Chapter Forty-Two

Ari ran toward her mother with her arms out. There was so much to tell her, so much to fill her in on.

“I missed you,” she said as she threw her arms around the woman who had always been her confidante, her best friend.

“You know I always miss you, darling,” Sandra said. “How was the honeymoon?”

“It was perfect in every possible way. We took a tour of Scotland and went through old castles, and then lay on the beach for hours. I even got to watch dolphins dance, and saw some giant whales. The best part was just being with Rafe. I can’t believe how much he has changed from the man I met a few years ago. It seems so unreal that we almost didn’t get our happily ever after. We’re going to have to go there again with you and Rafe’s family.”

“That sounds divine. But would you mind one more person joining our group?” Sandra asked.

“Who? Oh, wait, that was a stupid question. Things must be going well with you and Marco,” Ari said with a teasing grin.

“He asked me to marry him.” Sandra grew quiet, as if unsure how Ari was going to feel about her mother marrying.

“Oh, Mom, that is so great!” Ari exclaimed, catching her mom up in another embrace.

“I’m glad to hear you’re happy about it, because we went ahead and eloped three days ago,” Sandra said. She held up her hand and showed Ari the platinum band with an exquisite design of diamonds circling it.

Ari replayed her mother’s words in her head. Her mom had gotten married — without her. Finally she found her voice again.

“I can’t believe you would get married without me there,” she managed to say.

“I’m sorry, baby, but I knew you would want to make a big fuss about it, and you are a new bride. I wanted you to be able to focus on your marriage and husband and not worry about me. I’m just an old woman who’s been lucky enough to find a great love late in life. We’ll have a big celebration dinner. How does that sound?”

Ari wasn’t thrilled that she’d been excluded from the ceremony, but she also didn’t want to cast a shadow on her mother’s happiness, so she sucked up her disappointment and smiled.

“That sounds wonderful, and don’t you dare call yourself old again. You are as beautiful now as you were twenty years ago.”

“Aw, you are my sweet girl. Now what are our plans for the day?”

“I’m going to show you my new house after we do some shopping,” Ari said with excitement, quickly getting over her disappointment.

“You got it? Which one did you decide on?”

“The colonial. Thank you for helping Rafe find me the perfect house,” she said,. It was a day of all holidays rolled into one. If she never got another present, she wouldn’t care. This was security unlike anything else she could imagine. She’d been lucky enough to grow up in one home and she wanted to give her future children the same comfort.

“I am so happy for you. I’ll never forget the day I signed the papers on my house. It was a dream come true. There is just such comfort in knowing it’s yours and no one will take it away. It’s been a good house for me. Marco and I have decided to start fresh, both of us selling our homes and getting a new one together where we can make new memories, but I will always hold my first home close to my heart,” Sandra said as the two of them got into Ari’s brand-new Lexus, a wedding gift from her husband.

Ari would usually have been irritated he’d spent so much, but since it wasn’t in the six-figure range, and as the day was clear and sunny and she was driving with the top folded down, she couldn’t be upset. She loved the car way too much.

“This is wonderful,” Sandra said, relaxing in the passenger seat as they began moving slowly through the city.

“I know. Rafe spoils me,” Ari said with a smile as they pulled up to a store. “I love how much he loves me, Mom. That makes everything seem perfect, though I know it won’t always be that way. We will have our fights, but I believe we can make it through anything that comes our way.”

“Just remember that, and the two of you will have a good marriage. A lot of relationships fail because one or the other in the relationship tries to smother the other one or they don’t listen to their partner. That can only lead to resentment.”

“Is it difficult to marry a man when you are so set in your ways?” Ari asked.

“You would think so, but Marco and I have dated a long time now, and we both understand that we have businesses that are important to us. We get to share our days when we get home in the evening and it’s almost effortless. I truly love him,” Sandra said, a sparkle in her eyes that Ari hadn’t seen in years. “He can’t wait for us all to get together, but he went to a convention in Las Vegas. He’ll be home tomorrow and then we will all have dinner.”

“I’m so glad you have someone, Mom. Truly I am. I really like Marco. He’s a good man with a big heart. I love that he puts a sparkle in your eyes. Not to mention on your ring finger.”

“Thank you, Ari. That means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me, and don’t you ever forget that.”

They spent the rest of the day going to different stores and buying items that would make her feel at home, and then ended it by getting manicures and pedicures and having dinner together at their favorite Mexican restaurant. The food was greasy and cheesy — a perfect way to end their day. It was just what both of them needed; since they’d been so busy of late, they hadn’t spent nearly enough time with one another.

Ari had missed her mom. She was grateful that they lived in the same city, so they could visit often. Too many people failed to value the importance of family. Ari was lucky enough to have married a man who loved his family and understood how important her relationship with her mother was.

By the time their evening came to a close, Ari wasn’t quite ready to say goodnight, but she knew they’d see each other soon enough. After letting her mom tour her future home, she dropped Sandra off and then drove back to Rafe’s place. Soon, she’d be in the new house and she couldn’t wait.

“Mom absolutely loves the new house,” Ari said as she stepped from her car, seeing Rafe standing on the front steps to greet her.

“I hope you had a good day with your mother. It’s been a while and I can’t wait to see her again,” he said, coming down the steps so he could escort her inside.

“She feels the same about you. And it was a perfect day. I really enjoyed driving my sleek new car. I don’t think Mom wanted to get out of it,” she said, making him beam.

“I knew you would love it,” he said before kissing her, unable to hide the contentment he felt that she liked her wedding present so much.

“Yes, you know me well. We spent the day shopping and I picked out some great decorations for the house. They will look fantastic.”

“I can’t wait to see everything,” he said, taking her hand and leading her inside. She knew it would bore him to pieces, but she appreciated that he said it anyway.

They walked inside as the telephone rang, and after putting her bags in the living room, Ari stepped into the kitchen and sat at the island with a cool glass of wine while she waited for Rafe to join her.

When he entered the room, his smile was gone and she stood up, instantly concerned.

“Is everything OK?” she asked.

“No. That was my mother. She hasn’t heard from Rachel all week and she’s worried.”

“Have you tried to call her?” Ari asked, instantly on alert.

“No, but Mom has with no success. I think it’s time we head back over there. I don’t like this,” Rafe said.

“When do you want to leave?” Now that the euphoria of her wedding and honeymoon were over, the worry for Rachel came crashing to the forefront of everything. It was obvious that Rachel cared about Adriane, but maybe the king wasn’t capable of caring for Rachel in the same way.

Of course Ari would respect whatever decision Rachel made, but she had a feeling her sister-in-law needed her, needed all of them. If Adriane did reject her, it was going to hurt. Ari knew how much it hurt not to have the love of the man you were giving your heart to.

“Tonight?” Rafe said as he looked her way.

“Let me pack a bag.”

Family came first. Of course they would go to Rachel. There was no question where Ari’s priorities lay.

“What about Lia? Have you heard anything from her since she and Shane took off?”

“Nothing more than the email telling me they eloped. Shane has some explaining to do,” Rafe said, his eyes narrowing.

“It seems that eloping is the thing of the hour. My mother and Marco eloped, too.”

“That’s wonderful, Ari. We will send them a wedding gift,” Rafe said, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. The call from his mother must have really shaken him up. She squeezed his arm as she tried to distract him.

“Mom did love my car…” she said with a teasing grin.


“I was kidding, Rafe. She will beat you over the head with a cast-iron skillet if you buy her something so extravagant,” she said. She should have known better than to make that kind of joke around her husband.

“Then I’d better get a helmet.”

Ari knew she wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it. Secretly, she was pleased with his generosity, but she didn’t want him thinking he had to do things like that. Still, her mom had given up a lot to raise Ari, and Ari could hardly deny her such a wonderful gift.

“You know, you should give Lia a break. She loves Shane and he loves her.”

The two of them were moving to the stairs as they spoke. Getting to Rachel was important, but they didn’t think that she was in danger, just that she needed them to be there with her.

“I have no issue with them marrying. But my mother is crushed that she wasn’t there. She would have liked to help Lia plan the wedding and to see her walk down the aisle.”

“Some women don’t want a fuss made,” she told him as they entered their bedroom.

“When you have a family as big as ours, that just isn’t an option,” he said.

“You’ll forgive her because you love her and Shane.” She leaned up on her tiptoes to nuzzle his neck.

“How can I stay irritated when you keep touching me?” he asked, finally softening just the tiniest bit as he wrapped his arms around her.

“You can’t. That’s the plan,” Ari told him. She reluctantly pulled back, loving that she’d been able to pull him from his dark mood.

“Thank you, Ari.”

“For what?” she asked as she reluctantly let him go and moved toward her closet.

“For knowing exactly what to say to take my stress away. You are good for me in so many ways.”

She turned and faced him. “I’m a better person for having you in my life. Now, you call the jet and have your staff ready it, and I’ll gather our clothes.”

Rafe smiled and grabbed his phone. They had a long night ahead of them, and he wasn’t about to waste it.
