Chapter Nineteen

Walking back to her place discreetly was difficult enough. Doing it on trembling unsteady legs that were to support her nearly lifeless body was damn near impossible. She carried her jacket in one hand and her heels in the other, letting them dangle as she grinned like a drunken fool. The sun wouldn’t be up for several more hours, and she was thankful for the protective cover of darkness.

“Big date tonight?” a shrill female voice called out, startling Stella half to death.

Turning, she saw her least favorite coworker—the petite blond nurse who had claimed that Van would be hers and then tried to do him a favor in his room. A bright red ember flared from the tip of the woman’s cigarette. Stella took note of which residence she stood outside of and tagged it as ‘avoid at all costs’ for future reference.

“Smoking seems like an odd habit for a healthcare professional,” was all Stella said to the woman.

“Screwing clients seems like an odd habit as well—for someone who wants to keep their job, that is,” she retorted.

“Says the girl I found on her knees in his room.”

Despite her cool demeanor, Stella’s heart was racing. This wasn’t Jesse Ramirez catching her and Van in an awkward embrace. This was an enemy she’d somehow made who’d probably just watched her stumble out of Van’s cabin.

“Jealous, much?” the woman snorted as she blew out a puff of smoke. “Men like Van Ransom know what they want. And they always get it. Men like that don’t let minor interruptions and pathetic distractions get in their way.”

The glow of the porch light allowed her to see the smirk on the other woman’s face. Stella knew her own brow was scrunching.

Did grown women really behave this way? She’d thought this kind of behavior was reserved for teenage girls still in high school. She was disappointed in herself for letting this woman even get to her. She’d never engaged in any kind of a showdown over a man.

She hated that this random person was ruining the blissed out high Van had given her. Even more, she hated that she was letting her.

Forcing the biggest smile she could manage, Stella nodded towards her own residence. “Lovely chatting with you. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“Brandie. My name’s Brandie, for future reference.”

Stella turned and shot the woman a questioning look. She had no idea why this woman thought she cared to know her name.

The blonde practically bared her teeth. “You know, so you’ll recognize it when your boyfriend calls it out during sex.”

Stella nearly stumbled. What was this chick’s deal?

“Well, Brandie, I can assure you, I don’t have a boyfriend. But thank you for your interest in my personal life. Best of luck getting one of your own.”

Stella did her best not to stomp all the way to her front door. Once she was safely inside and away from prying eyes, she let herself remember how Van had made her feel. And made her feel he had.

The image of him on his knees, spreading her apart and pleasuring her body the way he had, heated her body from head to toe. The burning tingles returned and she touched her fingers to her lips. He’d been the perfect combination of rough and gentle.

Her muscles felt like liquid as she changed into a tank top and cotton boy shorts. The way he’d cupped her face in his large masculine hands when he’d kissed her goodnight came rushing back as she washed off her makeup. Glancing up at her bare face in the mirror, she blinked a few times. She looked…different somehow.

Her eyes were brighter, as if a spark had been lit inside of her and was shining brightly.

When did that happen?

She wasn’t certain if it was what had happened with Van Ransom, the confrontation with Brandie, or just having finally found a home where she felt like she belonged, but something had provoked a noticeably drastic change. Had brought her to life after a lifetime of being empty and numb. Her cheeks were flushed and she couldn’t remember noticing so much color in her own face before.

As she lay in bed that night, drifting in and out of consciousness, the reason for her change smiled behind her eyes.

It was him. It was all him.

“You look rested for someone who was out pretty late last night,” Van said as he stepped into the stables Saturday morning.

Stella couldn’t hide the smile that came with his arrival. “And you look like someone who should be enjoying his Saturday instead of spending it down here.”

“Who says I’m not? Maybe I enjoy my time with you so much I don’t even mind the smell of horse shit.”

“How romantic,” she deadpanned.

He advanced on her. “Didn’t realize we were doing romantic, cowgirl. But if that’s what you’re looking for, I can give it a shot.”

She pursed her lips as he came closer. “Van.” His name was a warning for him to behave. Jesse could pop in at any time, as could one of the volunteers from the local high school that ran the horses and mucked stalls on the weekends.

“Romance has never really been my thing, Stella Jo.” The deep rumble of his confession sent a shockwave through her core. “But if you want a candlelit dinner before I lick your sweet pussy next time, I’ll see what I can do.”

Her knees went weak. Men did not talk to her like this. She’d never heard anyone talk like this. Even more alarming, she liked it. A lot.

Heat pooled between her legs as he reached out with one hand and pulled her to him by her waist.

His intense eyes roamed her face, drinking her in with reverent wonder on his. “It’s like I opened the door. I can see everything you’re feeling, everything you’re thinking, in those beautiful eyes right now.”

She trembled in his arms. “What am I thinking right now?”

“You’re thinking about last night. About how good it felt and how you can’t wait until I make you scream my name again. You’re thinking you can’t believe how hard you came and you’re wondering if I can make you come that hard again.”

She tried to keep her blatant shock from showing. He’d pretty much covered the landscape of her thoughts.

“And can you?”

His eyes darkened as he licked his lips and stared down at her. “Babe, I took it easy on you last night. That was only the beginning.”

She smiled up at him. “Now I’m thinking you’re incredibly arrogant.”

“Arrogance is an exaggerated opinion of one’s own importance or ability. I know exactly what I’m capable of.”

Her fingers tightened on his arms and he smiled. “You forgot one thing,” she said softly.

“Oh yeah?” He leaned back a few inches and met her stare. “What’s that?”

“I was thinking that, as much as it scares me—and what happened between us kind of scares the hell out of me—I wouldn’t take back last night for anything.” She looked down until he forced her chin back up with his fingers. Staring into his questioning gaze, she couldn’t help but be anything other than completely honest. “And I don’t think anyone or anything has ever made me feel so…alive.”

It was the truth. As much as she had loved riding, had loved winning, it always had strings tied to it. Expectations, the possibility of failure and disappointment—which ultimately had become her reality.

But last night with him had been just for her. No expectations or demands made on her. Just an exhilarating pleasure like she’d never known.

Van swallowed hard, letting her words linger in the air between them for a moment. With raised eyebrows, he glanced around at the barn. “You really have to be here today?”

Stella struggled to form actual thoughts. She gave a slight shake of her head as if that would help clear the lust-filled fog from it. “Um. No. I guess not. Just didn’t really have much else to do so I figured—”

“Go to your place. Leave the door unlocked.”

“Van, what are you—”

He lowered his mouth to hers, effectively rendering her speechless. His lips melded to hers and every reason for why this was wrong floated right out of her grasp. It was even better than she remembered. Her hands flew to his neck, threading through his hair and pulling at him—even though it was literally impossible for him to get any closer than he already was.

Gently sucking her bottom lip, he pulled his mouth from hers and placed his lips next to her ear. “Go, Stella Jo. Walk. Don’t run,” he said with confidence she knew was genuine. “But get your perfect ass in your bed and wait for me. I want you naked and I want you ready.”

The air disappeared from her lungs. “R-ready for what, exactly?”

Van tilted his head towards where the ropes and saddles and riding crops were. “Ready to feel.”

Stella Jo was doing her absolute best to stroll casually over to her little bungalow. She couldn’t help but glance around to see if anyone—specifically a certain blond mortal enemy—might be watching. So far the coast was clear.

Her heart pounded and her hands shook with anticipation. He was crazy. And she was absolutely out of her mind.

But telling him no would’ve been impossible. Every single cell in her body ached for him. For this mysterious man she should be running from. But couldn’t.

So she left her door unlocked.

Undressing in front of her full-length mirror, she saw her flushed skin and smiled. Kicking her boots and jeans to the corner, she practically laughed out loud. Whatever he had planned, she wanted. Badly. She dragged her tank top over her head and tossed it toward her jeans.

When she heard her door opening, she practically leapt into her bed. He’d said naked, but for some reason, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to remove her bra and panties. Her pulse raced at the image forming in her mind of him removing them for her.

But as the door clicked shut and his heavy footsteps made their way towards her, panic set in. He’d said naked. He’d been perfectly clear. Would he be rougher because she hadn’t followed instructions?

Strangely, she felt even more excited by this possibility. Which startled the shit out of her. Never in her life had she fantasized about a man being rough with her. In bed or otherwise. Logically, it should’ve been the stuff her nightmares were made of. But when he appeared, silent and holding a rope and a riding crop, the relentless throbbing began between her legs.

She’d been up half the night wondering how far she’d have let him go. Looking at him now—rippling muscles mostly covered in black ink she wanted to explore intimately, clenching jaw, burning eyes focused on her—she had her answer.

She’d let him go as far as he wanted.

Her experience was minimal, but he brought something different out in her. Something she hadn’t known was there. A secret. Like them.

He hadn’t spoken a word since walking in and standing at the foot of her bed with what look liked weapons of exquisite torture. She didn’t know if she had much to give, but for him, she’d give all she had.
