Emerald stared at Jackson. He was self-conscious about his photography even though she could tell it meant a lot to him. She was no expert, but that camera he was using was no cheap piece of equipment. He’d sunk serious bucks into it, and for a man like Jackson, that meant that he was deadly serious about it.
She wanted to talk more about his artistic career, but one look at his closed-off expression told her that wouldn’t be happening. Not now. That didn’t mean that she wouldn’t pursue it later though. She could be tenacious when she wanted something.
He took a step closer to the water, the intensity in his blue eyes scorching her bare flesh even hotter than the sun was already doing. She licked her lips in anticipation. Jackson had too much responsibility and he’d had it for far too long. He needed to play and she was just the woman to make that happen.
Batting her eyelashes at him, she smiled coyly. “Why don’t you come in and find out?”
The corners of his mouth kicked up in a slow grin. “I think that I will.” He ripped his white T-shirt over his head and tossed it next to her pile of clothing. “How did you find out about the swimming hole?” He unlaced his boots and pulled them off one at a time, dropping them to the ground near his feet. His socks followed.
“Erin mentioned it to me. She said I could use it any time I wanted.” The more male flesh he exposed, the harder it was getting to pay attention to the conversation. She’d seen him naked, but somehow this was different. Out under the harsh rays of the sun, there was no hiding anything. For either one of them.
His torso was bronzed from hours of working under the unforgiving sun. His muscles rippled as his hands went to the fastenings of his jeans. Quickly, he skinned his pants over his thighs, taking his plain cotton briefs with them. Kicking jeans and underwear aside, he stood there and let her look her fill.
She licked her lips, her skin tingling from the heat of the sun and pure anticipation. His cock stood straight up from its dark nest of curls and his testicles looked heavy and full. He was totally aroused and wasn’t ashamed to show her. He propped his hands on his hips and it emphasized the sheer magnitude of his shoulders, his tapered torso and lean waist. Legs spread apart, feet planted on the ground, he was masculinity personified.
Her nipples were puckered into tight buds that ached, and her breasts rose and fell with each deep breath she took.
“I watched you touch yourself.” Jackson’s low voice caressed her skin, raising goose bumps on her arms.
It took her a second to realize what he was talking about. She could feel the heat on her face and knew it was more than just the sun making her blush. Still, she tried to brazen it out. “Did you now?” She was thirty years old, damn it. There was no need for her to be embarrassed.
“I liked watching you.” His voice deepened to a husky growl as he took a step toward the edge of the pond. “Do it again. Touch yourself for me.”
She shivered beneath the intensity of his stare, her nipples tightening in anticipation. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands low on her belly and then slid them upward. Her hair still hid most of her breasts from view so she took a moment to push it out of the way.
Jackson grunted his approval, taking another step. Water closed around his feet and ankles.
Emerald cupped her breasts in her hands and rubbed her thumbs over her straining nipples. The air around her was heavy and thick with heat and expectancy. The continuous low buzz of the insects faded away as he took another step toward her. Her belly clenched and she felt a throbbing ache begin to pulse deep within.
He moved steadily toward her, not stopping until he was standing right in front of her. She was a tall woman at five foot eight, but Jackson was several inches over six feet. He made her feel almost petite and she was very aware of her femininity and the differences between them. Her pulse quickened.
His large body shaded hers and she had to blink so that her vision could adjust. He leaned down, his lips grazing the swell of her breast as he continued lower. Her hands, still cupping her breasts, tightened in reflex. He blew over her tight nipple. “That’s it,” he crooned. “Offer yourself to me.” His tongue flicked over the nub, teasing it, tormenting it. “Give yourself to me.”
There was no thought of denying him. She wanted him to the point of madness. Heat flooded her core and she was surprised that the water around them wasn’t boiling or at least steaming. She made a low sound deep in her throat that he took as agreement, drawing her nipple into his mouth and suckling.
Emerald tipped back her head and closed her eyes. She swayed in the water, almost weightless. Needing something to anchor herself, she slid her hands over his strong forearms, across his shoulders and neck, until her fingers were tangled in his hair. Gripping him tight, she held him to her as his mouth continued to pleasure her breasts. First one and then the other.
“Jackson,” she groaned. She wanted more. Needed more. Her fingernails dug into his scalp as he carefully grazed her breast with his teeth before tugging gently on the swollen tip.
His large hands cupped her ass, squeezing and caressing as they moved around her hips. “Spread your legs,” he instructed as his fingers kneaded the front of her thighs.
She shifted her feet apart and had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as the cool water rushed between her legs. A gasp escaped when his fingers parted her and began to caress the slick folds. Without hesitation, he slipped one finger inside her. Her hips swayed toward him. One finger became two as he continued the in-and-out motion in a steady, unhurried rhythm.
“Jackson!” she cried almost mindlessly as he suckled her breasts and fucked her with his fingers. The heat of the day wrapped around her in a thick blanket, blocking the harsh realities of the world, at least for the moment. The pond water lapped around her belly, a cool caress.
Jackson’s mouth and fingers coaxed her forward, leading her closer and closer to orgasm. This man barely had to touch her and she was ready to explode. Her skin tingled as the heat built within and without. His fingers stretched the delicate muscles within as he stroked deep, finding the sweet spot as he withdrew. His thumb stroked the hard nub of nerves at the apex of her sex.
Emerald gasped, her breath coming harder and faster. Her toes curled into the small stones lining the bottom of the pond. Her entire being was stretched tight and ready to snap. A low keening sound broke from her lips as she shattered. Her inner muscles convulsed and her body shook as she came. Heat and relief flooded through her veins, making her blood thicken.
Carefully, Jackson withdrew his fingers and straightened. She clutched him tight, not wanting him to leave her. His cock was hard and hot against her belly as he pulled her close. His arms came around her and she felt his lips against her forehead.
Smiling, she blinked away the lethargy threatening to swamp her and looked up at him. His face was a mask of unfulfilled desire, yet she could see the pleasure and satisfaction in his eyes. Jackson was a very giving man and now she wanted to give back to him.
He lifted her suddenly and she automatically wrapped her arms and legs around him. Jackson groaned as the head of his cock brushed against the heat of her pussy. She squirmed until the tip was positioned at the opening and pressed down. About an inch slipped inside her. Just enough to tease her and make her moan.
“I don’t have any protection with me.” Jackson began to slosh back to shore, each step driving him a bit deeper inside her. She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from screaming. Her head was spinning from the combination of heat and building desire. She’d just orgasmed, but already she could feel the familiar ache low in her belly.
Burying her face in his shoulder, she sighed, knowing that he was right and they couldn’t take a chance. It was hard though. Sometimes being a responsible adult sucked.
He carried her easily, which was quite a treat for a woman of her size. His strength astounded her. He was always so careful with her that it was easy to forget just how powerful he was.
She couldn’t quite swallow back the moan of disappointment as he lifted her off him. She unhooked her feet from around his waist and her legs slid down his flanks to hit the soft grass underfoot.
The coolness of the shaded trees felt good against her hot skin. She sighed when he released her, thinking he was getting dressed. But instead, he shook out the towel that she’d brought with her and spread it on the ground. Lowering himself to it, he reached out and captured her hand, tugging her down beside him. He sprawled out on the ground and lifted her so that she was straddling his waist.
Emerald pressed her hands against his chest for balance. This position had potential. She’d wanted to touch him, to pleasure him in the same way he’d done for her. This was too good an opportunity to pass up.
His skin was warm beneath her fingers, and as she stroked upward, she felt the ripple of muscles beneath them. The man really had an incredible chest. His waist was lean, his torso banded with the classic six-pack and his shoulders were wide. He had just the right amount of hair on his chest to be sexy. She tangled her fingers in it as she continued to caress him.
Leaning forward, she brushed her lips against his. His tongue swept out to lick at her mouth and she parted her lips, inviting him inside. Their tongues tangled as their kiss deepened. He tasted so good. Hot and masculine with a touch of peppermint.
One hand cupped the back of her head, tilting it slightly to give him a better angle to kiss her. The other cuddled her ass, kneading the white mounds. He did seem to enjoy touching her there.
The tip of his cock nudged her behind, reminding her of what she planned to do. It was all too easy to get lost in the magic of Jackson’s kisses and forget about everything else. And that she wasn’t about to do.
She broke away from his lips and kissed his strong jaw. It was the middle of the afternoon, but already she could feel the bristles of his beard against her skin. She worked her lips down the strong column of his neck and across his collarbone as she shifted lower.
Jackson dropped his hands back to his sides and she raised her head. “I’m all yours, baby.” Usually, she didn’t like when men called her baby, but the way Jackson said it made her pussy clench with need.
She smiled as she lowered her head again. She planned to make him groan and squirm before she let him come. She lapped at one flat brown nipple before doing the same thing with the other. A deep rumbling sound rose from deep in his chest. He sounded like a big cat purring.
Emerald continued to kiss a path over his chest, stopping to swirl her tongue in his navel. He sucked in a breath as her hair brushed over his belly and then lower. Intentionally, she blew on his cock as she allowed the long, curly strands of her black hair to wrap around it.
His fingers tangled in the mass and he tugged. “I’m too close,” he panted. “You keep that up and I’ll come.”
“We wouldn’t want that to happen, now would we?” she all but purred.
Jackson gave a bark of laughter. “You minx.”
She shrugged. “You’ve had your fun. Now it’s time for me to have mine.” Not giving him a chance to reply, she licked a wet path from the base of his shaft right to the tip. Jackson’s hips jerked and he groaned.
Capturing his balls in one hand, she began to stroke them gently. He widened his legs to give her better access. Pleased, she gripped his cock with the other, letting her fist slide up and down the hard length.
“Emerald,” he growled in warning.
She allowed her hand to encircle the head of his erection, her thumb spreading the liquid that seeped from the tip. “You’re so hard and so soft at the same time. I can feel your cock pulsing in my hand.” It matched the heavy throbbing between her own thighs and she wished that one of them had thought to bring a condom.
“Come here.” Jackson gently tugged on her hair to get her attention.
“No. I want my turn.” She glared at him even as her body was screaming at her to do what he wanted.
“You’ll still get your turn,” he promised, his eyes hooded with desire. “But I’ll get mine too.”
She arched one eyebrow, giving him a quizzical look, not quite understanding what he wanted. When he tugged again, she sighed and gave his scrotum one final squeeze before releasing him and sitting back on his thighs.
He patted his tummy. “Sit here.” She started to scoot up, but he shook his head. “Face away from me.”
She climbed off him and turned away before mounting him again. Her face flamed as she realized that he was getting an unobstructed view of her pussy. Sitting back on her heels, she waited.
“Bend forward.” All of a sudden, she knew what he wanted. She’d never done this with another man before, but the possibilities were exciting. She felt his hand on the center of her back, urging her forward. His hands cupped her hips and he tugged her back until her pussy was close to his face. Anticipation filled her as she felt his breath on her inner thigh.
Licking her lips, she stretched forward, capturing the tip of his cock in her mouth and sucking.
Jackson thought he might lose it when, without warning, Emerald sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her warm heat enveloped the head as she swirled her tongue around. Her fingers closed around his shaft and she began to stroke him as she lapped at the tip.
Gritting his teeth, he switched his focus to her. He had a perfect view of her pussy and he wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity to explore and indulge himself. Using his fingers, he spread her wide. Her folds were slick from her last orgasm and with her building desire.
She was pink and hot and he blew gently against her slit. Emerald groaned, the vibrations wrapping around his cock. His entire body tensed as he struggled to keep from coming. It was too soon. He wanted to make sure that she came with him when he finally let go.
Keeping her folds spread wide with one hand, he used the other to explore. Starting at her ass, he trailed one finger down the cleft of her behind. She shrieked and jerked her head up when he rimmed the tight, puckered hole. She gasped for breath as he teased her, pressing his finger in slightly before moving on.
Her head dropped back to his groin and he swallowed back a curse as her breath feathered his shaft. Her hair tickled his scrotum and it was all he could do not to tumble her from his body and fuck her until they both screamed. He hadn’t bothered to put a condom in his pocket this morning. He hadn’t thought he’d need one. He damn well wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Emerald caught her breath and nuzzled his hard length before taking him into her mouth again. He’d had other women suck him off before, but at the moment he couldn’t remember one single time. It had never felt this fucking good. Everything with her was deeper and richer than it had been before.
Her tongue stroked the pulsing vein that ran the length of his cock before curling around the head again. She gripped him in her hand and began to pump in earnest as she began to move her head up and down his shaft, taking him deeper with each downward stroke.
Breathing deep, Jackson turned his attention back to her, sliding two fingers past the tight muscles guarding the opening of her pussy. He felt the slight resistance as he pushed beyond it to her heated depths. As he withdrew, he widened his fingers, letting one of them stroke the top of her cunt as he pulled it out. She moaned. The vibration made his balls draw up tight against his body.
Sweat trickled down his forehead and into his hair. Both their bodies were slick with perspiration as they drove toward completion. Jackson didn’t want it to end but knew that he couldn’t stop it from happening. He was too far gone to pull back.
Lifting his head, he flicked his tongue over her clit as he inserted a third finger inside her sheath. Using his thumb, he rimmed the tight opening of her ass before pressing it inside.
Emerald’s hand tightened around his cock, her mouth sucking hard. He felt her inner muscles begin to spasm around his fingers, indicating the onset of her release.
Jackson yelled as he came, his hips jerking upward. His cock pulsed in her hand and mouth as he spilled himself into her. She continued to draw on his shaft and he thought his head might explode with the intensity of his orgasm.
He couldn’t think, could only feel as Emerald sucked him dry. His hands fell away from her body, landing with a thud on the ground. He could see and feel the liquid seeping from her core. Pleased, he couldn’t resist lapping at her pussy. Emerald choked out a cry as she released him and buried her face against his groin.
Jackson’s head fell back against the soft ground and he stared up at the sky. The sights and sounds of the day began to seep back into his consciousness. Everything looked more vibrant, from the blue of the sky to the green of the trees overhead. He could hear the insects buzzing, the occasional blue jay screeching and a crow squawking. The fragrance of the grass and wildflowers tickled his nose, intermingled with the scent of sex and the unique smell of Emerald.
As he lay there with her draped across him, he was startled to realize he was smiling. He felt more content than he had in…well, he didn’t know when. All he knew was that Emerald made him happy. He felt more satisfied with everything in his life when she was with him.
She sighed and mumbled and then raised her head. When she lifted her leg to move, she almost hit him in the head. Deciding he’d better take charge if he didn’t want anything important damaged, he lifted her off him and then rolled to his feet.
She just blinked like a sleeping, satisfied cat as he curled his arms beneath her and picked her up. She settled trustingly against his chest, nuzzling his neck. Emotion surged up within him and tears pricked his eyes. To cover it, he walked straight into the pond and fell backward with Emerald still clasped tight in his arms.
When he surfaced, she sputtered and laughed at him, her smile making his heart turn over. No matter what, he wouldn’t let anything happen to this special woman. And when the time came, he’d let her go with no regrets, no matter the cost to him.