Chapter Eight

Why the hell had she done that? She’d just said it, like she was commenting on the weather and not asking for kinky sex stuff. Gemma’s whole body stiffened.

She’d done it because they tricked her and they were still tricking her. Damn. Her whole body went limp again, their hands lulling her into a sensual haze. She’d tried to just get it over with, but no, they had to talk. She’d been ready to push through and get to the part she wanted to get to—that moment when they would cuddle her. Patrick had hated it, but she thought these two might like holding her.

Neither one was behaving the way he should. But then again, her body was misbehaving, too.

“You want to submit?” Jesse’s voice rumbled along her skin, causing her to shiver. His damn voice wasn’t the only thing making her quiver. His fingers skimmed her clitoris, parting the petals of her labia.

She should clear that up. It was a dumb fantasy brought about by romance novels and the desperate need to not be in control for five damn minutes. “It was just a joke.”

She nearly squealed. They moved in perfect time. Cade’s fingers tightened on her nipples while Jesse pinched her clit.

“Don’t lie to us.” Jesse twisted his fingers slightly. There was a sharp pain that shifted into heat and a restless energy. “Tell me.”

“I want to try it.”

Their fingers eased up. Cade dipped into her bra, warm hands cupping her breasts. “Why did you try to go so fast, baby?”

“Men like fast.” Men wanted to get in and out. They liked a woman who could keep up with them.

“I don’t,” Jesse said. “I like slow. I like all night long.”

“Patrick liked to get to sleep.”

They both stopped. “Who the hell is Patrick?” Cade asked.

“Is he the man you were supposed to marry tomorrow?” Jesse asked.

He was the man she’d been ready to marry and who’d called her, not even bothering to remember it was supposed to be the night before their wedding. He was the man who had really taught her about sex. Two-minute Patrick.

She nodded. “Yes. We were supposed to get married, but I found him with another woman.”

Jesse leaned over, pressing his lips to hers in the sweetest kiss. “Hold that thought. Cade, distract her while I open this damn door. We’re giving the whole valley a show. I think I caught the glint of binoculars a minute ago.”

Embarrassment flashed through her system. Everyone was watching her?

And then Cade whirled her around and dragged her close, those strong hands pulling at her hips. His mouth came down on hers. She knew she should protest. She started to push away, but her hands met the most perfectly sculpted chest. Cade was made of pure muscle, but his mouth was gentle on hers. “Give me your tongue, baby.”

She opened her mouth to respond, and he took immediate advantage. His tongue slid against hers. She’d been kissed before, but not like this. Cade took over, forcing her head back. She’d been so worried when she’d kissed him before. It had been nice, but nothing special. This was what had been missing. Cade held her, his arms a cage that locked her in and wouldn’t let her go. She wasn’t in control. She wasn’t dominant. She softened, her whole body shivering at the thought of giving in to these men.

And she was damn glad Jesse still had her panties because if they’d been on, they would be wet. Her pussy was practically melting. Cade ate at her mouth, devouring her like she was a sweet treat.

She nearly protested when he moved back, the loss of his mouth on hers so terribly rough. But he leaned over and picked her up, his arms going under her knees. He hauled her against his chest like he was picking up something small that weighed next to nothing. Cade, who didn’t want anything serious, held her like she was infinitely fragile.

She wasn’t, of course. She wasn’t some flower. She was more like the rock that anchored things down than some pretty, petite flower, but just for a moment she envisioned herself as soft and deeply feminine. She gave in, letting her head rest against his chest, pretending this was her right as his lover, to lean on him, depend on him, to know he would take care of her.

Dangerous thoughts. The world didn’t work like that, but just for tonight, she was going to pretend.

Jesse turned the light on, illuminating her little cabin. No one had updated the décor for years. The living space seemed trapped in the seventies, but somehow Jesse looked right here. He looked like he belonged in the rustic setting. Cade carried her to the couch.

“My bedroom is back there,” she said as he sat her down.

Jesse shook his head. “I suppose Patrick always did it in a bed.”

She wrinkled her nose. Yeah, she should probably stop talking about Patrick. New lovers didn’t like to hear about the old ones. She needed to write down a whole set of rules. “I don’t want to talk about Patrick.”

She wanted to kiss again. She’d never liked kissing. It was awkward and messy, and she never knew how to hold her head, but when Cade kissed her, he just moved her where he wanted her. She wanted Jesse to kiss her. She wanted to feel the scruff of his beard against her face.

What would it feel like on her pussy?

Jesse whistled. “Damn, darlin’. I would give a lot to know what you just thought. Your whole body flushed, but we do have to talk about Patrick. Now take off your shirt.”

“What?” Were they going into therapy? “I don’t think I want to be the only one naked.”

Jesse shook his head. “Cade’s been naked since he set you on the couch.” He looked at Cade, a wry smile on his face. “How the hell do you manage that?”

Gemma looked up and felt her mouth drop. He was naked. He was just really naked. So damn beautifully and gloriously naked. Why did he ever wear clothes?

Cade shrugged. “It’s my superpower. I don’t like clothes. Gemma, here’s the deal. I like to be naked when I’m at home. I actually would rather just be naked wherever, but Nate passes out tickets and let me tell you, they are liberal with the fines here.”

Well, of course he liked to be naked. He was perfect. Six feet two inches of perfectly muscled male god stood in front of her. Every inch of him was defined, from his broad shoulders to his washboard abs and lean hips to powerful legs. Her mouth actually watered. She’d kind of thought cocks that big were a myth, like Big Foot and vampires. She’d been pretty sure they were photoshopped into porn videos, but no, Cade’s was vividly real and pointed straight her way.

They wanted her to talk? She could barely breathe.

“See, now I’m getting jealous,” Jesse said, frowning.

Fuck. She was screwing up. She’d screwed up all night long. This was what she did. This was why she concentrated on her job and not the stupid emotional stuff—because she was hideously bad at the emotional stuff.

“Hey, hey.” Jesse got to his knees in front of her. He forced her to look into his seriously blue eyes. “I was joking, baby. Why did you get so tense? Baby, I was just teasing. You can’t help but look at it. People can see it from space.”

She laughed, tears forming in her eyes because she was in way deeper than she thought she was. Why did they have to be so sweet? “I don’t want to screw up.”

His eyes closed, just briefly, and when he opened them again there was a soft ferocity there. “You aren’t a screwup, Gemma, and I’ll beat the living shit out of anyone who tells you otherwise. This is why we need to talk about Patrick and everyone else who put you in this place where you’re terrified of making a wrong move.”

Cade sat down beside her on the couch, his utter ease with his unclothed state on display. He sat next to her, putting a hand on hers like they were just two friends talking and his incredibly large dick wasn’t forming a lightning rod drawing her eyes in. “It isn’t wrong to screw up, G. It’s just normal. I screw up all the time, and Jesse just laughs it off. No one’s going to throw you out if you prove yourself to be human.”

But that wasn’t her experience. So much of her life had been about perfection, and she’d placed herself in the position. She would have lost her scholarship if she hadn’t made straight As. Her internship for a circuit court judge had been fraught with peril, his nastiness coming out if she’d put three sugars in his coffee instead of two. And the firm. God, she’d walked a tightrope every day, always having to be the best.

“I don’t know how to be any other way,” she admitted. “I think it’s just me. My mom and dad were great. They just didn’t understand me.”

“Take off your shirt. That’s where I want to start,” Jesse said.

She managed to get her eyes off Cade’s cock long enough to stare at the floor. Now that she’d seen Cade, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to get naked. “Can’t we turn off the light?”

“No,” Cade said. “Give me the shirt, Gemma.”

For a good-time guy, he seemed awfully bossy. “Jesse’s still dressed.”

“We’re going to have to have a long talk about the meaning of the word submission, darlin’. We can have it one of two ways. We can have it with your shirt off, or we can have it with your ass in the air.”

She shook her head. “Why would my ass be…Oh, you’ll spank me if I don’t take my shirt off.”

“There’s that Harvard-trained brain.” Jesse sat back, a hard glint in his eyes. “I’m going to explain myself just this once. I want you naked because I want this to be intimate. I think you’ll be more honest with your clothes off. I intend to strip off every bit of your armor.”

Cade smiled her way. “I want you naked because I would like to see your tits.”

“You might not like them.” That was her real fear.

Jesse groaned. “Damn it, Gemma, Cade promises he will like your tits.”

“I will be very good friends with them,” Cade said, his face looking lighter than it had in days.

It was the grin on Cade’s face that did it. He was enjoying the play. He wanted to be here, where just moments before she’d wondered if he wanted her. He did. He was comfortable, and she didn’t want to ruin it.

She pulled at the bottom of her shirt.

Jesse held his hand out, taking the shirt and putting it to the side. “And the bra. Tell me about sex with Patrick while you take off your bra.”

He was an impossible man, and he was also an immovable object. She reached around trying to unhook her plain-Jane white bra that didn’t match her underwear. She wished she’d bought a nicer one, but it didn’t seem practical since no one could see her bra. She’d needed to spend money on the outward trappings of success, and no one at the firm gave a damn if undies were lacy and silky, not even Patrick, who often had simply screwed her without taking her bra off.

“Focus, Gemma.” Jesse’s sharp command brought her back to reality.

Oh, yes, she was supposed to talk. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm. Her hands were shaking. She would never get the damn thing off this way. Patrick. They wanted to know about Patrick. “I thought we were okay. I didn’t love him. I know that’s probably wrong, but I didn’t even want to love him. I liked him. He was charming, and we were going to the same place.”

“Tell me about sex, Gemma.” He said the word sex like it was a decadent dessert he wanted to lick up and savor.

“Tell me about sex.” Cade echoed Jesse’s words, but punctuated them by putting his steady hands over her shaking ones. In a single twist, he had the bra undone.

“It was quick. That seemed right at the time. My whole life was that way. I’m not the type of person who stops and smells the roses, Jesse. I tend to tromp all over the roses as I rush to make the subway.”

Cade slid the bra over her arms. She was half naked with two men. Maybe she wasn’t quite the woman she’d been before.

“I like to smell the roses,” Cade said. “And I damn well like playing with them.”

She leaned back because Cade crowded her, his head going down to her chest. He seemed to be taking the whole “making friends with her breasts” thing seriously. And he appeared to want to be really good friends. She gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth.

That was what arousal felt like. Holy hell. Her pussy actually quivered. “I think I’m ready now.”

Jesse stood, slipping his own shirt over his head. “Not yet, Gemma. Did you submit to him?”

She nearly laughed, but Cade’s mouth was doing amazing things to her nipples. She had to fight to speak. “Uhm, no. I was in charge of that relationship. Well, I thought I was. I had empirical evidence to support the claim. Patrick started at the firm a year before me, but I worked with him, and we had a big case and he got promoted. And then I worked under him.”

“Cade, get that skirt off her,” Jesse commanded.

Oh, he shouldn’t have made fun of Cade’s supersized man part. Jesse had one of his own. His cock bobbed as he stepped out of his boxers. Gemma didn’t protest the loss of her skirt because she was too busy studying Jesse. His cock was so thick, with a plum-shaped head. For the first time in her life, she actually wondered what a cock would taste like.

Okay, so now she was actually totally naked and there were two other people in the room with her and they were naked, too, and she wasn’t a toddler waiting for a bath. Crap and balls, she was going to have sex. With two men. Really soon.

“Go on, Gemma.” Jesse stood, watching down. His hand covered his cock, stroking himself. He got even bigger, the thick stalk of his dick elongating.

“Jesse, I’m ready.” She was ready. There was no question about it. Her heart was pounding. Her mouth was dry because she was pretty sure every available ounce of moisture in her body was now pooled in her pussy. Could a person get dehydrated from sexual stimulation?

His lips curled up. “Not yet. Tell me the rest.”

Cade tossed her skirt aside and thrust his face between her breasts, nuzzling her as he spread her legs wide.

“Jesse, how am I supposed to talk when he’s doing this to me?” Her legs were around his torso. He was cradled between her thighs, and he started kissing his way down her body.

Jesse didn’t move, simply continued staring down at her as his hand moved up and down his cock. “Consider it a challenge. If you stop talking, he’s going to stop playing.”

Fuck. First she gets Two-Minute Patrick with the skinny balls, and now she got the Big-Dicked Brotherhood, and they seemed to have perfected their torture methods. “Fine. Patrick got his promotion because he passed off my work as his own.”

Jesse’s eyebrows climbed his face. “You let that happen?”

She’d been stupid. She could see that now. “At the time, we’d just gotten engaged, and it seemed like a sacrifice I was making for us as a couple. He’d been there longer. He was up for the promotion. I wouldn’t have gotten it because I was too junior. Oh my god, what is that!”

Stupid question. It was his tongue. Right there on her hoo-haw.

Jesse grinned. “Cunnilingus. Otherwise known as oral sex. Eating pussy. Tasting girl pie. Need I go on? He’s going to stop in a minute.”

She didn’t want him to stop. Her voice came out in a strangled singsong. “So I gave up the work to him. I backed him. And we went on. We did everything a power couple should.”

“Sex, Gemma. What was it like beyond rushed?”

“Well, it sure as hell didn’t involve this.” She nearly screamed as Cade speared her with his tongue. He just dove right in, sending his tongue straight up her pussy. “Why is he doing this? I don’t think this can taste good.”

Cade’s head came up. His perfectly sensual mouth was glistening with juice. “You taste fucking incredible. Did that asshole tell you you didn’t taste good, baby?”

She shivered, wishing he would go back to the oral sex thing because she was pretty sure she was addicted to it now. “He didn’t like it. He said it wasn’t sanitary.”

“Sex isn’t sanitary, Gemma.” Cade crawled back up her body. “It’s nasty and filthy and gorgeous. This is what you taste like.”

Before she could protest, he covered her mouth with his. He forced her lips open, his tongue delving deep. He’d just lapped at her pussy, fucked her with his tongue, and now he was kissing her like there was no tomorrow, sharing the cream of her own arousal with her.

And she tasted tangy with just a hint of sweet, the flavor mingling with Cade’s own masculine spice. Dirty. Nasty. Intimate. Perfect.

Cade winked at her as he broke off the kiss. “He was a liar. You taste like sunshine, Gemma.”

Sunshine. No one had ever accused her of that. As Cade made his way back down her body, she licked her lips and eagerly opened her legs.

“She’s beginning to learn.” Jesse smiled down at her like she’d just gotten something the rest of the class had grasped long ago. “Finish the story.”

She didn’t recognize the little whine that came out of her. It was a sex noise. She never made sexy kitten noises. “Jesse, please. I don’t have to tell you the rest of the story. According to Cam, it’s all on YouTube.”

Cade sat back with a long-suffering sigh. “You are really going to have to learn some discipline.”

The look in Jesse’s eyes should have scared the shit out of her, but it didn’t. She suddenly knew that no matter what happened, he wouldn’t physically hurt her. He just might spank her ass, but he wouldn’t hurt her. She’d wanted to try this, and now she’d found a man—or two—who just might be able to handle her. If it wasn’t for this whole “bare her soul” thing, she would be really happy.

But he seemed serious. “Fine. I’ll tell you the whole crappy tale.”

“Yes, you will. With your ass in the air.” Jesse twirled his hand. “Turn around, darlin’. Present that ass to me.”

She stopped, her body on full alert. Holy crap balls. He was serious. She looked at Cade, hoping he would save her, but he was on his feet, standing next to Jesse, waiting for her to turn around and “present her ass.”

The whole cabin was still, nothing but her own heartbeat sounding through the place. She had a decision to make, and she was good at making decisions. She needed a whiteboard. She was really good with whiteboards. Decision matrix. She should think about this logically. “Pros and Cons of Allowing Her Ass to Get Whipped.” She could see the whole thing in her head.

“Gemma, darlin’, are you going to rejoin us?” Jesse asked.

“Stop.” Cade shot Jesse a look. “I’m really interested in what the hell she’s thinking.”

She grimaced. “I was making a decision matrix in my head about whether or not I should let you spank me.”

They would run. Most men did. They caught a whiff of her special brand of crazy and they hightailed it to the next bland, cosmetically altered bimbo they could find. This was why she wasn’t honest. This was why she kept her damn mouth shut.

Cade and Jesse looked at each other. Jesse shook his head. “Yeah, I gotta hear this. Go on. Pros?”

Why hadn’t she just done it? She’d felt sexy and hot and so close to that orgasm thing other women talked about but seemed to elude her. Now she just felt silly. But they were smiling at her, and it didn’t seem like they were making fun. It seemed like she amused them. It was a change. “Well, I thought the pros were that I’m curious and you seem like you would like it.”

Jesse’s grin got bigger. “I will, baby. Go on.”

“And I think if I let you spank me, you might be in a better mood and you might let Cade go back to the whole lips-and-tongue thing.”

“Eating your sweet pussy.” Cade offered his version of the right words. “And yes, as long as you give him what he wants, he will allow it. And what’s more, I suspect he’ll give you a little cock.”

She wasn’t sure that part would work. It never had before, but the tongue thing was definitely worth it.

“And the cons?” Jesse asked.

She bit her bottom lip. “I think I might scream, and that would be very unladylike.”

Jesse laughed long and hard, but his eyes were so soft as he looked at her that she didn’t think he was being mean. He got to his knees. How was she already so comfortable with their nudity? He leaned over and kissed her swiftly. “Put that sweet ass in the air. Just a few swats while you tell me the rest of the story.”

He wasn’t going to let up. And she really didn’t want to back down. “All right. How can I turn around if you don’t move?”

He kissed her again, growling just a little. “You are the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen. I am crazy about that smart mouth of yours because you are always going to give me a reason to spank that ass. Now say something sweet and then do as I told you to.”

She wasn’t used to saying anything sweet. What would he think was sweet? “I want this to work.”

He kissed her nose this time. “It will, baby. Now go on.”

He confused her and so did Cade. They both watched as she slid off the couch and got to her knees. She was on all fours, with them at her back. Trust. They wanted trust, and this was way more than she’d trusted anyone. They were looking at her bottom. It wasn’t her best feature. Maybe they would look at her butt and decide it didn’t need any erotic torture.

“Will you look at that?”

She recognized Jesse’s low growl only to be followed with Cade’s smooth tones.

“How can I look at anything else? But she’s not talking.”

There was a loud crack, and then she was squealing just a little. He’d done it. He’d spanked her. He’d laid his hand on her ass. Pain blossomed, spreading its wings and turning into heat. Her ass felt like it was on fire, but she didn’t mind. And she needed to talk. She had to concentrate. “We were engaged for a long time.”

Another smack. There was no other word for it. Jesse smacked her ass and then held his hand there as though allowing the skin to soak up the heat. “Keep going.”

“But we didn’t live together. He said it wouldn’t look good around the firm.” God, now that she was saying the words, she felt so deeply dumb. They would have lived together after they got married. No one would have questioned it. Two of the partners were married to women who worked in the firm. He hadn’t wanted to live with her.

Another smack and a low groan came out of her mouth, but she continued with her story. “We started working on a case about a year ago. Tremon Industries. They were accused of polluting a town’s water supply, but the EPA reports didn’t back the claims. It was a high-profile case. Patrick had me do most of the work.”

“I don’t like this Patrick fellow,” Cade said just as Jesse landed another smack.

“He sounds like an asshole.” Jesse gave her three more in rapid succession.

Her eyes watered. Her skin came alive. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. She was playing with the edge of pain, but it made her feel so awake when she’d been asleep for months and months. She didn’t want it to stop. She wanted the spanking part to flow into the sex part and then to the cuddling part. She wouldn’t think past that. That would flirt with disaster. She’d had enough of disaster. She groaned out the words as Jesse struck the fleshy part of her ass. “I worked so hard. We were making a motion to get the whole case thrown out based on lack of evidence. I worked for six months on those motions and the presentation. I finished up and went to Patrick’s place. I was so sure I would get the promotion to junior partner because they listened to Patrick.”

He slapped her ass again, but held his hand there. Then she felt the comfort of another hand on her back, smoothing the skin between her shoulders. Cade. Jesse’s hands caressed her backside. Four hands soothing her. Jesse had been right. This was so much more intimate than merely telling them. She would have given them the story in flat details with no emotion, but she could hear feeling in her voice as she spoke now. “They talked about me. They made fun of me and how easy it was to fool me. And then I did something stupid.”

She felt someone, Jesse most likely, lay a kiss at the base of her spine. “What did you do, darlin’?”

“I kind of had a complete mental breakdown, you know, one of those times when everything goes red, and I didn’t even think about what I was doing and I ended up being arrested by the NYPD after attempting to take off Patrick’s balls with my bare hands. He was a complete chickenshit and locked himself in the bathroom so I had to fight Christina Big Tits.”

Jesse laughed a little. “You are going to have to make an effort to learn names, Gemma.”

“I don’t care about her name. I did care about the seventy-two-hour mental health hold they put me in.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Gemma. They messed with you. You messed back,” Cade said.

She’d lost her job, her apartment, her future. Maybe it was simple in Cade’s world, but it hadn’t been the right play in hers. “So I just summed up my sex life. Two lovers, one of whom is now perfectly happy with a man named Harry and their three Welsh corgis, and Patrick, who just used me and said I wasn’t good at sex. I think a lot of people thought I wasn’t good at anything emotional. They called me the Ice Princess.”

She’d had to be. Any emotion would have been used ruthlessly against her. Had been. The meltdown had been her first emotional outburst and she’d been fired.

She gasped as a hand slid through her labial lips, splitting them and stroking.

“They were wrong, Gemma. There’s nothing cold about you. You’re pure fire. Now show Cade what you can do with your tongue while I get a taste of this pussy and prove to you you’re not an Ice Princess.” Jesse slid between her legs. “Sit on my face, baby.”

It sounded like a terrible thing to do, but Jesse pulled at her hips, forcing her back until her pussy was right over his mouth. Then she knew she couldn’t be an Ice Princess even if she wanted to. She was melting. His tongue slid along her pussy just before he sucked at her labia. So good. So damn good.

Cade stood in front of her, his huge cock in his hand. “Come on, G. I’m dying here.”

A little insecurity roared back to life. “I’m not good at this.”

He smiled down, his face softer than she could ever remember it being around her. “Yeah, you are or you will be. You’re Gemma Wells. You’re the best at everything. At least that’s the way I hear it. It’s just sucking a cock. Surely a woman who managed to put herself through Harvard Law can handle one little cock in her mouth.”

Bastard. He’d made it a challenge, and she couldn’t back down from that. And it wasn’t exactly little. Far from it. Still, she leaned forward and bumped it with her nose. Awkward. Yet Cade didn’t pull away, just shifted back a little to give her space.

“Lick me. You like what Jesse’s doing to you? I want you to taste me, too.”

A simple request. She put her tongue out and licked. His cock flesh was warm and soft over the hardness of his erection. It wasn’t her first blow job, but it was the first time she’d been sober when she gave one. And the first straight guy she’d given one, too, although she would admit her closeted undergraduate lover had been a connoisseur. He’d actually taught her a few things, but Patrick had thrown her off track by telling her he didn’t like the way she did it.

Cade didn’t seem to mind. He groaned and tangled his fingers in her hair. “That’s right, baby. Eat me up.”

It was exactly what Jesse was doing to her pussy. Eating her right up. She tried to focus on the task in front of her. Jesse sucked at her clit, but just before she would fall over the precipice, he would back off. One more bit of delicious torture. But she had someone to torture, too. She licked at the head of Cade’s cock, drawing it into her mouth and then letting it go only to draw it back in and sink a little deeper. She did it over and over again, satisfied with the way he moaned and pushed a little further in each time. She relaxed her jaw, allowing herself to take more and more of that hard cock into her mouth.

She was so close. Jesse’s tongue worried her clit while he pushed a finger deep inside her. She felt electric. She wanted to pass it on to Cade. She sucked him deep and didn’t let go. She hollowed out her cheeks, making pass after pass around the dick in her mouth.

“She’s killing me, Jesse. Her mouth’s so good, so fucking hot. She’s going to pull the cum straight out of my balls.”

That was what she wanted. She wanted to taste Cade the way he’d tasted her. She wanted to do the same thing to Jesse. She wanted to get both of her men in front of her and suck them in turn until she’d pulled the cum out of both of them. Jesse curved his finger up and hit some amazing place, and Gemma finally understood what it meant to come. It meant every muscle in her body lighting up like a firecracker and pleasure shooting through her veins.

But she didn’t let a little thing like her first orgasm stop her. She had a job to do. She felt Cade’s cock swell in her mouth, and he unleashed a fierce groan. Warm cum filled her mouth. She drank it down, loving the taste. It was Cade. He’d told her this wasn’t serious, but it felt revelatory for her. She glanced up and saw a look of deep peace on his face as he petted her hair. She’d put that look on his face. Often in her life she was the one who caused men to seek relaxation, not became the source of it.

She wasn’t given a moment to think as Jesse pulled at her hips.

“My turn. Ride me, Gemma.”

* * *

He fucking loved that almost panicked look in her sky-blue eyes. It told him she was aware of what was going on around her. He’d made a study of Gemma Wells over the last week and had decided that more than anything she needed to be drawn into the present. Her brain, it seemed, was always working. If she didn’t have a problem to worry about, she made one up. She needed to be constantly working through something, focused on something.

He wanted to be the object of all that flustery, fussy, obnoxiously hot feminine energy.

He pulled at her hips, forcing her to move down his body. She scooted down, her pussy coming in contact with the skin of his chest, leaving a trail that crossed his torso. She hadn’t been wet in the car, but she didn’t have that problem now. She was soaked. She’d come all over his mouth. At the end, her little pussy had been so fucking greedy. She’d squirmed, forcing his tongue higher and higher into her hot cunt.

Cade had been right. Sex with Gemma was messy and nasty and gorgeous. A relationship with her would likely be the same. Fraught with peril, stress, and this amazing heat that sizzled between them.

She was difficult. She was righteously impatient. She had the brattiest mouth he’d ever met. She was so sweet deep down that he ached for her. She was the fucking one.

“Ride me.” He wanted her in control this first time. It was obvious her previous sexual history was a little bit of a horror story. He wanted her to get what she needed, to feel comfortable enough to really explore sex with them. Cade had played his part. He told her just how amazing her mouth was, how hot she’d gotten him.

A look of rabid determination crossed her face. Maybe having her on top was a mistake because her impatience was showing. She gripped his dick and started to guide it to her pussy.

“Stop, Gemma,” Cade said, his voice hard. “Condom. He needs a condom.”

She nodded and reached out. Damn it. She was going to do it. She took the condom Cade gave her and ripped open the package.

Yep, he’d made a horrible mistake and one he couldn’t take back. Gemma started to roll the condom over his dick in a precise, methodical manner that had him gritting his teeth. Slowly, so damn slowly, she began. She pinched the top, leaving space for his cum. He would bet she’d mastered that move in an attempt to get an A in sex education class. She’d probably practiced on a banana, but the banana likely hadn’t wanted to die because she was taking so long.

Still, the look of triumph on her face when she finished was worth his pain. “I did it.”

“Yes.” He cupped her hips, adoring the feel of her curves under his hands. If she minded the fact that his hands were callused from daily work, she didn’t show it. She was purring like the sexy little kitten she was. She was purring for him.

“Go on, G. I want to watch you fuck him.” Cade’s monster was already hard again. The minute Jesse was done, he’d be right back at her. And he thought he could stay uninvolved? He was looking at Gemma like she was the damn sun in the sky. Ever since that moment when it had become brutally obvious that Gemma had a soft, awkward interior, Cade had been with them. Oh, Jesse had no doubt he’d run like the scared little boy he was on the inside, but tonight would bond them all. Cade could run, but Jesse doubted he would be able to hide for long.

Because Gemma was like a drug, and he was already addicted to the way she shifted between lazy sarcasm and the slightly manic energy that was the real woman inside. Or maybe they were both real. He didn’t care. He just wanted her.

And she wanted him. Or at least she wanted to prove she could fuck him. She’d finished with the condom and now she straddled him, her hand holding him, positioning herself to take him. In typical Gemma fashion, she was moving way too fast. She impaled herself on him, taking him balls deep in one push.

Her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open slightly. “Oh my god. That kind of hurts.”

Damn straight it probably hurt. She hadn’t had sex in forever, and he would bet her limp-dicked ex-fiancé had never fucked her hard. She was tight as a drum around him. “Hush, darlin’. Just give it a minute. Just a minute.”

She was biting that deliciously plump bottom lip. “Are you sure men don’t like it fast? We could do this really fast.”

Cade got to his knees behind her, between Jesse’s spread legs. His arms came around Gemma’s chest, his fingers playing with her nipples again. “No, Gemma. Real men like it slow. Real men like to watch you come, and you can’t do that when you always go so fast. Slow down, baby. Enjoy it. How does he feel inside you?”

Her eyes glazed just a little. “You guys are so talky.”

He was going to have to spank her again. After. “Gemma.”

She moved her hips just a little. “He’s too big.”

“I’m just the right size, baby.” Jesse reached out and toyed with her clit. She’d responded so beautifully before. She was still so wet. She just needed the tiniest bit of time.

Her head fell back, caught against Cade’s shoulder. “That feels nice.”

Her hips moved again, more strongly now.

The muscles of her cunt gripped his dick. God, she was the one torturing him. He was going to go slowly mad with her long, grinding movements. She said she didn’t have a lot of experience, but she felt like a natural. Cade continued to twist and play with her nipples. Her hips moved in a sensuous dance.

He let his hands move to her waist, guiding her up and down on his cock.

She gasped. “It feels good.”

He watched her through slitted eyes, all of his concentration on not blowing before she’d come again. “Does my sweet Gemma like to be impaled on a big hard cock?”

Gemma didn’t say anything back, but those hips pumped. Up and down. Harder and harder.

“She does like it.” Cade’s voice was a low growl. “She likes fucking. Her little cunt likes to be filled up with cock. One day her ass is going to be filled with cock. She’ll have a dick up her ass and one fucking her pussy. How are you going to like that, G?”

She seemed to like the idea just fine. She picked up the pace. She rode him, thrusting down and pulling up, moving like she couldn’t stand that whole two seconds when he wasn’t fully deep inside her. She ground down, and her whole body stiffened.

He fucking loved watching her come. She was so beautiful in that moment when she simply let herself go. He got the feeling she would fight him most of the time. She was too smart, thought too much, but he could give her this. He could give her this glorious moment when nothing mattered except the fact that he was making love to her.

She had her glorious moment and then Jesse took his. The muscles of her pussy milked him, drawing the cum out in blissful jets. His body was electric in that moment, fused to hers and connected to Cade. This was what he’d wanted all along.

His woman. Their woman.

Gemma fell forward, a heap of sweet femininity in his arms. He was still tucked inside her body. He never wanted to leave.

Her eyes opened, sleepy and languid pools of warm blue. “I like to cuddle, Jesse.”

Oh, sweet trust. Gemma would never have made that statement three hours before. It was a request and one he would never deny.

“I think I can help you there.” He wrapped his arms around her as Cade stroked her back.

He was going to cuddle her for a long time. He was going to cuddle her until she believed this could work.
