One minute Candy was hanging over Lucas’ shoulder and the next she was flying through the air. She bounced once on the mattress before sinking back against its softness.
He followed her down onto the bed, his expression intense as he framed her face in his hands. “Although there’s been nothing in the papers about what happened at the talk show taping, there’s still a chance it will get out. If not now, then someday. My past will always be there, sugar. I’m a rough man with a violent past. That will never change.”
She stared up into the face of the man she loved and knew deep in her heart that his past no longer mattered to her. “What you are is a good man, Lucas. The best I’ve ever known.” She covered his hands with her own. “I’m sorry for your past because it hurt you, and I’m sorry for the death of your mother. But I’m glad that I found you.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. When he reopened them, they were blazing with undisguised lust. But beyond that, she could see the deep, abiding love, and it filled her with hope for the future. This was a man a woman could depend on, now and forever. And he was all hers!
One question nagged at her. She hated to ask, afraid of ruining the mood, but she had to know. “What happened to your father?”
Lucas sat back on his heels, reached his hands behind his back, grabbed a handful of fabric and yanked his T-shirt off over his head. He flung it aside as he leaned over and found the opening of her skirt. “He died in prison.” Making quick work of the zipper, he tugged her skirt down her legs, tossing it behind him.
She knew that Lucas didn’t want to talk about it any longer and that was fine with her. She knew what she needed to know. While she still had many questions to ask him, they could wait. Right now, she needed him to make love to her. Needed to join her body to his and give him the comfort and release from his torment that sex could provide.
Smiling at him, she stroked her hands up her belly and cupped her lace-covered breasts. She was wearing a new strawberry-colored lacy bra and matching panties. “Do you like my new lingerie?” She batted her eyelashes, flirting shamelessly with him.
He laughed and the sound was like music to her ears. “You look good enough to eat.” His voice was low and gruff and sent shivers down her spine. He licked his lips as he leaned down. “And I plan to taste every sweet inch of you.”
His tongue traced the edge of the lace, sweeping across the top of her breast. A fire was burning low in her belly and she knew that only he could appease it. What was it about this particular man that ignited such passion and desire in her? He raised his head and the sensual gleam in his eyes curled her toes. And when his mouth covered her nipple, sucking at it through the thin lace covering, thought fled and was replaced by physical need.
The fabric of his jeans was rough against her skin as he settled between her legs. The action spread her legs wide, draping them over his hard thighs. His fingers trailed up her arms, raising goose bumps in their wake. He hooked his thumbs beneath the strap of her bra and slowly lowered it over her arms, dragging the lace cups from her breasts.
“Beautiful,” he whispered reverently as he skimmed the tips of her breasts with his fingers. The light touch seemed to reach every nerve ending in her body, making her tingle from head to toe.
He stroked his tongue across one swollen peak before taking it deep into his mouth and sucking hard. Candy gasped and arched her hips. She felt so empty inside. “Lucas,” she moaned as she clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails deep.
He growled, the sound low in his throat, as he left her breasts and kissed a heated path down her torso to her bellybutton. Dipping his tongue inside, he swirled it around. Her fingers tugged at his hair, trying to push him lower. He laughed and nipped at her hipbones, which were exposed by the low cut of her panties.
She could feel the dampness between her thighs and knew he could smell and feel her desire for him as he dragged his tongue over the lacy fabric.
Lucas sat back on his heels and traced the lace band at the top of her thigh-high stockings. “You’re so fucking sexy in these and those ridiculous high heels you usually wear. But right now, I don’t want anything between us.”
She almost took offense at his disparaging remark about her footwear. Almost. But when he edged his fingers beneath the band of the stocking and began to slowly roll it down her leg, she promptly forgot everything but the feel of his hand against her skin. As he lowered the stocking down her leg, he kissed and licked every inch of flesh he exposed. By the time he got to her foot, she was sweating.
He whisked the stocking off and kissed the top of each of her toes as he dug his thumbs into her arch. “Oh, God,” she moaned as his fingers continued their magic on her foot. He stroked the sides of her foot and the bottom, paying particular attention to her arch and the ball. It was heaven.
Just when she was a mass of jelly on the bed, he placed a kiss on the arch of her foot before lowering it back to the bed. Then he reached for the top of the stocking on her other leg and began all over again.
Candy scrunched her fingers into the sheets as she rolled her head from side to side. His lips and tongue were hot against her leg as he stripped her stocking away from her. Then he proceeded to treat her other foot to the same amazing foot rub. It was incredible.
By the time he placed a kiss on the arch of her foot and lowered it back to the bed, Candy was purring with contentment. She curled her toes against the sheets, feeling strangely relaxed and aroused at the same time.
Lucas rolled off the bed and peeled off his jeans. Luckily for her, he seemed to dislike wearing underwear and he was naked in a matter of seconds. Her blood thickened as she stared at him.
His shoulders were impossibly wide and his arms were thick with muscles. His chest had a smattering of dark blond hair between his nipples and a thin, narrow line down the center. His torso tapered down to a trim but muscular waist. But it was what was below his waist that held her attention at the moment. His cock was long and thick as it jutted out from the nest of hair at his groin. She’d never met a man as physically impressive as Lucas. And he was all hers.
“Roll over.”
Anticipation flooded her body as she languidly rolled over onto her stomach. Her panties rubbed against her sex, making her moan. He laughed as he stroked his finger along the thin band of fabric between her bottom. “You want it bad, don’t you sugar?” His thumb grazed the puckered opening of her behind, making her squirm.
“I like the thong you’re wearing.” His hands squeezed the globes of exposed flesh. “You’ve got a great ass.” Candy pushed up on her knees slightly, thrusting her behind more firmly into his hands. Bending down, he stroked his tongue down the line of her panties before nipping at her bottom with his teeth. The love bites drove her wild as he left no area untouched.
Coming up on his hands and knees, he covered her with his body. She could feel his breath on her nape as he pushed aside the mass of her hair, exposing her neck to him. He started at the top and worked his way down to the base of her spine, licking, sucking and kissing her. The man really was trying to taste every inch of her.
He rubbed his erection against the cleft of her behind and she opened her legs wider to try to get more pressure where she needed it most.
“Lucas,” she cried, shoving her hips back toward him. “I want you.” Rubbing her slit against his cock, she pushed hard. “Now.”
She felt his large body shudder with need and then, finally, his hands skimmed the waistband of her panties. But he didn’t pull them off. Grabbing the lace in his hands, he tugged. The fabric shredded instantly, no match for his strength or the force of his need. He shoved the remainder of her panties down her leg. The air was cool against her heated flesh and she gasped at the erotic sensation.
Lucas leaned to one side and she heard a drawer open and close, followed by the familiar crinkle of a condom being opened. “What do you want? Tell me, Candy. Do you want my cock in your ass or your pussy? Do you want it hard and fast or slow and easy?”
“Yes,” she cried as his words ignited a fire deep in her soul. She never thought she’d want to do those all things with a man, but with Lucas she wanted everything.
“What, sugar? Tell me!” His hands were almost rough as he gripped her hips. “Show me?”
Candy came up on her hands and knees, spreading her thighs wide. “I want it all, Lucas.” She pushed her ass higher. “I want everything.”
His fingers dug in deep, as if needing something to anchor himself. Candy curled her fingers, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets. She could hear him take a deep breath before he slid one of his hands between her legs and stroked it across her sex. It was exciting and arousing to be at the mercy of Lucas’ sexual whims, to open herself up to him, offering him whatever he needed. Her breathing was shallow and her body taut as she waited to see what he would do.
His temples pounded because of the blood rushing to his head. Need unlike anything he’d ever experienced threatened to overwhelm him. Candy was his. She knew everything about him, yet she had made herself vulnerable to him, offering him everything and anything he wanted. She was his for the taking. If there was anything more arousing, he didn’t know what it could possibly be.
He could smell the heat of her arousal, feel it as his fingers were coated in her cream. She was on her hands and knees in front of him with her legs spread, eager to take him in whatever way he chose. “Open your legs wider.”
He almost howled in triumph when her knees slid across the sheets. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight than Candy with her lush ass and wet, pink cunt totally exposed to him. His cock throbbed as he rolled on the condom and coated it in lubricant, demanding he take her and mark her as no other man ever had.
Coating his fingers with her juices, he rubbed them along the dark cleft of her behind, tracing the tight opening before pushing the tip of his finger inside. She was tight, but he forged inward until his finger was buried as far as it could go. With his other hand, he teased the slick folds of her sex, occasionally dipping inside her slit.
Candy slowly undulated her hips as he removed his finger from her tight bottom. Grabbing the tube of lubricant that he’d already opened, he coated his fingers with the cool, slick gel. He pushed one finger past the taut band of muscles at her opening and then carefully began to insert a second one inside her ass.
“You’re so tight, sugar.” Lucas could feel a bead of sweat roll down his back as the muscles of her behind clamped down on his fingers. He didn’t want to hurt her.
“I know,” she moaned. “It hurts, but it feels so good too.”
He stroked his thumb over her swollen clitoris as he pushed two fingers into her pussy. She was so aroused, so close to coming. He could feel it in the way her muscles rhythmically tightened and released. It was now or never.
He removed his fingers from her behind and carefully inserted the tip of his cock. It was a tight squeeze, but the gel he’d spread over the condom helped. Lucas’ chest was heaving as he struggled to control himself. He didn’t want to come until Candy did.
The hand teasing her pussy was soaked with her juices as he continued to stroke his fingers in and out of her depths. She was crying out now and when she pushed her ass back against him, he slid deeper into her. His cock was only about halfway into her, but he didn’t think she could take any more. Not now.
And it was enough that she wanted to take him this way. Had taken him. Her cries were frantic now as she bucked against him, seeking release. He pushed harder with his fingers, stroking her clit, driving deep into her core. Shoving a third finger inside her, he felt the change. Her entire body spasmed, clamping down on his fingers and his cock.
Lucas gritted his teeth and hung on, trying not to come yet. But his balls drew up tight to his body and his cock began to pulse. It was too late. The muscle in his jaw throbbed as he forced himself to keep his body steady. The need to shove his cock deep was overwhelming, but the need to never hurt Candy was greater. So, as he held his body rigid, his cock jerked as he came.
As their bodies shivered and shook with their release, Lucas closed his eyes and absorbed every feeling. It was incredible. It was only when Candy began to slip back down to the mattress that he carefully removed his fingers from her pussy. Bracing his hand on the bed to keep from slumping down on top of her, he groaned as he eased his cock from her behind.
Using what energy he had left, he rolled to the side of the bed and removed the condom, dumping it in the bedside garbage container. Candy hadn’t moved from where she’d slumped back against the mattress. Lucas tugged the sheets out from under her and crawled in next to her, pulling the covers over them both. He eased her into his arms and she snuggled, settling herself against his chest. Her breath feathered across his skin as she slept easily in his arms. He tightened his arms around her as he drifted off to sleep.
Candy awoke feeling better than she had in days. The feel of a large, male body tucked so closely around her own assured her that it hadn’t been just a dream. They were both lying on their sides facing each other and she could feel the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her palm. A calm descended upon her. This was where she belonged.
Her eyes snapped open as she felt his cock growing, pushing against her stomach. His pale blue eyes twinkled and his lips were turned up in a wicked grin. “I guess you’re awake,” she teased.
“I guess I am.” As he stretched one hand over his head, she thought he resembled nothing more than a sleepy, satisfied bear.
“Is it morning yet?” She stifled a yawn.
“No.” He brushed a lock of hair out of her face and smoothed it over her shoulder. “It’s still night.”
She tangled her fingers in his chest hair before flicking one of his nipples. “So, where do we go from here?” Part of her knew that this conversation should wait until morning, but the other part of her needed to know where she stood.
He froze next to her. She could feel every muscles tighten beneath her hand. “Where do you want to go?”
Candy was beginning to wish that she’d kept her mouth shut until morning when she was thinking more clearly. She shrugged, stared at his chest and tried to figure out what to say. She didn’t want to say anything to disturb their newfound closeness, but she wanted him to know everything. “I got a job offer.” She hesitated when she felt him tense next to her. “In New York City.”
“I see.” He sat up in bed and she was left staring at his back. “Is it a good job?”
She wished she could see his face. It might give her a clue as to how he felt about this. “Yes, it’s a great job with a huge publishing company. The salary and benefits are much better than I have now.”
“That’s good.”
“I haven’t decided to take it.” She sat up, tugging the covers around her as she reached out and placed her hand on his back. He flinched when she touched him, but didn’t move away.
“If it’s the best thing for you, then maybe you should.”
She froze. “Didn’t tonight mean anything to you?”
“Sugar.” He turned and slipped a finger under her chin, tilting it up until she was looking into his face. “Tonight meant everything to me. I love you.” His face was solemn as he stroked her jaw with his thumb. “I want you in my life. Now and forever.” He paused and his smile was tinged with sadness. “I know you might not be ready for that right now, and maybe you might never be ready. But I’ll take whatever you want to give me. If we have to have a long-distance relationship, then I’m willing to try. I can’t leave my new location right away, but I can come to New York on weekends and you can come back here. We can make it work.”
The sheer depth of emotion in his voice mesmerized Candy. He loved her. He had said the words, but more than that, his every action proclaimed it. She knew he’d held back when they’d made love. His care for her humbled her, while at the same time, it made her heart sing.
He’d been brave— she could do no less. “I love you too.” She stroked her thumb across his bottom lip. “I want to be with you. Now and forever. I never really wanted to move, but I knew I couldn’t stay here if things didn’t work out between us. Too many memories.”
“Are you sure, sugar? I don’t want you to regret not taking that job at some point in the future.” His brows furrowed. “Your career is important.” He nipped at her thumb, teasing the pad between his straight white teeth.
And he thought he was too rough and uncaring. Candy was moved by his concern for her. “I’m sure.” She reached out and stroked her fingers over his brow, smoothing away his frown. “I’m happy where I am. And I don’t want to leave my life here.”
“You’ll move in with me?”
“You asking me or telling me?” His quick change of subject left her breathless. He certainly was moving fast.
Lucas laughed. “Asking, sugar. Like I said, I’ll take what I can get.”
“Yes.” Candy wanted to love Lucas again. This time, she didn’t want him to have to hold anything back.
“Marry me, sugar?” The words tumbled from his mouth in a rush. “Damn, I didn’t mean to ask yet. I wanted to buy a ring and cook you supper. Set the scene and do it right. Forget I said that.”
Lucas closed his eyes and hung his head. “That’s okay, sugar. I understand.” He raised his head and tried to smile. “Like I said, I’ll take what I can get.”
“I didn’t mean no, I won’t marry you. I meant no, I can’t forget you asked.”
Lucas froze. “What does that mean exactly?”
Joy spilled through her veins as she launched herself at him, knocking him onto his back as she climbed on top of him. “Yes. Oh, yes.” She covered his beloved face in kisses. “I’ll marry you, Lucas.”
Her lips covered his and their kiss deepened. Lucas wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her tight as he devoured her mouth, claiming it for his own. His cock nudged against the inside of her thigh and she reached behind her to stroke it with her hand.
Lucas tore his mouth from hers. “Take me inside you, Candy.”
She didn’t hesitate. Raising herself up on her knees, she slowly lowered herself onto him. This time there was no barrier between them, and the feeling was exquisite. Placing her hands on his chest for support, she wiggled around until she was comfortable.
Lucas laughed. “You’re killing me, sugar.” He gripped her hips in his hands and held her steady. “As good as this feels, I need to get a condom.”
She smiled at him as she began to move, slowly lifting herself up and then coming back down. “I’m on the Pill. I’ve also got a clean bill of health.”
“I’ve never made love without protection, except for the other night with you, so I’m clean.” His hips bucked beneath her. “You’re sure?” he gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Oh, yes,” she moaned.
“Thank God,” he gasped as she raised herself again. This time she came back down harder. “This feels so fucking good. As good as I dreamed it would.”
“And have you dreamed of me?” Riding him like this made her feel powerful and wicked.
“You have no idea,” he groaned as she continued to tease him, riding him harder and harder.
It was much later when Lucas finally came back to his senses again. Candy was draped across his body and his semi-erect cock was still inside her. Just as she had in his dreams, she’d ridden him until he’d exploded. But the reality was far better then the dream could ever be.
He loved the weight of her body covering him and held her tight when she shifted as if to move away from him. She yawned against his chest. “We still have so much to talk about.”
“We’ll talk tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that,” he assured her. “I want you to meet my brother.” Her voice slurred slightly.
“I’d like that, sugar.” He stroked her back with his hand, soothing her. “There are some things I need to tell you too.”
“Okay.” Her easy acceptance made his heart swell with love.
“It’s about those brownies you love so well.” He needed to tell her about the money that he’d made selling the recipe.
“Yum,” she whispered. “You’ll make me brownies.”
His arms tightened around her. “I’ll make you brownies.”
“Love you.” He knew the moment she finally gave up the fight and drifted off to sleep.
“I love you too, Candy.” He was still awake when dawn broke across the horizon, but for the first time in years, he was looking forward to the future.