Chapter Thirty-Nine

“I can’t wait to get out of here,” Tori said as she shoved what few clothes she had into the backpack Casey had left for them.

“Yeah? You’re not going to miss Cameron?”

“Hardly.” But she added, “I guess she did kinda grow on me, though. And I really liked Andrea.”

Sam nodded. “Yes. Andi’s nice. I think if we all lived in the same area, Cameron and Andrea would fit nicely into our little circle of friends.”

Tori laughed. “Casey would drive Cameron crazy. Of course, I can’t see them in a city. Can you?”

“No. They seem to be pretty much at home living out of an RV.” Sam raised her eyebrows. “What about you? Ready to be back in the city?”

“Yes. Aren’t you?”

Sam walked closer and looped her arms around Tori’s neck. “I’m just ready to be home. I’m ready to get our life back.”

Tori ducked her head, kissing Sam slowly, thoroughly. Yeah, she was ready to get their life back too. She pulled away, meeting her gaze. “Are you okay? I mean, with…”

“I’m fine. I knew what the outcome would be, Tori. I just didn’t anticipate being there when he died. It was…emotional.”

“I know he got inside your head, Sam.”

Sam nodded. “Yes, he did. But in a good way, Tori. And honestly, I’m glad I was there with him when he died. I understand him better.” Sam turned away from her. “I know he was a killer, I know what all he did. But I understand the why of it now.” She looked back at her. “It doesn’t make what he did right, of course.” Sam took a deep breath. “But I’m glad it’s over with. And I hope I don’t ever have to go through anything like that again.”

“You and me both.”

Sam smiled and nodded. “So? What’s the first thing we’re going to do when we get back?”

“I want to eat Tex-Mex. Let’s go to O’Connor’s favorite place and get chicken enchiladas and a Rios Rita,” she said, already imagining biting into the spicy enchilada. “I can’t believe we’ve been in New Mexico and have yet to eat Mexican food.”

“Tired of pizza?”

Tori laughed. “God, Cameron and her pizza. I think I’ve had enough to last me a year.”

Sam smiled at her again. “I spoke with Leslie earlier.”

“Oh, yeah? How’s she doing?”

“Good. She’s going back to work on Monday.”

“That’s great.”

Sam squeezed her hand. “She also said that Casey was hinting to Malone that you wanted to go back to Homicide.”

Tori rolled her eyes. “She wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

“Does this mean you’ve made up your mind?”

Tori tilted her head questioningly. “What do you think I should do?”

“Well, I know you haven’t been happy with the FBI, even though you never said anything,” Sam said.

Tori nodded. “I miss the team, yeah.” She met Sam’s gaze. “Do you think Malone would bring me back?”

Sam smiled and leaned closer, kissing her. “According to Leslie, they’ve already got your old desk ready to go for you. Besides, I can only imagine the trouble you and Casey will get into as partners.”

Tori laughed and pulled Sam into a tight hug. “You’re right. And yeah, I’ve already made up my mind. I want to go back.”

“Good. Then let’s go home.”

* * *

Cameron paused at the highway, looking to the right where they would take Highway 64 into the mountains of Colorado. She glanced over at Andrea, who sat with Lola in her lap. She took her hands off the steering wheel and sighed.

“I’m tired, Andi. Tired of this life.”

Andrea smiled at her. “Yes, I know you are, sweetheart. So where do you want to settle? What sleepy little mountain town do you want to call home?”

Cameron shrugged. “Maybe we don’t have to settle down right away. Maybe…we could…you know, buy our own RV. We could travel with the seasons. I wouldn’t mind spending the winter on some beach.”

“So this life you’re tired of…it’s just the FBI, not traveling?”

“This case took its toll on me. Chasing Angel through the mountains on foot—hell, I’m not as young as I used to be.”

“Is that all it is, Cameron?”

Cameron shook her head. “No.” She sighed. “I don’t feel like I have the drive anymore. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of guns, of violence. I want some peace. I don’t want to have to dread it every time the phone rings and wonder where Murdock is going to send us next.”

Andrea reached across the console of the motorhome and laid her hand against her thigh, squeezing lightly.

“Then let’s do it. We’ve got quite a bit of money in savings,” Andrea said. “The last few years, it’s not like we’ve had living expenses.” She smiled. “Well, other than pizza.”

“Very funny.” Cameron covered Andrea’s hand with her own. “Do you mean it? You want to go see the sights with me? Be tourists for a while?”

“Yes. I’d go anywhere with you, Cameron.”

Cameron brought Andrea’s hand up and kissed it gently. She’d been so afraid Andi would say no.

“So we’ll travel around and when we find the perfect little mountain town, we’ll settle. How’s that?”

Andrea laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good.” Cameron finally pulled the rig out onto the highway, feeling free. “Now we just have to tell Murdock.”

“I’m going to miss the motorhome though.”

“We’ll get another one, just not this big.” Cameron chanced a quick look at her. “Can I get a dog too?”

Andrea’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you think Lola will allow that?”

Cameron’s gaze settled on Lola, who was perched importantly in Andrea’s lap. The black cat turned and pierced her with what appeared to be accusing eyes.

“Probably not,” she said with a laugh. “I think we’ll get one anyway.”
