Chapter Seventeen

“I need to leave today.” She said the words for at least the tenth time since she was released from hospital. Jackson ignored her this time as he had the other nine times. “You know I’m right,” she continued.

He turned and pinned her to the seat with a hot blue gaze. She swallowed hard and tried to ignore the fluttering in her heart and in her womb. “You’re not going anywhere. Not until this stalker is caught. If you leave now,” he continued reasonably, “you might draw the threat back to your sisters in New York.”

That was a deep concern. She’d called her sisters this morning and had spent a half-hour on the phone convincing them that she was fine. Topaz had taken it upon herself to call their parents in London and now they were on their way back to New York. Emerald didn’t have it in her heart to be angry at her sister, although at this point, she’d have preferred to have her parents as far away from her as possible. At least that way she’d know they were safe.

“No arguments?” Jackson was staring at her with concern now as they drove down the highway toward the farm. Abel or Nathan, she wasn’t sure who, had driven his truck to town this morning and delivered it and a change of clothing for both of them to the hospital. Emerald appreciated the loose cotton shorts and oversized T-shirt that Erin had packed for her. She wouldn’t be wearing a bra for a while, although her back was much better today.

“No. I know I can’t go back to New York, but I can’t stay here either.” She was a danger to whomever she was around.

“You can’t run forever, Emerald. Now that we know that he knows you’re here, we can take steps to protect you.”

She swallowed hard as she stared out the window. Jackson would protect her, but at what cost to himself and his property? “It’s not just you who might be at risk. Have you thought about that?” She turned as far as the seat belt would allow and faced him. “Your family might be at risk as well.”

“Abel and Nathan will take care of themselves and the women.” He sounded so confident and so chauvinistic she wanted to smack him.

“They can’t stop a bomb, Jackson.” She’d done everything to get him to understand, but he was being stubborn. Well, she was stubborn too and as soon as she felt up to it, she was packing her bags and leaving. She ignored the pain deep in her chest and the churning in her gut. She had to leave to protect him.

He didn’t answer her, but she hadn’t expected him to. There was nothing more to be said as far as she was concerned. Jackson kept his eyes on the road, but his fingers tightened perceptibly around the steering wheel. Sighing, Emerald turned to peer out the side window. She was going to miss the unspoiled countryside around her. For a city girl, she’d gotten used to the peace and quiet real quick.

Jackson turned up the road to the driveway. They were here to pick up some clothing before heading over to Erin’s place. Trucks and a few cars lined the road, with more parked around the back of the house.

“What the heck…” Jackson pulled to a stop, turned off the ignition and sat back and stared. The house was a beehive of activity. A slow smile turned up the edges of his mouth, softening the harsh planes of his face.

“What’s going on?” Men were talking as they sawed and painted. Women were trooping to and fro, carrying buckets of dirty water outside and dumping them before turning around and marching back inside.

“Looks like the neighbors have come to call.” Jackson opened his door and climbed out as Abel strode toward him. Not wanting to miss anything, Emerald pushed open her door and slid out of her seat, ignoring her aches and pains.

“Glad you’re here.” Abel slapped Jackson on the back. The blow would have felled a lesser man. Abel’s hands were the largest she’d ever seen. Jackson never even flinched.

“What’s all this?” Jackson sounded more bemused than concerned.

“Everyone heard what happened.” Abel turned to her with regret on his face. “The entire town knows about you, the stalker and the bomb.”


Abel gave a chuckle. “Nothing works quite like the country grapevine. Folks monitoring the police band heard about the bombing. The firefighters and paramedics knew about you. The hospital staff knew you were brought in because of your injuries in the blast.”

Abel arched his eyebrow, making her laugh. “Okay. I get the picture.” She watched the beehive of activity with growing interest.

“Nathan decided the best thing to do was to set things straight. So he went to the diner yesterday afternoon and laid things out for folks. Carly’s been doing the same all day today. We figured a stranger would be easier to spot if everyone in town and the surrounding area was looking for him.”

Emerald was uncomfortable with the idea that everyone knew her business, but it did make sense. “But what does that have to do with all these people?”

“Heck, darlin’. Folks started arriving as soon as the police gave the okay. The actual fire damage was minimal. Most of it came from smoke and water. People have been cleaning and scrubbing throughout the night. This is the second shift.”

“Wow.” Emerald didn’t quite know what else to say. The community of Meadows was unlike any she’d ever experienced. It also said a lot about Jackson that all these people would leave their busy lives to come and help.

“We had to put in a couple new windows in the kitchen, but everything in the room has been cleaned and floor has been hauled up. We also decided it was better to just haul out the walls and redo the drywall. The bottom cabinets were a write-off, so we tore them out and replaced them. Paul Werner at the hardware store sent out some that will match the existing ones.”

Jackson nodded as he watched the activity. A few folks had looked their way, but for the most part, they just kept on working. Emerald wondered if he was as overwhelmed as she was. Sidling up beside him, she tucked her hand into his. His fingers closed around hers as he tugged her closer.

“We should get you inside.” Voice gruff with emotion, Jackson led her toward the porch.

People stopped as they approached. Some nodded while others stopped to offer their sympathy about her injuries and the damage to the house. Names flew at her so quickly she couldn’t keep track of them all. There was what had to be the entire Applebee family, the Martins, the Werners, Dirk Marshall and his brother Peter, the Essex sisters and the list went on and on.

A few of them mentioned that they were fans of her parents’ music. Emerald felt their genuine concern as she made her way into the chaos of the kitchen. She blinked at the transformation. New walls had been installed, taped, plastered and were now in the process of being primed. Pristine cabinets were going in and a new sink was being installed. The floor was nothing but plywood, but Emerald had a feeling that would be changed by the end of the day. Two new windows replaced the ones that had been damaged in the blast.

Erin walked toward her with a huge grin on her face. “What do you think?”

Emerald’s answer came straight from the heart. She didn’t even have to pause to think about it. “I think you people are amazing.”

A large man of about fifty with a wild, gray beard gave a hoot of laughter, but she could see the pleased gleam in his eyes. “This is nothing, little lady. We’d have rebuilt the whole house if we’d had to.”

She could see the sincerity in his eyes and again marveled at this place and the people who lived here. “Since this was my fault, I want to help.”

The man was already shaking his head. “From what I heard, it ain’t your fault. You just got out of the hospital, so the only thing you’re allowed to do is sit and watch.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’d have thought it was every woman’s dream to sit and boss a bunch of men around.”

She laughed, unable to resist his humor. “Emerald Jewel.” She held out her hand and he reached out and engulfed it with his huge paw of a hand. “Francis Parker. My missus is here somewhere. You’ll meet Frannie later. She’s a big fan of your parents, but don’t be letting her wear you out with questions about them.”

“Now, Francis, don’t you be frightening that young woman before she even meets me.” Emerald had to blink twice when she saw who she assumed was Frannie Parker. The woman was about half the size of her large husband. Her hair was an ash blonde and sleekly styled. Delicate was the only word for her. She walked up to her husband and gave him a playful swat before introducing herself. Before she knew what was happening, Frannie was leading her upstairs. Emerald glanced behind her to find Jackson surrounded by the men working in the kitchen.

“Don’t you fret none,” Frannie continued as they made their way up the stairs. “We’ll have the worst of it taken care of by dark.” Emerald just nodded as the older woman led her to the clean spare room and made her lie down. Suddenly exhausted by it all, she snuggled on her side beneath the covers and fell asleep.

It was quiet when she awoke. She had no idea how much time had passed, but it was dark outside. Seems she’d slept most of the afternoon and evening away. She sensed Jackson’s presence even though she couldn’t hear him. Sitting up, she pushed her hair out of her eyes and saw him leaning against the wall by the window, looking out over the land. When he heard her, he glanced her way.

“How are you feeling?”

She stifled a yawn and took stock of her body before answering. “I actually feel pretty good.” Even her voice sounded better. It was still husky, but not quite as raw. “How about you? I didn’t mean to sleep the entire day away.” And she was rambling, nervous without knowing why.

Jackson levered himself away from the wall and strode toward her. It was then she noticed the rifle in his hands. She swallowed hard. It brought home once again just how much danger surrounded her.

“You needed the rest.” His voice was low and warm as he sat down beside her. The mattress dipped and she slid closer to him. He cupped her face with his hand, leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it made her toes curl beneath the covers.

There was so much caring in that tender caress that it brought tears to her eyes. She blinked them back, but it wasn’t easy. She’d found herself on the verge of tears several times since the explosion. A nurse at the hospital had told her to expect to be more emotional, that it was a normal thing after going through such a traumatic event. Emerald thought it had more to do with her depth of feelings for the man seated next to her than the explosion.

She could have sat there and kissed Jackson all night long. He used his lips and his tongue, plying them lightly against her mouth before slipping inside. Warmth filled her, adding to the sleepy, dreamlike quality of the night. She whimpered as he pulled back.

“Are you hungry?”

“I guess.” She knew she should be hungry, as she’d barely picked at her breakfast and lunch.

“Come on then.” Jackson held out his hand as he stood. She slid out of bed, stopping long enough to shove her feet into her sneakers before she took his hand.

But he didn’t lead her downstairs as she’d expected, but down the hallway to his bedroom. A small table had been set up in front of the window. A grouping of tea lights sat in ceramic holders in the center, illuminating the bounty set out on it. There was fresh bread and biscuits, sliced deli meats, several kinds of cheese and cold iced tea. And sitting there in the center was the perfect cherry cheesecake.

“Ohmigod,” she moaned, her stomach suddenly grumbling.

Jackson shook his head but chuckled as he propped the rifle against the windowsill and sank down into the large leather chair that was pulled up next to the table. He gave her hand a tug and she went willingly into his lap. “I guess you’re hungry after all.”

“I guess I am,” she agreed as she wiggled around trying to get comfortable. “When did everyone leave?”

“About a half-hour ago.” Leaning forward, Jackson quickly began to assemble a sandwich.

“I want some of that chicken.” Under her guidance, Jackson made her a chicken sandwich with Swiss cheese and mayonnaise. She held the plate in her lap and moaned in pleasure as she took the first bite. She chewed and swallowed. “This sure beats hospital food.”

They didn’t talk much while they ate, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Jackson passed the occasional comment about the work being done, filling her in on a few details, but other than that, both of them were at ease in the quiet. There was an intimacy in the moment that filled her with contentment.

When she finished her sandwich, Jackson took her plate and laid it back on the table. Then he dished up a huge slab of the cheesecake. Emerald licked her lips in anticipation as he broke off a piece with his fork and lifted it toward her. “Open up.”

She parted her lips and he slid the cheesecake into her mouth. Flavor exploded onto her taste buds and she moaned as she chewed. “This is incredible.”

“Frannie Parker made it.”

“The woman is a culinary genius,” she managed to get out as Jackson sent another piece sliding into her mouth. It was even better than the first taste had been.

Being a smart man, Jackson fed her two bites for every one he took. It wasn’t long before she felt full enough to burst, but she managed to eat the last piece as she looked longingly at the rest of the cheesecake.

Jackson pushed the plate aside and sat back, studying her. “Don’t worry. You can have more later.”

Slightly embarrassed to be caught lusting over the rich treat, she sat back and sighed, totally replete. Jackson reached down and pulled her sneakers off her feet, letting them fall to the floor with a thud. Her socks followed. The evening was warm, but there was a hint of coolness on the air.

“Do you think we’ll finally get rain?” That had been a topic of concern among the women working upstairs. Emerald had lain in bed half listening to their conversation as she’d drifted off to sleep. Many of the families raised animals or crops of some kind and it had become a concern for them all. The heat wave had held them in its grip these last few days of August.

“Probably by tomorrow at the latest.” The flickering candlelight accentuated the harsh planes of Jackson’s face. His jaw was darkened with stubble and his blue eyes were hooded as he stared at her. It was obvious to her that the weather was the last thing on his mind.

She shivered as his gaze raked over her body from her face, down the curve of her neck to her breasts. Unconfined by a bra, her nipples were pressed tight against the fabric of the T-shirt she wore. Jackson’s eyes went lower, over her belly before coming to rest on the mound of her sex.

Unconsciously, she arched her hips toward him, drawn by the intensity of his gaze. She wanted him to touch her. Needed to share herself with him at least one more time. She was determined to leave him to protect him. Tomorrow, she promised herself. Tonight was for them.

His fingers were dark against the light color of her shorts. Deftly, he pulled at the ties cinching the soft fabric around her waist. Inserting his hand into the opening, he pushed downward, his fingers slipping beneath her panties and moving unerringly toward her slick folds. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as his fingers stroked over her mound, sliding through the neat thatch of curls that covered it. She parted her legs and he teased her clit with his fingers before finally touching her aching flesh.

Cursing, he jerked his hand away and began to tug her shorts and panties off. She lifted her bottom, helping him any way she could. When she was naked from the waist down, he turned her so that she was facing away from him. A second later his shirt was tossed to the floor and his hands gripped the hem of hers. She raised her arms over her head, marveling at how careful he was as he drew the fabric over her head.

His lips, warm and firm, caressed her back as he moved from one cut to the next. “I’m so sorry you were hurt.” Emotion threatened to overwhelm her as he continued to kiss every hurt he could reach. She shivered and his arms came around her immediately. “Are you cold?”

Was he kidding? If she were any hotter, she’d self-combust. Heat flooded her core and cream flowed from it. Her nipples puckered tighter as his hands slid up her torso, coming to rest just beneath the heavy mounds. He draped her legs over his and then slowly spread them. The move left her wide open to his touch. The cool air flooded over her hot flesh, the contrast making her moan.

His large hands covered her breasts and kneaded them. Her nipples dug into his palms, demanding attention. His thumbs stroked the edges of her areolas, never quite touching them. Moaning, she undulated her body, pushing her chest forward, wanting him to touch her the way she needed.

“I’ve never been as scared in my life as I was when I realized that you were in trouble.” His voice was low, his tone serious. Lips, warm and firm, grazed the back of her neck. His teeth scraped sensually across her nape, sending goose bumps down her back and arms.

“I’m fine.” At this moment, she was better than fine. Jackson’s large body was surrounding hers, encompassing her in his protection and heat.

She gasped when his thumbs finally flicked over her distended nipples. “You’re more than fine.” As he continued to play with her breasts, she could feel the heat and shape of his erection pressing into her lower back. He was still wearing his jeans, but there was no mistaking the large, thick feel of his cock. She wiggled, wringing a groan from him.


“Tease,” she retorted.

Jackson chuckled, one of his hands dropping from her breasts and smoothing down her stomach. His fingers sifted through her pubic hair and went straight to the damp folds hidden below. Now it was her turn to groan as two large fingers slipped past the entrance to her sheath and pressed deep.

She moved her legs restlessly, trying to get his fingers farther inside her. One slow inch at a time, he pulled them out, curling them upward as he went. One of them scraped across a sensitive spot, making her cry out. Blood pumped thickly through her veins as every nerve ending in her body was sensitized. This wasn’t going to take long. She was primed and ready for release.

With everything that had happened, she needed this. Needed the reconnection with life, with Jackson. He thrust his long, thick fingers inward, pushing past the resistance of her inner muscles. They contracted and relaxed, gradually pulling him inward. His thumb caressed the taut bud of nerves at the apex of her sex. Her hips moved of their own accord.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “Come for me, Emerald. Let me feel your hot cream on my hands.” He bit the curve of her neck where it met her shoulders, making her entire body jerk. She could feel everything inside her tensing. Gathering. Waiting.

The hand at her breast continued to ply one puckered nipple and then the other, drawing both to a tight point. Looking down, she watched his darker-hued hand caress the pale mounds before tugging on the stiff, red peaks. It was an incredible turn-on to see him touching her, arousing her.

Her lungs were working harder. The air was almost too thick and heavy to breathe. “Jackson,” she gasped as she undulated her hips. His fingers were working faster, thrusting and retreating from her core.

“Come for me.” His hips jerked, pressing more firmly against her back. His hand tightened around her breast. His heavy breathing was hot against her throat. “I want to feel you come apart in my hands. I’ve got you. Let go, Emerald.” The last was a hoarse plea and she responded.

Her entire body tightened and then exploded. Heat flooded her. She cried out, tipping her head back against his shoulder. He swooped down and captured her mouth with his, swallowing her scream of ecstasy. She felt as if she were suspended in air. Jackson surrounded her, holding her. All she had to do was feel the release sweeping through her, embrace it. And she did.

When the final aftershocks shimmered throughout her entire body, she sank back against him. His tongue sank deeper into her mouth, devouring her. When he dragged his fingers from her core, she cried out. Releasing her lips, he buried his face in the curve of her neck, dragging air into his lungs. She could feel the heavy rise and fall of his chest and the frantic pounding of his heart.

Exhausted and drained, yet totally content, she relaxed. His arms tightened around her. “That was just the beginning.” She shivered at the sensual promise in his voice.

Her toes curled as he stood with her still clasped tight in his arms. Carrying her to the bed, he laid her in the center. She almost cried out in protest when he pulled away, but he didn’t go anywhere. Instead, he stood there watching her.

She was totally naked, but she wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable. She felt absolutely wonderful. His eyes narrowed as she stretched sensually, letting her arms and legs slide over the dark green comforter. “Mmm, I feel good.”

“You’re going to feel even better,” he promised. His hands went to the front of his jeans and slid the button open. The rasp of the zipper was loud above the sound of their breathing.

“Come here.” She held her hand out to him and he reached for it. Their fingers almost touching.

An explosion rattled the glass in the window.

“What the hell?” Jackson raced to the window and swore. His hands were fastening his pants as he snatched up the rifle and hurried back to the bed.

She’d grasped the comforter, draping it around her. Fear wrapped around her heart. “What is it?”

“The old barn.”

He grabbed his phone and hit the speed dial. “Nathan. He’s hit the barn. Send the fire department. Hurry.” He hung up and placed the phone in her hands, wrapping her fingers around it. “If anything else happens, call Nathan. He’s got a man watching the road to the farm. They should both be here in a few minutes.” He strode to the door.

“Wait.” She jumped off the bed and ran to him. “Don’t go out there.”

He cupped the back of her head in his big hand. “I have to. He’s out there just waiting for a chance to get to you. Stay in here with the doors locked.”

“It’s a ploy to get you out of the house.”

“I know.” Leaning down, he dropped a hard kiss on her lips. “But I have to keep him from getting close to the house.” He turned and hurried down the stairs. She was hard on his heels.

The smell of fresh paint filled her nostrils, reminding her just how dangerous this stalker was. She should have left this afternoon. But it was too late for that now. “Don’t go,” she pleaded.

“I have to.” His face was grim as he unlocked the back door. “Lock this behind me and then go back upstairs and wait for Nathan.”

Opening the door a crack, he slid out and disappeared into the shadows. Emerald locked the door and raced back upstairs. If there was a chance she could do anything to help him, the last thing she wanted to be was naked. Ignoring the twinge in her back, she ran into the bedroom, dropped the comforter, grabbed her shorts and began to dress.
