Chapter Twenty-Six

In his study, Xavier looked up at the sound of the front door. As his spirits lifted, he grinned and rose. The house felt as if it came alive when she returned home. He spotted her as she sped through the living room, obviously looking for him. Her face was so lit with happiness that his question seemed almost irrelevant. “How did it go, Professor?”

“I got the job.” She danced across the room and twirled in a way that sent lascivious thoughts rising. Put her in silks and—

“Starting this spring, I’m back in the tenure track.”

No wonder she was dancing. “Congratulations.” He lifted her in the air, smiling up. “You’ll be an excellent asset to them.”

He rather thought the small college had realized what a treasure they were acquiring. He knew—he’d made a point of visiting her university and reading her glowing evaluations and commendations. This was one professor who possessed not only solid teaching skills, but a sincerity that drew in the students and a brilliance that illuminated the most boring subject. “I’m proud of you, Professor Bern.”

Her small hands framed his face as she leaned down to kiss him. He’d been surprised at the difference the engagement—and collaring—had made in her behavior toward him. Much of her reserve had been due to insecurity. He would do his best to ensure she’d never again doubt how much he loved her.

He lowered her until her feet touched the floor, then tugged her hair back so he could deepen the kiss and enjoy the way her body melted against him.

Arousal hummed in his blood when he finally lifted his head and surveyed what he intended for his afternoon treat. Her eyes shone with love, her face was flushed, her lips were wet and reddened. Yes, he’d definitely start with those lips around his cock.

She shook her head as if to clear it. “So what do we need to do to get ready? When are the caterers coming? Are—”

“It’s barely past noon. The caterers will arrive around six to set up. The cleaning service was in this morning, as was the yard service.” As was the moving service he’d hired for one special room.

He gave her a long look that made her flush even more. “Being female, you’ll probably need an hour to bathe and dress. That leaves four hours during which I’ll require your exclusive attention.”

Her eyes widened, and she took a step back. “Xavier, I don’t really—”

“Yes. Really.” Bending, he set his shoulder against her stomach and straightened. As he wrapped an arm over her kicking legs, her little fists pounded his back, but he felt her laughing uncontrollably.

“Beast. We’re having a party. We can’t have sex now. Are you insane?” She yanked on his loose hair.

Insanely happy.

He slapped her ass hard enough to make her squeak and started up the stairs, pleased his ankle didn’t even twinge. In contrast his cock was trying to throb through his pants. “Abby, be silent or I’ll gag you. And I’ll enjoy it.” In fact, that wasn’t a bad notion.

She gave him one last thump on his back and then stayed quiet as he headed down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms. He opened the door and set her on her feet.

AS HER BLOOD returned to where it belonged, Abby had a second of dizziness and a longer one of disorientation. She was in Xavier’s house, but this was her bedroom. She turned in a circle, taking in the heavy, cinnamon-colored draperies, the king-size four-poster with the intricate Moroccan carvings, her Oriental carpets.

The contemporary room had been transformed into an Arabian Nights fantasy—hers. “What have you done?”

The corner of his mouth lifted, and she realized that with his dark coloring, long black hair, and black eyes, he looked far too much like someone out of her fantasy.

His expression changed. Cold face, hot gaze. “English women—they never know when to be silent. But I didn’t steal you from your caravan to listen to you chatter.”

Her eyes widened as she realized he wasn’t in jeans, but worn leather pants. His white shirt made him look even darker, and…was that a sheathed knife buckled to his belt? She retreated a step, her heart beginning to hammer.

“Ah, she’s quiet now.” He circled her slowly, making her feel like a quail chick face-to-face with a bobcat. He brushed his hand through her hair. “I have a fondness for women touched by moonlight,” he murmured. “With hair soft as the silks that I will have you wearing.”


He gripped her hair and yanked her head back. “Is this how you address your Master?” he asked, his voice harsh. “Shall I put red stripes up and down your fair skin?”

Shocked, she shook her head frantically. Her mouth had gone dry, her breathing catching over and over.

“Better.” He cupped her chin, his thumb and finger pressing against her jaw mercilessly. His gaze was just as merciless. “If you do everything I say, I will be pleased with you.” His voice dropped, and so did the pit of her stomach when he whispered, “Do not risk my displeasure, English.”

This is Xavier. This is my fiancé. The reassurances weren’t working, not when he jerked her suit jacket off and threw it in the corner. He looked at her shirt and growled, “Remove that.”

Her fingers fumbled at the buttons, finally getting it open. One yank and it joined the coat. He circled again, and the cool feel of the air made goose bumps rise on her arms.

He stopped in front of her and frowned at her bra. “Disgusting device to keep a man from touching as he pleases.” When he unsheathed his knife, the blade far too long and sharp, a squeak escaped her, and she staggered back.

“Stand still,” he hissed. He fisted her hair, bringing her to a sudden stop. Cold metal touched her stomach, and she whimpered. The smooth blade slid under the front of her bra. A tug and it had sliced through the fabric. Very, very sharp.


He shook his head slowly, holding her gaze with his.

I don’t like knives. No no no. The cool metal was warming…against her skin…as it slid down the inner side of one breast.

“Don’t annoy me, English, or I’ll discover if your blood is as red as your skin is white.” The flat of the knife caressed one breast, then the other, turned and scraped over the top as if shaving. Sharp as a razor. “Do you wish to remove your skirt…or shall I?” he asked softly.

“Me,” she whispered, barely able to breath until the blade lifted and he stepped back.

She unzipped the dignified straight skirt, shoving it to the ground, following with the panty hose before he could ask. He watched silently, a slight curve to his hard lips.

The light filtering through the heavy drapes shadowed his face and lent an ominous, reddish cast to the room. He studied her for a second before his hand closed over her throat in a light grip, holding but not—quite—cutting off her air. As the blade rested on her cheek, he leaned forward, his face only an inch from hers. His black eyes stared into her wide ones. “Tell me you’re going to please your Master, English.”

Afraid to even move, she said through stiff lips, “Yes. Master.”

He stepped away, leaving her shivering. “I thought so. Put your forehead on the carpet, your ass in the air. Show me what I risked my life to kidnap.”

A flush ran through her in a long stream of heat. Swallowing hard, she knelt, put her face to the soft Oriental rug, and lifted her hips.

He didn’t speak, his gaze like a weight running over her skin. She heard the thump of his boots. Music started slowly, Loreena McKennitt’s lushly romantic An Ancient Muse album. Candlelight sent flickering shadows over the floor.

She heard him opening his leathers. “Up, English. Let’s see if your mouth is as soft as it looks.”

She pushed back onto her knees.

Emerging from trimmed, black pubic hair, his cock was rigid with engorged veins running up to the thick head. When she reached out, he slapped her hands. “You do not touch me without permission.”

Growling under his breath, he took a silk scarf from her trunk at the foot of the bed and bound her wrists behind her back.

With a grunt of satisfaction, he stood in front of her again. His hand behind her head drew her face toward his cock. “Take me.”

Her heart kicked up faster as she opened her mouth, and he pushed inside. She licked frantically, inhaling his dark, musky fragrance, tasting the first salty drop on the head.

Using her hair to move her, he ordered, “Suck” or “Lick” when the notion hit him. She swirled her tongue around him obediently, then, defying his hold, pulled back to suck only on the head.

“I don’t think so.” Fisting both hands in her hair, he pushed deeper into her throat, setting off her gag reflex. “Take it, English. You can and you will.” He pulled back, waited a second, did it again.

Her eyes teared as she fought the restraints, fought his hold, and with every failure, lost more of her sense of control over anything.

Her muscles went slack as she surrendered, giving him everything, letting him move her as he would. Push her to do more.

“Better. You have much to learn, English.” He pulled out and released her.

She dropped down, her bottom on her feet, shaking uncontrollably. Yet…she could feel the wetness slicking her upper thighs. The desire to have him inside her was a pounding need. She swallowed, tasting him on her tongue, the most potent and frightening of aphrodisiacs.

“Face to the carpet,” he snapped. She complied.

With the sharp sound of leather on skin, pain flared over her right butt check. Her yelp filled the room. Trembling, she waited for more as the burn remained, throbbing and yet erotic. Shockingly erotic. She raised her head slightly.

He tossed a leather strap onto the trunk. “Next time you will do better, yes?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. Anxiety over what he’d do next shivered through her, yet she needed him so badly that her core burned as painfully as her bottom.

He bent and smoothed his hand over the sore flesh. “Pretty round ass. Tempting a man to savagery. To do as he pleases.” His merciless hand on her hip held her still as he pressed his fingers to her pussy, tracing the wetness. “So…the woman wants a man to take her?”

In a smooth move he lifted her up and tossed her on the bed on her side, intimidating her with his cruel strength. With her arms still tied behind her, she struggled to sit up. He’d done his leathers back up, the bulge blatant. Straining to be free.

She’d done that. Staring at him, she tensed in a mixture of fear and anticipation. He’d take her, and he wouldn’t be gentle. Her nipples bunched, and her pussy felt as if it swelled even as she waited.

He untied her hands and pushed her onto her back. Without a word, he shoved a pillow under her bottom to raise her hips, then wrapped silk around her ankle, over and over, forming the softest of cuffs. He tied it loosely to the bottom post.

When he grasped her other leg, fear flared, and she tried to pull away. His powerful hand gripped her tighter, and he easily lashed that ankle down as well. He positioned her arms next to her sides, keeping her still with a deadly look from his black eyes. After tying one end of a silk scarf to the left headboard post, he tied the other end to her left wrist, then repeated the process on the right.

What kind of bondage was that? Her arms were almost completely loose.

Amusement glinted in his eyes as she lifted her arms. Slowly, deliberately, he wrapped silk around each thigh just above the knee, making thigh cuffs.

He bent her left leg, pulling it out toward the side of the bed, and then tied her wrist cuff to her thigh cuff. Her hand flattened over her knee. He did the same on the other leg.

She stared up into dark unreadable eyes, and his lips curled in a hard smile. His hand pressed between her breasts, making her nipples contract harder. “You like being bound, English. Thus I will do it so well that you cannot move from my attentions. From any pain I choose to give you.”

Her heart thudded hard against his palm, and his laugh was as dark as his gaze. At each of the four posts, he tightened the silks until nothing moved. Her legs, tied to her wrists, couldn’t pull down, and her arms couldn’t pull up, and her knees were bent and splayed out, leaving her open to anything he wanted to do.

He watched her struggle for a while, and the slight curve of his mouth and amusement in his eyes said he enjoyed seeing her helpless.

Her breathing was close to panting; she wasn’t so sure she liked it at all.

When he walked over to an armoire against the wall, she stiffened. That wasn’t her furniture. He took something out. It looked like a fat dildo at first. Then he turned it and lubricated a second, smaller shaft. A double dildo. Her jaw dropped as she realized it would go in both her pussy and anus.

He leaned forward and put the larger dildo against her pussy, sliding it in an inch. She squeaked as the other shaft pushed against her anus. “No, no, I don’t want that.”

“I didn’t ask.” With a few rocking movements, he pressed the shaft through the ring of muscles and slid both dildos all the way in with one hard penetration.

Her anus burned and throbbed. Her pussy felt stretched and full. When he flipped a switch, both shafts vibrated together, making her clench around them. As her excitement flared, she squirmed helplessly.

“This keeps you occupied until I make you silent.” His mouth turned down in disgust. “Mouthy English women.”

He picked something up that had been lying on the quilt. “You will remember these?” He held up the nipple clamps from her first day at Dark Haven. A fine chain dangled between them.

Her eyes widened. Oh no—her breasts were already swollen and aching.

Ignoring her attempts to move, he attached one. Tightened it until it bit into her. She waited for him to ask for a number, for how badly it hurt.

He didn’t ask. Her breath thickened in her throat as he moved to her other breast. Pinching, pinching. She was panting when he stopped.

Testing, he gave the chain a tug. She sucked in a breath at the painful pull on each nipple. “Very good.” His smile didn’t reassure her at all as he set a small lead weight on her chest. A woven rope had been tied to the ring on it.

Xavier glanced up.

Oh heavens. A chain crossed from the top of the left head post to the top of the right bottom post. “What is—”

He tossed the end of the rope over the high chain.

The vibrations in her pussy and anus never stopped. Her clit throbbed frantically as her need grew.

She stared as he pulled on the rope, lifting the metal ball until it swung in the air.

“This will teach you to keep your mouth closed”—his eyes glinted—“unless I have use for it.” He pressed a midsection of the rope between her teeth, letting the tail end lie on her chest. “Bite.”

When he let go, the weight on the other end pulled against her hold.

This wasn’t so bad. If she opened her mouth, the weight would drop onto her stomach. It weighed less than a kiwi.

But then he took the tail end lying on her chest and tied it to the thin chain between the nipple clamps. Holding on to the rope, he glanced at her. “Let go.”

No, I don’t think so. She shook her head, saw the ruthless look in his eyes, and opened her jaw.

He played the rope out slowly. As the weight descended, the chain between her breasts rose and tugged on the clamps until it felt as if fingernails were pulling her nipples upward. Her back arched as she tried to relieve the pressure. “Noooo.”

“Yes.” He pulled on the rope, lifting the weight until the chain between the clamps lay slack again. Then he offered her the section of the rope she’d been holding before—the one just above where it tied to the breast clamps.

As she closed her teeth on the rope, she felt the weight swinging on the other end, and she groaned as she understood what he’d done.

“Yes. Your teeth hold the weight now. If you open your mouth and release the rope, the nipple clamp chain will get the weight.” His smile was cruel. “It might hurt a bit.”

No. No no no. Her jaws locked on to the rope.

“Next time I will add a clit clamp.” He surveyed his work with satisfaction—and arousal. “But I intend something else for that pink English clit today.”

She inhaled through her nose as too many sensations swept over her: the biting of the clamps, the vibrations in her pussy and anus. Her swollen clit throbbed.

He put a knee on the bed, looking down at her. “Pretty pale woman, tied up and open for me to use.” He cupped one breast with a gentle touch that contrasted with the burning pinch of the clamp. Leaning forward, he teased the metal with his tongue, wetting the compressed peak, then blowing a stream of air to cool the burn…only the pain didn’t go away. His mouth worked the other one as he fondled her full breasts. Playing with her as the vibrations went on and on.

She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, and the feeling of helplessness filled her. She couldn’t do anything. Her mind circled, drifting farther and farther away, as the overwhelming sensations shook her body.

Chuckling, he nipped her soft stomach.

She started to gasp, felt the rope move, and her teeth gritted down.

He stroked over her open thighs as he checked her leg and wrist restraints. “You’re quite helpless, English. How does it feel?”

With the rope in her mouth, she couldn’t answer.

XAVIER SMILED. SUCH big gray eyes. She watched him like a mouse facing a hungry owl. Lovely. He pulled out a small flogger. The three short strands were made of very soft leather. It could feel like a massage…or a harder flick of the wrist could impart a sting. Perfect for tender areas.

He dangled the flogger over her, giving her the scent of leather, trailing the ends down her neck, her shoulder, between her breasts and back up. When he moved lower, the muscles of her stomach quivered.

She shivered as he teased over the creases between her cunt and thighs. With her pussy stuffed full and her legs splayed, her clit was beautifully exposed—a fat, glistening pink pearl. They hadn’t done much pain play, and he looked forward to her reactions when the flogger hit her most sensitive bits.

As she fully realized her vulnerability, her breasts heaved and wobbled with her fast breathing. Half fear—and, judging from the slickness around the dildos, half anticipation.

He flicked the miniflogger over her legs very, very gently. Then faster. He set up a rhythm of whispering caresses, up one leg, down the other and back up, over her stomach to the undersides of her breasts, avoiding the clamps and rope. He played her sweetly until her breathing deepened. Her hips started making urgent gyrations as the sensations added to those of the vibrator, pushing past her barriers.

The flogger roved over her hips and thighs. This time he added a bite of pain as he followed the same map, up over her stomach to her breasts. Her skin took on a flush, reddening under the increased flogging.

Her eyes drooped to half-lidded as she started losing track of her surroundings under the storm of sensation.

Flogging in an even pattern, he moved back down her stomach. He struck her inner thighs lightly, the outer legs harder, harder, and heard her pulling in air through her nose. Down and back up.

Her clit appeared almost inflamed with need. Laying the flogger to one side, he set his knee on the bed between her spread legs and ran his tongue all around the tiny nub.

The sound she made sent a rush through him as every dominant instinct in him surged up, needing more. His cock hardened unbearably. He continued the slow circles until she was as close to panting as a person with a rope in her mouth could get. Her hips lifted the inch he’d permitted, over and over.

Was there anything more satisfying in the world than this? Smiling, he took her whole clit into his mouth, rubbing one side, the other, sucking and licking without pause—and sent her over.

Her hips bucked against the restraints as she screamed and climaxed. Another, higher scream sounded when the weight dropped two inches to yank her nipples upward.

Oh yes. He’d never tire of hearing the noises she made when she came. Chuckling, he reached up and took the weight off her nipples. “Foolish English female. Don’t damage my property.” He tucked the rope back in her mouth.

Her teeth bit down, although her eyes were almost glazed.

Rising, he picked up the tiny flogger and started on the same pattern, knowing her body was anxiously preparing for the sensations. That sense of anticipation in a submissive was exactly what every Dom hoped for.

Up her left leg, down, and up again, over to her right, down and up her stomach. Harder this time, so the undersides of her breasts had tiny red marks. Tears gleamed in her eyes even as her cheeks and lips pinkened with arousal.

Up and down, slowly he worked his way toward her clit. It had been soft after her climax but was now slick and straining out of its hood. Moving up her inner thighs, he lightened the strikes, stopping short of her groin.

Building and building her anticipation.

PAINFULLY NIBBLED TO death. Abby wanted to glare at him but didn’t dare. This time the flogger that had felt so wonderful was dealing out tiny, stinging bites everywhere it struck. He moved over her body quickly, keeping the blows light enough that the pain was right on the edge—and everything he did increased her need.

He flogged up her inner legs, stopping before he reached her crotch and moving back down her outer thighs. Her clit hurt as if each flogging journey pushed more blood into it. No longer a nub—it felt as if it had swollen to the size of a mushroom.

The pattern changed, and the flogger struck the inside calf of her left leg, the inside of her right. Left, right. Each blow sank into her clit in throbbing bursts as he moved upward in an inevitable path. Her hips rose, straining uncontrollably toward the torture.

Please, please, please.

He reached her lower thighs.

Upper thighs.

Oh no, oh no. She tensed.

Without pausing, the three strands flicked onto her clit. Right on top, over and over and over, in exquisite pain. Pleasure.

An orgasm blasted through her, a massive upheaval of pleasure, churning with noise and boiling into her veins. Her back arched, her neck arched, and she screamed.

The rope slipped. The weight dropped.

“Aaaaah.” Her nipples flared with pain, and her insides clenched, sending another blast of brutal pleasure exploding outward.

Over the roaring in her ears, she heard a pleased laugh. He tugged the double dildo out, leaving her clenching on emptiness.

Xavier pressed his cock to her pussy and thrust. One hard, shocking thrust. She groaned as he stretched her almost past bearing, painful and yet the most intense of pleasures.

He tightened his hands on her hips, and then he stopped.

She met his laughing gaze as he unclipped the weight and tossed it on the floor. The chain between the clamps dropped like a cool blessing on her breasts. He stretched forward. His chest rubbed over the clamps, over her so-tender nipples, and made her hiss.

She glared at him. “You’re despicable.”

The white of his grin appeared in his dark face, before his expression changed. “Are you speaking to me, foolish English woman?” The threat was thick in every word, and she tensed.

With his cock deep inside her and his weight holding her to the bed, he curved one hand over her throat, pressing until she had a moment of panic.

“Don’t speak.” Braced on one arm, he leaned down and took her mouth, controlling the kiss. Controlling her. His hand around her neck enforced her helplessness. Her mind spun, her body melting beneath his.

Lifting his head, he started to thrust, hard and fast. With his hand on her throat adding a terrifying restraint, he trapped her gaze with his as he hammered into her. His hair fell onto her shoulders, curtaining her in silky black.

He felt good—so wonderfully good. His weight, his control, his cock. Her eyes pooled with tears as she stared up at him, letting him see what he wanted, take what he wanted.

Giving a low sound, he kissed her, gently this time, drawing it out until she felt as loved as she did controlled.

He nipped her chin and started over again. Faster and slower, and now, every few thrusts, he twisted and ground his pelvis over her clit, bringing her back into need as if she’d never climaxed at all.

“I like you restrained, little fluff,” he said, rocking against her clit. “You’re wide open. Can’t move.” The sun lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled. “You have to take whatever I want to give you.” He sped up again, and her core throbbed in time with his thrusts.

Her body gathered, nerve endings screaming for release.

“All you can do is offer yourself for my pleasure.” Another circle and she felt the inevitable tightening of her body around his cock.

He whispered, “And to come when I want you to.”

The pressure grew unbearable, teetered for a moment. Then a tidal wave of sensation crashed over the rocks, taking her senses with it, filling her with pleasure. She bucked under him as he came inside her. He pressed deep into her, his pelvis on her clit, and she spasmed around him again and again.

Eventually she managed to open her eyes. Her heart still thudded against her ribs, trying to batter free. Sweat trickled between her breasts, down the creases of her legs. He’d released her throat and was teasing her hair with his fingers. Waiting for her to recover.

She licked salt from her lips, feeling how swollen they were from his cock, his kisses. As the room blurred back into focus, she stared around at her harem room—the seraglio.

He must have taken one look at the style and known what kind of fantasies she had. Then he’d not only given her what she wanted but had pushed until she had no control, and it was more, more than she’d ever dreamed. “Your English woman thanks you,” she whispered. “I think.”

“You’re very welcome.” He nipped her chin. “Next time, English, you will learn to show your gratitude properly.”

“I love you.” So, so much.

He nuzzled the curve of her neck and kissed up her jaw. “That’s a good start.”
