Chapter Three

Rachel was warm and cozy. As she drifted up from the deep lake of sleep, she struggled to hold on to its blissfulness.

But, no. Something jostled her, and she knew that no matter how badly she wanted and needed to stay asleep, it was over. Stretching her arms, she hit solid muscle. What?

Her eyes finally creaked open and she tried to focus in the harsh light. When the blurriness faded, she locked eyes with Adriane and instantly stiffened. What was she doing sitting on his lap, leaning into him?

“You’re just fine, Rachel. You simply had a little nap,” he said, stroking her back.

Rachel tried to focus on Adriane. Where was she? Why was she with him? As she woke up all the way, the night came back with the violence of a slamming door and she pulled away, nearly falling on her butt in her haste to jump out of Adriane’s arms.

“What’s going on, Adriane?” She looked around the roomy jet in puzzlement.

“You were just having a little dream, darling,” he said. It was obvious she hadn’t quite figured out where she was yet. She’d be a whole lot more upset when that happened.

“I’m not your darling,” she said, and sat down on the chair across from him.

“Oh, Rachel, you most certainly are,” Adriane said.

A shiver passed through her. If only she weren’t so attracted to him — hating him was so difficult. But did she want to hate the father of her child? No. Of course not. She just wanted to find a happy medium, be able to breathe normally in his presence, and then work out what she was going to do next.

“We were in the car,” she said, confused as she again looked around. Adriane could see she was starting to get her bearings. This wasn’t going to end well.

As she looked around the jet, they suddenly hit a pocket of turbulence, and that’s when she noticed the vibration. She looked toward the curtained windows and her eyes widened. This wasn’t a normal room. The curved walls, the small window openings, the confined space…

“Are we on a plane?” she asked with an exasperated gasp.

“You need to remember what the doctor told you back at the villa. You have to keep your blood pressure down, and fighting with me will surely raise it,” he said in a quiet, calming tone.

“I am trying really hard right now not to freak out, Adriane, but I swear by all that’s holy that if you’ve kidnapped me, my blood pressure is going to go straight through my head and explode,” she said, gritting her teeth.

“I’m taking you home for a little while. I have to take care of you.” Adriane prayed that the remark didn’t send her into another faint.

“The doctor said I need to not get stressed or overexert myself, so I’m trying really, really hard not to yell right now, but all I want to do at the moment is reach out and strangle you,” she said, fire returning to her eyes.

“I just want to make sure that all is well with you and our child. It’s important that I look after you. I won’t bring up our wedding until you’re feeling better,” he said, offering his idea of a compromise.

“I will be just fine looking after myself,” she told him.

“Please try to understand. My country is in upheaval right now with the death of my father, and my brother making a play for the throne. I must return home — it is my duty — but I can’t leave you behind if your health and that of my child are not at one hundred percent. You are my duty, too,” he said. He couldn’t back down from this and leave her behind. She was too important.

“I am nobody’s duty, Adriane. I demand that you turn this plane around this second.” She looked toward the cockpit and considered pounding on the thick doors and informing the pilots that their king had kidnapped her. Yeah, right. That would do a lot of good.

In their eyes, as in the eyes of everyone who worked for him, Adriane could do no wrong. She didn’t see that she had a whole lot of choices right now.

Why had she let her exhaustion overwhelm her? If she’d only stayed awake, she wouldn’t be in this mess. Yes, Adriane was stronger than she was, but surely she could outrun him — even tired and pregnant.

OK, she didn’t know if she could, but she would have made a valiant effort.

Her eyes still narrow, Rachel looked from him to all points of exit on the jet. Adriane watched her under his eyelids just in case she tried to do something foolish, but he tried to portray a man at ease. He felt relief enough that she wasn’t screaming, that she didn’t seem to be getting overly upset. Maybe she would compromise with him. As well she might; he was doing her an amazing favor by bending at all. He’d prefer to march her straight to the altar, but she certainly wasn’t making things easy for him even just to talk to her. He was already working on a new strategy.

For now, however, it would suffice to have her under his roof, where he could ensure her health and know her whereabouts. Where he could force her to communicate.

“Your country’s problems are not my concern, Adriane,” she said. At the hurt that flickered briefly in his eyes, Rachel felt a pang of remorse. She shouldn’t, though. The man had taken her against her will, and she had a lot of other grievances against him. If his feelings were hurt, that should be just too bad, because he’d been nothing but a bully since returning to her life. And yet…and yet she didn’t like to hurt anyone intentionally, and it was obvious that her words had done just that.

“I would like for them to be your concern, since they will be the concern of our baby,” he said after a long pause.

“I get that our child will be a part of your life. I can see that you aren’t going to accept anything less than being an active father, but that doesn’t mean the two of us have to be friends, or even have to deal with each other at all. Many children grow up happy when their parents aren’t together.”

“That’s just not how it’s done in Corythia, Rachel. You carry the heir. He needs to be raised to know and love his land,” Adriane insisted.

“Would you stop saying ‘he’?” she growled. “That is driving me crazy!”

Adriane’s eyes grew round, and then a grin split his face as he lifted his hand and brushed back her hair.

“I love that you have such spirit, Rachel. It’s unbelievably sexy,” he said, wanting so badly to reach over and take her lips. If he hadn’t feared that she might bite him, he would have done just that. Hell, it might have been worth it, anyway.

“Don’t try to distract me, Adriane. I’m angry with you,” she said, but he watched as her breathing quickened.

He enjoyed seeing that he still affected her as much as she affected him. But he also knew that she’d rather eat dirt than admit that to him.

“I like distracting you,” he murmured, his hand sliding down her face and then caressing her shoulder and arm as he sat down next to her.

“Adriane…” she warned.


“Stop touching me. You’re making my blood pressure spike again.”

Adriane immediately withdrew his hand, though it was exceedingly difficult for him to do so. After the doctor had examined her again, he would be doing a lot more touching, in a lot more-intimate places.

“I will back off if you stop fighting me long enough to come and see our child’s birthright. Don’t you want to see his — I mean, the baby’s land?”

Rachel was furious, but as she had to keep her blood pressure down, and as they were already on the jet, she really didn’t have a lot of choices at the moment. Once they landed… Well, that was a different story.

“Am I free to leave the minute I want?” she asked, looking him in the eye so she could detect if he was being anything but honest.

“Rachel…” he began.

“I swear, I’ll call in the U.S. military, Adriane,” she threatened.

“Not if you can’t get to a phone,” he countered with a small grin.

“Oh, I have ways,” she warned him. She also had a family that would move heaven and earth to get to her. She wasn’t concerned about her rescue. She might have little choice but to play his game, but he’d discover soon enough that it was a game he would lose.

“We will discuss your departure later if you still feel like leaving,” he said.

Rachel knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to pacify her with vague promises. OK, she would let him believe it was working. If he thought she’d surrendered to his will, it would be so much easier to make her escape. Still, she couldn’t help but make one more snarky comment, damning her plan as soon as she’d formed it.

“I’m not going to fight you any further right now, because I’m smart enough to listen to what the doctor has said. But don’t think it means that you’re off the hook, Adriane. When I get the all clear from the doctor, we’re going to have one hell of a battle. That’s a promise.”

Then, before he could answer, she stood up and moved to the back of the jet. She had no doubt that there was a bed aboard, and she was going to find it. All the fighting had drained what little energy she had left, and since she was stuck here, she was going to at least try to catch up on her sleep.

He tried to talk to her, but she just hummed as she walked away, finding a room and closing the door behind her. She was sure the king of Corythia didn’t appreciate her less-than-respectful treatment of him, but the poor sap would just have to get used to it.

Adriane found himself wanting to chase after her to teach her a few lessons on royal behavior. Her health was the only thing stopping him from doing just that.

As soon as she was better, though…

That thought made him smile as he kicked back on the sofa. Yes, they would certainly battle when she was back in full health, and Adriane was a fine warrior.
