Chapter 15

AFTER HIS CONVERSATION with Emma, Luke decided she needed some time and distance to think about what they talked about. Hell, even he needed some time to think, because he knew if they got together again, he’d have to make a commitment to do more than just take her to bed.

Because what she was all twisted up about wasn’t just sex. She had a past to get over, and it had been an ugly, painful one that had hurt her and had turned her off relationships and men. Hell, that she could even be around guys after what she’d been through was a testament to her strength and courage.

Just the things they’d done together was a big step for her. She’d been open and fun and, God, she was so sexy. But she was also reluctant.

Yeah, so was he. But he still wanted more. And that meant moving forward with Emma—like into a relationship. And Luke wasn’t sure he was ready for that step, or if he’d ever be that ready. But it was becoming achingly clear he wasn’t going to be able to get her out of his system until he found out where this was going.

Emma seemed as gun-shy about a relationship as he was, so maybe this could turn out to be a good thing. They could enjoy spending time together without either of them needing or wanting a serious commitment.

She might just be perfect for him.

The only bad thing about that was he had the potential to hurt her, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Someone had already hurt her enough. Which meant he’d have to tread lightly.

Off duty, he approached the clinic and decided to drop by.

Rachel and Leanne were both up front and greeted him.

“Where’s Boomer?” Rachel asked.

“Sacked out in the backseat of the cruiser.”

“Awww. Rough day?”

“He saw a little action.”

“I heard there’ve been more drug-related break-ins. The pharmacy on Fifth got hit this week?”


“But you haven’t caught them yet?” Leanne asked.

“Not yet. But we’re still investigating leads. We’ll find them.”

“I hope so.”

“Brutus is ready for boarding,” Rachel said, handing Leanne a chart.

“Okay, thanks. See you, Officer Luke.”

“Bye, Leanne.”

Leanne took off with the only other patient who had been in the waiting room, leaving him alone.

“Light schedule today, huh?” he asked Rachel.

“Yeah. Long weekend coming up, so I think people are getting a head start. We have a lot of pets coming in to be boarded, but not so much in the way of patients.”

One of the exam-room doors opened, and Luke heard Emma’s voice.

“She’ll be fine once she has a full day on this medication, Mrs. Schechter. Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Thank you, Dr. Burnett. I was so concerned.”

“It’s not a serious illness. The antibiotics will start helping right away. Flounder will be good as new in a day or so.”

Emma walked out with an older woman carrying a white cat.

“Rachel will take care of you. And if Flounder isn’t showing signs of improvement in a couple days, you call and let us know.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you again.”

Emma smiled, then looked up and saw him. “Oh, Luke. Hi.”

He hadn’t seen her in a few days, not since that night they’d talked at her house. He’d left her after that, since she’d seemed wrung out after her big confession. Staying with her—pressing things between them—had seemed inappropriate. So he’d kissed her good-bye so she could get some rest. He’d called her to check in the next day, and she told him she’d felt better after some sleep.

He’d missed her, and her smile.

“Hi, Emma. I was in the area and thought I’d stop by, see how you’re doing.”

She shoved her hands in the pockets of her lab coat. “I’m doing . . . great. How are you?”

“Good. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Oh . . . Uh. I don’t know. Do I?” She looked over at Rachel.

“You’re done for the day, Dr. Emma. No more appointments.”

Emma frowned. “Really?”

“Really. So you and Officer Luke can have all the time you need.” Rachel shot Luke a grin.

“I need to check on this morning’s surgery patient.”

“Leanne just checked on Elsworth. He’s still sleeping. BP is normal and she removed his IV. His owners are coming to pick him up within the hour. It’s in his chart if you want to take a look.”

“Thanks, Rachel.”

She turned her attention on Luke again.

“If you’re busy—”

“No. Come to my office. I need something to drink anyway.”

He followed her back, winking at Rachel, who winked back and smiled.

She grabbed two sodas from the refrigerator in the break room, then led him into her office. Daisy and Annie came up to him, obviously excited to see him.

“Hey, girls. I’ve missed you.” He petted them, and they licked his hand.

“They’re happy to see you.”

“I’m happy to see them, too. Boomer misses his friends. It’s been a few days.”

“Yes. It has. Where is Boomer?”

“In the cruiser. Napping.”

“Oh. Busy day?”

“Yeah. He’s taking a break.”

She leaned against her desk, and he tried not to notice her lab coat was open and her scrubs stretched tight against her breasts.

He cleared his throat.

“So, what brings you here, officer?”

He liked when she talked to him in that slightly teasing, low-throated way. It was sexy.

“I just wanted to check on you. And to ask what your plans were for this weekend.”

Her eyes widened. “Uh . . . this weekend?”

“It’s a holiday weekend. The weather is supposed to be warm. I thought we’d go to the lake. With the dogs.”

“The lake. With the dogs.”

“Should I write this down?”

“Why would you write it down?”

“Because for some reason you feel the need to repeat what I say back to me.”

“Oh. Sorry. You want to take me to the lake with you?”

“Yeah. I have a cabin there. And a boat.”

“You have a boat?”

“You don’t like boats? Or maybe water?”

“I love boats. And water.”

“Good. Let’s just go to the cabin over the weekend with the dogs and have some fun.”

“Okay. Let’s do that.”

He’d expected more reluctance, that he’d have to cajole her into it. “Great. I’ll pick you up at your house after you get off work tomorrow. Be packed and ready to go.”

“Should I shop for food or something?”

“We’ll do that when we get up there. There’s a store nearby.”

“All right.”

“I should go so you can finish up your workday.” He pushed off the wall, then reached for the door handle in her office.


He paused, turned his head to look at her. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for inviting me. I’m looking forward to this weekend.”

Her voice was soft, like a caress over his skin.

He came toward her and grabbed her lab coat, tugging her toward him for a kiss. It was long, lingering, and made him want to stay for more. But he had work to do, and so did she.

“Me, too, Emma.”
