
KENNEDY STUDIED HER client as he crossed the room. She’d texted him to meet her at the Tuck-N-Pack gym, but it took a few rounds back and forth to get him to agree. Guess working out wasn’t his thing. His T-shirt and sweat shorts were the closest to normal clothes she’d seen him in. His legs held nice tone¸ and his six-foot frame wasn’t overbearing and fit his body type nicely. His shoulders and biceps were pretty cut. Could he have possibly gotten those arms from golf? Nah, impossible: that was the wimpiest sport in the world and did nothing. Amazing how his whole persona changed with just a haircut, polish, and normal skin tone. Her Eliza was blooming in front of her eyes.

Kennedy had tossed and turned all night, thinking about that almost kiss, and finally came to a conclusion. Their relationship would now be strictly business. No ice cream cones, hand holding, or confessionals. It was perfectly normal to begin developing a bond when working so closely. Arilyn had struggled with the line many times; Kate had ended up with one of her clients, for crying out loud; and now it was her turn. But when morning finally came, and she climbed out of bed from a sleepless evening, she committed to the path. No more diversions.

He stopped and looked over his thick frames with pure suspicion. “Hey.”

“Hi. How was work?”

“Wayne got blocked, so I had to talk him off the ledge.”

“Your lab partner?”

“Yes. I hate these places. What idiot names a place the Tuck-N-Pack?”

“I thought it sounded creative. You seem cranky.”

He glowered. Kennedy fought a smile. Her scientist looked kind of adorable with his newly waxed brows drawn down and his jaw clenched. “Let’s get this over with. What are we doing? Weights? Bike? Treadmill? Or do you just want me to put you on my back while I do one hundred pushups for your entertainment?”

“Not today. You’ve got great biceps. And legs. Do you run?”

“No. It’s from golf.”

She snickered. “Yeah, right. We’re taking a class today to stretch your boundaries. Have you ever danced?”

Something akin to horror flickered in his eyes. “Have you ever golfed?”

“Guess not. A man comfortable with dancing owns his body. Dancing brings grace, balance, and a certain sensuality. You live mostly in your head. You’re missing a connection to your actual physical form, and I think this will do the trick. It’s also a great workout.”

His glasses slipped a few inches down his nose. He shoved them back. “What class is it?”

She turned on her heel and headed toward the smoked glass door in the back. Her fingers curled around the handle. “Zumba.” With a grin, she opened the door and stepped through.

He froze to the spot and the door swung closed in his face. She waited, but he remained still, refusing to move. Kennedy held back a sigh and peeked back out. “Nate, trust me on this.”

He waited a beat. Two. Then walked away. Kennedy leaped out in front of him. “Is there a problem?”

Nate lowered his voice to a dark hiss. “Do you know what gym class was like for me? I still have nightmares, and now you want to humiliate me in another group setting? Stomping around to a bunch of bad music with a cheerleader-type instructor is not my idea of a decent workout.”

She jerked back. God, she hadn’t anticipated his bringing up awful memories of high school gym. It seemed like they had suffered the same woes of adolescence—it had taken years before she’d been strong enough to go into a gym with her head held high and work out without wondering if she’d hear the chants of fat girl. She grabbed his hand and squeezed tight. “I’d never do anything to humiliate you. Never. Everything I do has a higher purpose, and that’s to find you a wife, Nate. Your wife. I send all my clients to this gym, and no one judges them. Just try it with an open mind. Please.”

She held her breath for his decision. An odd sort of heat flooded through her from the intense way he studied every inch of her face, as if probing beneath her skin to find all the stuff hidden. He had a way of making someone feel she was the most important person in the world under that stare.

“Are you sure Zumba will get me to my wife?”

“It’s an important piece in the puzzle. Each step brings you to the next level.”

He returned the pressure of her fingers. Funny, it was like they fit perfectly together. Almost like being home. The thought skittered through her, and she quickly tugged her hand away. Business. Just business.

“Fine. I’ll try.”

Giddiness flooded her. “Thank you. You won’t regret it.”

“I don’t believe you, but I’ll try anyway,” he muttered.

She dragged him into the studio before he had time to change his mind.

The cool air hit her full force and pebbled goose bumps on her bare arms and legs. The room was half-full, and she guided him toward the back corner. Large screens were set up so the instructor could be viewed from every angle, and most of the students were warming up with gentle stretches. Nate crossed his arms in front of his chest and surveyed the room with disdain. She leaned over. “First off, no one’s looking at you. No one cares. Try to let yourself go for once in your life and forget controlling the outcome. Don’t rationalize the moves. Have some fun, and take an hour off from results.”

He stiffened, but the perky brunette bounced to the center stage and spoke into her earpiece. “Is everyone ready to ZUMBA?”

The crowd roared. “Yes!”

“Well, let’s turn it up, people!”

The music boomed from the walls and ceiling, wrapping them in a Latin-type rhythm that perked up the heartbeat and warmed the blood. Kennedy concentrated on their model, enjoying the back-and-forth steps of the warm-up, and watched Nate in the mirror under half-lidded eyes. He stomped back and forth with deliberate movements, his nose wrinkled in concentration. She knew it would be a big test for him to admit he may not get the steps, but it was important to dive beneath the control barrier he kept up. No woman wanted a perfectionist as a mate, or someone judgmental. She needed to scratch past his rigid mental structure and get him to feel.

The warm-up transitioned to grinding hip-hop. Kennedy missed many of the steps, but made up for it in enthusiasm and the swing of her hips. Another glance in the mirror showed the gleam of sweat on Nate’s brow, the slip of his glasses down his nose, and the frustrated grimace of his lips. She almost caught the smoke from his head steaming out as he tried to mimic the instructor’s rapid pace. As soon as he nailed one routine, she switched to another rocketing foot dance that seemed to have no rhyme or reason. It was exactly what Kennedy wanted him to experience.

“Let’s work the hips, people! One, two, and three. Slide on four. Bump and grind, baby, that’s what I’m talking about!”

Forty minutes into the class, Nate Ellison Raymond Dunkle surrendered.

It was a fascinating breakdown to watch. Kennedy knew the exact moment he decided he couldn’t do it. No matter how hard he tried, the dance slipped away from him, always out of his grasp, leaving only the raw tempo of music, the scent of sweat, and the stamp of feet on the bare floors. The lights spun and threw him into a greenish silhouette.

Kennedy prided herself on breaking down the male species. Arilyn usually helped target the exact hurdle her prey needed in order to strip down boundaries. Kennedy wasn’t educated as a counselor, but she enjoyed witnessing growth in a person. Lord knows she’d dealt with tons of angst in her own past. Still, pain built character. Growth helped love. Being stagnant and fearful only blocked any of the good vibes in a healthy relationship.

At least, that’s what she always believed.

He stopped dancing. Stared at the move of bodies, flowing and ebbing, some in tempo and most not. She never stopped in her own routine. This was his journey, and his choice. She could only lead him in the right direction. Kennedy turned, bent, then did a rotation, a hip thrust that made her feel naughty and powerful. Again. And again.

Nate narrowed his gaze, taking in the scene, and did the one thing she’d swear the man was incapable of.

He danced.

He spun, lowered, rotated, and thrust. Worries over looking stupid, or not copying the exact movements, or the horror of his high school gym class all seemed to drift away. He missed most of the steps but never stopped. He gave up and gave in, and his body took over.

She couldn’t tear her gaze from him in the mirror. His cotton shirt slipped up and she caught a glimpse of a nice rack of abs. The innate stillness he owned radiated outward into a flow of almost poetic grace, his feet sliding across the floor, his hips rocking with a power that left her a bit breathless. Like a caterpillar catching flight as a butterfly, in that instant he dove into the moment and owned it. An almost sexual energy emanated in waves and mixed with the earthy tempo, turning him into a man radiating sheer command. For one second, her skin tingled and her breath caught. For one second, she was completely and utterly attracted to him.

The music changed; slowed. Cool-down began, with gentle glides and simple arm movements. The moment passed and faded, already seeming like a weird dream. Class ended and students lingered to guzzle water, chat, and speak with the teacher. A proud grin curved her lips as she walked over to her profusely sweating client.

“What do you think?”

He adjusted his clothing, took a sip of water, and studied her over his glasses. “Tell me this is a one-shot deal.”

She shook her head. “We Zumba every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You’ll enjoy it more each time.”

“I think I’d rather see Benny or Ming.” His gaze pierced hers. “Do you torture all the men at Kinnections before getting them their happy ever afters?”

She laughed. “Love and relationships are work. We always say learn to do the labor beforehand, and it will become a habit and lead to a more successful relationship.”

He pondered the words and tilted his head. “Do you follow your own advice?”

The question took her off guard, but she made sure to recover quickly. “Yes. I’ve done a lot of hard work with myself. I think that’s helped me form better relationships.”

Nate nodded. “When was your last one?”

“My last what?”

“Long-term relationship.”

Irritation bristled her nerves. She forced a casual smile. “Oh, not too long ago. But I’m ready and open for the next.”

“You said you didn’t do long term.”

She took a slug of water so she didn’t have to answer. He waited her out anyway, his gaze probing for truth. “Long term means something different to everyone. Yours is marriage. Mine is a few months.”

Students chatted, mats were dragged out for the next class, and his voice reached her ears, deep and dark and caressing. “Maybe you deserve more.”

She opened her mouth to set him straight, but a sweet, female voice interrupted. “Hi. Just wanted to welcome you to Zumba. It’s so great to see a man here. Most don’t have the guts.”

Kennedy took in her high ponytail, bare midriff, and interested gaze. Whoa. She was really interested, her sly gaze sliding up and down his body. Fresh meat was always welcome at the gym. Nate didn’t move. Didn’t respond. Kennedy cleared her throat and bumped his shoulder. This was a perfect opportunity to watch him handle a first meet. Maybe he’d learned a few lessons from the disastrous speed dating and their time together. “Umm, Nate, I’ll be right back.”

She moved away to give them a bit of privacy, and fiddled with her iPhone. Come on, dude, you can do this. Talk. Say anything. No, scratch that, say something that’s not stupid.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Nate.”

Kennedy slumped with relief. Perfect. Maybe she should school him just to be direct from the get-go. No bad pick-up lines, body-related comments, or probing questions. Just direct information.

“I’m Heidi. Haven’t seen you at the gym before. First time?”

“Yep, I’m a golfer, but figured I’d try something different. Hey, you have a great—”

Kennedy squeezed her phone in a death grip.


She let out her breath. He’d listened! Maybe this would be easier than she thought. Was he ready to be sent out? They had the wardrobe makeover coming up, and of course the role-play session with Arilyn and Kate, but she always saved that for last. A mixer would definitely work. Plenty of options.

“Thanks so much. I’m heading for a shake at the health bar. Wanna join me?”

“Sure.” He glanced over at Kennedy. She gave him a subtle thumbs-up sign. He gave a slight nod in acceptance and began walking out. Their voices drifted through the room. “What do you do, Heidi?”

“I’m in school. Studying to be a nail technician.”

“You need to go to college to learn how to paint nails?”

Heidi paused and swung her head around. “Nails are serious business. Why, what are you? A rocket scientist?”

He stiffened. Kennedy winced. Oh, no. No, no, no, no . . .

“Actually, an aerospace engineer. They don’t call it rocket science anymore.”

She cocked her head. “Are you serious, man?”

He gave her the look. Filled with derision and judgment. “Of course. Listen, I don’t think this will work between us for a long-term relationship, but I’m completely open to having a short affair. What do you think?”

Ah, shit.

Heidi gasped. “You’re an asshole.” She stalked off, ponytail bouncing, and disappeared through the smoked-glass door.

Nate blinked. The lines of his face were stamped with complete surprise. He turned back to Kennedy with his palms upturned. “What did I do wrong?”

Okay, no mixer. Not for a while, anyway. Why the hell didn’t he respect the woman’s career path? Any work in this economy was a thing of pride. How dare he evaluate anyone’s choices just because he was successful? Disappointment flooded her. She marched over and jabbed her finger against his chest. The scent of male sweat, cotton, and a hint of musk hit her nostrils. “Too many things to go over in a few minutes.”

“I was honest and direct. Women appreciate that, right? I wasn’t rejecting her, just changing the course, since I knew right away marriage was never going to happen.”

“I don’t want to hear it right now. Follow me.”

She led him toward the back stairs. “Where are we going?”

“Out the side door. I think it would be best to avoid the shake bar until Heidi calms down. Don’t you?”

He didn’t answer. They popped out into the cool evening. She walked off her temper and into the diner where they had their first coffee date. Sliding into the red booth, she ordered a cup of black coffee.

“And you, sir?” the waitress asked.

“Do you serve humble pie? My gut is telling me I may need it for something.”

“Excuse me?”

He waved a hand in the air. “Never mind. Tea with lemon, please. And a Clorox wipe.”

The waitress shot him a look. “You kidding?”

“No.” She rolled her eyes but returned with one, and he carefully wiped down the table. “The amount of germs at public eateries is staggering. Do you know many restaurants just use a wet cloth to wipe the tables clean after each patron? No soap or disinfectant.”

Kennedy practically spit in fury and launched into her tirade. “Must be nice to make judgments on people who are trying to figure out what they want to do in life.”

He blinked. “Huh?”

“Why do you think a nail technician is beneath you?”

He jerked from the direct hit. “I don’t. I may not understand it, but I’m sure there’s training involved. She said she needed schooling. It’s honest work. That wasn’t my problem.”

“What was?”

“Connor said women in the beauty industry are unfaithful. I can’t marry someone who won’t be loyal.”

She placed her palms flat on the table and leaned forward. “Wait. Your brother thinks all women who are cosmetologists or hairstylists will cheat?”


“For God’s sake, why?”

The waitress plopped down their mugs. He took a moment to examine the rim of the cup for traces of lipstick before he seemed comfortable enough to take a sip. “He had a girlfriend once who worked at a beauty shop. She cheated on him and broke his heart. Later, he found out that all the women in the salon had encouraged her to do it. I’ve never seen him that upset over one woman before, and after that, he swore off any long-term relationships. Connor warned me never to get involved with anyone in the beauty industry.”

Frustration steamed out of her ears. She opened her mouth, shut it, shook her head, and tried again. “Your brother had a bad experience with a specific woman—not everyone in the cosmetology world. How would you feel if I told you a rocket scientist—”

“Aerospace engineer.”

“—aerospace engineer cheated on me and now I’d never even speak with anyone involved in the industry? Or anyone who taught physics? How would that make you feel to be judged right away without being assessed on your individual ethics?”

She pictured his mind completing a series of clicks as he processed the information. “I wouldn’t like it.”

“Exactly. A whole group shouldn’t be punished for one person’s wrong deeds.”

“Agreed. It’s just—” He broke off and sipped his tea. She waited, sensing something bigger beyond the unsaid words.


“I don’t want to hurt my brother. If I came home with a cosmetologist, it may bring up bad memories.”

“Maybe he needs to work through it. You can’t let your brother’s issues keep you from opportunities that may work for you. That’s not fair to anyone.”

“I guess.”

He drank his tea and grew pensive. She studied the graceful planes of his face and serious eyes while he pondered the liquid in his mug. It was a good time to back off, partly to keep her resolution to put some distance between them. She’d discovered his true motives, and though it didn’t make what he had done right, she understood more now. The man needed major socialization, and she knew exactly what to do about it. But for now, the best thing was to leave. Pay for the coffee, wish him good night, and go home. They’d meet for the next round in the clear day with barriers resurrected.

Ah, hell. There was pain in his eyes, and her heart couldn’t take it. “How old were you when your mom left?” she asked.

Most people wouldn’t respond. Nate just told the truth. “Ten. I knew she was unhappy, because she cried a lot, and fought with my dad. My father worked construction like my brother, so we didn’t have much. Mom liked pretty things. Clothes, jewelry, parties. She tried to drag Dad out a lot, but he only wanted to stay home in front of the television.” He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. Kennedy knew different. “I got up in the morning and she had her bags packed. Made me breakfast, and told me she was going on a trip for a while. Kissed my forehead. I was in a mood so I grumbled something at her and left for school. I never saw her again.”

Her stomach tightened. She never understood why there was so much cruelty in the world, and why so many bad things happened to good people. “You don’t blame yourself, do you?”

“Nah, she had one foot out the door a long time ago. I just regret not saying anything heartfelt or meaningful when I had the chance. My last memory of her is bacon and eggs frying, her black suitcase on the floor, and my own pissed-off resentment of having to go through another crappy school day while she goes off having fun.”

“Your father didn’t handle it well, I take it?”

“He had some sort of breakdown. Just withdrew into himself, became bitter, and forgot he had two sons left. We rarely saw him.”

“Yeah,” she said softly. “That pretty much sucks.”

His lips quirked upward. “Good thing Arilyn is the counselor.”

“Good thing. Did you ever think of trying to find your mom?”

“Don’t want to. Connor and I don’t need anyone else. That’s why he warns me not to fall long term for a beautiful woman. Get in and get out, he says. He’s afraid I’ll get played and end up with someone like Mom.”

The loose ends suddenly came together and created an intricate pattern that made sense. She swallowed past the tightness in her throat and the sudden urge to share. His loneliness emanated from him in waves, but the strength of his core touched her deep. Almost as if her soul-mate sat right across from her, waiting for her to reach across, take his hands, and tell him it would all be okay.

Fear slammed into her gut like a sucker punch, stealing her breath. What was she thinking? What was she doing? He was right: this was Arilyn’s territory, and she had no right to strip him bare with no intention of helping or soothing his pain. Panic nipped at her like a puppy at her ankles. The air in the diner grew thick and stifling.

She had to go.

“Nate, I’m so sorry, I forgot I have to meet Kate tonight and I’m late.”

“That’s okay. Go ahead.” Nate stayed sitting at the table, staring down unseeingly at his hands gripping his steaming mug.

She stood up, grabbed her Dooney & Bourke purse, and hesitated. “You deserve someone beautiful inside and out. And I promise you, I’m going to find her.”

Kennedy rushed out the door. The word screamed in her mind like a mantra, roaring in her ears.


NATE PAUSED AND RELISHED the moment. The first strong sign of spring had finally rolled in, and the air was ripe with promise. The mad sounds of chirping birds drifted in the breeze, and the trees sprouted rich and green from the bare bones of the nasty March madness. The west course of Westchester Country Club was one of his all-time favorites. Designed by Walter Travis, the 71 par course held an array of courses that varied in difficulty. Blind spots amid the wooded areas challenged a golfer in all ways, and four of the holes were rated most difficult on the PGA tours.

The rolling hills spread out in front of him in perfect manicured beauty. A few scattered golf carts were parked, but since it was a midweek morning, everyone was pretty much at work, stuck behind desks, and staring out the window, wishing for freedom.

When he took the job at Sector Space X, he insisted on Wednesday mornings off for this purpose. He wasn’t a clock puncher, since depending on the project or where his head was, he could go for endless hours without a bathroom break or even getting up from his seat. It all balanced out in the end, and the company agreed with no problem. Wednesday mornings belonged to him.

And golf.

Nate didn’t remember the first time he discovered his deep love and respect for the game. Connor was always into more physical sports, and it wasn’t as if he knew anyone who golfed who could show him the game. He’d watched a few tournaments on television, and in college, he followed some guys to a par 3 to hit some balls and learn basic mechanics. Before long, he was hooked, and dedicated his spare time to reading up on the art of the swing and discovering how his knowledge of physics could be used to create the perfect swing. He spent hours with computer simulations using exacting formulas to match his body type to the ultimate efficient swing. He was a bit obsessed and enjoyed figuring out the unique dynamics of a person’s motion in order to hit the sweet spot and natural stance to create an almost professional-level game.

It was a game of science, luck, and skill. It was elegant in all ways, from the beauty and grace of the ball soaring through the air to the gorgeous vivid scenery in the background. It honored discipline, practice, and precision. Each time he played, he found a new element to learn, tweak, or admire.

He couldn’t wait to get Kennedy here.

Her image drifted in front of him. She knew science. Didn’t seem bored and actually understood the basic philosophies. There was a depth behind her gorgeous face he wished he had permission to excavate.

It had taken the willpower of Peter the Apostle not to kiss her the other night. Her face reflected an open, happy, beautiful woman who twisted his insides and challenged his brain. For one sweet second, she had actually seemed interested in their conversation, and, more important, in him. Her lips had parted, her breath escaped in a rush, and her entire body softened. He smelled her excitement, that delicious musky, spicy scent that roared in his blood and made him crazed to drag her into his bedroom and explore every naked, wet, hot inch of her. Nate was afraid he might die if he didn’t get another chance to slide his tongue between her lips and drink her essence. Instead, he held back, aware she wasn’t interested in him for longer than a stolen kiss, and he needed his head in the game.

He told her things about himself last night he’d never confessed to anyone. Funny, each time he saw her they seemed to grow closer, like an invisible bond wrapping them in a delicate spider web. But he doubted he’d get another opportunity. She had run out like a politician scenting a photo op and never glanced back. He needed to focus. Because he believed that his brother was right about one thing.

Beautiful women like Kennedy Ashe would never be satisfied with him. Not long term.

Nate bit back a wimpy sigh and turned his attention to his game. He missed his normal group, but they had moved their game to Tuesday afternoons, and he had to quit. Still, he enjoyed the meditative silence of the air, the sun, and the smack of the ball. He set up at the tee box, took some practice swings, computed the angle of the hill, the tilt of ground, and analyzed the distance. He used the eight iron for his approach shot, and the slice of the iron whipped clean and true. The ball flew in a perfect trajectory and landed on the green a few inches from the hole. One perfect putt later and he sank the sucker.

Nate had refused a caddy today, so he gathered his clubs and headed to the second tee. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly realized a golf ball was winging through the air toward his head. The voice came a few seconds too late.

“Fuck! Three! I mean, fore. Ah, forget it, just get out of the way, man!”

Nate ducked just in time. A young man jogged over and stopped short. His face reflected a combination of disgust and confusion while he watched the ball roll drunkenly into one of the hazards and plop in the sand pit completely separate from the goal.

Nate shook his head. “Bad luck. Sorry.”

The man gazed over the hill toward the sunken ball. “Hope I didn’t mess up your game. Umm, is that a decent shot, though? It’s kind of close to the hole.”

Nate laughed and then realized the guy wasn’t joking. “Oh, no that’s a terrible shot. You went completely off the green to a different fairway. You’re on the first hole, right? So you were aiming for over there.” He pointed in the opposite direction.

The man’s shoulders dropped. “Yeah, this is never gonna happen in this lifetime. Thanks a lot.” He trudged away, but something about his frustration called to Nate. An interesting tattoo snaked up the man’s neck and curled around his ear. The guy seemed like someone he imagined Kennedy would go for—cool and edgy in a way that could never be taught. Just owned.

Nate fought off the temporary depression. “Hey. Do you need some help? You can join me for a few holes, and I can give you some pointers.”

The guy stopped and turned. “Nah, one thing I learned is that the people here take golf seriously. I don’t want to mess up your day with my pre-K education. I meant to take some lessons, but my schedule’s insane. Figured I’d try the immersion method, but that’s not working.”

Nate smiled. He liked this guy’s confidence and willingness to look like an idiot in pursuit of knowledge. Most men had too big of an ego to just walk on a golf course without proper training. Especially the West course, which was obviously way out of his league. “Nah, it’s slow today and I’m just playing around. I don’t mind.”

His blue eyes were startling direct. Nate sensed he was being carefully assessed on a whole new level. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

“Grab your clubs and I’ll wait here for you.”

“What clubs? I only brought this one.”

A deep belly laugh burst from Nate’s lips. He hoped the guy didn’t think he was laughing at him, but as if he sensed the ridiculousness of the answer, his lips curved upward and he joined in. “Yeah, I know. Lame, huh?”

“We’ll use mine. My name’s Nate.”

“Wolfe.” His grip was firm. “Appreciate it.”

“No problem. Wouldn’t want to lose a potential golfer. Is there a reason you wanted to start to play?” He resumed walking toward the next hole, his clubs comfortably secured on his shoulder, face tipped up slightly to enjoy the sun.

Wolfe followed. “I work at a hotel and I’m trying to secure a big-time client. He has a huge roster of clients who come into New York to stay for a few weeks, and I’m trying to woo him away from the Waldorf. Only problem is he’s obsessed with golf. Plays all the time at this club, and only does deals on the course. I haven’t been able to get a meeting or even a conference call. So, I decided there was only one way to do it: I’ll come to him. Learn the game, finagle an invite into his group, and make my magic.”

Nate shook his head. “Don’t mean to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work like that. No one sashays onto a course, plays a few rounds, and closes a deal. That’s only in the movies.”

“No shit?”

Nate laughed again. Damn, this guy was funny. “If you play badly or don’t know the rules, you’ll insult him. My advice is to take some lessons, get comfortable and decent with your skills, and then approach.”

“Hmm, only one problem.”


“I need to close the deal in a few weeks.”

Nate slid his clubs to the ground and scratched his face. Growing in that damn stubble was annoying as hell. “I think you’re screwed. Unless you take a lesson every day. That’s possible.”

Wolfe groaned. “I work day and night. I can take a few lessons, definitely, but I need a fast route. Don’t they have one of those books, Golf for Dummies? Or How to Be Successful at Golf in Fifteen Days?”


“You’re the direct type, huh?”


Wolfe shot him a grin. “Good. I’ve had enough bullshit to last the rest of my life.”

“I bet. What hotel?”


“Ah, yes, you’re opening in Manhattan. Nice place. No wonder you need the game; most hotel executives are huge golfers.”

“I’ve always been more of the video game type. What do you do?”

“I work for a small private company that’s trying to get people into space. I study propulsion mechanics and try to find a more economical, inexpensive way to get us to Mars.”

“An aerospace engineer, huh? Cool.”

Suddenly, Nate knew it was going to be a great day. “Yeah. Listen, I may be able to help. Let me study your natural stance and do some measurements. I’m working on an amateur program using physics to compute a sequence to increase your skill faster. I’d need to take some video, though.”

Wolfe studied him again, and Nate waited him out. There was a darkness within Wolfe he sensed immediately, but his gut urged him to help. He needed to expand his horizons from the work crowd and his brother. Delving into a special project might be the thing he needed to get his mind off his bewitching, sexy as hell matchmaker.

“Sure I won’t be taking up too much of your time?”

“I’m sure.”

“Then let’s do it. And thanks.”


They grinned at each other and got to work.
