Chapter Twenty-Three

The drive back to the campground was made in relative silence. Andrea glanced out of the corner of her eye, seeing Tori and Sam holding hands in the backseat. She looked at Cameron, who appeared deep in thought. Cameron had said little since they’d left. Sam had said even less. She turned around in her seat, meeting Tori’s gaze. It was as questioning as her own.

“So, are we just not going to talk about it?” she finally asked, looking first at Cameron, then Sam.

“What’s to talk about?” Cameron asked.

“Oh, how about the fact that we’ve been chasing this bastard through the goddamn woods for days,” Tori said, “and neither of you are saying a thing about it.”

“I told you, he wanted to see if I’d made it out okay,” Sam said.

“That’s it?”

“Yes, Tori, that’s it.”

Andrea glanced at Cameron. “And you?”

“Me? I told him he was getting sloppy in his old age,” Cameron said. Cameron glanced in the rearview mirror. “Did he say anything about the checkpoint?”

Sam shook her head. “I asked him why he got caught,” she said. “He said it wasn’t intentional, but I think it was.”

Cameron nodded. “So do I.”

“What do you mean?” Tori asked.

“The Angel I know could spot a checkpoint a mile away. Hell, we had to avoid checkpoints all the damn time,” Cameron said. “Nothing about this feels right.”

“Maybe he was tired of running,” Andrea suggested. “Maybe he knew there would be no way out.”

“So he turns himself in?” Cameron shook her head. “He’d just gone on a killing rampage because he didn’t want to get caught. We’re trained not to get caught,” she said.

“So what are you thinking?” Tori asked.

“I don’t know. It makes no damn sense. So they take him back to Santa Fe and he tells them where the money is. Makes no difference. He’s still going to rot in prison. There’s nothing in it for him,” Cameron said. “And that’s what the problem is. It’s all too easy. There’s got to be something more to it.”

“Maybe he’s genuinely sorry for what he did,” Sam said.

“No,” Cameron said. “That’s not his style.”

“People change.”

“Not Angel.”

Sam didn’t say anything else, and neither did Cameron. Andrea glanced again at Tori, who only let out a heavy sigh. The silence was again loud in the truck, and Andrea searched for a topic to break it.

“You two are heading back to Texas in the morning?”

Sam didn’t acknowledge the question, but Tori nodded. “Yeah. Renting a car. What about you?”

“I guess we’ll head back to Colorado until our next assignment,” she said.

Cameron simply nodded but said nothing. Andrea sighed, giving up on conversation. She turned her attention to the road as Cameron made the drive from Taos back to their campground.

* * *

Tori dug through the bag that Casey had left them for some clean jeans. The sun was shining brightly, but it was a cool afternoon. And for the rest of the day, they were going to pretend they were still on vacation. Andrea had offered to cook an early dinner for the four of them, and Cameron had let them have her truck. She glanced to where Sam stood, her back to her. Sam had spoken to Leslie earlier. She’d been extremely quiet ever since.

“You okay?” she asked for the fourth time. Sam had already changed and was standing at the window looking out.

Sam turned to her, offering a quick smile. “Yes, Tori. I’m fine.”

It was the same answer she’d given the other three times. She tossed the jeans down and walked over to her. “Why won’t you talk to me?”

Sam leaned closer, letting their shoulders touch. “I’m simply trying to make sense of it, Tori.” She turned then, meeting her eyes. “I’m a cop. He’s a killer. Yet we have this connection between us. I can’t explain it.”

“Like…like an attraction?” she asked hesitantly.

Sam gave a quick laugh. “God, no. Is that what you think?”

“I don’t know what to think,” she admitted. “I haven’t met the guy.” She ran a hand through her dark hair in frustration. “I just—”

“I know. You’re worried about me.”

Tori met her gaze. “Yes. I feel like he’s gotten inside your head.”

Sam nodded. “Yes. Yes, he has.”

“Sam…he’s a killer. He’s—”

“I know, Tori. Don’t you think I know all of that?”

Tori let out a breath. “I’m sorry. I’m trying—”

“I can deal with this.” Sam leaned closer and kissed her. “I love you, Tori. More than anything in this whole world. Don’t ever doubt that.”

Tori closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the closeness as Sam kissed her again.

“I know. I love you too.”

“Now, I bet there’s a beer calling your name,” Sam said. “I think sitting outside in the sunshine will be just the ticket.” She stepped away from Tori. “Besides, I’m looking forward to getting to know them better. Andrea seems very likable. Cameron has an edge to her.”

“Yeah, I told you, arrogant and bossy.”

Sam grinned. “Maybe that’s why I like her. She reminds me of you.”
