Reagan was in the shower when she heard voices in the apartment. Ethan was home and he had someone with him. Trey? Her heart gave an unexpected lurch and started to race. The erotic images she’d seen the night before played through her mind. Trey and Ethan kissing. Ethan’s cock in Trey’s hand. In his mouth. She didn’t know whether to be aroused or jealous. Admittedly, she was a little of both. And a bit put off by the fact that she’d never be enough to keep Trey happy in the bedroom. As long as he loved only her, she’d be able to deal with it. Maybe.
The bathroom door opened. She peeked out of the shower curtain and was blessed with Trey’s orneriest smile. “Can I come in?”
“We need to talk,” she said. Ground rules. They needed ground rules. Her heart thudded even harder when Trey tilted his head and he did that thing he did when he wanted something. That irresistible, ornery-assed, tell-me-no-if-you-dare look.
“Yes, talk.”
“Okay,” he agreed and entered the bathroom.
Ethan leaned in through the doorway, looking tall, dangerous, and well-fucked. The bastard. “Room in there for three?”
“We’re going to talk first.”
Ethan’s nose crinkled and he moved back in the hallway. Reagan didn’t miss the familiar way Ethan stroked Trey’s hip before he shut the door behind him. Trey closed the toilet seat lid and sat on its surface.
“Okay, talk,” he said. “But make it quick. You’re naked and wet. I can’t be expected to concentrate on words.”
Reagan’s belly quivered with nerves. What if they couldn’t make this work? What if she had to let him go? What if he ended up feeling something for Ethan and she had to pretend like she was okay with that?
“How often do you think you’ll need to be with Ethan?” she forced herself to ask and noticed she’d been rubbing soap over one arm for several minutes.
“Is this about the rules?” Trey asked.
“I think we need to lay some ground rules at the beginning.”
“Can we try no rules, Reagan?”
She peeked out of the curtain to look at him. “No rules? There have to be some rules. I know you need a man in your life to fulfill you sexually, but I’m not prepared to let you sleep with anyone you choose. What’s the point of being in a relationship if you’re not willing to offer me some sort of commitment?” There. She’d said it. Now the ball was in his court.
He sighed and scrubbed his face with both hands. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“I think so.”
He looked up at her, his gaze intense. Not at all like Trey’s usual devil-may-care expression. Reagan’s knees went weak.
“I love you,” he said. “I have never said that to a woman in my life. Not in a romantic capacity.”
“I love you too.”
He smiled. “I want this thing between us to work. I think it’s special.”
“I think so, too.”
“The sexual side of our relationship has to be completely open for it to work.”
“Completely open?”
“What happens when I get tired of Ethan?”
“What happens when you get tired of me?” She didn’t mean to sound like a needy banshee, but it was her biggest concern. Not that Trey would find sexual release with a man, but that he’d stop loving her. Or start loving someone else more than he loved her. She couldn’t stand the thought.
“Won’t happen. I already said I love you.” He clutched the fabric of his jeans at his thighs. “You have to be one hundred percent okay with this part of me or you are going to get hurt. That’s why I left the first time. Not because I wanted to, but because I can’t change for you and I don’t want to hurt you, Reagan. I won’t be the cause of your tears.”
“This is hard,” she said.
He linked his hands together and rested his forearms on his thighs. He stared at his thumbs and asked, “Do you need time to think about it? I can go. Give you more time.”
She shook her head. “I’m ready to try this. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be devastated, but at least I’ll know we tried to stay together.”
He offered her a crooked grin. “I don’t think you’ll regret this decision, Reagan. Ethan and I are both here for your pleasure. And mine. And his.”
She knew her body wouldn’t regret it, but she wasn’t so sure about her heart.
“How do you feel about Ethan committing to us?” Trey asked.
Reagan’s eyes widened. The water was starting to grow cold, so she hurried to rinse off and shut off the shower. “He shouldn’t have to. I mean, if he’s just our sex buddy…”
Trey handed her a towel. “He means more to you than a sex buddy, Reagan. He’s your best friend. Be realistic.”
“I can keep sex and friendship separate,” she said and wrapped the towel around her body. “He’s for you. Not me.”
“He has feelings too,” Trey said. He rubbed a hand over his face. “If he wants to be used as a sex toy, that’s his business, but I don’t think that’s the case. Not after last night.”
Reagan’s heart gave an unpleasant lurch in her chest. “Are you falling for Ethan?”
He chuckled. “Not exactly. I like him. If I thought last night was a onetime thing, I wouldn’t be sitting here discussing this with you, but if you’re putting the stipulation on me that if I want a man, it has to be Ethan—nice choice, by the way—then he needs a say in this too.”
Never in a million years had Reagan expected Trey to be worried about Ethan’s part in this. She had been thinking of Ethan as someone she trusted to serve Trey’s sexual needs and leave when she told him to, not as the man she’d been friends with for years. Not as someone who had feelings and wasn’t just a nice body with a big cock to keep her boyfriend satisfied. “God, I’m such a bitch! I never once thought about Ethan’s feelings in this. He just seemed so eager to take you to bed.”
She grabbed the doorknob, but Trey caught her around the waist. “Ethan and I talked about this already.”
“Without me?”
“We weren’t trying to exclude you. More like protect you.”
“I don’t need to be protected, Trey. I’m a big girl.”
“We both care about you and we like each other enough to commit three ways.”
“Three ways?” She could feel the heat rise up her throat.
“At least in the bedroom.”
Trey tumbled her onto his lap. “You can say no, Reagan. You can put up any limits you want. I want you to be comfortable with everything we do. If you don’t want Ethan to be a fixture in our lives, that’s fine. We’ll tell him that now. I won’t sleep with him again, but I honestly don’t know how much deprivation I can tolerate. I lasted about two weeks last time.”
She stared up at him. Last night when she’d received those pictures of Trey with Ethan, she hadn’t been jealous or hurt or confused. She’d been aroused. On fire. The jealousy hadn’t spawned until that morning when she’d awoken alone and knew the two of them were cuddled up together in bed without her. “Ethan wants this?” Reagan asked.
Trey nodded. “He’s emotionally invested in you, sweetheart. He wants a commitment too.”
“I thought… I thought.” She didn’t know what she thought. She knew she loved Trey. She wanted him happy. She trusted Ethan. Then why was she so mixed up? She wrapped her arms around Trey’s neck to draw him closer. God, she’d missed him lying beside her last night. She’d become entirely accustomed to him being a part of her life.
“What?” Trey asked, his hand lightly stroking her bare thigh.
“I thought we could decide this stuff afterwards. I want to make sure I like being part of your attraction to men. If it’s half as sexy live as it is in pictures, I’m sold.” She giggled.
“Mmmm,” Trey said, his lips skimming her collarbone. “I do love you, woman.”
“Did Ethan satisfy you last night?” she asked.
“Do you really have to ask?”
“He’s good in bed, isn’t he?”
“You would know.” Trey’s lips moved up her throat to her jaw. “Are we finished talking now?”
She chuckled. “Did you have something you’d rather do?”
“Ethan and I talked about all the things we wanted to do to you on the drive over. It got me all worked up.”
Reagan’s towel dropped to her waist as Trey’s hands started to wander.
“What kinds of things?”
“We’ll show you. Are you sure you’re okay with this now? We can take it slower if you need to.”
She smiled. “I’m ready.” She smoothed his silky hair with her fingertips. “Now.”
Trey tipped her onto her feet and stood. He took her towel and dropped it on the floor. “You won’t need it.” Trey opened the bathroom door, scooped Reagan into his arms, and practically sprinted to the bedroom.
She laughed and held onto his neck. “Eager?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Me too.”
“Have you ever been with two men before?” he asked her.
She shook her head and turned it abruptly when she noticed Ethan standing beside her bed, removing things from a sack and lining them up in a neat row on her nightstand.
“If you don’t like it, we don’t have to do it again,” Trey told her. “I can keep the two halves of my sexuality separate, if necessary, but I’d much rather share everything I am with you. And so would Ethan.”
She tore her eyes away from the set of red silk scarves Ethan had laid out on the bed. In that moment she realized how blessed she was to have Trey in her life. She wanted to be a part of everything he was, because she loved him. “I want that too.” And how could he think she wouldn’t like it? She supposed it was possible, but not very probable. “Thank you for being so patient with me, Trey. For talking with me about this. It helps with the nervousness I’m feeling.”
“You don’t have to be nervous. It just me. And Ethan. You trust both of us, don’t you?”
“And if you’re uncomfortable with anything we do, just let us know.” He grinned. “We’ll adjust our tactics.”
Trey carried her over to the bed and set her down on the edge of the mattress. Ethan glanced at Trey and offered him a wink. Reagan swallowed. She wondered what the two of them had in store for her.
Trey moved to stand behind Ethan. He ran his hands over Ethan’s flat belly. “I think Ethan looks better naked,” he said. “What do you think, Reagan?”
“I think you should take his clothes off,” she said.
Trey pulled the hem of Ethan’s tight T-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans. Reagan’s mouth went dry as she watched Trey’s hands slowly slide up Ethan’s abdomen, bumping over each ripped muscle as he drew the fabric upward one agonizing inch at a time. Damn, the man was lickable.
“What do you want to do to him, Reagan?” Trey asked.
“Trace all of those stomach muscles with my tongue.” Her eyes widened and she looked up at Trey who was watching her over Ethan’s shoulder. Had she really just admitted that aloud in front of her boyfriend?
Trey grinned at her. “So what’s stopping you?”
“It’s okay?” she asked, genuinely flabbergasted that Trey was okay with her licking another man’s belly.
“I thought you explained things to her,” Ethan said. He reached forward and gently cupped Reagan’s face. He gazed down at her with those dark brown eyes of his and her breath caught.
“I tried,” Trey said, pulling Ethan’s shirt up over his hard pecs. With her mouth hanging open, Reagan watched Trey rub Ethan’s nipples. “I don’t think she fully understands that there are no limits on anything that goes on between the three of us while we’re in this bedroom.”
“Looks like we’ll have to show her.” Ethan grinned wickedly, his gaze skimming over Reagan’s flesh until she had a full-body blush going on. “Unfasten my pants, Reagan.”
She glanced up at Trey for his approval. She was still struggling with the “no limits” idea. And the three-way commitment thing. Trey nodded slightly and then pulled Ethan’s shirt off. Trey kissed Ethan’s shoulder and continued his exploration of Ethan’s hard body with both hands. Reagan reached for Ethan’s belt. Hesitantly, she leaned forward to trace the contours of his ripped abdomen with her tongue while she busied her trembling hands with his fly. As soon as she had Ethan’s pants unfastened, Trey dipped both hands into the opening and tugged Ethan’s rigid cock free.
A spasm gripped Reagan’s entire body as she watched Trey’s hand stroke Ethan from base to tip. Her mouth went dry, her pussy wet.
“I love this man’s cock,” Trey murmured.
Reagan’s nervousness lessened. She was very familiar with Ethan’s cock. She leaned forward and kissed the swollen head. Ethan’s gasp of delight encouraged her to stroke him with the tip of her tongue. Trey grasped Ethan’s shaft and rubbed his cockhead over Reagan’s lips.
“Suck him, baby,” Trey murmured. “Make him really hard for me.”
Ethan’s fingers tangled in her hair as she sucked him into her mouth. She looked up at him as she bobbed her head and found him staring down at her with tenderness. What was that look for? It wasn’t as if he loved her. Actually, she was surprised he was able to accept pleasure from her. Wouldn’t he prefer Trey’s mouth on him seeing as he was gay?
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Trey murmured.
“Absolutely,” Ethan said.
Trey moved around Ethan and climbed on the bed behind Reagan. He pressed his chest against her back and cupped her breasts in both hands. “Can we share?” he whispered. Reagan didn’t know what he meant until she turned her head slightly and found Trey gazing hungrily at Ethan’s cock. She never thought she’d think her boyfriend’s lust for a man would turn her on, but it did. She crossed her legs and wriggled her hips to calm the pulsating flesh between her thighs. When she released Ethan’s cock, Trey guided it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around Ethan’s cockhead and then rubbed his lips over the sensitive flesh.
“Oh God,” Ethan gasped. He stroked Trey’s hair gently with one hand and Reagan’s with his other. “The two of you are amazing.”
Trey pulled away from Ethan’s cock and kissed the corner of Reagan’s mouth. “Now it’s your turn, sweetheart.” He coaxed her into the center of the bed and pressed her down on her back. “Do you think we need to tie you down?” he asked, his lips brushing lightly over her jaw and along her throat.
“Tie me down?” Her belly and thighs started to tremble uncontrollably.
“Let’s see how she reacts first,” Ethan said. He climbed up on the bed with her and Trey. Stretching out on his side, he propped his head up on his bent arm and used his free hand to stroke her belly.
“I like that idea,” Trey said as he kissed his way down her neck and collarbone. When he caught her nipple in his mouth, she cried out. She was so turned on, she was certain he could make her come just by suckling her breast.
Ethan touched her jaw, encouraging her to look at him. “Can I kiss you?” he asked.
Reagan met his eyes and time froze. Those feelings for him she’d squashed the moment she’d caught him in the shower with that other man began to rise inside her again. She didn’t answer him, just closed the distance between their lips and kissed him.
Ethan moaned in her mouth and his hand slid around her waist to draw her body closer to his. Reagan clung to Trey at her breast with one hand, Ethan with the other, and let herself feel all the pleasure, all the love that these two men brought to her life. Ethan tugged away from her sucking kiss to look into her eyes. She saw the raw emotion in his expression and she tried desperately to comprehend its meaning. Did he still have feelings for her? After all this time? But he was gay. She’d given him up because of it. He’d only dated men since they’d broken up. Not a single woman had been in his bed since then. She knew that for a fact. But maybe he did like women, too. He just hadn’t found one to replace her yet.
Maybe Ethan was bisexual. Like Trey. He’d even tried to tell her that—multiple times—but she hadn’t believed it. Maybe she hadn’t wanted to believe it, because how could she love a man who was bisexual? And now, she realized with sudden and shocking clarity, that she didn’t love a bisexual man. She loved two of them. What in the hell was she going to do about this? This wasn’t how it worked. One man. One woman. That’s how this was supposed to work. This love thing. She couldn’t love two men. It wasn’t possible.
It was inevitable.
She wasn’t sure how to deal with this situation. Didn’t want to think about it. Not when she had the two of them in bed with her. She’d sort out the complications later. For now, she’d just let herself feel it all and not worry about the fallout. And she knew there would be a fallout. Nothing this amazing could last for long.
“Suck my other breast,” she said to Ethan, who had gone catatonic on her as he stared into her eyes. “It’s lonely.”
He grinned and slid down her body to claim her nipple with his mouth. She looked down at them. Trey flicking that maddening stud in his tongue over her nipple. Ethan attacking her breast as if it were a delectable feast he needed to devour.
She did. She loved them both, but she could never tell them. This was supposed to be a sexual relationship, not an emotional one. She closed her eyes and concentrated on sensation. The tug on her breasts pulled at her womb, her pussy. Trey’s hand slid down her belly. Ethan’s followed an instant later. Each hand reached one of her thighs and tugged her legs open. She tensed. The feel of being with two men was still foreign. The pleasure in her breasts as they waited for her to relax eventually squelched her trepidation. Her body relaxed, legs falling open in surrender.
Both men caressed the slickened flesh between her thighs. She lost track of whose fingers were rubbing her clit, stroking her labia, tracing the entrance of her vagina. She couldn’t comprehend who was sucking one of her nipples hard, who was nibbling the other, who was garbling her name against her flesh. Every sense was in tune pleasure. Two fingers massaged her clit from opposite directions.
“Oh,” she gasped, unable to stop her hips from writhing against their hands.
Reagan cried out as all that pleasure culminated at her center and burst in vigorous waves of release. Two fingers slid inside her as she came, working against each other as her pair of lovers prolonged her orgasm together.
Trey and Ethan released her breasts and kissed trails down her belly, their fingers still sliding in and out of her clenching pussy. When they reached her hipbones they paused. Reagan looked down at them and almost came again when they started to kiss each other. When they separated, they pulled their fingers from her body. Ethan moved his hand to Trey’s mouth. Staring deeply into Ethan’s eyes, Trey sucked Reagan’s juices from Ethan’s thick fingers. When Trey’s slick fingers slipped into Ethan’s mouth, Reagan shuddered. The two of them were so in tune with each other and with sharing her. Ethan gazed at Trey the same way he had looked at Reagan a moment ago. Did he have feelings for Trey? Trey just looked hungry. The love she saw in Trey’s eyes when he looked at her was missing as he stared at Ethan. A little pang of sadness gripped her heart. She was sad for Ethan, because while Ethan now knew how wonderful Trey’s sensuality was, he hadn’t gotten to experience his love.
Trey released Ethan’s fingers from his mouth and shifted to lie between Reagan’s thighs. She jerked when he brushed her clit with the stud piercing in his tongue. She fucking loved that thing. He flicked her clit with the bit of metal and then rubbed her with the softer tip of his tongue before flicking it again. He plunged two fingers into her cunt and then lifted his head. She gazed down at him and watched him draw Ethan’s cock into his mouth.
Ethan groaned in pleasure. That piercing must’ve felt great against the underside of his cock as well. After he took Ethan deep into his throat several times, he pulled his fingers free of Reagan’s pussy and lowered his head to stimulate her clit again. He repeated this several times. His fingers inside her while he sucked Ethan. Her pussy empty while he pleased her clit. She was so wet, she could feel her juices dripping down the crack of her ass, hear them slurp each time Trey plunged his fingers into her body.
The fourth time Trey’s tongue shifted from Ethan’s seeping cock to Reagan’s clit, she cried out as a hard orgasm gripped her unexpectedly. He buried his fingers inside her and suckled her clit until her hips stopped bucking.
“Oh God,” she gasped, still trembling long after the waves of release subsided.
Trey rolled out from between her legs and Ethan took his place. “Fuck, she’s wet,” Ethan said as he lowered his head to feast on her pussy. While Trey’s every motion was carefully articulated, Ethan ate her out so vigorously that she couldn’t keep track of his motions or anticipate what came next. He nibbled her lips and then sucked them into his mouth. Plunged his tongue inside her. Sucked her clit. French-kissed her quivering hole until she thought she’d go mad.
Trey moved to sit on her abdomen. He slid his cock up her chest and pressed her breasts together to surround his rigid flesh. He rubbed her nipples with his thumbs in time with his strokes as he fucked her tits. She bent her neck so she could suck on the head of his cock whenever he thrust forward and it came within reach.
Ethan’s thick fingers were now pounding her pussy hard and fast. His mouth had latched on to her clit and she knew he wouldn’t relent until she came. Within seconds she was meeting his conditions. Her back arched as she let go for a third time. The pleasure was so intense that tears streamed from her eyes.
“I think she’s ready now,” Trey murmured.
Ready? For what? She tried to open her eyes to look at him, but her body wasn’t cooperating with her will.
Both men left her lying there, trembling in the aftermath of her last orgasm. She heard the crinkle of condom wrappers. Oh God, they were going to fuck her now. She didn’t know if she could take anymore pleasure, but she wanted them. She wanted them both. Inside her.
Ethan moved to cover her body first. His thick cock sought entrance to her body and she opened wide for him, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on for dear life. When he plunged into her, she cried out in bliss. God, she needed cock. She needed it deep and she needed it hard. Ethan gave her exactly what she needed.
After only a few minutes, Ethan untangled her arms from his neck and pulled out.
She gasped in protest.
“Shh, sweetheart,” Trey murmured to her as he stuffed pillows under her hips to lift them off the bed. “We’re not finished. I want your cum inside me.”
She was too delirious to comprehend what he meant. Trey settled between her thighs and entered her slowly. Filling her with hard cock one delicious inch at a time. When he was buried balls-deep, he rotated his hips, separated his knees, and held still.
Reagan opened her eyes when Ethan moved into position behind Trey. She watched Trey’s face while Ethan entered him. And now Reagan understood what Trey had meant about having her cum inside him. Ethan was using her juices to ease his penetration of Trey.
“Oh God,” Trey groaned.
“You okay?” Ethan asked him.
Judging by the look of undisguised bliss on Trey’s gorgeous face, Reagan guessed that he was better than okay.
“Oh God,” Trey groaned again.
Ethan wrapped an arm around Trey’s waist, his big hand splayed over Trey’s quivering belly. Trey’s cock ground inside Reagan as Ethan rotated his hips.
“Can you move?” Ethan asked Trey.
Trey bit his lip and nodded slightly. They moved slowly at first, becoming accustomed to a new rhythm. Ethan pulled out of Trey slowly, Trey pulled out of Reagan. They thrust forward together.
“Ah fuck, this is amazing,” Trey gasped.
As the two men became more in tune with each other, their strokes became faster and harder.
Sweat poured from Trey’s body. Reagan watched him. He seemed locked in a plane of perpetual bliss as he made love to her and got drilled hard by Ethan at the same time. She’d never experienced anything this intensely sexual in her entire life. Couldn’t think of anything she wanted to share with this man more than the pleasure he was so obviously experiencing. Each time he entered her, Ethan pounded him deeper. She fought to keep her eyes open. She wanted to watch Trey’s face as he rode his bliss higher and higher.
Trey’s entire body went rigid when he came. He thrust deep inside Reagan and held onto her hips, rubbing his face against her shoulder and yelling his triumph against her heated flesh. Ethan pumped hard and fast into him while Trey let go.
“Ah God, Ethan. Fuck me,” Trey cried, his eyes squeezing tightly closed. “Don’t stop. I’m still coming.”
Reagan placed a hand on the back of Trey’s head, loving that he was getting off so hard, even though Ethan was mostly responsible for the added pleasure in his release. The bitterness she thought she might experience, knowing Trey needed more than her to be fully satisfied, was completely absent. She wanted him to have complete fulfillment no matter how he attained it. If he needed Ethan to find bliss, then he could have him with her blessing.
Soon Ethan followed Trey over the edge. His fingers dug into Trey’s belly as his body shuddered with release and he cried out. They collapsed together, burying Reagan beneath a heap of hot, sated male. She wrapped her arms around both of them, her heart so full of love for the pair that she thought it might burst.
After a moment, Trey said, “Ethan.” When he didn’t answer, Trey lifted his head. “Ethan?”
“We got so carried away that we forgot to make Reagan come again.”
Ethan lifted his head and smiled down at Reagan. “Well, we can’t leave that business unfinished.”
Was this seriously her life? Seriously? Holy hell, she was unquestionably the luckiest woman in the world.
“And I still haven’t showed her my favorite position,” Trey said.