Chapter Four

Anger was his constant companion all afternoon as Jackson threw himself into his work. Physical labor helped him burn off some of his sexual tension and cleared his mind. Still, he was semi-hard all afternoon, his cock reminding him of the soft feel of Emerald’s body next to his.

Her breasts had been showcased to perfection in the tight red tank top she’d been wearing when he’d come in for lunch. Now he knew how supple and full they really were. Her nipples had been outlined against the fabric like two tight little berries. Fool that he was, he’d pulled away before he’d touched them.

“Damn it.” He yanked off his work gloves and shoved them in his back pocket. The heat was starting to get to him. His skin felt prickly and tight. He took a deep breath and exhaled. Then he took another.

His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn’t actually eaten any of his lunch. A few bites of a sandwich didn’t count. He glanced up at the sky and then at his watch. It was almost five o’clock. Early for him to be calling it a day, but suddenly he didn’t care. His gut clenched as he climbed aboard the tractor and headed back toward the barn. Would she even still be there?

He honestly didn’t know. She’d been as shaken as him by the hot flash of desire that had burned between them. Her lips were soft and when they’d parted for him, inviting him inside, he’d felt a fierce sense of satisfaction. He shuddered as he imagined those lips on other parts of his anatomy. His cock stirred yet again, letting him know what it thought of the idea.

“Get a grip,” he muttered as he easily maneuvered the heavy vehicle. She was his housekeeper, his employee. That’s if she was still even here. The thought of her being gone left him feeling slightly bereft, as if he might have missed something special. Something important. That just made him angry again. He barely knew the woman. There was no way she could mean much of anything to him.

He forced himself to drive straight to the barn and park the tractor safely away for the night before heading toward the house. He knew he was delaying the inevitable, but he did the rest of his chores first, as if that would somehow prove that Emerald meant nothing to him.

Flinging his gloves onto the seat of the tractor, he spun on his heel and stalked toward the house. He stopped, his heart pounding, as he realized her blue Honda Civic was still parked in the yard. She hadn’t left. Relief flooded him even as he told himself not to read anything into it. She probably needed the job.

Still, he hastened his step, suddenly in a hurry to see her. He’d told her that she was safe from his attentions, and he’d meant it. But that didn’t mean he’d turn her down if she wanted to turn her sights in his direction. After all, they were both mature adults. Erin hadn’t told him how old Emerald was, but she was in her late twenties or early thirties for sure. More than mature enough to know her own mind.

Unsure of his reception, he quietly walked up the steps and eased the back door open. He could hear her voice as he stepped inside.

“I’m fine, sweetie. Really.” She was standing with her back to him, staring out the front window while she talked on the phone. Her long curls were piled on the top of her head and anchored with some kind of clip. It exposed the long, slender line of her neck and back. The red tank top and colorful skirt were gone, replaced by jeans and a blue tank top. She looked good enough to eat and he had a powerful hunger growing inside him. Jackson wondered who “sweetie” was and felt unaccountably angry that she could kiss him so passionately at lunchtime, yet sweet-talk some other guy a few hours later.

“No. I’ve got a job and a safe place to stay.” She paused and sighed. “I miss you too.”

His body quivered, his muscles all tensed as he stood there with hands fisted by his sides. Sweat made his shirt and jeans cling to his skin. He was jealous, he realized in a flash. And he had no right to be. Hanging his head, he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to loosen the tight muscles. Sure, they’d shared a kiss, but that was it. And he didn’t really believe a word he was thinking. There was something between them. What it was, he wasn’t quite sure. But it was powerful. And she’d felt it too. He knew she had.


His head jerked up. Whatever the other person said had upset her.

“No.” Emerald softened her tone as she continued. “I don’t want Mom or Dad to know. There’s no reason to bother them with this. I’ve got a safe place to stay while the investigator looks into things.”

Relief surged through him. It wasn’t another man, at least not one she was romantically involved with. It was either a brother or a sister. Then the rest of what she’d said registered in his brain. Investigator? Safe? What the hell was going on with her?

“No. Don’t tell Derek where I am. I know he’s upset, but he’ll just have to get over it. Don’t tell anyone. Listen, I’ve got to go. No, Sapphire, I don’t need you or Topaz to come out here. You just be careful and watch out for yourselves. I know you’ve hired a bodyguard…” She broke off and nodded. “Tell Topaz I’ll get back to work on the designs as soon as possible. I’ll have some spare time to work in the afternoons and evenings once I get this place back in order.”

She laughed and Jackson closed his eyes as the lilting sound made him shiver with desire. He leaned his back against the wall, content to wait and to watch her. She made a mighty fine picture talking to her sister. At least he assumed it was her sister. With a name like Sapphire, he didn’t think that was that big a stretch to make. Now he just wanted to know who this Derek guy was and where exactly he fit into her life.

“No, the place isn’t in too bad shape. It just needs a bit of elbow grease is all. Typical man.” Jackson arched his eyebrow as she continued to talk. “I’ve really got to go, Sapphire. I’ll call again in a few days. If anyone asks, you haven’t heard from me and don’t know where I am. Look worried and concerned.” Emerald sighed as she turned around. She gasped when she saw him and almost dropped the phone. Her face paled but she recovered quickly. “Bye.” She cut the call and stared at him, the phone clenched tight in her hand.

He pinned her with his gaze and spoke softly. “You want to tell me what that was all about?”

Emerald swallowed, her fingers digging into the phone. Jackson was leaning against the wall, looking totally relaxed, but she wasn’t fooled for one moment. He was like a cobra ready to strike at any moment. His blue eyes were like lasers as they studied her. Tension swirled around him so thick she could almost see it.

“I had to make a call. I reversed the charges, so you don’t need to worry about the bill.” She’d forgotten to charge her cell phone the night before and hadn’t wanted to wait to talk to her sisters. Besides which, after yesterday’s call from her stalker, she wasn’t sure she should use her phone. The stalker seemed to have no problem accessing her credit card charges—how hard would it be for him to trace her cell phone records?

How long had Jackson been standing there? What had he heard? She glanced at her watch. He was earlier than she’d expected. Damn her luck. She decided that the only thing to do was brazen it out. “Supper will be ready in about thirty minutes. You’ve got time for a shower.” Acting nonchalant, she hung up the phone and went to the stove, turning on the oven. It wouldn’t take long to heat the lasagna she’d already put in there or to bake the frozen rolls she’d found in the freezer.

He pushed away from the wall and she took a step back. In the space of a few hours, she’d forgotten just how large and potently male the man was. His shoulders looked incredibly wide as he propped his hands on his hips and stared at her.


She had the feeling he would stand there and wait until she spilled all her secrets to him. Too bad. She wasn’t involving a complete stranger in her problems. Only trouble was Jackson didn’t seem like a stranger.

“Emerald?” The way he said her name made her nipples pucker. The low rumble had goose bumps rising on her arms.

“What?” She wasn’t volunteering anything.

One corner of his mouth kicked up in a smile and she could see the respect in his eyes. “Why do you need a safe place to hide? Why have you hired an investigator? And why don’t you want your parents to know what’s going on?”

Emerald wrapped her arms around herself. He’d heard pretty much everything. How was she going to get out of this without telling him what was going on? She could always pack her belongings and leave, she supposed. Yet she stayed where she was. She wanted to stop running and looking over her shoulder. She wanted to stay here. With Jackson. For the first time in weeks, she felt safe.

She shook her head as he came toward her. His big hands clasped her shoulders. “Look at me.”

She tilted her head back, mesmerized by the mixture of emotions in his eyes. The lust was easily identified. Mostly because she felt it too. But there was concern and worry there as well. “It’s nothing.”

He shook his head and she had the distinct feeling she’d disappointed and hurt him with her words. “Why do you care?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

“I’m not really sure.” He stopped and thought, choosing his words carefully. “But I do. You’re in some kind of trouble, aren’t you?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

He gave a bark of laughter. “Independent and stubborn.”

She felt her hackles rising. “You think I can’t handle a difficult situation as well as you could just because you’re male and I’m female?”

Jackson held up his hands in front of him in mock surrender. “I never said that.”

She harrumphed. “You implied it.”

He cupped her face with his hand and smoothed his thumb over her cheek. In spite of her resolve to stay strong, she found herself leaning into his gentle caress. “I didn’t say that you couldn’t handle it, just that there’s no need to handle it alone.” His thumb continued to glide over her skin. “Let me help you.”

Emerald felt a lump of emotion clogging her throat. Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them away. She forced herself to step away from him. His hand dropped back to his side. “I…I need to apologize for what I said at lunch. I know that you would never use this…” She waved her hand at him and then back at herself. “This thing between us to drive me away. I’m sorry that I even implied such a thing.”

Jackson didn’t speak for almost a full minute. She struggled not to fidget beneath his regard. She could almost see him processing everything. She knew the moment that he decided to back off. But she also knew it was only a temporary reprieve. He wouldn’t let this drop.

“I’m going to get a shower. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He strode to the kitchen door, but paused. “You’ll still be here when I get back?”

She nodded, unable to speak.

He gave her a curt nod and then bounded up the stairs two at a time. Emerald slumped back against the counter. Most people wouldn’t even have bothered to ask what was wrong. A lot more would have asked her to leave and take her problems with her. But not Jackson. He was the type of guy who would get involved. He was such a take-charge kind of man that, if a woman wasn’t careful, she might find her entire life being managed by him.

Water began to run through the pipes, reminding her that she didn’t have time to waste. Pushing away from the counter, she smoothed her damp palms over the thighs of her jeans. She opened the cupboard door and quickly grabbed plates and set them on the table. Cutlery and glasses followed.

When the table was set, she slid the rolls into the oven. They only needed fifteen minutes according to the package. Emerald was glad she’d found enough ingredients to make lasagna. It was a specialty of hers. She only hoped that he liked it. She’d have Erin’s list tomorrow, so she’d have a better idea of what kind of meals Jackson enjoyed.

The coffeepot was already filled, so she flicked the switch to start it brewing. There hadn’t been much for her to work with to make a dessert, but she’d found a can of peaches in the pantry. That would do for tonight, but someone had to go grocery shopping tomorrow. She already had a long list of staples that were needed. Plucking it off the counter, she scanned it one more time before placing it next to Jackson’s plate. She’d have him approve it over supper. The mail was still stacked in three neat piles at the far end of the table, waiting for him as well. If she kept him busy, perhaps he wouldn’t ask her about the phone call again.

“Keep on dreaming,” she muttered under her breath as the water shut off upstairs.

It was all too easy to imagine Jackson naked and wet as he stepped out of the shower. His dark hair would be plastered to his skull, emphasizing the harsh planes of his face. His tanned skin made his blue eyes seem even bluer. His lips would be moist. Emerald licked her lips as she imagined tasting his mouth like she had early today. It would be hot and wet and overwhelmingly male.

She’d noticed that his jaw was dark with stubble. It would rasp against her skin as she kissed him. She wanted to smooth her hands over his shoulders and down his flat abdomen. And then lower.

Her breathing quickened and she felt the dampness between her thighs. He’d been aroused earlier. There was no mistaking the bulge in the front of his jeans. He hadn’t even tried to conceal it. Unabashedly male, he was quite at ease with his body and saw no need to hide his desire for her. It was blatant and it was surprisingly a huge turn-on as well.

She made a sound of frustration and whirled away to check the food in the oven. Jackson Connors was occupying way too much of her thoughts. She had other things to think about, bigger worries to ponder. Somewhere out there was a stalker who wanted to take over her life and her. She shivered as she closed the oven door and leaned against the counter. It was much more pleasant to think about Jackson and her growing attraction to him than it was to think about her other problems.

She stood there, staring out the kitchen window while supper cooked. It was quiet here. There was no air-conditioning in the house, just the low whir of the overhead fan turning slowly. There was no traffic outside or planes overhead. As she listened, she could hear the happy twitter of a bird as it perched in a pine tree in the far corner of the front garden. The breeze was slight and it was warm. The sun was a giant fireball in the sky. Peace slowly seeped into her very bones. It felt… She didn’t quite know how it felt, except to say that it felt right in some fundamental way. The town. The farm. Jackson. They all felt…right.

A sound on the stairs alerted her that her reprieve was over. Wiping a hand over her face, she took a deep breath and hauled open the oven door. If he was going to question her, then she wanted food. For the first time in weeks, she was actually hungry. Her stomach growled as she lifted out the pan of lasagna and carried it over to the table. She laid it on a potholder she’d dug out of one of the drawers.

Jackson hadn’t spoken a word and the suspense was killing her. Emerald glanced over at him and almost groaned. His hair was wet and slicked back from his face. He was wearing a clean pair of jeans and a crisp white T-shirt. Shaking her head, she went back to the stove for the rolls. She’d just have to accept the fact that this man pushed all her buttons. Just one look at him and she was instantly aroused.

She caught a whiff of aftershave too, something earthy, like the man himself. She wanted to walk up to him and bury her face against his neck. But she knew where that would lead and she wasn’t quite sure she was ready to go there. Emerald knew in her heart that getting involved with Jackson would not be a light affair. Not that she did light affairs, she reminded herself, but he would be different. He could break her heart if she let him.

“Can I do anything to help?” He chuckled as soon as the words left his mouth.

“What’s so funny?” She slid the rolls into a basket and then placed them on the table.

Jackson shrugged, a self-deprecating smile on his face. “It’s just that a year ago I probably wouldn’t even have asked. It took Abel pointing it out and then Erin leaving to make me appreciate everything that she used to do around here.”

Emerald pulled out her chair and sat, motioning Jackson to his seat. “So you’re a bit of a chauvinist? Good to know that you’re trainable.” She groaned as soon as the words left her wayward mouth. “Not that I care or anything. I’m just the housekeeper.”

He sat down and grabbed the serving spoon, heaping a large serving of lasagna on her plate before doing the same to his own. “You’re more than just the housekeeper. Or you could be, and we both know it.” The color of his eyes seemed to deepen. “And yeah, I’m definitely trainable.”

She didn’t say anything as heat suffused her body. Taking one of the rolls, she tore it apart with her fingers and then painstakingly buttered it. She laid the knife carefully on the side of her plate, knowing she was just delaying the inevitable.

Jackson helped himself to a roll and then began to eat. He took one forkful of lasagna and his expression changed, becoming one of sheer bliss. His chewing slowed as if he were savoring the food in his mouth. Emerald felt inordinately pleased.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “This is incredible.” He scooped up another forkful and closed his eyes as he chewed. Emerald laughed. When he’d swallowed, he glanced over at her. “Don’t laugh. I’ve been eating my own cooking for the best part of a year, except for when Erin’s taken pity on me. This is amazing. If this is any indication of how you cook, I may not ever let you leave.”

Just like that the tension was back between them. The hairs on the nape of her neck seemed to rise. If she got too involved with Jackson, she might not want to leave. Clearing her throat, she tried to make light of things. “Glad you like it. But since you were half-starved to begin with, I won’t let your compliments go to my head.”

He didn’t bother to answer, but just kept eating. He had seconds before he bothered to speak again. Emerald began to relax again and savor her food. She really enjoyed cooking, but it had been quite a few years since she’d bothered with it. The faster Sisters’ Jewels had grown, the harder she and her sisters worked. Seemed as if that’s all any of them did these days. She loved their business, but she realized she’d lost any sense of balance in her life.

Jackson scraped his plate clean, laid down his fork and sat back in his chair. Folding his hands across his flat belly, he watched her. She’d known the questions were coming. It was only a matter of time. He’d actually shown more patience than she’d expected. The man was full of surprises. She still hadn’t quite decided how much, if anything, she was going to tell him. “Go ahead.”

He cocked his eyebrow at her. She braced herself for his barrage of questions about why she was here and why she had an investigator. Jackson’s eyes narrowed as he sat forward. “I’ve got to know…” He paused, his eyes narrowing intently. “What possessed your parents to name you and your sisters after jewels?”
