Chapter Two

“He’s got two daughters,” he said as he turned onto a small dirt road that cut into the forest. “I don’t know their ages. One is in high school. The other is, oh, I don’t know, ten or eleven, I guess.”

The road opened into a rocky clearing, and a small log cabin came into view. It blended well with the trees and rocks, and Tori had time to think how appealing it looked. But the ranger slammed on his brakes and her gaze was brought to the body lying on the road.

“Oh, shit,” Casey murmured.

She and Casey got out. Tori pointed to the ranger. “You stay here.”

He nodded, his eyes wide. “That…oh, God, that’s the oldest daughter.”

They walked forward. Casey squatted down, touching the girl’s neck. She looked up at Tori and shook her head.

“Shot. Back of the head.”

“Looks like she was running toward the road,” Tori said quietly, her eyes on the house. She pulled out her weapon and Casey did the same. Tori motioned with her head to the left and Casey headed that way. Tori moved slowly to the right, listening. But it was quiet. Too quiet. There wasn’t even a bird to be heard.

Casey pointed around the side, indicating she was going to the back of the house. Tori nodded, then walked up on the porch. The front door was ajar. A bloody hand print was smeared on the side. She pushed it open slowly, the hinges squeaking as the door swung inward. A man was on the floor, face down. Blood pooled around his head. She stepped over him, going into the living room.

She heard Casey enter from the back. The kitchen, she assumed. She took the hallway, opening the bedroom doors. All three were empty and looked undisturbed.

“Clear,” she called.

“Clear,” Casey called back.

Tori went back to the living room and into the kitchen. Casey met her at the door.

“Found the wife,” she said. “Dead.”

Tori nodded. “Yeah. Got a male by the front door. I assume the husband.”

“The wife was shot in the face,” Casey said. “Could have been while she was on the phone.”

“Bedrooms looked undisturbed,” she said. “Maybe the younger daughter wasn’t home.”

“Or maybe he took her.” Casey shook her head. “What the fuck happened here, Hunter?”

“I don’t know. It’s like they were executed. All shot in the head.” She headed back to the door. “Let me get the ranger in here to make a positive ID.”

* * *

With a little coaxing, Sam got the campfire going again. She would make a point to let Casey know she’d done it without lighter fluid too.

“Only three days and police work comes into play,” Leslie said as she sat down beside her.

“I know. We all needed a break. I hope it’s nothing serious.” Sam leaned closer. “And now that we’re alone, tell me about this house you’re looking at.”

Leslie’s eye lit up as she smiled. “We’ve been talking about buying for a few months now. And of course, the first thing Casey did was look in your area.”

“That would be great, you know. It seems like it’s so hard for all of us to get together lately. I know Tori misses spending time with Casey.”

“Casey too,” Leslie said. “I don’t want to crowd you, though. If Casey had her way, we’d move next door.”

Sam laughed. “And I think that would be fine with Tori too.”

“What do you think about—”

“Help! Help us!”

They turned, seeing a man dragging a young girl. She was covered in blood. They jumped up, hurrying toward him.

“What happened?” Leslie asked as she took hold of the girl.

Sam was about to do the same when the man pulled out a gun, using it to smash against Leslie’s head. Leslie fell limply to the ground, taking the girl with her.

“No!” Sam yelled, turning, grabbing the man’s hand, but he twisted away, wrapping an arm tight around her neck and pressing the barrel of his gun against her temple.

“Don’t think I won’t shoot you.”

Sam drew in quick, short breaths of air, but she stopped struggling against his hold. She turned her head, glancing to the ground where Leslie lay. She was bleeding from a wound to her head, unconscious. The girl who lay beside her appeared to be dead.

“Who…who are you?”

“Not your concern.” He pulled her roughly after him, his arm still holding her tightly around her neck. Up the steps of the RV they went, and Sam’s eyes darted to a drawer beside the television. Her weapon was there, but if she disabled him, she wasn’t sure she could get to it in time.

He flung her down on the small sofa, the gun aimed at her head. “Put some jeans on. Hiking boots too.”

She frowned. “What? Why?”

“I am not in the mood for stupid questions. Do it,” he yelled.

They had flipped a coin for sleeping arrangements, and she and Tori had won the bedroom as opposed to the fold-out sofa. She got up slowly, holding her hands up. She pointed into the bedroom. “My…my clothes are in there.”

“You have fifteen seconds.”

She had her back to him as she took her shorts off and slipped on jeans. Her hands were trembling slightly as she found her hiking socks and put them on, her mind whirling as she tried to figure out what to do.


She barely had time to put her boots on before he grabbed her arm and pulled her up. “Sweatshirt and a jacket.”

“Where…where are you taking me?”

“You don’t get to ask questions.”

She was a cop, yet she felt so helpless. If this was Tori, the man would already be dead. But she wasn’t Tori and she wasn’t about to try to disarm him. If she failed, she had no doubt he would kill her. So she did as he said, only it was Tori’s sweatshirt she grabbed instead of her own. That brought some comfort to her as she slipped it over her head.

He pulled her back outside and pushed her down to the ground. She looked over at Leslie, who still hadn’t moved.

“On your knees,” he said. “Cross your ankles. Hands behind your head.”

She did as she was told, her body trembling from fear as she raised her hands over her head and locked her fingers together. Was he going to execute her? No. He’d had her change clothes for a reason. He ripped down the rope they’d strung up to hang their towels on to dry. A sheath on his leg produced a large knife, and he cut the rope in half. He walked over to her, then jerked her up.

“Hold your hands out.”

Her eyes were locked on the knife, and she did as she was told, knowing once she was tied up any thought of escape would be gone. Her bound hands were tied to a nearby tree.

He took the remaining rope and tied Leslie’s hands to those of the girl’s. Sam stared helplessly as Leslie was tied up.

“Is she…is she dead?”

“The girl? Yeah. Your friend here, no.” He held his knife up. “Should I finish her off?”

“Please…don’t,” Sam whispered.

“And if I spare her, what do I get in return?”

“What…what do you want?”

He said nothing. He walked back toward the road from where he’d come. For a moment, Sam thought he was leaving. But he bent down, pulling out a large backpack from behind a tree. He slipped it over his shoulders and headed back toward her. He paused at the water spigot, moving his hands under the stream of water. Washing off blood. When he looked at her, Sam averted her eyes. She heard him walk near and he untied the rope from the tree.

“Lift your arms.”

She did, trying to decide if she was strong enough to fight him. He took the excess rope that dangled from her wrists and pulled it up roughly, halting her thoughts. He wrapped it around her waist, then tied to around his own.

“There. Now we’re attached. No escape.” He tightened the rope a little more. “And in case you’re wondering, I can kill as quickly with my bare hands as I can with my gun or knife.”

Sam met his eyes fully for the first time. She expected evil. She expected insanity. Instead, she found neither. Intelligent brown eyes looked back at her.

“What…what is it that you want?”

“A hostage.” He held up his knife again. “In exchange, I won’t cut your friend’s throat.”
