Chapter 24

FORENSICS HAD FINALLY come through for them with the latest break-in. The perp had trampled in some dirt and left footprints, no doubt from making his entrance through the woods.

He might have been wearing gloves, but there was nothing he could do to disguise those footprints. The perp’s shoes were different from the ones all the cops wore, so it had been easy to isolate them. Now law enforcement was tracking the size and type of shoe he wore, at least narrowing the field.

Luke’s captain had agreed that setting a trap was the best way to go. They were going to make a big deal out of a drug delivery to one of the small pharmacies on the north end of town. If the perp was casing any of these places, he’d notice. They had it organized for the coming Thursday night. Luke and his team would be inside, the rest of the team forming a perimeter around the outside of the pharmacy, out of sight.

Of course, there was no guarantee this would work. The dumbass might not even be paying attention to the pharmacy, might not hit it at all, and their efforts would be wasted. But if he was interested in hitting a drug gold mine, then Hastings Drugstore would be the mother lode, and he wouldn’t be able to resist.

Luke and Boomer were still hanging out at Emma’s house. She hadn’t yet thrown him out, and until this guy was caught, Luke wasn’t comfortable leaving her alone. She didn’t seem to mind sharing her bed with him, and he sure liked being in bed with her.

They had a routine going, and even their dogs were compatible. They both got up around the same time in the morning, and Emma never asked him for anything or put any strings on him, like wanting to know when he’d be home or giving him shit when he was late. This relationship wasn’t as scary as Luke thought it might be.

Huh. He was in a relationship with Emma. He supposed he should just acknowledge that, at least to himself. He and Emma hadn’t talked about it. He stayed at her house and slept in her bed, and they saw each other as often as they could, considering their schedules. But neither of them had said the R word.

Or the L word, for that matter. The thought of either twisted him up inside. He’d made such a mess of his marriage to Becca. The last thing he’d ever wanted was to go down that road again, preferring his carefree bachelor lifestyle, as commitment-phobic as any guy could get.

And now he had his toothbrush and deodorant in Emma’s bathroom, and she’d cleaned out a couple of drawers in her dresser for his stuff, without either of them ever having a conversation about where they were headed.

That was just fucked-up. They needed to start communicating with each other. He needed to tell her his fears about commitment, and she needed to rely on him a little more instead of feeling like she had to hold the responsibility for her entire life on her own shoulders. He got the independence thing. After what she went through with her ex, he understood it. But leaning on him a little every now and then wouldn’t break her. He just didn’t know how to broach the subject without her turning tail and running. Tiptoeing around each other was only going to end in disaster.

And he didn’t like the thought of their relationship ending.

He sat in her living room with his feet propped up on the coffee table, Boomer and Daisy snuggled up together on the dog bed in the living room. Annie, on the other hand, had made a bed out of his lap. When Emma opened the front door, Annie leaped off his lap, causing him to wince, since she’d used his balls as a launching point.

“Hi, kids,” she said, her voice affectionate and warm as she greeted all the dogs. “Did you have a good night?” She petted all of them, and Luke loved watching her with them.

Someday she was going to make an incredible mother.

And didn’t that thought tighten his gut even more?

“How did it go?” he asked as she plopped down on the sofa to plant a kiss on his lips.

She grinned. “I passed with flying colors, of course. I even placed all my bullets on the bad guy in the target. I’ll have my gun license as soon as all the paperwork is processed and the required fees are paid.”

He pulled her onto his lap. “Congratulations. I knew you could do it.”

“The rules and law part of the class was pretty interesting. Dry at times, but interesting nonetheless. And how did you guys do tonight?”

“We watched a baseball game and then played catch in the backyard. Annie ate part of a tennis ball.”

“Of course she did.” Emma glared at Annie, who leaped on the sofa to launch herself onto both their laps.

“Annie. Off.” Emma shooed her off the sofa. “I don’t know where she developed such a bad habit.”

“Huh. No idea.”

Emma gave him a dubious look. “Tell me you’re not letting her up on the sofa.”

“Okay. I won’t tell you.”

She shook her head. “I need a pop. Would you like something?”

“Kitchen sex would be great, thanks.”

She laughed and got up. “Wasn’t what I was offering. I’m just going for the pop for now. You’ll get sex later.”

He grinned. She grabbed something to drink, then filled him in on the class, while he told her about his day and the sting operation they were setting up for the robbery suspect.

“That sounds intriguing. And dangerous.”

“It won’t be dangerous. Except maybe for the suspect. For obvious reasons, you can’t repeat this to anyone. Not even Jane and Chelsea.”

“Obviously. I won’t tell a soul. I do want you to be careful. I never saw the guy with a gun, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one.”

“And I won’t be the only one inside the pharmacy. Trust me, we’ll be well protected.”

She laid her head on his chest. “I hope so. I’ve kind of grown accustomed to seeing you here every day.”

He put his arm around her and stared at the TV. “Yeah, I’ve kind of gotten used to being here.”

And once again, the conversation stopped, neither of them willing to have that oh-so-important talk about oh-so-important things.

One of these days, though, all those critical topics were going to get discussed.
