Chapter Forty-Five

As if on cue, the storm picked up speed. As Rachel stepped from the warmth and security of the palace, she was hit with a gust of wind so strong, it nearly blew her over. But she had to think, had to get away from the stagnant air she’d been breathing inside.

What was he saying to her? Did he care? It seemed that way to her each time they made love.

She’d been a fool to think she could ever just be Adriane’s friend. She’d wanted that for the sake of the children she carried, but how could she not fall in love with the man when she made love to him? Though some women might be able to have meaningless sex, she wasn’t built that way.

At least she had accomplished her goal — so to speak. She’d gotten to know Adriane about as well as anyone could. He wasn’t easy to know: he was too closed off to the world. Maybe that was from being born royal. Too many people sought only to use him.

She wasn’t one of those people. But did he know that?

And how long could she continue hoping he would give her all of himself? She deserved that; she didn’t deserve to be kept there waiting, waiting, and waiting for the day he’d profess his undying love.

But at this point could she simply walk away? Give in so easily? He seemed so close. If she hadn’t realized her heart was involved, the decision would be so much easier. She was terrified, though, that if she stayed now and he never felt anything more than a fondness for her, she would slowly wither away.

Her gloomy thoughts accompanied her to the beach, where she looked out at the ocean as the waves crashed dangerously close to the shore. She didn’t care; the looming tempest matched the way she felt. As she drew farther and farther from the palace, the storm clouds grew angrier and blacker in the sky.

Just as the first drops of a pounding rain started, Rachel was pushed to her knees by a large gust of wind. She fell to the sand, her hands digging in as she fought to find her breath.

When she looked back and realized how far she’d wandered, she decided it was time to go back. The sea was tossing and flailing about, and the wind blew strongly, strongly enough to carry her off into the waves if she wasn’t careful. No matter how emotional she was right now, she couldn’t put her babies in jeopardy. Now was a good time to face Adriane and demand answers from him.

He was going to give her all or nothing. And all was the only thing she would accept.

Pushing against the wind, she struggled to her feet and turned. Her breath hitched when she discovered a man looming nearby. Feeling strangely afraid, she looked for the path, seeking the palace in the distance. She really had walked too far.

When this new fear clawed at her chest, she had to remind herself that this was Adriane’s private beach — no one who didn’t belong could be here. This was most likely a new guard.

Still, she just wanted to get away from him.

“Hello, Rachel. I’ve been waiting to get you alone.”

The sound of his voice sent a chill straight through her body.

“Who are you? How do you know my name?”

She automatically took a few retreating steps from him.

“I know all about you and the children you carry — the supposed heirs of this kingdom. You are an inconvenience that must be disposed of if I’m to gain my throne.”

It took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

“You’re…” her words failed her.

“Yes, I’m Adriane’s brother, Gianni. You and I are going to take a little trip together, Rachel.”

He reached over and grasped her arm, tugging at her.

Hell, no!

Rachel kicked at him, and in his surprise, he released her. She took off running, screaming at the top of her lungs for help, but she knew it was a long shot that her voice would be heard over the thunder and lightning roaring across the sky. Add to that, the crashing of the waves, which were only growing in violence as the storm gathered force.

Suddenly she was flying through the air, her feet kicked out from under her, and she fell hard against the wet sand. A slicing pain ripped through her abdomen and side.

“No!” she screamed as her stomach cramped. This man wasn’t going to make her lose her babies. Pain almost consumed her, but she still fought him, trying everything in her power to escape.

He bent down to grab her, and her hand shot out, scratching his face. The look of hatred in his eyes frightened her; screaming again, she kicked out, despite the pain she felt lancing through her stomach. She knew that if she gave in, if this man captured her, she didn’t have a chance.

When he reached for her again, her foot connected, forcing a shout of rage from his throat. She got to her feet and stumbled a few steps before he grabbed her hair and yanked her back. Tears leaked from her eyes at the pain, and she lost her ability to fight. When his fist shot out and struck her cheek, it was all over. Rachel succumbed to a vortex of blackness as dark as the waters crashing around her.
