Chapter 25

EMMA WAS SCHEDULED to have a late girls’ night with Jane and Chelsea on Thursday, but she was a nervous wreck. She knew all she’d be thinking about was Luke, holed up at the pharmacy, lying in wait for the suspect, and she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything Jane and Chelsea said. Then they’d ask her what was wrong, and she’d have to lie.

She hated lying. So she called them up and . . . basically lied, telling them she had a lot of paperwork to catch up on, so they’d have to reschedule. After the clinic closed at eight, she came home and snuggled with the dogs, trying to concentrate on television, though she found herself repeatedly getting up to pace. So she decided to read a book, but she couldn’t concentrate and kept reading the same paragraph over and over, which ended up frustrating her. Putting the book aside, she took the dogs outside and let them run off some energy, which did nothing for her own stress level.

She knew she wouldn’t hear from Luke for a while yet. He wouldn’t call while they staked out the place. And if they did manage to catch the guy, he might not call, because he’d be too busy wrapping up the case.

Which meant she had nothing to do but sit at home and . . . stress.


When her phone rang, she ran to answer it.

It wasn’t Luke. It was Ellen Andrews, whose poodle, Nina, had gotten attacked by a much larger dog. Ellen was hysterical because Nina was bleeding and weak.

“I’ll meet you at the clinic in ten minutes, Ellen. Do what you can to stop the bleeding by putting towels or bandages on the wounds and compressing on them. Do you have someone to drive you?”

“Y-yes. My husband Zane will drive.”

“I’ll see you there shortly.”

She slid into her shoes and grabbed her keys, then ran out the door to her truck. Within less than ten minutes she was at the clinic. Ellen and Zane were there with Nina a few minutes later.

Ellen looked a wreck, her cheeks streaked with tears. She was shaking as they brought Nina to the exam room. Emma gloved up and removed the towels Ellen had wrapped her in so she could examine her.

Yeah, some dog had bitten Nina pretty badly.

“I’m going to clean her up and get her stitched,” Emma explained. “Why don’t the two of you go out to the waiting room. There’s a coffeepot out there, and water in the nearby kitchen off to the right. You can make yourself a pot if you’d like.”

Zane put his arm around Ellen. “I’ll take care of that. Thanks, Dr. Emma.”

Emma scooped up Nina and took her into the OR, anesthetized her, then started prepping her. Once Nina was out, she shaved the areas that needed suturing and got those spots cleaned up, much easier now that the poodle wasn’t quivering in pain.

“Poor baby,” Emma said, running her gloved hands over the dog. “Some dogs are just mean, aren’t they?”

Emma got Nina sewed up, checked her for any other signs of injury, then gave her a shot to ward off infection.

She went out to the waiting area. “She’s going to be fine, but she’s still anesthetized, and I’ve got her hooked up to fluids. I’d like to keep her here overnight.”

“We’ve warned the neighbors about their dog, but they ignored us,” Zane said. “We called the police, and the dog has been confiscated. At least he’s updated on shots so we don’t have to worry about rabies.”

“That’s good news. And don’t worry about Nina. She’s going to be okay. She’ll sleep all night, and you can come by in the morning to pick her up.”

Ellen took her hands. “Thank you for saving her life.”

“You’re welcome. Now both of you, go home and get some sleep. Your baby will be okay here.”

After Ellen and Zane left, Emma stretched and looked up at the clock over the reception desk.

Ten thirty. She blew out a breath and went to check on Nina. In her cage, she was asleep, her vitals normal. She went into the OR to start cleaning up the mess from the surgery, not wanting to leave it for Leanne to deal with in the morning.

When she heard the bumping noise, she thought maybe it was Nina waking up and fighting the anesthesia, so she went to investigate.

And came face-to-face with her worst nightmare. Someone she’d hoped to never see again.

