Chapter Fifteen

I have lost my ever-loving mind.

Stella Jo’s inner voice of logic admonished her over and over as Van walked her to her door. Every step took her in the direction of reason. Of telling him she didn’t know what had come over her. They couldn’t do this. It was risky. Impulsive. Dangerous.


Nash’s words echoed, flashing in neon red behind her eyes.

“Some sins are worth it.”

And looking over at the beautiful, brooding man beside her, he was the epitome of a sin she’d bet would be more than worth it.

Her entire life, she’d played by the rules. Tried to be perfect. For her mom, her dad, her teachers, her professors. The few boyfriends she’d had, she’d gone along with any plans they had, never complained about last-minute cancellations or hurt feelings. She’d shouldered rejections, breakups, and betrayal with a poker face of stone. She’d smiled. Nodded. Kept her cool. Played it safe in every single aspect of her life.

But when she rubbed a hand up her arm to soothe the prickly bumps that had arisen from the cool air against her damp skin and the man standing on her doorstep reached out and placed both of his arms around her to warm her, playing it safe became a foreign concept. One she no longer had any use for.

“Why me?” she finally whispered, looking up at him as he warmed her in places he probably didn’t even realize.

For a lingering second, he was silent. Gunmetal-gray eyes darkening thoughtfully, a crease appearing between his brows. Full, masculine lips pressed together as his angular jaw tightened.

“What do you see when you look at me, Stella Jo?”

She couldn’t answer immediately, not having expected him to answer her question with a question.

Reaching up, she placed her hands on either side of his face as she had before. Their brief encounters flashed behind her eyes. The way she’d reacted when they’d bumped into each other, literally, the first day. How kind he’d been when he’d found her crying later. Stepping in when Dr. Tyler had been abrasive with her. Spending his nights helping down at the barn instead of getting God knows what kind of sexual favors from the nurses. Even the horses liked him. Despite the cocky demeanor and the tattoos and the brutish way he talked to her, there was gentleness there. She could feel it in the way he touched her, the way he watched her—affectionately. Something protective warring with something possessive.

“I see you,” she said softly. “When I look at you, I see a man capable of so much more than he knows. I see a man who could make me feel things I’ve never felt.” She swallowed the thickening lump in her throat so that she could continue. “I tried so hard to fight it, but I guess I’m not as strong as I thought I was.”

“That’s why you,” he said, leaning down and allowing his nose to nestle against hers. “Because you don’t see money and fame or a singer in a band. Or tattoos or rough edges. Or even how you could use me to get what you want. You see me. And for the record, I think you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

“I-I’m, I’m… We’re…” She shook her head as if she could clear her emotions out of the way long enough to think. Or at least breathe steadily long enough to calm her trembling body. It didn’t work. “I wish you could stay. The night. With me, I mean.”

A mischievous grin began to work its way across his mouth. His warm breath tickled her face. “I know what you meant, cowgirl. I wish I could too.”

“Soon?” She was ready to beg if need be. Somehow every negative consequence of their being together was outweighed by her need for him.

Van took her hands in his and squeezed. “Soon.”

“How?” She glanced around. Even though Jesse was gone for the day, there were other employee residences nearby. If someone saw them in this intimate position, the rumors would run rampant. And if Stella got her way, there’d be truth behind those rumors.

Taking a step back as if he could read her concerned thoughts, Van released her hands and sighed. “I don’t know exactly.” A smirk danced across his lips and heated her to her core. “Well, I know how as far as the technical aspects go. But how as in how the fuck we’ll do this without getting caught…that’s probably going to take some seriously strategic maneuvering.”

Stella’s mind whirled with the many strategic maneuvers she’d like to work out with this man. Her body began to tingle as the idea of him stripping her down and making her scream took hold.

“U-um, okay.” She breathed deeply. “I guess we should work on that then.”

Smoldering warmth radiating from his gaze, he leaned down. “Yeah. We should. And we will. Goodnight, cowgirl.”

Stella bit her lip, wondering what he’d do next. Would he kiss her goodnight? Turn and walk away, leaving her cold and alone on her doorstep?

“Goodnight, Mr. Ransom.” She smiled as he took a step forward, backing her against the door.

“Not yet. But it will be. Soon.” A light kiss on the cheek followed by a shiver-inducing breath against her skin surprised her, sending her heart into an out of rhythm frenzy.

He was rough. He was gentle. He was angry. He was kind.

He was everything.

Everything she wanted, needed, and probably shouldn’t have.

And soon, he would be hers.

“Transcribe them in order, noting all of the date and time information in the file first.”

Stella nodded as a pretty blond therapist handed her a stack of files and a small removable drive.

“Anything else?”

The woman paused thoughtfully and then nodded. “Yes, actually.” She lowered her voice as a nurse passed by. “The contents of these files are extremely privileged, as I’m sure you can imagine. As soon as you’ve documented the pertinent information for the files, proceed to the next one. And make sure this drive stays in your possession until you return it to me. As you know, we have a great deal of high-profile clients that value their privacy.”

Stella nodded again. “Yes, ma’am. Of course. I’ll get this done immediately.”

The woman’s crystal-clear blue eyes widened. “Dear God. Please don’t call me ma’am.”

Stella laughed. “Sorry. Habit.”

“Miranda. Feel free to call me Miranda.”

Stella promised that she would. The doctor thanked her and they parted ways. Just as Stella was exiting the office, pulling the door closed behind her, she accidentally shoulder-checked the man coming in. A familiar thrill ran through her.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” Van said low, nearly in her ear.

Her entire body flushed from the unexpected contact. She hadn’t seen him since he’d left her alone and aching the night before.

“Um, yeah. You’re right. Excuse me, Mr. Walker.” She met his stare, and heat flared in his eyes.

“I don’t know what turns me on more. You saying that I’m right or calling me Mr. Walker.”

Stella glanced around to make sure no one else was in hearing distance. Day one and he was already blowing their cover. She did her best to keep her voice even, nonchalant.

“I could call you Mr. Ransom if you’d prefer.”

“I can think of lots of things I’d like you to call me, cowgirl. But we’ll get to that.”

The confidence in his expression turned her on and pissed her off. So she’d admitted she wanted him. But his writing her off as a foregone conclusion and being so brash about it ruffled her nerves a bit.

“Okay, then. Have a nice day,” she said, stepping quickly around him.

“It’s much nicer now,” he told her with a wink that effectively evaporated her annoyance with him.

Forcing herself not to grin like a giddy schoolgirl, she shook her head and walked away, tossing him a small warning glance with a smile over her shoulder. But the sweltering heat from his gaze on her backside made it difficult to focus for the rest of the day.

After hours of transcribing electronic files to paper ones for Dr. McLendon, Stella was eager to get down to the barn. She wasn’t sure if Van would be helping her that evening, but she damn sure hoped so.

Using her fingerprint to clock out, she wished a good evening to Celeste at the front desk and turned to leave. But what she saw coming their way—blowing toward them in the way a hurricane would—stopped her short.

A wild-looking woman with white-blond hair streaked through with black and deep violet strode purposefully forward on black spike-heeled boots that would’ve caused Stella to break her neck. Her fishnets encased shapely legs that seemed to be a mile long under a black leather miniskirt.

Stella suspected that this exotic creature was checking in. Probably a supermodel or musician. Cursive words Stella couldn’t make out inked up the woman’s slender arms. A diamond stud gleamed from the side of her nose. Her piercing blue eyes were soulful, as if she carried the world’s secrets in them.

Stella couldn’t have explained it if her life depended on it, but something about this woman had her feeling uneasy inside. As if somehow they were linked and didn’t know it. But that was impossible. Stella had never seen this woman before in her life.

“I’m looking for a patient here,” the woman barked at Celeste when she reached the desk. “Van Ransom. He may have checked in as John Walker.”

Jesus. Stella’s world pitched and rolled, the ground suddenly turning to liquid. She held the edge of the desk where she stood.

“Today isn’t a visiting day, I’m afraid,” Celeste informed her, allowing some of the air that had fled from Stella’s lungs to return. “But I can get a message to him that you’ve—”

“I’m his fiancée, and it’s actually urgent that I speak with him.”

Every single word hit Stella with the same force that a punch from him would’ve.

Fiancée? The main lobby spun around her as she forced a smile at both women. She couldn’t stick around and wait to find out if this woman got to see Van. She had no idea how much longer her thin grip on composure would hold.

But as she walked away, Celeste asked the creature what her name was. When the woman answered, Stella stopped in her tracks.

“Vanessa Reeves.”

Van’s voice echoed the name in her head. She was the same person he’d had removed from his list of family contacts. She knew because she’d removed her immediately upon his request.

“Celeste? Can I borrow you for just a second?” Stella called out while jerking her head to the side.

“One moment, Miss Reeves,” Celeste told Van’s unwelcome visitor. Once she’d stepped over to Stella, Stella nodded in the woman’s direction.

“He had her removed from his list of approved visitors. I don’t know who she is or if she’s really his fiancée, but I do know for a fact that he had her removed.”

“Great.” Celeste rolled her caramel-colored eyes and blew auburn bangs out of them. “She looks like the type that will take that news extremely well.”

Stella grimaced in sympathy. “I know. I’m sorry. Want me to page Dr. Ramirez and let him break the news to her?”

Celeste glanced over her shoulder to where Vanessa Reeves stood looking angry and impatient.

“Um, do you mind? I know you just clocked out and I hate to ask—”

“I don’t mind at all.” She told herself it was concern for respecting client wishes that was motivating her actions, but deep down she felt the strange new stir of jealousy that accompanied other women saying his name in that territorial tone.

After she’d used the phone on the front desk to page Dr. Ramirez to the front desk, she aimed what she hoped was a warm smile in Vanessa’s direction. “Our director will be here shortly to speak with you.”

Stella felt as if it were probably time for her to move along now. But Celeste stood so close their shoulders were practically touching, which led her to suspect that the younger girl needed her for moral support. Providing a united front and all that. Vanessa Reeves did have a glare on her face that made her wonder if the woman was considering procuring the sharpest object in reaching distance and stabbing her way through the two of them.

Thankfully Dr. Ramirez appeared before she made a move to act on the thoughts likely brewing behind murderous eyes.

“Yes, ma’am. How can I help you this evening?” he greeted her, nodding at Stella and Celeste as he approached.

“She’s asking to see John Walker,” Celeste informed him.

“I just flew to this Godforsaken place from Los Angeles and I’d like to see my fiancé. Sooner rather than later if that’s all right with you.”

Dr. Ramirez took the electronic tablet from Celeste, the one Stella knew probably had Van’s short list of approved visitors on it. He cleared his throat, glancing at the tablet and then at the woman growing increasingly fidgety by the second. She adjusted and readjusted the multiple metal bangles on her wrist as she waited for Dr. Ramirez to respond.

“I understand. And while I’m sure it’s simply an oversight, your name isn’t on Mr. Walker’s approved list of visitors. And even if it were, this is Wednesday, and visiting day is Sunday. I realize you’ve made quite the long trip. We can provide you with a list of local hotel accommodations if needed.”

Vanessa’s eyes narrowed at the man. Stella half-expected him to begin melting under her angry glare.

“He probably assumed I wouldn’t come since it’s so far from where we live. Hence why he left me off his list. But I can assure you, if he knew I was here, he’d want to see me.” So abruptly Stella almost missed it, the woman flashed her left hand, which, sure enough, held a sizable diamond ring on her finger.

Stella Jo cursed herself under her breath. How could she have been so stupid? He was engaged and planning to entertain himself by screwing around while he was here before heading back to reality and his soon-to-be wife.

She could hardly even begin to guess what Van Ransom would even want with her when he had this punk-rock supermodel waiting at home. She felt extremely bland in her black dress pants and vanilla-colored silk shirt. How dull she must look compared to this bold, louder-than-life person. If she wasn’t mistaken, the thin girl had surgically enhanced breasts. Easily two cup sizes larger than hers. Not that she was comparing or anything.

She would look right at home on Van’s arm. The perfect wife of a rock star. Stella would look like his publicist.

Forcing herself to swallow over the constricting lump in her throat, she nodded to Dr. Ramirez and shot a ‘good luck’ half-smile at Celeste before walking out the door.

She left her fantasy of breaking the rules with Van Ransom in the lobby with his fiancée.
