

“What? Jealous?”

“No!” I said very quickly. For some reason, I thought of my ‘Ben Forever’ bracelet. It was still in my jewelry box. “Of course not. I’m happy for you.”

Ben grinned. “Good. And don’t feel threatened, Dawn.” He slapped my back encouragingly. “You know I’ll always be your Ben.”

“Forever,” I mumbled mournfully, looking away. Was this it? Was this really the end of me and Ben? I felt like crying.

* * *

It was really unfair for Ben to spring that on me right before a final. I knew he was happy for himself, but couldn’t he see how much that news affected me? FUCK. Stupid Ben. Stupid boys. Always selfishly thinking of themselves and never paying attention how they might affect the people around them.

Not that I should be affected. After all, Ben was highlighting exactly how much our relationship had changed. We were best friends, not lovers anymore. Why shouldn’t he want to share his happiness with me? Wasn’t that what best friends did? He was dedicating himself to Adrienne. And I was in love with Ryan. Everything was peachy-keen, right?


I had just stepped into my bedroom, Ben and I having returned to the house from our afternoon final. I looked over to the source of the loud thump and saw that Ben’s bedroom door was open, so I went over to investigate. I took one look at the scene and gasped.

Ben was to the right, and the look of absolute shock and anguish on his face was unmistakable. Adrienne and Grace were to the left, the two girls holding hands firmly. Adrienne’s body posture was all wrong, definitely not looking happy. As I entered in, she picked her head up, her red-rimmed eyes showing that she’d been crying and still was crying. Her hazel irises were a murky yellow, and she glanced over at me for a brief moment. Then licking her lips, Adrienne winced and turned to set down a gold ring with small diamonds onto the nightstand.

The cool metal band hit the wooden surface with a surprisingly loud bass [thunk]. It certainly sounded much heavier than it appeared to be, or maybe that was just in my head. But there was no imagining the pain and anguish in Adrienne’s voice as she cracked out, “I’m sorry, Ben. I love you. But I just can’t do this.”

Without another word or thought, Adrienne suddenly turned and strode straight at me, practically dragging Grace with her. The pair of them bumped me in their hurry to get out of the house, and then moments later they were gone.

Another [thump] brought my attention back into the room. Ben had sunk onto his knees. My heart went out to him as he closed his eyes, bent his head, and sobbed his heart out.

Holy shit. I covered my mouth in shock, just trying to process everything that just happened. Clearly, Adrienne hadn’t taken Ben’s promise ring very well. I’d known she didn’t want some permanent commitment with him, but didn’t think she’d leave with Grace over him. Wouldn’t they have talked about this sort of thing before Ben sprung some grand gesture on her? How did I not see this coming?

How did I not know Ben was THIS close to committing to another girl? That I was THIS close to losing him forever? Belatedly, I realized that Ben and I really hadn’t talked much about his relationship with Adrienne this past semester, or his relationship with Paige either, for that matter. I mean, we talked. But we didn’t talk that much, especially in the last month after Ryan asked me to concentrate more on him.

So I hadn’t known just where Ben’s relationships were going. Maybe his little fling with Paige was on the verge of cracking, too. But for all I knew, he was ready to propose to the little witch.

Presently, Ben finally collected himself and rocked back into a full squat, rubbing his knees before standing upright. He looked up at me, and then slowly walked right to me.

This was it. I had been so afraid I’d lost my Ben when he gave that promise ring to Adrienne. But she’d turned him down, just like she promised she would. She’d set him free. She was letting him finally return to ME.

My heart thudding in my chest, I reached out to him. I wanted to hug him and hold him and tell him everything would be alright. My best friend, my Ben, looked like a shell of the man he used to be. I NEEDED to somehow make everything alright. And I NEEDED him to know I wanted him back. FINALLY.

But Ben ignored my outstretched arm and walked right past me, heading out into the hallway. He stopped and looked at the closed front door, staring at it for what felt like an entire minute.

Ben was a statue, and I nervously looked around. Paige, Ryan, Bert, and Robin were all already in the house, hanging out to study since none of them had an afternoon final today. And when Ben finally turned around, the four of them looked at him in wonder and curiosity.

To this day, I don’t think I’ll ever understand exactly what was going through Ben’s head after that. His face was expressionless. There were no indications he was about to do what he did next. And so he caught us ALL by surprise.

None were more surprised than Gwen. She had been in the bathroom for this entire time, and she came to a dead stop when she came out to find six people staring at her. Her mouth opened slightly and she quickly glanced around at all six of us, silently standing around the hallway. “Uh, what’s going on?”

Without warning, Ben reached out and grabbed Gwen’s arm, yanking her abruptly through his bedroom doorway and slamming the door shut before I could even react.

“Ben!” I called in alarm. I quickly jiggled the doorknob, only to find that he’d already locked them inside.

“Ben! What’s going on?” Paige rushed up and called plaintively as well.

Nothing greeted us but the sounds of two bodies landing on the bed. And I frantically jiggled the doorknob even harder.

“Ben!” Gwen gasped, loud enough for us to overhear. “What’s going on?” Moments later, she squealed, “Oh, SHIT!”

Realization dawned on me as to what Ben and Gwen were doing in there. My eyes flew open wide and I clapped a hand over my mouth again in shock. The others were crowding around me, and one by one, they seemed to realize it as well.

“Ben!” Gwen squealed, confirming our guesses. “Ben we can’t do this! I’m a slut! Not a cheater!”

“You wanna stop?” Ben growled. “Just say ‘stop’.”

Gwen didn’t. And then there were no more cries except for those of two people royally fucking each other’s brains out.

* * *

The sounds of sex died out after about an hour or so. An hour of pure, non-stop fucking. Sometimes I forgot just how much of a machine Ben could be when he got going.

It was almost another two hours before Gwen finally opened the door, still wobbly on her feet. Robin and I rushed to her, helped her into the bathroom, and got her cleaned up. Then Robin took her back to the dorms. I, on the other hand, went into the bedroom to check on Ben.

Despite everything, there was still a look of infinite sadness on his face. He was asleep and flat on his back, and I covered him with a blanket while sliding onto the bed. I pulled his head into my lap, looking down with concern at him while stroking his hair back from his forehead and along his scalp. I couldn’t imagine the torment going through his mind in the aftermath of what Adrienne had done.

About twenty minutes later, he stiffened and seemed to wake. I increased the firmness of my stroking, urging him to remain calm. His eyes stayed closed as he just lay there and enjoyed my touch. And without needing to open his eyes and recognize me, he asked, “What time is it, Dawn?”

“Almost nine. PM,” I answered. “You’ve been asleep for more than two hours.”

He cracked his eyes open and stared at me for a long few moments. “Where’s Gwen?”

I told him and we had a short discussion about what Gwen would make of all this. I wasn’t sure, but while Gwen had been surprised by what happened, she didn’t seem angry. For his part, Ben didn’t seem to understand why he’d grabbed Gwen, either.

The conversation then turned to Adrienne, and almost immediately Ben started sobbing. Not wanting to let Ben devolve into self-flagellation, I grabbed his cheeks and stared down at his face. “Hey!” I barked loudly to get his attention.

In surprise, he blinked his eyes open and stared at me. Satisfied that I’d momentarily distracted him away from his sorrows, I asked, “You want something to eat? We ordered pizza and there’re plenty of leftovers.”

Ben winced and then shook his head. He closed his eyes again as I went back to stroking his forehead. At least right now he didn’t look like he was going to become hysterical again.

“Ahem.” Ryan’s voice from the doorway drew both of our attentions. He was dressed to spend the night with me. We’d already planned it since he had a morning final. “You coming back out?” my boyfriend asked warily.

I glanced down at Ben. My best friend — my Ben — was unhappy, and he needed my comfort. I wouldn’t leave him for the world, boyfriend or not. I worried about what I would tell Ryan when Ben suddenly grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. “Don’t leave me,” he pleaded, his eyes more convincing than his words. “Not right now.”

I sighed and glanced back up Ryan, looking apologetic. This was my Ben and he was going through one of the worst nights of his life. I couldn’t leave him. I wouldn’t leave him. “Not right now,” I told Ryan. “Okay?”

Ryan exhaled, a slight note of frustration in the sound. He didn’t like the idea, but it wasn’t like Ben and I were getting naked behind a locked door. So with a grudging nod, he walked away.

I went back to stroking Ben’s hair, whispering soothing words to him. And somehow, we both fell asleep.


My senses stirred with pleasure before my eyes opened. I was surrounded by warmth as I felt Ben — MY Ben — holding me in his arms. His beautiful cock was erect and pressed against my ass. His strong hand held my breast and squeezed it wonderfully. I could feel my crotch moistening and I rubbed my thighs together as pleasant thoughts of a morning spent making love filtered through my brain. This was what I’d been waiting for. Finally, after so long, we would be together again.

I realized that Ben was awake as well, and I turned my head around to face him. I felt the sun’s rays shining down on my face as I smiled happily at the sight of my soulmate, and I said brightly, “Mmm ... morning, Ben!”

“Hi...” He smiled happily and squeezed me a little tighter, his hand idly rubbing my breast as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He dipped his face toward mine, puckering his lips. And I closed my eyes with a smile and moved in to meet him.

But before we could kiss, Ben’s eyes popped open and he jerked his hand off my boob. My eyes popped open and I backed away from the anguish on his face.

“Oh, Dawn, Dawn. I’m so sorry,” Ben muttered. He peeked beneath the blankets to confirm that he was fully naked, and that his bare cock was rubbing against my bare buttcheek where my thong panties failed to completely cover me.

“No, no. It’s okay. Not your fault,” I flustered and tugged my shirt down to my waist, hiding my own semi-nudity. I wanted him. I WANTED him.

“It is. It is,” Ben stammered, still thinking that he was doing something that I didn’t want him to do. How could I convince him that we belonged together, especially now that he was free? “I’m so sorry,” he groaned.

“No, it’s okay. It’s nobody’s fault,” I sighed. Clearly, Ben’s head wasn’t where it needed to be yet. We needed time to talk. So I futzed around with my clothes, making sure I was fully dressed and presentable. And then I quickly sat up in bed.

Just then, Brandi appeared at the open doorway, a steaming mug of coffee in her hands. “Figures.” The older girl smirked. “One amazingly gorgeous blonde breaks up with you, so you drag another pretty blonde into your bedroom and fuck her brains out. And then you spend the night cuddling with a third hot blonde.”

I blushed and looked down before slipping out of the bed, realizing that my boyfriend was going to be pretty upset with me. I’d have to put up with him until I could get the Ben thing worked together again. “I’d better go do damage control with Ryan.”

Ben sat up, keeping the blankets covering his lap while wrapping his arms around his legs. He looked at me apologetically. “I’m sorry about all this.”

“No, don’t be.” I shook my head. As awkward as things had been in the morning, Ben looked remarkably better than he had yesterday when Adrienne had walked out on him and left behind the promise ring. I was happy that he was better. I was happy that I had been a part of making him better. And I told him, “I was right where I needed to be — where I wanted to be — last night.”

Ben smiled wanly, his eyes full of gratitude. “Thanks, Dawn. Really.”

I smiled and nodded, allowing myself a brief moment of hope. Was this the turning point? Was this the day Ben and I started to get back together, the way we were always meant to be?

But that was for later. I still had a boyfriend, and I steeled myself for the coming conversation. Ryan would have slept alone in my bed last night. The door to Ben’s room had been open all night, so he’d know nothing untoward occurred.

But he STILL wouldn’t be too happy with me.

* * *

I watched Paige storm out of Ben’s room. She stomped over to the front door as if she weight 300 pounds and flung it open. And without a backwards glance she hurried away.

I arched an eyebrow, wondering just what had happened. If she and Ben had broken up, then maybe my worries about their relationship were over nothing. Maybe this was as bad as it could get.

Then Gwen got off the couch and headed for Ben’s room. She’d arrived while Ben was screwing Paige’s lights out, fidgeting nervously and obviously anxious to talk to Ben about what he’d done to her last night. Not ‘with’ her, ‘to’ her. But with Ben likely in a weird mood after whatever fight he’d just had with Paige...

I reached out a hand in warning. “Gwen, wait! Now is probably not the best time.”

She turned around and looked at me, practically whimpering. “I’ve got to do this. I can’t wait any longer.”

She moved ahead and stood in the doorway to his room. “Hi, Ben. We need to talk.”

What happened next was right out of a horror film. A hand reached out and grabbed the back of Gwen’s neck. She squeaked and then was dragged into the room with a speed I didn’t think was possible. The door slammed and then Gwen whimpered, “Oh, God. Not again!”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. And then the noises started up again.

Blushing as if I should be embarrassed for some reason, I looked around at Ryan, Bert, Robin, Dayna, Kevin, Kerri, Monique, and Matt. All of them seemed to be evaluating me, as if I was supposed to say or do something. Tracy, Julie, and Brandi were in the kitchen, otherwise the situation might feel even worse. I just put my head down and tried to focus on studying, to block out the sounds of my good friend getting the fucking of a lifetime.

Ten minutes later, Gwen’s purse started ringing. Groaning as I listened to Gwen’s orgasmic cries emanating from Ben’s bedroom, I opened her purse and dug out a silver Samsung flip phone. Oh, of course. It was Rick Rusedski, Gwen’s boyfriend.

I hit the side button to silence the call and then settled back down into the couch, sighing in resignation.

About five minutes later, the noises in the bedroom finally stopped. At that point I got up and went over to the door, knocking softly. Maybe I could catch Ben between rounds.

“Who is it?” Ben called.

“It’s Dawn,” I replied neutrally.

There was a moment’s pause before he replied, “Come in.”

Ben was buck naked and sitting on the edge of the mattress, his heels perched on the bed frame and his head in his hands. Behind him, Gwen was a limp puddle of naked flesh, clearly unconscious. She was lying on her right shoulder, the right arm extended straight out and the left arm flung behind her head. Her ass was flat on the bed with her legs spread to the sides and bent like a dead frog’s. And her pussy STILL seemed to be spasming in the aftershocks of orgasm while leaking creamy white semen.

I arched an eyebrow and sighed wearily. “You did it again.”

Ben grimaced and looked down. “Paige dumped me,” he said, as if that would explain everything.

“Ah,” I nodded as if I understood. Then I held up Gwen’s cell phone. “Well, I just wanted to tell Gwen that her boyfriend called. But I guess he’ll have to wait for her to wake up.”

Ben grimaced and put his forehead in his palm again.

Well, at least Ben was breaking free of Adrienne. While I may not have chosen his exact methodology, I could appreciate that this was Ben’s way of dealing with the breakup. He was a very sexual creature and getting laid was a very good way of clearing his head and moving on. Even though he looked to be in pain right now, he looked better than yesterday. And it was only the first day. If I gave him enough time — and maybe enough girls — he’d get over it and be ready to be my boyfriend, MY Ben, once again.

“Dinner will be ready soon,” I said casually. I could be patient. I could wait. Then I pulled the door shut behind me. Everything would be fine.


He did the same thing with Monique. At least, unlike Gwen, Monique looked like she knew what she was getting into. I surveyed her lush, naked body, not looking so very different from Gwen’s yesterday afternoon.

For that matter, Ben looked about the same, sitting up with his head in his hands. But he looked better. He was fresher. He was happier. And most importantly, he was single again.

Ben single ... and looking for love. Could we? Was this finally our time to get back together?

Now as long as he could get through this next hurdle. My favorite petite redhead had returned. I remember groaning beneath my breath the minute she’d arrived.

“Dinner will be ready soon,” I told him. And then I added, “Just a warning: Paige is here.”


Tracy McMillan finished up this morning. Marian Liu took her turn just before lunch. And Kerri Trainor spent the afternoon with Ben.

Ben was looking better and better each day. And when Julie Carpenter almost sheepishly went to knock on his door after dinner, I wryly shook my head and turned my focus back to my studying.


Arm-in-arm, Kerri and Julie waltzed out the door, happily-fucked expressions on their faces. By my count, that finished off everyone from Dayna’s blindfold party, Ben having worked through everyone, including Dayna and Brandi. Only Angela had opted out, choosing to remain loyal to her boyfriend.

I stepped into the doorway, crossing my arms beneath my breasts and leaning against the door frame.

“You look content.”

He shrugged. “What can I say? Fucking makes me happy.”

I smirked and shook my head wryly. Leave it to Ben to cure all his ills through sex. It was good to know for our future that if my husband ever became unhappy, a few good orgasms with some strange pussy would cure him. I was about to make a comment to that point, but Brandi showed up and leaned against the opposite side of the doorjamb.

Ben’s sister smiled and raised her eyebrows. “You do realize you’ve run out of our friends from the party.”

Ben grinned and then obviously ogled me, his gaze rapidly moving up and down my body as if he could undress me with his eyes. “Well, not all of them.”

I blushed when I realized he meant me, then rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Maybe if you’re really nice to me.” I rather liked the idea. It had been sooo long since Ben fucked my brains out and I could feel myself moistening at the very thought of it. “But seriously, what are you going to do now? We’ve still got one more final left this afternoon.”

Ben shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.” He then looked significantly at Brandi, gratitude in his eyes. “They kept me distracted long enough to make it to today. Today Adrienne’s finally going to talk to me.”

Wait, WHAT?

I furrowed my eyebrows, red anger rising into my face as I thought about what Ben had just said. Adrienne? What the FUCK? I turned and glared at Brandi. “Wait, is THAT what this was all about? Keeping Ben occupied?”

Brandi shrugged. “I take care of my little brother. He was a mess after Adrienne left him and we both know what works on him.” The older brunette arched an eyebrow at her little brother. “Ejaculations are pretty head-clearing, aren’t they?”

Ben nodded and smiled. “Woulda failed every single final without them.” Then he sighed a little more forlornly. “Hell, I probably would have driven myself insane overthinking everything, and hunted down Adrienne to plead with her to take me back.”

’Take me back’??? My eyes goggled and I felt absolutely HORRIFIED by what I was hearing. “You ... You still want to get back together with Adrienne?” I squawked.

Ben frowned and looked at me carefully. “Uh, yeah...”

I gawked in disbelief and Ben furrowed his eyebrows while stammering, “She still hasn’t even explained to me why she broke up with me. I guess a part of me is still hoping we can go back to the way things were.”

“So ... all those girls,” I glared at Brandi again. “YOU set those up?”

Brandi shrugged. “Well, me and Dayna.”

“Ben didn’t go out and seduce them on his own or anything?”

Brandi frowned. “What? No. Ben would never mess with our friends without going through us first, and the girls would never have fucked Ben without our permission. Oh, they certainly wanted to, especially after Dayna’s party last December. But they never would have gone behind our backs.”

I turned to Ben in confusion. “But I thought you were just taking out your aggression and anger at Adrienne? Like with Gwen!”

Ben shrugged. “I’m still not sure what happened with Gwen. My mind just sorta snapped those times.”

“But I thought you were just fucking around because you were free!” My mouth was gaping open. “Adrienne dumped you. Paige realized you didn’t love her. So you were just going to go nuts, screwing everything in sight and enjoy your freedom, right?”

For once, I did NOT understand what was going through Ben’s head. Wasn’t he healing himself so that he could get back together with ME? Wasn’t that the whole point? Hadn’t we discussed this way back when? I LOVE him. He’s MINE. I let him let this thing with Adrienne play out until he came back to ME.

Ben shook his head and explained, “The sex was a welcome distraction; but in the end, I’ll never feel for those girls what I felt with Adrienne. I love her, Dawn. I still love her. And I’d trade all of Brandi’s friends to get her back. I thought you knew that.”

WHAT THE FUCK??? I stared angrily at Ben. I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked rapidly, not understanding at all. And then without another word, I turned and stomped away.

“Dawn?” Ben called in confusion. “DAWN?”

But I was already gone.

* * *

A couple of minutes later, Ben burst onto the back patio. I was sitting on the old couch we’d stashed back here, my knees pulled up to my chest with my heels on the edge of the seat and my arms wrapped around my legs. He looked around for me frantically until I sighed, “I’m over here.”

Ben quickly moved beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Dawn. Talk to me.”

I exhaled and fought back my tears, failing and feeling the droplet roll down my cheek. I pursed my lips and stared straight ahead, not sure how to answer just yet.

Ben waited me out patiently. Knowing exactly what I needed, he gave me time to process. It was the same thing I did for him when he got into one of these moods. But he couldn’t do nothing and so tried to settle for rubbing my shoulder. It still wasn’t enough, and a few seconds later he just leaned forward and bear-hugged me.

That just pissed me off even more. The instant he started hugging me I brusquely pushed him away with my right arm. “Get away from me!” I hissed, more with tone than with volume.


“Can’t you tell? I’m still upset with you!” I spat.

“Upset? What? Why?” Ben stammered. Good lord the boy was clueless. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” I exhaled, even more pissed off that Ben didn’t already know. What’s wrong? You’re still fucking in love with her! That’s what’s fucking wrong!”


I canted my head back, staring at the roof above our heads as I groaned in annoyed frustration. “I’m such an idiot. I knew it. But I didn’t realize. I’m such an idiot.”

“Dawn. What are you talking about?”

“You! You fucking ASSHOLE!”


“Adrienne! You’re still fucking in love with her! You still fucking want to get back together with her!”

He whimpered helplessly and admitted, “Of course.”

“You don’t get it, do you?” I raged.

He bit his lip nervously, wincing as he squeaked, “Does it bother you that I want to be together with Adrienne?”

“YES!!! I mean, no!” I sighed and dropped my feet off the bench, stomping them onto the ground. I planted my hands on my knees and hunched over, hanging my head down between my shoulders. Ben reached for me, but I slapped his hand away.

“Dawn...” Ben pleaded. “Talk to me.”

“You gave her a promise ring, Ben,” I gritted between my teeth.

“Uh, yeah,” he stammered, clearly not understanding.

“You gave her a promise ring,” I emphasized.

Ben shrugged.

He wasn’t following. Why did I love this stupid moron again? I sighed, hanging my head down again. “What does that mean to you?”

Ben blinked. “It’s a promise. Like ... I dunno. An engagement ring is a promise to get married. A promise ring is a promise to ... be committed, I guess.”

“Or a promise to get engaged someday?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Well, yeah. I guess.”

My eyes dipped and I glared at my stupid best friend. “Fuck you, Ben.”


“Fuck. You.” I bit out.

He winced.

“A promise ring means an engagement ring. An engagement rings means you’re gonna get MARRIED. To HER. Not ME. Don’t you get it? You weren’t supposed to make some grand commitment to Adrienne!” I yelled, spittle flying off my mouth. “You weren’t supposed to get that serious! You’re supposed to be MY Ben!”


“MY Ben! Mine!” I raged. “As in: NOT hers!”


“What about US?” I stormed.

“What ABOUT us?” Ben half-yelled right back. He thrust his hands at me. “There is no US! You’re my best friend! And you’re with Ryan!”

“I’m not gonna fucking marry Ryan!” I yelled.

“So, what? If Adrienne dumps me, are you gonna break up with him now for me?” Ben snarled. Then he leaned forward, leering at me lustfully and waggling his eyebrows suggestively. “After all, you did say I could take you back when my relationship with Adrienne ended. Huh?”

“Fuck you!” [WHACK] I slapped Ben as hard as I possibly could. He didn’t get it. I’d been WAITING for him this entire time. I’d held back from my relationship with Ryan. I’d patiently advised him on keeping Adrienne for HIS sake. I’d bided my time for over a year, just hoping to be reunited with my one true love and my soulmate. And all he could think of was picking me up on the rebound just in case his true love for Adrienne didn’t work out? WHAT THE FUCK???

“I am NOT your fucking fallback!” I spat at him, and then stood up and stomped back to the door.

When I glanced back, Ben looked completely shocked that I’d slapped him. I stopped at the door, my hand on the knob, and a shudder went through my entire body. Was this really how it was all going to end? Was this really how Ben and I broke up for good? Yeah, technically we’d been broken up for over a year. But only now did I really have to face that Ben belonged to her, and not to me. Now I really had to face that he wasn’t just coming back to me to pick up where we left off.

The love we shared from the time we were born wasn’t there anymore. The love we made at those summer camps couldn’t be recaptured.

My Ben was gone.

My soulmate was gone.

Biting my lip, I turned to face this new Ben, the male slut who was in love with another girl. And I felt the rivers of tears pouring down both of my cheeks. “I thought we were going to wait for each other, Ben,” I sighed dejectedly. “I was going to be your Dawn, forever. And I thought you would be mine. I guess I was wrong.”
