Chapter 21

Charles, Maxine, and her three children flew directly from New York to Nice. And as they left the house, Jimmy was still screaming.

It was an easy flight. Three of Blake's crew members and the captain were waiting at the Nice airport for them, and took them to the boat in two cars. Charles had no idea what to expect, but was a little surprised by the crisp uniforms, and the professionalism of the crew. This was obviously no ordinary boat. And Blake Williams was no ordinary man. She was called Sweet Dreams, and Maxine didn't tell Charles, but Blake had built the boat for her. And she was a very, very sweet dream. She was a two-hundred-forty-six-foot sailboat, the likes of which Charles had never seen. There was a crew of eighteen on board, and staterooms more beautiful than most houses, or any hotel. There was a fortune in art on the burnished wood walls. The children always had a ball when they were on board. They scampered around her like she was their second home, which in some ways she was.

They were delighted to see the crew, who were equally happy to see them. The crew were trained to meet every imaginable need, and spoil them in every possible way. No request was too menial or too small or ever ignored. It was the only time of the year when Maxine was totally pampered, and could completely relax. The crew entertained the children, and took out the toys at every stop. There were Jet Skis, and tiny sailboats, speedboats, and rafts to pull behind them, and a helipad for when Blake came on board. And there was a fullsize theater to entertain them at night, a fully equipped gym for them to exercise in, and a masseur to give them all massages.

Charles sat on deck looking startled and uncomfortable, as the enormous sailboat left the dock. A stewardess offered him a drink, and another one offered him a massage. He declined both, as he watched Monaco shrink behind them, and they set sail toward Italy. Maxine and the kids were below unpacking and making themselves comfortable. Fortunately, none of them ever got seasick, and on a boat this size, Charles suspected he wouldn't either. He was watching the coast with binoculars when Maxine came upstairs to find him. She was wearing a pink T-shirt and shorts. Charles had already been politely told not to wear shoes on the teak deck. He was sipping a Bloody Mary and smiled at Maxine, as she cuddled up next to him and kissed his neck.

“Are you doing okay?” She looked happy and relaxed, and prettier than he'd ever seen her.

He nodded, with a sheepish smile. “I'm sorry I made such a fuss about coming on the boat. I can see why you love it. Who wouldn't? I just felt odd because it's Blake's. It's a little like stepping into his shoes. He really is a tough act to follow. How am I ever going to impress you after you've had all this?” It was honest of him to say so, and humble, and it touched her. It was nice being on vacation with him, even if it was on Blake's boat. She was with Charles, not with Blake, which was exactly where she wanted to be, and with whom.

“You don't have to impress me that way. You impress me with you. Don't forget, I walked away from all this.”

“People must have thought you were crazy. I do.”

“I wasn't. We weren't right for each other. He was never around. He was a lousy husband. It's not about all this, Charles. And I love him, but he's a flake. He wasn't the right man for me, not in the end anyway.”

“Are you sure?” Charles looked doubtful. “How can you be a flake and make enough money to have all this?” He had a point.

“He's good in business. And he's willing to risk anything to win. He's a good gambler, but that doesn't make him a good husband or father. And he gambled on me in the end, and lost. He figured he could never be there, do whatever he wanted, show up once in a blue moon, and not lose me. After a while, it just wasn't worth it to me. I wanted a husband, not just a name. All I had was his name.”

“It's not a bad name,” Charles commented, as he finished his drink.

“I'd rather have yours,” she whispered, as he leaned over and kissed her.

“I'm a very lucky man.” He was beaming as he said it.

“Even if I have three kids who give you a hard time, an allconsuming practice, a crazy ex-husband, and a nanny who adopted a crack baby on four days' notice?” she asked, looking him in the eye. She worried sometimes about his ability to tolerate her life. It was a lot wilder than what he was used to. Not as wild as Blake's by any means, but much more lively than anything he had ever known. But being with her excited him too, and in spite of his complaints, he was crazy about her. She could feel that now.

“Let me think about it for a minute,” he said in response to her list a moment before. “No, in spite of that, I love you, Max. I just need some time to get used to all this. Especially the kids. I just don't feel comfortable with them yet.” That was honest of him too. “I never thought I'd fall in love with a woman with three children. But they'll be gone in a few years.”

“Not for a while,” she reminded him. “Sam is only six. And the other two still have high school to get through.”

“Maybe they'll skip a grade,” he teased her. She didn't like that he was so anxious for her children to grow up and leave. It was the one big concern she had about him. It was an important point to her. Up until now, she had lived for her kids, and she wasn't intending to change that for anyone, not even Charles.

She told him about Blake's Moroccan orphanage then, and warned him not to tell the children. Their father wanted it to be a surprise.

“What's he going to do with a hundred orphans?” Charles looked amazed. Why would anyone do a thing like that? Even with Blake's money, it seemed like a crazy thing to do.

“House them, educate them, take care of them. Send them away to college one day. He's setting up a foundation for the orphanage. It's a nice thing for him to do. It's an amazing gift to those kids. He can afford it, it won't make a dent in what he has.” That, Charles could believe, just from looking at the boat, and all he had read about Blake. He had one of the biggest fortunes in the world. It still amazed Charles that Maxine took nothing from him, and was content with her far more human-scale life. Not many women would have resisted the temptation to stick it to him when they left. And he suspected that was why she and Blake were such good friends, because he knew what a good person she was. Charles was well aware of it himself.

They lay on the sun deck for a while then, and the children joined them for lunch. They were planning to anchor outside Portofino that night. The boat was too big to go into port, and the kids were never that interested in going ashore. From there, they were going to Corsica for several days, Sardinia, Capri, and Elba on the way back. They had a nice trip planned, and they were going to spend most of it on the boat, at anchor.

Much to Maxine's surprise, Charles played card games with the children at night. She had never seen him so relaxed. Sam had just had both his casts off, and his ribs were feeling better, so he could get around the boat with ease. And Charles took him on one of the Jet Skis the next day. He looked like a kid himself. He went scuba diving with one of the crew members afterward, since he was certified. And he went snorkeling with Maxine after lunch. They swam to a small beach together, and they lay on the white sand. Jack and Daphne were watching them with binoculars, and Daphne set them down with a look of disgust when they kissed. Daphne was still giving him a tough time, but it was hard to avoid him on the boat. And eventually even she relaxed, particularly after he taught her how to waterski. He was good at it, and taught her a few tricks that made it easier for her.

It delighted Maxine to see Charles warming up to her children. It had taken a long time, and they hadn't made it easy for him, except for Sam, who got along with everyone and felt sorry for him. He thought Daphne was being too mean, and said as much to Charles.

“You think so, eh?” Charles said, laughing. He had been in great spirits ever since they'd been on the boat. Despite his earlier trepidation, he conceded to Maxine that it was the best vacation he'd ever had, and she had never seen him look more relaxed.

Blake had called them the second day out. He just wanted to be sure the trip was going well, and told Maxine to give Charles his best. She relayed the message, but a cloud crossed Charles's eyes again.

“Why don't you relax about him?” she suggested, and Charles nodded, and said nothing. No matter what she said to reassure him, he was still fiercely jealous of Blake. She could understand it, but it seemed so unnecessary to her. She was in love with Charles, not with Blake.

They talked about their wedding, and she got emails from the caterer and the wedding planner. Everything was under control.

They swam in beautiful coves off Corsica, and lay on white sandy beaches. And then they went on to Sardinia, which was far more social, and there were other big boats there as well. Maxine and Charles had dinner ashore, and the next day they left for Capri. It was always fun for the children there. They rode in a horse-drawn carriage, and did some shopping, and Charles bought her a beautiful turquoise bracelet that she loved. And he told her again on the way back to the boat what a good time he was having on the trip. They both looked happy and relaxed. Blake had given them a great gift with the boat. And the children were finally beginning to enjoy Charles, and not complaining as much about him to Maxine, although Daphne still said he was uptight. But compared to her father, everyone was. Charles was a grown-up to the core. But he still managed to have a good time, tell some jokes, and he danced on deck with Maxine one night, to some good music the crew had put on for them.

“It doesn't bother you to be on his boat with another man?” Charles inquired.

“Not in the least,” she answered. “He's been on board with half the women on the planet. It's been over between me and Blake for a long time. I wouldn't be marrying you if that weren't the case.” Charles believed that was true, he just felt that everywhere he went, Blake was looking over his shoulder. There were photographs of him everywhere, a few of Maxine, and many of the kids. They were all in beautiful silver frames.

The weeks sped by too quickly, and suddenly it was the last night. They had anchored off St. Jean Cap Ferrat and were going in to Monte Carlo the next day, to fly home. It was a beautiful moonlit night, the children were watching a movie, and she and Charles sat on deck chairs, talking softly.

“I hate to go home,” she admitted. “Leaving the boat is always like being cast out of the Garden of Eden. Reality hits hard after this.” She laughed as she said it, and he agreed. “The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy before the wedding,” she warned him, but he didn't look worried or upset about it anymore.

“I figured they would be. I'll go hide somewhere if it gets to be too much for me.”

Maxine was planning to work for two weeks, and she had a lot to do in the office and many patients to see, before she took August off, for the wedding and the honeymoon. Thelma and her practice were covering for her again, as they always did.

When they got home, the wedding would be four weeks away. She could hardly wait. Maxine and her children were all moving to her house in Southampton on the first of August, and Charles was coming too. So were Zellie and her new baby, and Maxine hoped that would be okay. It was going to be a powerful dose of reality for Charles, but he said he was braced for it. They were both excited about the wedding, and her parents were staying with them for the wedding weekend too. It would give Charles someone to talk to, while Maxine tended to the final details. The only time Charles wouldn't be staying with them was the night before the wedding, after the rehearsal dinner. She had made him take a room at a hotel, so he wouldn't see her the morning of the wedding. She was superstitious about that, which he said was a nuisance, but he was willing to indulge her for one night.

“It might be the only decent night's sleep I get, with all the people you'll have in the house.” It was a far cry from his peaceful cabin in Vermont. Maxine never wanted to go there because they couldn't take the kids with them, unlike her rambling old house in the Hamptons, which housed them all and still left room for guests.

The captain pulled the boat into port in Monte Carlo early the next morning, and they were already moored there when everyone woke up. They had a last breakfast on board, and then the crew members were going to drive all five of them to the airport. Just before they left, Maxine stood looking up at the beautiful sailboat from the dock.

“You love her, don't you?” Charles asked as she nodded.

“Yes, I do,” Maxine said softly. “I always hate to leave.” She looked at him then. “I had a wonderful time with you, Charles.” She leaned over and kissed him, and he kissed her back.

“So did I,” he said as he slipped an arm around her waist, and together they walked away from the Sweet Dreams, and got into the car. It had been the perfect vacation after all.
