Chapter 11—Cruz

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Bullets went whizzing by my head one after another. This fucking deal didn’t go as planned, at all. It was supposed to be a simple fucking drop and out, but some other fuckers showed up. I didn’t recognize a single one, and no one had rags on.

As soon as we grabbed the cash, shots rang out, and we all jumped for cover, including Ransom’s crew. He obviously didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on either since he was fighting for his damn life, as well. I threw the duffle, with the cash, over my shoulder, keeping it tight against me. We kept firing back. All our guys were getting into position as best they could. We only had two automatics; the rest were 9mm.

Dagger and I were in the middle with G.T and Rhys on the right and Zed on the left. With one nod from Dagger, we all open-fired rapidly including Ransom and his crew. Rhys and Zed had the automatics, and they cleaned house pretty quickly.

Several of the fuckers took off running, we were able to nail a few of them, but one got off on foot. After making sure shit was clear, G.T and I took off after him our guns drawn as we ran. The fucker turned his arm sending off a few shots, but his aim was piss poor. Leaping into the air, I tackled him down to the ground with G.T. right on my tail.

G.T. kicked the guy’s gun away from his hand as I hit and punched the living shit out of him, his face turning red with blood. “Brother!” G.T. called, but fury was in my blood; I wanted this fucker to be taken out by my hands. “Brother!” he barked. “We need this one alive to tell us who the hell these fuckers are.” Coming up with some sort of control, I pulled back, looking at the battered man at my feet. I felt nothing but hatred for him.

Standing up, I moved away from the man on the ground, needing some air. “You got him?” I asked G.T. as the others were starting to approach.

“Yeah…” Walking off, I tried bringing myself down, but the high was too much. Anytime I fought and I mean really fought, for something, like the safety of those I loved, the adrenaline pulsed through me taking me a bit to settle down.

After coming back, the asshole was tied to a tree, hanging by his arms, his blood falling to the ground. It looked like the guys did a hell of a job on him. “Get anything.”

“Only thing this guy knows is his boss, Mr. Snider over there.” Dagger pointed to the dead man on the ground. “Got a call offering two hundred thousand to take us all out.”

“Anything else?”

“Nah. If he knew anything, we’d know. He’s just a piss-ant sent to do a job.” Dagger nodded as G.T. put a bullet in the guy’s head.

“What the fuck was that shit boys?” Ransom’s anger was palpable as his crew stood beside him guns in hand.

“Man. I don’t know what the fuck that was. Better question is how the hell they knew we were here?” Dagger turned on Ransom.

“If you think for one fucking second we said a goddamned word you’re out of your fucking mind.”

“Fuck!” Dagger grunted kicking the dead body at his feet. “What the fuck is going on here!”

“Don’t know. Get Mr. Snider’s phone, and trace all calls. Chances are he used a different one for the calls, but get it back to Buzz and have him work his magic,” I said standing in a sea of dead bodies. “We need to set this place ablaze and get rid of shit. Ransom we’ll figure this shit out.” He nodded as his crew climbed on their rides and rode quickly away.

This cleanup was too much to do individually; it would take way too long, and I wanted to get home to my boy and my girl. The old warehouse was off the beaten path, so we could keep the fire contained enough not to draw any attention until everything was gone. Question remained, who the hell wanted us all dead?

* * *

Riding back to Sumner, I just wanted to hold my son and my girl. They were the reason I breathed. I loved the club and my brothers. I’d do anything to protect all of them. Dagger had placed a call to Diamond and Pops before we left, so they knew what was going down.

Dagger seemed a little off after the call, but that was just Dagger. After six hours of riding, we pulled into the clubhouse which was dark and peaceful.

Walking into the clubhouse, Pops sat at the bar, nursing a Jack and Coke, while Buzz was continually wiped it down. “It’s late old man, whatcha doing up?”

When the other guys all followed me in, Pops announced, “Church at eight a.m. Get some sleep.” He dismissed us, or so I thought. “Cruz, stay here.”

Nodding to the guys as they went to their rooms, Buzz followed behind them with G.T. on his heals explaining what we needed done with the phone. “What’s going on?”

“I know you had a shit run, but you gotta hear this before you go in and see my girl.” The hair on the back of my neck stood to attention. Several possibilities began racing through my head and none of them good.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I sidled up to the bar next to him reaching over for a beer.

Every word out of Pops’ mouth chimed in my head as he retold the events that had taken place. I was concerned, but pride also seeped in knowing that Princess went to the brothers and didn’t try to handle it herself. “What do they have to say?”

“Stella’s not talking, but I’m sure she would with the right persuasion. Moxie is. She says that about a year ago she was feeling pretty down and out. Her guy left her, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, Rabbit’s crew just showed up, offering her a pick me up. She was in such a shitty place she took it. She got addicted, ran up a huge debt, and the only way to get out was to sell, which she’s been doing for eight months.”

“They set her up, knowing Princess would be out soon.”

Pops nodded. “Moxie doesn’t know any of that. She just wanted to be high, but that’s my thought.”

“So, Babs has drugs in Studio X, gives an anonymous tip to the cops, they raid the place, find the drugs, and with Princess’s prior, nail her to the wall, and if she’s got her piece on her, that’s more trouble.” Pops stared at his drink. “So it’s the sure fire set up to put her back in. What’s the plan?”

“It’s getting deep. You ready for this son?”

“If it means protecting my family, ab-so-fucking-lutely.”

Pops slapped my back. “Don’t be late for church.” He got up, making his way down the hall to his room. After locking the shit up tightly, I needed to see my family.

Unlocking and opening the door, I could see the small bathroom light was on as it cast a soft glow in the room. Princess’s back was turned towards me. Walking over to Coop’s bed, my heart sunk when Cooper wasn’t inside. Searching quickly, my eyes landed on the bed next to Princess. Coop lay curled up in a ball with Princess’s arm wrapped around him tightly. Both were sound asleep.

Moving closer, I reached down to scoop Cooper up and put him in his crib. Before I could get him fully up, a gun was placed at my head while a groggy Princess got her bearings. “Get away from my boy!” she barked, her eyes hazy from sleep.

“Baby, it’s me,” I said softly as recognition instantly hit her. She lowered the gun and placed it back under the pillow.

“Sorry. I’ve been a little jumpy,” she said, rubbing her eyes looking down at Coop. “I just wanted to hold him.”

“Baby, you don’t need to be sorry for that.” Scooping Cooper up, I placed him in his bed quietly shutting the door behind me. “I missed you, Baby,” I said, kneeling besides the bed.

“I missed you, too.”

“How’s Cooper?”

She smiled. “He’s perfect.” She paused. “I think he’s back to his normal self, only a little sluggish, but he’s okay.”

“You did great with him.”

Her eyes locked with mine. “Cruz, I didn’t know the first thing to do. Ma had to teach me, quickly.”

“And I bet you sucked it up and did what had to be done.” I had the utmost confidence in my girl. I watched her stitch up bullet wounds. I knew the flu wouldn’t get her down.

“Yeah. He’s a great little boy, Cruz.”

“You know he loves you.”

She smiled the widest smile. “Yeah. I know. I love him, too.”

“Wanna tell me about tonight?”

She sighed, but went into every last detail of the events that happened. “I think Babs is trying to set me up again.” God, my girl, was fucking smart.

“You do?”

Princess rolled on her side, placing her elbow on the bed, her head resting in her hand. “You can’t tell me it’s a coincidence that Babs’s man is my girl’s dealer. And then on top of doing drugs, getting them to run drugs through my studio. I think Babs knew I was getting out and wanted to set me up again.”

I stared at the smart, beautiful woman before me. There were no words that could describe the way I felt about her. Love didn’t seem to be enough. Soul mate seemed to pussy-ish to say. But something. Some deeper connection was happening with us. My heart constricted.

“You think that’s what’s going on?” she asked me, point blank. I couldn’t divulge any club business, even if she was spot on in her assessment.

“Could be.” She eyed me, and I knew she wanted to ask if I knew something, but she refrained. I loved that she knew better than to question it. “I’m gonna take a quick shower.” Getting up, I stripped my leathers. Feeling the hot water wash away the dirt and blood helped me relax a little. There was no way I could tell Princess what happened at the drop off. All that shit had to stay locked inside. I’d talk about it tomorrow morning at church.

Crawling into bed, my naked body was still wet, and all I wanted was to feel Princess’s skin. But what I felt were clothes, and I remembered she was lying with Coop. “Take it off, Baby,” I nuzzled in her ear. She didn’t hesitate. “I need you,” I said, pressing my lips to hers, feeling the shudder run through her body.

She instantly fell into the kiss, giving back as much as she was taking. Rolling on top of her, my body pressed her tightly into the mattress as she spread her legs wide for me, welcoming me into her body. Kissing down her neck, I sucked on each of her beautiful tits rolling her nipples between my teeth, loving the moans escaping her lips. I needed the taste of her pussy on my lips, but I also needed her lips around my cock.

Falling to the bed, I said, “Baby climb up here and sit on my face.” Princess scrambled up, facing the headboard. “Turn around.” She did exactly as instructed without hesitation. As she lowered on my mouth, I began my assault maneuvering my tongue in and out of her hot pussy. God, I loved this taste. Using my arm, I pressed the small of her back lowering her down to my cock.

It didn’t take her, but a second, to know exactly what I needed. As her tongue brushed up and down my dick, I was in my own slice of heaven. That place that I’ll never really get to, but while here, would enjoy every second of it. Her warm mouth wrapped around my dick as she began fucking me hard going up and down like the little vixen she was. She didn’t use her hands; they were propped at her sides holding her up, which made the feeling even more intense.

As my dick touched the back of her throat, she swallowed and hummed repeatedly. I was ready to lose it. I began sucking her clit hard and pumping my fingers in and out of her warm body, hitting that magic spot inside the top of her wall.

Princess’s pussy clamped on to my fingers tight as her screams were muffled by my dick crammed in her mouth. As she kept sucking, I felt my balls tighten, and the bottom of my spine begin to pulsate. Stream after stream came pouring out of me as my orgasm ripped through my body. Princess swallowed every last drop, licking my dick clean before falling to the side of me on the bed. But I wasn’t done with her yet.

Sitting up, I grabbed her legs and spun her around on the bed. Her laugh was beautiful. “What are you doing?” she asked, still trying to catch her breath.

“Any damn thing I want.” My lips collided with hers, tasting myself, my dick instantly became hard again as she began rocking her hips back and forth on my dick. Rolling on top of her, I grabbed her arms, pinning them above her head. Her immediate surrender made me smile. My girl was perfect.

Sliding my dick inside of her, I loved how tight and wet she was for me every damn time. Using one arm to keep hers pressed down, the other came to her knee lifting it high to her chest. I wanted her as deep as I could get her. If I could climb inside of her, I sure as hell would. Thrust after thrust, I felt her pulsating beneath me as her body arched off of the bed. Harder and harder I pounded, claiming this woman again and again as mine. As she screamed my name, I came with a roar, sweat pouring off my body. Falling on top of Princess, I crushed her into the bed with my weight, but she didn’t complain.

As I released her arms, she wrapped them tightly around my body, brushing her hand up and down my back. “I love you,” she said quietly.

“Me too.” My words were muffled by the blankets, and exhaustion seeped through my body. With the last bit of energy, I rolled off of her, pulling her back to my front, falling fast asleep.

* * *

“She knows,” were the words that I uttered during our discussion of Princess and the plot to get her back in jail during church.

“What do you mean she knows?” Diamond accused.

“I didn’t fucking tell her. She’s smart. She put two and two together last night. Said she thinks the drugs were put there to get her sent back to jail.” In no way did I want the brothers thinking I said a word to Princess. I love her, but I gave my word to keep club business separate.

“Damn,” uttered Pops. “I should have known she’d catch on quick.” He rubbed his hand over his head. “What’d you tell her?”

“All I said was ‘could be.’ I didn’t say shit.” I began strumming my fingers on the table.

“We’re not confirming it to her. She obviously knows what’s going on, so we don’t need to.” I nodded my head to Diamond.

“Next order of business is Danny.” We all knew what he had done, so there was no reason to relive it. “All in favor of removing his patch…”

The entire table voted yes. “Pass. We’ll have the issue with his back ink. It’ll need to be removed. He’ll have one week to do it on his own.” Diamond’s gavel slammed down. I knew in the back of my mind; Dagger would be more than likely the one removing it in about eight days, either by fire or knives.

Diamond nodded to Pops as he spoke. “Mindy’s not getting anywhere with Babs. I say we cut her loose and keep tracking her phone.”

The vote went down as a yes. There was no reason to keep this bitch around Princess any more than possible. And if she wasn’t giving us information, she was of no use to us.

“The intel from Deara this time wasn’t anything. But the note inside said they’d work on it. So we wait on that.”

Our heads nodded.

“The drop.” Diamond cut looking at Dagger since he was the one who set it up.

“Yeah, Boss. I don’t know what the fuck happened. Talked to Ransom, he didn’t know shit but wants in on the retaliation. Three of his guys were killed.”

“Any idea who the fuck started this shit? Like we don’t have e-fucking-nuf going on as is.” Diamond said running his hands through this hair.

“No.” G.T. chimed in. “Buzz did a track on the phone and got nothing. It was a pre-pay, and we got nothing from the guy there.”

“Shit,” Diamond clipped. “We need on this now. 200k to take you guys out… some shits going down.”

“We’re on it.” Rhys said at his side. “We’ll find out what the fucks going on.”

Diamond nodded then cut through, “Next… Studio X. Princess brought in Stella and Moxie last night. They’re hooked on blow and selling it at X.” All eyes shot to Diamond. “Stella’s not talking. Moxie is.” Diamond replayed Moxie’s words. The entire room muttered, “Shit.”

“I’ve got ‘em locked up for now. We’re thinking this is Babs’s way of getting Princess back in and for longer.”

Speaking up for the first time, I said, “I think we should let Princess persuade her.”

Diamond nodded. “Agree. Those in favor.” Everyone said yes. “Cruz you’re with her when she goes in, and don’t let it get too far.”

“Anyone else here realize that most of church has revolved around Princess?” Zed cut in.

“So?” I asked.

“Maybe you need to keep a tighter leash on her,” he accused me as I clutched my hands turning my knuckles white. But I didn’t need to say anything as Pops did it for me.

“You know damn well that this isn’t Princess’s fault. She hasn’t done shit to warrant it, except get out of prison.”

The tension became thick in the room, and Diamond could feel it, too. “Enough. She did nothing wrong.” He slammed the gavel dismissing us.

* * *

“I need you to come with me,” I said to Princess, as she was playing with Cooper at the table when we came out of church. She looked up and smiled.

“Ma. Can you watch Coop, please?” she asked as she stood up. “I’ll be right back, Buddy.” Her lips touched the top of Coop’s head as her hand rubbed the top of his hair.

Leading her down the hall, I said, “I need you to go in and make Stella talk.”

Her eyes grew wide with the recognition of what I just asked of her, as she nodded her head. “She’s not talking to Diamond and Pops?”

“No. We need your help.”

“Not a problem.” Walking her to the door, I unlocked and opened it to find Stella pacing the room and Moxie lying on the bed.

I knocked Moxie’s thigh to get her attention. “Up. Let’s go.” Moxie rolled groggily, but did as she was told. “Tug, come watch her.”

“Got it,” he said as he took Moxie from the room, as I shut the door. Grabbing a chair, I placed it in front of the door and sat in it, blocking the exit.

“What is this?” Stella asked.

Princess smiled and looked towards me. I nodded the ‘go ahead.’ I loved that she asked for permission. It literally made my dick hard.

“Sit,” Princess barked and pointed at the bed.

“I think I’ll stand,” Princess smiled. She was in her element. With a roundhouse kick, she knocked Stella down; she hit the floor, hard. Stella sat there stunned for a moment.

“Guess now you’ll be sitting on the floor.” Princess laughed.

“What the fuck is this?” Stella barked, not showing any fear what so ever. Princess must have heard it, too, because the first few punches had Stella grabbing her face and chest as she groaned.

“First, you don’t get to ask questions. I do. Second, you knew not to bring blow into my studio especially to sell it. It pisses me off.” Princess picked Stella up off the floor, placing her in a chair exactly like the one I was sitting in. She then began walking around it like a tiger stalking her prey. It was fucking hot.

Stella’s breathing began to pick up as the sweat on her brow began to form. Princess’s hand slapped hard across Stella’s cheek, causing her head to snap to the side.

“Now tell me why you started using.” Stella looked at me as I crossed my arms over my chest letting her know I wouldn’t be doing shit to stop Princess. This was her show.

Blowing out a deep breath, the blood from her lip was trickling down her face. “My man left said he couldn’t handle his girl stripping in front of other men. He was pissed about the private dances, so he left.”

“That’s all that started it?”

“That and money being tight.”

“How did you come across Rabbit and his crew?” I couldn’t help but feel pride in my girl. She was damn good at this.

When Stella didn’t answer, Princess punched her in the jaw hard enough to hear bone crack. Stella yelled out in pain as Princess began walking around her again. Stella didn’t move from the chair, but grabbed her jaw holding it. “Answer!” Princess yelled.

“It wasn’t him at first. It was someone named Turbo from his crew. He came on to me at the studio. I went to a hotel with him that night. He offered the blow; I did it, and then couldn’t stop.” Stella hung her head.

Princess grabbed her hair, pulling Stella’s eyes up to hers. “Then what?”

“Same as Moxie. Started running up a tab. I was fucking the crew to pay; then Rabbit said I had to bring in cash, or he’d kill me.”

“Keep going.” Princess pulled on her hair, then released it, standing in front of her with her arms crossed, pushing up those beautiful tits of hers.

“I didn’t sell to the girls, only a few of the regular guys. One of Rabbit’s crew came to collect the cash and give me more blow. I would do some and sell the rest.”

“You ever meet anyone else in the crew.”

“Yeah, I fucked six of the guys and saw some of the women hanging around.”

“You ever fuck Rabbit?” The bitch stared at Princess.

“Fuck no. That bitch he has would have gutted me.” Smiling, I was so damn proud of my girl.

“Tell me about this bitch.” When she didn’t talk, Princess held up her hand to strike.

“Stop, I’ll tell ya.” Princess backed off and listened. “Her name was Babs. She seemed to be running the show over there, more than the men. I didn’t think that’s how MCs worked.” Fuck no, that’s not how they worked. What the hell?

“She never hit me, but ordered the guys to do it. She threatened to have Rabbit and his crew rape and kill me. She told me that if I didn’t start bringing more clients to the studio and selling more, I’d be done.”

“So you did what she said?”

“The bitch was going to have the guys kill me, and I knew she wasn’t shitting. Her eyes were dead and cold. There was no emotion in them what-so-ever.”

“Babs say anything else?”

Stella began sobbing, no doubt from the pain Princess’s fists were leaving. “She asked about you. Wanted to know exact dates when you were getting out. I didn’t want to tell her, but she had one of the guys put a gun to my head. I didn’t have a choice.”

“What all did you tell her?” Princess asked as she stepped closer to her.

“I only told her the date you were getting out. That was all I knew.”

“When are you supposed to meet for the next exchange?” Princess asked, seeming unfazed.

“Tomorrow. 7 p.m. at the studio.”

“Who are you meeting, and how much cash is expected?”

“I never know who’s gonna be there. Could be a crew member or Rabbit. Fifteen hundred.”

“You’re selling fifteen hundred dollars of blow in my studio a week?” Princess’s anger rose. She grabbed Stella, pulling her to stand up. Then she attacked. Blow after blow, she pounded this woman into the ground. When Stella fell to her knees, Princess was seething.

“That’s enough,” I barked out. Princess looked at me and nodded, walking over to stand beside me.

“Wh… at’s gonna happen to me?” Stella asked.

“We’ll let you know.” Wrapping my arm around Princess, I led her out the door. “Tug, put the other one in, give her a first aid kit and lock ‘em up.” Tug nodded as he got to work.

I walked Princess to my room, locking the door behind us. “I need to use the bathroom.” Her voice was very distant.

“You okay?”

She gave me a small grin. “Yeah. I’m gonna take a shower.” She turned, shutting the door behind her.

Leaving the room, I went and told Diamond and Pops everything that Stella said. They were in agreement that we should set these men up tomorrow night, and we decided we’d talk about it at the next church.

Coming back to the room, I found Princess curled up under the blankets, her back facing the door. Her body was shuddering making me think she was crying. Stripping my clothes off, I crawled into bed beside her. She instantly wrapped her naked body around mine, clinging to me for dear life.

As I rubbed her back, she began to relax into me. “Talk to me,” I said softly.

“I don’t get it. How the hell can she be so pissed off at me that she wants to destroy me? Something’s missing. I need that puzzle piece, and I have no clue how the hell to get it.”

“I’m not sure, Baby, but we’ll figure it out.”

“I need you,” she whispered into my chest, her warm breath grazing me.

“I’m right here, Baby.” Princess opened her legs as I slid my dick deep inside of her. This wasn’t some quick fuck. This was slow and sensual as I rocked my hips in and out of her. Wiping the tears from her face, I leaned down, kissing her lips. As we came together, she wrapped her arms around me tight, pressing my body into hers.

After rolling off to the side, I stared down at Princess as I propped up on my elbow. “You know, I love you.” My other hand brushed the hairs that lined her beautiful face.

“I know. I love you, too.” Her smile was the most beautiful thing on this planet. I loved being the one to put it on her face.

“I need to ask you something.” She nodded. “You my ol’ lady?”

Her smiled widened, “Yeah, Baby. I am.” I kissed her hard.

“Good, I have something for you.”
