
YOU WERE FIVE minutes late.”

Kate refused to give him a response. She stared stubbornly out the smoked-glass window of the Jaguar and watched the scenery whiz by. The Henry Hudson Parkway was gorgeous with no traffic. The massive ship, the U.S.S. Intrepid, dominated the port, and the water of the Hudson River threw a million points of light and flashed it back to the open blue sky. Snow-tipped mountains shimmered in the distance with an arrogant force. Usually, a night out at an exotic Brazilian buffet would’ve filled her with excitement. She had a good relationship with food and looked forward to trying new restaurants. But the moment he met her outside, dressed to kill in his hot designer suit that cupped his powerful thighs and ass like a lover, she realized he’d played her. Big time.

His gaze practically ate her up in all the right places, and she’d had to jump into the car before he put his hand on her. He’d turned her evening topsy-turvy, made her rush into the city, leave Robert alone for the entire night, and he acted as if it were no big deal.

“You wouldn’t have sued me.”

Again, his stare had literal heat and sizzle as her bare thighs tingled under the short dress. Why, oh why, had she worn this outfit? It was her go-to attire for a business/pleasure event when her usual black pantsuit wouldn’t fit. But she felt more exposed than ever, with the hemline barely reaching the top of her knee, and the figure-hugging royal blue sheath emphasizing more skin than it concealed. She shifted in her seat with feigned nonchalance even as her core dampened and throbbed for the slide of his wet tongue. She’d never craved oral sex before as much as she did right now. Maybe she’d inhaled too much secondhand pot. The perfume and quick cleanup should’ve wiped out all evidence, but she still caught the slight traces of sweet smoke in her hair and clinging to her skin. Kate swore she’d never let her mother engage in such activities again. At least not when she was in the same room.

The devil actually grinned at her. “Probably not,” he agreed. “But it wouldn’t have been good business to take the chance.”

She fisted her hands and held her temper. “Do you have any remorse from your actions? You ruined my Saturday evening and treated Hannah like a commodity rather than a date. Have you no shame?”

“Baby, I’m a divorce lawyer. I left shame at the door the moment I stepped through the doors at Harvard.”

She sniffed. “Big Ivy school doesn’t impress me. Even blond cheerleaders can get into law school there.”

He sputtered. “If you’re even trying to cite Legally Blonde to me, I will sue you. I barely made it out of that place alive, and I can assure you, there were no sorority girls there.”

“Whatever.” Kate gave herself a point. Seems the man was quite tender when his education was insulted. Something to remember for the future. At least he seemed to know his movies. “So, are you going to give me the rundown on the suits we need to impress?”

He eased the car toward the clogged city streets and got immediately snagged in traffic. “Bob Myers is CEO. Travis Hilton is second in command. They’re the ones who make the decisions on who’s going to join them in the penthouse. You’ll meet their wives. My competitor, Samuel Flag, will also be there with his long-term mate. The partners are trying to decide between the two of us.”

“Sounds fun. Like standing on the Department of Motor Vehicles line during lunchtime.”

He tossed her a warning look. “Be warm but polite. They’re known to prefer executives who get along with their wives, since they have tons of business dinners. You get along with other women, right?”

“Of course. Other than the occasional mud wrestling, I hold my own.”

“Cute. I already told them you were an accountant, and they were impressed.”

“Hmm, don’t like the matchmaking types, do they?”

He slammed on the brakes as the car in front skidded to beat the red light. “Not a word about matchmaking—that will bury me. Your family comes from a solid line of accountants and court judges. You’re now running your own business.”

“This makes no sense. Why do you suddenly need to show up with a perfect date? Your coworkers must know you haven’t been dating anyone steadily. You were the one who said you’d tout Kinnections if I found you a match. Did you lie?”

He gripped the wheel in a deadlock. “My word is law. I don’t lie, but I screwed up. News got out that the partners want to recruit a solid family man for the job. Some crap about a divorce lawyer you can trust since he’s committed in a personal relationship. I panicked, so I told them I was dating someone seriously.”

“Sounds like a lie to me.”

He glowered. “Since you’re gonna hook me up with my future wife, it wasn’t a lie. Just a foretelling of the future.”

“Nice volley.”

“Get me through tonight and I’ll come clean later. I just need some time to impress them with my own credentials rather than some imaginary relationship they approve of. In the meantime, try to play the role of the intelligent, adoring girlfriend.”

Steam billowed from her pores, but she dug her nails into her palms and the pain grounded her. “How Stepford of me. And how uncreative of this team you want to join. Is this type of stereotypical success so important to you? Do you want to create a perfect life that barely scratches the surface of messy reality?”

His lips tightened. “I deal with messiness every day, and I don’t live in your world of rainbows and sunbeams. You focus on the beginning where hormones and dreams rule. I get the heartbreak and emotional riptide of kids, money, and hate. So, yeah, to answer your question, that’s the exact world I want to live in. Here we are.”

His words cut through her and touched deep. Kate fought the instinct to question him further. What type of childhood did he have? Were his parents divorced? She knew his ex-wife was unfaithful, but there seemed to be so much more than a simple betrayal. She opened her mouth to offer something . . . but suddenly he leaned toward her and sniffed.

“What’s that smell?”

She ducked her head and grabbed her purse. “Perfume. Don’t tell me your prospective partners are allergic?”

“Funny, it smells familiar.”

“I’ve probably worn it before. Are we done with the cross, counselor?”

“Do you have a mint in that bag?”

She rolled her eyes, stuck her hand in, and caught the handle. The contents dumped out on the floor. Great. Shoving the stuff back, she handed him the roll of mints and then her fingers closed on a stick. Kate frowned, pulling it out.

And stared at a joint.

She tried to shove it back, but his sharp indrawn breath confirmed it was too late. Kate glanced over. A dangerous light gleamed in those emerald eyes. His brows slammed together. “I knew it. Holy shit, you were smoking marijuana?”

Thank you, Mom. She strove for cool, calm, and collected. Kate tossed her hair over her shoulder. “It’s not mine.”

The incredulous shock on his face was almost worth the humiliation. “You did not just say that to me. Are you denying possession or use?”

“Both.” His gaze tore and pulled her apart, making her squirm with discomfort. How dare he judge her? “What’s the matter, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes Hot Lawyer of Harvard? Never got caught on the wrong side of the law?”

His disbelieving laughter surprised her. Slade shook his head. “I don’t believe I’m having this conversation. Who on earth would want to frame you with a joint?”

She shrugged. “My mother.”

Kate didn’t wait for his answer, opening the door and sliding out. She pulled her fake fur coat around her for warmth and teetered on her Jimmy Choo ankle-strap heels that had cost more than the coat and the dress together. Of course, she believed every businesswoman needed a good pair of designer shoes, especially on sale. Skipping the heating bill had been so worth it.

He spoke briefly with the parking attendant and strode over, pulling her to the side. Thank God, the cushion of fur blocked most of the electrical current. He stuck his nose close to her hair and took another whiff. “I’m taking you to one of the biggest dinners in my life and you’re high. Is this what you do with your Robert on a Saturday night?”

“I told you, I’m not high and it’s not mine.” She clamped down on the urge to stick out her tongue. “And Robert is none of your business.”

Frustration sparked from his gaze. A dangerous stillness settled over him, and her body roared to answer the call. A pure, sexual rush hit her hard. Her nipples pushed against the lace of her bra, and her pussy throbbed for relief. As if he sensed her reaction, he whispered his next words right by her ear. “Don’t push me, Kate. Unless you want to see what happens.”

Goose bumps broke out on her skin. Kate fought off the panic and pretended she was on the verge of a stuttering attack. She cleared her mind, reached down deep for composure, and breathed. When she steadied, she tipped her head up and met his gaze head-on. “I’m here to save your ass, counselor, so deal with it. Now, let’s go. We’re late.”

She broke his grip and walked toward the restaurant. Churrascaria Riodizio was one of the most popular Brazilian buffets in the city. “Any last-minute advice before you throw me to the wolves?” she asked.

Streaks of caramel hair blew in the frigid wind and lay against his brow. His smoke-gray cashmere coat emphasized his elegant sense of style, pinning him immediately as a Wall Street broker or lawyer. She’d dated both and swore she wouldn’t repeat the experience. “Be charming. And try to keep up.”

Then she was inside the restaurant.

The host led them to a private back room. Kate admired the high ceilings, elegant crystal chandeliers, and massive buffet where an array of seafood chilled on ice among beautifully cut sculptures. Large parties crammed into tightly seated tables, and the roar of conversation and laughter echoed in the air. She took three steps down into a plush inner chamber where corporate met and ruled.


The men rose quickly to greet them, clasping her hand in firm handshakes that thankfully didn’t set off any crazy electric vibes. Bob wore his distinguished gray hair cut close to the scalp, his skin well tanned. Probably from golf. He looked like a golfer. His razor-sharp gaze probed and assessed in record time, and Kate bet he’d been a literal predator in court. His commanding presence lured a jury to want to agree with the man. No wonder he was the owner.

Travis was his younger brother, and seemed a bit more relaxed, but his lazy charm gave him a different ruthlessness she appreciated. Kate assumed they did a great job of playing good cop/bad cop. She nodded her head at the third member of the party, Samuel Flag. He seemed about Slade’s age, with reddish-brown hair, thin lips, and commanding features. His robust laugh mocked the charade of seriousness at the table, but Kate knew he was more dangerous than maybe even Slade gave him credit for. His gray eyes held the flat dullness of a shark’s. What he wanted, he got. And it seemed his companion felt the same. Her red hair was lustrous and thick, and she packaged it well with a curvy body draped in lime-green silk. She was striking but didn’t overdo it, using subtle makeup, low-key jewelry, and demure shoes to balance her image. Like Samuel, her probing gaze made immediate opinions and quickly dismissed them as competition for possible partnership. Kate smothered a laugh. She guessed she didn’t own the killer instinct that would have garnered this woman’s respect. Samuel quickly introduced her as Melody, his current fiancée.

The other women seemed more welcoming. Linda and Tanya greeted her with warm handclasps, which threw Kate off for a few seconds. Odd, there wasn’t a buzz of chemistry confirming that they had married their soul mates. Not even a slight tingle. She always received a jolt of recognition when touching a married couple—or at least if it was a true soul match. They both glanced at their husbands with a deep affection and love from long-term marriage, past the point of crazed passionate encounters on the kitchen table, probably settling for the deeper emotions of the day-to-day chaos of true living. Kate bit her lip, wondering why she hadn’t sensed any connection, but introductions were over and she had no time to process this new information.

She slid onto the cushioned seat, crossed her legs, and settled in for a lengthy evening.

The women already knew each other well, so Kate figured she had a long way to travel before being able to join in the group’s conversation. Thankfully, this was not the life she’d have forced on her. Socializing for Kinnections was a very different thing, and she’d always hated the almost political, ruthless cliques in business, turning adults into scrambling teens looking to belong to the popular group. She forced a welcoming smile and focused her attention on the women.

The three of them smiled back, taking in her appearance and cataloguing it for future reference. Kate wondered about their reaction if she confessed the truth about being a matchmaker. Slade seemed to catch her thought and tossed her a warning look before the waiter came to take their drink orders.

Linda spoke up. “They have these wonderful signature drinks here I adore. Crushed basil with a bit of mint, it’s almost like a mojito but better.”

“Hmm, that sounds wonderful,” she said.

“Kate doesn’t drink.”

The words were flung out at the table in a commanding voice that had everyone nodding as if they understood. “Too many calories, right?” Melody said.

Kate stared at his implacable face. Ah, her punishment for his belief she was higher than a kite. A giggle threatened, but she managed to smother it just in time. Did he really think he was dealing with an amateur?

“I’ll have a gin and tonic. The lady will have sparkling water,” Slade instructed.

She lifted her face up at the waiter and smiled sweetly. “It’s a special occasion, right? I’ll have one of those signature drinks, please. I’m off my diet for tonight.”

Slade opened his mouth to contradict her, then quickly closed it. Round one to her. God knows, she’d need some alcohol to get her through. He jerked his head but managed to play off his irritation. Maybe this would be more fun than she thought.

“So, Kate, we hear you’re an accountant. You’re in tax season, now—it must be brutal,” Linda said.

“Yes, I’m practically chained to my desk. Slade and I have been looking forward to this evening; we rarely get out this time of year.”

Bob gave Slade a proud look. “A real power couple, huh? Ah, to be that young again with the future ahead. I remember when I started Myers, Inc., we had two offices, my brother and I, and a few clients. But we were hungry, and eventually we made a name for ourselves as the prestige firm in New York.”

Linda placed a hand on her husband’s shoulder and shook her head. “He always had great ambition to be the best. Fortunately, so did I.”

“What do you do, Linda?” Kate asked.

“I’m a lawyer, too.” Her eyes sparkled. “In fact, I’m Bob’s biggest competition.”

Kate grinned. “That must have been interesting after hours.”

“Oh, yes, but we made it work. We both respected each other’s ambition. I think couples who own their own businesses have bigger challenges, but they understand one another. They are sometimes a better fit.”

Interesting. Kate wondered if that was another reason Slade was so keen on only being involved with a career woman who owned her business. She sipped her drink, enjoying the sweetness of basil, the chill of the ice, and the sting of alcohol blending together.

“What’s your accounting firm called, Kate?” Travis asked.


She froze, the name slipping out too fast for her to backtrack. Travis cocked his head. “Odd name for an accounting company, isn’t it?”

Slade tightened his fingers around his glass. He opened his mouth to rescue her, but she’d always hated the formulaic princes on horseback. She preferred the princesses who slayed the damn dragons themselves. “Kind of like connect the dots to your refund. A play on words.”

Everyone laughed. She took another sip. God, the drink was good. She ignored her companion’s warning glance and ordered another. One more wouldn’t hurt, especially with the amount of meat she was about to feast on. “Clever,” Melody drawled. “And how did you two meet?”

“I needed an accountant, of course,” Slade said. “Thank goodness it only took me two visits to get her to accept my dinner invitation. She’s quite expensive.”

“I bet she is,” Samuel murmured.

Her gaze narrowed. He was sizing the two of them up, as if he sensed there was something underneath the surface of a newly dating couple. Kate sucked in a breath and vowed—no matter how much Slade pissed her off—to help him gain entrance into the inner circle for partnership. “It’s like we’re meant to be, isn’t it, darling?” she cooed, staring up at him from under her lashes.

He quickly covered his surprise. “Yes.”

“How long has it been?” Samuel asked.

“A month,” Slade answered.

His brow shot up. “Thinking of going permanent so soon, Slade?” His voice rippled like an oily snake. “You always seemed to equate marriage with funerals. Or so you’ve said in the conference rooms.”

Slade lifted a shoulder. “I never met Kate,” he said simply. “One of the benefits of being older is when you finally meet the right woman, you don’t need the same amount of time to figure it out. You just know.”

A shudder racked her body. His words cut deep, with a need for them to be real that scared her on a gut level. What was happening to her? She acted so strangely in his presence, as if the false words that fell from his lips were real. As if they were meant for her. Kate forced a smile as the older couples nodded, as if reliving their own memories. She also noticed Samuel’s features tighten. Take that.

Bob lifted his hand. “I’m happy for you, Slade. You know I believe my partners should have a solid family life, or the hours in the office chew you up and spit you out. And I may have good news for you, Kate. I’ve been looking for a new accountant. With retirement looming, I’ve gotten contradictory statements on IRAs versus mutual funds versus bonds. Some of my investors are telling me to buy gold instead of trusting the economy. What are you advising for your clients now?”

Kate froze. Holy shit. She didn’t know a mutual fund from a checking account. She left the major math to Arilyn and her geekness, and rarely got involved with investments. Slade chuckled. “No worries, Bob. I’m sure she can give you the inner workings later. I’ll talk with you about setting up an appointment.”

“Sounds good. But honestly, what’s your opinion on that, Kate?”

Everyone stared.

She cleared her throat. The hell with it. She tried to remember a few of Arilyn’s musings on the financial world. “I’ve been pushing my clients toward the stock market lately. Plenty of risk factors which equal growth.”

Bob frowned. “Now, that I haven’t heard. I just got slammed on some cash cows, and I’m not happy about it. What are you suggesting?”

She twisted the napkin on her lap and reached for calm. “Matchmaking agencies,” she burst out.

Melody leaned forward. “Like that woman on Bravo? The one with the reality TV show where she matches millionaires?”

Kate nodded. “Yes, but newer agencies are storming the market and will be the next big thing after social media.”

Travis shook his head. “I took a hosing on Facebook. No more of that for me.”

“Love is the biggest commodity people are searching for,” Kate said. “People don’t have the time to date or figure things out for themselves. Matchmaking agencies are the perfect vehicle to transcend the dating world, way beyond eHarmony and internet sites. A personalized approach is key, and very affordable. I think it’s the next big thing.”

“Fascinating,” Bob said. “Slade, you’ve got a smart woman here. I’m going to look into this first thing Monday morning, after I make an appointment to see you in the office.”

Kate beamed.

HE WAS GOING TO strangle her.

Slade kept a tight grip on his calm which shook ferociously under the storm that was Kate Seymour. He ducked his head and concentrated on his meal in order to give himself a few minutes to recollect his sanity. When he called her, he realized he was taking a big chance but saw no other options. He needed a date, and she owed him. With their business relationship, he’d almost be guaranteed she’d go along with the charade without a hitch. Oh, she went along alright. He was in a shit storm of trouble on Monday.

She completely charmed everyone at the table. She wielded her razor wit and sarcasm with a polished edge of humor that his bosses adored. The women who initially stared with suspicion now seemed open and laughing. She encouraged them to ignore the calories and drink with her, and now Slade sat at a table with slightly intoxicated women. He worried Bob and Travis may think she pushed too far, but they seemed amused and delighted by their wives’ too-loud conversation and revelry.

Course after course of meat was served in an endless march of vegetarian hell—pork, lamb, steak, and chicken, all sliced lean, piping hot, and so fresh he would have sworn the farm was in the backyard. Each customer was given a place card, and when it was turned, the waiter swooped in and refilled plates and drinks. Slade couldn’t believe the massive appetite Kate exhibited, consistently roaring through plates and flipping her card so it became a running joke at the table.

His charade had completely backfired. Instead of fighting him, Kate threw herself into the role of accountant, citing her fake famous father who ruled the courthouses, and even promising Melody to get her out of a speeding ticket. What the hell? How was he going to explain this week when Bob couldn’t find her office, and Melody had no idea what court judge to go to? His temper stretched through each course while she relaxed, ate, drank, wrecked his life, and lied her way with enjoyment.

Yet, he wanted her.

Badly. From the moment she stepped out of the car and glided his way with her usual frosty demeanor, he’d been smacked between the eyes like a punch from a bad slapstick comedy.

She ruined him.

The legs usually hidden behind her pantsuit were killer—all sleek muscle and length, with high sexy sandals that had delicious straps crisscrossing up her ankle. The simple dress did everything to be subtle, so it was the most seductive garment to a man’s gaze. The blinding blue of draping silk fabric moved with every step, highlighting the full curve of her breasts, the swing of hip, the silhouette of her ass. Her shimmery blond hair hung pin straight with long curves of bangs that played peekaboo with her sultry eyes. She was fire and ice, hot and cold, onyx and pearl, and his dick rose to attention like a new recruit in the military saluting his commander.

He’d been targeted for seduction by much more beautiful women. Professional models, pampered socialites, and surgically enhanced actresses. His occupation, looks, and wealth cast a wide net, but never had he felt completely coldcocked as he did the first time he saw Kate. But it was so much more than looks. The moment he caught sight of her, a rocketing sexual energy flowed between them, refusing to be calmed. It was if the universe were forcing them together. Her taste haunted him: hot and sweet and melt-in-your-mouth spun sugar. Her feisty attitude challenged him, her humor entranced him, and he needed to dig deep until he solved the puzzle before him. Behind the shell was a shattering disappointment that awaited discovery. He knew it, accepted it, and still needed to pursue the path until satisfied. It was the only way to claim back his power, by reminding himself there was no such thing as perfection or a soul mate. For God’s sake, she smoked pot. And she had the nerve to deny it, wrinkling her nose like he was dirt under her feet and she was the Queen of Sheba.

He loved every minute of her brashness.

Kate jerked his body inside out, but it was woven within her core. She had no idea of the sensual punch she gave out. In fact, she avoided him at all costs, not wanting to even play the game. And that intrigued him much more than anyone he’d ever met before. For the first time, he was the pursuer, and the old instincts sparked to life, hidden under layers upon layers of civility.

Own. Possess. Mate. Dominate.

Obviously, he craved the chase. So be it. Time to test her own resolve not to get involved with him, and see if he could change the verdict.

Unless the mysterious Robert became a problem.

Irritation bristled his nerves. He needed details. His gut told him they weren’t living together, though she was quick to throw his name out when threatened. The idea of her sleeping with someone else made him want to howl at the moon and run around in circles. Quite primeval.

Slade laid out the rest of his plan for the evening. She may have started the game, but he was about to finish it. Her own actions of heavy drinking throughout the evening only confirmed the trap she’d now set for herself. And if Robert was up waiting for her, perhaps they’d have a chat.

Slade spoke up. “Darling, we’d better get going. It’s late and I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

She caught his intent immediately and tossed him a cheeky grin. “I’m actually having a wonderful time. Must have caught my second wind. Another round, ladies?”

The women lifted their glasses. Slightly drunken laughter emitted from the table. Slade winked at his boss and played the man card. “As happy as I am that you’re having a wonderful time, darling, I’m looking forward to getting you home. Now.”

Her eyes widened slightly at his not-so-hidden meaning. Travis and Bob chuckled and shot him a knowing glance. “I think that settles it. We’ll join you; I believe Slade has the right idea, ladies.”

He didn’t wait for Kate to gain the upper hand. With deft, economical motions, he helped her tug on her fur coat and led her out the door within the safety of his business crew. It didn’t take long to say their good-byes and pick up his car from the garage. She remained silent by his side, and he took advantage of her docile manner to get her safely buckled in and headed out of the city.

“I didn’t appreciate the way you ended the evening,” she finally stated. Her voice held the prim tone of a purebred snob. “Your comment was quite crude.”

He shook his head. “Funny, I didn’t appreciate you showing up high, getting my bosses’ wives drunk, and the endless stream of lies you spun at the table.”

Her head jerked around. Those baby blues filled with hot anger and something else. Something he swore he’d push toward the edge to see what would finally escape. “I told you I wasn’t high. And that’s what you get for being a bully. Besides, I did everything you wanted. I played your respectable accountant, the doting lover, and got them to relax in the process. Too bad for you if you thought I’d be boring to boot.”

“I asked you to pretend for a few hours, not live the role so my boss will be wondering where your Park Avenue office is, and Melody won’t show up for court because your nonexistent father is dropping the charges.”

Kate sniffed. “I was only doing what you ordered. No more, no less. Our agreement is now terminated, with your clauses fulfilled, and I don’t want to hear any further threats concerning lawsuits.”

He shot a glance at her. She seemed in control, but her fingers twisted in her lap like a gnarled tree branch. “Agreed. You technically held up your part of the bargain. So, how long have you and Robert been together?”

She stiffened. “A few years.”

“Does he live with you?”

“I’m your matchmaker and you have no need to know about my personal life.”

“Just curious. You seem worried about him being alone a lot. Does he keep you on a short leash?”

“No, I keep him on one.”

“Maybe that’s your problem. I wouldn’t make that mistake.”

She spluttered and turned a shocked gaze toward him. “You’re outrageous. I wouldn’t let any man control my actions, especially you. Wait a minute: you never said in our session you wanted a woman you can lead around. Have you changed your requirements? If so, I need to make some adjustments in your matches.”

Ah, crap, he was officially nuts about her. The stubborn way she clung to business though her body showed all the signs of fighting her physical attraction made her even more desirable. She hunched into that fur jacket as if she could hide her hardened nipples. Instead, her rapid pulse and the way she squeezed her thighs together in punishment told him all he needed to know. “Let’s just say I’d change the rules for you. You wouldn’t appreciate a man to walk all over. He’d need to be strong enough to stand up to you.”

He waited for her mouthy comeback, but her obvious surprise told him his words intrigued her. Would she be greedy and demanding and vocal in bed? Or would she melt into his arms and be sweetly submissive to every dark, dirty command he wanted to give her?

“W-w-w-well, we don’t have to worry about that, do we? You’ll reschedule your date with Hannah and give it a valid chance. No disguised business dinners. Why are we going on the bridge?”

“I’m taking you home.”

“No! My car is parked at your house and I need it.”

He merged onto the Tappan Zee Bridge and sped through the dark on a mission. “You’ve been drinking. I don’t know what type of man you pegged me for, but I don’t let a woman drive herself this late when she’s tipsy. I’ll arrange to get your car to you first thing tomorrow.”

Her mouth opened, then shut. “This is out of your way. You don’t know where I live.”

“Of course I do. Close to Kinnections in Verily.”

She bristled with indignation. “Stop nosing around in my life, counselor. You shouldn’t know these things.”

He dropped his voice. “I disagree. And I intend to know a hell of a lot more by the end of the evening.”

She shuddered, wrapped her arms around her chest, and turned toward the window. Slade fought a smile.

They drove to her house in sulky silence. He’d done his research, and had no problem navigating the twisty streets of Verily, until he came to the edge of town close to the water. The small bungalow seemed to fit her. Even in the darkness, her home owned a slight quirkiness and strength he associated with her, with its crooked roof, cheerful yellow paint, and postage-stamp yard with a big weeping willow dominating the front.

He didn’t spot another car in the driveway as he eased to the curb, but the porch and living room lights were on. “Here we go. Safe and sound.”

She shot out of the car like a bullet, spilling onto the sidewalk in a tangle of limbs. “Thanks for the ride, talk tomorrow.” She hurried up the front walk without a glance back.

Slade grinned. Shut the door, locked the car, and strode leisurely up the brick pathway.

She jerked her head around. “What are you doing?”

“Seeing you to the door. Can I use the bathroom, please?”

She narrowed her gaze. He wondered what those ocean-blue eyes would look like during orgasm. “There’s a gas station around the corner.”

He lifted a brow. “You’re telling me I’m not allowed to come into your house to use the bathroom after driving you home? I’m also thirsty.”

“They sell bottled water.”

“Kate.” Her name shot from his lips like a caress, though he intended it to sound like a warning. “Don’t make me beg.”

Her fingers clutched around the key and a vicious curse sailed past his ears. “Fine. Bathroom, water, and then you need to leave. I’m exhausted.”

“Thank you.”

She pushed the door open and he walked inside.

Slade prepared to meet an irritated man with a bad temper and a thousand questions. His adrenaline spiked, ready for a confrontation. Ready for some solid answers on the woman who was beginning to wreak havoc with his sanity. But no one greeted them. At least, no one human.

He caught sight of a blur of fur barreling forward and a joyous bark. Kate dropped to her knees, lifted out her hands, and caught the creature within her embrace. She nuzzled his ears, cooed in doggy sounds, and finally laid her forehead against the dog’s as if they shared a secret, silent mental code.


Son of a bitch.

The initial anger quickly gave way to relief. There was no one else waiting on the sidelines for her. The final obstacle melted away and left him with one conclusion that would not be denied.

Slade intended to claim her.

He studied the canine-human embrace and noticed Robert’s back legs were lifeless. His launch toward his owner was completed on his belly, and his rear sagged to the ground. Half pit bull, half some weird mix. Brown, spotted, with a broken ear, homely face, and an assortment of wicked scars, including a bald patch of fur right on his chest. The exposed skin still looked raw, though he bet it had healed as well as possible. Cage fight? Car? Dog battle? The possibilities were endless.

He always had an inclination toward dogs but never had the time to pursue the interest. This one had to be a hell of a lot of work, especially for a single business owner. He pegged her for a classic, low-maintenance Lab to go running with and not a dog so obviously needy.

A strange emotion tightened his chest as he watched the raw love on her face. She was always so guarded around him. He ached to be the man who she looked at like that. Now where the hell did that thought come from?

“I’m sorry, baby,” she whispered into his ear. “Are you going to be able to pee? Or am I too late? Mommy did a bad thing and stayed way too long. I should’ve had Shelly check in on you.” With gentle, expert motions, she ran her hands down his flank, belly, and probed his bladder. “We have a shot, so let’s try. Wanna go out?”

Robert barked once.

“Okay, here we go.” She took out a contraption that looked like a cart, and quickly attached the straps to his body. Robert waited with dignity, staring up at him with the assessing gaze Slade had expected her live-in boyfriend to exude.

Kate rose to her feet and gave him a hard look. “Slade, this is Robert. I need to take him out. The bathroom is down the hall to your right.”

In amazement, he watched the dog glide on his cart toward the yard, the wheels spinning madly where his back legs should have been. He had no idea those things had even existed, let alone see a dog use one.

Slade quickly used the bathroom, then stepped out onto the front porch and joined them. Robert seemed able to complete his business under the tree, then broke into a canter, running round and round the tree trunk. Kate’s laughter echoed in the chilly wind.

“What happened to him?” he asked.

Her shoulders stiffened. “I found him half dead on the side of the road. Thrown from a car. Vet thinks he managed to crawl out of the ditch and then was hit a second time, crushing his back legs.”

“And you saved him?”

She lifted her face up. The moonlight soaked her skin, illuminating it to the sheen of a pearl. Those pale pink lips pursed in the timeless symbol of a kiss. “No. We saved each other. I just helped get him the medical care he needed to stay alive. He deserved someone to believe in him.”

He studied the stubborn tilt to her chin and wondered about her secrets. Why would a vibrant, beautiful woman such as her need saving? Something was locked up there he wanted to unbox. The lawyer in him screamed with the challenge of delving deeper. “Why? He wasn’t your dog in the first place, right? Didn’t the vet suggest you put him to sleep with those types of extensive injuries?”

The barriers dissipated as red-hot anger flared to life. She leaned in, her white-gold hair a hellish halo around her head. “Putting him down would have been the easy road, right? No medical bills, no responsibility, and no mess. Maybe people deserve more than what’s easy. Maybe there are too many imperfect people out there, with disabilities and problems no normal, sane individual would ever want to take on.” Her eyes glittered, and her pale skin flushed. Her voice trembled with the depth of her emotions. “But maybe we’d be worth a chance. When I looked into Robert’s eyes, I saw more than a dog with a disability. I saw a beautiful spirit who needed someone to give him a chance, who’d been heartbroken so many times in the past but had enough courage to take a shot on me. He was willing to try one last time and trust me.” She blinked as if fighting tears. “I didn’t care about the money or the time or the sacrifice. Because what I got back was so much more. You don’t need to be thrown away if you’re partially broken. Robert made me believe again, and I don’t care how stupid you think I sound.”

Slade locked down on every impulse burning through his body to yank her into his arms and kiss her. To once again feel the burn of her skin, the softness of her mouth, the muskiness of her scent. He was humbled at the gift she’d given without any knowledge. Another layer shifted, settled, and revealed a piece of her inner core. This woman fought for what, and who, she believed in. She was a fierce mama bear who protected her dog and believed in the goodness of a soul. Her magnificence floored him, but she needed time to process what she’d admitted. And he needed time to regain his balance.

“I don’t think you’re stupid,” he said softly. “I think Robert’s gift in this life was meeting you. I think he’s a lucky son of a bitch.”

A flicker of surprise lit her eyes. She paused for a moment before speaking. “He is technically a son of a bitch, isn’t he?”

“Funny.” He tugged at a stray lock of her hair. “Can I have that bottle of water now or are you kicking me to the curb?”

Her lip quirked. “One bottle.”

The wheels whirred as Robert followed them inside. Kate removed the cart, freshened his water, and turned. “Bacon or peanut butter?”

Robert barked twice.

“Ah, a change-up tonight. Good choice.” She plucked a peanut butter dog treat out of the bag and gave it to him. With a gentle motion like he took it from a baby, Robert closed his teeth around the treat and dragged his legs behind him to settle on the woven mat.

“Did he really understand you?” Slade asked.

“Sure. I ask him questions all the time. We have a code; one or two barks will be his choice.” She opened the refrigerator and gave Slade a chilled bottle of Poland Spring. “It’s a long drive back.”

He took a long swallow, wiped his mouth, and grinned. “I know. Mind if I sit for a few? I’m tired. Wouldn’t want to endanger my life and fall asleep at the wheel.”

She snorted. “You’re good. Maybe if you use that famous charm on Hannah you’ll end up in a serious relationship. In love. Happy.”

“Maybe. You called me hot in the car. Now you admit I have charm, huh?”

She blew out a breath, grabbed a bottle of water for herself, and headed into the living room. Slade followed and noted the character inside the house matched the outside. It was small, but held a cheery yellow love seat, worn recliner, massive entertainment center, and braided throw rugs over cherry hardwood floors. The curtains were delicate lace, and colorful artwork adorned the walls. One bookcase took up an entire wall from ceiling to floor. Piles of books fought for space with framed photos, strange ceramic vases, and an assortment of tiny full-bellied Buddhas.

Slade tried to be casual as he wandered toward the bookcase, intrigued by her reading habits. Damn, her DVD collection was respectable, with a bunch of comedies slanted more toward males, and some great HBO history series. “I like your place.”

She remained standing at a respectable distance. “Thanks. It suits us. Why are you still here?”

He cocked his head. “Why are you always trying to get rid of me?”

Kate seemed to choose her words carefully, “Because I don’t want you to get any ideas. About us. My job is to find you a satisfying, fulfilling relationship with someone else. I don’t want you to lose sight of the goal.”

He took a step forward. “What if I told you I have my goal clearly in sight?”

The connection between them surged like a live current. The air thickened, and she seemed to struggle for breath. She threw her hands out like she attempted to ward off a stalker. “N-n-no. This is one big test you set me up to fail. You want to expose me as a con artist, remember? You intend to save your sister from my evil clutches. Fine. But you have to prove my intentions, and so far you’ve been quite lousy at living up to your part of the contract. Seducing me is only a way for you to show Kinnections doesn’t work. You’re a master mind gamer and I’m not about to be your next victim.”

He should have been mad by the insults. Instead, he had the craziest urge to laugh and lunge at her. Slade paused in his approach to give her a moment to settle. “Not giving yourself much credit, are you? What if I told you I don’t want to keep ignoring the attraction between us? Why set me up with another woman when we may be good for each other?”

Her eyes widened in pure horror. “W-w-we’re complete opposites. Unsuited for any type of long-term relationship. Trust me, I saw your requirements, and I’ll never fit the bill. Besides, I told you over and over I don’t date clients.”

“Funny, I think we fit rather well. And as much as I respect your business principles, I think this thing between us is getting in the way of me finding the right mate. I’m blocked and I need your help.”

Her mouth opened, then closed on an outraged squeak. “I may be the typical blonde, but I’ve been around the block a few times. And that doesn’t mean sleeping around. More like a ton of men trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge by assuming I’m stupid.”

“I’d never insult your intelligence, Kate, and you know it. We have a problem that can be easily solved. We’re attracted to each other, so how can I have an open heart with Hannah or any other woman if I’m stuck on you?”

“I’m n-n-not attracted to you!”

Her rock-solid composure was finally shot. Slade enjoyed a moment of satisfaction before his closing argument. “Lie. I bet if I put my hand on you—in you—I could get you to shatter in minutes.”

“Arrogant lawyer.”

“Confident. Maybe if you didn’t electrocute me when we kissed, I’d believe you.”

She remained stubbornly silent. Slade eased in another step, not taking his gaze from her face. Her breathing had turned to short little pants, as if imagining what he would do once he closed in. He vowed she’d find out. “Did you ever think why you felt the need to deceive me with Robert? I’m a bit embarrassed I fell for the old trick. Very cliché. Almost like believing a woman is a man by her nickname. But you obviously felt the need to protect yourself from me. Why?”

She seemed to simmer with pent-up temper. “I like my privacy, and you were poking around in my life too much. You’re a client. No more, no less.”

“Another lie. You’re scared to be alone with me, but this fear is getting in the way of business. We’re two grown adults with a strong sexual attraction. Let’s spend the night together. You say we’re not suited for long-term. Fine. But don’t we owe it to each other to try?”

Her gasp broke through the room. Robert lifted his head, studied them both, then dropped back to the mat. “Are you propositioning me for a one-night stand? Sorry, counselor, I’m not interested, though the argument was well presented.”

He pitched his voice low and eased in another step. “Aren’t you tired of running? No one gets hurt and all we gain is pleasure. And I promise you great pleasure, Kate. I’m not a selfish lover.”

“So says every man on the planet,” she sneered.

“I’ll enjoy backing up my words with actions.”

She shook her head and let out a strangled laugh. “How about I just take your word for it? My job is to find you a long-term mate, and I intend to do it. I’d like you to leave my house and we’ll agree to wipe this whole conversation from our minds.”

Slade gathered his forces and made a risky decision. Retreat with the idea firmly planted in her mind? Or push the physical connection so she couldn’t deny it? A delicate balance was in play and the wrong move could lose his case.

He made his decision.

He placed the water bottle on the table, drew himself up to full height, and slowly closed the distance between them.

She stood her ground to the last minute when panic seemed to hit. Eyes wide at his obvious intention, she hurriedly stepped back until her back hit the wall and it was too late.

“I don’t want to forget this conversation,” he said softly. He moved slow and deliberate, reaching out to calmly stroke her hair, enjoying the way the silky strands lifted and jumped under his touch. He used his voice to wrap her in a cozy blanket of security.

“Don’t t-t-touch me.”

“You’re not afraid of me, are you, Kate?”

She lifted her chin and spat the words out. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve dealt with bigger snakes than you.”

His lips quirked and he kept stroking her hair with gentle motions. “Good. I don’t want your fear. I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I keep thinking about that kiss. Have you thought about it?”


“I have. Every single night. Wanting more.”

She gave a tiny moan and seemed to try and muster the energy to fight him. Slade didn’t give her the opportunity. He placed both hands on her bare arms in a firm grip so there was no barrier between flesh to flesh.

And then it happened.

Slade expected a slight tingle, but the explosion between them rocked his sanity. Burning heat raced through his palms and burst in his gut, as if the simple touch set off a crazy array of currents that blazed one by one. Her slight cry told him she felt it too, and immediately his brain shut down in a raw urge to arouse, possess, pleasure. His dick swelled to full staff and the blood thickened in his veins, driving every rational thought from his head.

This time, he was prepared. This time, he let the energy take hold and flow through every cell. Her scent swamped him, a delicious hint of sugar and musk that rose to his nostrils and made him want to stamp and snort like a Thoroughbred about to mate. Those gorgeous blue eyes darkened, and her pale pink lips opened as she fought for air, the stab of her nipples tempting him through the delicate silk. Her body shook and trembled, but he already knew it wasn’t fear, but the knowledge she couldn’t hide any longer.

“No,” she moaned, in one last attempt to deny him.

He lowered his mouth and stopped inches from hers.

“Yes. Oh, yes.”


Kate drowned. From the first sizzling touch, everything she’d been fighting to believe, to understand, fizzled away. She was ripped to the bare bones of a shaking need and lust that refused to be sated.

His mouth was the perfect combination of delicious heat and greed that devoured hers. She opened for him without hesitation, and his tongue swept inside to take it all. He tasted of mint and cognac and chocolate. He used his teeth to nip at her bottom lip, soothed with his tongue, and dove deep to uncover every hidden secret she tried to hide.

Kate clutched at him, digging her nails into his shoulders, and he pressed his body against hers for full contact. She groaned with sheer relief, needing his firm strength to hold her up as her knees gave out. His hips cradled hers, his erection notched between her thighs, and a rush of liquid warmth pulsed between her legs. She tried to shift to get closer, to ease the empty ache that was slowly tearing her apart.

She’d been with other men on various physical scales. She may be a technical virgin, but considered herself adept in all the ways of lovemaking and foreplay, engaging in creative and intimate ways to satisfy one another. But never had she been completely overtaken by a fierce lust to mate: to rip off her clothes, climb on top, and bury his cock deep inside her wet channel. He feasted on her lips, then trailed downward to lick and bite her neck while his fingers worked up the hem of her dress to her waist. Kate thrashed her head from side to side, hitting the wall, not able to verbalize the reactions her body was experiencing. As if he knew, Slade cut through any conversation with pure action. Her dress hit her hips, and he jacked her up higher against the wall, hooking her leg high on his hip so she was spread open. His hands quickly reached around to unzip her dress until the front fell forward, exposing her black lace bra. His warm palm cupped the weight, rolling the nipple around and around, then gently pinching it between his thumb and forefinger as he watched her face.

“Oh, God!” The twist of pleasure/pain shot straight to her pussy. Her skin tightened and her breasts swelled, demanding more of him, everything he could give in every capacity he could give it to her. Slade lowered his mouth and licked her nipple through the rough lace, pulling the fabric taut so the hard tip rubbed and poked against the barrier. He never let up the frantic pace, as if driven by the same crazed lust she experienced. His fingers trailed along her inner thigh in a sensual threat that covered her skin in goose bumps.

“No more lies.” The front clasp of her bra clicked open and her breasts sprang free. Cool air rushed over her prickling skin, and Kate let out a cry of relief, arching against him for more of his delicious tongue and teeth. “Tell me you want me. Now.”

He sucked on her nipple, and his fingers danced over the thin fabric of black panties. She dripped with need, her clit so swollen Kate thought the slightest rub would set her off to orgasm. What was she doing? Dear God, he was a client, and all wrong for her. She fought off her body’s reaction with a fierceness of sheer survival, knowing if he dipped her under the seething surface of sex she’d never come up for air again. Hell, she’d never want to.

“We can’t do this,” she moaned, at the same time another shudder racked through her. His index finger traced the swollen mound, playing with the edge of elastic that held all her secrets. “It will complicate everything. Let’s talk about this like rational businesspeople.”

His soft laugh hit her ears the exact time his hot breath streamed over her aching, swollen nipple. “I’m not doing my job if you’re still talking business.” He lifted his head and gazed directly into her eyes.

She sank into emerald depths so hot they turned to molten gold, full of power and masculine demand that battled past all barriers and smashed them to pieces. The raw need carved in his features told Kate she was past the point of no return, that this man was meant to claim her, all of her. She sucked in her breath, poised on the pinnacle of a massive change that terrified her to the core. “From the moment we met, I’ve been imagining your face when you come, my fingers inside you, my tongue in your mouth, my dick buried so tight in your heat we don’t know where one of us ends and the other begins. I’m tired of being denied you. Now, come for me, Kate, show me what you’ve been hiding from me all this time.”

She stared with helpless fascination, entranced by his voice and his words, and then his mouth crashed over hers and his fingers hooked under her panties and plunged.

He swallowed her cries, refusing to let her fight her response, using his body as a weapon to get her to give him everything he commanded. His thumb rubbed her swollen clit the same time his fingers thrust inside her clenching channel. His tongue battled hers, won, and claimed his bounty while his hips rocked back and forth, the dueling rhythm of his body and his dick and his fingers pushing her fast toward the edge until—

Kate screamed as the orgasm took hold, pleasure shattering in waves and breaking her into tiny pieces. He whispered her name in triumph, helping her ride out the orgasm to the maximum effect, gentling his touch but coaxing every last shudder as she slumped against the wall in complete surrender.

He nibbled on her swollen lips, pressing kisses across the line of her jaw and her neck. His arms held her tight and she felt wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and security, as if her body sensed he’d keep her safe, hold her, take care of her in a way no other man before him could ever attain. Kate let the odd thought flow past her, too far gone to even worry about the eventual fallout when her brain clicked back on.

“Magnificent,” he murmured in her ear. “I could watch you orgasm for hours, challenging myself to bring you to climax in a thousand different ways.” His erection pressed against the damp barrier of her panties. “I want to take you to bed and fuck you so many times you forget every man before me. That’s how crazy you make me, Kate Seymour.”

“Yes.” She held on tight and gave him what he wanted. “Yes.”

He let out a vicious curse. His jaw clenched, and he seemed to lock down every muscle, as if fighting for control. “But not tonight.”

She blinked, trying to cut away the fog. “Why?”

He pressed his forehead to hers like she did so many times with Robert. The intimacy and tenderness of the gesture startled her. “Because I want more. And you’re not ready for that tonight. I needed to show you what we can be together in bed, but you have to come to me, Kate. I have to know you want it just as bad as I do. And I don’t want you calling foul play in the morning when you can hide behind alcohol, or exhaustion, or my dominance.”

She managed to find her voice, but the words came out a bit slurred. “I make no excuses for my choices, counselor. Get over yourself.”

He chuckled and took her mouth in a quick, bruising kiss. “I like the way you make counselor sound like a dirty word. I may make you beg with my title rather than my name. Would be an interesting battle.”

The idea of the sensual challenge racked a delicate shudder, but she managed to sneer “Like that will ever happen.”

“Oh, it will.”

“Are you offering one night together? A relationship? What do you think this can be?”

He cupped her chin. “They’re just silly terms to try to make sense out of human emotions that are uncontrollable. Affair, relationship, one-night stand. Pick a tag that makes you happy. But soon, Kate. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond. Just eased her gently back to her feet, and walked out of the living room without a glance back.
