SARAH came awake to the sounds of footsteps—heavy, hurried footsteps—outside the door. But what alarmed her more than the potential threat was the fact that Garrett didn’t rouse from sleep. He was extremely alert and quick to pick up on any noises, but he lay still. She put her hand down to rouse him and wondered if he was unconscious and then she yanked her hand back just as the door burst open.

Enough was enough. The bastards weren’t going another round with him. She lunged to her feet and flew across the room to plant herself between the man and Garrett.

“Enough, you bastard,” she hissed. “Take me. You’ve done enough to him already. What use is he to you if you kill him? If you want your jollies then take me and do your worst. I’ve already been there and survived, and I’m not going to let an asshole like you break me either.”

She yanked at her shirt, determined to distract him from his goal. She had it up and her bra pushed aside, prepared to take it all off it that’s what it took, when the man reached out and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from baring any more flesh.

“Take me,” she said desperately. “I’m willing. I’ll do whatever you want. I won’t fight you. Just leave him alone.”

Tears gathered in her eyes but she squeezed them back as she defiantly faced down the man who’d come for Garrett.

“Sarah, honey, it’s okay. He’s one of mine,” Garrett said from behind her.

She whipped around to see Garrett leaned up on one elbow as he tried to get up. Then she turned back to the man who still held her wrist.

“Sarah,” the man said gently. “It’s okay now. My name is Rio. I’ve come for you and Garrett. Everything is going to be fine.”

As he spoke, he carefully pulled her clothing back into place as she stood shocked and appalled by what she’d just done. Behind Rio, another man barreled into the doorway and she took a quick step back. Her knees buckled as realization set in. They’d come. Just like Garrett had promised.

Rio caught her before she fell but she batted away his arms. “No, no, I’m fine. You need to see to Garrett. He’s hurt. Don’t worry about me. Please just help him.”

“No one touches her, Rio.” Garrett’s softly issued warning floated through the room. “Make sure your men know.”

A look of understanding passed between the two men and Rio motioned for the man behind him to come through. Sarah backed away, hugging herself as she watched the flurry of activity begin.

The second man stopped by her side and stood with his gun up, clearly protecting her. When she glanced up, he nodded respectfully. “I’m Terrence, ma’am. We’re here to take you home.”

Still numb, she turned to see Rio help Garrett to his feet. He leaned heavily on Rio as they stood a moment to allow Garrett to get his bearings.

“How bad is it?” Rio asked grimly. “I have to tell you, you look like shit, man.”

Garrett cracked a grin. “I’d worry more if you told me how pretty I looked.”

Terrence snorted. “I’ve seen prettier jackasses.”

“It’s not too bad. They were fucking amateurs,” Garrett said. “I guess for that I can be grateful. They worked me over pretty good but it’s mostly bruises.”

Sarah shook her head, trying to take it all in. They were standing around like this was some big joke. “We should go,” she blurted. “He’s not safe here. He needs a hospital.”

“Come here,” Garrett said, holding out his free arm to her.

She went instantly, anchoring herself to his side, holding on to him for dear life. Dear God, she was trying to keep it together but she could feel the hysteria rising like a tidal wave. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He squeezed her to him and kissed the top of her head. “We’re safe now. My team is here. They’re not going to let anything happen to us.”

Garrett felt the betraying tremble of her body and knew she was hanging on by a thread. He tried to step forward, still holding her next to him, but his body was stove up from the beatings and every muscle screamed in protest. He’d been still for too long and the simple act of moving was damn near impossible.

“I’m going to need help,” he said to Rio.

Rio frowned, and Garrett knew he was thinking it had to be bad for Garrett to admit he couldn’t walk out under his own steam.

“Take Sarah out first,” he said to Terrence. “Rio and I will be right behind you.” Then he looked down at Sarah. “Go with him, honey. I won’t be far.”

She glanced a little nervously at Terrence but stepped away from Garrett and then followed the big man out of the room.

“What the hell happened?” Rio asked bluntly.

“I got the shit kicked out of me. Stupid bastards nabbed us at a roadblock. Wasn’t much I could do facing down seven armed men, and I had Sarah with me to protect. I activated the SOS and then tried to buy us as much time as possible.”

“Did they hurt her?” Rio asked, a deep scowl working over his face.

“No, they left her alone. Dragged her out to make me cooperate when they figured out their methods of making me talk weren’t working. Scared her, but she’s been fierce.”

“Yeah I got that. I think she would have taken me on when I came in the door.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Garrett said softly. “For her to do that. You don’t even realize the courage it took.”

“I think I do. She’s been hurt before.”

Garrett nodded. “That she was willing to ... for me. Damn but I’m furious and awed all at the same time. She’s ...”

“Yeah,” Rio agreed. “Fierce.”

Rio started forward but Garrett held back. “I don’t know if Van briefed you or what all you know, but Marcus Lattimer hired us. That’s the story. Sarah is his sister and she doesn’t know. I don’t want her to find out until I have a chance to tell her.”

Rio nodded. “Van gave me the rundown. My men have been briefed. We’re cool. We’re not going to blow your cover. Now let’s get the fuck out of here. If I had to guess, we don’t have a lot of time before your brothers come in and start a fucking war with Mexico.”

Garrett grinned. “Family motto. No one fucks with the Kellys.”

With Rio’s help, Garrett walked out of the room and then out to the front of the house, where the rest of the team was assembled. They passed the bodies of the men who’d held him and Sarah captive and he frowned at what Sarah had seen on her way out.

Rio shook his head. “Terrence wouldn’t have let her see all that crap. I know my man better than that. He’s real protective when it comes to women.”

Garrett shook off Rio’s hold as they exited the house and he breathed in the fresh air. He automatically looked for Sarah and saw her standing off to the side, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked pale and completely lost. Terrence hovered over her and was speaking to her in low tones, but Garrett wasn’t even sure she heard. The three other members of Rio’s team were spread out and on careful watch duty.

As soon as she looked up and saw him, she broke away and ran to him. He braced himself for impact and opened his arms, but she stopped in front of him and then carefully went into his embrace.

She buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. She shook like a leaf.

“We need to make tracks,” he whispered softly.

She shuddered and tilted her head to look up at him. “I don’t want to stay here a minute longer than necessary.”

Garrett caught Rio’s gaze over Sarah’s head and tilted his head in the direction of the SUVs. Rio nodded and then took a step toward Sarah.

“Sarah, we need to get you inside the vehicle where it’s safe. Will you come with me?”

Rio kept a foot of distance between himself and Sarah and was careful to keep his voice measured. She wouldn’t even meet Rio’s gaze. A flush swept over her cheeks, and Garrett’s heart clenched at the humiliation in her eyes. For her to feel shame for what she’d done for him—that she was willing to sacrifice for him—made him sick. He was damn sure going to have a heart-to-heart with her at the first opportunity, because no way in hell was he going to allow her to be embarrassed over trying to protect him.

“What about you?” she asked Garrett. “You’re coming, right?”

There was fear in her voice despite the fact that her words came out steady. Her hand trembled in his and he squeezed reassuringly.

“I’m coming. I want you inside first. I’ll need to go in the back and I want you in the middle where you’re protected. There’ll be men on either side of you. Rio’s team.” He lowered his voice. “They won’t hurt you.”

She squeezed back. “I know. If you trust them, so do I. I’m just so ...” Her voice trailed off.

“Yeah, me too, honey. Me too. But we’re going to make it just fine. And then I’m going to fulfill a little promise I made.”

Her brow wrinkled in question.

“You. Me. Naked. Me inside you. As many times as I can get there.”

Color bloomed in her cheeks and she glanced hastily at Rio to make sure his murmured words weren’t overheard. Rio’s expression never changed. Sarah looked back, her cheeks still flushed, but there was heat in her eyes. He’d purposely reminded her of what they’d shared and what they would share to ease some of her shell shock.

A smile glimmered on her lips when she looked back at Garrett.

“Go with Rio. I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe.”

She nodded and eased her hand from his. He didn’t want to let her go even for a minute, but he wanted her in the truck, under guard while he got the report from his men and they got the hell out of this damn country. Nothing good ever came of him being in Mexico.

He watched as Rio ushered Sarah into the backseat of the SUV and Terrence stood guard outside the door. Then Rio walked back over to where Garrett stood.

“Okay, man, what’s the plan? You need a hospital and Sarah isn’t going to be happy if you don’t go. She’s all sorts of worried about you.”

“Fuck the hospital.”

“Don’t make me whip your ass in front of your woman. It would be humiliating.”

“We have more important issues to worry about than a hospital. Besides that, I don’t want Sarah out in public.”

“Who said anything about Sarah going to the hospital?”

Garrett tensed and fixed Rio with his stare. “She stays with me.”

“I hate to bring this up but it needs to be said. You need to give this assignment up and let someone else in KGI take over. You’re hurt and the entire mission is compromised because you’ve made this personal. You need to back off now.”

It took all he had not to kick Rio’s ass, even if it damn near killed him in the process. And Rio knew it pissed him off because he was watching Garrett with those dark eyes, studying every reaction and only convincing himself that he was all the more right. Well, maybe he was. He’d probably be preaching the same sermon to one of his team members if they were in the same position.

“I really don’t give a shit about the mission right now,” Garrett said in as controlled a voice as possible. “What I care about is keeping her safe, and don’t feed me that bullshit about how any of you can keep her safe. Okay, I get that. I don’t doubt your abilities. I trust you with my life. But I’m not trusting anyone but myself with hers. You said I’ve made it personal. You’re damn right I have. She’s mine.”

“Well fuck, Garrett,” Rio swore. “You’ve got yourself a hell of a problem then. Resnick’s going to be breathing down our necks wanting to know where Sarah is—”

“Another reason for me not to show up in some damn hospital.”

“There’s also the fact that Lattimer will be looking for his sister and the fact that you’re lying to her about who you are. You need to figure out what’s more important to you, man. Nailing Lattimer or having Sarah. Because something tells me you won’t get both.”

“Look, I really don’t want to get into this with you. Find me a damn clinic or fly me to Marin and let her check me over. Sarah goes where I go. End of story. This is my mission and I’ll fucking figure out what the hell I’m going to do. But for God’s sake, can we get the fuck out of Mexico?”

“You’re the boss,” Rio drawled. “I’ve got a chopper waiting about thirty miles south of here. We’ll ditch the rides and hop the border into Corazol. I have a contact there who can help us get medical care for you. On the way I’ll have to try to make contact with Van because they’ll all be coming in hot.”

“And I need to call home,” Garrett said quietly. He could only imagine how his mom and sisters-in-law felt. Ethan and Sam both would have gone. He knew because in their shoes he’d do the same for his brothers. Rachel was probably taking it especially hard. They tried to arrange it so that both he and Ethan were never gone at the same time.

“Need help?” Rio asked. He signaled his remaining men. “Let’s make tracks.”

Garrett took an experimental step forward and then another. Rio kept pace beside him and opened the back to lay the third-row seat down. He tossed the equipment to one of his other men, who transferred it to the other vehicle. Soon, Rio had a large enough space for Garrett to crawl in and lie down.

Sarah turned in her seat and watched as Garrett inched his way forward. By the time he was in, sweat beaded his forehead and he felt like he was going to puke his guts up.

“Do you have water?” Sarah asked softly, looking at Rio who was still standing behind Garrett. “Neither of us has had anything to eat or drink.”

“Of course,” Rio said. “I’ll have Terrence dig some out of his pack while I get us on the road. Okay, doll?”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

“You all set, man?” Rio asked.

“Yeah,” Garrett said. “Get us on the road and get me a damn sat phone.”
