
January 9, 2012

Melony sat beside Lorent under the trees and stared up at the full moon.

He was a beautiful wolf, which was to be expected since he was a beautiful man. Over the last few weeks, he’d opened up to her more and more. He trusted her, and she trusted him.

The change hadn’t been an easy one, even painful at times, but she’d been prepared since he’d explained to her that the first time was the worst.

He’d been with her every step of the way. She’d been afraid, but had confidence Lorent would never let any harm come to her. When every muscle in her body had contracted, when her skin had tingled and hair popped through every pore in her skin, when her canines had elongated into fangs, he’d been there to soothe her. Yes, it had been quite a painful and frightening ordeal, but she wasn’t sorry she’d let him change her. She loved him and wanted to spend every second that she could with him.

She was a little disappointed that her fur was her natural hair color—

brown—in wolf form, but Lorent had already warned her that the pink coloring wouldn’t stay when she shifted. In the grand scheme of things, she supposed it was an unimportant, minor detail. Besides, she’d look kind of silly as a big pink wolf.

She’d never in her life felt as free as she did while running in the woods with Lorent. They’d yipped, playfully nipped one another, and wallowed in the snow, and she’d felt all the restraints, all the rules of society float away while she was in wolf form—not that she would ever do anything horrible or anything against her nature. Lorent told her it was the predator in her wolf that made her feel like that, and she figured that was probably the truth, for she had no other way to explain it.

“It’s gorgeous out here.”

“You’re gorgeous.”

She’d been surprised to find out that they could talk telepathically with one another in wolf form. It had been a pleasant surprise, though, for she’d wondered how they’d communicate while shifted. The last few weeks with Lorent had been the happiest of her life.

Sherry was healthy, and her baby, whom she’d named Michael, was healthy. Lorent had been right when he told her Piers had called it even with her since she’d saved their son, although she hadn’t gotten the feeling he’d been all that mad at her in the first place, but more worried, and upset that his wife had been able to talk her into the trip.

Whatever the case, past mistakes were just that—past mistakes—and she’d promised herself to think things through very carefully in the future if she felt even a tinge of unease about something. Lorent had finally accepted his past as well, and had worked hard on putting it behind him for good. At the moment, everything at Sanctuary was calm, peaceful, and right.

She gazed back at the two wolves a few yards behind them. Rose had finally decided it was time to let Knox change her, to become a true mate to him in every way. She’d told him on Christmas, as it had been the most meaningful, special present she could think to give him. Melony had a feeling it was a present for Rose as well.

Rose had told her that it had taken her a long time to get over past fears and to embrace the lycan race fully. Knox had insisted that if she chose to never be changed, he’d love her just as much, but when she died, he’d follow her into death. Melony figured that reason helped with Rose’s decision since her short human life could possibly rob Knox of hundreds of years.

Another Christmas surprise for Sanctuary was finding out that Karen and Anthony were expecting. Another baby would soon be born, another generation to fight for the survival of the lycan race.

She couldn’t imagine being any happier.

“Are you ready to go back?” Lorent asked her.

“I guess.”

“I need you.”

“In that case, let’s run, because I need you too.”

They both turned and ran past Knox and Rose, hurrying to get back to Melony’s cabin—which Lorent had moved into since it was bigger than his.

When they made it back, they both shifted, and Lorent picked her up and carried her inside while she giggled. She figured it would be times like this that she wouldn’t mind so much being naked when she changed back to human form.

She pulled his head to her and kissed him, and he growled and slipped his tongue inside to taste her, but ended the kiss way too soon for her liking.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nope.” He sat her on the couch, disappeared down the hallway, and returned a few minutes later holding one hand behind his back.

She drank in the sight of his nude body. The man was big, ripped, gorgeous, hers, and she’d never get tired of looking at him. When he stopped in front of her and got down on his knees, she frowned, wondering what he was doing.

“I love you with all my heart.” He took her hand in his. “You are my mate, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He brought his other hand out from behind his back and opened it to reveal a diamond solitaire.

“A-Are you asking me to marry you?” she gasped.

He nodded.

“But, I didn’t think lycans normally got married.”

“True, it is a human tradition, but since you were once a human, I assumed you’d like to get married.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want?” He frowned.

“Of course I want to. I’m just touched that you would do this for me. It means a lot to me, Lorent.”

She didn’t have to think twice about marrying him. He was her love, her mate, her protector, the man she’d have babies with, laugh and cry with, share every aspect of her life with. Not only that, but the one definitive thing that told her he was the one for her? What other man but her true soul mate would let Puss sleep curled up to his back every night while he spooned tightly against Melony with his arms wrapped around her?

“I would do anything for you.” He smiled and slid the huge diamond on her finger.

“I would do anything for you as well.”

He scooped her up, and she chuckled, but when he placed his lips by her ear and whispered, “Prove it,” all laughter died and was replaced by the desire that only he could make her burn with. He could stoke her body into a frenzy of heated passion with a mere glance, a simple caress, a whispered word.

She pushed at him until he sat her down, and led him to the bedroom, where she guided him to sit on the edge of the mattress. As she sank to her knees between his thighs, she smiled up at him and circled his thick cock with her fingers.

“I plan to prove it. All night.”

And all rational thought was lost, replaced by hunger only for this man, when she bent her head and took him in her mouth.

The End
