ʺOKAY, now that the doctor has assured you all that I’m not dying, can everyone stop with the babysitting?” Garrett grumbled as they exited the small, rural clinic where Rio had taken him to be examined.

Sarah rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t say all that bruising is nothing.”

“No broken bones,” Garrett reminded her. “Probably fractured a few ribs, but that’s nothing I haven’t done before.”

They stood in the sunshine a step away from the van that had taken them thirty miles from Corozal. Rio and his men stood to the side, and Garrett leaned against the van as he looked to his team leader.

“Okay, what now? I assume you have a place off in the wilds somewhere where you can stash us. Donovan was going to send us to Alaska, but that’s out now. Too risky. I don’t want Sarah out in the open for that long.”

It also needed to be a place where they could draw Lattimer. The sooner they ended this madness, the sooner Sarah would be safe again, and then he could address this thing between them.

“As a matter of fact I do,” Rio said. “Always pays to have a few safe places that even the bosses don’t know about.”

Garrett shot him a look. Rio shrugged. “I’d be a dumbass if I didn’t plan for every contingency.”

Garrett couldn’t argue with that logic.

“I have a place on the Belize River several miles from the nearest village. It’s well stocked, isolated and it gives us several escape routes. I have a chopper there and a boat. We can bail at a moment’s notice by air, water or roadway.”

“And how big is this place?” Garrett asked. The last thing he wanted was to be tripping over five other men in close quarters.

Rio grinned. “Big enough. Besides, we’ll be taking position in a perimeter around the house. No one will get within a mile unless we want them to.”

Armed with painkillers, the trip over less-than-ideal roads wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Still, by the time they turned onto the winding road that led to Rio’s safe house, Garrett felt like he’d been beat all over again.

There was a large security gate that couldn’t be seen from the road. Security cameras were mounted at each post on the left and right and Garrett raised his brow as Rio opened the gate by remote.

“Exactly how much are we paying you, man?” Garrett joked.

Rio snorted. “Not nearly enough.”

The drive was a half mile long and looped around the incline to where the house rested atop a hill, completely surrounded and sheltered by dense trees.

Garrett whistled when he caught sight of the place. He’d been expecting a shack or maybe a stone building that more resembled a cave. Rio and his men had reputations for being staunch, cave-dwelling loners who kept to themselves when they weren’t on assignment.

Rio liked his privacy—obviously—but he damn sure wasn’t suffering in some hovel.

“Can’t wait to see this,” he muttered as they piled out of the van.

A high-security fence circled the house in addition to the barrier provided by the trees. The house was modern and sleek and spread out over at least three thousand square feet. When they entered, Garrett was struck by how clean and efficient the house looked, but what immediately took over his notice was the high-tech surveillance gear, the computer system and the weapons locker located just inside the door.

“Van would cream himself,” Garrett said.

Rio laughed. “That he would. I’d have to kick his ass because he’d be touching my stuff.”

He guided Sarah and Garrett into a kitchen that looked like something out of a catalog. All the modern appliances, granite countertops and a professional-grade stove with six gas burners.

“The kitchen is fully stocked. If it’s edible I probably have it. Freezer and fridge have all the necessary foodstuffs. Staples in the pantry. Plenty of bottled water. Don’t drink out of the tap. We don’t have the best water.”

They carried on into a sprawling living room, which Garrett immediately approved of. He cast a sideways glance at Sarah, wondering if she was noting the differences.

“This is the type of place you hole up in when you’re hiding,” he said. “There aren’t any open areas for anyone to see into the living room or take a shot at you from a distance. All the windows are high to allow light to enter but this is a completely safe room.”

“Oh yeah?” she muttered. “What if they have a grenade?”

Rio laughed. “Well then it’s KYAG time.”

At Sarah’s raised eyebrow, Garrett supplied, “Kiss your ass goodbye time.”

“Ah, very succinct.”

“The bedrooms are through here,” Rio said as he led them down a long hallway. “Each has its own bathroom and the master suite has a Jacuzzi tub and separate shower. Take your pick and make yourself at home.”

“This is your home, isn’t it?” Sarah asked softly. “Not just a safe house. I mean it’s your safe place.”

Rio was silent for a minute. “Yeah, it is. It’s the place I go when I want to be alone, but hey, a guy likes his creature comforts too.”

Sarah grimaced. “I’m sorry we’re intruding then. But thank you for sharing your private getaway with us.”

He smiled at her then and leaned over to ruffle her hair affectionately. “Well, if it was only Garrett I would have stashed him in some hovel somewhere. Much more in keeping with his winning personality. But I couldn’t very well treat a lady like that.”

“Oh, for God’s sake. I’m going to puke over here,” Garrett grumbled. “Don’t you have something better to be doing?”

Rio grinned again and gave a snappy two-finger salute before he sauntered back down the hall to round up his men.

Garrett and Sarah were standing in the doorway to the master suite and Garrett waited for her to venture in. “It’s beautiful,” she said as she turned in a circle in the middle of the room.

Garrett dropped their bags on the floor, startling her. She looked at the bags, looked at Garrett and then color rose in her cheeks.

“I’ll take one of the other bedrooms,” she said as she started toward her bag. “You can have this one. I don’t need much room.”

He caught her wrist before she could bend to retrieve her bag and then he pulled her up close until they were flush against each other. “You’re staying in here with me.”

She trembled and her eyes took on a slightly glazed, hungry look that brought his body to immediate attention.

“In that bed. With me,” he said as he nodded toward the big king-sized bed in the middle of the room. “Your legs wrapped around me, me inside you. I’ve thought of little else for the past few days. It’s what got me through the two days in captivity.”

She sucked in her breath and licked her lips nervously, leaving them plump and shiny and so damn irresistible. Then she put a hand on his chest and gave him a doubtful look.

“We can’t make love, you idiot. What you need is a bath and food and rest. You should climb in the tub and soak while I go fix us something to eat. I thought I’d make your favorite. Meat, meat and more meat.”

“Mmmm, that sounds good. But here’s what I think. I think you should take that bath with me and then we’ll both figure out something to fix.”

She stared at him for a minute and then past him toward the bathroom. He could see she was tempted. He pulled her in closer and murmured in her ear. “You, me, lots of hot water. I’ll wash your back. And your front. And all parts in between.”

She shivered delicately just as he sank his teeth into her lobe, nipping with just enough force to excite her.

“And just so you know, Sarah, I’m going to make love to you. I don’t give a damn if it kills me in the process. I’m going to have you. You’re going to sleep in my bed, in my arms, your skin against mine. I want the last thing you feel before you go to sleep is me inside you, and the first thing you know when you wake up.”

She made a soft, breathy, utterly feminine sound as she leaned into him, and he went painfully hard. God, but he wanted to touch her. He wanted to run his tongue from the tip of her nose to her toes and taste every delectable inch of her.

God, he had to quit or he was going to come in his pants.

“I’ll go run the water,” she said. “You sit down and rest while you wait.”

He grinned at her bossiness. “Yes, ma’am.”

Sarah pushed at him to get him to sit on the bed. When she was satisfied that he was comfortable and off his feet, she went into the bathroom. Her eyes widened when she took in the huge tub on an elevated platform. It was the centerpiece of the entire bathroom and would easily fit more than two people. Maybe Rio went in for more than one when it came to female companionship.

She laughed softly at the idea of the dark-eyed, quiet man being more frolicsome when it came to his private life.

On impulse, she searched the drawers for matches or a lighter and was delighted to find a long-stemmed candle lighter. She started the water running and then went around to light the candles placed at random spots around the bathroom. It seemed a girly thing to do but then a man owned this entire house, and the candles weren’t girly smelling. The scent was more earthy and masculine. It reminded her of the outdoors.

She stood back to survey her handiwork and then let out a groan. It looked like she was bent on seduction. Then she chuckled. She could hardly be accused of seduction when Garrett had made it abundantly clear that he had every intention of making love to her.

She rubbed her hands up and down her arms as she watched the water grow deeper in the tub. She wasn’t sure what had her on edge more. The idea of making love to Garrett or the fact that she wasn’t more wary of giving herself completely and wholly to a man. Of trusting him.

She shrugged. The fact was, she wasn’t afraid of Garrett. He’d been achingly tender and up front with her. He hadn’t hidden from the mutual attraction that flared like a brush fire between them. She cherished the honesty between them, and she trusted him—in a way she’d never thought to trust another man.

After putting out towels and arranging the soaps and shampoo just so, she turned the water off and went back for Garrett.

She found him flat on his back, eyes closed, and for a moment she stood there, watching him. Absorbing everything about him. His broad chest rose up and down with his breaths and he looked oddly vulnerable, a fact she found extremely endearing.

She eased onto the bed and leaned over him, letting her hair fall to his shoulder. She rubbed one finger down his jawline, and his eyelids slitted open. He watched her with lazy regard as she ran her finger over his lips.

“Bath’s ready,” she murmured. “Need help up?”

“I could use help undressing,” he said, an unholy gleam in his eyes.

“Of course you do,” she muttered, but a smile hovered at the corners of her mouth.

She backed off the bed and watched as he rolled to the edge and put his feet down. Unsure of whether to help him or not, she waited and let him walk ahead of her.

“This is nice,” he said as he looked around.

“Not too girly?”

He turned to look at her. “Nope, not too girly at all. As long as you like it, I like it.”

He wasted no time stripping off his shirt. She winced when she saw the multitude of bruises that colored his abdomen. He looked like an Easter egg. When he started to shimmy out of his pants, she turned away and then shook her head at the absurdity of the action. She glanced back to see a prime view of his backside as he climbed over the edge into the water.

Damn but the man was built like a brick house. All hard lines, lean at the waist and hips, broad at the shoulders and a muscled back that made her mouth water. When he turned to lower himself in the water, she saw the rippled, discolored tight abdomen and the dark hair at his groin. And even at a state of semi erection, the man was impressive.

Even as large as the tub was, he seemed to fill every inch. He sank into water and stretched out with an appreciative groan. “Damn but this feels good.”

Steam rose from the water—she’d been sure to make it hot—and he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Unsure of what she was supposed to do—okay so she knew, but she felt damn awkward—she piddled with her shirt.

Finally she turned away and walked toward the far corner so she could undress. She hoped she didn’t lose the nerve because she wanted that hot bath more than she wanted anything right now.


She turned at the sound of his voice to see him watching her through half-lidded eyes.

“Come here.”

Her head cocked to the side in question, she returned to the bathtub.

“Want to know what my fantasy is right now?” he asked. Her eyebrow went up and she nodded.

“I want you to undress right there where I can watch.”

She swallowed nervously. “You might not think it’s such a fantasy when I get my clothes off.”

His velvet gaze stroked over her body, touching fire to every nerve ending. “You have a beautiful body, honey. Perfect. I’ve had some pretty sweaty fantasies about it since meeting you. And that day on the beach when you wore that little suit. It was so modest but it made me even crazier because I kept imagining what was underneath.”

Mesmerized by the low pitch of his voice and warmed to her toes by the stark truth in his eyes, she reached down to unbutton her shorts. His gaze followed her every movement as she unfastened and then slid the material down over her hips.

She gripped the hem of her T-shirt and pulled up and over her head, leaving her in just her bra and panties. She stood for a moment, gauging his reaction, but all she saw was pure, unadulterated male appreciation.

She wasn’t sure which should go next, bra or panties, so she mentally flipped a coin and the bra won. She reached behind her to grapple with the clasp, because was there anything less sexy than taking the straps down and then twisting it around to undo from the front?

The band popped free and the cups loosened, but she held them over her breasts for the barest of moments before allowing the straps to tumble down over her shoulders. Then she let it fall to the floor as she lowered her arms.

She couldn’t meet his stare now and instead looked down as she hooked her thumbs in the lacy band of her panties. With a little wiggle, she worked the underwear down her legs and let it fall.

“Come here,” he said in a sexy, husky voice.

When she looked up there was a predatory gleam in Garrett’s eyes. A look that told her she was his and he planned to lay claim. Oh but she loved that look. No one had ever looked at her with such intensity. Like he dared anyone to take what was his away. Like he wanted to devour her in a single bite and savor the taste.

He held up his hand to help her over the edge of the tub. She slid her fingers through his and stepped into the steaming water. As soon as it sluiced over her ankles, she moaned with the sheer pleasure of it.

He tugged her forward, closer to him and then downward until she knelt, facing him, in the water between his thighs. He reached around to cup her neck and then pulled her down into his kiss. His other found the swell of her breast, cupped one and ran his thumb over her nipple. It hardened instantly, becoming a rigid, sensitive point.

When he pulled away, they were both breathing hard. Arousal glazed his eyes, and the pupils were flared, making his eyes more black than blue.

“Turn around,” he directed.

She complied and he pulled her into the V of his legs until her back was melded to his chest and she was surrounded by him, enveloped by his touch and smell.

“Relax,” he murmured. “We can use this for a while.”

She leaned farther into his embrace until they were both reclined, water lapping to their necks. His hands wandered lazily up and down her body, down her waist and then back up again, where he’d cup her breasts and bring her nipples to erect nubs.

Lulled by his light caresses, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to his touch and to the soothing hot water.

His touch grew bolder, lowering to the juncture of her thighs, teasing the curls at the apex. Her breath drew in painfully and she held it in anticipation as her body quivered—wanting and needing him to touch her more intimately.

He was patient, drawing lazy circles, dipping down to run his fingers over the closed seam between her legs. She sighed and parted her thighs, wanting him to have easier access. Slowly he worked one finger between her folds and rubbed lightly over her clit.

She gasped and tensed as pleasure shot through her body, tingling and burning its way through her veins and to all her pleasure points. Her breasts tightened and ached, wanting equal attention.

“Lay your head back on my shoulder,” he whispered. “I want to see your face when I make you come.”

Her head drooped back and she turned her face away as he nuzzled her neck. His fingers were magic, taking her up so close to her peak and then slowing and bringing her down until she was boneless in his arms.

His middle finger slipped lower, circling her entrance before entering the barest of inches, teasing and stroking. When her breaths were coming fast and shallow, he went back to her clit, exerting just the right amount of pressure as he found her sweet spot.

He licked her pulse point at her neck and then nipped lightly, his teeth grazing as goose bumps erupted over her flesh. “Come for me, Sarah. Right here. Right now in my arms. Let go for me, baby.”

She twisted against him, arching into his hand as his fingers grew more insistent. He knew just how to touch her, just how hard to exert pressure and when to let off. As his mouth melted against her neck again, her orgasm flashed, quick and hard, exploding through her body. Wave after wave of intense, mind-bending pleasure curled through her pelvis and spread through her limbs until she was mindless and limp.

Slowly she came back to awareness as he rained a trail of kisses over the curve of her shoulder.

“That was amazing,” she murmured. She yawned broadly and floated in the sweet aftermath as he stroked her body with gentle hands.

His erection was rigid against her back. Hot like a branding iron. Thick and large.

You’re amazing,” he said sincerely. “What you did back there, Sarah. I’m humbled. I’m furious with you for putting yourself between me and danger like that, and if you ever do it again, I’ll spank your ass. But I’m so goddamn amazed at the courage it took for you to face him down like that.”

“I was scared,” she admitted. “But I figured whatever they did, it couldn’t be as bad as what you’d suffered. I’d survive. I did it once. I can do it again.”

He gathered her close and held on to her as he kissed the side of her face. “Thank you. I’m furious. I’m amazed. But thank you.”

They soaked awhile longer, Sarah limp against his chest, content in the aftermath of his lovemaking. Finally, with the water cooling around them, she stirred and pushed herself upward. She turned to help Garrett, but he gripped the sides of the tub with bloodless fingers and strained to rise from the tub.

His face went pale and his lips formed a paper-thin line. His breaths spurted out raggedly as he stood a moment catching his breath. She hurried out of the tub and jerked a towel from the rack. She was there to help him as he stepped from the tub, not that she did him any good. But she was determined to take as good care of him as he had of her.

Gently she worked the towel over his body, wiping the wetness away. He was hugely aroused, and his cock strained upward toward his belly. Despite serious effort not to look, her gaze wandered to it more than once as she continued to towel him off.

Finally he seemed to be able to take no more. With a stifled groan, he gripped her wrist. “Finish drying yourself off. I’ll be in the bedroom.”

He walked stiffly from the bathroom, leaving her standing naked and still dripping. She wrapped the towel around her and hugged the material close.

She wasn’t afraid. She knew what was going to happen. More than that, she knew what she wanted to do. She didn’t want to wait for Garrett to act. She didn’t want to be a passive participant.

Hurriedly, she dried her hair and combed through it until the tangles were gone. There was a robe hanging from a hook on the back of the door, and as large as it was, it had to belong to Rio.

She pulled it on and tied the belt before walking out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Garrett was lying on the bed, a towel still wrapped around his hips. His eyes were closed and she frowned at the vivid bruising over his midsection.

Even battered and bruised, he was a beautiful man. Drawn to the vulnerable picture he posed, she crawled onto the bed beside him. His eyes opened and he focused on her as she knelt beside him.

He started to speak, but she lowered her mouth to his to hush him.

Just as she had while they were locked in the cell, she worked to soothe his hurts. Only this time there was no fear of discovery. No uncertainty of their fate. No reason for her to hold anything back.

Garrett watched the series of emotions that flickered across her face as she drew away. Her hand slipped up and down his chest, pausing low on his belly. Her fingers trembled against him, part nervousness and part excitement, if he had to guess.

A little shyly, she pulled at the towel until the ends fell away, baring him completely to her gaze. His cock shot upward as a surge of lust blew through his system. Every muscle in his body screamed its protest but at the moment he didn’t give a damn.

There was a purposeful look in her eyes that had him hopeful and breathless all at the same time. Then she cocked her head and bit at her bottom lip as if she were unsure of what to do next. It was almost like she was looking to him for guidance. Or permission. Was she afraid of hurting him?

“Make love to me, Sarah,” he whispered. “Touch me. You feel so damn good. Do what you want. You won’t hurt me.”

He could be lying or maybe he was hoping like hell he spoke the truth. All he knew was that he wanted her mouth on him like he wanted his next breath.

She kissed him again, this time in the center of his chest. As she kissed a delicate path down his midsection, her hand slid lower and her fingers circled his erection.

Ah shit.

He groaned and stirred restlessly, ignoring the pain he felt every time he so much as twitched.

Then she released him and slid her hand back up again as she kissed each area of his bruised ribs. Little butterfly kisses, each one bringing such pleasure that he was dizzy with it.

She loved every part of his ache, coaxed and caressed until the pain slid quietly away, replaced by warm euphoria. Her mouth crept lower until her tongue circled a wet path around his navel and to the sensitive skin underneath.

She hesitated when she licked down to his groin, and his breath caught in his chest and held until finally she grasped his erection. He exhaled in jerky puffs as her fingers circled him once again and she gently moved her hand up and down.

Again she lowered her mouth and brushed her lips just above the base of his cock. He was crazy with anticipation. Each breath was shallower than the last and every nerve ending in his body was screaming. He moved restlessly, ignoring the protest of his body. His skin was itchy and alive like he was about to turn inside out.

And finally she slipped her mouth over the crown of his erection and did a warm, wet slide down to her knuckles. He was already hard but the moment her tongue brushed over his length, he hardened to stone, his dick so rigid that it was as much pain as pleasure, and God, he wanted more.

She glided upward again, tasting every inch. Her mouth was the sweetest pleasure he’d ever known in his life. She took away the pain and replaced it with warmth he felt all the way to his soul.

He had to touch her. His hands curled and itched like crazy. He raised one to rest on her head and then delved into her hair, rubbing and moving down to her nape as he urged her on. He was careful not to push even though his mind and body were screaming to surge more fully into her.

She’d shared every part of herself. He knew how difficult it must have been for her to initiate this. He savored it, tasted it. His hand gentled, squeezing softly at her nape before sliding through her hair once more to the back of her head. He loved the feel of her hair around his fingers. He wanted her skin more.

As she sucked him deeper, he closed his eyes again and skimmed down to the side of her neck. She shivered when he caressed the skin just below her ear. He lingered there a moment and when she dipped again to take him deep, he traced a line around the hollow of her throat and then to her collarbone.

Her breasts swayed just underneath his reach. Her robe had come open and he could see the tempting swells. He wanted to cup the soft flesh and run his thumb over her nipple, feel it pucker and harden against the pad. But he didn’t want to take more from her than she was willing to give, and so he contented himself with stroking the flesh of her neck and watching her throat work up and down as she swallowed against his erection.

His release was building and as much as he wanted satisfaction, he wanted to live in the moment. He didn’t want it to end so soon.

He touched her jaw and she instantly went still. She turned, releasing him from her mouth and faced him, her eyes glowing softly.

“Should I stop?”

“Hell no.” He couldn’t contain the explosive denial and he worked to amend his statement. “Only for a moment. It’s too soon. It’s too good to end so quickly.”

Her lips curved upward into a sensual smile of a female who knew she was pleasing her man. She stroked him with her hand, working up and down in slow, rhythmic motions as she continued to watch him.

“Lower,” he said in a husky voice. “Touch me lower. Wrap your fingers around me, honey. I want you everywhere.”

He moaned when she slid her hand all the way down to the base and then let go to cup his balls. She measured the weight in her hand squeezing gently and running her fingers over the sac.

“With your mouth,” he whispered. “Do it while you use your mouth.”

Her hair fell like a curtain as she lowered her head again. He pushed it aside, wanting to see her mouth as she closed it around his cock. As she massaged and rolled his balls in her hand, she sucked wetly down his length, exerting firm pressure with her mouth.

His breath escaped in a long hiss and every muscle in his body tightened. The pressure was painful as his bruised and aching muscles protested, but he urged her on, the pleasure of her mouth too much to deny.

“I’m close,” he warned. “You can use your hand if you don’t want me to come in your mouth.”

She made a low purring sound in the back of her throat and then took him whole. He bumped against the back of her mouth and felt her swallow—an invitation—against the head. Oh God, he wasn’t going to last.

Like silk, she glided sensuously over his cock, her tongue rubbing erotically along the underside. She increased the pace and tightened the pressure until he was nearly insane with the mounting frenzy.


Her name tore from his lips just as his release boiled up and over. Fire shot through his groin and raced through his veins like quicksilver. He spurted against the back of her throat and then his release coated warm liquid in her mouth and over his cock. She swallowed and continued her downward motion, taking him and holding him like she savored every inch.

Nothing had ever been so good. He floated, free of pain, free of everything but her.

Gently, she coaxed the last of his release from him with soft sucking motions. Then she carefully pulled him from her mouth and then facing him, she laid her cheek on his thighs and slid her hand up his hip and to his belly.

She smiled up at him, her eyes soft and contented. He trailed fingers through her hair, stroking over and over.

“That was amazing,” he murmured.

“I didn’t hurt you?”

There was worry in her voice and even as she asked, she slid her hand over the bruises as if she could wipe them away with her touch.

“I promise you I felt nothing but pleasure after I got inside your mouth.”

She smiled again. “I’m glad. I wanted to take away the pain for a little while.”

“You did more than that,” he said softly. “You gave me something very special. Don’t think I’ll forget.”

Her cheeks colored prettily and he brushed his fingers over her temple.

“Let’s go eat,” he suggested. “I imagine you’re starving, and I promised you caramel num nums.”

She laced her fingers with his and squeezed. “You’ve kept all your promises, Garrett.”
