
Denton, Ohio

Three months later

Logan drove home after a long day of rescues. A surprise spring ice storm had trapped hikers, bikers and motorists alike in situations that had kept his team busy for twenty-two straight hours.

He had two more days of flying ahead of him, and then he was off for four days.

He'd be heading back to Tahoe.

To Lily.

They'd seen each other more often than he'd imagined possible. She loved his small hometown. As a certified EMT, she'd been easily added to their SAR team on a volunteer, on-call basis, and they'd had many adventures over the past few months.

But now it'd been two weeks since he'd seen her. Too long, he thought as he got out of his truck and let himself into his old, renovated farmhouse. Too damn long, and he chafed at the restraints he'd promised her wouldn't be a problem. Ironic, really, since he'd been the one to say that they could make their two lives mesh together, that he'd never put demands on her time or make her choose between his world and hers.

And yet he wanted more, so much more. He stripped out of his clothes and stepped into a steamy shower. When he was done, he pulled on a pair of jeans and stood in front of his opened armoire, staring at the little box he'd put on a shelf there. Hipping it open, he studied the shiny diamond. He ran his thumb over it, wishing it was time to give it away.

At the knock on his door, he put the ring back and headed through his living room to pull open the door. Then stood there in shock.

Lily smiled a little nervously, as if unsure of her welcome. He didn't know how she'd gotten here, or why, and he didn't care. Suddenly everything felt okay in his world. Hauling her over the threshold and into his arms, he kissed her hello. It took a while because it had been two very long weeks and he had a lot of hello in him.

"I love you," she said when he finally lifted his head. "I just couldn't stay away anymore."

"Thank God for that."

"I should tell you right now, I'm no longer in possession of any mountain assets. I gave the controlling portion of the resort to Gwyneth and Sara. They've asked Aunt Debbie to come join them. They're so much better suited to all the day-to-day workings of the thing anyway, and I can come and go now, whenever I want." She hadn't taken a breath, and now pressed a hand to her heart. "I'm rambling, I know, but I just couldn't stand the past two weeks, and I can't always expect you to just drop everything and come to me, especially since I love being here, too, flying with you, working on search and rescue… Did I say I love you?"

Love swamped him. "Don't ever stop saying that to me." He pulled her in and shut the door, then began removing her clothing. "And don't ever start wearing a bra," he added fervently when he wrenched her blouse down her arms and found her gloriously naked beneath.

"I figured I'd probably have to buy a few after I had the kids. Saggage, and all."

He went utterly still and cut his eyes to hers as his world screeched to a stop. "Do you figure they'll be my kids, too?"

"I'm hoping so, seeing as you're so fine to look at."

He couldn't breathe. "So you're going to marry me, then?"

"If you're asking…"

"God. Lily- Hold that thought." Grabbing her hand, he pulled her down the hall to his bedroom.

With a laugh, she glanced at the unmade bed. "Goody."

He pulled her past the bed and ripped open his ar-moire, grabbed the ring box. Thrust it into her hands.

She stared at it, then lifted her face. "Logan."

"Here." Because he couldn't stand it, he opened it for her. A square-cut diamond in a simple platinum setting winked up at them.

"You…bought this for me?"

"I did."

"But… My God," she whispered, and reverently touched it. "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you are. Say yes, Lily."

She blinked, but a tear slipped down her cheek anyway. "How about hell, yes."

He waited until she'd slipped it on her finger to bring her hand up to his mouth, then pressed it against his heart. "I love you."

"I know. I'm getting very fond of hearing that."

"Good." He hauled her up into his arms and twirled her around. "I was looking at the ring just now, before you came, wondering how the hell to get to this." He stroked a hand down her hair and stared into her eyes. "To being an official us."

"Us." She smiled, the amazing, beautiful, strong woman who'd changed his life forever. "I like the sound of that."

"Me, too, Lily. Me, too."
