When Ethan heard Reagan fumbling with her key in the lock of the front door, he glanced up from the boxing match he was watching on TV. Wide smile on his face, he climbed to his feet and prepared for her excited launch into his waiting arms. He probably shouldn’t love it when she was excited about something, but Lord he missed the feel of her body against his. As far as Ethan was concerned, any excuse to embrace Reagan Elliot was a good excuse.
The door swung open and she stumbled into the room, pulling some laughing guy into the apartment by his T-shirt. Barefoot, she tossed her boots on the floor near the entryway, which freed her hand to grab onto the guy with both hands. So she could pull his mouth against hers and kiss him hungrily.
Ethan’s smile faded. She’d brought home another dipshit who was in no way good enough for her. Ethan straightened his spine, prepared to use all six feet two inches of his muscular frame to its full, intimidating advantage.
Said dipshit wrapped both arms around Reagan’s narrow back to deepen their kiss and kicked the door closed behind him. “Where’s the bedroom?” he said against her lips. His hands moved to squeeze her luscious ass. Ethan stifled an angry growl.
Reagan drew away, took the guy by the hand, and took two steps in the direction of her bedroom when she noticed Ethan standing there. At least she had the decency to flush.
“Oh, Ethan,” she said. “This is… This is Trey. My, um, new…boyfriend?” She glanced at this Trey fellow and he smiled at her like the dipshit he was.
Boyfriend? When in the hell had that happened? Ethan would have known if she’d so much as gone on a date with anyone. She still confided everything to him. The dipshit, Trey, stepped forward, his hand extended in greeting. Ethan got his first good look at the guy and his gut clenched with a powerful longing. Wow. The man was sex incarnate. This guy was straight? Ethan had a hard time buying that. Ethan’s lust was never wrong. He could pick out a piece of hot tail from a mile away, and this guy was the hottest tail he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Hey,” Ethan said and accepted Trey’s hand. He could smell Reagan’s sex all over the guy, so either Trey was very confused or in denial. Or, in a perfect world, bisexual. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” Trey said, his gaze raking down Ethan’s body. Yeah, this hunk of hotness was not everything Reagan thought he was. She hadn’t been able to accept Ethan’s sexuality. She wouldn’t be able to accept this new guy’s either.
“How come you haven’t mentioned Trey before?” Ethan asked Reagan.
Her cheeks went pink again. The woman cursed like a sailor, but talking about her love interests made her blush. “Well, I just met him today.”
“Moving a little fast, aren’t you?”
Reagan scowled at him and then smacked him in the arm. “Shut up. If you try to mess this up for me I’ll shave your head in your sleep and superglue the hair to your balls.”
Ethan knew she’d do it, too.
Trey’s sexy green eyes began to roam the apartment. He draped an arm around Reagan’s narrow waist and rested his hand on her hip as if getting comfortable to stand there for a while. Apparently he realized that Ethan was on a mission to keep Reagan out of her bedroom for as long as possible.
“So tell me about the audition,” Ethan said to Reagan, trying not to stare at Trey’s mouth. The man had a beautiful mouth. A beautiful mouth that would look phenomenal wrapped around Ethan’s hard, thick…
Reagan’s eyes widened and she went animated. The way she reacted when she was really excited about something. Ethan loved to get her excited. “Oh my God, can you believe it? They liked my playing so much they didn’t even finish listening to all the contestants. I’m going out on tour with Exodus End in three weeks.”
“And Sinners,” Trey added absently. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red lollipop. He unwrapped it and stuck it in that beautiful mouth of his. Ethan’s belly clenched and his cock stirred to life.
Reagan looked up at Trey in question. “Sinners?”
“Yeah, we’re co-headlining with Exodus End this tour.”
“You mean we’re going to be on tour together?” she said, the pitch of her voice rising with each word.
“Dare didn’t mention that?”
“No,” she squealed and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.
Ethan chuckled. She was so adorable when she was excited.
“Such a fucktard,” Trey commented and tugged the sucker out of his mouth.
Ethan practically felt the tug of Trey’s suction on the head of his cock. Mercy, the man was sensual. And judging by the sidelong glance he offered Ethan, he knew it.
Reagan hugged Trey, her entire body trembling with excitement. “And just when I thought my day couldn’t get any better.”
“Your night’s going to get a whole lot better,” he murmured into her ear. “If we ever make it to the bedroom.” He lifted his gaze just enough to catch Ethan staring at him. He grinned crookedly and then sucked that lollipop back into his mouth.
Ethan stifled a groan. “So you’re in a band too?” Ethan asked.
Reagan spun around to gape at him. “This is Trey,” she said, shaking her head at Ethan. “Trey Mills. Ethan, get your brain out of cold storage. I talk about the guitarists of Sinners constantly. How talented they are. Do you ever listen to a word I say?”
Ethan racked his brain for a name he’d heard amongst Reagan’s ceaseless prattling about guitarists and could only come up with, “Brian Saint Claire?”
“Brian Sinclair,” Reagan said and rolled her eyes at him. “Brian’s the lead guitarist for Sinners. Trey is rhythm.”
Rhythm? Ethan bet the man knew quite a few things about rhythm, and if not, Ethan would be more than happy to show him.
Trey winked at Ethan, a knowing grin on his face. He pulled the sucker out of his mouth and gave it a few flicks with his tongue before sliding it back into his mouth through his tightened lips. In. Out. In. Out. The fucker was tormenting Ethan on purpose. Trey moved to stand behind Reagan and wrapped both arms around her waist. She leaned back against him and Ethan gritted his teeth. Ethan didn’t know why he didn’t just move on. Things would be a lot more tolerable if he didn’t still love Reagan or if he wasn’t attracted to men, but he had both problems and wasn’t sure what to do about it. Well, besides getting rid of these guys she brought home as quickly as possible. Funny, he didn’t think his usual intimidation tactics would work with Trey. Trey was probably well aware of Ethan’s instant attraction to him. Ethan wondered if Trey was attracted to him as well or if he really was just fucking with him because he found giving men blue balls amusing.
“You said something about finding me a job, too,” Ethan said to keep Reagan talking and out of the bedroom. He’d been doing piecework since he’d left the force. Some high-profile bodyguard work for celebrities and low-profile security at events, but nothing long-term. A more steady flow of income would be a welcome change. Especially since it meant he got to keep an eye on Reagan. He worried about her constantly. She was too reckless for her own good. Exhibit A was standing right in front of him giving that lollipop one hell of a blow job.
“The band thinks I’ll need a personal bodyguard. I think they’re—”
“Absolutely right,” Trey said. “Fans don’t usually intend to harm anyone, but they can get carried away. No one wants to see you hurt.” Trey pulled the sucker from his mouth and placed a series of gentle sucking kisses on the sensitive spot just below Reagan’s earlobe. Her eyelids fluttered, and she clung to Trey’s thighs with both hands. “He’ll probably spend most of his time trying to protect you from me,” Trey murmured in a sexy growl.
“Then he’s fired,” Reagan said.
Ethan cleared his throat. Trey stared him in the eye as he drew his tongue up along the side of Reagan’s neck. Ethan’s balls clenched. What a fucking bastard. He had to know that would turn Ethan on. Why was he torturing him?
“So what exactly will my duties be?” Ethan asked, trying to ignore the way Reagan was rubbing her sweet ass against Trey’s crotch. Ethan still remembered how well that ass fit his palms while she rode him. How hot and slick and tight her pussy felt as it slid up and down his length.
Trey paused and looked up at Ethan. “You talk too much.” He lifted his hand and stuck his half-eaten sucker in Ethan’s mouth. “Where’s your bedroom, Reagan? Or I could just bend you over that sofa there and finish what we started in the limo.”
“This way,” Reagan said and grabbed a handful of Trey’s T-shirt. She tugged him into her bedroom and shut the door before Ethan could come up with another stall tactic.
Shit. Where were his sound-blocking headphones? There was no way he’d be able to survive listening to those sexy sounds Reagan made when she was getting it good. And Ethan had no doubt that Trey Mills was going to give it to her good.